@@ -1,19 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <declare-styleable name="PullToRefresh"><attr format="reference|color" name="ptrRefreshableViewBackground"/><attr format="reference|color" name="ptrHeaderBackground"/><attr format="reference|color" name="ptrHeaderTextColor"/><attr format="reference|color" name="ptrHeaderSubTextColor"/><attr name="ptrMode">
- <flag name="disabled" value="0x0"/>
- <flag name="pullFromStart" value="0x1"/>
- <flag name="pullFromEnd" value="0x2"/>
- <flag name="both" value="0x3"/>
- <flag name="manualOnly" value="0x4"/>
- <flag name="pullDownFromTop" value="0x1"/>
- <flag name="pullUpFromBottom" value="0x2"/>
- </attr><attr format="reference|boolean" name="ptrShowIndicator"/><attr format="reference" name="ptrDrawable"/><attr format="reference" name="ptrDrawableStart"/><attr format="reference" name="ptrDrawableEnd"/><attr format="reference|boolean" name="ptrOverScroll"/><attr format="reference" name="ptrHeaderTextAppearance"/><attr format="reference" name="ptrSubHeaderTextAppearance"/><attr name="ptrAnimationStyle">
- <flag name="rotate" value="0x0"/>
- <flag name="flip" value="0x1"/>
- </attr><attr format="reference|boolean" name="ptrScrollingWhileRefreshingEnabled"/><attr format="reference|boolean" name="ptrListViewExtrasEnabled"/><attr format="reference|boolean" name="ptrRotateDrawableWhilePulling"/><attr format="reference|color" name="ptrAdapterViewBackground"/><attr format="reference" name="ptrDrawableTop"/><attr format="reference" name="ptrDrawableBottom"/></declare-styleable>
<dimen name="header_footer_left_right_padding">24dp</dimen>
<dimen name="header_footer_top_bottom_padding">12dp</dimen>
<dimen name="indicator_corner_radius">12dp</dimen>
@@ -28,4 +14,79 @@
<string name="pull_to_refresh_pull_label">Pull to refresh…</string>
<string name="pull_to_refresh_refreshing_label">Loading…</string>
<string name="pull_to_refresh_release_label">Release to refresh…</string>
+ <declare-styleable name="PullToRefresh">
+ <!-- A drawable to use as the background of the Refreshable View -->
+ <attr format="reference|color" name="ptrRefreshableViewBackground"/>
+ <!-- A drawable to use as the background of the Header and Footer Loading Views -->
+ <attr format="reference|color" name="ptrHeaderBackground"/>
+ <!-- Text Color of the Header and Footer Loading Views -->
+ <attr format="reference|color" name="ptrHeaderTextColor"/>
+ <!-- Text Color of the Header and Footer Loading Views Sub Header -->
+ <attr format="reference|color" name="ptrHeaderSubTextColor"/>
+ <!-- Mode of Pull-to-Refresh that should be used -->
+ <attr name="ptrMode">
+ <flag name="disabled" value="0x0"/>
+ <flag name="pullFromStart" value="0x1"/>
+ <flag name="pullFromEnd" value="0x2"/>
+ <flag name="both" value="0x3"/>
+ <flag name="manualOnly" value="0x4"/>
+ <!-- These last two are depreacted -->
+ <flag name="pullDownFromTop" value="0x1"/>
+ <flag name="pullUpFromBottom" value="0x2"/>
+ </attr>
+ <!-- Whether the Indicator overlay(s) should be used -->
+ <attr format="reference|boolean" name="ptrShowIndicator"/>
+ <!-- Drawable to use as Loading Indicator. Changes both Header and Footer. -->
+ <attr format="reference" name="ptrDrawable"/>
+ <!-- Drawable to use as Loading Indicator in the Header View. Overrides value set in ptrDrawable. -->
+ <attr format="reference" name="ptrDrawableStart"/>
+ <!-- Drawable to use as Loading Indicator in the Footer View. Overrides value set in ptrDrawable. -->
+ <attr format="reference" name="ptrDrawableEnd"/>
+ <!-- Whether Android's built-in Over Scroll should be utilised for Pull-to-Refresh. -->
+ <attr format="reference|boolean" name="ptrOverScroll"/>
+ <!-- Base text color, typeface, size, and style for Header and Footer Loading Views -->
+ <attr format="reference" name="ptrHeaderTextAppearance"/>
+ <!-- Base text color, typeface, size, and style for Header and Footer Loading Views Sub Header -->
+ <attr format="reference" name="ptrSubHeaderTextAppearance"/>
+ <!-- Style of Animation should be used displayed when pulling. -->
+ <attr name="ptrAnimationStyle">
+ <flag name="rotate" value="0x0"/>
+ <flag name="flip" value="0x1"/>
+ </attr>
+ <!-- Whether the user can scroll while the View is Refreshing -->
+ <attr format="reference|boolean" name="ptrScrollingWhileRefreshingEnabled"/>
+ <!--
+ Whether PullToRefreshListView has it's extras enabled. This allows the user to be
+ able to scroll while refreshing, and behaves better. It acheives this by adding
+ Header and/or Footer Views to the ListView.
+ -->
+ <attr format="reference|boolean" name="ptrListViewExtrasEnabled"/>
+ <!--
+ Whether the Drawable should be continually rotated as you pull. This only
+ takes effect when using the 'Rotate' Animation Style.
+ -->
+ <attr format="reference|boolean" name="ptrRotateDrawableWhilePulling"/>
+ <attr format="reference|color" name="ptrAdapterViewBackground"/>
+ <attr format="reference" name="ptrDrawableTop"/>
+ <attr format="reference" name="ptrDrawableBottom"/>
+ </declare-styleable>