Ext.require(['Gnt.plugin.TaskContextMenu', 'Sch.plugin.TreeCellEditing', 'Sch.plugin.Pan', 'Gnt.panel.Gantt', 'Gnt.column.PercentDone', 'Gnt.column.StartDate', 'Gnt.column.EndDate', 'Gnt.plugin.Printable', 'Gnt.widget.AssignmentCellEditor', 'Gnt.column.ResourceAssignment', 'Gnt.model.Assignment', 'erp.util.BaseUtil', 'Gnt.widget.Calendar']); Ext.onReady(function() { Gantt.init(); Ext.QuickTips.init(); }); Gantt = { //tx2x9saq init : function() { Ext.define('Gnt.column.ResourceName', { extend : 'Gnt.column.ResourceName', text : "执行人" }); Ext.define('Gnt.column.AssignmentUnits', { extend : 'Gnt.column.AssignmentUnits', text : "分配比例" }); Ext.define('Gnt.widget.AssignmentField', { extend : 'Gnt.widget.AssignmentField', cancelText : "取消", closeText : "保存并关闭" }); Ext.define('TaskResource', { extend : 'Sch.model.Resource', idProperty : 'EmCode', nameField : 'Name', fields : ['EmCode', 'Name', 'Id', 'EmId'] }); var taskResourceStore = Ext.create("Sch.data.ResourceStore", { model : 'TaskResource', autoLoad : true, // autoSync : true, proxy : { type : 'ajax', method : 'POST', reader : { root : 'resources', type : 'json' }, extraParams : { condition : 'prjplan_id=3147'// formCondition }, api : { read : basePath + 'task/resource.action' /* * create : 'e-create.php', destroy : * 'e-destroy.php', update : 'e-update.php' */ }, writer : { type : 'json', root : 'resources', encode : true, writeAllFields : true, listful : true, allowSingle : false } } }); Ext.define('TaskEvent', { extend : 'Sch.model.Event', nameField : 'Name', startDateField : 'StartDate', endDateField : 'EndDate', resourceIdField : 'ResourceId', fields : [ // Define your own model fields { name : 'StartDate', type : 'date', dateFormat : 'Y-m-d' }, { name : 'EndDate', type : 'date', dateFormat : 'Y-m-d' }, 'Name', 'ResourceId', 'TaskId'] }); Ext.define('MyResourceModel', { extend : 'Gnt.model.Resource', fields : [{ name : 'EmCode', type : 'string' }, { name : 'EmId', type : 'int' }] }); var resourceStore = Ext.create("Gnt.data.ResourceStore", { model : 'MyResourceModel', proxy : { type : 'ajax', method : 'GET', url : basePath + 'plm/resourceassignment.action', root : 'resources', reader : { type : 'json' } } }); Ext.define('MyTaskModel', { extend : 'Gnt.model.Task', clsField : 'TaskType', fields : [{ name : 'TaskType', type : 'string' }, { name : 'TaskColor', type : 'string' }, { name : 'prjplanid', type : 'int' }, { name : 'prjplanname', type : 'string' }, { name : 'recorder', type : 'string' }, { name : 'recorddate', type : 'string' }, { name : 'taskcode', type : 'string' }, { name : 'id', type : 'int' }] }); Ext.define('MyDependencyModel', { extend : 'Gnt.model.Dependency', fields : [{ name : 'Id', type : 'int' }] }); var taskStore = Ext.create("Gnt.data.TaskStore", { model : 'MyTaskModel', sorters : 'StartDate', proxy : { type : 'ajax', headers : { "Content-Type" : 'application/json' }, extraParams : { condition : 'prjplan_id=3147'// formCondition }, api : { read : basePath + 'plm/gantt.action', create : basePath + 'plm/ganttcreate.action', destroy : 'webservices/Tasks.asmx/Delete', update : basePath + 'plm/ganttupdate.action' }, writer : { type : 'json', root : 'jsonData', encode : true, nameProperty : 'data', allowSingle : false }, reader : { type : 'json' } } }); var allTaskStore = Ext.create("Sch.data.EventStore", { model : 'TaskEvent', resourceStore : taskResourceStore, autoLoad : true, proxy : { type : 'ajax', method : 'POST', reader : { root : 'assignments', type : 'json' }, extraParams : { condition : 'prjplan_id=3147' // formCondition }, api : { read : basePath + 'task/assignment.action' /* * create : 'e-create.php', destroy : * 'e-destroy.php', update : 'e-update.php' */ }, writer : { type : 'json', root : 'assignments', encode : true, writeAllFields : true, listful : true, allowSingle : false } } }) var gantt = this.createGantt({ resourceStore : resourceStore, taskStore : taskStore }); var scheduler = this.createScheduler({ resourceStore : resourceStore, eventStore : taskStore, // Share time axis timeAxis : gantt.getTimeAxis(), lockedGridConfig : { resizeHandles : 'e', resizable : { pinned : true }, width : 300 }, // Share non-working time visualization plugins : new Sch.plugin.Zones({ store : gantt.getWorkingTimePlugin().store }) }); var allTask = this.createAllTask({ resourceStore : taskResourceStore, eventStore : allTaskStore }); var vp = new Ext.Viewport({ layout : 'border', items : [gantt, scheduler, allTask] }); var ganttViewEl = gantt.getSchedulingView().el; var schedulerViewEl = scheduler.getSchedulingView().el; // Sync the scrolling schedulerViewEl.on('scroll', function(ev, el) { ganttViewEl.scrollTo('left', el.scrollLeft); }); ganttViewEl.on('scroll', function(ev, el) { schedulerViewEl.scrollTo('left', el.scrollLeft); }); var fullRefresh = function() { scheduler.getSchedulingView().refresh(); }; // Since scheduler doesn't (yet) know of assignments, give it some help gantt.getAssignmentStore().on({ update : fullRefresh, add : fullRefresh, remove : fullRefresh, refresh : fullRefresh, buffer : 1 }) }, createAllTask : function(config) { return allTaskPanel = Ext.create("Sch.panel.SchedulerGrid", Ext.apply({ title : '员工全部任务情况', eventBarTextField : 'Name', viewPreset : 'dayAndWeek', height : 20, region : 'south', split : true, timeAxis : gantt.getTimeAxis(), viewConfig : { forceFit : false }, columns : [{ header : 'Name', width : 130, dataIndex : 'Name' }] }, config)); }, createScheduler : function(config) { return A = Ext.create("Sch.SchedulerPanel", Ext.apply({ // title : 'Resource panel', viewPreset : 'weekAndDayLetter', enableDragCreation : false, height : 20, layout : 'fit', region : 'south', split : true, columns : [{ header : '员工姓名', width : 300, dataIndex : 'Name' }] }, config)); }, createGantt : function(config) { var BaseUtil = Ext.create('erp.util.BaseUtil'); var startDate = new Date(2012, 9, 11); var endDate = Sch.util.Date.add(new Date(2012, 9, 11), Sch.util.Date.WEEK, 20); var start = new Date(2012, 9, 20), end = Sch.util.Date.add(new Date( 2012, 10, 20), Sch.util.Date.WEEK, 20); var calendar = new Gnt.data.Calendar({ data : [{ Date : new Date(2010, 0, 13), Cls : 'gnt-national-holiday' }, { Date : new Date(2010, 1, 1), Cls : 'gnt-company-holiday' }, { Date : new Date(2010, 0, 16), IsWorkingDay : true }] }); Ext.define('MyAssignmentModel', { extend : 'Gnt.model.Assignment' }); var assignmentStore = Ext.create("Gnt.data.AssignmentStore", { model : 'MyAssignmentModel', autoLoad : true, resourceStore : config.resourceStore, proxy : { method : 'GET', type : 'ajax', url : basePath + 'plm/resourceassignment.action', extraParams : { condition : 'prjplan_id=3147'// formCondition }, reader : { type : 'json', root : 'assignments' } }, listeners : { load : function() { config.resourceStore .loadData(this.proxy.reader.jsonData.resources); } } }); var dependencyStore = Ext.create("Gnt.data.DependencyStore", { model : 'MyDependencyModel', autoLoad : true, proxy : { type : 'ajax', extraParams : { condition : 'prjplan_id=3147'// formCondition }, url : basePath + 'plm/gantt/getdependency.action', method : 'GET', reader : { type : 'json', root : 'dependency' } } }); var formCondition = 'prjplan_id=3147'//'prjplan_id=3147'; return gantt = Ext.create("Gnt.panel.Gantt", Ext.apply({ id : 'ganttid', region : 'center', leftLabelField : 'Name', highlightWeekends : true, loadMask : true, snapToIncrement : true, // title : 'Gantt panel with tasks and resources', startDate : new Date(2012, 9, 11), endDate : Sch.util.Date.add(new Date(2012, 11, 11), Sch.util.Date.WEEK, 20), viewPreset : 'weekAndDayLetter', tbar : [/* * { text : 'Previous', handler : function() { // * this.up('ganttpanel').shiftPrevious(); var m = window.A; * var n = Window.s2; m.height = 0; console.log(window); } }, { * text : 'Next', handler : function() { window.A = 200; * window.refresh; // this.up('ganttpanel').shiftNext(); } }, */{ xtype : 'buttongroup', title : '视图工具', columns : 3, items : [{ iconCls : 'icon-prev', text : '向前', scope : this, handler : function() { gantt.shiftPrevious(); } }, { iconCls : 'icon-next', text : '向后', scope : this, handler : function() { gantt.shiftNext(); } }, { text : '缩放', iconCls : 'zoomfit', handler : function() { gantt.zoomToFit(); }, scope : this }, { text : '收缩', iconCls : 'icon-collapseall', scope : this, handler : function() { gantt.collapseAll(); } }, { text : '展开', iconCls : 'icon-expandall', scope : this, loader : { loadMask : true }, handler : function() { var loadMask = gantt.setLoading("正在展开", true); gantt.expandAll(loadMask.hide()); // g.expandAll(); } }, { iconCls : 'togglebutton', enableToggle : true, id : 'readonlybutton', text : '只读', pressed : true }] }, { xtype : 'buttongroup', title : '视图解析', columns : 2, items : [{ iconCls : 'gnt-date', text : '6 周', scope : this, handler : function() { gantt.switchViewPreset('weekAndMonth'); } }, { iconCls : 'gnt-date', text : '10周', scope : this, handler : function() { gantt .switchViewPreset('weekAndDayLetter'); } }, { iconCls : 'gnt-date', text : '1 年', scope : this, handler : function() { gantt.switchViewPreset('monthAndYear'); } }, { iconCls : 'gnt-date', text : '5 年', scope : this, handler : function() { var start = new Date(this.getStart() .getFullYear(), 0); gantt.switchViewPreset('monthAndYear', start, Ext.Date.add(start, Ext.Date.YEAR, 5)); } }] }, { xtype : 'buttongroup', title : '操作区', columns : 3, items : [{ iconCls : 'x-advance-print', text : '打印', handler : function() { // Make sure this fits horizontally on // one page. Ext.getCmp('gantt').zoomToFit(); Ext.getCmp('gantt').print(); } }, { text : '添加任务', iconCls : 'x-advance-add', handler : function() { var selectItem = gantt.selModel.selected.items[0]; if (selectItem) { if (selectItem.data.Id) { Ext.Ajax.request({ url : basePath + "plm/gantt/getData.action", params : { condition : formCondition }, method : 'get', callback : function( options, success, response) { var rs = new Ext.decode(response.responseText); if (rs.exceptionInfo) { showError(rs.exceptionInfo); return; } if (rs.success) { var newTask = new gantt.taskStore.model( { Name : 'New task', leaf : true, PercentDone : 0, prjplanid : rs.data.prjplandata[0].prjplan_id, prjplanname : rs.data.prjplandata[0].prjplan_prjname, // taskcode:BaseUtil.getRandomNumber(), taskcode : (new Date()) .getTime(), recorder : recorder, recorddate : recorddate, StartDate : selectItem.data.StartDate,// 给系统的默认时间 EndDate : selectItem.data.EndDate }); var record = gantt.selModel.selected.items[0]; if (record.data.leaf) { record.data.leaf = false; record.data.expanded = true; } record .appendChild(newTask); } } }); } else { showError("任务未生成不能给他添加子任务!"); } } else { showError("请选择添加任务的父节点!"); } } }, { text : '添加父任务', iconCls : 'x-advance-add', handler : function() { Ext.Ajax.request({ url : basePath + "plm/gantt/getData.action", params : { condition : formCondition }, method : 'get', callback : function(options, success, response) { var rs = new Ext.decode(response.responseText); if (rs.exceptionInfo) { showError(rs.exceptionInfo); return; } if (rs.success) { var newTask = new gantt.taskStore.model( { Name : 'New task', leaf : false, PercentDone : 0, prjplanid : rs.data.prjplandata[0].prjplan_id, prjplanname : rs.data.prjplandata[0].prjplan_prjname, // taskcode:BaseUtil.getRandomNumber(), recorder : recorder, recorddate : recorddate, parentId : 0 }); taskStore .getRootNode() .appendChild(newTask) } } }); } }, { iconCls : 'x-advance-save', id : 'savebutton', text : '保存', listeners : { 'afterrender' : function(btn, opts) { if (Ext.getCmp('readonlybutton').pressed) { btn.setDisabled(false); } } }, handler : function() { // g.checkstore();//验证store是否填写完整 要求必填字段 // 如 日期 // 并且开始时间要小于或等于结束时间 var options = {}, me = gantt.taskStore; de = gantt.dependencyStore; as = gantt.assignmentStore; var toCreate = me.getNewRecords(), toUpdate = me .getUpdatedRecords(), toDestroy = me .getRemovedRecords(), toCreateDependency = de .getNewRecords(), toDestroyDependency = de .getRemovedRecords(), toCreateassign = as .getNewRecords(), toUpdateassign = as .getUpdatedRecords(), toDestroyassign = as .getRemovedRecords(), needsSync = false; if (toCreate.length > 0) { var create = null; options.create = toCreate; var index = 0; var jsonData = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < toCreate.length; i++) { var data = toCreate[i].data; jsonData[index++] = Ext.JSON .encode(data) + '#@'; } Ext.Ajax.request({ url : basePath + "plm/gantt/ganttcreate.action", params : { jsonData : unescape(jsonData .toString() .replace(/\\/g, "%")) }, method : 'post', callback : function(options, success, response) { } }); } if (toUpdate.length > 0) { options.update = toUpdate; needsSync = true; var index = 0; var jsonData = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < toUpdate.length; i++) { var data = toUpdate[i].data; jsonData[index++] = Ext.JSON .encode(data) + '#@'; } Ext.Ajax.request({ url : basePath + "plm/gantt/ganttupdate.action", params : { jsonData : unescape(jsonData .toString() .replace(/\\/g, "%")) }, method : 'post', callback : function(options, success, response) { } }); } if (toDestroy.length > 0) { options.destroy = toDestroy; needsSync = true; var index = 0; var jsonData = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < toDestroy.length; i++) { var data = toDestroy[i].data; jsonData[index++] = Ext.JSON .encode(data) + '#@'; } Ext.Ajax.request({ url : basePath + "plm/gantt/ganttdelete.action", params : { jsonData : unescape(jsonData .toString() .replace(/\\/g, "%")) }, method : 'post', callback : function(options, success, response) { } }); } if (toCreateDependency.length > 0) { var index = 0; var jsonData = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < toCreateDependency.length; i++) { var data = toCreateDependency[i].data; jsonData[index++] = Ext.JSON .encode(data); } Ext.Ajax.request({ url : basePath + "plm/gantt/dependencycreate.action", params : { condition : formCondition, jsonData : unescape(jsonData .toString() .replace(/\\/g, "%")) }, method : 'post', callback : function(options, success, response) { } }); } if (toDestroyDependency.length > 0) { var index = 0; var jsonData = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < toDestroyDependency.length; i++) { var data = toDestroyDependency[i].data; jsonData[index++] = Ext.JSON .encode(data); } Ext.Ajax.request({ url : basePath + "plm/gantt/dependencydelete.action", params : { jsonData : unescape(jsonData .toString() .replace(/\\/g, "%")) }, method : 'post', callback : function(options, success, response) { } }); } if (toCreateassign.length > 0) { var index = 0; var jsonData = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < toCreateassign.length; i++) { // var // ddd=g.selModel.selected.items[0]; var data = toCreateassign[i].data; var id = data.TaskId; var task = gantt.taskStore .getById(id); var resourceId = data.ResourceId; var resource = gantt.resourceStore .getById(resourceId); data.StartDate = task.data.StartDate; data.EndDate = task.data.EndDate; data.resourcecode = resource.data.EmCode; data.detno = 1; data.Id = 0; data.resourcename = resource.data.Name; data_resourcetype = ""; data.taskname = task.data.Name; data.emid = resource.data.EmId; data.prjid = task.data.prjplanid; data.prjname = task.data.prjplanname; jsonData[index++] = Ext.JSON .encode(data); } Ext.Ajax.request({ url : basePath + "plm/resource/createResource.action", params : { jsonData : unescape(jsonData .toString() .replace(/\\/g, "%")) }, method : 'post', callback : function(options, success, response) { } }); } if (toUpdateassign.length > 0) { var index = 0; var jsonData = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < toUpdateassign.length; i++) { var data = toUpdateassign[i].data; jsonData[index++] = Ext.JSON .encode(data); } Ext.Ajax.request({ url : basePath + "plm/resource/updateResource.action", params : { jsonData : unescape(jsonData .toString() .replace(/\\/g, "%")) }, method : 'post', callback : function(options, success, response) { } }); } if (toDestroyassign.length > 0) { var index = 0; var jsonData = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < toDestroyassign.length; i++) { var data = toDestroyassign[i].data; jsonData[index++] = Ext.JSON .encode(data); } Ext.Ajax.request({ url : basePath + "plm/resource/deleteResource.action", params : { jsonData : unescape(jsonData .toString() .replace(/\\/g, "%")) }, method : 'post', callback : function(options, success, response) { } }); } // Ext.Msg.alert('提示','保存成功!'); var gridCondition = getUrlParam("gridCondition"); window.location.href = window.location.href + '?formCondition=' + formCondition + '&gridCondition=' + gridCondition; } }, { text : '删除任务', iconCls : 'x-advance-delete', handler : function() { var record = gantt.selModel.selected.items[0]; if (record) { var parentNode = record.parentNode; if (parentNode.childNodes.length == 1) { parentNode.data.leaf = true; } parentNode.removeChild(record); } else { showError("请选择删除要删除任务!"); } } }, { text : '查看成员', iconCls : 'x-advance-find', handler : function() { var panel = Ext .getCmp("resourceproject=" + formCondition); value = formCondition.split("=")[1]; var caller = "Resource"; var url = basePath + "jsps/oa/persontask/taskforperson/taskforperson.jsp"; var main = parent.Ext .getCmp("content-panel"); if (!panel) { var title = ""; if (value.toString().length > 4) { title = value .toString() .substring(value .toString().length - 4); } else { title = value; } panel = { // title : // main.getActiveTab().title+'('+title+')', title : '执行人(' + title + ')', tag : 'iframe', tabConfig : { tooltip : '执行人(' + title + ')' }, frame : true, border : false, layout : 'fit', iconCls : 'x-tree-icon-tab-tab', html : '', closable : true, listeners : { close : function() { main .setActiveTab(main .getActiveTab().id); } } }; Ext.getCmp("ganttid").openTab( panel, "resourceproject=" + formCondition); } else { main.setActiveTab(panel); } }, scope : this } ] }, { xtype : 'buttongroup', title : '功能区', columns : 4, items : [{ text : '突出关键链', iconCls : 'togglebutton', scope : this, enableToggle : true, handler : function(btn) { var v = gantt.getSchedulingView(); if (btn.pressed) { v.highlightCriticalPaths(true); } else { v.unhighlightCriticalPaths(true); } } }, { iconCls : 'togglebutton', text : '未按时完成的任务', enableToggle : true, scope : this, handler : function(btn) { if (btn.pressed) { gantt.taskStore.filter(function( task) { return (task.get('EndDate') < new Date()) && (task .get('PercentDone') < 100); }); } else { gantt.taskStore.clearFilter(); } } }, { iconCls : 'action', text : '突出任务>7天', scope : this, handler : function(btn) { gantt.taskStore.getRootNode() .cascadeBy(function(task) { if (Sch.util.Date .getDurationInDays( task .get('StartDate'), task .get('EndDate')) > 7) { var el = gantt .getSchedulingView() .getElementFromEventRecord(task); el && el.frame('lime'); } }, this); } }, { iconCls : 'togglebutton', text : '筛选: 任务进度 < 30%', scope : this, enableToggle : true, toggleGroup : 'filter', handler : function(btn) { if (btn.pressed) { gantt.taskStore.filter(function( task) { return task.get('PercentDone') < 30; }); } else { gantt.taskStore.clearFilter(); } } }, { iconCls : 'togglebutton', text : '级联变化', scope : this, enableToggle : true, handler : function(btn) { gantt.setCascadeChanges(btn.pressed); } }, { enableToggle : true, text : '需提醒的任务', scope : this, iconCls : 'togglebutton', handler : function(btn) { if (btn.pressed) { gantt.taskStore.filter(function( task) { return (Sch.util.Date .getDurationInDays( task .get('StartDate'), new Date()) > task .get('Duration') / 2) && (Sch.util.Date .getDurationInDays( task .get('StartDate'), new Date()) < task .get('Duration')) && (task .get('PercentDone') < 30); }); } else { gantt.taskStore.clearFilter(); } } }, { iconCls : 'action', text : '最后任务', scope : this, handler : function(btn) { var latestEndDate = new Date(0), latest; gantt.taskStore.getRootNode() .cascadeBy(function(task) { if (task.get('EndDate') >= latestEndDate) { latestEndDate = task .get('EndDate'); latest = task; } }); gantt.getSchedulingView() .scrollEventIntoView(latest, true); } }, { xtype : 'textfield', emptyText : '搜索任务...', scope : this, width : 150, enableKeyEvents : true, listeners : { keyup : { fn : function(field, e) { var value = field.getValue(); var regexp = new RegExp(Ext.String.escapeRegex(value),'i') if (value) {gantt.taskStore.filterTreeBy(function(task) { return regexp.test(task.get('Name')) }); } else { gantt.taskStore .clearTreeFilter(); } }, scope : this }, specialkey : { fn : function(field, e) { if (e.getKey() === e.ESC) { field.reset(); } this.taskStore .clearTreeFilter(); }, scope : this } } }] }], lockedGridConfig : { width : 450, title : '任务表', collapsible : true }, // Experimental schedulerConfig : { collapsible : true, title : '计划表' }, leftLabelField : { dataIndex : 'Name', editor : { xtype : 'textfield' } }, eventRenderer : function(task) { return { style : 'background-color: #' + task.data.TaskColor }; }, _fullScreenFn : (function() { var docElm = document.documentElement; if (docElm.requestFullscreen) { return "requestFullscreen"; } else if (docElm.mozRequestFullScreen) { return "mozRequestFullScreen"; } else if (docElm.webkitRequestFullScreen) { return "webkitRequestFullScreen"; } })(), plugins : [ Ext.create("Gnt.plugin.TaskContextMenu"), Ext.create("Sch.plugin.Pan"), assignmentEditor = Ext.create( 'Gnt.widget.AssignmentCellEditor', { assignmentStore : assignmentStore, resourceStore : config.resourceStore }), Ext.create('Sch.plugin.TreeCellEditing', { clicksToEdit : 1, listeners : { beforeedit : function() { return !Ext.getCmp('readonlybutton').pressed; } } }), new Gnt.plugin.Printable({ printRenderer : function(task, tplData) { if (task.isMilestone()) { return; } else if (task.isLeaf()) { var availableWidth = tplData.width - 4, progressWidth = Math .floor(availableWidth * task.get('PercentDone') / 100); return { // Style borders to act as // background/progressbar progressBarStyle : Ext.String .format( 'width:{2}px;border-left:{0}px solid #7971E2;border-right:{1}px solid #E5ECF5;', progressWidth, availableWidth - progressWidth, availableWidth) }; } else { var availableWidth = tplData.width - 2, progressWidth = Math .floor(availableWidth * task.get('PercentDone') / 100); return { // Style borders to act as // background/progressbar progressBarStyle : Ext.String .format( 'width:{2}px;border-left:{0}px solid #FFF3A5;border-right:{1}px solid #FFBC00;', progressWidth, availableWidth - progressWidth, availableWidth) }; } }, beforePrint : function(sched) { var v = sched.getSchedulingView(); this.oldRenderer = v.eventRenderer; this.oldMilestoneTemplate = v.milestoneTemplate; v.milestoneTemplate = printableMilestoneTpl; v.eventRenderer = this.printRenderer; }, afterPrint : function(sched) { var v = sched.getSchedulingView(); v.eventRenderer = this.oldRenderer; v.milestoneTemplate = this.oldMilestoneTemplate; } })], tooltipTpl : new Ext.XTemplate( '


', '', '', '', '', '
开始: {[Ext.Date.format(values.StartDate, "y-m-d")]}
结束: {[Ext.Date.format(values.EndDate, "y-m-d")]}
').compile(), applyPercentDone : function(value) { this.getSelectionModel().selected.each(function(task) { task.setPercentDone(value); }); }, showFullScreen : function() { this.el.down('.x-panel-body').dom[this._fullScreenFn](); }, openTab : function(panel, id) { var o = (typeof panel == "string" ? panel : id || panel.id); var main = parent.Ext.getCmp("content-panel"); var tab = main.getComponent(o); if (tab) { main.setActiveTab(tab); } else if (typeof panel != "string") { panel.id = o; var p = main.add(panel); main.setActiveTab(p); } }, // Experimental, not X-browser _fullScreenFn : (function() { var docElm = document.documentElement; if (docElm.requestFullscreen) { return "requestFullscreen"; } else if (docElm.mozRequestFullScreen) { return "mozRequestFullScreen"; } else if (docElm.webkitRequestFullScreen) { return "webkitRequestFullScreen"; } })(), columns : [{ xtype : 'wbscolumn', header : '编号', width : 50 }, { xtype : 'treecolumn', header : '任务', sortable : true, dataIndex : 'Name', width : 200, field : { allowBlank : false }, renderer : function(v, meta, r) { if (!r.data.leaf) meta.tdCls = 'sch-gantt-parent-cell'; return v; } }, { header : '执行人', width : 120, editor : assignmentEditor, xtype : 'resourceassignmentcolumn' }, { header : '开始时间', xtype : 'startdatecolumn', field : { xtype : 'datefield', allowBlank : false } }, { header : '结束时间', xtype : 'enddatecolumn', // hidden : true field : { xtype : 'datefield', allowBlank : false } }, { header : '持续时间', xtype : 'durationcolumn' }, { header : '完成率(%)', xtype : 'percentdonecolumn', width : 50 }, // column displaying task color { header : '颜色', xtype : 'templatecolumn', width : 50, tdCls : 'sch-column-color', field : { allowBlank : false }, tpl : '
', listeners : { click : function(panel, el, a, b, event, record) { event.stopEvent(); this.rec = record; this.showColumnMenu(el, event, record); } }, showColumnMenu : function(el, event, rec) { // if color menu is not present, create a new // Ext.menu.Menu instance if (!this.colorMenu) { this.colorMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ cls : 'gnt-locked-colormenu', plain : true, items : [{ text : '更改任务颜色', menu : { showSeparator : false, items : [Ext.create( 'Ext.ColorPalette', { listeners : { select : function( cp, color) { this.rec .set( 'TaskColor', color); }, scope : this } })] } }] }); } this.colorMenu.showAt(event.xy); } }], assignmentStore : assignmentStore, dependencyStore : dependencyStore }, config)); } };