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章政 há 5 anos atrás

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1237,10 +1237,10 @@
             this.SizeChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.贴标机条码打印_SizeChanged);
-            this.CollectionProcess.ResumeLayout(false);
+            this.CollectionProcess.ResumeLayout(true);
-            this.ResumeLayout(false);
+            this.ResumeLayout(true);

+ 72 - 11

@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ namespace UAS_LabelMachine
         string CurrentBrand = "";
+        string NrCode = "";
         string Prefix = "";
         string Suffix = "";
         int MaxNum = 0;
@@ -404,7 +405,7 @@ namespace UAS_LabelMachine
             catch (Exception)
-                dh.UpdateByCondition("RULEMAXNUM", "rmn_maxnumber='" + (MaxNum + 1) + "'", "rmn_nrcode='" + (pi_cardcode.Text == "" ? "Default" : pi_cardcode.Text) + "' and rmn_prefix='" + Prefix + "'");
+                dh.UpdateByCondition("RULEMAXNUM", "rmn_maxnumber='" + (MaxNum + 1) + "'", "rmn_nrcode='" + (NrCode == "" ? "Default" : NrCode) + "' and rmn_prefix='" + Prefix + "' and rmn_type='" + ReSetType + "'");
@@ -601,7 +602,7 @@ namespace UAS_LabelMachine
                 LoadCheck = true;
-                sql.Append("select pi_id,pi_cardcode,pi_combine_user,pi_title,to_char(pi_date,'yyyymmdd')pi_date,nvl(pi_combine_user,0)pi_combine_user from prodinout where pi_inoutno='" + pi_inoutno.Text + "' /*and pi_invostatuscode='AUDITED'*/");
+                sql.Append("select pi_id,pi_cardcode,pi_combine_user,pi_title,to_char(pi_date,'yyyymmdd')pi_date,nvl(pi_combine_user,0)pi_combine_user from prodinout where pi_inoutno='" + pi_inoutno.Text + "' and pi_invostatuscode='AUDITED'");
                 dt = (DataTable)dh.ExecuteSql(sql.ToString(), "select");
                 if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
@@ -1261,7 +1262,7 @@ namespace UAS_LabelMachine
             sql.Append(" order by to_number(pib_outboxcode2),pib_id,pd_prodcode");
             LabelInfDataTable = (DataTable)dh.ExecuteSql(sql.ToString(), "select");
-            BoxCount.Text = LabelInfDataTable.Compute("sum(pib_qty)", "1=1").ToString()+"KPCS";
+            BoxCount.Text = LabelInfDataTable.Compute("sum(pib_qty)", "1=1").ToString() + "KPCS";
             bindingsource(LabelInf, LabelInfDataTable);
             if (LabelInf.Rows.Count > 0)
@@ -1582,6 +1583,7 @@ namespace UAS_LabelMachine
                 OutBoxNum.Text = OutBox;
+        string ReSetType = "";
         /// <summary>
         /// 获取条码规则
         /// </summary>
@@ -1596,22 +1598,70 @@ namespace UAS_LabelMachine
             Prefix = "";
             Suffix = "";
+            NrCode = "";
             MaxNum = 0;
             SerialNumLength = 0;
             Radix = 0;
-            DataTable Nr = (DataTable)dh.ExecuteSql("select nrd_detno,nrd_name,nrd_type,nrd_radix,nrd_sql,nrd_length from NoRuleDetail left join norule on nrd_nrid=nr_id where nr_custcode='" + pi_cardcode.Text + "'  order by nrd_detno", "select");
+            DataTable Nr = (DataTable)dh.ExecuteSql("select nvl(nr_resettype,' ')nr_resettype,nr_sharerule,nr_code,nrd_detno,nrd_name,nrd_type,nrd_radix,nrd_sql,nrd_length from NoRuleDetail left join norule on nrd_nrid=nr_id where nr_custcode='" + pi_cardcode.Text + "'  order by nrd_detno", "select");
             if (Nr.Rows.Count == 0)
-                Nr = (DataTable)dh.ExecuteSql("select nrd_detno,nrd_name,nrd_radix,nrd_type,nrd_sql,nrd_length from NoRuleDetail left join norule on nrd_nrid=nr_id where nr_custcode is null  and nr_isdefault <> 0 order by nrd_detno", "select");
+                Nr = (DataTable)dh.ExecuteSql("select nvl(nr_resettype,' ')nr_resettype,nr_sharerule,nr_code,nrd_detno,nrd_name,nrd_radix,nrd_type,nrd_sql,nrd_length from NoRuleDetail left join norule on nrd_nrid=nr_id where nr_custcode is null  and nr_isdefault <> 0 order by nrd_detno", "select");
+            ReSetType = "";
+            if (Nr.Rows.Count > 0)
+            {
+                string ShareRule = Nr.Rows[0]["nr_sharerule"].ToString();
+                DataTable dt1 = (DataTable)dh.ExecuteSql("select nvl(nr_resettype,' ')nr_resettype,nr_sharerule,nr_code,nrd_detno,nrd_name,nrd_radix,nrd_type,nrd_sql,nrd_length from NoRuleDetail left join norule on nrd_nrid=nr_id where nr_code='" + ShareRule + "' order by nrd_detno", "select");
+                if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
+                {
+                    Nr = dt1;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if (ShareRule != "")
+                    {
+                        MessageBox.Show("共享规则" + ShareRule + "不存在");
+                        return;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (Nr.Rows.Count > 0)
+            {
+                switch (Nr.Rows[0]["nr_resettype"].ToString())
+                {
+                    case "Year":
+                        sql.Clear();
+                        sql.Append("to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')");
+                        break;
+                    case "Month":
+                        sql.Clear();
+                        sql.Append("to_char(sysdate,'yyyyMM')");
+                        break;
+                    case "Week":
+                        sql.Clear();
+                        sql.Append("to_char(sysdate,'yyyyiw')");
+                        break;
+                    case "Day":
+                        sql.Clear();
+                        sql.Append("to_char(sysdate,'yyyyMMdd')");
+                        break;
+                    case " ":
+                        sql.Clear();
+                        sql.Append("' '");
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        break;
+                }
+                ReSetType = dh.getFieldDataByCondition("dual", sql.ToString(), "1=1").ToString();
+            }
             Regex match = new Regex("{\\w+}");
             string[] NrData = new string[Nr.Rows.Count];
             Dictionary<int, string> NrDic = new Dictionary<int, string>();
-            Prefix = "";
             for (int m = 0; m < Nr.Rows.Count; m++)
+                NrCode = Nr.Rows[m]["nr_code"].ToString();
                 switch (Nr.Rows[m]["nrd_type"].ToString())
@@ -1645,17 +1695,26 @@ namespace UAS_LabelMachine
                     case "流水":
-                        string maxnum = dh.getFieldDataByCondition("RuleMaxNum", "rmn_maxnumber", "rmn_nrcode='" + (pi_cardcode.Text == "" ? "Default" : pi_cardcode.Text) + "' and rmn_prefix='" + Prefix + "'").ToString();
+                        string maxnum = dh.getFieldDataByCondition("RuleMaxNum", "rmn_maxnumber", "rmn_nrcode='" + (NrCode == "" ? "Default" : NrCode) + "' and rmn_prefix='" + Prefix + "' and nvl(rmn_type,' ')='" + ReSetType + "'").ToString();
                         if (maxnum == "")
-                            dh.ExecuteSql("insert into RuleMaxNum(rmn_id,rmn_nrcode,rmn_prefix,rmn_maxnumber) values(RuleMaxNum_seq.nextval,'" + (pi_cardcode.Text == "" ? "Default" : pi_cardcode.Text) + "','" + Prefix + "','" + Count + "')", "insert");
-                            MaxNum = 1;
+                            maxnum = dh.getFieldDataByCondition("RuleMaxNum", "rmn_maxnumber", "rmn_nrcode='" + (NrCode == "" ? "Default" : NrCode) + "' and nvl(rmn_type,' ')='" + ReSetType + "'").ToString();
+                            if (maxnum != "")
+                            {
+                                Count = int.Parse(maxnum) + Count;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                maxnum = "1";
+                            }
+                            dh.ExecuteSql("insert into RuleMaxNum(rmn_id,rmn_nrcode,rmn_prefix,rmn_maxnumber,rmn_type) values(RuleMaxNum_seq.nextval,'" + (NrCode == "" ? "Default" : NrCode) + "','" + Prefix + "','" + Count + "','" + ReSetType + "')", "insert");
+                            MaxNum = int.Parse(maxnum);
                             MaxNum = int.Parse(maxnum);
-                            dh.UpdateByCondition("RULEMAXNUM", "rmn_maxnumber='" + (MaxNum + Count) + "'", "rmn_nrcode='" + (pi_cardcode.Text == "" ? "Default" : pi_cardcode.Text) + "' and rmn_prefix='" + Prefix + "'");
+                            dh.UpdateByCondition("RULEMAXNUM", "rmn_maxnumber='" + (MaxNum + Count) + "'", "rmn_nrcode='" + (NrCode == "" ? "Default" : NrCode) + "' and rmn_prefix='" + Prefix + "' and rmn_type='" + ReSetType + "'");
                         SerialNumLength = int.Parse(Nr.Rows[m]["nrd_length"].ToString());
                         Radix = int.Parse(Nr.Rows[m]["nrd_radix"].ToString());
@@ -1838,12 +1897,14 @@ namespace UAS_LabelMachine
                             string FWhcode = LabelInf.Rows[i].Cells["pib_brand"].Value.ToString();
                             string FDC = LabelInf.Rows[i].Cells["pib_datecode"].Value.ToString();
                             string FLOTNO = LabelInf.Rows[i].Cells["pib_lotno"].Value.ToString();
+                            string FPDCustProdCode = LabelInf.Rows[i].Cells["pd_custprodcode"].Value.ToString();
                             string BPrcode = LabelInf.Rows[i + 1].Cells["pib_prodcode"].Value.ToString();
                             string BPocode = LabelInf.Rows[i + 1].Cells["pd_pocode"].Value.ToString();
                             string BWhcode = LabelInf.Rows[i + 1].Cells["pib_brand"].Value.ToString();
                             string BDC = LabelInf.Rows[i + 1].Cells["pib_datecode"].Value.ToString();
                             string BLOTNO = LabelInf.Rows[i + 1].Cells["pib_lotno"].Value.ToString();
-                            if (FPrcode != BPrcode || FPocode != BPocode || FWhcode != BWhcode || (DiffDC.Checked && FDC != BDC) || (DiffLotNo.Checked && FLOTNO != BLOTNO))
+                            string BPDCustProdCode = LabelInf.Rows[i + 1].Cells["pd_custprodcode"].Value.ToString();
+                            if (FPDCustProdCode != BPDCustProdCode || FPrcode != BPrcode || FPocode != BPocode || FWhcode != BWhcode || (DiffDC.Checked && FDC != BDC) || (DiffLotNo.Checked && FLOTNO != BLOTNO))
                                 GetNumCount = GetNumCount + 1;