@@ -120,12 +120,19 @@ namespace UAS_MES_NEW.PublicMethod
oErrorMessage = "岗位资源不允许为空";
return false;
- if (!dh.CheckExist("Source", "upper(sc_code)='" + iSourceCode + "' and sc_statuscode='AUDITED'"))
+ if (em_type == "admin")
- oErrorMessage = "岗位资源编号错误或者未审核!";
- return false;
+ if (dh.CheckExist("Source", "upper(sc_code)='" + iSourceCode + "' and sc_statuscode='AUDITED'"))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ oErrorMessage = "岗位资源编号错误或者未审核!";
+ return false;
+ }
- if (em_type != "admin")
+ else
dt = dh.getFieldsDatasByCondition("cs$empgroup left join cs$userresource on ur_groupcode=eg_groupcode left join source on ur_resourcecode=sc_code", new string[] { "upper(ur_resourcecode) ur_resourcecode" }, "upper(eg_emcode)= '" + iUserCode + "' and sc_statuscode='AUDITED'");
@@ -139,78 +146,13 @@ namespace UAS_MES_NEW.PublicMethod
oErrorMessage = "用户不处于当前资源所属分组!";
- else oErrorMessage = "用户不处于当前资源所属分组!";
- }
- }
- else oErrorMessage = "用户不存在!";
- return oErrorMessage == "";
- }
- /// <summary>
- ///
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="iSNMakeCode">序列号的工单号</param>
- /// <param name="iMakeCode">界面上的工单号</param>
- /// <param name="ChangeMakeCodeNote">是否需要切换工单提醒</param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public static bool CheckDiffMakeCodeBeforeStepCheck(string iSN, string iMakeCode, bool iChangeMakeCodeNote, out string oMakeCode, out string oErrorMessage)
- {
- string oStatus = "";
- GetMakeInfo(iSN, out oMakeCode, out oStatus, out oErrorMessage);
- oErrorMessage = "";
- if (iChangeMakeCodeNote)
- {
- if (iMakeCode != oMakeCode && oMakeCode != "" && iMakeCode != "" && oStatus != "2")
- {
- string ChangeMakeCode = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("序列号" + iSN + "所属工单不同,是否切换?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question).ToString();
- //如果选择不切换赋值当前界面工单
- if (ChangeMakeCode != "Yes")
- {
- oErrorMessage = "请重新采集序列号";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- oMakeCode = iMakeCode;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (oMakeCode == "" || (oMakeCode != "" && oMakeCode == iMakeCode))
- {
- oMakeCode = iMakeCode;
- }
- }
- return (oErrorMessage == "" || oErrorMessage == null);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 校验方法之后的检测
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="iSNMakecode"></param>
- /// <param name="iMakeCode"></param>
- /// <param name="iChangeMakeCodeNote"></param>
- /// <param name="NoteAlready"></param>
- public static bool CheckDiffMakeCodeAfterStepCheck(string iSN, string iSNMakecode, bool iChangeMakeCodeNote, bool NoteAlready, Control ctl, out string oErrMessage)
- {
- oErrMessage = "";
- if (iChangeMakeCodeNote && !NoteAlready)
- {
- if (iSNMakecode != ctl.Text && ctl.Text != "")
- {
- string ChangeMakeCode = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("序列号" + iSN + "所属工单不同,是否切换?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question).ToString();
- //如果选择不切换赋值当前界面工单
- if (ChangeMakeCode == "Yes")
- {
- ctl.Text = iSNMakecode;
- }
- {
- oErrMessage = "请重新采集序列号";
- }
+ oErrorMessage = "岗位资源编号错误或者未审核!";
- return (oErrMessage == "" || oErrMessage == null);
+ else
+ oErrorMessage = "用户不存在!";
+ return false;
public static bool CheckStepAttribute(string iCaller, string iSourceCode, out string oErrorMessage)
@@ -542,11 +484,23 @@ namespace UAS_MES_NEW.PublicMethod
string CurrentStepName = "";
List<string> ExeSQL = new List<string>();
GetStepCodeAndNameAndLineBySource(iSourceCode, ref CurrentStep, ref CurrentStepName, ref LineCode);
+ //判断是否是线外采集
+ string unfinpack = dh.getFieldDataByCondition("Line", "nvl(li_allowUnFinPack,0)", "li_code='" + User.UserLineCode + "'").ToString();
- sql.Clear();
- sql.Append("merge into makeserial using mes_package_view on (v_outboxcode='" + iOutBoxCode + "' and ms_sncode=");
- sql.Append("v_barcode and ms_makecode=v_makecode) when matched then update set ms_nextstepcode=ms_stepcode");
- sql.Append(",ms_status=1,ms_sccode='" + iSourceCode + "' ");
+ if (unfinpack != "" && unfinpack != "0")
+ {
+ sql.Clear();
+ sql.Append("merge into makeserial using mes_package_view on (v_outboxcode='" + iOutBoxCode + "' and ms_sncode=");
+ sql.Append("v_barcode and ms_makecode=v_makecode) when matched then update set ms_nextstepcode=ms_nextstepcode");
+ sql.Append(",ms_status=1,ms_sccode='" + iSourceCode + "' ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sql.Clear();
+ sql.Append("merge into makeserial using mes_package_view on (v_outboxcode='" + iOutBoxCode + "' and ms_sncode=");
+ sql.Append("v_barcode and ms_makecode=v_makecode and ms_status=2) when matched then update set ms_nextstepcode=ms_stepcode");
+ sql.Append(",ms_status=1,ms_sccode='" + iSourceCode + "' ");
+ }
ExeSQL.Add("update make set ma_madeqty=(select count(1) from makeserial where ms_makecode='" + iMakeCode + "' and ms_status=2) where ma_code='" + iMakeCode + "'");
@@ -619,6 +573,79 @@ namespace UAS_MES_NEW.PublicMethod
dh.ExecuteSql(sql.ToString(), "insert");
+ /// <summary>
+ ///
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="iSNMakeCode">序列号的工单号</param>
+ /// <param name="iMakeCode">界面上的工单号</param>
+ /// <param name="ChangeMakeCodeNote">是否需要切换工单提醒</param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ public static bool CheckDiffMakeCodeBeforeStepCheck(string iSN, string iMakeCode, bool iChangeMakeCodeNote, out string oMakeCode, out string oErrorMessage)
+ {
+ string oStatus = "";
+ GetMakeInfo(iSN, out oMakeCode, out oStatus, out oErrorMessage);
+ oErrorMessage = "";
+ bool NoteAlready = false;
+ if (iChangeMakeCodeNote)
+ {
+ if (iMakeCode != oMakeCode && oMakeCode != "" && iMakeCode != "" && oStatus != "2")
+ {
+ string ChangeMakeCode = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("序列号" + iSN + "所属工单不同,是否切换?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question).ToString();
+ //如果选择不切换赋值当前界面工单
+ if (ChangeMakeCode != "Yes")
+ {
+ oErrorMessage = "请重新采集序列号";
+ NoteAlready = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NoteAlready = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ oMakeCode = iMakeCode;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (oMakeCode == "" || (oMakeCode != "" && oMakeCode == iMakeCode))
+ {
+ oMakeCode = iMakeCode;
+ }
+ }
+ return (oErrorMessage == "" || oErrorMessage == null);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// 校验方法之后的检测
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="iSNMakecode"></param>
+ /// <param name="iMakeCode"></param>
+ /// <param name="iChangeMakeCodeNote"></param>
+ /// <param name="NoteAlready"></param>
+ public static bool CheckDiffMakeCodeAfterStepCheck(string iSN, string iSNMakecode, bool iChangeMakeCodeNote, bool NoteAlready, Control ctl, out string oErrMessage)
+ {
+ oErrMessage = "";
+ if (iChangeMakeCodeNote && !NoteAlready)
+ {
+ if (iSNMakecode != ctl.Text && ctl.Text != "")
+ {
+ string ChangeMakeCode = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("序列号" + iSN + "所属工单不同,是否切换?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question).ToString();
+ //如果选择不切换赋值当前界面工单
+ if (ChangeMakeCode == "Yes")
+ {
+ ctl.Text = iSNMakecode;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ oErrMessage = "请重新采集序列号";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (oErrMessage == "" || oErrMessage == null);
+ }
public static bool OQCBatchJudge(string iCheckno, string iSourceCode, string iResult, string iRework, string iUserCode, string iRemark, out string oReworkCode, out string oErrorMessage)
oReworkCode = "";
@@ -990,7 +1017,7 @@ namespace UAS_MES_NEW.PublicMethod
return param[4];
- public static bool CheckSNBeforeLoad(string iMakeCode, string iSN, string iFSonCode, string iSonCode, string iRule, string iPrefix, string iLength, string iIfRepeat, out string ErrMessage)
+ public static bool CheckSNBeforeLoad(string iMakeCode, string iSN, string iFSonCode, string iSonCode, string iRule, string iPrefix, string iLength, string iIfRepeat, string iChecksalecode, out string ErrMessage)
DataTable dt;
ErrMessage = "";
@@ -1010,7 +1037,7 @@ namespace UAS_MES_NEW.PublicMethod
ErrMessage = "序列号:" + iSN + "已被工单" + dt.Rows[0]["ms_nextmacode"].ToString() + "使用";
return false;
- if (dt.Rows[0]["ms_salecode"].ToString() != dh.getFieldDataByCondition("make", "ma_salecode", "ma_code='" + iMakeCode + "'").ToString())
+ if ((dt.Rows[0]["ms_salecode"].ToString() != dh.getFieldDataByCondition("make", "ma_salecode", "ma_code='" + iMakeCode + "'").ToString()) && iChecksalecode != "0")
ErrMessage = "序列号对应销售订单与工单不符";
return false;