Browse Source


Hcsy 6 years ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ namespace UAS_MES.Make
                     if (psl_location.Text != "")
-                        DataTable dt =  (DataTable)dh.ExecuteSql("select bd_soncode,bd_location,pr_spec,pr_detail from (with temp1 as (select bd_soncode,bd_location,pr_spec,pr_detail from bomdetail innner join  bom on bo_id=bd_bomid left join product on bd_soncode = pr_code start with bo_mothercode= '" + ma_prodcode.Text + "' connect by bo_mothercode= prior bd_soncode)select * from temp1) where bd_location like '%" + psl_location.Text.ToUpper() + "%' ", "select");
+                        DataTable dt =  (DataTable)dh.ExecuteSql("select bd_soncode,bd_location,pr_spec,pr_detail from (with temp1 as (select bd_soncode,bd_location,pr_spec,pr_detail from bomdetail innner join  bom on bo_id=bd_bomid left join product on bd_soncode = pr_code start with bo_mothercode= '" + ma_prodcode.Text + "' connect by bo_mothercode= prior bd_soncode)select * from temp1) where bd_location = '" + psl_location.Text.ToUpper() + "' OR bd_location LIKE '" + psl_location.Text.ToUpper() + ",%' OR bd_location LIKE '%," + psl_location.Text.ToUpper() + "' OR bd_location LIKE '%," + psl_location.Text.ToUpper() + ",%'", "select");
                         if (dt.Rows.Count >0)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ namespace UAS_MES_NEW.Make
                     if (psl_location.Text != "")
-                        DataTable dt = (DataTable)dh.ExecuteSql("select bd_soncode,bd_location,pr_spec,pr_detail from (with temp1 as (select bd_soncode,bd_location,pr_spec,pr_detail from bomdetail innner join  bom on bo_id=bd_bomid left join product on bd_soncode = pr_code start with bo_mothercode= '" + ma_prodcode.Text + "' connect by bo_mothercode= prior bd_soncode)select * from temp1) where bd_location like '%" + psl_location.Text.ToUpper() + "%' ", "select");
+                        DataTable dt = (DataTable)dh.ExecuteSql("select bd_soncode,bd_location,pr_spec,pr_detail from (with temp1 as (select bd_soncode,bd_location,pr_spec,pr_detail from bomdetail innner join  bom on bo_id=bd_bomid left join product on bd_soncode = pr_code start with bo_mothercode= '" + ma_prodcode.Text + "' connect by bo_mothercode= prior bd_soncode)select * from temp1) where bd_location = '" + psl_location.Text.ToUpper() + "' OR bd_location LIKE '" + psl_location.Text.ToUpper() + ",%' OR bd_location LIKE '%," + psl_location.Text.ToUpper() + "' OR bd_location LIKE '%," + psl_location.Text.ToUpper() + ",%'", "select");
                         if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                             if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)