@@ -240,10 +240,10 @@ namespace UAS_MES_NEW.Make
- sql.Append("select max(ms_id) ms_id,ms_makecode,ma_craftcode,ms_stepcode,ms_firstsn,ms_prodcode,ms_sncode,pr_detail,ms_craftcode,ms_checkno,ms_ifrework,ms_reworkcheckno ");
+ sql.Append("select max(ms_id) ms_id,ms_makecode,ma_craftcode,ms_stepcode,ms_firstsn,ms_prodcode,ms_sncode,ma_bomversion,pr_detail,ms_craftcode,ms_checkno,ms_ifrework,ms_reworkcheckno ");
sql.Append("from makeserial left join make on ms_makecode=ma_code left join product on pr_code=ms_prodcode where ms_makecode ='" + macode + "' and ms_sncode in(");
sql.Append("select '" + GetSNCode.Text + "' from dual union select firstsn from makesnrelation where ");
- sql.Append("sn='" + GetSNCode.Text + "') group by ms_makecode,ms_stepcode,ms_prodcode,ma_craftcode,ms_sncode,pr_detail,ms_firstsn,ms_craftcode,ms_checkno,ms_ifrework,ms_reworkcheckno");
+ sql.Append("sn='" + GetSNCode.Text + "') group by ms_makecode,ms_stepcode,ms_prodcode,ma_craftcode,ms_sncode,ma_bomversion,pr_detail,ms_firstsn,ms_craftcode,ms_checkno,ms_ifrework,ms_reworkcheckno");
dt = (DataTable)dh.ExecuteSql(sql.GetString(), "select");
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
@@ -252,31 +252,40 @@ namespace UAS_MES_NEW.Make
BaseUtil.SetFormValue(this.Controls, dt);
firstsn = dt.Rows[0]["ms_firstsn"].ToString();
+ string ma_bomversion = dt.Rows[0]["ma_bomversion"].ToString();
string cdstepcode = "";
+ //sql.Clear();
+ //sql.Append("select cm_craftcode,cm_stepcode,cm_soncode,min(cm_indate)cm_indate,sum(case when cm_status=-1 ");
+ //sql.Append("then 0 else 1 end)qty from craftmaterial left join product on pr_code=cm_soncode where(cm_sncode ");
+ //sql.Append("in (select sn from makesnrelation where firstsn='" + firstsn + "' union select '" + firstsn + "' from dual)) ");
+ //sql.Append("and cm_craftcode='" + cr_code.Text + "'and nvl(cm_lastdeco,0)<>0 group by cm_craftcode,cm_stepcode,cm_soncode having ");
+ //sql.Append("sum(case when cm_status=-1 then 0 else 1 end)=0 order by cm_indate");
- sql.Append("select cm_craftcode,cm_stepcode,cm_soncode,min(cm_indate)cm_indate,sum(case when cm_status=-1 ");
- sql.Append("then 0 else 1 end)qty from craftmaterial left join product on pr_code=cm_soncode where(cm_sncode ");
- sql.Append("in (select sn from makesnrelation where firstsn='" + firstsn + "' union select '" + firstsn + "' from dual)) ");
- sql.Append("and cm_craftcode='" + cr_code.Text + "'and nvl(cm_lastdeco,0)<>0 group by cm_craftcode,cm_stepcode,cm_soncode having ");
- sql.Append("sum(case when cm_status=-1 then 0 else 1 end)=0 order by cm_indate");
+ sql.Append("select sp_stepcode cm_stepcode,sp_craftcode cm_craftcode from stepproduct left join product on pr_code=sp_fsoncode where sp_bomversion='" + ma_bomversion + "' and ");
+ sql.Append("sp_craftcode='" + cr_code.Text + "' And sp_mothercode ='" + ms_prodcode.Text + "' and sp_tracekind=1 ");
+ //sql.Append("sp_craftcode=v_v_mscraftcode and sp_stepcode='' And sp_mothercode ='"+ms_prodcode.Text+"' and sp_tracekind=1");
+ sql.Append("and not exists(select 1 from craftmaterial where cm_sncode in (select '" + firstsn + "' from dual union ");
+ sql.Append("select sn from makesnrelation where firstsn='" + firstsn + "') and cm_makecode='" + macode + "' and ");
+ sql.Append("cm_fsoncode=sp_fsoncode and cm_status=0) and instr((select ms_paststep from makeserial where ms_firstsn='" + firstsn + "'),sp_stepcode)>0 order by SP_DETNO asc");
dt = (DataTable)dh.ExecuteSql(sql.GetString(), "select");
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
+ cdstepcode = dt.Rows[0]["cm_stepcode"].ToString();
- if (dh.getFieldDataByCondition("craft left join craftdetail on cr_id=cd_crid", "nvl(cd_ifburnin,0)", "cr_code='" + cr_code.Text + "' and cr_prodcode='" + ms_prodcode.Text + "' and cd_stepcode='" + dt.Rows[0]["cm_stepcode"].ToString() + "'").ToString() != "0")
- cdstepcode = dt.Rows[0]["cm_stepcode"].ToString();
- else
- {
- string nextstep = LogicHandler.GetNextStep(dt.Rows[0]["cm_craftcode"].ToString(), dt.Rows[0]["cm_stepcode"].ToString(), ms_prodcode.Text);
- if (ms_paststep.Contains(nextstep))
- {
- cdstepcode = nextstep;
- }
- else
- {
- cdstepcode = dt.Rows[0]["cm_stepcode"].ToString();
- }
- }
+ //if (dh.getFieldDataByCondition("craft left join craftdetail on cr_id=cd_crid", "nvl(cd_ifburnin,0)", "cr_code='" + cr_code.Text + "' and cr_prodcode='" + ms_prodcode.Text + "' and cd_stepcode='" + dt.Rows[0]["cm_stepcode"].ToString() + "'").ToString() != "0")
+ // cdstepcode = dt.Rows[0]["cm_stepcode"].ToString();
+ //else
+ //{
+ //string nextstep = LogicHandler.GetNextStep(dt.Rows[0]["cm_craftcode"].ToString(), dt.Rows[0]["cm_stepcode"].ToString(), ms_prodcode.Text);
+ // if (ms_paststep.Contains(nextstep))
+ // {
+ // cdstepcode = nextstep;
+ // }
+ // else
+ // {
+ // cdstepcode = dt.Rows[0]["cm_stepcode"].ToString();
+ // }
+ //}
@@ -309,7 +318,15 @@ namespace UAS_MES_NEW.Make
if (cdstepcode == "")
- cdstepcode = ms_stepcode;
+ string flowback = dh.getFieldDataByCondition("craftdetail left JOIN craft on cr_id = cd_crid", "cd_stepcode", "cr_code= '" + cr_code.Text + "' and cr_prodcode = '" + ms_prodcode.Text + "' and nvl(cd_ifflowback,0)=-1").ToString();
+ if (flowback != "")
+ {
+ cdstepcode = flowback;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cdstepcode = ms_stepcode;
+ }
cd_stepcode.Text = cdstepcode;
//if (dh.getFieldDataByCondition("craftdetail left JOIN craft on cr_id = cd_crid", "nvl(cd_ifinput,0)cd_ifinput", "cr_code= '" + cr_code.Text + "' and cr_prodcode = '" + ms_prodcode.Text + "' and cd_stepcode = '" + cd_stepcode.Text + "'").ToString() == "-1")
@@ -584,6 +601,7 @@ namespace UAS_MES_NEW.Make
+ GetSNCode.Focus();