Ext.define('erp.view.common.DeskTop.MoreFlow', { extend : 'Ext.Viewport', layout : 'fit', hideBorders : true, initComponent : function() { var me = this; Ext.apply(me, { items : [{ xtype : 'erpDeskTabPanel', bodyStyle : { border : 'none' }, bodyBorder : false, items : [{ title : '待办流程', anchor : '100% 100%', xtype : 'erpDatalistGridPanel', id : 'toDo', url:'jsps/common/jprocessDeal.jsp', caller : 'JProcess!Me', firstPage:true, keyField:'jp_nodeId', pfField:null, defaultCondition : 'JP_NODEDEALMAN=\'' + em_code + '\' and jp_status=\'' + "待审批" + '\'', //dockedItems : [{}], showRowNum : false, selModel : Ext.create( 'Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', { checkOnly : true, headerWidth : 0 }) }, { tbar : ['->',{ xtype:'checkbox', name:'only_todo', boxLabel:'仅显示待审批流程', labelAlign:'left', inputValue:1 },{ xtype : 'erpProcessRemindButton', style: { marginRight: '10px', marginLeft: '10px' } }], title : '已发起流程', anchor : '100% 100%', xtype : 'erpDatalistGridPanel', id : 'alreadyLaunch', caller : 'JProcess!Launch', firstPage:true, keyField:'jp_nodeId', pfField:null, defaultCondition : 'jp_launcherid=\'' + em_code + '\'', dockedItems : [{ id : 'pagingtoolbar4', xtype: 'erpDatalistToolbar', dock: 'bottom', displayInfo: true }], showRowNum : false, selModel : Ext.create( 'Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', { checkOnly : true, headerWidth : 30 }), plugins : [Ext.create( 'erp.view.core.grid.HeaderFilter' ), Ext.create('erp.view.core.plugin.CopyPasteMenu')] }, { title : '已处理流程', anchor : '100% 100%', xtype : 'erpDatalistGridPanel', id : 'alreadyDo', caller : 'JProcess!Done', url:'jsps/common/jprocessDeal.jsp?_do=1', firstPage:true, keyField:'jp_nodeId', pfField:null, defaultCondition : 'JP_NODEDEALMAN=\'' + em_code + '\' and jp_status<>\'' + "待审批" + '\'', dockedItems : [{ id : 'pagingtoolbar5', xtype: 'erpDatalistToolbar', dock: 'bottom', displayInfo: true }], showRowNum : false, selModel : Ext.create( 'Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', { checkOnly : true, headerWidth : 0 }), plugins : [Ext.create( 'erp.view.core.grid.HeaderFilter'), Ext.create('erp.view.core.plugin.CopyPasteMenu')] }] }] }); me.callParent(arguments); } });