Ext.define('erp.view.common.DeskTop.MoreInfo', { extend : 'Ext.Viewport', layout : 'anchor', hideBorders : true, initComponent : function() { var me = this; Ext.apply(me, { items : [{xtype: 'toolbar', region: 'north', anchor: '100% 5%', items : ['->',{ xtype : 'button', text:'即时沟通', id:'contact', cls: 'x-btn-gray', iconCls: 'x-button-icon-chat', style: { marginRight: '10px' }, width: 100 },{ xtype : 'button', text:'发布通知', id:'addNote', cls: 'x-btn-gray', iconCls: 'group-post', style: { marginRight: '10px' }, width: 100 },{ xtype : 'button', text:'发布新闻', id:'addNews', cls: 'x-btn-gray', iconCls:'x-button-icon-content', style: { marginRight: '10px' }, width: 100 }] } ,{ xtype : 'erpDeskTabPanel', anchor: '100% 95%', bodyStyle : { border : 'none' }, bodyBorder : false, items : [{ title : '内部通知', anchor : '100% 100%', xtype : 'erpDatalistGridPanel', id : 'Inform', keyField:'no_id', pfField:null, url:'jsps/oa/info/NoteR.jsp', caller :'Note', firstPage:true, defaultCondition : 'no_infotype=\'TZ\' and em_id='+em_id+' and (\''+em_type+'\'=\'admin\' or (no_id in (select no_id from note where no_approver=\''+em_type+'\' or no_ispublic=-1 or no_ispublic=1 or no_ispublic=0 and no_id in (SELECT NO_ID FROM EMPSNOTES WHERE EMP_ID ='+em_id+'))))', showRowNum : false },{ title : '行政公告', anchor : '100% 100%', xtype : 'erpDatalistGridPanel', id : 'Notice', keyField:'no_id', pfField:null, url:'jsps/oa/info/NoteR.jsp', caller :'Note', firstPage:true, defaultCondition :'no_infotype=\'GG\' and em_id='+em_id+' and (\''+em_type+'\'=\'admin\' or (no_id in (select no_id from note where no_approver=\''+em_type+'\' or no_ispublic=-1 or no_ispublic=1 or no_ispublic=0 and no_id in (SELECT NO_ID FROM EMPSNOTES WHERE EMP_ID ='+em_id+'))))', dockedItems : [{ id : 'pagingtoolbar3', xtype: 'erpDatalistToolbar', dock: 'bottom', displayInfo: true }], showRowNum : false, plugins : [Ext.create( 'erp.view.core.grid.HeaderFilter' ), Ext.create('erp.view.core.plugin.CopyPasteMenu')] },{ title : '时事新闻', anchor : '100% 100%', xtype : 'erpDatalistGridPanel', id : 'News', keyField:'ne_id', pfField:null, url:'jsps/oa/news/NewsR.jsp', caller :'News', firstPage:true, defaultCondition : '', dockedItems : [{ id : 'pagingtoolbar2', xtype: 'erpDatalistToolbar', dock: 'bottom', displayInfo: true }], showRowNum : false, plugins : [Ext.create( 'erp.view.core.grid.HeaderFilter' ), Ext.create('erp.view.core.plugin.CopyPasteMenu')] }] }] }); me.callParent(arguments); } });