/** * Ext.App * @extends Ext.util.Observable * @author Chris Scott */ Ext.define('Ext.App', { extend: 'Ext.util.Observable', /*** * response status codes. */ STATUS_EXCEPTION : 'exception', STATUS_VALIDATION_ERROR : "validation", STATUS_ERROR: "error", STATUS_NOTICE: "notice", STATUS_OK: "ok", STATUS_HELP: "help", /** * @cfg {Object} api * remoting api. should be defined in your own config js. */ api: { url: null, type: null, actions: {} }, // private, ref to message-box Element. msgCt : null, constructor: function(config) { this.views = []; this.initStateProvider(); Ext.apply(this, config); if (!this.api.actions) { this.api.actions = {}; } Ext.onReady(this.onReady, this); Ext.App.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, // @protected, onReady, executes when Ext.onReady fires. onReady : function() { // create the msgBox container. used for App.setAlert this.msgCt = Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(document.body, {id:'msg-div'}, true); this.msgCt.setStyle('position', 'absolute'); this.msgCt.setStyle('z-index', 9999); this.msgCt.setWidth(300); }, initStateProvider : function() { /* * set days to be however long you think cookies should last */ var days = ''; // expires when browser closes if(days){ var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var exptime = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else { var exptime = null; } // register provider with state manager. Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(Ext.create('Ext.state.CookieProvider', { path: '/', expires: exptime, domain: null, secure: false })); }, /** * registerView * register an application view component. * @param {Object} view */ registerView : function(view) { this.views.push(view); }, /** * getViews * return list of registered views */ getViews : function() { return this.views; }, /** * registerActions * registers new actions for API * @param {Object} actions */ registerActions : function(actions) { Ext.apply(this.api.actions, actions); }, /** * getAPI * return Ext Remoting api */ getAPI : function() { return this.api; }, /*** * setAlert * show the message box. Aliased to addMessage * @param {String} msg * @param {Bool} status */ setAlert : function(status, msg) { this.addMessage(status, msg); }, /*** * adds a message to queue. * @param {String} msg * @param {Bool} status */ addMessage : function(status, msg) { var delay = 3; // <-- default delay of msg box is 1 second. if (status == false) { delay = 5; // <-- when status is error, msg box delay is 3 seconds. } // add some smarts to msg's duration (div by 13.3 between 3 & 9 seconds) delay = msg.length / 13.3; if (delay < 3) { delay = 3; } else if (delay > 9) { delay = 9; } this.msgCt.alignTo(document, 't-t'); Ext.DomHelper.append(this.msgCt, {html:this.buildMessageBox(status, String.format.apply(String, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)))}, true).slideIn('t').pause(delay).ghost("t", {remove:true}); }, /*** * buildMessageBox */ buildMessageBox : function(title, msg) { switch (title) { case true: title = this.STATUS_OK; break; case false: title = this.STATUS_ERROR; break; } return [ '
', '
', '

', title, '

', msg, '
', '
', '
' ].join(''); }, /** * decodeStatusIcon * @param {Object} status */ decodeStatusIcon : function(status) { var iconCls = ''; switch (status) { case true: case this.STATUS_OK: iconCls = this.ICON_OK; break; case this.STATUS_NOTICE: iconCls = this.ICON_NOTICE; break; case false: case this.STATUS_ERROR: iconCls = this.ICON_ERROR; break; case this.STATUS_HELP: iconCls = this.ICON_HELP; break; } return iconCls; }, /*** * setViewState, alias for Ext.state.Manager.set * @param {Object} key * @param {Object} value */ setViewState : function(key, value) { Ext.state.Manager.set(key, value); }, /*** * getViewState, aliaz for Ext.state.Manager.get * @param {Object} cmd */ getViewState : function(key) { return Ext.state.Manager.get(key); }, /** * t * translation function. needs to be implemented. simply echos supplied word back currently. * @param {String} to translate * @return {String} translated. */ t : function(words) { return words; }, handleResponse : function(res) { if (res.type == this.STATUS_EXCEPTION) { return this.handleException(res); } if (res.message.length > 0) { this.setAlert(res.status, res.message); } }, handleException : function(res) { Ext.MessageBox.alert(res.type.toUpperCase(), res.message); } });