/** * @class Ext.ux.SlidingPager * @extends Object * Plugin for PagingToolbar which replaces the textfield input with a slider * @constructor * Create a new ItemSelector * @param {Object} config Configuration options */ Ext.define('Ext.ux.SlidingPager', { extend: 'Object', requires: [ 'Ext.slider.Single', 'Ext.slider.Tip' ], constructor : function(config) { if (config) { Ext.apply(this, config); } }, init : function(pbar){ var idx = pbar.items.indexOf(pbar.child("#inputItem")), slider; Ext.each(pbar.items.getRange(idx - 2, idx + 2), function(c){ c.hide(); }); slider = Ext.create('Ext.slider.Single', { width: 114, minValue: 1, maxValue: 1, hideLabel: true, tipText: function(thumb) { return Ext.String.format('Page {0} of {1}', thumb.value, thumb.slider.maxValue); }, listeners: { changecomplete: function(s, v){ pbar.store.loadPage(v); } } }); pbar.insert(idx + 1, slider); pbar.on({ change: function(pb, data){ slider.setMaxValue(data.pageCount); slider.setValue(data.currentPage); } }); } });