Ext.define('erp.view.common.main.Header', { extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel', alias: 'widget.erpHeader', initComponent: function() { var me = this; Ext.applyIf(this, { region: 'north', bodyStyle: "background-image: url('" + basePath + "resource/images/header_gray.png')", layout: 'hbox', layoutConfig: { padding: '5', align: 'middle' }, defaults: {margins:'3 5 0 0'}, items: [{ xtype: 'image', width: 85, height: 30, margins: '0 5 0 0', src : basePath + 'resource/images/uas.png' },{ xtype: 'tbtext', align: 'stretch', text: ''+$I18N.common.main.sysTitle+'' },{ xtype: 'tbtext', flex: 10, text: '' },{ xtype: 'button', text: '选项', height: 24, align: 'stretch', pack: 'end', cls: 'main-btn-underline', overCls: 'main-btn-underline-over', menu: [{ iconCls: 'menuitem-lock', text: '锁定屏幕', id: 'lock' },{ xtype: 'menuseparator' },{ iconCls: 'main-msg', text: '系统设置', menu: [{ iconCls: 'main-msg', text: '修改密码', id: 'set-pwd' },{ iconCls:'main-msg', text:'弹出消息', checked: true, xtype: 'menucheckitem', overflow: 'visible', labelAlign:'left', id:'set-msg', listeners:{ afterrender:function(com){ Ext.Ajax.request({ method:'post', url:basePath+'common/getMsgSet.action?_noc=1', callback : function(options,success,response){ var res = new Ext.decode(response.responseText); if(res.exceptionInfo != null){ showError(res.exceptionInfo);return; }else if(res.success){ com.setChecked(res.IsRemaind); } } }); }, click:function(item,e){ var msg=item.checked?'确认启用消息提醒吗?':'确认取消消息提醒吗?'; var remind=item.checked?1:0; Ext.MessageBox.show({ title:'消息设置?', msg: msg, buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO, icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING, fn: function(btn){ if(btn == 'yes'){ Ext.Ajax.request({ url:basePath+'common/setMsgRemaind.action?_noc=1', params: { remind:remind }, method : 'post', callback : function(options,success,response){ var local=Ext.decode(response.responseText); if(local.success) { Ext.Msg.alert('提示','设置成功!'); }else { showError(local.exceptionInfo); } } }); } else if(btn == 'no'){ //不保存 e.record.reject(); } else { return; } } }); } } }] },{ iconCls: 'main-msg', text: '开发者工具', menu: [{ xtype: 'menucheckitem', text: '显示栈轨迹', listeners: { afterrender: function(item) { Ext.Ajax.request({ url: basePath + 'common/usersetting/develop.action', method: 'GET', callback: function(opt, s, res) { var r = Ext.decode(res.responseText); item.setChecked(r.debug); } }); }, click: function(item) { Ext.Ajax.request({ url: basePath + 'common/usersetting/develop.action', method: 'POST', params: { debug: item.checked }, callback: function(opt, s) { if (s) { Ext.Msg.alert('提示', '系统错误提示内容将' + (item.checked ? '' : '不再') + '显示栈轨迹!'); } } }); } } }] },{ iconCls: 'main-msg', text: '关于优软', handler: function(){ window.open('http://www.usoftchina.com'); } }] },{ xtype: 'tbtext', align: 'end', text: '|' },{ xtype: 'button', text: '任务', height: 24, align: 'stretch', pack: 'end', cls: 'main-btn-underline', overCls: 'main-btn-underline-over', menu: [{ iconCls: 'main-task', text: '发起任务', handler: function(b){ var win = b.taskwin; if(!win) { b.taskwin = win = Ext.create('erp.view.core.window.Task'); } win.show(); } },{ iconCls: 'main-task', text: '我的待办任务', handler:function(){ openTable("我的待办任务",'jsps/common/datalist.jsp?whoami=ResourceAssignment!Bill&_noc=1&urlcondition=ra_emid=' + em_uu + ' AND ra_taskpercentdone<100 ','Task'); } },{ iconCls: 'main-task', text: '我的超时任务', handler:function(){ openTable("我的超时任务",'jsps/common/datalist.jsp?whoami=ResourceAssignment!Bill&_noc=1&urlcondition=ra_emid=' + em_uu + ' AND ra_taskpercentdone<100 AND ra_enddate\'待审批\' ', 'MyProcess'); } },{ iconCls:'main-msg', text:'我发起的待办流程', handler:function(){ openTable("我发起的待办流程",'jsps/common/datalist.jsp?whoami=JProcess!Header&_do=1&_noc=1&urlcondition=jp_launcherid=\'' + em_code + '\' AND jp_status=\'待审批'+'\' ','MyProcess'); } },{ iconCls:'main-msg', text:'我发起的超时流程', handler:function(){ openTable("我发起的超时流程",'jsps/common/datalist.jsp?whoami=JProcess!Header&_do=1&_noc=1&urlcondition=jp_launcherid=\'' + em_code + '\' AND jp_status=\'待审批'+'\' ','MyProcess'); } },{ iconCls:'main-msg', text:'我发起已结束流程', handler:function(){ openTable("我发起已结束流程",'jsps/common/datalist.jsp?whoami=JProcess!Header&_noc=1&_do=1&&urlcondition=(jp_launcherid=\'' + em_code + '\' AND jp_status=\'已审批'+'\') or (jp_launcherid=\'' + em_code + '\' AND jp_status=\'已结束'+'\') ','MyProcess'); } }] },{ xtype: 'tbtext', align: 'end', text: '|', margins: '3 5 0 0' },{ xtype: 'button', align: 'end', height: 24, text: $I18N.common.main.changeMaster, cls: 'main-btn-underline', overCls: 'main-btn-underline-over', menu: me.getMasterMenu(), margins: '3 5 0 0' },{ xtype: 'tbtext', align: 'end', text: '|' },{ xtype: 'button', align: 'end', height: 24, text: $I18N.common.main.relogin, cls: 'main-btn-underline', overCls: 'main-btn-underline-over', handler: function(){ main_relogin(); } },{ xtype: 'tbtext', align: 'end', text: '|' },{ xtype: 'button', height: 24, align: 'end', text: $I18N.common.main.logout, cls: 'main-btn-underline', overCls: 'main-btn-underline-over', handler: function(){ logout(); } }], height: 35 }); this.callParent(arguments); }, prefix: 'uu-', addUU: function(p, f, u) { if(!Ext.isEmpty(f.value)) { var me = this, enval = escape(f.value); var tx = '' + f.value + ''; var bt = this.down('button[uumsg=' + enval + ']'); if(!bt) { this.insert(3, { text: tx, name: this.prefix + u.uu_field, xtype: 'button', height: 24, isuu: true, uumsg: enval, relative: { panel: p, field: f, uu: u }, cls: 'x-btn-bw', iconCls: 'x-btn-uu-medium', margins: '3 5 0 0', handler: function(btn) { var u = btn.relative.uu; if(u) { me.openUUClient(u, unescape(btn.uumsg)); } } }); } } }, clearUU: function() { var me = this, uu = me.query('button[isuu=true]'); Ext.each(uu, function(u){ me.remove(u); }); }, removeUU: function(p) { var me = this, uu = me.query('button[isuu=true]'); Ext.each(uu, function(u){ var pl = u.relative.panel; if(pl.id == p.id) me.remove(u); }); }, refreshUU: function(panel, form, uu) { var me = this; this.clearUU(); Ext.each(uu, function(u){ var f = form.down('#' + u.uu_field); if(f) { if(!(u.uu_ftype == 1 && f.value == em_code) && !(u.uu_ftype == 2 && f.value == em_name)) {//排除自己 me.addUU(panel, f, u); } } }); }, openUUClient: function(u, val) { var ef = 'em_name', tab = 'Employee', uuf = 'em_uu'; switch(u.uu_ftype) { case 0: ef = 'em_id';break; case 1: ef = 'em_code';break; case 2: ef = 'em_name';break; case 3: ef = 'em_uu';break; case 4: ef = 've_id';tab = "Vendor";uuf = "ve_uu";break; case 5: ef = 've_code';tab = "Vendor";uuf = "ve_uu";break; case 6: ef = 've_name';tab = "Vendor";uuf = "ve_uu";break; case 7: ef = 've_uu';tab = "Vendor";uuf = "ve_uu";break; case 8: ef = 'cu_id';tab = "Customer";uuf = "cu_uu";break; case 9: ef = 'cu_code';tab = "Customer";uuf = "cu_uu";break; case 10: ef = 'cu_name';tab = "Customer";uuf = "cu_uu";break; case 11: ef = 'cu_uu';tab = "Customer";uuf = "cu_uu";break; } if(ef == uuf) { window.location = 'uas:' + val + '@'; } else { Ext.Ajax.request({ url : basePath + 'common/getFieldData.action', params: { caller: tab, field: uuf, condition: ef + '=\'' + val + '\'' }, method : 'post', callback : function(options,success,response){ var rs = new Ext.decode(response.responseText); if(rs.exceptionInfo){ showError(rs.exceptionInfo); } else if(rs.success){ var uu = rs.data; if(Ext.isEmpty(uu)){ showError(val + ' 的关联UU号为空!'); } else { window.location = 'uas:' + uu + '@'; } } } }); } }, getMasterMenu : function() { var me = this; var menu = Ext.create('Ext.menu.Menu', { listeners: { buffer: 100, beforeshow: function(m) { me.getMasters(m); }, afterrender: function( menu ) { menu.tip = new Ext.ToolTip({ target: menu.getEl().getAttribute("id"), delegate: ".x-menu-item", trackMouse: true, renderTo: document.body, text: "text", title: "", width: 160, height: 50, listeners: { beforeshow: function updateTip( tip ) { var menuItem = menu.down('#' + tip.triggerElement.id ); if( !menuItem.initialConfig.qtip ) return false; tip.body.dom.innerHTML = menuItem.initialConfig.qtip; } } }); } } }); return menu; }, getMasters : function(m) { var me = this; if (m.items.items.length == 0 && !m.loaded) { // 取账套配置,以及账套权限配置 Ext.Ajax.request({ url: basePath + 'common/getMasters.action', method: 'GET', callback: function(opt, s, r) { if (s) { var rs = Ext.decode(r.responseText), c = rs.currentMaster, g = rs.group, _t = rs._type, _m = rs._master, _ma = new Array(), items = new Array(); if(_m != null) { _ma = _m.split(','); } for(var i in rs.masters) { var s = rs.masters[i]; if("true" === g && "admin" !== _t) { if(!Ext.Array.contains(_ma, s.ma_name)) { if(s.ma_type == 2) { if(!s.ma_soncode) continue; var h = s.ma_soncode.split(','), _b = false; for (j in h ) { if(Ext.Array.contains(_ma, h[j])) { _b = true;break; } }; if(!_b) continue; } else continue; } } var o = {text: s.ma_function, master: s, qtip: s.ma_name, listeners: { click: function(b) { me.changeMaster(b); } }}; if (s.ma_name == c) { o.iconCls = 'main-todo'; o.disabled = true; } items.push(o); } m.add(items); m.show(); m.loaded = true; } } }); } }, changeMaster : function(b) { var me = this, tab = me.ownerCt.down('tabpanel'), bt = me.ownerCt.down('erpBottom'),tree=me.ownerCt.down('erpTreePanel'); warnMsg('确定切换到' + b.text + '?', function(t){ if(t == 'yes' || t == 'ok') { Ext.Ajax.request({ url: basePath + 'common/changeMaster.action', params: { to: b.qtip }, callback: function(opt, s, r) { var rs = Ext.decode(r.responseText); if(rs.success) { if (tab) { var p = tab.plugins[0]; if (p) { p.doClose(true); } bt.update({sob: b.text}); window.sob = b.qtip; var m = b.ownerCt, items = m.items.items; Ext.each(items, function(){ if(this.id == b.id) { this.setIconCls('main-todo'); this.setDisabled(true); } else { this.setIconCls(' '); this.setDisabled(false); } }); var home = tab.down('#HomePage'); if (home) { home.getEl().down('iframe').dom.contentWindow.location.reload(); } } else { window.location.reload(); } } else { alert('切换失败,请检查您在(' + b.qtip + ')的账号和密码.'); } } }); } }); } });