Ext.ns('App'); App = { webforms: {}, init: function() { Ext.QuickTips.init(); this.propertyManager = new App.property.PropertyManager(); this.workbenchWindow = new Gef.ui.support.DefaultWorkbenchWindow(); var viewport = new Ext.Viewport({ id:'viewport', layout: 'border', items: [ this.createNorth(), this.createSouth(), this.createWest(), this.createEast(), this.createCenter() ], listeners: { click: { element: 'el', //bind to the underlying el property on the panel fn: function(){ console.log('click el'); } }, dblclick: { element: 'body', //bind to the underlying body property on the panel fn: function(){ console.log('dblclick body'); } } } }); this.initEditor(); setTimeout(function() { Ext.get('loading').remove(); Ext.get('loading-mask').fadeOut({remove:true}); }, 100); }, initEditor: function() { var xml = " "+ ""+ ""+ ""; var editor = new Gef.jbs.ExtEditor(); var input = new Gef.jbs.JBSEditorInput(); input.readXml(xml); //var workbenchWindow = new Gef.ui.support.DefaultWorkbenchWindow(); this.workbenchWindow.getActivePage().openEditor(editor, input); this.workbenchWindow.render(); Gef.activeEditor = editor; this.propertyManager.initSelectionListener(editor); // Ext.getCmp('pr_constructor').setValue(en_uu); 设置操作人 }, getProcessModel: function() { var viewer = Gef.activeEditor.getGraphicalViewer(); var processEditPart = viewer.getContents(); return processEditPart.model; }, createNorth: function() { var p = null; if (Gef.MODE_DEMO === true) { p = new Ext.Panel({ region: 'north' }); } else { p = new Ext.Panel({ region: 'north' //height: 60, /* html: '


'*/ }); } App.northPanel = p; return p; }, createSouth: function() { var p = this.propertyManager.getBottom(); return p; }, createWest: function() { var p = new App.PalettePanel({ collapsible: true //修复bug 可以伸缩 zhouy }); App.westPanel = p; return p; }, createEast: function() { var p = this.propertyManager.getRight(); //zhouy 2013-08-27 点击节点属性编辑界面 会点中center 流程设置 p.on('render',function(){ p.getEl().on('mouseover',function(){ Gef.activeEditor.disable(); }); p.getEl().on('mouseout',function(){ Gef.activeEditor.enable(); }); },this); return p; }, createCenter: function() { var p = new App.CanvasPanel(); App.centerPanel = p; return p; }, getSelectionListener: function() { if (!this.selectionListener) { this.selectionListener = new Gef.jbs.ExtSelectionListener(null); } return this.selectionListener; } }; /* Gef.override(App.PalettePanel, { configItems: function() { this.html = 'sdfasfdfdsa'; } }); */ //Gef.PALETTE_TYPE = 'plain'; Gef.PALETTE_TYPE = 'accordion'; Ext.onReady(App.init, App); Gef.DEPLOY_URL = '../../console/d!deployJpdl.do'; Gef.SAVE_URL = '../../console/d!saveJpdl.do'; App.CanvasPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { //中间画板 2013-3-6 10:31:05 wuw id:'canvaspanel', xmlValidate:function(){ //jpdl规范校验 2013-3-6 10:31:12 wuw var xmlString = arguments[0]; var xmlDoc = null; try //IE 浏览器 { xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.async="false"; xmlDoc.loadXML(xmlString); } catch(e) { console.log(e.message); try //Firefox, Mozilla, 浏览器 { parser=new DOMParser(); xmlDoc=parser.parseFromString(xmlString,"text/xml"); var tasks = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('task'); for(var i=0;i=0||sqlString.indexOf("insert")>=0||sqlString.indexOf('delete')>=0){ Ext.Msg.alert("温馨提示",new String(sqls[i].getAttribute('name')).fontcolor("Red").fontsize(5)+"节点的查询语句中含有敏感字符 !"); return false; } if(sqlString.indexOf("select")<0||sqlString.indexOf("from")<0){ Ext.Msg.alert("温馨提示",new String(sqls[i].getAttribute('name')).fontcolor("Red").fontsize(5)+"节点的查询语句语法错误 !"); return false; } } var transitions = sqls[i].getElementsByTagName('transition'); if(transitions.length>1){ Ext.Msg.alert("温馨提示",new String(sqls[i].getAttribute('name')).fontcolor("Red").fontsize(5)+" 节点不能有两条及以上的流出连线 !"); return false; } } var decisions = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('decision'); //对 decision 节点的校验…… console.log(decisions); for(var i=0;i 0) { request.role = { name: 'REMOVE_NODES', nodes: nodes }; this.executeCommand(viewer.getContents(), request); selectionManager.clearAll(); } }, executeCommand: function(editPart, request) { var command = editPart.getCommand(request); // console.log(command); 他妈的,问题就出现在这一行,当一个task 节点 有两个节点时,上一行代码就有问题啊 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊,哈哈哈 if (command != null) { Gef.activeEditor.getGraphicalViewer().getEditDomain().getCommandStack().execute(command); } } }); /* * Compressed by JSA(www.xidea.org) */ Layout = function(editor) { this.editor = editor; this.processEditPart = editor.getGraphicalViewer().getContents(); this.processModel = this.processEditPart.getModel(); }; Layout.prototype = { doLayout: function() { var diagram = new Diagram(); diagram.init(this.processModel); var sorter = new TopologicalSorter(diagram); var sortedElements = sorter.getSortedElements(); var sortedIds = []; for (var i = 0; i < sortedElements.length; i++) { sortedIds.push(sortedElements[i].id); } //console.info(sortedIds); var layouter = new LeftToRightGridLayouter(diagram, sortedIds); layouter.doLayout(); var edgeMap = diagram.getEdgeMap(); for (var edgeId in edgeMap) { var edge = edgeMap[edgeId]; new EdgeLayouter(layouter.grid, edge); } diagram.updateModel(); } }; ; Diagram = function() { }; Diagram.prototype = { getNodeMap: function() { return this.nodeMap; }, getEdgeMap: function() { return this.edgeMap; }, init: function(process) { this.process = process; this.nodeMap = {}; this.edgeMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < this.process.children.length; i++) { var child = process.children[i]; var node = new Node(); node.id = child.text; node.type = child.type; node.x = child.x; node.y = child.y; node.w = child.w; node.h = child.h; this.nodeMap[node.id] = node; } for (var i = 0; i < this.process.children.length; i++) { var child = process.children[i]; for (var j = 0; j < child.getOutgoingConnections().length; j++) { var connection = child.getOutgoingConnections()[j]; this.createEdge(connection); } } }, createEdge: function(connection) { var connectionId = connection.getSource().text + '_' + connection.getTarget().text; var edge = this.edgeMap[connectionId]; if (!edge) { edge = new Edge(); edge.id = connectionId; edge.name = connection.text; edge.source = this.nodeMap[connection.getSource().text]; edge.target = this.nodeMap[connection.getTarget().text]; edge.source.outgoingLinks.push(edge); edge.target.incomingLinks.push(edge); this.edgeMap[connectionId] = edge; } }, updateModel: function() { for (var nodeId in this.nodeMap) { var item = this.nodeMap[nodeId]; var model = this.getModel(nodeId); model.x = item.x; model.y = item.y; model.getEditPart().getFigure().x = model.x; model.getEditPart().getFigure().y = model.y; for (var i = 0; i < item.outgoingLinks.length; i++) { var connection = item.outgoingLinks[i]; var connectionModel = this.getConnectionModel(model, connection); if (connectionModel == null) { continue; } connectionModel.innerPoints = typeof connection.innerPoints == 'undefined' ? [] : connection.innerPoints; connectionModel.textX = 0; connectionModel.textY = 0; connectionModel.getEditPart().getFigure().innerPoints = connectionModel.innerPoints; connectionModel.getEditPart().getFigure().textX = connectionModel.textX; connectionModel.getEditPart().getFigure().textY = connectionModel.textY; } } this.process.getEditPart().refresh(); }, getModel: function(name) { var model = null; Gef.each(this.process.children, function(item) { if (item.text == name) { model = item; return false; } }); return model; }, getConnectionModel: function(nodeModel, edge) { var model = null; Gef.each(nodeModel.getOutgoingConnections(), function(item) { if (item.getTarget().text == edge.getTarget().id) { model = item; return false; } }); return model; } }; ; // should be change name to LayoutingElement Node = function() { this.incomingLinks = []; this.outgoingLinks = []; }; Node.prototype = { getIncomingLinks: function() { return this.incomingLinks; }, getOutgoingLinks: function() { return this.outgoingLinks; }, getPrecedingElements: function() { var previousElements = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.incomingLinks.length; i++) { previousElements.push(this.incomingLinks[i].source); } return previousElements; }, getFollowingElements: function() { var followingElements = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.outgoingLinks.length; i++) { followingElements.push(this.outgoingLinks[i].target); } return followingElements; }, isJoin: function() { return this.incomingLinks.length > 1; }, isSplit: function() { return this.outgoingLinks.length > 1; }, prevSplit: function() { var distance = 1000; var candidateDistance = 0; var split = null; var candidate = null; var precedingElements = this.getPrecedingElements(); for (var i = 0; i < precedingElements.length; i++) { var elem = precedingElements[i]; if (elem.isSplit()) { return elem; } candidate = elem.prevSplit(); if (this.isJoin()) { // if this is not a join, we have only one precedingElement. candidateDistance = elem.backwardDistanceTo(candidate); } if (candidateDistance < distance) { split = candidate; distance = candidateDistance; } } return split; }, backwardDistanceTo: function(other) { return this._backwardDistanceTo(other, []); }, _backwardDistanceTo: function(other, historyElements) { if (other == this) { return 0; } if (historyElements.indexOf(this) != -1) { return 1000; } var d = 1000; var newHistory = []; newHistory.push(this); var precedingElements = this.getPrecedingElements(); for (var i = 0; i < precedingElements.length; i++) { var el = precedingElements[i]; d = Math.min(d, el._backwardDistanceTo(other, newHistory)); } return d == 1000 ? d : d + 1; } }; ; Edge = function() { this.source = null; this.target = null; }; Edge.prototype = { getSource: function() { return this.source; }, getTarget: function() { return this.target; }, reverseOutgoingAndIncoming: function() { var index = 0; var oldSource = this.source; var oldTarget = this.target; index = oldSource.outgoingLinks.indexOf(this); oldSource.outgoingLinks.splice(index, 1); index = oldTarget.incomingLinks.indexOf(this); oldTarget.incomingLinks.splice(index, 1); var newSource = oldTarget; var newTarget = oldSource; newSource.outgoingLinks.push(this); newTarget.incomingLinks.push(this); this.source = newSource; this.target = newTarget; } }; ; TopologicalSorter = function(diagram) { this.diagram = diagram; this.prepareDataAndSort(true); this.prepareDataAndSort(false); }; TopologicalSorter.prototype = { getSortedElements: function() { return this.sortedElements; }, prepareDataAndSort: function(shouldBackpatch) { this.sortedElements = []; this.elementsToSort = {}; this.backwardsEdges = []; this.elementsToSortCount = 0; this.addAllChildren(); this.topologicalSort(); if (shouldBackpatch === true) { this.backpatchBackwardsEdges(); } this.reverseBackwardsEdges(); }, addAllChildren: function() { for (var nodeId in this.diagram.nodeMap) { var node = this.diagram.nodeMap[nodeId]; this.elementsToSort[nodeId] = new SortableLayoutingElement(node); this.elementsToSortCount++; } }, topologicalSort: function() { var count = 0; var oldCount = 0; while (this.elementsToSortCount > 0) { var freeElements = this.getFreeElements(); if (freeElements.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < freeElements.length; i++) { var freeElement = freeElements[i]; this.sortedElements.push(freeElement.node); this.freeElementsFrom(freeElement); delete this.elementsToSort[freeElement.node.id]; } } else { var entry = this.getLoopEntryPoint(); for (var i = 0; i < entry.incomingLinks.length; i++) { var backId = entry.incomingLinks[i]; entry.reverseIncomingLinkFrom(backId); var elem = this.elementsToSort[backId]; elem.reverseOutgoingLinkTo(entry.node.id); this.backwardsEdges.push(new BackwardsEdge(backId, entry.node.id)); } } } }, backpatchBackwardsEdges: function() { var newBackwardsEdges = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.backwardsEdges.length; i++) { newBackwardsEdges.push(this.backwardsEdges[i]); } for (var i = 0; i < this.backwardsEdges.length; i++) { var edge = this.backwardsEdges[i]; var sourceId = edge.getSource(); var targetId = edge.getTarget(); var sourceElement = this.diagram.nodeMap[sourceId]; while (!(sourceElement.isJoin() || sourceElement.isSplit())) { var newSourceElement = sourceElement.getPrecedingElements()[0]; targetId = newSourceElement.id; newBackwardsEdges.push(new BackwardsEdge(targetId, sourceId)); sourceElement = newSourceElement; sourceId = targetId; } } this.backwardsEdges = newBackwardsEdges; }, reverseBackwardsEdges: function() { var edgeMap = this.diagram.edgeMap; for (var i = 0; i < this.backwardsEdges.length; i++) { var backwardsEdge = this.backwardsEdges[i]; var sourceId = backwardsEdge.getSource(); var targetId = backwardsEdge.getTarget(); var sourceElement = this.diagram.nodeMap[sourceId]; var targetElement = this.diagram.nodeMap[targetId]; var edge = this.getEdge(edgeMap, sourceElement, targetElement); backwardsEdge.setEdge(edge); if (edge) { // reverse edge outgoing and incoming edge.reverseOutgoingAndIncoming(); } } }, getFreeElements: function() { var freeElements = []; for (var nodeId in this.elementsToSort) { var elem = this.elementsToSort[nodeId]; if (elem.isFree()) { freeElements.push(elem); } } return freeElements; }, freeElementsFrom: function(freeElement) { for (var i = 0; i < freeElement.outgoingLinks.length; i++) { var id = freeElement.outgoingLinks[i]; var targetElement = this.elementsToSort[id]; if (targetElement) { targetElement.removeIncomingLinkFrom(freeElement.node.id); } } this.elementsToSortCount--; }, getLoopEntryPoint: function() { for (var nodeId in this.elementsToSort) { var candidate = this.elementsToSort[nodeId]; if (candidate.oldInCount > 1 && candidate.oldInCount > candidate.incomingLinks.length) { return candidate; } } throw new Error('Could not find a valid loop entry point'); }, getEdge: function(edgeMap, sourceElement, targetElement) { for (var i = 0; i < sourceElement.outgoingLinks.length; i++) { var edge = sourceElement.outgoingLinks[i]; if (edge.getTarget().id == targetElement.id) { return edge; } } return null; } }; ; SortableLayoutingElement = function(node) { this.node = node; this.incomingLinks = []; this.outgoingLinks = []; for (var i = 0; i < node.incomingLinks.length; i++) { this.incomingLinks.push(node.incomingLinks[i].source.id); } for (var i = 0; i < node.outgoingLinks.length; i++) { this.outgoingLinks.push(node.outgoingLinks[i].target.id); } this.oldInCount = this.incomingLinks.length; this.isJoin = node.isJoin(); }; SortableLayoutingElement.prototype = { isFree: function() { return this.incomingLinks.length == 0; }, removeIncomingLinkFrom: function(sourceId) { var index = this.incomingLinks.indexOf(sourceId); this.incomingLinks.splice(index, 1); }, reverseIncomingLinkFrom: function(id) { this.removeIncomingLinkFrom(id); this.outgoingLinks.push(id); }, reverseOutgoingLinkTo: function(id) { var index = this.outgoingLinks.indexOf(id); this.outgoingLinks.splice(index, 1); this.incomingLinks.push(id); } }; ; BackwardsEdge = function(source, target) { this.source = source; this.target = target; }; BackwardsEdge.prototype = { getEdge: function() { return this.edge; }, setEdge: function(edge) { this.edge = edge; }, getSource: function() { return this.source; }, getTarget: function() { return this.target; } }; ; LeftToRightGridLayouter = function(diagram, sortedIds) { this.diagram = diagram; this.sortedIds = sortedIds; }; LeftToRightGridLayouter.prototype = { doLayout: function() { this.grid = new Grid(); this.layoutElements(); this.calcGeometry(this.grid); this.writeGeometry(this.grid); this.diagram.updateModel(); }, layoutElements: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.sortedIds.length; i++) { var sortedId = this.sortedIds[i]; var currentElement = this.diagram.nodeMap[sortedId]; var precedingElements = currentElement.getPrecedingElements(); var cellOfElement = this.placeElement(currentElement, precedingElements); if (currentElement.isJoin() && precedingElements.length != 0) { // there is an edge hitting us left, so lets forbid // interleaving to use the left cell, if this is empty cellOfElement.getPrevCell().setPackable(false); } if (currentElement.isSplit()) { this.prelayoutSuccessors(currentElement, cellOfElement); } } }, placeElement: function(currentElement, precedingElements) { var newCell = null; if (precedingElements.length == 0) { this.grid.startCell.value = currentElement; newCell = this.grid.startCell; } else { var leftCell = null; var newCell = this.grid.getCellOfItem(currentElement); if (currentElement.isJoin()) { var splitFound = false; var split = currentElement.prevSplit(); if (split != null) { var splits = new PriorityQueue(currentElement); splits.add(split); for (var i = 0; i < precedingElements.length; i++) { var elem = precedingElements[i]; split = elem.prevSplit(); if (split != null && !splits.contains(split)) { splits.add(split); //console.info(splits.items); } } split = null; // get split with most connections var maxCon = 0; for (var i = 0; i < splits.items.length; i++) { var target = splits.items[i]; if (target == currentElement) { continue; } // current connections var curCon = 0; for (var j = 0; j < precedingElements.length; j++) { var elem = precedingElements[j]; if (elem.backwardDistanceTo(target) < 1000) { curCon++; } } if (curCon > maxCon) { maxCon = curCon; split = target; } } splitFound = split != null; } // current cell position var x = 0; var yAcc = 0; var yCnt = 0; for (var i = 0; i < precedingElements.length; i++) { var elem = precedingElements[i]; var tmp = this.grid.getCellOfItem(elem); if (tmp == null) { tmp = { getColIndex: function() { return 0; } }; } else { yAcc += tmp.getRowIndex(); yCnt++; } x = Math.max(x, tmp.getColIndex()); } // farthest to the right if (splitFound) { leftCell = this.grid.getCellOfItem(split).row.cells[x]; // set path to split unpackable for (var c = leftCell; c.value != split; c = c.getPrevCell()) { c.setPackable(false); } } else { if (yCnt == 0) { leftCell = this.grid.rows[0].above().cells[x]; } else { leftCell = this.grid.rows[yAcc / yCnt].cells[x]; } } if (newCell != null && newCell.value == currentElement) { newCell.value = null; } newCell = leftCell.after(); // set all incoming pathes unpackable for (var i = 0; i < precedingElements.length; i++) { var el = precedingElements[i]; var target = this.grid.getCellOfItem(el); if (target == null) { continue; } var start = target.row.cells[x + 1]; for (var c = start; c != target; c = c.getPrevCell()) { c.setPackable(false); } } } else if (newCell == null) { // if not preLayouted var preElem = precedingElements[0]; leftCell = this.grid.getCellOfItem(preElem); newCell = leftCell.after(); } if (newCell.isFilled() && newCell.value != currentElement) { newCell.row.insertRowBeneath(); newCell = newCell.beneath(); } newCell.value = currentElement; newCell.getPrevCell().setPackable(false); } return newCell; }, prelayoutSuccessors: function(currentElement, cellOfElement) { var baseCell = cellOfElement.after(); var topCell = baseCell; var followingElements = currentElement.getFollowingElements(); // heuristic for direct connection to join var directJoin = null; for (var i = 0; i < followingElements.length; i++) { var possibleJoin = followingElements[i]; if (possibleJoin.isJoin()) { directJoin = possibleJoin; } } if (directJoin != null) { // put in the middle var index = followingElements.indexOf(directJoin); // remove followingElements.splice(index, 1); var position = parseInt(followingElements.length / 2, 10); // insert followingElements.splice(position, 0, directJoin); } // normal preLayout following elements var follow = parseInt(followingElements.length / 2, 10); for (var i = 0; i < follow; i++) { topCell.row.insertRowAbove(); baseCell.row.insertRowBeneath(); topCell = topCell.above(); } for (var i = 0; i < followingElements.length; i++) { var newElem = followingElements[i]; if (this.grid.getCellOfItem(newElem)) { continue; } topCell.value = newElem; topCell = topCell.beneath(); if (topCell == baseCell && followingElements.length % 2 == 0) { topCell = topCell.beneath(); } } }, calcGeometry: function(grid) { grid.pack(); var heightOfRow = []; for (var i = 0; i < grid.rowCount; i++) { heightOfRow.push(0); } var widthOfColumn = []; for (var i = 0; i < grid.colCount; i++) { widthOfColumn.push(0); } for (var i = 0; i < grid.rowCount; i++) { var row = grid.rows[i]; for (var j = 0; j < grid.colCount; j++) { var cell = row.cells[j]; if (cell.isFilled()) { var elem = cell.value; widthOfColumn[j] = Math.max(widthOfColumn[j], elem.w + 30); heightOfRow[i] = Math.max(heightOfRow[i], elem.h + 30); } } } this.heightOfRow = heightOfRow; this.widthOfColumn = widthOfColumn; this.totalWidth = 0; this.totalHeight = 0; for (var i = 0; i < grid.colCount; i++) { this.totalWidth += widthOfColumn[i]; } for (var i = 0; i < grid.rowCount; i++) { this.totalHeight += heightOfRow[i]; } }, writeGeometry: function(grid) { var x = 0; var y = 0; for (var i = 0; i < grid.rowCount; i++) { var row = grid.rows[i]; var cellHeight = this.heightOfRow[i]; for (var j = 0; j < grid.colCount; j++) { var cell = row.cells[j]; var cellWidth = this.widthOfColumn[j]; if (cell.isFilled()) { var elem = cell.value; var newX = x + cellWidth / 2 - elem.w / 2; var newY = y + cellHeight / 2 - elem.h / 2; elem.x = newX; elem.y = newY; } x += cellWidth; } x = 0; y += cellHeight; } } }; ; Grid = function() { var cell = new Cell(); var row = new Row(); row.grid = this; row.addCell(cell); this.rows = [row]; this.startCell = cell; this.colCount = 1; this.rowCount = this.rows.length; }; Grid.prototype = { addFirstRow: function() { var row = new Row(); row.grid = this; for (var i = 0; i < this.rolCount; i++) { var cell = new Cell(); row.addCell(cell); } this.rows.unshift(row); this.rowCount = this.rows.length; }, addLastRow: function() { var row = new Row(); row.grid = this; for (var i = 0; i < this.rolCount; i++) { row.addCell(new Cell()); } this.rows.push(row); this.rowCount = this.rows.length; }, addLastCol: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++) { var row = this.rows[i]; row.addCell(new Cell()); } this.colCount++; }, getCellOfItem: function(elem) { for (var i = 0; i < this.rowCount; i++) { var row = this.rows[i]; for (var j = 0; j < this.colCount; j++) { var cell = row.cells[j]; if (cell.value == elem) { return cell; } } } return null; }, pack: function() { var changed = false; do { changed = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) { var row = this.rows[i]; changed |= row.tryInterleaveWith(row.getPrevRow()); } for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) { var row = this.rows[i]; changed |= row.tryInterleaveWith(row.getNextRow()); } } while (changed); }, info: function() { var value = ''; for (var i = 0; i < this.rows.length; i++) { var row = this.rows[i]; for (var j = 0; j < row.cells.length; j++) { var cell = row.cells[j]; var id = '[ ]'; if (cell.isFilled()) { id = cell.value.id; } else if (cell.packable === false) { id = '[ p ]'; } value += id; } value += '\n' } return value; } }; ; Cell = function() { this.packable = true; }; Cell.prototype = { isFilled: function() { return typeof this.value != 'undefined' && this.value != null; }, isUnpackable: function() { return this.isFilled() || (this.packable === false); }, setPackable: function(packable) { this.packable = packable; }, getRowIndex: function() { return this.row.getIndex(); }, getColIndex: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.row.cells.length; i++) { if (this.row.cells[i] == this) { return i; } } }, after: function() { var colIndex = this.getColIndex(); if (colIndex == this.row.cells.length - 1) { this.grid.addLastCol(); } return this.row.cells[colIndex + 1]; }, above: function() { var rowIndex = this.getRowIndex(); var colIndex = this.getColIndex(); if (rowIndex == 0) { this.row.insertRowAbove(); } return this.grid.rows[rowIndex - 1].cells[colIndex]; }, beneath: function() { var rowIndex = this.getRowIndex(); var colIndex = this.getColIndex(); if (rowIndex == this.grid.rowCount - 1) { this.row.insertRowBeneath(); } return this.grid.rows[rowIndex + 1].cells[colIndex]; }, getPrevCell: function() { var index = this.getColIndex(); return this.row.cells[index - 1]; }, getNextCell: function() { var index = this.getColIndex(); return this.row.cells[index + 1]; } }; ; Row = function() { this.cells = []; }; Row.prototype = { addCell: function(cell) { cell.row = this; cell.grid = this.grid; this.cells.push(cell); }, getIndex: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.grid.rows.length; i++) { if (this.grid.rows[i] == this) { return i; } } }, insertRowBeneath: function() { var row = new Row(); row.grid = this.grid; for (var i = 0; i < this.grid.colCount; i++) { row.addCell(new Cell()); } var rowIndex = this.getIndex(); var rows = this.grid.rows; if (rowIndex == rows.length - 1) { rows.push(row); } else { rows.splice(rowIndex + 1, 0, row); } this.grid.rowCount = rows.length; }, insertRowAbove: function() { var row = new Row(); row.grid = this.grid; for (var i = 0; i < this.grid.colCount; i++) { row.addCell(new Cell()); } var rowIndex = this.getIndex(); var rows = this.grid.rows; if (rowIndex == 0) { rows.unshift(row); } else { rows.splice(rowIndex, 0, row); } this.grid.rowCount = rows.length; }, getPrevRow: function() { var index = this.getIndex(); if (index > 0) { return this.grid.rows[index - 1]; } else { return null; } }, getNextRow: function() { var index = this.getIndex(); if (index < this.grid.rows.length) { return this.grid.rows[index + 1]; } else { return null; } }, tryInterleaveWith: function(other) { if (!this.isInterleaveWith(other)) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++) { var cell = this.cells[i]; var otherCell = other.cells[i]; if (cell.isFilled()) { other.cells[i] = cell; } else if (cell.isUnpackable()) { otherCell.setPackable(false); } } this._remove(); return true; }, isInterleaveWith: function(other) { if (other == null || other == this) { return false; } else if (other.getPrevRow() != this && other.getNextRow() != this) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++) { var cell = this.cells[i]; var otherCell = other.cells[i]; if (cell.isUnpackable() && otherCell.isUnpackable()) { return false; } } return true; }, _remove: function() { var index = this.getIndex(); this.grid.rows.splice(index, 1); this.grid.rowCount--; } }; ; PriorityQueue = function(center) { this.ce = center; this.items = []; }; PriorityQueue.prototype = { add: function(element) { this.items.push(element); var len = this.items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { for (var j = i; j < len; j++) { var elem1 = this.items[i]; var elem2 = this.items[j]; if (this.compareTo(elem1, elem2) > 0) { this.items[i] = elem2; this.items[j] = elem1; } } } }, compareTo: function(elem1, elem2) { return this.ce.backwardDistanceTo(elem1) - this.ce.backwardDistanceTo(elem2); }, contains: function(element) { return this.items.indexOf(element) != -1; } }; ; EdgeLayouter = function(grid, edge) { this.grid = grid; this.edge = edge; edge.innerPoints = []; this.calculateGlobals(); this.pickLayoutForEdge(); }; EdgeLayouter.prototype = { calculateGlobals: function() { this.source = this.edge.source; this.target = this.edge.target; this.sourceRelativeCenterX = this.source.w / 2; this.sourceRelativeCenterY = this.source.h / 2; this.targetRelativeCenterX = this.target.w / 2; this.targetRelativeCenterY = this.target.h / 2; this.sourceAbsoluteCenterX = this.source.x + this.sourceRelativeCenterX; this.sourceAbsoluteCenterY = this.source.y + this.sourceRelativeCenterY; this.targetAbsoluteCenterX = this.target.x + this.targetRelativeCenterX; this.targetAbsoluteCenterY = this.target.y + this.targetRelativeCenterY; this.sourceAbsoluteX = this.source.x; this.sourceAbsoluteY = this.source.y; this.sourceAbsoluteX2 = this.source.x + this.source.w; this.sourceAbsoluteY2 = this.source.y + this.source.h; this.targetAbsoluteX = this.target.x; this.targetAbsoluteY = this.target.y; this.targetAbsoluteX2 = this.target.x + this.target.w; this.targetAbsoluteY2 = this.target.y + this.target.h; this.sourceJoin = this.source.isJoin(); this.sourceSplit = this.source.isSplit(); this.targetJoin = this.target.isJoin(); this.targetSplit = this.target.isSplit(); this.backwards = this.sourceAbsoluteCenterX > this.targetAbsoluteCenterX; }, pickLayoutForEdge: function() { // sourceX == targetX, up and down if (this.sourceAbsoluteCenterX == this.targetAbsoluteCenterX) { this.setEdgeDirectCenter(); return; } else if (this.sourceAbsoluteCenterY == this.targetAbsoluteCenterY) { if (this.areCellsHorizontalFree()) { this.setEdgeDirectCenter(); } else { this.setEdgeAroundTheCorner(true); } return; } if (this.sourceAbsoluteCenterX <= this.targetAbsoluteCenterX && this.sourceAbsoluteCenterY <= this.targetAbsoluteCenterY) { // target is right under if (this.sourcejoin && this.sourceSplit) { this.setEdgeStepRight(); return; } else if (this.sourceSplit) { this.setEdge90DegreeRightUnderAntiClockwise(); return; } else if (this.targetJoin) { this.setEdge90DegreeRightUnderClockwise(); return; } } else if (this.sourceAbsoluteCenterX <= this.targetAbsoluteCenterX && this.sourceAbsoluteCenterY > this.targetAbsoluteCenterY) { // target is right above if (this.sourcejoin && this.sourceSplit) { this.setEdgeStepRight(); return; } else if (this.sourceSplit) { this.setEdge90DegreeRightAboveClockwise(); return; } else if (this.targetJoin) { this.setEdge90DegreeRightAboveAntiClockwise(); return; } } if (this.sourceJoin && sourceSplit && (!this.backwards)) { this.setEdgeStepRight(); return; } if (this.sourceJoin && sourceSplit) { this.setEdgeAroundTheCorner(true); return; } this.setEdgeDirectCenter(); }, areCellsHorizontalFree: function() { var fromCell = null; var toCell = null; if (this.sourceAbsoluteCenterX < this.targetAbsoluteCenterX) { fromCell = this.grid.getCellOfItem(this.source); toCell = this.grid.getCellOfItem(this.target); } else { fromCell = this.grid.getCellOfItem(this.target); toCell = this.grid.getCellOfItem(this.source); } fromCell = fromCell.getNextCell(); while (fromCell != toCell) { if (fromCell == null || fromCell.isFilled()) { return false; } fromCell = fromCell.getNextCell(); } return true; }, setEdgeDirectCenter: function() { var boundsMinX = Math.min(this.sourceAbsoluteCenterX, this.targetAbsoluteCenterX); var boundsMinY = Math.min(this.sourceAbsoluteCenterY, this.targetAbsoluteCenterY); var boundsMaxX = Math.max(this.sourceAbsoluteCenterX, this.targetAbsoluteCenterX); var boundsMaxY = Math.max(this.sourceAbsoluteCenterY, this.targetAbsoluteCenterY); // this.edge.innerPoints = []; }, setEdge90DegreeRightAboveClockwise: function() { this.edge.innerPoints = [ [this.sourceAbsoluteCenterX, this.targetAbsoluteCenterY] ]; }, setEdge90DegreeRightAboveAntiClockwise: function() { this.edge.innerPoints = [ [this.targetAbsoluteCenterX, this.sourceAbsoluteCenterY] ]; }, setEdge90DegreeRightUnderClockwise: function() { this.edge.innerPoints = [ [this.targetAbsoluteCenterX, this.sourceAbsoluteCenterY] ]; }, setEdge90DegreeRightUnderAntiClockwise: function() { this.edge.innerPoints = [ [this.sourceAbsoluteCenterX, this.targetAbsoluteCenterY] ]; }, setEdgeAroundTheCorner: function(down) { var height = Math.max(this.source.h / 2, this.target.h / 2) + 20; if (down) { height *= -1; } this.edge.innerPoints = [ [this.sourceAbsoluteCenterX, this.sourceAbsoluteCenterY + height], [this.targetAbsoluteCenterX, this.sourceAbsoluteCenterY + height] ]; } }; Ext.ux.OneCombo = Ext.extend(Ext.form.ComboBox, { initComponent: function() { this.readOnly = true; this.displayField = 'text'; this.valueField = 'text'; this.triggerAction = 'all'; this.mode = 'local'; this.emptyText = 'Please Select...'; this.store = new Ext.data.SimpleStore({ expandData: true, fields: ['text'] }); this.store.loadData(this.data); Ext.ux.OneCombo.superclass.initComponent.call(this); } }); Ext.reg('onecombo', Ext.ux.OneCombo); App.PalettePanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { initComponent: function() { this.region = 'west'; this.title = '活动环节'; this.iconCls = 'tb-activity'; this.width = 130; this.initPalette(); App.PalettePanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this); }, initPalette: function() { var paletteType = null; if (!Gef.PALETTE_TYPE) { paletteType = 'accordion'; } else { paletteType = Gef.PALETTE_TYPE; } this.configLayout(paletteType); this.configItems(paletteType); }, createHtml: function(array, divId) { var imageRoot = Gef.IMAGE_ROOT.replace('48/', ''); if (divId) { var html = '
'; } else { var html = '
'; } for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { var item = array[i]; html += '

' + item.title + '
'; } html += '
'; return html; }, /** * this.layout = 'accordion'; */ configLayout: function(type) { if (!type || type == 'plain') { // } else if (type && type == 'accordion') { this.layout = 'accordion'; } }, configItems: function(type) { if (type && type == 'accordion') { this.createItemsForAccordion(); } else if (!type || type == 'plain') { this.createItemsForHtml(); } }, createItemsForAccordion: function() { this.id = '__gef_jbs_palette__'; this.items = [{ title: '所有活动', iconCls: 'tb-activity', autoScroll: true, html: this.createHtml([ {name: 'select', image: 'select32', title: '选择'}, {name: 'transition', image: '32/flow_sequence', title: '连线'}, {name: 'start', image: '32/start_event_empty', title: '开始'}, {name: 'end', image: '32/end_event_terminate', title: '结束'}, {name: 'cancel', image: '32/end_event_cancel', title: '取消'}, {name: 'error', image: '32/end_event_error', title: '错误'}, // {name: 'human', image: '32/task_empty', title: '人工'}, {name: 'task', image: '32/task_empty', title: '任务'}, {name: 'decision', image: '32/gateway_exclusive', title: '决策'}, {name: 'sql', image: '32/task_sql', title: 'SQL'}, /* {name: 'auto', image: '32/task_empty', title: '自动'},*/ /* {name: 'counter-sign', image: '32/task_empty', title: '会签'},*/ {name: 'fork', image: '32/gateway_parallel', title: '并行'}, {name: 'join', image: '32/gateway_parallel', title: '汇聚'} ]) }/*, { title: '高级活动', iconCls: 'tb-activity', autoScroll: true, html: this.createHtml([ {name: 'cancel', image: '32/end_event_cancel', title: '取消'}, {name: 'state', image: '32/task_wait', title: '等待'}, //{name: 'task', image: '32/task_empty', title: '任务'}, {name: 'human', image: '32/task_empty', title: '人工'}, {name: 'decision', image: '32/gateway_exclusive', title: '决策'}, {name: 'fork', image: '32/gateway_exclusive', title: '并行'}, {name: 'join', image: '32/gateway_parallel', title: '汇聚'}, {name: 'java', image: '32/task_java', title: 'JAVA'}, {name: 'script', image: '32/task_java', title: '脚本'}, {name: 'hql', image: '32/task_hql', title: 'HQL'}, {name: 'sql', image: '32/task_sql', title: 'SQL'}, {name: 'mail', image: '32/task_empty', title: '邮件'}, {name: 'custom', image: '32/task_empty', title: '自定义'}, {name: 'subProcess', image: '32/task_empty', title: '子流程'}, {name: 'jms', image: '32/task_empty', title: 'JMS'}, {name: 'ruleDecision', image: '32/gateway_exclusive', title: '规则决策'}, {name: 'rules', image: '32/task_empty', title: '规则'}, {name: 'foreach', image: '32/gateway_exclusive', title: '动态分支'} ]) }*/]; }, createItemsForHtml: function() { this.autoScroll = true; this.html = this.createHtml([ {name: 'select', image: 'select32', title: '选择'}, {name: 'transition', image: '32/flow_sequence', title: '连线'}, {name: 'start', image: '32/start_event_empty', title: '开始'}, {name: 'end', image: '32/end_event_terminate', title: '结束'}, {name: 'cancel', image: '32/end_event_cancel', title: '取消'}, {name: 'error', image: '32/end_event_error', title: '错误'}, {name: 'state', image: '32/task_wait', title: '等待'}, {name: 'task', image: '32/task_empty', title: '任务'}, {name: 'decision', image: '32/gateway_exclusive', title: '决策'}, {name: 'fork', image: '32/gateway_parallel', title: '并行'}, {name: 'join', image: '32/gateway_parallel', title: '汇聚'}, {name: 'java', image: '32/task_java', title: 'JAVA'}, {name: 'script', image: '32/task_java', title: '脚本'}, {name: 'hql', image: '32/task_hql', title: 'HQL'}, {name: 'sql', image: '32/task_sql', title: 'SQL'}, {name: 'mail', image: '32/task_empty', title: '邮件'}, {name: 'custom', image: '32/task_empty', title: '自定义'}, {name: 'subProcess', image: '32/task_empty', title: '子流程'}, {name: 'jms', image: '32/task_empty', title: 'JMS'}, {name: 'ruleDecision', image: '32/gateway_exclusive', title: '规则决策'}, {name: 'rules', image: '32/task_empty', title: '规则'}, {name: 'human', image: '32/task_empty', title: '人工节点'}, {name: 'auto', image: '32/task_empty', title: '自动节点'}, {name: 'counter-sign', image: '32/task_empty', title: '会签节点'} ], '__gef_jbs_palette__'); } }); Ext.ux.TwoCombo = Ext.extend(Ext.form.ComboBox, { initComponent: function() { this.readOnly = true; this.displayField = 'text'; this.valueField = 'value'; this.triggerAction = 'all'; this.mode = 'local'; this.emptyText = 'Please Select...'; this.store = new Ext.data.SimpleStore({ fields: ['value', 'text'] }); this.store.loadData(this.data); Ext.ux.TwoCombo.superclass.initComponent.call(this); } }); Ext.reg('twocombo', Ext.ux.TwoCombo);