MoreFlow.js 2.8 KB

  1. Ext.define('erp.view.common.DeskTop.MoreFlow', {
  2. extend : 'Ext.Viewport',
  3. layout : 'fit',
  4. hideBorders : true,
  5. initComponent : function() {
  6. var me = this;
  7. Ext.apply(me, {
  8. items : [{
  9. xtype : 'erpDeskTabPanel',
  10. bodyStyle : {
  11. border : 'none'
  12. },
  13. bodyBorder : false,
  14. items : [{
  15. title : '待办流程',
  16. anchor : '100% 100%',
  17. xtype : 'erpDatalistGridPanel',
  18. id : 'toDo',
  19. url:'jsps/common/jprocessDeal.jsp',
  20. caller : 'JProcess!Me',
  21. firstPage:true,
  22. keyField:'jp_nodeId',
  23. pfField:null,
  24. defaultCondition : 'JP_NODEDEALMAN=\''
  25. + em_code + '\' and jp_status=\''
  26. + "待审批" + '\'',
  27. //dockedItems : [{}],
  28. showRowNum : false,
  29. selModel : Ext.create(
  30. 'Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', {
  31. checkOnly : true,
  32. headerWidth : 0
  33. })
  34. }, {
  35. tbar : ['->',{
  36. xtype:'checkbox',
  37. name:'only_todo',
  38. boxLabel:'仅显示待审批流程',
  39. labelAlign:'left',
  40. inputValue:1
  41. },{
  42. xtype : 'erpProcessRemindButton',
  43. style: {
  44. marginRight: '10px',
  45. marginLeft: '10px'
  46. }
  47. }],
  48. title : '已发起流程',
  49. anchor : '100% 100%',
  50. xtype : 'erpDatalistGridPanel',
  51. id : 'alreadyLaunch',
  52. caller : 'JProcess!Launch',
  53. firstPage:true,
  54. keyField:'jp_nodeId',
  55. pfField:null,
  56. defaultCondition : 'jp_launcherid=\''
  57. + em_code + '\'',
  58. dockedItems : [{
  59. id : 'pagingtoolbar4',
  60. xtype: 'erpDatalistToolbar',
  61. dock: 'bottom',
  62. displayInfo: true
  63. }],
  64. showRowNum : false,
  65. selModel : Ext.create(
  66. 'Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', {
  67. checkOnly : true,
  68. headerWidth : 30
  69. }),
  70. plugins : [Ext.create(
  71. 'erp.view.core.grid.HeaderFilter'
  72. ), Ext.create('erp.view.core.plugin.CopyPasteMenu')]
  73. }, {
  74. title : '已处理流程',
  75. anchor : '100% 100%',
  76. xtype : 'erpDatalistGridPanel',
  77. id : 'alreadyDo',
  78. caller : 'JProcess!Done',
  79. url:'jsps/common/jprocessDeal.jsp?_do=1',
  80. firstPage:true,
  81. keyField:'jp_nodeId',
  82. pfField:null,
  83. defaultCondition : 'JP_NODEDEALMAN=\''
  84. + em_code + '\' and jp_status<>\''
  85. + "待审批" + '\'',
  86. dockedItems : [{
  87. id : 'pagingtoolbar5',
  88. xtype: 'erpDatalistToolbar',
  89. dock: 'bottom',
  90. displayInfo: true
  91. }],
  92. showRowNum : false,
  93. selModel : Ext.create(
  94. 'Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', {
  95. checkOnly : true,
  96. headerWidth : 0
  97. }),
  98. plugins : [Ext.create(
  99. 'erp.view.core.grid.HeaderFilter'), Ext.create('erp.view.core.plugin.CopyPasteMenu')]
  100. }]
  101. }]
  102. });
  103. me.callParent(arguments);
  104. }
  105. });