123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369 |
- /**
- * Base class from Ext.ux.TabReorderer.
- */
- Ext.define('Ext.ux.BoxReorderer', {
- mixins: {
- observable: 'Ext.util.Observable'
- },
- /**
- * @cfg {String} itemSelector
- * <p>Optional. Defaults to <code>'.x-box-item'</code>
- * <p>A {@link Ext.DomQuery DomQuery} selector which identifies the encapsulating elements of child Components which participate in reordering.</p>
- */
- itemSelector: '.x-box-item',
- /**
- * @cfg {Mixed} animate
- * <p>Defaults to 300.</p>
- * <p>If truthy, child reordering is animated so that moved boxes slide smoothly into position.
- * If this option is numeric, it is used as the animation duration <b>in milliseconds</b>.</p>
- */
- animate: 100,
- constructor: function() {
- this.addEvents(
- /**
- * @event StartDrag
- * Fires when dragging of a child Component begins.
- * @param {Ext.ux.BoxReorderer} this
- * @param {Ext.container.Container} container The owning Container
- * @param {Ext.Component} dragCmp The Component being dragged
- * @param {Number} idx The start index of the Component being dragged.
- */
- 'StartDrag',
- /**
- * @event Drag
- * Fires during dragging of a child Component.
- * @param {Ext.ux.BoxReorderer} this
- * @param {Ext.container.Container} container The owning Container
- * @param {Ext.Component} dragCmp The Component being dragged
- * @param {Number} startIdx The index position from which the Component was initially dragged.
- * @param {Number} idx The current closest index to which the Component would drop.
- */
- 'Drag',
- /**
- * @event ChangeIndex
- * Fires when dragging of a child Component causes its drop index to change.
- * @param {Ext.ux.BoxReorderer} this
- * @param {Ext.container.Container} container The owning Container
- * @param {Ext.Component} dragCmp The Component being dragged
- * @param {Number} startIdx The index position from which the Component was initially dragged.
- * @param {Number} idx The current closest index to which the Component would drop.
- */
- 'ChangeIndex',
- /**
- * @event Drop
- * Fires when a child Component is dropped at a new index position.
- * @param {Ext.ux.BoxReorderer} this
- * @param {Ext.container.Container} container The owning Container
- * @param {Ext.Component} dragCmp The Component being dropped
- * @param {Number} startIdx The index position from which the Component was initially dragged.
- * @param {Number} idx The index at which the Component is being dropped.
- */
- 'Drop'
- );
- this.mixins.observable.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- init: function(container) {
- var me = this;
- me.container = container;
- // Set our animatePolicy to animate the start position (ie x for HBox, y for VBox)
- me.animatePolicy = {};
- me.animatePolicy[container.getLayout().names.x] = true;
- // Initialize the DD on first layout, when the innerCt has been created.
- me.container.afterLayout = Ext.Function.createSequence(me.container.afterLayout, me.afterFirstLayout, me);
- container.destroy = Ext.Function.createSequence(container.destroy, me.onContainerDestroy, me);
- },
- /**
- * @private Clear up on Container destroy
- */
- onContainerDestroy: function() {
- if (this.dd) {
- this.dd.unreg();
- }
- },
- afterFirstLayout: function() {
- var me = this,
- l = me.container.getLayout();
- // delete the sequence
- delete me.container.afterLayout;
- // Create a DD instance. Poke the handlers in.
- // TODO: Ext5's DD classes should apply config to themselves.
- // TODO: Ext5's DD classes should not use init internally because it collides with use as a plugin
- // TODO: Ext5's DD classes should be Observable.
- // TODO: When all the above are trus, this plugin should extend the DD class.
- me.dd = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DD', l.innerCt, me.container.id + '-reorderer');
- Ext.apply(me.dd, {
- animate: me.animate,
- reorderer: me,
- container: me.container,
- getDragCmp: this.getDragCmp,
- clickValidator: Ext.Function.createInterceptor(me.dd.clickValidator, me.clickValidator, me, false),
- onMouseDown: me.onMouseDown,
- startDrag: me.startDrag,
- onDrag: me.onDrag,
- endDrag: me.endDrag,
- getNewIndex: me.getNewIndex,
- doSwap: me.doSwap,
- findReorderable: me.findReorderable
- });
- // Decide which dimension we are measuring, and which measurement metric defines
- // the *start* of the box depending upon orientation.
- me.dd.dim = l.names.width;
- me.dd.startAttr = l.names.left;
- me.dd.endAttr = l.names.right;
- },
- getDragCmp: function(e) {
- return this.container.getChildByElement(e.getTarget(this.itemSelector, 10));
- },
- // check if the clicked component is reorderable
- clickValidator: function(e) {
- var cmp = this.getDragCmp(e);
- // If cmp is null, this expression MUST be coerced to boolean so that createInterceptor is able to test it against false
- return !!(cmp && cmp.reorderable !== false);
- },
- onMouseDown: function(e) {
- var me = this,
- container = me.container,
- containerBox,
- cmpEl,
- cmpBox;
- // Ascertain which child Component is being mousedowned
- me.dragCmp = me.getDragCmp(e);
- if (me.dragCmp) {
- cmpEl = me.dragCmp.getEl();
- me.startIndex = me.curIndex = container.items.indexOf(me.dragCmp);
- // Start position of dragged Component
- cmpBox = cmpEl.getPageBox();
- // Last tracked start position
- me.lastPos = cmpBox[this.startAttr];
- // Calculate constraints depending upon orientation
- // Calculate offset from mouse to dragEl position
- containerBox = container.el.getPageBox();
- if (me.dim === 'width') {
- me.minX = containerBox.left;
- me.maxX = containerBox.right - cmpBox.width;
- me.minY = me.maxY = cmpBox.top;
- me.deltaX = e.getPageX() - cmpBox.left;
- } else {
- me.minY = containerBox.top;
- me.maxY = containerBox.bottom - cmpBox.height;
- me.minX = me.maxX = cmpBox.left;
- me.deltaY = e.getPageY() - cmpBox.top;
- }
- me.constrainY = me.constrainX = true;
- }
- },
- startDrag: function() {
- var me = this;
- if (me.dragCmp) {
- // For the entire duration of dragging the *Element*, defeat any positioning and animation of the dragged *Component*
- me.dragCmp.setPosition = Ext.emptyFn;
- me.dragCmp.animate = false;
- // Animate the BoxLayout just for the duration of the drag operation.
- if (me.animate) {
- me.container.getLayout().animatePolicy = me.reorderer.animatePolicy;
- }
- // We drag the Component element
- me.dragElId = me.dragCmp.getEl().id;
- me.reorderer.fireEvent('StartDrag', me, me.container, me.dragCmp, me.curIndex);
- // Suspend events, and set the disabled flag so that the mousedown and mouseup events
- // that are going to take place do not cause any other UI interaction.
- me.dragCmp.suspendEvents();
- me.dragCmp.disabled = true;
- me.dragCmp.el.setStyle('zIndex', 100);
- } else {
- me.dragElId = null;
- }
- },
- /**
- * @private
- * Find next or previous reorderable component index.
- * @param {Number} newIndex The initial drop index.
- * @return {Number} The index of the reorderable component.
- */
- findReorderable: function(newIndex) {
- var me = this,
- items = me.container.items,
- newItem;
- if (items.getAt(newIndex).reorderable === false) {
- newItem = items.getAt(newIndex);
- if (newIndex > me.startIndex) {
- while(newItem && newItem.reorderable === false) {
- newIndex++;
- newItem = items.getAt(newIndex);
- }
- } else {
- while(newItem && newItem.reorderable === false) {
- newIndex--;
- newItem = items.getAt(newIndex);
- }
- }
- }
- newIndex = Math.min(Math.max(newIndex, 0), items.getCount() - 1);
- if (items.getAt(newIndex).reorderable === false) {
- return -1;
- }
- return newIndex;
- },
- /**
- * @private
- * Swap 2 components.
- * @param {Number} newIndex The initial drop index.
- */
- doSwap: function(newIndex) {
- var me = this,
- items = me.container.items,
- orig, dest, tmpIndex, temp;
- newIndex = me.findReorderable(newIndex);
- if (newIndex === -1) {
- return;
- }
- me.reorderer.fireEvent('ChangeIndex', me, me.container, me.dragCmp, me.startIndex, newIndex);
- orig = items.getAt(me.curIndex);
- dest = items.getAt(newIndex);
- items.remove(orig);
- tmpIndex = Math.min(Math.max(newIndex, 0), items.getCount() - 1);
- items.insert(tmpIndex, orig);
- items.remove(dest);
- items.insert(me.curIndex, dest);
- // Make the Box Container the topmost layout participant during the layout.
- me.container._isLayoutRoot = true;
- me.container.updateLayout();
- me.container._isLayoutRoot = undefined;
- me.curIndex = newIndex;
- },
- onDrag: function(e) {
- var me = this,
- newIndex;
- newIndex = me.getNewIndex(e.getPoint());
- if ((newIndex !== undefined)) {
- me.reorderer.fireEvent('Drag', me, me.container, me.dragCmp, me.startIndex, me.curIndex);
- me.doSwap(newIndex);
- }
- },
- endDrag: function(e) {
- e && e.stopEvent();
- var me = this,
- layout = me.container.getLayout(),
- temp;
- if (me.dragCmp) {
- delete me.dragElId;
- // Reinstate the Component's positioning method after mouseup, and allow the layout system to animate it.
- delete me.dragCmp.setPosition;
- me.dragCmp.animate = true;
- // Ensure the lastBox is correct for the animation system to restore to when it creates the "from" animation frame
- me.dragCmp.lastBox[layout.names.x] = me.dragCmp.getPosition(true)[layout.names.widthIndex];
- // Make the Box Container the topmost layout participant during the layout.
- me.container._isLayoutRoot = true;
- me.container.updateLayout();
- me.container._isLayoutRoot = undefined;
- // Attempt to hook into the afteranimate event of the drag Component to call the cleanup
- temp = Ext.fx.Manager.getFxQueue(me.dragCmp.el.id)[0];
- if (temp) {
- temp.on({
- afteranimate: me.reorderer.afterBoxReflow,
- scope: me
- });
- }
- // If not animated, clean up after the mouseup has happened so that we don't click the thing being dragged
- else {
- Ext.Function.defer(me.reorderer.afterBoxReflow, 1, me);
- }
- if (me.animate) {
- delete layout.animatePolicy;
- }
- me.reorderer.fireEvent('drop', me, me.container, me.dragCmp, me.startIndex, me.curIndex);
- }
- },
- /**
- * @private
- * Called after the boxes have been reflowed after the drop.
- * Re-enabled the dragged Component.
- */
- afterBoxReflow: function() {
- var me = this;
- me.dragCmp.el.setStyle('zIndex', '');
- me.dragCmp.disabled = false;
- me.dragCmp.resumeEvents();
- },
- /**
- * @private
- * Calculate drop index based upon the dragEl's position.
- */
- getNewIndex: function(pointerPos) {
- var me = this,
- dragEl = me.getDragEl(),
- dragBox = Ext.fly(dragEl).getPageBox(),
- targetEl,
- targetBox,
- targetMidpoint,
- i = 0,
- it = me.container.items.items,
- ln = it.length,
- lastPos = me.lastPos;
- me.lastPos = dragBox[me.startAttr];
- for (; i < ln; i++) {
- targetEl = it[i].getEl();
- // Only look for a drop point if this found item is an item according to our selector
- if (targetEl.is(me.reorderer.itemSelector)) {
- targetBox = targetEl.getPageBox();
- targetMidpoint = targetBox[me.startAttr] + (targetBox[me.dim] >> 1);
- if (i < me.curIndex) {
- if ((dragBox[me.startAttr] < lastPos) && (dragBox[me.startAttr] < (targetMidpoint - 5))) {
- return i;
- }
- } else if (i > me.curIndex) {
- if ((dragBox[me.startAttr] > lastPos) && (dragBox[me.endAttr] > (targetMidpoint + 5))) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });