'Install ShowDoc', "use_sqlite"=>'Use Sqlite Database', "use_mysql"=>'Use Mysql Database', "server_address"=>'Server address (e.g: localhost)', "server_port"=>'Port(e.g:3306)', "db_name"=>'Database Name(e.g:showdoc)', "db_user"=>'Database Username', "db_password"=>' Database Password', "sqlite_tips"=>'Sqlite has supported by PHP and you just need to click the Go buttun', "go"=>'Go', "install_success_help"=>'Installation success!Please delete the /install directory, avoid the script to be executed again.
https://www.showdoc.cc/help-en', "home"=>'Website Home', "FAQ"=>'FAQ', "lock"=>'ShowDoc has been installed!If you want to reinstall,please delete file /install/install.lock ', "not_writable_install"=>' Directory install is not writable !', "not_writable_upload"=>'Directory Public/Uploads/ is not writable !', "not_writable_runtime"=>'Directory Application/Runtime is not writable !', "not_writable_server_runtime"=>'Directory server/Application/Runtime is not writable !', "not_writable_config"=>'File Application/Common/Conf/config.php is not writable !', "not_writable_home_config"=>'File Application/Home/Conf/config.php is not writable !', "not_writable_sqlite"=>'Directory Sqlite is not writable !', "not_writable_sqlite_db"=>'File Sqlite/showdoc.db.php is not writable !', "install_success"=>'Installation success!Please delete the /install directory, avoid the script to be executed again', "install_config_not_writable"=>'Fail to write config file ', "db_wrong"=>'Database connection error', "db_has_data"=>'Database tables already exists,please clear up and try again', "create_table_fail"=>'Fail to create table', "install_config_not_writable"=>'Fail to write config file', "require_php_version" => "require PHP > 5.3.0 ", );