ItemController.class.php 10 KB

  1. <?php
  2. namespace Home\Controller;
  3. use Think\Controller;
  4. class ItemController extends BaseController {
  5. //项目列表页
  6. public function index(){
  7. $login_user = $this->checkLogin();
  8. //跳转到web目录
  9. header("location:./web/#/item/index");
  10. exit();
  11. $share_url = get_domain().__APP__.'/uid/'.$login_user['uid'];
  12. $this->assign("login_user" , $login_user);
  13. $this->assign("share_url" , $share_url);
  14. $this->display();
  15. }
  16. //我公开的项目列表
  17. public function showByUid(){
  18. $login_user = $this->checkLogin(false); //如果用户有登录,则赋值给$login_user
  19. $uid = I("uid/d");
  20. $show_user = D("User")->where(" uid = '$uid' ")->find();
  21. if ($show_user) {
  22. $items = D("Item")->where(" password = '' and ( uid = '$show_user[uid]' or item_id in ( select item_id from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."item_member where uid = '$show_user[uid]' ) ) ")->select();
  23. $this->assign("items" , $items);
  24. $this->assign("show_user" , $show_user);
  25. $this->assign("login_user" , $login_user);
  26. }
  27. if (LANG_SET == 'en-us') {
  28. $help_url = "";
  29. }
  30. else{
  31. $help_url = "";
  32. }
  33. $this->assign("help_url" , $help_url);
  34. $this->display();
  35. }
  36. //新建项目
  37. public function add(){
  38. $login_user = $this->checkLogin();
  39. $this->display ();
  40. }
  41. //根据项目类型展示项目
  42. public function show(){
  43. $this->checkLogin(false);
  44. $item_id = I("item_id/d");
  45. $item_domain = I("item_domain/s");
  46. $current_page_id = I("page_id/d");
  47. //判断个性域名
  48. if ($item_domain) {
  49. $item = D("Item")->where("item_domain = '%s'",array($item_domain))->find();
  50. if ($item['item_id']) {
  51. $item_id = $item['item_id'] ;
  52. }
  53. }
  54. //跳转到web目录
  55. header("location:./web/#/".$item_id."?page_id=".$current_page_id);
  56. exit();
  57. $login_user = session("login_user");
  58. $uid = $login_user['uid'] ? $login_user['uid'] : 0 ;
  59. $this->checkItemVisit($uid , $item_id);
  60. $item = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->find();
  61. if ($item['item_type'] == 1 ) {
  62. $this->_show_regular_item($item);
  63. }
  64. elseif ($item['item_type'] == 2 ) {
  65. $this->_show_single_page_item($item);
  66. }else{
  67. $this->_show_regular_item($item);
  68. }
  69. }
  70. //展示常规项目
  71. private function _show_regular_item($item){
  72. $item_id = $item['item_id'];
  73. $current_page_id = I("page_id/d");
  74. $keyword = I("keyword");
  75. $login_user = session("login_user");
  76. $uid = $login_user['uid'] ? $login_user['uid'] : 0 ;
  77. //是否有搜索词
  78. if ($keyword) {
  79. $keyword = \SQLite3::escapeString($keyword) ;
  80. $pages = D("Page")->where("item_id = '$item_id' and ( page_title like '%{$keyword}%' or page_content like '%{$keyword}%' ) ")->order(" `s_number` asc ")->field("page_id,author_uid,cat_id,page_title,addtime")->select();
  81. }else{
  82. //获取所有父目录id为0的页面
  83. $pages = D("Page")->where("cat_id = '0' and item_id = '$item_id' ")->order(" `s_number` asc ")->field("page_id,author_uid,cat_id,page_title,addtime")->select();
  84. //获取所有二级目录
  85. $catalogs = D("Catalog")->where("item_id = '$item_id' and level = 2 ")->order(" `s_number` asc ")->select();
  86. if ($catalogs) {
  87. foreach ($catalogs as $key => &$catalog) {
  88. //该二级目录下的所有子页面
  89. $temp = D("Page")->where("cat_id = '$catalog[cat_id]' ")->order(" `s_number` asc ")->field("page_id,author_uid,cat_id,page_title,addtime")->select();
  90. $catalog['pages'] = $temp ? $temp: array();
  91. //该二级目录下的所有子目录
  92. $temp = D("catalog")->where("parent_cat_id = '$catalog[cat_id]' ")->order(" `s_number` asc ")->select();
  93. $catalog['catalogs'] = $temp ? $temp: array();
  94. if($catalog['catalogs']){
  95. //获取所有三级目录的子页面
  96. foreach ($catalog['catalogs'] as $key3 => &$catalog3) {
  97. //该二级目录下的所有子页面
  98. $temp = D("Page")->where("cat_id = '$catalog3[cat_id]' ")->order(" `s_number` asc ")->field("page_id,author_uid,cat_id,page_title,addtime")->select();
  99. $catalog3['pages'] = $temp ? $temp: array();
  100. }
  101. }
  102. }
  103. }
  104. }
  105. $domain = $item['item_domain'] ? $item['item_domain'] : $item['item_id'];
  106. $share_url = get_domain().__APP__.'/'.$domain;
  107. $ItemPermn = $this->checkItemPermn($uid , $item_id) ;
  108. $ItemCreator = $this->checkItemCreator($uid , $item_id);
  109. if (LANG_SET == 'en-us') {
  110. $help_url = "";
  111. }
  112. else{
  113. $help_url = "";
  114. }
  115. $this->assign("help_url" , $help_url);
  116. $this->assign("current_page_id" , $current_page_id);
  117. $this->assign("keyword" , $keyword);
  118. $this->assign("ItemPermn" , $ItemPermn);
  119. $this->assign("ItemCreator" , $ItemCreator);
  120. $this->assign("share_url" , $share_url);
  121. $this->assign("catalogs" , $catalogs);
  122. $this->assign("pages" , $pages);
  123. $this->assign("item" , $item);
  124. $this->assign("login_user" , $login_user);
  125. $this->display("show_regular");
  126. }
  127. //展示单页项目
  128. private function _show_single_page_item($item){
  129. $item_id = $item['item_id'];
  130. $current_page_id = I("page_id/d");
  131. $login_user = session("login_user");
  132. $uid = $login_user['uid'] ? $login_user['uid'] : 0 ;
  133. //获取页面
  134. $page = D("Page")->where(" item_id = '$item_id' ")->find();
  135. $domain = $item['item_domain'] ? $item['item_domain'] : $item['item_id'];
  136. $share_url = get_domain().__APP__.'/'.$domain;
  137. $ItemPermn = $this->checkItemPermn($uid , $item_id) ;
  138. $ItemCreator = $this->checkItemCreator($uid , $item_id);
  139. $this->assign("current_page_id" , $current_page_id);
  140. $this->assign("ItemPermn" , $ItemPermn);
  141. $this->assign("ItemCreator" , $ItemCreator);
  142. $this->assign("share_url" , $share_url);
  143. $this->assign("catalogs" , $catalogs);
  144. $this->assign("page" , $page);
  145. $this->assign("item" , $item);
  146. $this->assign("login_user" , $login_user);
  147. $this->display("show_single_page");
  148. }
  149. //删除项目
  150. public function delete(){
  151. $item_id = I("item_id");
  152. $login_user = $this->checkLogin();
  153. if (!$this->checkItemCreator($login_user['uid'] , $item_id)) {
  154. $this->message(L('no_permissions'));
  155. return;
  156. }
  157. $this->assign("item_id" , $item_id);
  158. $this->display();
  159. }
  160. //删除项目
  161. public function ajaxDelete(){
  162. $login_user = $this->checkLogin();
  163. $item_id = I("item_id/d");
  164. $password = I("password");
  165. $item = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->find();
  166. if(! D("User")-> checkLogin($item['username'],$password)){
  167. $return['error_code'] = 10102 ;
  168. $return['error_message'] = L('incorrect_password') ;
  169. $this->sendResult($return);
  170. return ;
  171. }
  172. D("Page")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->delete();
  173. D("Catalog")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->delete();
  174. D("PageHistory")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->delete();
  175. D("ItemMember")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->delete();
  176. $return = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->delete();
  177. if (!$return) {
  178. $return['error_code'] = 10103 ;
  179. $return['error_message'] = 'request fail' ;
  180. }
  181. $this->sendResult($return);
  182. }
  183. //输入访问密码
  184. public function pwd(){
  185. $item_id = I("item_id/d");
  186. $CloseVerify = C('CloseVerify');
  187. $refer_url = I('refer_url');
  188. //var_dump(urldecode($refer_url));
  189. $this->assign('CloseVerify',$CloseVerify);
  190. $this->assign('refer_url',$refer_url);
  191. if (!IS_POST) {
  192. $this->assign("item_id" , $item_id);
  193. $this->display ();
  194. }else{
  195. $password = I("password");
  196. $v_code = I("v_code");
  197. if ( $CloseVerify || ( $v_code && $v_code == session('v_code') )) {
  198. $item = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->find();
  199. if ($item['password'] == $password) {
  200. session("visit_item_".$item_id , 1 );
  201. if ($refer_url) {
  202. header("location:".base64_decode($refer_url));
  203. }else{
  204. header("location:".U("Home/Item/show").'&item_id='.$item_id);
  205. }
  206. }else{
  207. $this->message(L('access_password_are_incorrect'));
  208. }
  209. }else{
  210. $this->message(L('verification_code_are_incorrect'));
  211. }
  212. }
  213. }
  214. //导出word
  215. public function export(){
  216. $login_user = $this->checkLogin();
  217. $item_id = I("item_id/d");
  218. $uid = $login_user['uid'] ;
  219. $this->checkItemPermn($uid , $item_id) ;
  220. $item = D("Item")->where("item_id = '$item_id' ")->find();
  221. //对于单页项目,直接导出。对于普通项目,则让其选择目录
  222. if ($item['item_type'] == 2 ) {
  223. $url = 'server/index.php?s=/api/export/word&item_id='.$item_id ;
  224. header("location:{$url}");
  225. }else{
  226. $this->assign("item_id",$item_id);
  227. $this->display();
  228. }
  229. }
  230. public function setting(){
  231. $login_user = $this->checkLogin();
  232. $item_id = I("item_id/d");
  233. $uid = $login_user['uid'] ;
  234. $this->checkItemPermn($uid , $item_id) ;
  235. $this->assign("item_id",$item_id);
  236. $this->display();
  237. }
  238. }