123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353 |
- <?php
- namespace Api\Model;
- use Api\Model\BaseModel;
- /**
- *
- * @author star7th
- */
- class PageModel extends BaseModel {
- protected $cat_name_id = array();
- //搜索某个项目下的页面
- public function search($item_id,$keyword){
- $return_pages = array() ;
- $item = D("Item")->where("item_id = '%d' and is_del = 0 ",array($item_id))->find();
- $pages = $this->where("item_id = '$item_id' and is_del = 0")->order(" s_number asc ")->select();
- if (!empty($pages)) {
- foreach ($pages as $key => &$value) {
- $page_content = $value['page_content'];
- if (strpos( strtolower($item['item_name']."-". $value['page_title']." ".$page_content) ,strtolower ($keyword) ) !== false) {
- $value['page_content'] = $page_content ;
- $return_pages[] = $value;
- }
- }
- }
- unset($pages);
- return $return_pages;
- }
- //根据内容更新页面
- //其中cat_name参数特别说明下,传递各格式如 '二级目录/三级目录/四级目录'
- public function update_by_content($item_id,$page_title,$page_content,$cat_name='',$s_number = 99){
- $item_id = intval($item_id);
- if (!$item_id) {
- return false;
- }
- if ($this->cat_name_id && isset($this->cat_name_id[$cat_name])) {
- $cat_id = $this->cat_name_id[$cat_name] ;
- $cat_name = '' ; //如果已经有缓存了则设置为空
- }else{
- $cat_id = 0 ;
- }
- $catalog_array = explode('/', $cat_name);
- $cat_name = $catalog_array[0] ;
- $cat_name_sub = !empty($catalog_array[1])? $catalog_array[1] : '';
- $cat_name_sub_sub = !empty($catalog_array[2])? $catalog_array[2] : '';
- //如果传送了二级目录
- if ($cat_name) {
- $cat_name_array = D("Catalog")->where(" item_id = '$item_id' and level = 2 and cat_name = '%s' ",array($cat_name))->find();
- //如果不存在则新建
- if (!$cat_name_array) {
- $add_data = array(
- "cat_name" => $cat_name,
- "item_id" => $item_id,
- "addtime" => time(),
- "level" => 2
- );
- D("Catalog")->add($add_data);
- $cat_name_array = D("Catalog")->where(" item_id = '$item_id' and level = 2 and cat_name = '%s' ",array($cat_name))->find();
- }
- }
- //如果传送了三级目录
- if ($cat_name_sub) {
- $cat_name_sub_array = D("Catalog")->where(" item_id = '$item_id' and level = 3 and cat_name = '%s' and parent_cat_id = '%s' ",array($cat_name_sub,$cat_name_array['cat_id']))->find();
- //如果不存在则新建
- if (!$cat_name_sub_array) {
- $add_data = array(
- "cat_name" => $cat_name_sub,
- "item_id" => $item_id,
- "parent_cat_id" => $cat_name_array['cat_id'],
- "addtime" => time(),
- "level" => 3
- );
- D("Catalog")->add($add_data);
- $cat_name_sub_array = D("Catalog")->where(" item_id = '$item_id' and level = 3 and cat_name = '%s' and parent_cat_id = '%s' ",array($cat_name_sub,$cat_name_array['cat_id']))->find();
- }
- }
- //如果传送了四级目录
- if ($cat_name_sub_sub) {
- $cat_name_sub_sub_array = D("Catalog")->where(" item_id = '$item_id' and level = 4 and cat_name = '%s' and parent_cat_id = '%s' ",array($cat_name_sub_sub,$cat_name_sub_array['cat_id']))->find();
- //如果不存在则新建
- if (!$cat_name_sub_sub_array) {
- $add_data = array(
- "cat_name" => $cat_name_sub_sub,
- "item_id" => $item_id,
- "parent_cat_id" => $cat_name_sub_array['cat_id'],
- "addtime" => time(),
- "level" => 4
- );
- D("Catalog")->add($add_data);
- $cat_name_sub_sub_array = D("Catalog")->where(" item_id = '$item_id' and level = 4 and cat_name = '%s' and parent_cat_id = '%s' ",array($cat_name_sub_sub,$cat_name_sub_array['cat_id']))->find();
- }
- }
- if ($cat_name_array && $cat_name_array['cat_id'] > 0 ) {
- $cat_id = $cat_name_array['cat_id'] ;
- }
- if ($cat_name_sub_array && $cat_name_sub_array['cat_id'] > 0 ) {
- $cat_id = $cat_name_sub_array['cat_id'] ;
- }
- if ($cat_name_sub_sub_array && $cat_name_sub_sub_array['cat_id'] > 0 ) {
- $cat_id = $cat_name_sub_sub_array['cat_id'] ;
- }
- $this->cat_name_id[$cat_name] = $cat_id ;
- if ($page_content) {
- $page_array = D("Page")->where(" item_id = '$item_id' and is_del = 0 and cat_id = '$cat_id' and page_title ='%s' ",array($page_title))->find();
- //如果不存在则新建
- if (!$page_array) {
- $add_data = array(
- "author_username" => "update_by_content",
- "item_id" => $item_id,
- "cat_id" => $cat_id,
- "page_title" => $page_title,
- "page_content" => $page_content,
- "s_number" => $s_number,
- "addtime" => time(),
- );
- $page_id = D("Page")->add($add_data);
- }else{
- $page_id = $page_array['page_id'] ;
- $update_data = array(
- "author_username" => "update_by_content",
- "item_id" => $item_id,
- "cat_id" => $cat_id,
- "page_title" => $page_title,
- "page_content" => $page_content,
- "s_number" => $s_number,
- );
- D("Page")->where(" page_id = '$page_id' ")->save($update_data);
- }
- }
- return $page_id ;
- }
- //软删除页面
- public function softDeletePage($page_id){
- $page_id = intval($page_id) ;
- //放入回收站
- $login_user = session('login_user');
- $page = D("Page")->field("item_id,page_title")->where(" page_id = '$page_id' ")->find() ;
- D("Recycle")->add(array(
- "item_id" =>$page['item_id'],
- "page_id" =>$page_id,
- "page_title" =>$page['page_title'],
- "del_by_uid" =>$login_user['uid'],
- "del_by_username" =>$login_user['username'],
- "del_time" =>time()
- ));
- $ret = M("Page")->where(" page_id = '$page_id' ")->save(array("is_del"=>1 ,"addtime"=>time()));
- return $ret;
- }
- //删除页面
- public function deletePage($page_id){
- $page_id = intval($page_id) ;
- $ret = M("Page")->where(" page_id = '$page_id' ")->delete();
- return $ret;
- }
- public function deleteFile($file_id){
- $file_id = intval($file_id) ;
- return D("Attachment")->deleteFile($file_id) ;
- }
- //把runapi的格式内容转换为markdown格式。如果不是runapi格式,则会返回false
- //参数content为json字符串或者数组
- public function runapiToMd($content){
- if(!is_array($content) ){
- $content_json = htmlspecialchars_decode($content) ;
- $content = json_decode($content_json , true) ;
- }
- if(!$content || !$content['info'] || !$content['info']['url'] ){
- return false ;
- }
- $new_content = "
- ##### 简要描述
- - ".($content['info']['description'] ? $content['info']['description'] :'无') ."
- ##### 请求URL
- - `{$content['info']['url']}`
- ##### 请求方式
- - {$content['info']['method']}
- ";
- if($content['request']['headers'] && $content['request']['headers'][0] && $content['request']['headers'][0]['name']){
- $new_content .= "
- ##### Header
- |header|必选|类型|说明|
- |:----- |:-----|-----|
- ";
- foreach ($content['request']['headers'] as $key => $value) {
- $value['require'] = $value['require'] > 0 ? "是" : "否" ;
- $value['remark'] = $value['remark'] ? $value['remark'] : '无' ;
- $new_content .= "|{$value['name']}| {$value['require']} | {$value['type']} | {$value['remark']} | \n";
- }
- }
- $params = $content['request']['params'][$content['request']['params']['mode']];
- if ($params && is_array($params) && $params[0] && $params[0]['name']){
- $new_content .= "
- ##### 请求参数
- |参数名|必选|类型|说明|
- |:----- |:-----|-----|
- ";
- foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
- $value['require'] = $value['require'] > 0 ? "是" : "否" ;
- $value['remark'] = $value['remark'] ? $value['remark'] : '无' ;
- $new_content .= "|{$value['name']}| {$value['require']} | {$value['type']} | {$value['remark']} | \n";
- }
- }
- //如果参数类型为json
- if($content['request']['params']['mode'] == 'json' && $params){
- $params = $this->_indent_json($params);
- $new_content .= "
- ##### 请求参数示例
- ```
- {$params}
- ```
- ";
- }
- // json字段说明
- $jsonDesc = $content['request']['params']['jsonDesc'] ;
- if ($content['request']['params']['mode'] == 'json' && $jsonDesc && $jsonDesc[0] && $jsonDesc[0]['name']){
- $new_content .= "
- ##### json字段说明
- |字段名|必选|类型|说明|
- |:----- |:-----|-----|
- ";
- foreach ($jsonDesc as $key => $value) {
- $value['require'] = $value['require'] > 0 ? "是" : "否" ;
- $value['remark'] = $value['remark'] ? $value['remark'] : '无' ;
- $new_content .= "|{$value['name']}| {$value['require']} | {$value['type']} | {$value['remark']} | \n";
- }
- }
- //返回示例
- if($content['response']['responseExample']){
- $responseExample = $this->_indent_json($content['response']['responseExample']);
- $responseExample = $responseExample ? $responseExample : $content['response']['responseExample'] ;
- $new_content .= "
- ##### 返回示例
- ```
- {$responseExample}
- ```
- ";
- }
- //返回示例说明
- if($content['response']['responseParamsDesc'] && $content['response']['responseParamsDesc'][0] && $content['response']['responseParamsDesc'][0]['name']){
- $new_content .= "
- ##### 返回参数说明
- |参数名|类型|说明|
- |:----- |:-----|-----|
- ";
- foreach ($content['response']['responseParamsDesc'] as $key => $value) {
- $value['remark'] = $value['remark'] ? $value['remark'] : '无' ;
- $new_content .= "|{$value['name']}| {$value['type']} | {$value['remark']} | \n";
- }
- }
- $new_content .= "
- ##### 备注
- {$content['info']['remark']}
- ";
- return $new_content ;
- }
- /**
- * Indents a flat JSON string to make it more human-readable.
- *
- * @param string $json The original JSON string to process.
- *
- * @return string Indented version of the original JSON string.
- */
- private function _indent_json($json) {
- $result = '';
- $pos = 0;
- $strLen = strlen($json);
- $indentStr = ' ';
- $newLine = "\n";
- $prevChar = '';
- $outOfQuotes = true;
- for ($i=0; $i<=$strLen; $i++) {
- // Grab the next character in the string.
- $char = substr($json, $i, 1);
- // Are we inside a quoted string?
- if ($char == '"' && $prevChar != '\\') {
- $outOfQuotes = !$outOfQuotes;
- // If this character is the end of an element,
- // output a new line and indent the next line.
- } else if(($char == '}' || $char == ']') && $outOfQuotes) {
- $result .= $newLine;
- $pos --;
- for ($j=0; $j<$pos; $j++) {
- $result .= $indentStr;
- }
- }
- // Add the character to the result string.
- $result .= $char;
- // If the last character was the beginning of an element,
- // output a new line and indent the next line.
- if (($char == ',' || $char == '{' || $char == '[') && $outOfQuotes) {
- $result .= $newLine;
- if ($char == '{' || $char == '[') {
- $pos ++;
- }
- for ($j = 0; $j < $pos; $j++) {
- $result .= $indentStr;
- }
- }
- $prevChar = $char;
- }
- return $result;
- }
- }