en-us.php 8.7 KB

  1. <?php
  2. return array(
  3. //Attorn
  4. 'attorn_item'=>'Attorn item',
  5. 'username'=>'Username',
  6. 'receiver_name'=>"Receiver's username",
  7. 'verify_identity'=>'Verify identity',
  8. 'your_password'=>'Your password',
  9. 'attorn'=>'Attorn',
  10. 'close'=>'close',
  11. //Catalog
  12. 'new_or_edit_catalog' => 'New/Edit catalog',
  13. 'catalog_name' => 'Catalog name',
  14. 's_number' => 'Order',
  15. 's_number_explain' => 'Optional: order number',
  16. 'last_catalog' => 'Parent catalog',
  17. 'save' => 'Sava',
  18. 'delete_catalog' => 'Delete catalog',
  19. 'catalog_list' => 'Catalog list',
  20. 'click_to_edit' => 'Click to edit',
  21. //index
  22. 'help' => 'Help',
  23. 'demo' => 'Demo',
  24. 'index_login_or_register' => 'Login / Register',
  25. 'my_item' => 'My items',
  26. 'section_title1' => 'ShowDoc',
  27. 'section_description1' => ' A tool greatly applicable for an IT team',
  28. 'section_title2' => 'API Document',
  29. 'section_description2' => 'ShowDoc can compile exquisite API documents <br>in a very fast and convenient way',
  30. 'section_title3' => 'Data Dictionary',
  31. 'section_description3' => 'A good Data Dictionary can easily exhibit database structure to other people<br>ShowDoc can compile exquisite Data Dictionary',
  32. 'section_title4' => 'Explanation Document',
  33. 'section_description4' => 'You can absolutely use ShowDoc to compile the explanation documents for some tools',
  34. 'section_title5' => 'Team Work',
  35. 'section_description5' => 'Your team will work with ShowDoc together very well ',
  36. 'section_title6' => 'Open Source',
  37. 'section_description6' => 'ShowDoc is a free, open source tool that <br>you can deploy it to your own server',
  38. 'section_title7' => 'Hosted online',
  39. 'section_description7' => 'Www.showdoc.cc provide security and stability of the document hosting service',
  40. 'section_title8' => 'Try it now',
  41. 'section_description8' => 'Over 6000+ IT team is using ShowDoc',
  42. //Common message
  43. 'redirect_message' => 'If your browser does not automatically jump, please click on this link.',
  44. 'click_to_goback' => 'Click to goback',
  45. 'home' => 'Home',
  46. //item/add
  47. 'item_name' => "Item's name",
  48. 'item_description' => "Item's description",
  49. 'item_domain' => '(Optional)domain hack',
  50. 'item_domain_illegal' => 'Domain hack must be a combination of letters and numbers',
  51. 'domain_already_exists' => 'Domain already exists',
  52. 'visit_password_placeholder' => 'Access password(Optional: private project required)',
  53. 'submit' => 'Submit',
  54. 'goback' => 'Goback',
  55. //item/delete
  56. 'delete_item' => 'Delete item',
  57. 'verify_your_identity' => 'Verify your identity',
  58. 'creator_password' => "creator's password",
  59. 'delete' => 'Delete',
  60. 'close' => 'Close',
  61. //item/index
  62. 'personal_setting'=>'Personal setting',
  63. 'share_home'=>'Share home',
  64. 'web_home'=>'Website home',
  65. 'logout'=>'Logout',
  66. 'add_an_item'=>'Add an item',
  67. 'new_item'=>'New item',
  68. 'share_my_home'=>'Share my home',
  69. 'feedback' => "feedback",
  70. 'home_address'=>'Home address',
  71. 'home_address_description'=>'The others will be able to see all of your public items When he visits your home page.You can copy the address to your friends.',
  72. //item/pwd
  73. 'input_visit_password'=>'Please enter the access password',
  74. 'password'=>'Passwod',
  75. 'verification_code'=>'Verification code',
  76. 'submit'=>'Submit',
  77. 'login_or_register'=>'Login/Register',
  78. //item/show
  79. 'item'=>'Item',
  80. 'share'=>'Share',
  81. 'export'=>'Export',
  82. 'update_info'=>'Modify',
  83. 'manage_members'=>'Members',
  84. 'attorn'=>'Attorn',
  85. 'delete'=>'Delete',
  86. 'more_item'=>'More items',
  87. 'login_or_register'=>'Login/Register',
  88. 'about_showdoc'=>'About ShowDoc',
  89. 'my_item'=>'My items',
  90. 'new_page'=>'New page',
  91. 'new_catalog'=>'New catalog',
  92. 'share_address_to_your_friends'=>'Share address to your friends',
  93. 'share'=>'Share',
  94. 'copy_interface_to_new'=>'Copy page to new ',
  95. 'copy'=>'Copy',
  96. 'edit_interface'=>'Edit page',
  97. 'edit'=>'Edit',
  98. 'delete_interface'=>'Delete page',
  99. 'comfirm_delete'=>'Are you sure that you want to delete it?',
  100. 'delete'=>'Delete',
  101. 'share'=>'Share',
  102. 'item_address'=>'Item address',
  103. 'copy_address_to_your_friends'=>'You can copy the address to your friend.',
  104. 'share_page'=>'Share page',
  105. 'page_address'=>'Page address',
  106. 'copy_address_to_your_friends'=>'You can copy the address to your friend.',
  107. //item/showbyuid
  108. 'more'=>'More',
  109. 'my_item'=>'My items',
  110. 'login_or_register'=>'Login/Register',
  111. 'about_showdoc'=>'About ShowDoc',
  112. 'all_pubilc_item'=>"'s all public items",
  113. //member
  114. 'new_member'=>'New member',
  115. 'username'=>'Username',
  116. 'save'=>'Save',
  117. 'member_list'=>'member list',
  118. 'click_to_delete'=>'Click to delete',
  119. 'close'=>'Close',
  120. "member_group_id" => "Read-only(can read item ,but not edit or delete )",
  121. //page
  122. 'input_page_title'=>'Please enter a page title',
  123. 'level_2_directory'=>'Second-level catalog',
  124. 'level_3_directory'=>'Third-level catalog',
  125. 's_number_explain'=>'Optional: order number',
  126. 'history_version'=>'History version',
  127. 'save'=>'Save',
  128. 'cancel'=>'Cancel',
  129. 'inser_apidoc_template'=>'Insert apidoc template',
  130. 'inser_database_doc_template'=>'Insert db-doc template',
  131. 'json_tools'=>'Json tools',
  132. 'json_to_table'=>'Json to table',
  133. 'beautify_json'=>'Beautify Json',
  134. 'beautify_json_description'=>'Make your json more beautiful ',
  135. 'http_test_api'=>'Api test online',
  136. 'json_to_table_description'=>'Please paste a section of JSON, the program will automatically parse and generate JSON parameters table. This feature is suitable for the rapid preparation of API documents returned to the parameter table',
  137. 'confirm'=>'Confirm',
  138. 'cancel'=>'Cancel',
  139. 'history_version'=>'History version',
  140. 'update_time'=>'Modification time',
  141. 'update_by_who'=>'Modified by who',
  142. 'operation'=>'Operation',
  143. 'recover_to_this_version'=>'Restore to this version',
  144. 'close'=>'Close',
  145. 'finish'=>'Finish',
  146. 'api_test_title'=>'Test for GET and POST',
  147. 'api_address_description'=>'Api address(e.g:ttp://www.abc.com/api/login)',
  148. 'api_address'=>'Api address',
  149. 'params_description'=>'Params(e.g:user_id=121&age=22&date=2016-06-02)',
  150. 'params'=>'Params',
  151. 'clear'=>'Clear',
  152. 'result'=>'Result',
  153. 'save_to_templ'=>'Save as template',
  154. 'more_templ'=>'More template',
  155. 'saved_templ_list'=>'Template list you saved',
  156. 'page_comments'=>'Page comments',
  157. 'add_page_comments'=>'Add comments before save',
  158. 'cur_page_content'=>'The latest version ',
  159. 'history_page_content'=>'History version',
  160. 'overview'=>'Overview',
  161. //user
  162. 'login'=>'Login',
  163. 'username'=>'Username',
  164. 'password'=>'Passwod',
  165. 'verification_code'=>'Verification code',
  166. 'no_account'=>'Go to register →',
  167. 'register_new_account'=>'Register new user',
  168. 'username_description'=>'English name or Email',
  169. 'password'=>'Passwod',
  170. 'password_again'=>'Enter password again',
  171. 'verification_code'=>'Verification code',
  172. 'register'=>'Register',
  173. 'had_a_account'=>' Sign on right now→',
  174. 'update_personal_info'=>'Modify personal information',
  175. 'new_password_description'=>'The new password',
  176. 'old_password_description'=>'Original password',
  177. 'submit'=>'Submit',
  178. 'goback'=>'Goback',
  179. //message 弹出信息有关的文案
  180. 'no_permissions'=>'No permissions',
  181. 'incorrect_password'=>'Incorrect password',
  182. 'user_does_not_exist'=>'User does not exist',
  183. 'operation_succeeded'=>'Operation succeeded',
  184. 'operation_failed'=>'Operation failed',
  185. 'access_password_are_incorrect'=>'Access password are incorrect',
  186. 'verification_code_are_incorrect'=>'Verification code are incorrect',
  187. 'no_permissions_to_delete_page'=>'No permissions!The page is created by {$author_username}',
  188. 'delete_succeeded'=>'Delete succeeded',
  189. 'delete_failed'=>'Delete failed',
  190. 'register_succeeded'=>'Register succeeded',
  191. 'username_or_password_incorrect'=>'Username or password are incorrect',
  192. 'username_exists'=>'Username exists',
  193. 'code_much_the_same'=>'Password much be the same',
  194. 'verification_code_are_incorrect'=>'Verification code are incorrect',
  195. 'auto_login_succeeded'=>'Automatic login success! Jumping...',
  196. 'login_succeeded'=>'Login succeeded',
  197. 'modify_succeeded'=>'Modify succeeded',
  198. 'modify_faild'=>'Modify failed',
  199. 'old_password_incorrect'=>'The original password is not correct',
  200. 'logout_succeeded'=>'Logout succeeded',
  201. //error_message
  202. "no_delete_empty_catalog"=>'In order to secure, do not allow direct delete an empty catalog. Please delete or move all the pages in the catalog',
  203. "default_title" =>'Default',
  204. );