@@ -1799,4 +1799,80 @@ public class MESHelperServiceImpl implements MESHelperService {
return rmap;
return rmap;
+ @Override
+ public Map<Object, Object> getMakeSnCode(String data) {
+ Map<String, Object> map=null;
+ Map<Object, Object> rmap = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
+ try{
+ map =BaseUtil.convertJsonToMap(data);
+ }catch (Exception e){
+ rmap.put("code",-1);
+ rmap.put("message",e.getMessage());
+ System.out.printf(e.getMessage()) ;
+ return rmap;
+ }
+ String macode = map.get("moid") == null ? "" : String.valueOf(map.get("moid"));
+ if("".equals(macode)){
+ rmap.put("code",-1);
+ rmap.put("message","工单不能为空");
+ return rmap;
+ }
+ if (!baseDao.checkIf("make","ma_code='"+macode+"'")){
+ rmap.put("code",-1);
+ rmap.put("message","工单不存在");
+ return rmap;
+ }
+ if (baseDao.checkIf("make","nvl(ma_statuscode,' ')<>'STARTED' and ma_code='"+macode+"'")){
+ rmap.put("code",-1);
+ rmap.put("message","工单不是已下放状态");
+ return rmap;
+ }
+ if (!baseDao.checkIf("MakeSnList","msl_makecode='"+macode+"'")){
+ rmap.put("code",-1);
+ rmap.put("message","工单未维护SN");
+ return rmap;
+ }
+ double sncount = map.get("count") == null ? 1 : Double.parseDouble(map.get("count").toString());
+ if(sncount<=0){
+ rmap.put("code",-1);
+ rmap.put("message","SN数量必须大于0");
+ return rmap;
+ }
+ String mType = map.get("mType") == null ? "" : String.valueOf(map.get("mType"));
+ if("".equals(mType)){
+ rmap.put("code",-1);
+ rmap.put("message","类型不能为空");
+ return rmap;
+ }
+ int count = baseDao.getCountByCondition("MakeSnList", "msl_makecode='" + macode + "' and nvl(msl_type,' ')='"+mType+"' and nvl(msl_status,0)=0");
+ if (count<sncount){
+ rmap.put("code",-1);
+ rmap.put("message","SN不足!");
+ return rmap;
+ }
+ List<String> sqls = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<Map<String, Object>> maps = new ArrayList<>();
+ Map<String, Object> snmap=null;
+ SqlRowList rs = baseDao.queryForRowSet("select msl_sncode,msl_id from (select msl_sncode,msl_id from MakeSnList where msl_makecode='" + macode + "' and nvl(msl_type,' ')='"+mType+"' and nvl(msl_status,0)=0 order by msl_sncode) where rownum<="+sncount +" order by msl_sncode ");
+ String mainbarcode="";
+ String msl_id="";
+ while (rs.next()){
+ snmap=new HashMap<String, Object>();
+ snmap.put("serialNo",rs.getGeneralString("msl_sncode"));
+ mainbarcode=rs.getGeneralString("msl_sncode");
+ maps.add(snmap);
+ sqls.add("update MakeSnList set msl_signtime=sysdate,msl_status=-1 where msl_id="+rs.getGeneralInt("msl_id"));
+ msl_id+=rs.getGeneralInt("msl_id")+",";
+ }
+ msl_id+="0";
+ baseDao.execute("update MakeSnList set msl_mainbarcode='"+mainbarcode+"' where msl_id in ("+msl_id+")");
+ if (sqls!=null&&sqls.size()>0){
+ baseDao.execute(sqls);
+ }
+ rmap.put("code",0);
+ rmap.put("data",maps);
+ return rmap;
+ }