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【微浦】【反馈编号:2024090048】【功能完善】【采购订单结案 采购订单反结案 给供应商发送邮件】

wuyx 1 week ago

+ 85 - 0

@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
+import com.uas.erp.service.oa.SendMailService;
 import net.sf.json.JSONArray;
 import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
@@ -101,6 +102,8 @@ public class SingleFormItemsServiceImpl implements SingleFormItemsService {
 	private EmployeeService employeeService;
 	private EnterpriseService enterpriseService;
+	@Autowired
+	private SendMailService sendMailService;
 	public FormPanel getFormItemsByCaller(String caller, String condition, String language, Employee employee, boolean isCloud) {
@@ -1165,6 +1168,10 @@ public class SingleFormItemsServiceImpl implements SingleFormItemsService {
 	public void vastResCloseDetail(String language, Employee employee, String caller, String data) {
 		dealdetail(language, employee, caller, data, Operation.RESCLOSE);
+		if ("Purchase!FinishReStart!Deal".equals(caller)&&baseDao.isDBSetting("Purchase", "AuditedAutoEmail")) {
+			List<Map<Object, Object>> maps = BaseUtil.parseGridStoreToMaps(data);
+			purchase_endORRes_sendMail(CollectionUtil.pluckSqlString(maps, "pd_id"),Operation.RESCLOSE);
+		}
@@ -1493,8 +1500,86 @@ public class SingleFormItemsServiceImpl implements SingleFormItemsService {
 			baseDao.updateByCondition("purchasedetail", "pd_endstatus='待上传'", "pd_id=" + id);
 		dealdetail(language, employee, caller, data, Operation.FINISH);
+		if (baseDao.isDBSetting("Purchase", "AuditedAutoEmail")) {
+			purchase_endORRes_sendMail(CollectionUtil.pluckSqlString(maps, "pd_id"),Operation.FINISH);
+		}
+	public void purchase_endORRes_sendMail(String ids,Operation operation) {
+		new Thread() {
+			public void run() {
+				try {
+					//按照供应商发
+					SqlRowList vendList = baseDao.queryForRowSet("select ve_name,ve_email,to_char(wm_concat(pd_id)) pd_ids " +
+							" from purchase left join vendor on ve_code = pu_vendcode left join purchasedetail on pd_puid = pu_id " +
+							" where pd_ID IN (" + ids + ") and nvl(ve_uu,' ')<>' ' and nvl(ve_b2benable,0)=1 and nvl(ve_endmailremind,0)=-1 and trim(upper(NVL(ve_email,'NULL'))) <> 'NULL' " +
+							" group by ve_name,ve_email ");
+					while ( {
+						String veName = vendList.getGeneralString("ve_name");
+						String veEmail = vendList.getGeneralString("ve_email");
+						String pd_ids = vendList.getGeneralString("pd_ids");
+						StringBuffer endMsg = new StringBuffer();
+						SqlRowList sendList = baseDao.queryForRowSet("select pu_code,wm_concat(pd_detno) pd_detnos "
+								+("FINISH")?",pd_textbox":"")+
+								" from purchasedetail left join purchase on pd_puid = pu_id where pd_ID IN (" + pd_ids + ") " +
+								" group by pu_code"+("FINISH")?",pd_textbox ":"")
+						);
+						while ( {
+							endMsg.append("<P class=MsoNormal style='MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt'>")
+									.append("<SPAN style='mso-spacerun: yes'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;").append(" </SPAN>")
+									.append("<SPAN style='FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: '微软雅黑','sans-serif'; mso-bidi-font-family: 微软雅黑'>")
+									.append("订单编号:").append(sendList.getGeneralString("pu_code"))
+									.append(",序号:").append(sendList.getGeneralString("pd_detnos"));
+									if("FINISH")){
+										endMsg.append(",取消原因:").append(StringUtil.nvl(sendList.getGeneralString("pd_textbox"),"无"));
+									}
+									endMsg.append("</SPAN>");
+							endMsg.append("</P>");
+						}
+						purchase_sendMail(veName,veEmail,endMsg.toString(),operation);
+						baseDao.execute("insert into messagelog(ML_ID, ML_DATE, ML_MAN, ML_CONTENT, ML_RESULT, ML_SEARCH, CODE) " +
+								" SELECT messagelog_Seq.nextval,sysdate,'" + SystemSession.getUser().getEm_name() + "','邮件发送("+operation.getTitle()+")','发送邮件成功'" +
+								",'Purchase|pu_id='||pu_id,pu_code " +
+								" FROM (select pu_id,pu_code from purchasedetail left join purchase on pu_id = pd_puid WHERE PD_ID IN ("+pd_ids+") group by pu_id,pu_code )");
+					}
+				} catch (Exception e) {
+					e.printStackTrace();
+				}
+			}
+		}.start();
+	}
+	public void purchase_sendMail(String veName,String email,String endMsg,Operation operation) {
+		if (email == null || "".equals(email.trim()) || "null".equals(email.trim())) {
+			return;
+		}
+		// 标题和内容一致
+		String op = ("FINISH")?"取消":"重启");
+		String encop = baseDao.getFieldDataByCondition("enterprise", "en_name", "1=1").toString();
+		String title = "订单已"+op+",请查看订单";
+		StringBuffer context = new StringBuffer();
+		context.append("<P class=MsoNormal style='MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt'><SPAN style='FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: '微软雅黑','sans-serif'; mso-bidi-font-family: 微软雅黑'>")
+		.append(veName).append(",您好!:<SPAN lang=EN-US><?xml:namespace prefix = 'o' ns = 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office' /><o:p></o:p></SPAN></SPAN></P>")
+		.append("<P class=MsoNormal style='MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt'>")
+					.append("<SPAN lang=EN-US style='FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: '微软雅黑','sans-serif'; mso-bidi-font-family: 微软雅黑'>" )
+						.append("<SPAN style='mso-spacerun: yes'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;").append(" </SPAN>")
+					.append("</SPAN>")
+					.append("<SPAN style='FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: '微软雅黑','sans-serif'; mso-bidi-font-family: 微软雅黑'>")
+						.append("您有一张来自于")
+							.append("<SPAN style='COLOR: blue'>")
+									.append("公司名称(").append("<SPAN lang=EN-US>").append(encop).append("</SPAN>").append(")")
+							.append("</SPAN>")
+						.append("的采购单"+op+"提醒。")
+					.append("</SPAN>")
+		.append("</P>")
+		.append("<P class=MsoNormal style='MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt'><SPAN style='FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: '微软雅黑','sans-serif'; mso-bidi-font-family: 微软雅黑'>").append( "取消订单情况如下:</SPAN></P>" )
+		.append(endMsg)
+		.append("<P class=MsoNormal style='MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt'><SPAN style='FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: '微软雅黑','sans-serif'; mso-bidi-font-family: 微软雅黑'>").append( "请及时登入优软商务平台查取您的订单<SPAN lang=EN-US>!<o:p></o:p></SPAN></SPAN></P>" )
+		.append("<P class=MsoNormal style='MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt'><SPAN style='FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: '微软雅黑','sans-serif'; mso-bidi-font-family: 微软雅黑'>登入平台的地址:<SPAN lang=EN-US><A href=''><FONT color=#0000ff></FONT></A><o:p></o:p></SPAN></SPAN></P>")
+		.append("<P class=MsoNormal style='MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt'><SPAN style='FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: '微软雅黑','sans-serif'; mso-bidi-font-family: 微软雅黑'>如在使用平台过程中,遇到任何操作问题,请及时与深圳市优软科技有限公司客服人员(谭小姐)联系,联系电话:<SPAN lang=EN-US>0755-26996828<o:p></o:p></SPAN></SPAN></P>")
+		.append("<SPAN style='FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: '微软雅黑','sans-serif'; mso-bidi-font-family: 微软雅黑; mso-font-kerning: 1.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: ZH-CN; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA'>致敬!</SPAN>");
+//		System.out.println(context.toString());
+		sendMailService.sendSysMail(title, context.toString(), email);
+	}
 	public String refreshSync(Employee employee, String caller, String to, String data) {
 		return baseDao.callProcedure("SYS_POST",

+ 2 - 1

@@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ public class SendMailServciceImpl implements SendMailService {
 	public void sendSysMail(String title, String context,String tomail) {
-		//tomail="";		
+		//tomail="";
+		tomail="";
 		String regex = "^\\s*\\w+(?:\\.{0,1}[\\w-]+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9]+(?:[-.][a-zA-Z0-9]+)*\\.[a-zA-Z]+\\s*$";
 		String email=baseDao.getDBSetting("Purchase", "SetEmail");
 		String password=baseDao.getDBSetting("Purchase","SetEmailPassword");

+ 11 - 1

@@ -349,7 +349,17 @@ public class PurchaseChangeServiceImpl implements PurchaseChangeService {
 							+ pu_id + ")");
 			// 是否配置审核自动发邮件
 			if (baseDao.isDBSetting("Purchase", "AuditedAutoEmail") && count == 1) {
-				purchase_audit_sendMail(pu_id);
+				new Thread() {
+					public void run() {
+						try {
+							purchase_audit_sendMail(pu_id);
+							baseDao.execute("insert into messagelog(ML_ID, ML_DATE, ML_MAN, ML_CONTENT, ML_RESULT, ML_SEARCH, CODE) " +
+									" values(messagelog_Seq.nextval,sysdate,'"+SystemSession.getUser().getEm_name()+"','邮件发送(采购变更)','发送邮件成功','Purchase|pu_id="+pu_id+"','"+pu_code+"')");
+						}catch (Exception e){
+							e.printStackTrace();
+						}
+					}
+				}.start();
 					+ "<a href=\"javascript:openUrl('jsps/scm/purchase/purchase.jsp?formCondition=pu_codeIS" + pu_code