/* * Ext JS Library 2.0.2 Copyright(c) 2006-2008, Ext JS, LLC. licensing@extjs.com * * http://extjs.com/license */ Ext.DomHelper = function() { var L = null; var F = /^(?:br|frame|hr|img|input|link|meta|range|spacer|wbr|area|param|col)$/i; var B = /^table|tbody|tr|td$/i; var A = function(T) { if (typeof T == "string") { return T } var O = ""; if (Ext.isArray(T)) { for (var R = 0, P = T.length; R < P; R++) { O += A(T[R]) } return O } if (!T.tag) { T.tag = "div" } O += "<" + T.tag; for (var N in T) { if (N == "tag" || N == "children" || N == "cn" || N == "html" || typeof T[N] == "function") { continue } if (N == "style") { var S = T["style"]; if (typeof S == "function") { S = S.call() } if (typeof S == "string") { O += " style=\"" + S + "\"" } else { if (typeof S == "object") { O += " style=\""; for (var Q in S) { if (typeof S[Q] != "function") { O += Q + ":" + S[Q] + ";" } } O += "\"" } } } else { if (N == "cls") { O += " class=\"" + T["cls"] + "\"" } else { if (N == "htmlFor") { O += " for=\"" + T["htmlFor"] + "\"" } else { O += " " + N + "=\"" + T[N] + "\"" } } } } if (F.test(T.tag)) { O += "/>" } else { O += ">"; var U = T.children || T.cn; if (U) { O += A(U) } else { if (T.html) { O += T.html } } O += "" } return O }; var M = function(T, O) { var S; if (Ext.isArray(T)) { S = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (var R = 0, P = T.length; R < P; R++) { M(T[R], S) } } else { if (typeof T == "string)") { S = document.createTextNode(T) } else { S = document.createElement(T.tag || "div"); var Q = !!S.setAttribute; for (var N in T) { if (N == "tag" || N == "children" || N == "cn" || N == "html" || N == "style" || typeof T[N] == "function") { continue } if (N == "cls") { S.className = T["cls"] } else { if (Q) { S.setAttribute(N, T[N]) } else { S[N] = T[N] } } } Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(S, T.style); var U = T.children || T.cn; if (U) { M(U, S) } else { if (T.html) { S.innerHTML = T.html } } } } if (O) { O.appendChild(S) } return S }; var I = function(S, Q, P, R) { L.innerHTML = [Q, P, R].join(""); var N = -1, O = L; while (++N < S) { O = O.firstChild } return O }; var J = "", E = "
", C = J + "", K = "" + E, H = C + "", D = "" + K; var G = function(N, O, Q, P) { if (!L) { L = document.createElement("div") } var R; var S = null; if (N == "td") { if (O == "afterbegin" || O == "beforeend") { return } if (O == "beforebegin") { S = Q; Q = Q.parentNode } else { S = Q.nextSibling; Q = Q.parentNode } R = I(4, H, P, D) } else { if (N == "tr") { if (O == "beforebegin") { S = Q; Q = Q.parentNode; R = I(3, C, P, K) } else { if (O == "afterend") { S = Q.nextSibling; Q = Q.parentNode; R = I(3, C, P, K) } else { if (O == "afterbegin") { S = Q.firstChild } R = I(4, H, P, D) } } } else { if (N == "tbody") { if (O == "beforebegin") { S = Q; Q = Q.parentNode; R = I(2, J, P, E) } else { if (O == "afterend") { S = Q.nextSibling; Q = Q.parentNode; R = I(2, J, P, E) } else { if (O == "afterbegin") { S = Q.firstChild } R = I(3, C, P, K) } } } else { if (O == "beforebegin" || O == "afterend") { return } if (O == "afterbegin") { S = Q.firstChild } R = I(2, J, P, E) } } } Q.insertBefore(R, S); return R }; return { useDom : false, markup : function(N) { return A(N) }, applyStyles : function(P, Q) { if (Q) { P = Ext.fly(P); if (typeof Q == "string") { var O = /\s?([a-z\-]*)\:\s?([^;]*);?/gi; var R; while ((R = O.exec(Q)) != null) { P.setStyle(R[1], R[2]) } } else { if (typeof Q == "object") { for (var N in Q) { P.setStyle(N, Q[N]) } } else { if (typeof Q == "function") { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(P, Q.call()) } } } } }, insertHtml : function(P, R, Q) { P = P.toLowerCase(); if (R.insertAdjacentHTML) { if (B.test(R.tagName)) { var O; if (O = G(R.tagName.toLowerCase(), P, R, Q)) { return O } } switch (P) { case "beforebegin" : R.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeBegin", Q); return R.previousSibling; case "afterbegin" : R.insertAdjacentHTML("AfterBegin", Q); return R.firstChild; case "beforeend" : R.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", Q); return R.lastChild; case "afterend" : R.insertAdjacentHTML("AfterEnd", Q); return R.nextSibling } throw "Illegal insertion point -> \"" + P + "\"" } var N = R.ownerDocument.createRange(); var S; switch (P) { case "beforebegin" : N.setStartBefore(R); S = N.createContextualFragment(Q); R.parentNode.insertBefore(S, R); return R.previousSibling; case "afterbegin" : if (R.firstChild) { N.setStartBefore(R.firstChild); S = N.createContextualFragment(Q); R.insertBefore(S, R.firstChild); return R.firstChild } else { R.innerHTML = Q; return R.firstChild } case "beforeend" : if (R.lastChild) { N.setStartAfter(R.lastChild); S = N.createContextualFragment(Q); R.appendChild(S); return R.lastChild } else { R.innerHTML = Q; return R.lastChild } case "afterend" : N.setStartAfter(R); S = N.createContextualFragment(Q); R.parentNode.insertBefore(S, R.nextSibling); return R.nextSibling } throw "Illegal insertion point -> \"" + P + "\"" }, insertBefore : function(N, P, O) { return this.doInsert(N, P, O, "beforeBegin") }, insertAfter : function(N, P, O) { return this.doInsert(N, P, O, "afterEnd", "nextSibling") }, insertFirst : function(N, P, O) { return this.doInsert(N, P, O, "afterBegin", "firstChild") }, doInsert : function(Q, S, R, T, P) { Q = Ext.getDom(Q); var O; if (this.useDom) { O = M(S, null); (P === "firstChild" ? Q : Q.parentNode).insertBefore(O, P ? Q[P] : Q) } else { var N = A(S); O = this.insertHtml(T, Q, N) } return R ? Ext.get(O, true) : O }, append : function(P, R, Q) { P = Ext.getDom(P); var O; if (this.useDom) { O = M(R, null); P.appendChild(O) } else { var N = A(R); O = this.insertHtml("beforeEnd", P, N) } return Q ? Ext.get(O, true) : O }, overwrite : function(N, P, O) { N = Ext.getDom(N); N.innerHTML = A(P); return O ? Ext.get(N.firstChild, true) : N.firstChild }, createTemplate : function(O) { var N = A(O); return new Ext.Template(N) } } }(); Ext.Template = function(E) { var B = arguments; if (Ext.isArray(E)) { E = E.join("") } else { if (B.length > 1) { var C = []; for (var D = 0, A = B.length; D < A; D++) { if (typeof B[D] == "object") { Ext.apply(this, B[D]) } else { C[C.length] = B[D] } } E = C.join("") } } this.html = E; if (this.compiled) { this.compile() } }; Ext.Template.prototype = { applyTemplate : function(B) { if (this.compiled) { return this.compiled(B) } var A = this.disableFormats !== true; var E = Ext.util.Format, C = this; var D = function(G, I, L, H) { if (L && A) { if (L.substr(0, 5) == "this.") { return C.call(L.substr(5), B[I], B) } else { if (H) { var K = /^\s*['"](.*)["']\s*$/; H = H.split(","); for (var J = 0, F = H.length; J < F; J++) { H[J] = H[J].replace(K, "$1") } H = [B[I]].concat(H) } else { H = [B[I]] } return E[L].apply(E, H) } } else { return B[I] !== undefined ? B[I] : "" } }; return this.html.replace(this.re, D) }, set : function(A, B) { this.html = A; this.compiled = null; if (B) { this.compile() } return this }, disableFormats : false, re : /\{([\w-]+)(?:\:([\w\.]*)(?:\((.*?)?\))?)?\}/g, compile : function() { var fm = Ext.util.Format; var useF = this.disableFormats !== true; var sep = Ext.isGecko ? "+" : ","; var fn = function(m, name, format, args) { if (format && useF) { args = args ? "," + args : ""; if (format.substr(0, 5) != "this.") { format = "fm." + format + "(" } else { format = "this.call(\"" + format.substr(5) + "\", "; args = ", values" } } else { args = ""; format = "(values['" + name + "'] == undefined ? '' : " } return "'" + sep + format + "values['" + name + "']" + args + ")" + sep + "'" }; var body; if (Ext.isGecko) { body = "this.compiled = function(values){ return '" + this.html.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/(\r\n|\n)/g, "\\n").replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(this.re, fn) + "';};" } else { body = ["this.compiled = function(values){ return ['"]; body.push(this.html.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/(\r\n|\n)/g, "\\n").replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(this.re, fn)); body.push("'].join('');};"); body = body.join("") } eval(body); return this }, call : function(C, B, A) { return this[C](B, A) }, insertFirst : function(B, A, C) { return this.doInsert("afterBegin", B, A, C) }, insertBefore : function(B, A, C) { return this.doInsert("beforeBegin", B, A, C) }, insertAfter : function(B, A, C) { return this.doInsert("afterEnd", B, A, C) }, append : function(B, A, C) { return this.doInsert("beforeEnd", B, A, C) }, doInsert : function(C, E, B, A) { E = Ext.getDom(E); var D = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml(C, E, this.applyTemplate(B)); return A ? Ext.get(D, true) : D }, overwrite : function(B, A, C) { B = Ext.getDom(B); B.innerHTML = this.applyTemplate(A); return C ? Ext.get(B.firstChild, true) : B.firstChild } }; Ext.Template.prototype.apply = Ext.Template.prototype.applyTemplate; Ext.DomHelper.Template = Ext.Template; Ext.Template.from = function(B, A) { B = Ext.getDom(B); return new Ext.Template(B.value || B.innerHTML, A || "") }; Ext.DomQuery = function() { var cache = {}, simpleCache = {}, valueCache = {}; var nonSpace = /\S/; var trimRe = /^\s+|\s+$/g; var tplRe = /\{(\d+)\}/g; var modeRe = /^(\s?[\/>+~]\s?|\s|$)/; var tagTokenRe = /^(#)?([\w-\*]+)/; var nthRe = /(\d*)n\+?(\d*)/, nthRe2 = /\D/; function child(p, index) { var i = 0; var n = p.firstChild; while (n) { if (n.nodeType == 1) { if (++i == index) { return n } } n = n.nextSibling } return null } function next(n) { while ((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1) { } return n } function prev(n) { while ((n = n.previousSibling) && n.nodeType != 1) { } return n } function children(d) { var n = d.firstChild, ni = -1; while (n) { var nx = n.nextSibling; if (n.nodeType == 3 && !nonSpace.test(n.nodeValue)) { d.removeChild(n) } else { n.nodeIndex = ++ni } n = nx } return this } function byClassName(c, a, v) { if (!v) { return c } var r = [], ri = -1, cn; for (var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++) { if ((" " + ci.className + " ").indexOf(v) != -1) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r } function attrValue(n, attr) { if (!n.tagName && typeof n.length != "undefined") { n = n[0] } if (!n) { return null } if (attr == "for") { return n.htmlFor } if (attr == "class" || attr == "className") { return n.className } return n.getAttribute(attr) || n[attr] } function getNodes(ns, mode, tagName) { var result = [], ri = -1, cs; if (!ns) { return result } tagName = tagName || "*"; if (typeof ns.getElementsByTagName != "undefined") { ns = [ns] } if (!mode) { for (var i = 0, ni; ni = ns[i]; i++) { cs = ni.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for (var j = 0, ci; ci = cs[j]; j++) { result[++ri] = ci } } } else { if (mode == "/" || mode == ">") { var utag = tagName.toUpperCase(); for (var i = 0, ni, cn; ni = ns[i]; i++) { cn = ni.children || ni.childNodes; for (var j = 0, cj; cj = cn[j]; j++) { if (cj.nodeName == utag || cj.nodeName == tagName || tagName == "*") { result[++ri] = cj } } } } else { if (mode == "+") { var utag = tagName.toUpperCase(); for (var i = 0, n; n = ns[i]; i++) { while ((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1) { } if (n && (n.nodeName == utag || n.nodeName == tagName || tagName == "*")) { result[++ri] = n } } } else { if (mode == "~") { for (var i = 0, n; n = ns[i]; i++) { while ((n = n.nextSibling) && (n.nodeType != 1 || (tagName == "*" || n.tagName .toLowerCase() != tagName))) { } if (n) { result[++ri] = n } } } } } } return result } function concat(a, b) { if (b.slice) { return a.concat(b) } for (var i = 0, l = b.length; i < l; i++) { a[a.length] = b[i] } return a } function byTag(cs, tagName) { if (cs.tagName || cs == document) { cs = [cs] } if (!tagName) { return cs } var r = [], ri = -1; tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); for (var i = 0, ci; ci = cs[i]; i++) { if (ci.nodeType == 1 && ci.tagName.toLowerCase() == tagName) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r } function byId(cs, attr, id) { if (cs.tagName || cs == document) { cs = [cs] } if (!id) { return cs } var r = [], ri = -1; for (var i = 0, ci; ci = cs[i]; i++) { if (ci && ci.id == id) { r[++ri] = ci; return r } } return r } function byAttribute(cs, attr, value, op, custom) { var r = [], ri = -1, st = custom == "{"; var f = Ext.DomQuery.operators[op]; for (var i = 0, ci; ci = cs[i]; i++) { var a; if (st) { a = Ext.DomQuery.getStyle(ci, attr) } else { if (attr == "class" || attr == "className") { a = ci.className } else { if (attr == "for") { a = ci.htmlFor } else { if (attr == "href") { a = ci.getAttribute("href", 2) } else { a = ci.getAttribute(attr) } } } } if ((f && f(a, value)) || (!f && a)) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r } function byPseudo(cs, name, value) { return Ext.DomQuery.pseudos[name](cs, value) } var isIE = window.ActiveXObject ? true : false; eval("var batch = 30803;"); var key = 30803; function nodupIEXml(cs) { var d = ++key; cs[0].setAttribute("_nodup", d); var r = [cs[0]]; for (var i = 1, len = cs.length; i < len; i++) { var c = cs[i]; if (!c.getAttribute("_nodup") != d) { c.setAttribute("_nodup", d); r[r.length] = c } } for (var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++) { cs[i].removeAttribute("_nodup") } return r } function nodup(cs) { if (!cs) { return [] } var len = cs.length, c, i, r = cs, cj, ri = -1; if (!len || typeof cs.nodeType != "undefined" || len == 1) { return cs } if (isIE && typeof cs[0].selectSingleNode != "undefined") { return nodupIEXml(cs) } var d = ++key; cs[0]._nodup = d; for (i = 1; c = cs[i]; i++) { if (c._nodup != d) { c._nodup = d } else { r = []; for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { r[++ri] = cs[j] } for (j = i + 1; cj = cs[j]; j++) { if (cj._nodup != d) { cj._nodup = d; r[++ri] = cj } } return r } } return r } function quickDiffIEXml(c1, c2) { var d = ++key; for (var i = 0, len = c1.length; i < len; i++) { c1[i].setAttribute("_qdiff", d) } var r = []; for (var i = 0, len = c2.length; i < len; i++) { if (c2[i].getAttribute("_qdiff") != d) { r[r.length] = c2[i] } } for (var i = 0, len = c1.length; i < len; i++) { c1[i].removeAttribute("_qdiff") } return r } function quickDiff(c1, c2) { var len1 = c1.length; if (!len1) { return c2 } if (isIE && c1[0].selectSingleNode) { return quickDiffIEXml(c1, c2) } var d = ++key; for (var i = 0; i < len1; i++) { c1[i]._qdiff = d } var r = []; for (var i = 0, len = c2.length; i < len; i++) { if (c2[i]._qdiff != d) { r[r.length] = c2[i] } } return r } function quickId(ns, mode, root, id) { if (ns == root) { var d = root.ownerDocument || root; return d.getElementById(id) } ns = getNodes(ns, mode, "*"); return byId(ns, null, id) } return { getStyle : function(el, name) { return Ext.fly(el).getStyle(name) }, compile : function(path, type) { type = type || "select"; var fn = ["var f = function(root){\n var mode; ++batch; var n = root || document;\n"]; var q = path, mode, lq; var tk = Ext.DomQuery.matchers; var tklen = tk.length; var mm; var lmode = q.match(modeRe); if (lmode && lmode[1]) { fn[fn.length] = "mode=\"" + lmode[1].replace(trimRe, "") + "\";"; q = q.replace(lmode[1], "") } while (path.substr(0, 1) == "/") { path = path.substr(1) } while (q && lq != q) { lq = q; var tm = q.match(tagTokenRe); if (type == "select") { if (tm) { if (tm[1] == "#") { fn[fn.length] = "n = quickId(n, mode, root, \"" + tm[2] + "\");" } else { fn[fn.length] = "n = getNodes(n, mode, \"" + tm[2] + "\");" } q = q.replace(tm[0], "") } else { if (q.substr(0, 1) != "@") { fn[fn.length] = "n = getNodes(n, mode, \"*\");" } } } else { if (tm) { if (tm[1] == "#") { fn[fn.length] = "n = byId(n, null, \"" + tm[2] + "\");" } else { fn[fn.length] = "n = byTag(n, \"" + tm[2] + "\");" } q = q.replace(tm[0], "") } } while (!(mm = q.match(modeRe))) { var matched = false; for (var j = 0; j < tklen; j++) { var t = tk[j]; var m = q.match(t.re); if (m) { fn[fn.length] = t.select.replace(tplRe, function(x, i) { return m[i] }); q = q.replace(m[0], ""); matched = true; break } } if (!matched) { throw "Error parsing selector, parsing failed at \"" + q + "\"" } } if (mm[1]) { fn[fn.length] = "mode=\"" + mm[1].replace(trimRe, "") + "\";"; q = q.replace(mm[1], "") } } fn[fn.length] = "return nodup(n);\n}"; eval(fn.join("")); return f }, select : function(path, root, type) { if (!root || root == document) { root = document } if (typeof root == "string") { root = document.getElementById(root) } var paths = path.split(","); var results = []; for (var i = 0, len = paths.length; i < len; i++) { var p = paths[i].replace(trimRe, ""); if (!cache[p]) { cache[p] = Ext.DomQuery.compile(p); if (!cache[p]) { throw p + " is not a valid selector" } } var result = cache[p](root); if (result && result != document) { results = results.concat(result) } } if (paths.length > 1) { return nodup(results) } return results }, selectNode : function(path, root) { return Ext.DomQuery.select(path, root)[0] }, selectValue : function(path, root, defaultValue) { path = path.replace(trimRe, ""); if (!valueCache[path]) { valueCache[path] = Ext.DomQuery.compile(path, "select") } var n = valueCache[path](root); n = n[0] ? n[0] : n; var v = (n && n.firstChild ? n.firstChild.nodeValue : null); return ((v === null || v === undefined || v === "") ? defaultValue : v) }, selectNumber : function(path, root, defaultValue) { var v = Ext.DomQuery.selectValue(path, root, defaultValue || 0); return parseFloat(v) }, is : function(el, ss) { if (typeof el == "string") { el = document.getElementById(el) } var isArray = Ext.isArray(el); var result = Ext.DomQuery.filter(isArray ? el : [el], ss); return isArray ? (result.length == el.length) : (result.length > 0) }, filter : function(els, ss, nonMatches) { ss = ss.replace(trimRe, ""); if (!simpleCache[ss]) { simpleCache[ss] = Ext.DomQuery.compile(ss, "simple") } var result = simpleCache[ss](els); return nonMatches ? quickDiff(result, els) : result }, matchers : [{ re : /^\.([\w-]+)/, select : "n = byClassName(n, null, \" {1} \");" }, { re : /^\:([\w-]+)(?:\(((?:[^\s>\/]*|.*?))\))?/, select : "n = byPseudo(n, \"{1}\", \"{2}\");" }, { re : /^(?:([\[\{])(?:@)?([\w-]+)\s?(?:(=|.=)\s?['"]?(.*?)["']?)?[\]\}])/, select : "n = byAttribute(n, \"{2}\", \"{4}\", \"{3}\", \"{1}\");" }, { re : /^#([\w-]+)/, select : "n = byId(n, null, \"{1}\");" }, { re : /^@([\w-]+)/, select : "return {firstChild:{nodeValue:attrValue(n, \"{1}\")}};" }], operators : { "=" : function(a, v) { return a == v }, "!=" : function(a, v) { return a != v }, "^=" : function(a, v) { return a && a.substr(0, v.length) == v }, "$=" : function(a, v) { return a && a.substr(a.length - v.length) == v }, "*=" : function(a, v) { return a && a.indexOf(v) !== -1 }, "%=" : function(a, v) { return (a % v) == 0 }, "|=" : function(a, v) { return a && (a == v || a.substr(0, v.length + 1) == v + "-") }, "~=" : function(a, v) { return a && (" " + a + " ").indexOf(" " + v + " ") != -1 } }, pseudos : { "first-child" : function(c) { var r = [], ri = -1, n; for (var i = 0, ci; ci = n = c[i]; i++) { while ((n = n.previousSibling) && n.nodeType != 1) { } if (!n) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, "last-child" : function(c) { var r = [], ri = -1, n; for (var i = 0, ci; ci = n = c[i]; i++) { while ((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1) { } if (!n) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, "nth-child" : function(c, a) { var r = [], ri = -1; var m = nthRe.exec(a == "even" && "2n" || a == "odd" && "2n+1" || !nthRe2.test(a) && "n+" + a || a); var f = (m[1] || 1) - 0, l = m[2] - 0; for (var i = 0, n; n = c[i]; i++) { var pn = n.parentNode; if (batch != pn._batch) { var j = 0; for (var cn = pn.firstChild; cn; cn = cn.nextSibling) { if (cn.nodeType == 1) { cn.nodeIndex = ++j } } pn._batch = batch } if (f == 1) { if (l == 0 || n.nodeIndex == l) { r[++ri] = n } } else { if ((n.nodeIndex + l) % f == 0) { r[++ri] = n } } } return r }, "only-child" : function(c) { var r = [], ri = -1; for (var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++) { if (!prev(ci) && !next(ci)) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, "empty" : function(c) { var r = [], ri = -1; for (var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++) { var cns = ci.childNodes, j = 0, cn, empty = true; while (cn = cns[j]) { ++j; if (cn.nodeType == 1 || cn.nodeType == 3) { empty = false; break } } if (empty) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, "contains" : function(c, v) { var r = [], ri = -1; for (var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++) { if ((ci.textContent || ci.innerText || "").indexOf(v) != -1) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, "nodeValue" : function(c, v) { var r = [], ri = -1; for (var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++) { if (ci.firstChild && ci.firstChild.nodeValue == v) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, "checked" : function(c) { var r = [], ri = -1; for (var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++) { if (ci.checked == true) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, "not" : function(c, ss) { return Ext.DomQuery.filter(c, ss, true) }, "any" : function(c, selectors) { var ss = selectors.split("|"); var r = [], ri = -1, s; for (var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++) { for (var j = 0; s = ss[j]; j++) { if (Ext.DomQuery.is(ci, s)) { r[++ri] = ci; break } } } return r }, "odd" : function(c) { return this["nth-child"](c, "odd") }, "even" : function(c) { return this["nth-child"](c, "even") }, "nth" : function(c, a) { return c[a - 1] || [] }, "first" : function(c) { return c[0] || [] }, "last" : function(c) { return c[c.length - 1] || [] }, "has" : function(c, ss) { var s = Ext.DomQuery.select; var r = [], ri = -1; for (var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++) { if (s(ss, ci).length > 0) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, "next" : function(c, ss) { var is = Ext.DomQuery.is; var r = [], ri = -1; for (var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++) { var n = next(ci); if (n && is(n, ss)) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r }, "prev" : function(c, ss) { var is = Ext.DomQuery.is; var r = [], ri = -1; for (var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++) { var n = prev(ci); if (n && is(n, ss)) { r[++ri] = ci } } return r } } } }(); Ext.query = Ext.DomQuery.select; Ext.util.Observable = function() { if (this.listeners) { this.on(this.listeners); delete this.listeners } }; Ext.util.Observable.prototype = { fireEvent : function() { if (this.eventsSuspended !== true) { var A = this.events[arguments[0].toLowerCase()]; if (typeof A == "object") { return A.fire .apply(A, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)) } } return true }, filterOptRe : /^(?:scope|delay|buffer|single)$/, addListener : function(A, C, B, F) { if (typeof A == "object") { F = A; for (var E in F) { if (this.filterOptRe.test(E)) { continue } if (typeof F[E] == "function") { this.addListener(E, F[E], F.scope, F) } else { this.addListener(E, F[E].fn, F[E].scope, F[E]) } } return } F = (!F || typeof F == "boolean") ? {} : F; A = A.toLowerCase(); var D = this.events[A] || true; if (typeof D == "boolean") { D = new Ext.util.Event(this, A); this.events[A] = D } D.addListener(C, B, F) }, removeListener : function(A, C, B) { var D = this.events[A.toLowerCase()]; if (typeof D == "object") { D.removeListener(C, B) } }, purgeListeners : function() { for (var A in this.events) { if (typeof this.events[A] == "object") { this.events[A].clearListeners() } } }, relayEvents : function(F, D) { var E = function(G) { return function() { return this.fireEvent.apply(this, Ext.combine(G, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0))) } }; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { var B = D[C]; if (!this.events[B]) { this.events[B] = true } F.on(B, E(B), this) } }, addEvents : function(D) { if (!this.events) { this.events = {} } if (typeof D == "string") { for (var C = 0, A = arguments, B; B = A[C]; C++) { if (!this.events[A[C]]) { D[A[C]] = true } } } else { Ext.applyIf(this.events, D) } }, hasListener : function(A) { var B = this.events[A]; return typeof B == "object" && B.listeners.length > 0 }, suspendEvents : function() { this.eventsSuspended = true }, resumeEvents : function() { this.eventsSuspended = false }, getMethodEvent : function(G) { if (!this.methodEvents) { this.methodEvents = {} } var F = this.methodEvents[G]; if (!F) { F = {}; this.methodEvents[G] = F; F.originalFn = this[G]; F.methodName = G; F.before = []; F.after = []; var C, B, D; var E = this; var A = function(J, I, H) { if ((B = J.apply(I || E, H)) !== undefined) { if (typeof B === "object") { if (B.returnValue !== undefined) { C = B.returnValue } else { C = B } if (B.cancel === true) { D = true } } else { if (B === false) { D = true } else { C = B } } } }; this[G] = function() { C = B = undefined; D = false; var I = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); for (var J = 0, H = F.before.length; J < H; J++) { A(F.before[J].fn, F.before[J].scope, I); if (D) { return C } } if ((B = F.originalFn.apply(E, I)) !== undefined) { C = B } for (var J = 0, H = F.after.length; J < H; J++) { A(F.after[J].fn, F.after[J].scope, I); if (D) { return C } } return C } } return F }, beforeMethod : function(D, B, A) { var C = this.getMethodEvent(D); C.before.push({ fn : B, scope : A }) }, afterMethod : function(D, B, A) { var C = this.getMethodEvent(D); C.after.push({ fn : B, scope : A }) }, removeMethodListener : function(F, D, C) { var E = this.getMethodEvent(F); for (var B = 0, A = E.before.length; B < A; B++) { if (E.before[B].fn == D && E.before[B].scope == C) { E.before.splice(B, 1); return } } for (var B = 0, A = E.after.length; B < A; B++) { if (E.after[B].fn == D && E.after[B].scope == C) { E.after.splice(B, 1); return } } } }; Ext.util.Observable.prototype.on = Ext.util.Observable.prototype.addListener; Ext.util.Observable.prototype.un = Ext.util.Observable.prototype.removeListener; Ext.util.Observable.capture = function(C, B, A) { C.fireEvent = C.fireEvent.createInterceptor(B, A) }; Ext.util.Observable.releaseCapture = function(A) { A.fireEvent = Ext.util.Observable.prototype.fireEvent }; (function() { var B = function(F, G, E) { var D = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(); return function() { D.delay(G.buffer, F, E, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)) } }; var C = function(F, G, E, D) { return function() { G.removeListener(E, D); return F.apply(D, arguments) } }; var A = function(E, F, D) { return function() { var G = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); setTimeout(function() { E.apply(D, G) }, F.delay || 10) } }; Ext.util.Event = function(E, D) { this.name = D; this.obj = E; this.listeners = [] }; Ext.util.Event.prototype = { addListener : function(G, F, E) { F = F || this.obj; if (!this.isListening(G, F)) { var D = this.createListener(G, F, E); if (!this.firing) { this.listeners.push(D) } else { this.listeners = this.listeners.slice(0); this.listeners.push(D) } } }, createListener : function(G, F, H) { H = H || {}; F = F || this.obj; var D = { fn : G, scope : F, options : H }; var E = G; if (H.delay) { E = A(E, H, F) } if (H.single) { E = C(E, this, G, F) } if (H.buffer) { E = B(E, H, F) } D.fireFn = E; return D }, findListener : function(I, H) { H = H || this.obj; var F = this.listeners; for (var G = 0, D = F.length; G < D; G++) { var E = F[G]; if (E.fn == I && E.scope == H) { return G } } return -1 }, isListening : function(E, D) { return this.findListener(E, D) != -1 }, removeListener : function(F, E) { var D; if ((D = this.findListener(F, E)) != -1) { if (!this.firing) { this.listeners.splice(D, 1) } else { this.listeners = this.listeners.slice(0); this.listeners.splice(D, 1) } return true } return false }, clearListeners : function() { this.listeners = [] }, fire : function() { var F = this.listeners, I, D = F.length; if (D > 0) { this.firing = true; var G = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); for (var H = 0; H < D; H++) { var E = F[H]; if (E.fireFn .apply(E.scope || this.obj || window, arguments) === false) { this.firing = false; return false } } this.firing = false } return true } } })(); Ext.EventManager = function() { var T, M, I = false; var K, S, C, O; var L = Ext.lib.Event; var N = Ext.lib.Dom; var B = function() { if (!I) { I = true; Ext.isReady = true; if (M) { clearInterval(M) } if (Ext.isGecko || Ext.isOpera) { document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", B, false) } if (Ext.isIE) { var D = document.getElementById("ie-deferred-loader"); if (D) { D.onreadystatechange = null; D.parentNode.removeChild(D) } } if (T) { T.fire(); T.clearListeners() } } }; var A = function() { T = new Ext.util.Event(); if (Ext.isGecko || Ext.isOpera) { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", B, false) } else { if (Ext.isIE) { document .write(""); var D = document.getElementById("ie-deferred-loader"); D.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == "complete") { B() } } } else { if (Ext.isSafari) { M = setInterval(function() { var E = document.readyState; if (E == "complete") { B() } }, 10) } } } L.on(window, "load", B) }; var R = function(E, U) { var D = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(E); return function(V) { V = new Ext.EventObjectImpl(V); D.delay(U.buffer, E, null, [V]) } }; var P = function(V, U, D, E) { return function(W) { Ext.EventManager.removeListener(U, D, E); V(W) } }; var F = function(D, E) { return function(U) { U = new Ext.EventObjectImpl(U); setTimeout(function() { D(U) }, E.delay || 10) } }; var J = function(U, E, D, Y, X) { var Z = (!D || typeof D == "boolean") ? {} : D; Y = Y || Z.fn; X = X || Z.scope; var W = Ext.getDom(U); if (!W) { throw "Error listening for \"" + E + "\". Element \"" + U + "\" doesn't exist." } var V = function(b) { b = Ext.EventObject.setEvent(b); var a; if (Z.delegate) { a = b.getTarget(Z.delegate, W); if (!a) { return } } else { a = b.target } if (Z.stopEvent === true) { b.stopEvent() } if (Z.preventDefault === true) { b.preventDefault() } if (Z.stopPropagation === true) { b.stopPropagation() } if (Z.normalized === false) { b = b.browserEvent } Y.call(X || W, b, a, Z) }; if (Z.delay) { V = F(V, Z) } if (Z.single) { V = P(V, W, E, Y) } if (Z.buffer) { V = R(V, Z) } Y._handlers = Y._handlers || []; Y._handlers.push([Ext.id(W), E, V]); L.on(W, E, V); if (E == "mousewheel" && W.addEventListener) { W.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", V, false); L.on(window, "unload", function() { W.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", V, false) }) } if (E == "mousedown" && W == document) { Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.addListener(V) } return V }; var G = function(E, U, Z) { var D = Ext.id(E), a = Z._handlers, X = Z; if (a) { for (var V = 0, Y = a.length; V < Y; V++) { var W = a[V]; if (W[0] == D && W[1] == U) { X = W[2]; a.splice(V, 1); break } } } L.un(E, U, X); E = Ext.getDom(E); if (U == "mousewheel" && E.addEventListener) { E.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", X, false) } if (U == "mousedown" && E == document) { Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.removeListener(X) } }; var H = /^(?:scope|delay|buffer|single|stopEvent|preventDefault|stopPropagation|normalized|args|delegate)$/; var Q = { addListener : function(U, D, W, V, E) { if (typeof D == "object") { var Y = D; for (var X in Y) { if (H.test(X)) { continue } if (typeof Y[X] == "function") { J(U, X, Y, Y[X], Y.scope) } else { J(U, X, Y[X]) } } return } return J(U, D, E, W, V) }, removeListener : function(E, D, U) { return G(E, D, U) }, onDocumentReady : function(U, E, D) { if (I) { T.addListener(U, E, D); T.fire(); T.clearListeners(); return } if (!T) { A() } T.addListener(U, E, D) }, onWindowResize : function(U, E, D) { if (!K) { K = new Ext.util.Event(); S = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function() { K.fire(N.getViewWidth(), N.getViewHeight()) }); L.on(window, "resize", this.fireWindowResize, this) } K.addListener(U, E, D) }, fireWindowResize : function() { if (K) { if ((Ext.isIE || Ext.isAir) && S) { S.delay(50) } else { K.fire(N.getViewWidth(), N.getViewHeight()) } } }, onTextResize : function(V, U, D) { if (!C) { C = new Ext.util.Event(); var E = new Ext.Element(document.createElement("div")); E.dom.className = "x-text-resize"; E.dom.innerHTML = "X"; E.appendTo(document.body); O = E.dom.offsetHeight; setInterval(function() { if (E.dom.offsetHeight != O) { C.fire(O, O = E.dom.offsetHeight) } }, this.textResizeInterval) } C.addListener(V, U, D) }, removeResizeListener : function(E, D) { if (K) { K.removeListener(E, D) } }, fireResize : function() { if (K) { K.fire(N.getViewWidth(), N.getViewHeight()) } }, ieDeferSrc : false, textResizeInterval : 50 }; Q.on = Q.addListener; Q.un = Q.removeListener; Q.stoppedMouseDownEvent = new Ext.util.Event(); return Q }(); Ext.onReady = Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady; Ext.onReady(function() { var B = Ext.getBody(); if (!B) { return } var A = [Ext.isIE ? "ext-ie " + (Ext.isIE6 ? "ext-ie6" : "ext-ie7") : Ext.isGecko ? "ext-gecko" : Ext.isOpera ? "ext-opera" : Ext.isSafari ? "ext-safari" : ""]; if (Ext.isMac) { A.push("ext-mac") } if (Ext.isLinux) { A.push("ext-linux") } if (Ext.isBorderBox) { A.push("ext-border-box") } if (Ext.isStrict) { var C = B.dom.parentNode; if (C) { C.className += " ext-strict" } } B.addClass(A.join(" ")) }); Ext.EventObject = function() { var B = Ext.lib.Event; var A = { 63234 : 37, 63235 : 39, 63232 : 38, 63233 : 40, 63276 : 33, 63277 : 34, 63272 : 46, 63273 : 36, 63275 : 35 }; var C = Ext.isIE ? { 1 : 0, 4 : 1, 2 : 2 } : (Ext.isSafari ? { 1 : 0, 2 : 1, 3 : 2 } : { 0 : 0, 1 : 1, 2 : 2 }); Ext.EventObjectImpl = function(D) { if (D) { this.setEvent(D.browserEvent || D) } }; Ext.EventObjectImpl.prototype = { browserEvent : null, button : -1, shiftKey : false, ctrlKey : false, altKey : false, BACKSPACE : 8, TAB : 9, RETURN : 13, ENTER : 13, SHIFT : 16, CONTROL : 17, ESC : 27, SPACE : 32, PAGEUP : 33, PAGEDOWN : 34, END : 35, HOME : 36, LEFT : 37, UP : 38, RIGHT : 39, DOWN : 40, DELETE : 46, F5 : 116, setEvent : function(D) { if (D == this || (D && D.browserEvent)) { return D } this.browserEvent = D; if (D) { this.button = D.button ? C[D.button] : (D.which ? D.which - 1 : -1); if (D.type == "click" && this.button == -1) { this.button = 0 } this.type = D.type; this.shiftKey = D.shiftKey; this.ctrlKey = D.ctrlKey || D.metaKey; this.altKey = D.altKey; this.keyCode = D.keyCode; this.charCode = D.charCode; this.target = B.getTarget(D); this.xy = B.getXY(D) } else { this.button = -1; this.shiftKey = false; this.ctrlKey = false; this.altKey = false; this.keyCode = 0; this.charCode = 0; this.target = null; this.xy = [0, 0] } return this }, stopEvent : function() { if (this.browserEvent) { if (this.browserEvent.type == "mousedown") { Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.fire(this) } B.stopEvent(this.browserEvent) } }, preventDefault : function() { if (this.browserEvent) { B.preventDefault(this.browserEvent) } }, isNavKeyPress : function() { var D = this.keyCode; D = Ext.isSafari ? (A[D] || D) : D; return (D >= 33 && D <= 40) || D == this.RETURN || D == this.TAB || D == this.ESC }, isSpecialKey : function() { var D = this.keyCode; return (this.type == "keypress" && this.ctrlKey) || D == 9 || D == 13 || D == 40 || D == 27 || (D == 16) || (D == 17) || (D >= 18 && D <= 20) || (D >= 33 && D <= 35) || (D >= 36 && D <= 39) || (D >= 44 && D <= 45) }, stopPropagation : function() { if (this.browserEvent) { if (this.browserEvent.type == "mousedown") { Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.fire(this) } B.stopPropagation(this.browserEvent) } }, getCharCode : function() { return this.charCode || this.keyCode }, getKey : function() { var D = this.keyCode || this.charCode; return Ext.isSafari ? (A[D] || D) : D }, getPageX : function() { return this.xy[0] }, getPageY : function() { return this.xy[1] }, getTime : function() { if (this.browserEvent) { return B.getTime(this.browserEvent) } return null }, getXY : function() { return this.xy }, getTarget : function(E, G, D) { var F = Ext.get(this.target); return E ? F.findParent(E, G, D) : (D ? F : this.target) }, getRelatedTarget : function() { if (this.browserEvent) { return B.getRelatedTarget(this.browserEvent) } return null }, getWheelDelta : function() { var D = this.browserEvent; var E = 0; if (D.wheelDelta) { E = D.wheelDelta / 120 } else { if (D.detail) { E = -D.detail / 3 } } return E }, hasModifier : function() { return ((this.ctrlKey || this.altKey) || this.shiftKey) ? true : false }, within : function(E, F) { var D = this[F ? "getRelatedTarget" : "getTarget"](); return D && Ext.fly(E).contains(D) }, getPoint : function() { return new Ext.lib.Point(this.xy[0], this.xy[1]) } }; return new Ext.EventObjectImpl() }(); (function() { var D = Ext.lib.Dom; var E = Ext.lib.Event; var A = Ext.lib.Anim; var propCache = {}; var camelRe = /(-[a-z])/gi; var camelFn = function(m, a) { return a.charAt(1).toUpperCase() }; var view = document.defaultView; Ext.Element = function(element, forceNew) { var dom = typeof element == "string" ? document.getElementById(element) : element; if (!dom) { return null } var id = dom.id; if (forceNew !== true && id && Ext.Element.cache[id]) { return Ext.Element.cache[id] } this.dom = dom; this.id = id || Ext.id(dom) }; var El = Ext.Element; El.prototype = { originalDisplay : "", visibilityMode : 1, defaultUnit : "px", setVisibilityMode : function(visMode) { this.visibilityMode = visMode; return this }, enableDisplayMode : function(display) { this.setVisibilityMode(El.DISPLAY); if (typeof display != "undefined") { this.originalDisplay = display } return this }, findParent : function(simpleSelector, maxDepth, returnEl) { var p = this.dom, b = document.body, depth = 0, dq = Ext.DomQuery, stopEl; maxDepth = maxDepth || 50; if (typeof maxDepth != "number") { stopEl = Ext.getDom(maxDepth); maxDepth = 10 } while (p && p.nodeType == 1 && depth < maxDepth && p != b && p != stopEl) { if (dq.is(p, simpleSelector)) { return returnEl ? Ext.get(p) : p } depth++; p = p.parentNode } return null }, findParentNode : function(simpleSelector, maxDepth, returnEl) { var p = Ext.fly(this.dom.parentNode, "_internal"); return p ? p.findParent(simpleSelector, maxDepth, returnEl) : null }, up : function(simpleSelector, maxDepth) { return this.findParentNode(simpleSelector, maxDepth, true) }, is : function(simpleSelector) { return Ext.DomQuery.is(this.dom, simpleSelector) }, animate : function(args, duration, onComplete, easing, animType) { this.anim(args, { duration : duration, callback : onComplete, easing : easing }, animType); return this }, anim : function(args, opt, animType, defaultDur, defaultEase, cb) { animType = animType || "run"; opt = opt || {}; var anim = Ext.lib.Anim[animType](this.dom, args, (opt.duration || defaultDur) || 0.35, (opt.easing || defaultEase) || "easeOut", function() { Ext.callback(cb, this); Ext.callback(opt.callback, opt.scope || this, [this, opt]) }, this); opt.anim = anim; return anim }, preanim : function(a, i) { return !a[i] ? false : (typeof a[i] == "object" ? a[i] : { duration : a[i + 1], callback : a[i + 2], easing : a[i + 3] }) }, clean : function(forceReclean) { if (this.isCleaned && forceReclean !== true) { return this } var ns = /\S/; var d = this.dom, n = d.firstChild, ni = -1; while (n) { var nx = n.nextSibling; if (n.nodeType == 3 && !ns.test(n.nodeValue)) { d.removeChild(n) } else { n.nodeIndex = ++ni } n = nx } this.isCleaned = true; return this }, scrollIntoView : function(container, hscroll) { var c = Ext.getDom(container) || Ext.getBody().dom; var el = this.dom; var o = this.getOffsetsTo(c), l = o[0] + c.scrollLeft, t = o[1] + c.scrollTop, b = t + el.offsetHeight, r = l + el.offsetWidth; var ch = c.clientHeight; var ct = parseInt(c.scrollTop, 10); var cl = parseInt(c.scrollLeft, 10); var cb = ct + ch; var cr = cl + c.clientWidth; if (el.offsetHeight > ch || t < ct) { c.scrollTop = t } else { if (b > cb) { c.scrollTop = b - ch } } c.scrollTop = c.scrollTop; if (hscroll !== false) { if (el.offsetWidth > c.clientWidth || l < cl) { c.scrollLeft = l } else { if (r > cr) { c.scrollLeft = r - c.clientWidth } } c.scrollLeft = c.scrollLeft } return this }, scrollChildIntoView : function(child, hscroll) { Ext.fly(child, "_scrollChildIntoView") .scrollIntoView(this, hscroll) }, autoHeight : function(animate, duration, onComplete, easing) { var oldHeight = this.getHeight(); this.clip(); this.setHeight(1); setTimeout(function() { var height = parseInt(this.dom.scrollHeight, 10); if (!animate) { this.setHeight(height); this.unclip(); if (typeof onComplete == "function") { onComplete() } } else { this.setHeight(oldHeight); this.setHeight(height, animate, duration, function() { this.unclip(); if (typeof onComplete == "function") { onComplete() } }.createDelegate(this), easing) } }.createDelegate(this), 0); return this }, contains : function(el) { if (!el) { return false } return D.isAncestor(this.dom, el.dom ? el.dom : el) }, isVisible : function(deep) { var vis = !(this.getStyle("visibility") == "hidden" || this .getStyle("display") == "none"); if (deep !== true || !vis) { return vis } var p = this.dom.parentNode; while (p && p.tagName.toLowerCase() != "body") { if (!Ext.fly(p, "_isVisible").isVisible()) { return false } p = p.parentNode } return true }, select : function(selector, unique) { return El.select(selector, unique, this.dom) }, query : function(selector, unique) { return Ext.DomQuery.select(selector, this.dom) }, child : function(selector, returnDom) { var n = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode(selector, this.dom); return returnDom ? n : Ext.get(n) }, down : function(selector, returnDom) { var n = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode(" > " + selector, this.dom); return returnDom ? n : Ext.get(n) }, initDD : function(group, config, overrides) { var dd = new Ext.dd.DD(Ext.id(this.dom), group, config); return Ext.apply(dd, overrides) }, initDDProxy : function(group, config, overrides) { var dd = new Ext.dd.DDProxy(Ext.id(this.dom), group, config); return Ext.apply(dd, overrides) }, initDDTarget : function(group, config, overrides) { var dd = new Ext.dd.DDTarget(Ext.id(this.dom), group, config); return Ext.apply(dd, overrides) }, setVisible : function(visible, animate) { if (!animate || !A) { if (this.visibilityMode == El.DISPLAY) { this.setDisplayed(visible) } else { this.fixDisplay(); this.dom.style.visibility = visible ? "visible" : "hidden" } } else { var dom = this.dom; var visMode = this.visibilityMode; if (visible) { this.setOpacity(0.01); this.setVisible(true) } this.anim({ opacity : { to : (visible ? 1 : 0) } }, this.preanim(arguments, 1), null, 0.35, "easeIn", function() { if (!visible) { if (visMode == El.DISPLAY) { dom.style.display = "none" } else { dom.style.visibility = "hidden" } Ext.get(dom).setOpacity(1) } }) } return this }, isDisplayed : function() { return this.getStyle("display") != "none" }, toggle : function(animate) { this.setVisible(!this.isVisible(), this.preanim(arguments, 0)); return this }, setDisplayed : function(value) { if (typeof value == "boolean") { value = value ? this.originalDisplay : "none" } this.setStyle("display", value); return this }, focus : function() { try { this.dom.focus() } catch (e) { } return this }, blur : function() { try { this.dom.blur() } catch (e) { } return this }, addClass : function(className) { if (Ext.isArray(className)) { for (var i = 0, len = className.length; i < len; i++) { this.addClass(className[i]) } } else { if (className && !this.hasClass(className)) { this.dom.className = this.dom.className + " " + className } } return this }, radioClass : function(className) { var siblings = this.dom.parentNode.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < siblings.length; i++) { var s = siblings[i]; if (s.nodeType == 1) { Ext.get(s).removeClass(className) } } this.addClass(className); return this }, removeClass : function(className) { if (!className || !this.dom.className) { return this } if (Ext.isArray(className)) { for (var i = 0, len = className.length; i < len; i++) { this.removeClass(className[i]) } } else { if (this.hasClass(className)) { var re = this.classReCache[className]; if (!re) { re = new RegExp( "(?:^|\\s+)" + className + "(?:\\s+|$)", "g"); this.classReCache[className] = re } this.dom.className = this.dom.className.replace(re, " ") } } return this }, classReCache : {}, toggleClass : function(className) { if (this.hasClass(className)) { this.removeClass(className) } else { this.addClass(className) } return this }, hasClass : function(className) { return className && (" " + this.dom.className + " ").indexOf(" " + className + " ") != -1 }, replaceClass : function(oldClassName, newClassName) { this.removeClass(oldClassName); this.addClass(newClassName); return this }, getStyles : function() { var a = arguments, len = a.length, r = {}; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { r[a[i]] = this.getStyle(a[i]) } return r }, getStyle : function() { return view && view.getComputedStyle ? function(prop) { var el = this.dom, v, cs, camel; if (prop == "float") { prop = "cssFloat" } if (v = el.style[prop]) { return v } if (cs = view.getComputedStyle(el, "")) { if (!(camel = propCache[prop])) { camel = propCache[prop] = prop .replace(camelRe, camelFn) } return cs[camel] } return null } : function(prop) { var el = this.dom, v, cs, camel; if (prop == "opacity") { if (typeof el.style.filter == "string") { var m = el.style.filter.match(/alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/i); if (m) { var fv = parseFloat(m[1]); if (!isNaN(fv)) { return fv ? fv / 100 : 0 } } } return 1 } else { if (prop == "float") { prop = "styleFloat" } } if (!(camel = propCache[prop])) { camel = propCache[prop] = prop.replace(camelRe, camelFn) } if (v = el.style[camel]) { return v } if (cs = el.currentStyle) { return cs[camel] } return null } }(), setStyle : function(prop, value) { if (typeof prop == "string") { var camel; if (!(camel = propCache[prop])) { camel = propCache[prop] = prop.replace(camelRe, camelFn) } if (camel == "opacity") { this.setOpacity(value) } else { this.dom.style[camel] = value } } else { for (var style in prop) { if (typeof prop[style] != "function") { this.setStyle(style, prop[style]) } } } return this }, applyStyles : function(style) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(this.dom, style); return this }, getX : function() { return D.getX(this.dom) }, getY : function() { return D.getY(this.dom) }, getXY : function() { return D.getXY(this.dom) }, getOffsetsTo : function(el) { var o = this.getXY(); var e = Ext.fly(el, "_internal").getXY(); return [o[0] - e[0], o[1] - e[1]] }, setX : function(x, animate) { if (!animate || !A) { D.setX(this.dom, x) } else { this.setXY([x, this.getY()], this.preanim(arguments, 1)) } return this }, setY : function(y, animate) { if (!animate || !A) { D.setY(this.dom, y) } else { this.setXY([this.getX(), y], this.preanim(arguments, 1)) } return this }, setLeft : function(left) { this.setStyle("left", this.addUnits(left)); return this }, setTop : function(top) { this.setStyle("top", this.addUnits(top)); return this }, setRight : function(right) { this.setStyle("right", this.addUnits(right)); return this }, setBottom : function(bottom) { this.setStyle("bottom", this.addUnits(bottom)); return this }, setXY : function(pos, animate) { if (!animate || !A) { D.setXY(this.dom, pos) } else { this.anim({ points : { to : pos } }, this.preanim(arguments, 1), "motion") } return this }, setLocation : function(x, y, animate) { this.setXY([x, y], this.preanim(arguments, 2)); return this }, moveTo : function(x, y, animate) { this.setXY([x, y], this.preanim(arguments, 2)); return this }, getRegion : function() { return D.getRegion(this.dom) }, getHeight : function(contentHeight) { var h = this.dom.offsetHeight || 0; h = contentHeight !== true ? h : h - this.getBorderWidth("tb") - this.getPadding("tb"); return h < 0 ? 0 : h }, getWidth : function(contentWidth) { var w = this.dom.offsetWidth || 0; w = contentWidth !== true ? w : w - this.getBorderWidth("lr") - this.getPadding("lr"); return w < 0 ? 0 : w }, getComputedHeight : function() { var h = Math.max(this.dom.offsetHeight, this.dom.clientHeight); if (!h) { h = parseInt(this.getStyle("height"), 10) || 0; if (!this.isBorderBox()) { h += this.getFrameWidth("tb") } } return h }, getComputedWidth : function() { var w = Math.max(this.dom.offsetWidth, this.dom.clientWidth); if (!w) { w = parseInt(this.getStyle("width"), 10) || 0; if (!this.isBorderBox()) { w += this.getFrameWidth("lr") } } return w }, getSize : function(contentSize) { return { width : this.getWidth(contentSize), height : this.getHeight(contentSize) } }, getStyleSize : function() { var w, h, d = this.dom, s = d.style; if (s.width && s.width != "auto") { w = parseInt(s.width, 10); if (Ext.isBorderBox) { w -= this.getFrameWidth("lr") } } if (s.height && s.height != "auto") { h = parseInt(s.height, 10); if (Ext.isBorderBox) { h -= this.getFrameWidth("tb") } } return { width : w || this.getWidth(true), height : h || this.getHeight(true) } }, getViewSize : function() { var d = this.dom, doc = document, aw = 0, ah = 0; if (d == doc || d == doc.body) { return { width : D.getViewWidth(), height : D.getViewHeight() } } else { return { width : d.clientWidth, height : d.clientHeight } } }, getValue : function(asNumber) { return asNumber ? parseInt(this.dom.value, 10) : this.dom.value }, adjustWidth : function(width) { if (typeof width == "number") { if (this.autoBoxAdjust && !this.isBorderBox()) { width -= (this.getBorderWidth("lr") + this.getPadding("lr")) } if (width < 0) { width = 0 } } return width }, adjustHeight : function(height) { if (typeof height == "number") { if (this.autoBoxAdjust && !this.isBorderBox()) { height -= (this.getBorderWidth("tb") + this .getPadding("tb")) } if (height < 0) { height = 0 } } return height }, setWidth : function(width, animate) { width = this.adjustWidth(width); if (!animate || !A) { this.dom.style.width = this.addUnits(width) } else { this.anim({ width : { to : width } }, this.preanim(arguments, 1)) } return this }, setHeight : function(height, animate) { height = this.adjustHeight(height); if (!animate || !A) { this.dom.style.height = this.addUnits(height) } else { this.anim({ height : { to : height } }, this.preanim(arguments, 1)) } return this }, setSize : function(width, height, animate) { if (typeof width == "object") { height = width.height; width = width.width } width = this.adjustWidth(width); height = this.adjustHeight(height); if (!animate || !A) { this.dom.style.width = this.addUnits(width); this.dom.style.height = this.addUnits(height) } else { this.anim({ width : { to : width }, height : { to : height } }, this.preanim(arguments, 2)) } return this }, setBounds : function(x, y, width, height, animate) { if (!animate || !A) { this.setSize(width, height); this.setLocation(x, y) } else { width = this.adjustWidth(width); height = this.adjustHeight(height); this.anim({ points : { to : [x, y] }, width : { to : width }, height : { to : height } }, this.preanim(arguments, 4), "motion") } return this }, setRegion : function(region, animate) { this.setBounds(region.left, region.top, region.right - region.left, region.bottom - region.top, this.preanim(arguments, 1)); return this }, addListener : function(eventName, fn, scope, options) { Ext.EventManager .on(this.dom, eventName, fn, scope || this, options) }, removeListener : function(eventName, fn) { Ext.EventManager.removeListener(this.dom, eventName, fn); return this }, removeAllListeners : function() { E.purgeElement(this.dom); return this }, relayEvent : function(eventName, observable) { this.on(eventName, function(e) { observable.fireEvent(eventName, e) }) }, setOpacity : function(opacity, animate) { if (!animate || !A) { var s = this.dom.style; if (Ext.isIE) { s.zoom = 1; s.filter = (s.filter || "") .replace(/alpha\([^\)]*\)/gi, "") + (opacity == 1 ? "" : " alpha(opacity=" + opacity * 100 + ")") } else { s.opacity = opacity } } else { this.anim({ opacity : { to : opacity } }, this.preanim(arguments, 1), null, 0.35, "easeIn") } return this }, getLeft : function(local) { if (!local) { return this.getX() } else { return parseInt(this.getStyle("left"), 10) || 0 } }, getRight : function(local) { if (!local) { return this.getX() + this.getWidth() } else { return (this.getLeft(true) + this.getWidth()) || 0 } }, getTop : function(local) { if (!local) { return this.getY() } else { return parseInt(this.getStyle("top"), 10) || 0 } }, getBottom : function(local) { if (!local) { return this.getY() + this.getHeight() } else { return (this.getTop(true) + this.getHeight()) || 0 } }, position : function(pos, zIndex, x, y) { if (!pos) { if (this.getStyle("position") == "static") { this.setStyle("position", "relative") } } else { this.setStyle("position", pos) } if (zIndex) { this.setStyle("z-index", zIndex) } if (x !== undefined && y !== undefined) { this.setXY([x, y]) } else { if (x !== undefined) { this.setX(x) } else { if (y !== undefined) { this.setY(y) } } } }, clearPositioning : function(value) { value = value || ""; this.setStyle({ "left" : value, "right" : value, "top" : value, "bottom" : value, "z-index" : "", "position" : "static" }); return this }, getPositioning : function() { var l = this.getStyle("left"); var t = this.getStyle("top"); return { "position" : this.getStyle("position"), "left" : l, "right" : l ? "" : this.getStyle("right"), "top" : t, "bottom" : t ? "" : this.getStyle("bottom"), "z-index" : this.getStyle("z-index") } }, getBorderWidth : function(side) { return this.addStyles(side, El.borders) }, getPadding : function(side) { return this.addStyles(side, El.paddings) }, setPositioning : function(pc) { this.applyStyles(pc); if (pc.right == "auto") { this.dom.style.right = "" } if (pc.bottom == "auto") { this.dom.style.bottom = "" } return this }, fixDisplay : function() { if (this.getStyle("display") == "none") { this.setStyle("visibility", "hidden"); this.setStyle("display", this.originalDisplay); if (this.getStyle("display") == "none") { this.setStyle("display", "block") } } }, setOverflow : function(v) { if (v == "auto" && Ext.isMac && Ext.isGecko) { this.dom.style.overflow = "hidden"; (function() { this.dom.style.overflow = "auto" }).defer(1, this) } else { this.dom.style.overflow = v } }, setLeftTop : function(left, top) { this.dom.style.left = this.addUnits(left); this.dom.style.top = this.addUnits(top); return this }, move : function(direction, distance, animate) { var xy = this.getXY(); direction = direction.toLowerCase(); switch (direction) { case "l" : case "left" : this.moveTo(xy[0] - distance, xy[1], this.preanim( arguments, 2)); break; case "r" : case "right" : this.moveTo(xy[0] + distance, xy[1], this.preanim( arguments, 2)); break; case "t" : case "top" : case "up" : this.moveTo(xy[0], xy[1] - distance, this.preanim( arguments, 2)); break; case "b" : case "bottom" : case "down" : this.moveTo(xy[0], xy[1] + distance, this.preanim( arguments, 2)); break } return this }, clip : function() { if (!this.isClipped) { this.isClipped = true; this.originalClip = { "o" : this.getStyle("overflow"), "x" : this.getStyle("overflow-x"), "y" : this.getStyle("overflow-y") }; this.setStyle("overflow", "hidden"); this.setStyle("overflow-x", "hidden"); this.setStyle("overflow-y", "hidden") } return this }, unclip : function() { if (this.isClipped) { this.isClipped = false; var o = this.originalClip; if (o.o) { this.setStyle("overflow", o.o) } if (o.x) { this.setStyle("overflow-x", o.x) } if (o.y) { this.setStyle("overflow-y", o.y) } } return this }, getAnchorXY : function(anchor, local, s) { var w, h, vp = false; if (!s) { var d = this.dom; if (d == document.body || d == document) { vp = true; w = D.getViewWidth(); h = D.getViewHeight() } else { w = this.getWidth(); h = this.getHeight() } } else { w = s.width; h = s.height } var x = 0, y = 0, r = Math.round; switch ((anchor || "tl").toLowerCase()) { case "c" : x = r(w * 0.5); y = r(h * 0.5); break; case "t" : x = r(w * 0.5); y = 0; break; case "l" : x = 0; y = r(h * 0.5); break; case "r" : x = w; y = r(h * 0.5); break; case "b" : x = r(w * 0.5); y = h; break; case "tl" : x = 0; y = 0; break; case "bl" : x = 0; y = h; break; case "br" : x = w; y = h; break; case "tr" : x = w; y = 0; break } if (local === true) { return [x, y] } if (vp) { var sc = this.getScroll(); return [x + sc.left, y + sc.top] } var o = this.getXY(); return [x + o[0], y + o[1]] }, getAlignToXY : function(el, p, o) { el = Ext.get(el); if (!el || !el.dom) { throw "Element.alignToXY with an element that doesn't exist" } var d = this.dom; var c = false; var p1 = "", p2 = ""; o = o || [0, 0]; if (!p) { p = "tl-bl" } else { if (p == "?") { p = "tl-bl?" } else { if (p.indexOf("-") == -1) { p = "tl-" + p } } } p = p.toLowerCase(); var m = p.match(/^([a-z]+)-([a-z]+)(\?)?$/); if (!m) { throw "Element.alignTo with an invalid alignment " + p } p1 = m[1]; p2 = m[2]; c = !!m[3]; var a1 = this.getAnchorXY(p1, true); var a2 = el.getAnchorXY(p2, false); var x = a2[0] - a1[0] + o[0]; var y = a2[1] - a1[1] + o[1]; if (c) { var w = this.getWidth(), h = this.getHeight(), r = el .getRegion(); var dw = D.getViewWidth() - 5, dh = D.getViewHeight() - 5; var p1y = p1.charAt(0), p1x = p1.charAt(p1.length - 1); var p2y = p2.charAt(0), p2x = p2.charAt(p2.length - 1); var swapY = ((p1y == "t" && p2y == "b") || (p1y == "b" && p2y == "t")); var swapX = ((p1x == "r" && p2x == "l") || (p1x == "l" && p2x == "r")); var doc = document; var scrollX = (doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft || 0) + 5; var scrollY = (doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop || 0) + 5; if ((x + w) > dw + scrollX) { x = swapX ? r.left - w : dw + scrollX - w } if (x < scrollX) { x = swapX ? r.right : scrollX } if ((y + h) > dh + scrollY) { y = swapY ? r.top - h : dh + scrollY - h } if (y < scrollY) { y = swapY ? r.bottom : scrollY } } return [x, y] }, getConstrainToXY : function() { var os = { top : 0, left : 0, bottom : 0, right : 0 }; return function(el, local, offsets, proposedXY) { el = Ext.get(el); offsets = offsets ? Ext.applyIf(offsets, os) : os; var vw, vh, vx = 0, vy = 0; if (el.dom == document.body || el.dom == document) { vw = Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(); vh = Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight() } else { vw = el.dom.clientWidth; vh = el.dom.clientHeight; if (!local) { var vxy = el.getXY(); vx = vxy[0]; vy = vxy[1] } } var s = el.getScroll(); vx += offsets.left + s.left; vy += offsets.top + s.top; vw -= offsets.right; vh -= offsets.bottom; var vr = vx + vw; var vb = vy + vh; var xy = proposedXY || (!local ? this.getXY() : [this.getLeft(true), this.getTop(true)]); var x = xy[0], y = xy[1]; var w = this.dom.offsetWidth, h = this.dom.offsetHeight; var moved = false; if ((x + w) > vr) { x = vr - w; moved = true } if ((y + h) > vb) { y = vb - h; moved = true } if (x < vx) { x = vx; moved = true } if (y < vy) { y = vy; moved = true } return moved ? [x, y] : false } }(), adjustForConstraints : function(xy, parent, offsets) { return this .getConstrainToXY(parent || document, false, offsets, xy) || xy }, alignTo : function(element, position, offsets, animate) { var xy = this.getAlignToXY(element, position, offsets); this.setXY(xy, this.preanim(arguments, 3)); return this }, anchorTo : function(el, alignment, offsets, animate, monitorScroll, callback) { var action = function() { this.alignTo(el, alignment, offsets, animate); Ext.callback(callback, this) }; Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(action, this); var tm = typeof monitorScroll; if (tm != "undefined") { Ext.EventManager.on(window, "scroll", action, this, { buffer : tm == "number" ? monitorScroll : 50 }) } action.call(this); return this }, clearOpacity : function() { if (window.ActiveXObject) { if (typeof this.dom.style.filter == "string" && (/alpha/i).test(this.dom.style.filter)) { this.dom.style.filter = "" } } else { this.dom.style.opacity = ""; this.dom.style["-moz-opacity"] = ""; this.dom.style["-khtml-opacity"] = "" } return this }, hide : function(animate) { this.setVisible(false, this.preanim(arguments, 0)); return this }, show : function(animate) { this.setVisible(true, this.preanim(arguments, 0)); return this }, addUnits : function(size) { return Ext.Element.addUnits(size, this.defaultUnit) }, update : function(html, loadScripts, callback) { if (typeof html == "undefined") { html = "" } if (loadScripts !== true) { this.dom.innerHTML = html; if (typeof callback == "function") { callback() } return this } var id = Ext.id(); var dom = this.dom; html += ""; E.onAvailable(id, function() { var hd = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var re = /(?:]*)?>)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/ig; var srcRe = /\ssrc=([\'\"])(.*?)\1/i; var typeRe = /\stype=([\'\"])(.*?)\1/i; var match; while (match = re.exec(html)) { var attrs = match[1]; var srcMatch = attrs ? attrs.match(srcRe) : false; if (srcMatch && srcMatch[2]) { var s = document.createElement("script"); s.src = srcMatch[2]; var typeMatch = attrs.match(typeRe); if (typeMatch && typeMatch[2]) { s.type = typeMatch[2] } hd.appendChild(s) } else { if (match[2] && match[2].length > 0) { if (window.execScript) { window.execScript(match[2]) } else { window.eval(match[2]) } } } } var el = document.getElementById(id); if (el) { Ext.removeNode(el) } if (typeof callback == "function") { callback() } }); dom.innerHTML = html.replace( /(?:)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/ig, ""); return this }, load : function() { var um = this.getUpdater(); um.update.apply(um, arguments); return this }, getUpdater : function() { if (!this.updateManager) { this.updateManager = new Ext.Updater(this) } return this.updateManager }, unselectable : function() { this.dom.unselectable = "on"; this.swallowEvent("selectstart", true); this.applyStyles("-moz-user-select:none;-khtml-user-select:none;"); this.addClass("x-unselectable"); return this }, getCenterXY : function() { return this.getAlignToXY(document, "c-c") }, center : function(centerIn) { this.alignTo(centerIn || document, "c-c"); return this }, isBorderBox : function() { return noBoxAdjust[this.dom.tagName.toLowerCase()] || Ext.isBorderBox }, getBox : function(contentBox, local) { var xy; if (!local) { xy = this.getXY() } else { var left = parseInt(this.getStyle("left"), 10) || 0; var top = parseInt(this.getStyle("top"), 10) || 0; xy = [left, top] } var el = this.dom, w = el.offsetWidth, h = el.offsetHeight, bx; if (!contentBox) { bx = { x : xy[0], y : xy[1], 0 : xy[0], 1 : xy[1], width : w, height : h } } else { var l = this.getBorderWidth("l") + this.getPadding("l"); var r = this.getBorderWidth("r") + this.getPadding("r"); var t = this.getBorderWidth("t") + this.getPadding("t"); var b = this.getBorderWidth("b") + this.getPadding("b"); bx = { x : xy[0] + l, y : xy[1] + t, 0 : xy[0] + l, 1 : xy[1] + t, width : w - (l + r), height : h - (t + b) } } bx.right = bx.x + bx.width; bx.bottom = bx.y + bx.height; return bx }, getFrameWidth : function(sides, onlyContentBox) { return onlyContentBox && Ext.isBorderBox ? 0 : (this .getPadding(sides) + this.getBorderWidth(sides)) }, setBox : function(box, adjust, animate) { var w = box.width, h = box.height; if ((adjust && !this.autoBoxAdjust) && !this.isBorderBox()) { w -= (this.getBorderWidth("lr") + this.getPadding("lr")); h -= (this.getBorderWidth("tb") + this.getPadding("tb")) } this.setBounds(box.x, box.y, w, h, this.preanim(arguments, 2)); return this }, repaint : function() { var dom = this.dom; this.addClass("x-repaint"); setTimeout(function() { Ext.get(dom).removeClass("x-repaint") }, 1); return this }, getMargins : function(side) { if (!side) { return { top : parseInt(this.getStyle("margin-top"), 10) || 0, left : parseInt(this.getStyle("margin-left"), 10) || 0, bottom : parseInt(this.getStyle("margin-bottom"), 10) || 0, right : parseInt(this.getStyle("margin-right"), 10) || 0 } } else { return this.addStyles(side, El.margins) } }, addStyles : function(sides, styles) { var val = 0, v, w; for (var i = 0, len = sides.length; i < len; i++) { v = this.getStyle(styles[sides.charAt(i)]); if (v) { w = parseInt(v, 10); if (w) { val += (w >= 0 ? w : -1 * w) } } } return val }, createProxy : function(config, renderTo, matchBox) { config = typeof config == "object" ? config : { tag : "div", cls : config }; var proxy; if (renderTo) { proxy = Ext.DomHelper.append(renderTo, config, true) } else { proxy = Ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(this.dom, config, true) } if (matchBox) { proxy.setBox(this.getBox()) } return proxy }, mask : function(msg, msgCls) { if (this.getStyle("position") == "static") { this.setStyle("position", "relative") } if (this._maskMsg) { this._maskMsg.remove() } if (this._mask) { this._mask.remove() } this._mask = Ext.DomHelper.append(this.dom, { cls : "ext-el-mask" }, true); this.addClass("x-masked"); this._mask.setDisplayed(true); if (typeof msg == "string") { this._maskMsg = Ext.DomHelper.append(this.dom, { cls : "ext-el-mask-msg", cn : { tag : "div" } }, true); var mm = this._maskMsg; mm.dom.className = msgCls ? "ext-el-mask-msg " + msgCls : "ext-el-mask-msg"; mm.dom.firstChild.innerHTML = msg; mm.setDisplayed(true); mm.center(this) } if (Ext.isIE && !(Ext.isIE7 && Ext.isStrict) && this.getStyle("height") == "auto") { this._mask.setSize(this.dom.clientWidth, this.getHeight()) } return this._mask }, unmask : function() { if (this._mask) { if (this._maskMsg) { this._maskMsg.remove(); delete this._maskMsg } this._mask.remove(); delete this._mask } this.removeClass("x-masked") }, isMasked : function() { return this._mask && this._mask.isVisible() }, createShim : function() { var el = document.createElement("iframe"); el.frameBorder = "no"; el.className = "ext-shim"; if (Ext.isIE && Ext.isSecure) { el.src = Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL } var shim = Ext.get(this.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(el, this.dom)); shim.autoBoxAdjust = false; return shim }, remove : function() { Ext.removeNode(this.dom); delete El.cache[this.dom.id] }, hover : function(overFn, outFn, scope) { var preOverFn = function(e) { if (!e.within(this, true)) { overFn.apply(scope || this, arguments) } }; var preOutFn = function(e) { if (!e.within(this, true)) { outFn.apply(scope || this, arguments) } }; this.on("mouseover", preOverFn, this.dom); this.on("mouseout", preOutFn, this.dom); return this }, addClassOnOver : function(className, preventFlicker) { this.hover(function() { Ext.fly(this, "_internal").addClass(className) }, function() { Ext.fly(this, "_internal").removeClass(className) }); return this }, addClassOnFocus : function(className) { this.on("focus", function() { Ext.fly(this, "_internal").addClass(className) }, this.dom); this.on("blur", function() { Ext.fly(this, "_internal").removeClass(className) }, this.dom); return this }, addClassOnClick : function(className) { var dom = this.dom; this.on("mousedown", function() { Ext.fly(dom, "_internal").addClass(className); var d = Ext.getDoc(); var fn = function() { Ext.fly(dom, "_internal").removeClass(className); d.removeListener("mouseup", fn) }; d.on("mouseup", fn) }); return this }, swallowEvent : function(eventName, preventDefault) { var fn = function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (preventDefault) { e.preventDefault() } }; if (Ext.isArray(eventName)) { for (var i = 0, len = eventName.length; i < len; i++) { this.on(eventName[i], fn) } return this } this.on(eventName, fn); return this }, parent : function(selector, returnDom) { return this.matchNode("parentNode", "parentNode", selector, returnDom) }, next : function(selector, returnDom) { return this.matchNode("nextSibling", "nextSibling", selector, returnDom) }, prev : function(selector, returnDom) { return this.matchNode("previousSibling", "previousSibling", selector, returnDom) }, first : function(selector, returnDom) { return this.matchNode("nextSibling", "firstChild", selector, returnDom) }, last : function(selector, returnDom) { return this.matchNode("previousSibling", "lastChild", selector, returnDom) }, matchNode : function(dir, start, selector, returnDom) { var n = this.dom[start]; while (n) { if (n.nodeType == 1 && (!selector || Ext.DomQuery.is(n, selector))) { return !returnDom ? Ext.get(n) : n } n = n[dir] } return null }, appendChild : function(el) { el = Ext.get(el); el.appendTo(this); return this }, createChild : function(config, insertBefore, returnDom) { config = config || { tag : "div" }; if (insertBefore) { return Ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(insertBefore, config, returnDom !== true) } return Ext.DomHelper[!this.dom.firstChild ? "overwrite" : "append"]( this.dom, config, returnDom !== true) }, appendTo : function(el) { el = Ext.getDom(el); el.appendChild(this.dom); return this }, insertBefore : function(el) { el = Ext.getDom(el); el.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom, el); return this }, insertAfter : function(el) { el = Ext.getDom(el); el.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom, el.nextSibling); return this }, insertFirst : function(el, returnDom) { el = el || {}; if (typeof el == "object" && !el.nodeType && !el.dom) { return this.createChild(el, this.dom.firstChild, returnDom) } else { el = Ext.getDom(el); this.dom.insertBefore(el, this.dom.firstChild); return !returnDom ? Ext.get(el) : el } }, insertSibling : function(el, where, returnDom) { var rt; if (Ext.isArray(el)) { for (var i = 0, len = el.length; i < len; i++) { rt = this.insertSibling(el[i], where, returnDom) } return rt } where = where ? where.toLowerCase() : "before"; el = el || {}; var refNode = where == "before" ? this.dom : this.dom.nextSibling; if (typeof el == "object" && !el.nodeType && !el.dom) { if (where == "after" && !this.dom.nextSibling) { rt = Ext.DomHelper.append(this.dom.parentNode, el, !returnDom) } else { rt = Ext.DomHelper[where == "after" ? "insertAfter" : "insertBefore"](this.dom, el, !returnDom) } } else { rt = this.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(Ext.getDom(el), refNode); if (!returnDom) { rt = Ext.get(rt) } } return rt }, wrap : function(config, returnDom) { if (!config) { config = { tag : "div" } } var newEl = Ext.DomHelper .insertBefore(this.dom, config, !returnDom); newEl.dom ? newEl.dom.appendChild(this.dom) : newEl .appendChild(this.dom); return newEl }, replace : function(el) { el = Ext.get(el); this.insertBefore(el); el.remove(); return this }, replaceWith : function(el) { if (typeof el == "object" && !el.nodeType && !el.dom) { el = this.insertSibling(el, "before") } else { el = Ext.getDom(el); this.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(el, this.dom) } El.uncache(this.id); this.dom.parentNode.removeChild(this.dom); this.dom = el; this.id = Ext.id(el); El.cache[this.id] = this; return this }, insertHtml : function(where, html, returnEl) { var el = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml(where, this.dom, html); return returnEl ? Ext.get(el) : el }, set : function(o, useSet) { var el = this.dom; useSet = typeof useSet == "undefined" ? (el.setAttribute ? true : false) : useSet; for (var attr in o) { if (attr == "style" || typeof o[attr] == "function") { continue } if (attr == "cls") { el.className = o["cls"] } else { if (o.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { if (useSet) { el.setAttribute(attr, o[attr]) } else { el[attr] = o[attr] } } } } if (o.style) { Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(el, o.style) } return this }, addKeyListener : function(key, fn, scope) { var config; if (typeof key != "object" || Ext.isArray(key)) { config = { key : key, fn : fn, scope : scope } } else { config = { key : key.key, shift : key.shift, ctrl : key.ctrl, alt : key.alt, fn : fn, scope : scope } } return new Ext.KeyMap(this, config) }, addKeyMap : function(config) { return new Ext.KeyMap(this, config) }, isScrollable : function() { var dom = this.dom; return dom.scrollHeight > dom.clientHeight || dom.scrollWidth > dom.clientWidth }, scrollTo : function(side, value, animate) { var prop = side.toLowerCase() == "left" ? "scrollLeft" : "scrollTop"; if (!animate || !A) { this.dom[prop] = value } else { var to = prop == "scrollLeft" ? [value, this.dom.scrollTop] : [ this.dom.scrollLeft, value]; this.anim({ scroll : { "to" : to } }, this.preanim(arguments, 2), "scroll") } return this }, scroll : function(direction, distance, animate) { if (!this.isScrollable()) { return } var el = this.dom; var l = el.scrollLeft, t = el.scrollTop; var w = el.scrollWidth, h = el.scrollHeight; var cw = el.clientWidth, ch = el.clientHeight; direction = direction.toLowerCase(); var scrolled = false; var a = this.preanim(arguments, 2); switch (direction) { case "l" : case "left" : if (w - l > cw) { var v = Math.min(l + distance, w - cw); this.scrollTo("left", v, a); scrolled = true } break; case "r" : case "right" : if (l > 0) { var v = Math.max(l - distance, 0); this.scrollTo("left", v, a); scrolled = true } break; case "t" : case "top" : case "up" : if (t > 0) { var v = Math.max(t - distance, 0); this.scrollTo("top", v, a); scrolled = true } break; case "b" : case "bottom" : case "down" : if (h - t > ch) { var v = Math.min(t + distance, h - ch); this.scrollTo("top", v, a); scrolled = true } break } return scrolled }, translatePoints : function(x, y) { if (typeof x == "object" || Ext.isArray(x)) { y = x[1]; x = x[0] } var p = this.getStyle("position"); var o = this.getXY(); var l = parseInt(this.getStyle("left"), 10); var t = parseInt(this.getStyle("top"), 10); if (isNaN(l)) { l = (p == "relative") ? 0 : this.dom.offsetLeft } if (isNaN(t)) { t = (p == "relative") ? 0 : this.dom.offsetTop } return { left : (x - o[0] + l), top : (y - o[1] + t) } }, getScroll : function() { var d = this.dom, doc = document; if (d == doc || d == doc.body) { var l, t; if (Ext.isIE && Ext.isStrict) { l = doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || (doc.body.scrollLeft || 0); t = doc.documentElement.scrollTop || (doc.body.scrollTop || 0) } else { l = window.pageXOffset || (doc.body.scrollLeft || 0); t = window.pageYOffset || (doc.body.scrollTop || 0) } return { left : l, top : t } } else { return { left : d.scrollLeft, top : d.scrollTop } } }, getColor : function(attr, defaultValue, prefix) { var v = this.getStyle(attr); if (!v || v == "transparent" || v == "inherit") { return defaultValue } var color = typeof prefix == "undefined" ? "#" : prefix; if (v.substr(0, 4) == "rgb(") { var rvs = v.slice(4, v.length - 1).split(","); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var h = parseInt(rvs[i]); var s = h.toString(16); if (h < 16) { s = "0" + s } color += s } } else { if (v.substr(0, 1) == "#") { if (v.length == 4) { for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) { var c = v.charAt(i); color += c + c } } else { if (v.length == 7) { color += v.substr(1) } } } } return (color.length > 5 ? color.toLowerCase() : defaultValue) }, boxWrap : function(cls) { cls = cls || "x-box"; var el = Ext.get(this.insertHtml("beforeBegin", String.format( "
" + El.boxMarkup + "
", cls))); el.child("." + cls + "-mc").dom.appendChild(this.dom); return el }, getAttributeNS : Ext.isIE ? function(ns, name) { var d = this.dom; var type = typeof d[ns + ":" + name]; if (type != "undefined" && type != "unknown") { return d[ns + ":" + name] } return d[name] } : function(ns, name) { var d = this.dom; return d.getAttributeNS(ns, name) || d.getAttribute(ns + ":" + name) || d.getAttribute(name) || d[name] }, getTextWidth : function(text, min, max) { return (Ext.util.TextMetrics.measure(this.dom, Ext.value(text, this.dom.innerHTML, true)).width).constrain(min || 0, max || 1000000) } }; var ep = El.prototype; ep.on = ep.addListener; ep.mon = ep.addListener; ep.getUpdateManager = ep.getUpdater; ep.un = ep.removeListener; ep.autoBoxAdjust = true; El.unitPattern = /\d+(px|em|%|en|ex|pt|in|cm|mm|pc)$/i; El.addUnits = function(v, defaultUnit) { if (v === "" || v == "auto") { return v } if (v === undefined) { return "" } if (typeof v == "number" || !El.unitPattern.test(v)) { return v + (defaultUnit || "px") } return v }; El.boxMarkup = "
"; El.VISIBILITY = 1; El.DISPLAY = 2; El.borders = { l : "border-left-width", r : "border-right-width", t : "border-top-width", b : "border-bottom-width" }; El.paddings = { l : "padding-left", r : "padding-right", t : "padding-top", b : "padding-bottom" }; El.margins = { l : "margin-left", r : "margin-right", t : "margin-top", b : "margin-bottom" }; El.cache = {}; var docEl; El.get = function(el) { var ex, elm, id; if (!el) { return null } if (typeof el == "string") { if (!(elm = document.getElementById(el))) { return null } if (ex = El.cache[el]) { ex.dom = elm } else { ex = El.cache[el] = new El(elm) } return ex } else { if (el.tagName) { if (!(id = el.id)) { id = Ext.id(el) } if (ex = El.cache[id]) { ex.dom = el } else { ex = El.cache[id] = new El(el) } return ex } else { if (el instanceof El) { if (el != docEl) { el.dom = document.getElementById(el.id) || el.dom; El.cache[el.id] = el } return el } else { if (el.isComposite) { return el } else { if (Ext.isArray(el)) { return El.select(el) } else { if (el == document) { if (!docEl) { var f = function() { }; f.prototype = El.prototype; docEl = new f(); docEl.dom = document } return docEl } } } } } } return null }; El.uncache = function(el) { for (var i = 0, a = arguments, len = a.length; i < len; i++) { if (a[i]) { delete El.cache[a[i].id || a[i]] } } }; El.garbageCollect = function() { if (!Ext.enableGarbageCollector) { clearInterval(El.collectorThread); return } for (var eid in El.cache) { var el = El.cache[eid], d = el.dom; if (!d || !d.parentNode || (!d.offsetParent && !document.getElementById(eid))) { delete El.cache[eid]; if (d && Ext.enableListenerCollection) { E.purgeElement(d) } } } }; El.collectorThreadId = setInterval(El.garbageCollect, 30000); var flyFn = function() { }; flyFn.prototype = El.prototype; var _cls = new flyFn(); El.Flyweight = function(dom) { this.dom = dom }; El.Flyweight.prototype = _cls; El.Flyweight.prototype.isFlyweight = true; El._flyweights = {}; El.fly = function(el, named) { named = named || "_global"; el = Ext.getDom(el); if (!el) { return null } if (!El._flyweights[named]) { El._flyweights[named] = new El.Flyweight() } El._flyweights[named].dom = el; return El._flyweights[named] }; Ext.get = El.get; Ext.fly = El.fly; var noBoxAdjust = Ext.isStrict ? { select : 1 } : { input : 1, select : 1, textarea : 1 }; if (Ext.isIE || Ext.isGecko) { noBoxAdjust["button"] = 1 } Ext.EventManager.on(window, "unload", function() { delete El.cache; delete El._flyweights }) })(); Ext.enableFx = true; Ext.Fx = { slideIn : function(A, C) { var B = this.getFxEl(); C = C || {}; B.queueFx(C, function() { A = A || "t"; this.fixDisplay(); var D = this.getFxRestore(); var I = this.getBox(); this.setSize(I); var F = this.fxWrap(D.pos, C, "hidden"); var K = this.dom.style; K.visibility = "visible"; K.position = "absolute"; var E = function() { B.fxUnwrap(F, D.pos, C); K.width = D.width; K.height = D.height; B.afterFx(C) }; var J, L = { to : [I.x, I.y] }, H = { to : I.width }, G = { to : I.height }; switch (A.toLowerCase()) { case "t" : F.setSize(I.width, 0); K.left = K.bottom = "0"; J = { height : G }; break; case "l" : F.setSize(0, I.height); K.right = K.top = "0"; J = { width : H }; break; case "r" : F.setSize(0, I.height); F.setX(I.right); K.left = K.top = "0"; J = { width : H, points : L }; break; case "b" : F.setSize(I.width, 0); F.setY(I.bottom); K.left = K.top = "0"; J = { height : G, points : L }; break; case "tl" : F.setSize(0, 0); K.right = K.bottom = "0"; J = { width : H, height : G }; break; case "bl" : F.setSize(0, 0); F.setY(I.y + I.height); K.right = K.top = "0"; J = { width : H, height : G, points : L }; break; case "br" : F.setSize(0, 0); F.setXY([I.right, I.bottom]); K.left = K.top = "0"; J = { width : H, height : G, points : L }; break; case "tr" : F.setSize(0, 0); F.setX(I.x + I.width); K.left = K.bottom = "0"; J = { width : H, height : G, points : L }; break } this.dom.style.visibility = "visible"; F.show(); arguments.callee.anim = F.fxanim(J, C, "motion", 0.5, "easeOut", E) }); return this }, slideOut : function(A, C) { var B = this.getFxEl(); C = C || {}; B.queueFx(C, function() { A = A || "t"; var I = this.getFxRestore(); var D = this.getBox(); this.setSize(D); var G = this.fxWrap(I.pos, C, "visible"); var F = this.dom.style; F.visibility = "visible"; F.position = "absolute"; G.setSize(D); var J = function() { if (C.useDisplay) { B.setDisplayed(false) } else { B.hide() } B.fxUnwrap(G, I.pos, C); F.width = I.width; F.height = I.height; B.afterFx(C) }; var E, H = { to : 0 }; switch (A.toLowerCase()) { case "t" : F.left = F.bottom = "0"; E = { height : H }; break; case "l" : F.right = F.top = "0"; E = { width : H }; break; case "r" : F.left = F.top = "0"; E = { width : H, points : { to : [D.right, D.y] } }; break; case "b" : F.left = F.top = "0"; E = { height : H, points : { to : [D.x, D.bottom] } }; break; case "tl" : F.right = F.bottom = "0"; E = { width : H, height : H }; break; case "bl" : F.right = F.top = "0"; E = { width : H, height : H, points : { to : [D.x, D.bottom] } }; break; case "br" : F.left = F.top = "0"; E = { width : H, height : H, points : { to : [D.x + D.width, D.bottom] } }; break; case "tr" : F.left = F.bottom = "0"; E = { width : H, height : H, points : { to : [D.right, D.y] } }; break } arguments.callee.anim = G.fxanim(E, C, "motion", 0.5, "easeOut", J) }); return this }, puff : function(B) { var A = this.getFxEl(); B = B || {}; A.queueFx(B, function() { this.clearOpacity(); this.show(); var F = this.getFxRestore(); var D = this.dom.style; var G = function() { if (B.useDisplay) { A.setDisplayed(false) } else { A.hide() } A.clearOpacity(); A.setPositioning(F.pos); D.width = F.width; D.height = F.height; D.fontSize = ""; A.afterFx(B) }; var E = this.getWidth(); var C = this.getHeight(); arguments.callee.anim = this.fxanim({ width : { to : this.adjustWidth(E * 2) }, height : { to : this.adjustHeight(C * 2) }, points : { by : [-(E * 0.5), -(C * 0.5)] }, opacity : { to : 0 }, fontSize : { to : 200, unit : "%" } }, B, "motion", 0.5, "easeOut", G) }); return this }, switchOff : function(B) { var A = this.getFxEl(); B = B || {}; A.queueFx(B, function() { this.clearOpacity(); this.clip(); var D = this.getFxRestore(); var C = this.dom.style; var E = function() { if (B.useDisplay) { A.setDisplayed(false) } else { A.hide() } A.clearOpacity(); A.setPositioning(D.pos); C.width = D.width; C.height = D.height; A.afterFx(B) }; this.fxanim({ opacity : { to : 0.3 } }, null, null, 0.1, null, function() { this.clearOpacity(); (function() { this.fxanim({ height : { to : 1 }, points : { by : [ 0, this.getHeight() * 0.5] } }, B, "motion", 0.3, "easeIn", E) }).defer(100, this) }) }); return this }, highlight : function(A, C) { var B = this.getFxEl(); C = C || {}; B.queueFx(C, function() { A = A || "ffff9c"; var D = C.attr || "backgroundColor"; this.clearOpacity(); this.show(); var G = this.getColor(D); var H = this.dom.style[D]; var F = (C.endColor || G) || "ffffff"; var I = function() { B.dom.style[D] = H; B.afterFx(C) }; var E = {}; E[D] = { from : A, to : F }; arguments.callee.anim = this.fxanim(E, C, "color", 1, "easeIn", I) }); return this }, frame : function(A, C, D) { var B = this.getFxEl(); D = D || {}; B.queueFx(D, function() { A = A || "#C3DAF9"; if (A.length == 6) { A = "#" + A } C = C || 1; var G = D.duration || 1; this.show(); var E = this.getBox(); var F = function() { var H = Ext.getBody().createChild({ style : { visbility : "hidden", position : "absolute", "z-index" : "35000", border : "0px solid " + A } }); var I = Ext.isBorderBox ? 2 : 1; H.animate({ top : { from : E.y, to : E.y - 20 }, left : { from : E.x, to : E.x - 20 }, borderWidth : { from : 0, to : 10 }, opacity : { from : 1, to : 0 }, height : { from : E.height, to : (E.height + (20 * I)) }, width : { from : E.width, to : (E.width + (20 * I)) } }, G, function() { H.remove(); if (--C > 0) { F() } else { B.afterFx(D) } }) }; F.call(this) }); return this }, pause : function(C) { var A = this.getFxEl(); var B = {}; A.queueFx(B, function() { setTimeout(function() { A.afterFx(B) }, C * 1000) }); return this }, fadeIn : function(B) { var A = this.getFxEl(); B = B || {}; A.queueFx(B, function() { this.setOpacity(0); this.fixDisplay(); this.dom.style.visibility = "visible"; var C = B.endOpacity || 1; arguments.callee.anim = this.fxanim({ opacity : { to : C } }, B, null, 0.5, "easeOut", function() { if (C == 1) { this.clearOpacity() } A.afterFx(B) }) }); return this }, fadeOut : function(B) { var A = this.getFxEl(); B = B || {}; A.queueFx(B, function() { arguments.callee.anim = this.fxanim({ opacity : { to : B.endOpacity || 0 } }, B, null, 0.5, "easeOut", function() { if (this.visibilityMode == Ext.Element.DISPLAY || B.useDisplay) { this.dom.style.display = "none" } else { this.dom.style.visibility = "hidden" } this.clearOpacity(); A.afterFx(B) }) }); return this }, scale : function(A, B, C) { this.shift(Ext.apply({}, C, { width : A, height : B })); return this }, shift : function(B) { var A = this.getFxEl(); B = B || {}; A.queueFx(B, function() { var E = {}, D = B.width, F = B.height, C = B.x, H = B.y, G = B.opacity; if (D !== undefined) { E.width = { to : this.adjustWidth(D) } } if (F !== undefined) { E.height = { to : this.adjustHeight(F) } } if (C !== undefined || H !== undefined) { E.points = { to : [C !== undefined ? C : this.getX(), H !== undefined ? H : this.getY()] } } if (G !== undefined) { E.opacity = { to : G } } if (B.xy !== undefined) { E.points = { to : B.xy } } arguments.callee.anim = this.fxanim(E, B, "motion", 0.35, "easeOut", function() { A.afterFx(B) }) }); return this }, ghost : function(A, C) { var B = this.getFxEl(); C = C || {}; B.queueFx(C, function() { A = A || "b"; var H = this.getFxRestore(); var E = this.getWidth(), G = this.getHeight(); var F = this.dom.style; var J = function() { if (C.useDisplay) { B.setDisplayed(false) } else { B.hide() } B.clearOpacity(); B.setPositioning(H.pos); F.width = H.width; F.height = H.height; B.afterFx(C) }; var D = { opacity : { to : 0 }, points : {} }, I = D.points; switch (A.toLowerCase()) { case "t" : I.by = [0, -G]; break; case "l" : I.by = [-E, 0]; break; case "r" : I.by = [E, 0]; break; case "b" : I.by = [0, G]; break; case "tl" : I.by = [-E, -G]; break; case "bl" : I.by = [-E, G]; break; case "br" : I.by = [E, G]; break; case "tr" : I.by = [E, -G]; break } arguments.callee.anim = this.fxanim(D, C, "motion", 0.5, "easeOut", J) }); return this }, syncFx : function() { this.fxDefaults = Ext.apply(this.fxDefaults || {}, { block : false, concurrent : true, stopFx : false }); return this }, sequenceFx : function() { this.fxDefaults = Ext.apply(this.fxDefaults || {}, { block : false, concurrent : false, stopFx : false }); return this }, nextFx : function() { var A = this.fxQueue[0]; if (A) { A.call(this) } }, hasActiveFx : function() { return this.fxQueue && this.fxQueue[0] }, stopFx : function() { if (this.hasActiveFx()) { var A = this.fxQueue[0]; if (A && A.anim && A.anim.isAnimated()) { this.fxQueue = [A]; A.anim.stop(true) } } return this }, beforeFx : function(A) { if (this.hasActiveFx() && !A.concurrent) { if (A.stopFx) { this.stopFx(); return true } return false } return true }, hasFxBlock : function() { var A = this.fxQueue; return A && A[0] && A[0].block }, queueFx : function(C, A) { if (!this.fxQueue) { this.fxQueue = [] } if (!this.hasFxBlock()) { Ext.applyIf(C, this.fxDefaults); if (!C.concurrent) { var B = this.beforeFx(C); A.block = C.block; this.fxQueue.push(A); if (B) { this.nextFx() } } else { A.call(this) } } return this }, fxWrap : function(F, D, C) { var B; if (!D.wrap || !(B = Ext.get(D.wrap))) { var A; if (D.fixPosition) { A = this.getXY() } var E = document.createElement("div"); E.style.visibility = C; B = Ext.get(this.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(E, this.dom)); B.setPositioning(F); if (B.getStyle("position") == "static") { B.position("relative") } this.clearPositioning("auto"); B.clip(); B.dom.appendChild(this.dom); if (A) { B.setXY(A) } } return B }, fxUnwrap : function(A, C, B) { this.clearPositioning(); this.setPositioning(C); if (!B.wrap) { A.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom, A.dom); A.remove() } }, getFxRestore : function() { var A = this.dom.style; return { pos : this.getPositioning(), width : A.width, height : A.height } }, afterFx : function(A) { if (A.afterStyle) { this.applyStyles(A.afterStyle) } if (A.afterCls) { this.addClass(A.afterCls) } if (A.remove === true) { this.remove() } Ext.callback(A.callback, A.scope, [this]); if (!A.concurrent) { this.fxQueue.shift(); this.nextFx() } }, getFxEl : function() { return Ext.get(this.dom) }, fxanim : function(D, E, B, F, C, A) { B = B || "run"; E = E || {}; var G = Ext.lib.Anim[B](this.dom, D, (E.duration || F) || 0.35, (E.easing || C) || "easeOut", function() { Ext.callback(A, this) }, this); E.anim = G; return G } }; Ext.Fx.resize = Ext.Fx.scale; Ext.apply(Ext.Element.prototype, Ext.Fx); Ext.CompositeElement = function(A) { this.elements = []; this.addElements(A) }; Ext.CompositeElement.prototype = { isComposite : true, addElements : function(E) { if (!E) { return this } if (typeof E == "string") { E = Ext.Element.selectorFunction(E) } var D = this.elements; var B = D.length - 1; for (var C = 0, A = E.length; C < A; C++) { D[++B] = Ext.get(E[C]) } return this }, fill : function(A) { this.elements = []; this.add(A); return this }, filter : function(A) { var B = []; this.each(function(C) { if (C.is(A)) { B[B.length] = C.dom } }); this.fill(B); return this }, invoke : function(E, B) { var D = this.elements; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { Ext.Element.prototype[E].apply(D[C], B) } return this }, add : function(A) { if (typeof A == "string") { this.addElements(Ext.Element.selectorFunction(A)) } else { if (A.length !== undefined) { this.addElements(A) } else { this.addElements([A]) } } return this }, each : function(E, D) { var C = this.elements; for (var B = 0, A = C.length; B < A; B++) { if (E.call(D || C[B], C[B], this, B) === false) { break } } return this }, item : function(A) { return this.elements[A] || null }, first : function() { return this.item(0) }, last : function() { return this.item(this.elements.length - 1) }, getCount : function() { return this.elements.length }, contains : function(A) { return this.indexOf(A) !== -1 }, indexOf : function(A) { return this.elements.indexOf(Ext.get(A)) }, removeElement : function(D, F) { if (Ext.isArray(D)) { for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { this.removeElement(D[C]) } return this } var B = typeof D == "number" ? D : this.indexOf(D); if (B !== -1 && this.elements[B]) { if (F) { var E = this.elements[B]; if (E.dom) { E.remove() } else { Ext.removeNode(E) } } this.elements.splice(B, 1) } return this }, replaceElement : function(D, C, A) { var B = typeof D == "number" ? D : this.indexOf(D); if (B !== -1) { if (A) { this.elements[B].replaceWith(C) } else { this.elements.splice(B, 1, Ext.get(C)) } } return this }, clear : function() { this.elements = [] } }; (function() { Ext.CompositeElement.createCall = function(B, C) { if (!B[C]) { B[C] = function() { return this.invoke(C, arguments) } } }; for (var A in Ext.Element.prototype) { if (typeof Ext.Element.prototype[A] == "function") { Ext.CompositeElement.createCall(Ext.CompositeElement.prototype, A) } } })(); Ext.CompositeElementLite = function(A) { Ext.CompositeElementLite.superclass.constructor.call(this, A); this.el = new Ext.Element.Flyweight() }; Ext.extend(Ext.CompositeElementLite, Ext.CompositeElement, { addElements : function(E) { if (E) { if (Ext.isArray(E)) { this.elements = this.elements.concat(E) } else { var D = this.elements; var B = D.length - 1; for (var C = 0, A = E.length; C < A; C++) { D[++B] = E[C] } } } return this }, invoke : function(F, B) { var D = this.elements; var E = this.el; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { E.dom = D[C]; Ext.Element.prototype[F].apply(E, B) } return this }, item : function(A) { if (!this.elements[A]) { return null } this.el.dom = this.elements[A]; return this.el }, addListener : function(B, G, F, E) { var D = this.elements; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { Ext.EventManager.on(D[C], B, G, F || D[C], E) } return this }, each : function(F, E) { var C = this.elements; var D = this.el; for (var B = 0, A = C.length; B < A; B++) { D.dom = C[B]; if (F.call(E || D, D, this, B) === false) { break } } return this }, indexOf : function(A) { return this.elements.indexOf(Ext.getDom(A)) }, replaceElement : function(D, C, A) { var B = typeof D == "number" ? D : this.indexOf(D); if (B !== -1) { C = Ext.getDom(C); if (A) { var E = this.elements[B]; E.parentNode.insertBefore(C, E); Ext.removeNode(E) } this.elements.splice(B, 1, C) } return this } }); Ext.CompositeElementLite.prototype.on = Ext.CompositeElementLite.prototype.addListener; if (Ext.DomQuery) { Ext.Element.selectorFunction = Ext.DomQuery.select } Ext.Element.select = function(A, D, B) { var C; if (typeof A == "string") { C = Ext.Element.selectorFunction(A, B) } else { if (A.length !== undefined) { C = A } else { throw "Invalid selector" } } if (D === true) { return new Ext.CompositeElement(C) } else { return new Ext.CompositeElementLite(C) } }; Ext.select = Ext.Element.select; Ext.data.Connection = function(A) { Ext.apply(this, A); this.addEvents("beforerequest", "requestcomplete", "requestexception"); Ext.data.Connection.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.data.Connection, Ext.util.Observable, { timeout : 30000, autoAbort : false, disableCaching : true, request : function(E) { if (this.fireEvent("beforerequest", this, E) !== false) { var C = E.params; if (typeof C == "function") { C = C.call(E.scope || window, E) } if (typeof C == "object") { C = Ext.urlEncode(C) } if (this.extraParams) { var G = Ext.urlEncode(this.extraParams); C = C ? (C + "&" + G) : G } var B = E.url || this.url; if (typeof B == "function") { B = B.call(E.scope || window, E) } if (E.form) { var D = Ext.getDom(E.form); B = B || D.action; var I = D.getAttribute("enctype"); if (E.isUpload || (I && I.toLowerCase() == "multipart/form-data")) { return this.doFormUpload(E, C, B) } var H = Ext.lib.Ajax.serializeForm(D); C = C ? (C + "&" + H) : H } var J = E.headers; if (this.defaultHeaders) { J = Ext.apply(J || {}, this.defaultHeaders); if (!E.headers) { E.headers = J } } var F = { success : this.handleResponse, failure : this.handleFailure, scope : this, argument : { options : E }, timeout : E.timeout || this.timeout }; var A = E.method || this.method || (C ? "POST" : "GET"); if (A == "GET" && (this.disableCaching && E.disableCaching !== false) || E.disableCaching === true) { B += (B.indexOf("?") != -1 ? "&" : "?") + "_dc=" + (new Date().getTime()) } if (typeof E.autoAbort == "boolean") { if (E.autoAbort) { this.abort() } } else { if (this.autoAbort !== false) { this.abort() } } if ((A == "GET" && C) || E.xmlData || E.jsonData) { B += (B.indexOf("?") != -1 ? "&" : "?") + C; C = "" } this.transId = Ext.lib.Ajax.request(A, B, F, C, E); return this.transId } else { Ext.callback(E.callback, E.scope, [E, null, null]); return null } }, isLoading : function(A) { if (A) { return Ext.lib.Ajax.isCallInProgress(A) } else { return this.transId ? true : false } }, abort : function(A) { if (A || this.isLoading()) { Ext.lib.Ajax.abort(A || this.transId) } }, handleResponse : function(A) { this.transId = false; var B = A.argument.options; A.argument = B ? B.argument : null; this.fireEvent("requestcomplete", this, A, B); Ext.callback(B.success, B.scope, [A, B]); Ext.callback(B.callback, B.scope, [B, true, A]) }, handleFailure : function(A, C) { this.transId = false; var B = A.argument.options; A.argument = B ? B.argument : null; this.fireEvent("requestexception", this, A, B, C); Ext.callback(B.failure, B.scope, [A, B]); Ext.callback(B.callback, B.scope, [B, false, A]) }, doFormUpload : function(E, A, B) { var C = Ext.id(); var F = document.createElement("iframe"); F.id = C; F.name = C; F.className = "x-hidden"; if (Ext.isIE) { F.src = Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL } document.body.appendChild(F); if (Ext.isIE) { document.frames[C].name = C } var D = Ext.getDom(E.form); D.target = C; D.method = "POST"; D.enctype = D.encoding = "multipart/form-data"; if (B) { D.action = B } var L, J; if (A) { L = []; A = Ext.urlDecode(A, false); for (var H in A) { if (A.hasOwnProperty(H)) { J = document.createElement("input"); J.type = "hidden"; J.name = H; J.value = A[H]; D.appendChild(J); L.push(J) } } } function G() { var M = { responseText : "", responseXML : null }; M.argument = E ? E.argument : null; try { var O; if (Ext.isIE) { O = F.contentWindow.document } else { O = (F.contentDocument || window.frames[C].document) } if (O && O.body) { M.responseText = O.body.innerHTML } if (O && O.XMLDocument) { M.responseXML = O.XMLDocument } else { M.responseXML = O } } catch (N) { } Ext.EventManager.removeListener(F, "load", G, this); this.fireEvent("requestcomplete", this, M, E); Ext.callback(E.success, E.scope, [M, E]); Ext.callback(E.callback, E.scope, [E, true, M]); setTimeout(function() { Ext.removeNode(F) }, 100) } Ext.EventManager.on(F, "load", G, this); D.submit(); if (L) { for (var I = 0, K = L.length; I < K; I++) { Ext.removeNode(L[I]) } } } }); Ext.Ajax = new Ext.data.Connection({ autoAbort : false, serializeForm : function(A) { return Ext.lib.Ajax.serializeForm(A) } }); Ext.Updater = function(B, A) { B = Ext.get(B); if (!A && B.updateManager) { return B.updateManager } this.el = B; this.defaultUrl = null; this.addEvents("beforeupdate", "update", "failure"); var C = Ext.Updater.defaults; this.sslBlankUrl = C.sslBlankUrl; this.disableCaching = C.disableCaching; this.indicatorText = C.indicatorText; this.showLoadIndicator = C.showLoadIndicator; this.timeout = C.timeout; this.loadScripts = C.loadScripts; this.transaction = null; this.autoRefreshProcId = null; this.refreshDelegate = this.refresh.createDelegate(this); this.updateDelegate = this.update.createDelegate(this); this.formUpdateDelegate = this.formUpdate.createDelegate(this); if (!this.renderer) { this.renderer = new Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer() } Ext.Updater.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.Updater, Ext.util.Observable, { getEl : function() { return this.el }, update : function(B, F, H, D) { if (this.fireEvent("beforeupdate", this.el, B, F) !== false) { var G = this.method, A, C; if (typeof B == "object") { A = B; B = A.url; F = F || A.params; H = H || A.callback; D = D || A.discardUrl; C = A.scope; if (typeof A.method != "undefined") { G = A.method } if (typeof A.nocache != "undefined") { this.disableCaching = A.nocache } if (typeof A.text != "undefined") { this.indicatorText = "
" + A.text + "
" } if (typeof A.scripts != "undefined") { this.loadScripts = A.scripts } if (typeof A.timeout != "undefined") { this.timeout = A.timeout } } this.showLoading(); if (!D) { this.defaultUrl = B } if (typeof B == "function") { B = B.call(this) } G = G || (F ? "POST" : "GET"); if (G == "GET") { B = this.prepareUrl(B) } var E = Ext.apply(A || {}, { url : B, params : (typeof F == "function" && C) ? F .createDelegate(C) : F, success : this.processSuccess, failure : this.processFailure, scope : this, callback : undefined, timeout : (this.timeout * 1000), argument : { "options" : A, "url" : B, "form" : null, "callback" : H, "scope" : C || window, "params" : F } }); this.transaction = Ext.Ajax.request(E) } }, formUpdate : function(C, A, B, D) { if (this.fireEvent("beforeupdate", this.el, C, A) !== false) { if (typeof A == "function") { A = A.call(this) } C = Ext.getDom(C); this.transaction = Ext.Ajax.request({ form : C, url : A, success : this.processSuccess, failure : this.processFailure, scope : this, timeout : (this.timeout * 1000), argument : { "url" : A, "form" : C, "callback" : D, "reset" : B } }); this.showLoading.defer(1, this) } }, refresh : function(A) { if (this.defaultUrl == null) { return } this.update(this.defaultUrl, null, A, true) }, startAutoRefresh : function(B, C, D, E, A) { if (A) { this.update(C || this.defaultUrl, D, E, true) } if (this.autoRefreshProcId) { clearInterval(this.autoRefreshProcId) } this.autoRefreshProcId = setInterval(this.update .createDelegate(this, [C || this.defaultUrl, D, E, true]), B * 1000) }, stopAutoRefresh : function() { if (this.autoRefreshProcId) { clearInterval(this.autoRefreshProcId); delete this.autoRefreshProcId } }, isAutoRefreshing : function() { return this.autoRefreshProcId ? true : false }, showLoading : function() { if (this.showLoadIndicator) { this.el.update(this.indicatorText) } }, prepareUrl : function(B) { if (this.disableCaching) { var A = "_dc=" + (new Date().getTime()); if (B.indexOf("?") !== -1) { B += "&" + A } else { B += "?" + A } } return B }, processSuccess : function(A) { this.transaction = null; if (A.argument.form && A.argument.reset) { try { A.argument.form.reset() } catch (B) { } } if (this.loadScripts) { this.renderer.render(this.el, A, this, this.updateComplete .createDelegate(this, [A])) } else { this.renderer.render(this.el, A, this); this.updateComplete(A) } }, updateComplete : function(A) { this.fireEvent("update", this.el, A); if (typeof A.argument.callback == "function") { A.argument.callback.call(A.argument.scope, this.el, true, A, A.argument.options) } }, processFailure : function(A) { this.transaction = null; this.fireEvent("failure", this.el, A); if (typeof A.argument.callback == "function") { A.argument.callback.call(A.argument.scope, this.el, false, A, A.argument.options) } }, setRenderer : function(A) { this.renderer = A }, getRenderer : function() { return this.renderer }, setDefaultUrl : function(A) { this.defaultUrl = A }, abort : function() { if (this.transaction) { Ext.Ajax.abort(this.transaction) } }, isUpdating : function() { if (this.transaction) { return Ext.Ajax.isLoading(this.transaction) } return false } }); Ext.Updater.defaults = { timeout : 30, loadScripts : false, sslBlankUrl : (Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL || "javascript:false"), disableCaching : false, showLoadIndicator : true, indicatorText : "
" }; Ext.Updater.updateElement = function(D, C, E, B) { var A = Ext.get(D).getUpdater(); Ext.apply(A, B); A.update(C, E, B ? B.callback : null) }; Ext.Updater.update = Ext.Updater.updateElement; Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer = function() { }; Ext.Updater.BasicRenderer.prototype = { render : function(C, A, B, D) { C.update(A.responseText, B.loadScripts, D) } }; Ext.UpdateManager = Ext.Updater; Date.parseFunctions = { count : 0 }; Date.parseRegexes = []; Date.formatFunctions = { count : 0 }; Date.prototype.dateFormat = function(B) { if (Date.formatFunctions[B] == null) { Date.createNewFormat(B) } var A = Date.formatFunctions[B]; return this[A]() }; Date.prototype.format = Date.prototype.dateFormat; Date.createNewFormat = function(format) { var funcName = "format" + Date.formatFunctions.count++; Date.formatFunctions[format] = funcName; var code = "Date.prototype." + funcName + " = function(){return "; var special = false; var ch = ""; for (var i = 0; i < format.length; ++i) { ch = format.charAt(i); if (!special && ch == "\\") { special = true } else { if (special) { special = false; code += "'" + String.escape(ch) + "' + " } else { code += Date.getFormatCode(ch) } } } eval(code.substring(0, code.length - 3) + ";}") }; Date.getFormatCode = function(D) { switch (D) { case "d" : return "String.leftPad(this.getDate(), 2, '0') + "; case "D" : return "Date.getShortDayName(this.getDay()) + "; case "j" : return "this.getDate() + "; case "l" : return "Date.dayNames[this.getDay()] + "; case "N" : return "(this.getDay() ? this.getDay() : 7) + "; case "S" : return "this.getSuffix() + "; case "w" : return "this.getDay() + "; case "z" : return "this.getDayOfYear() + "; case "W" : return "String.leftPad(this.getWeekOfYear(), 2, '0') + "; case "F" : return "Date.monthNames[this.getMonth()] + "; case "m" : return "String.leftPad(this.getMonth() + 1, 2, '0') + "; case "M" : return "Date.getShortMonthName(this.getMonth()) + "; case "n" : return "(this.getMonth() + 1) + "; case "t" : return "this.getDaysInMonth() + "; case "L" : return "(this.isLeapYear() ? 1 : 0) + "; case "o" : return "(this.getFullYear() + (this.getWeekOfYear() == 1 && this.getMonth() > 0 ? +1 : (this.getWeekOfYear() >= 52 && this.getMonth() < 11 ? -1 : 0))) + "; case "Y" : return "this.getFullYear() + "; case "y" : return "('' + this.getFullYear()).substring(2, 4) + "; case "a" : return "(this.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm') + "; case "A" : return "(this.getHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM') + "; case "g" : return "((this.getHours() % 12) ? this.getHours() % 12 : 12) + "; case "G" : return "this.getHours() + "; case "h" : return "String.leftPad((this.getHours() % 12) ? this.getHours() % 12 : 12, 2, '0') + "; case "H" : return "String.leftPad(this.getHours(), 2, '0') + "; case "i" : return "String.leftPad(this.getMinutes(), 2, '0') + "; case "s" : return "String.leftPad(this.getSeconds(), 2, '0') + "; case "u" : return "String.leftPad(this.getMilliseconds(), 3, '0') + "; case "O" : return "this.getGMTOffset() + "; case "P" : return "this.getGMTOffset(true) + "; case "T" : return "this.getTimezone() + "; case "Z" : return "(this.getTimezoneOffset() * -60) + "; case "c" : for (var F = Date.getFormatCode, G = "Y-m-dTH:i:sP", C = "", B = 0, A = G.length; B < A; ++B) { var E = G.charAt(B); C += E == "T" ? "'T' + " : F(E) } return C; case "U" : return "Math.round(this.getTime() / 1000) + "; default : return "'" + String.escape(D) + "' + " } }; Date.parseDate = function(A, C) { if (Date.parseFunctions[C] == null) { Date.createParser(C) } var B = Date.parseFunctions[C]; return Date[B](A) }; Date.createParser = function(format) { var funcName = "parse" + Date.parseFunctions.count++; var regexNum = Date.parseRegexes.length; var currentGroup = 1; Date.parseFunctions[format] = funcName; var code = "Date." + funcName + " = function(input){\n" + "var y = -1, m = -1, d = -1, h = -1, i = -1, s = -1, ms = -1, o, z, u, v;\n" + "input = String(input);var d = new Date();\n" + "y = d.getFullYear();\n" + "m = d.getMonth();\n" + "d = d.getDate();\n" + "var results = input.match(Date.parseRegexes[" + regexNum + "]);\n" + "if (results && results.length > 0) {"; var regex = ""; var special = false; var ch = ""; for (var i = 0; i < format.length; ++i) { ch = format.charAt(i); if (!special && ch == "\\") { special = true } else { if (special) { special = false; regex += String.escape(ch) } else { var obj = Date.formatCodeToRegex(ch, currentGroup); currentGroup += obj.g; regex += obj.s; if (obj.g && obj.c) { code += obj.c } } } } code += "if (u)\n" + "{v = new Date(u * 1000);}" + "else if (y >= 0 && m >= 0 && d > 0 && h >= 0 && i >= 0 && s >= 0 && ms >= 0)\n" + "{v = new Date(y, m, d, h, i, s, ms);}\n" + "else if (y >= 0 && m >= 0 && d > 0 && h >= 0 && i >= 0 && s >= 0)\n" + "{v = new Date(y, m, d, h, i, s);}\n" + "else if (y >= 0 && m >= 0 && d > 0 && h >= 0 && i >= 0)\n" + "{v = new Date(y, m, d, h, i);}\n" + "else if (y >= 0 && m >= 0 && d > 0 && h >= 0)\n" + "{v = new Date(y, m, d, h);}\n" + "else if (y >= 0 && m >= 0 && d > 0)\n" + "{v = new Date(y, m, d);}\n" + "else if (y >= 0 && m >= 0)\n" + "{v = new Date(y, m);}\n" + "else if (y >= 0)\n" + "{v = new Date(y);}\n" + "}return (v && (z || o))?\n" + " (z ? v.add(Date.SECOND, (v.getTimezoneOffset() * 60) + (z*1)) :\n" + " v.add(Date.HOUR, (v.getGMTOffset() / 100) + (o / -100))) : v\n" + ";}"; Date.parseRegexes[regexNum] = new RegExp("^" + regex + "$", "i"); eval(code) }; Date.formatCodeToRegex = function(G, F) { switch (G) { case "d" : return { g : 1, c : "d = parseInt(results[" + F + "], 10);\n", s : "(\\d{2})" }; case "D" : for (var C = [], E = 0; E < 7; C.push(Date.getShortDayName(E)), ++E) { } return { g : 0, c : null, s : "(?:" + C.join("|") + ")" }; case "j" : return { g : 1, c : "d = parseInt(results[" + F + "], 10);\n", s : "(\\d{1,2})" }; case "l" : return { g : 0, c : null, s : "(?:" + Date.dayNames.join("|") + ")" }; case "N" : return { g : 0, c : null, s : "[1-7]" }; case "S" : return { g : 0, c : null, s : "(?:st|nd|rd|th)" }; case "w" : return { g : 0, c : null, s : "[0-6]" }; case "z" : return { g : 0, c : null, s : "(?:\\d{1,3}" }; case "W" : return { g : 0, c : null, s : "(?:\\d{2})" }; case "F" : return { g : 1, c : "m = parseInt(Date.getMonthNumber(results[" + F + "]), 10);\n", s : "(" + Date.monthNames.join("|") + ")" }; case "m" : return { g : 1, c : "m = parseInt(results[" + F + "], 10) - 1;\n", s : "(\\d{2})" }; case "M" : for (var C = [], E = 0; E < 12; C.push(Date.getShortMonthName(E)), ++E) { } return { g : 1, c : "m = parseInt(Date.getMonthNumber(results[" + F + "]), 10);\n", s : "(" + C.join("|") + ")" }; case "n" : return { g : 1, c : "m = parseInt(results[" + F + "], 10) - 1;\n", s : "(\\d{1,2})" }; case "t" : return { g : 0, c : null, s : "(?:\\d{2})" }; case "L" : return { g : 0, c : null, s : "(?:1|0)" }; case "o" : case "Y" : return { g : 1, c : "y = parseInt(results[" + F + "], 10);\n", s : "(\\d{4})" }; case "y" : return { g : 1, c : "var ty = parseInt(results[" + F + "], 10);\n" + "y = ty > Date.y2kYear ? 1900 + ty : 2000 + ty;\n", s : "(\\d{1,2})" }; case "a" : return { g : 1, c : "if (results[" + F + "] == 'am') {\n" + "if (h == 12) { h = 0; }\n" + "} else { if (h < 12) { h += 12; }}", s : "(am|pm)" }; case "A" : return { g : 1, c : "if (results[" + F + "] == 'AM') {\n" + "if (h == 12) { h = 0; }\n" + "} else { if (h < 12) { h += 12; }}", s : "(AM|PM)" }; case "g" : case "G" : return { g : 1, c : "h = parseInt(results[" + F + "], 10);\n", s : "(\\d{1,2})" }; case "h" : case "H" : return { g : 1, c : "h = parseInt(results[" + F + "], 10);\n", s : "(\\d{2})" }; case "i" : return { g : 1, c : "i = parseInt(results[" + F + "], 10);\n", s : "(\\d{2})" }; case "s" : return { g : 1, c : "s = parseInt(results[" + F + "], 10);\n", s : "(\\d{2})" }; case "u" : return { g : 1, c : "ms = parseInt(results[" + F + "], 10);\n", s : "(\\d{3})" }; case "O" : return { g : 1, c : [ "o = results[", F, "];\n", "var sn = o.substring(0,1);\n", "var hr = o.substring(1,3)*1 + Math.floor(o.substring(3,5) / 60);\n", "var mn = o.substring(3,5) % 60;\n", "o = ((-12 <= (hr*60 + mn)/60) && ((hr*60 + mn)/60 <= 14))?\n", " (sn + String.leftPad(hr, 2, '0') + String.leftPad(mn, 2, '0')) : null;\n"] .join(""), s : "([+-]\\d{4})" }; case "P" : return { g : 1, c : [ "o = results[", F, "];\n", "var sn = o.substring(0,1);\n", "var hr = o.substring(1,3)*1 + Math.floor(o.substring(4,6) / 60);\n", "var mn = o.substring(4,6) % 60;\n", "o = ((-12 <= (hr*60 + mn)/60) && ((hr*60 + mn)/60 <= 14))?\n", " (sn + String.leftPad(hr, 2, '0') + String.leftPad(mn, 2, '0')) : null;\n"] .join(""), s : "([+-]\\d{2}:\\d{2})" }; case "T" : return { g : 0, c : null, s : "[A-Z]{1,4}" }; case "Z" : return { g : 1, c : "z = results[" + F + "] * 1;\n" + "z = (-43200 <= z && z <= 50400)? z : null;\n", s : "([+-]?\\d{1,5})" }; case "c" : var H = Date.formatCodeToRegex, D = []; var A = [H("Y", 1), H("m", 2), H("d", 3), H("h", 4), H("i", 5), H("s", 6), H("P", 7)]; for (var E = 0, B = A.length; E < B; ++E) { D.push(A[E].c) } return { g : 1, c : D.join(""), s : A[0].s + "-" + A[1].s + "-" + A[2].s + "T" + A[3].s + ":" + A[4].s + ":" + A[5].s + A[6].s }; case "U" : return { g : 1, c : "u = parseInt(results[" + F + "], 10);\n", s : "(-?\\d+)" }; default : return { g : 0, c : null, s : Ext.escapeRe(G) } } }; Date.prototype.getTimezone = function() { return this.toString().replace( /^.* (?:\((.*)\)|([A-Z]{1,4})(?:[\-+][0-9]{4})?(?: -?\d+)?)$/, "$1$2").replace(/[^A-Z]/g, "") }; Date.prototype.getGMTOffset = function(A) { return (this.getTimezoneOffset() > 0 ? "-" : "+") + String.leftPad(Math .abs(Math.floor(this.getTimezoneOffset() / 60)), 2, "0") + (A ? ":" : "") + String.leftPad(this.getTimezoneOffset() % 60, 2, "0") }; Date.prototype.getDayOfYear = function() { var A = 0; Date.daysInMonth[1] = this.isLeapYear() ? 29 : 28; for (var B = 0; B < this.getMonth(); ++B) { A += Date.daysInMonth[B] } return A + this.getDate() - 1 }; Date.prototype.getWeekOfYear = function() { var B = 86400000; var C = 7 * B; var D = Date.UTC(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate() + 3) / B; var A = Math.floor(D / 7); var E = new Date(A * C).getUTCFullYear(); return A - Math.floor(Date.UTC(E, 0, 7) / C) + 1 }; Date.prototype.isLeapYear = function() { var A = this.getFullYear(); return !!((A & 3) == 0 && (A % 100 || (A % 400 == 0 && A))) }; Date.prototype.getFirstDayOfMonth = function() { var A = (this.getDay() - (this.getDate() - 1)) % 7; return (A < 0) ? (A + 7) : A }; Date.prototype.getLastDayOfMonth = function() { var A = (this.getDay() + (Date.daysInMonth[this.getMonth()] - this .getDate())) % 7; return (A < 0) ? (A + 7) : A }; Date.prototype.getFirstDateOfMonth = function() { return new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), 1) }; Date.prototype.getLastDateOfMonth = function() { return new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDaysInMonth()) }; Date.prototype.getDaysInMonth = function() { Date.daysInMonth[1] = this.isLeapYear() ? 29 : 28; return Date.daysInMonth[this.getMonth()] }; Date.prototype.getSuffix = function() { switch (this.getDate()) { case 1 : case 21 : case 31 : return "st"; case 2 : case 22 : return "nd"; case 3 : case 23 : return "rd"; default : return "th" } }; Date.daysInMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; Date.monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; Date.getShortMonthName = function(A) { return Date.monthNames[A].substring(0, 3) }; Date.dayNames = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]; Date.getShortDayName = function(A) { return Date.dayNames[A].substring(0, 3) }; Date.y2kYear = 50; Date.monthNumbers = { Jan : 0, Feb : 1, Mar : 2, Apr : 3, May : 4, Jun : 5, Jul : 6, Aug : 7, Sep : 8, Oct : 9, Nov : 10, Dec : 11 }; Date.getMonthNumber = function(A) { return Date.monthNumbers[A.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + A.substring(1, 3).toLowerCase()] }; Date.prototype.clone = function() { return new Date(this.getTime()) }; Date.prototype.clearTime = function(A) { if (A) { return this.clone().clearTime() } this.setHours(0); this.setMinutes(0); this.setSeconds(0); this.setMilliseconds(0); return this }; if (Ext.isSafari) { Date.brokenSetMonth = Date.prototype.setMonth; Date.prototype.setMonth = function(A) { if (A <= -1) { var D = Math.ceil(-A); var C = Math.ceil(D / 12); var B = (D % 12) ? 12 - D % 12 : 0; this.setFullYear(this.getFullYear() - C); return Date.brokenSetMonth.call(this, B) } else { return Date.brokenSetMonth.apply(this, arguments) } } } Date.MILLI = "ms"; Date.SECOND = "s"; Date.MINUTE = "mi"; Date.HOUR = "h"; Date.DAY = "d"; Date.MONTH = "mo"; Date.YEAR = "y"; Date.prototype.add = function(B, C) { var D = this.clone(); if (!B || C === 0) { return D } switch (B.toLowerCase()) { case Date.MILLI : D.setMilliseconds(this.getMilliseconds() + C); break; case Date.SECOND : D.setSeconds(this.getSeconds() + C); break; case Date.MINUTE : D.setMinutes(this.getMinutes() + C); break; case Date.HOUR : D.setHours(this.getHours() + C); break; case Date.DAY : D.setDate(this.getDate() + C); break; case Date.MONTH : var A = this.getDate(); if (A > 28) { A = Math.min(A, this.getFirstDateOfMonth().add("mo", C) .getLastDateOfMonth().getDate()) } D.setDate(A); D.setMonth(this.getMonth() + C); break; case Date.YEAR : D.setFullYear(this.getFullYear() + C); break } return D }; Date.prototype.between = function(C, A) { var B = this.getTime(); return C.getTime() <= B && B <= A.getTime() }; Ext.util.DelayedTask = function(E, D, A) { var G = null, F, B; var C = function() { var H = new Date().getTime(); if (H - B >= F) { clearInterval(G); G = null; E.apply(D, A || []) } }; this.delay = function(I, K, J, H) { if (G && I != F) { this.cancel() } F = I; B = new Date().getTime(); E = K || E; D = J || D; A = H || A; if (!G) { G = setInterval(C, F) } }; this.cancel = function() { if (G) { clearInterval(G); G = null } } }; Ext.util.TaskRunner = function(E) { E = E || 10; var F = [], A = []; var B = 0; var G = false; var D = function() { G = false; clearInterval(B); B = 0 }; var H = function() { if (!G) { G = true; B = setInterval(I, E) } }; var C = function(J) { A.push(J); if (J.onStop) { J.onStop.apply(J.scope || J) } }; var I = function() { if (A.length > 0) { for (var O = 0, K = A.length; O < K; O++) { F.remove(A[O]) } A = []; if (F.length < 1) { D(); return } } var M = new Date().getTime(); for (var O = 0, K = F.length; O < K; ++O) { var N = F[O]; var J = M - N.taskRunTime; if (N.interval <= J) { var L = N.run.apply(N.scope || N, N.args || [++N.taskRunCount]); N.taskRunTime = M; if (L === false || N.taskRunCount === N.repeat) { C(N); return } } if (N.duration && N.duration <= (M - N.taskStartTime)) { C(N) } } }; this.start = function(J) { F.push(J); J.taskStartTime = new Date().getTime(); J.taskRunTime = 0; J.taskRunCount = 0; H(); return J }; this.stop = function(J) { C(J); return J }; this.stopAll = function() { D(); for (var K = 0, J = F.length; K < J; K++) { if (F[K].onStop) { F[K].onStop() } } F = []; A = [] } }; Ext.TaskMgr = new Ext.util.TaskRunner(); Ext.util.MixedCollection = function(B, A) { this.items = []; this.map = {}; this.keys = []; this.length = 0; this.addEvents("clear", "add", "replace", "remove", "sort"); this.allowFunctions = B === true; if (A) { this.getKey = A } Ext.util.MixedCollection.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.util.MixedCollection, Ext.util.Observable, { allowFunctions : false, add : function(B, C) { if (arguments.length == 1) { C = arguments[0]; B = this.getKey(C) } if (typeof B == "undefined" || B === null) { this.length++; this.items.push(C); this.keys.push(null) } else { var A = this.map[B]; if (A) { return this.replace(B, C) } this.length++; this.items.push(C); this.map[B] = C; this.keys.push(B) } this.fireEvent("add", this.length - 1, C, B); return C }, getKey : function(A) { return A.id }, replace : function(C, D) { if (arguments.length == 1) { D = arguments[0]; C = this.getKey(D) } var A = this.item(C); if (typeof C == "undefined" || C === null || typeof A == "undefined") { return this.add(C, D) } var B = this.indexOfKey(C); this.items[B] = D; this.map[C] = D; this.fireEvent("replace", C, A, D); return D }, addAll : function(E) { if (arguments.length > 1 || Ext.isArray(E)) { var B = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments : E; for (var D = 0, A = B.length; D < A; D++) { this.add(B[D]) } } else { for (var C in E) { if (this.allowFunctions || typeof E[C] != "function") { this.add(C, E[C]) } } } }, each : function(E, D) { var B = [].concat(this.items); for (var C = 0, A = B.length; C < A; C++) { if (E.call(D || B[C], B[C], C, A) === false) { break } } }, eachKey : function(D, C) { for (var B = 0, A = this.keys.length; B < A; B++) { D.call(C || window, this.keys[B], this.items[B], B, A) } }, find : function(D, C) { for (var B = 0, A = this.items.length; B < A; B++) { if (D.call(C || window, this.items[B], this.keys[B])) { return this.items[B] } } return null }, insert : function(A, B, C) { if (arguments.length == 2) { C = arguments[1]; B = this.getKey(C) } if (A >= this.length) { return this.add(B, C) } this.length++; this.items.splice(A, 0, C); if (typeof B != "undefined" && B != null) { this.map[B] = C } this.keys.splice(A, 0, B); this.fireEvent("add", A, C, B); return C }, remove : function(A) { return this.removeAt(this.indexOf(A)) }, removeAt : function(A) { if (A < this.length && A >= 0) { this.length--; var C = this.items[A]; this.items.splice(A, 1); var B = this.keys[A]; if (typeof B != "undefined") { delete this.map[B] } this.keys.splice(A, 1); this.fireEvent("remove", C, B); return C } return false }, removeKey : function(A) { return this.removeAt(this.indexOfKey(A)) }, getCount : function() { return this.length }, indexOf : function(A) { return this.items.indexOf(A) }, indexOfKey : function(A) { return this.keys.indexOf(A) }, item : function(A) { var B = typeof this.map[A] != "undefined" ? this.map[A] : this.items[A]; return typeof B != "function" || this.allowFunctions ? B : null }, itemAt : function(A) { return this.items[A] }, key : function(A) { return this.map[A] }, contains : function(A) { return this.indexOf(A) != -1 }, containsKey : function(A) { return typeof this.map[A] != "undefined" }, clear : function() { this.length = 0; this.items = []; this.keys = []; this.map = {}; this.fireEvent("clear") }, first : function() { return this.items[0] }, last : function() { return this.items[this.length - 1] }, _sort : function(I, A, H) { var C = String(A).toUpperCase() == "DESC" ? -1 : 1; H = H || function(K, J) { return K - J }; var G = [], B = this.keys, F = this.items; for (var D = 0, E = F.length; D < E; D++) { G[G.length] = { key : B[D], value : F[D], index : D } } G.sort(function(K, J) { var L = H(K[I], J[I]) * C; if (L == 0) { L = (K.index < J.index ? -1 : 1) } return L }); for (var D = 0, E = G.length; D < E; D++) { F[D] = G[D].value; B[D] = G[D].key } this.fireEvent("sort", this) }, sort : function(A, B) { this._sort("value", A, B) }, keySort : function(A, B) { this._sort("key", A, B || function(D, C) { return String(D).toUpperCase() - String(C).toUpperCase() }) }, getRange : function(E, A) { var B = this.items; if (B.length < 1) { return [] } E = E || 0; A = Math.min(typeof A == "undefined" ? this.length - 1 : A, this.length - 1); var D = []; if (E <= A) { for (var C = E; C <= A; C++) { D[D.length] = B[C] } } else { for (var C = E; C >= A; C--) { D[D.length] = B[C] } } return D }, filter : function(C, B, D, A) { if (Ext.isEmpty(B, false)) { return this.clone() } B = this.createValueMatcher(B, D, A); return this.filterBy(function(E) { return E && B.test(E[C]) }) }, filterBy : function(F, E) { var G = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); G.getKey = this.getKey; var B = this.keys, D = this.items; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { if (F.call(E || this, D[C], B[C])) { G.add(B[C], D[C]) } } return G }, findIndex : function(C, B, E, D, A) { if (Ext.isEmpty(B, false)) { return -1 } B = this.createValueMatcher(B, D, A); return this.findIndexBy(function(F) { return F && B.test(F[C]) }, null, E) }, findIndexBy : function(F, E, G) { var B = this.keys, D = this.items; for (var C = (G || 0), A = D.length; C < A; C++) { if (F.call(E || this, D[C], B[C])) { return C } } if (typeof G == "number" && G > 0) { for (var C = 0; C < G; C++) { if (F.call(E || this, D[C], B[C])) { return C } } } return -1 }, createValueMatcher : function(B, C, A) { if (!B.exec) { B = String(B); B = new RegExp((C === true ? "" : "^") + Ext.escapeRe(B), A ? "" : "i") } return B }, clone : function() { var E = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); var B = this.keys, D = this.items; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { E.add(B[C], D[C]) } E.getKey = this.getKey; return E } }); Ext.util.MixedCollection.prototype.get = Ext.util.MixedCollection.prototype.item; Ext.util.JSON = new (function() { var useHasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty ? true : false; var pad = function(n) { return n < 10 ? "0" + n : n }; var m = { "\b" : "\\b", "\t" : "\\t", "\n" : "\\n", "\f" : "\\f", "\r" : "\\r", "\"" : "\\\"", "\\" : "\\\\" }; var encodeString = function(s) { if (/["\\\x00-\x1f]/.test(s)) { return "\"" + s.replace(/([\x00-\x1f\\"])/g, function(a, b) { var c = m[b]; if (c) { return c } c = b.charCodeAt(); return "\\u00" + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) + (c % 16).toString(16) }) + "\"" } return "\"" + s + "\"" }; var encodeArray = function(o) { var a = ["["], b, i, l = o.length, v; for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { v = o[i]; switch (typeof v) { case "undefined" : case "function" : case "unknown" : break; default : if (b) { a.push(",") } a.push(v === null ? "null" : Ext.util.JSON.encode(v)); b = true } } a.push("]"); return a.join("") }; var encodeDate = function(o) { return "\"" + o.getFullYear() + "-" + pad(o.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + pad(o.getDate()) + "T" + pad(o.getHours()) + ":" + pad(o.getMinutes()) + ":" + pad(o.getSeconds()) + "\"" }; this.encode = function(o) { if (typeof o == "undefined" || o === null) { return "null" } else { if (Ext.isArray(o)) { return encodeArray(o) } else { if (Ext.isDate(o)) { return encodeDate(o) } else { if (typeof o == "string") { return encodeString(o) } else { if (typeof o == "number") { return isFinite(o) ? String(o) : "null" } else { if (typeof o == "boolean") { return String(o) } else { var a = ["{"], b, i, v; for (i in o) { if (!useHasOwn || o.hasOwnProperty(i)) { v = o[i]; switch (typeof v) { case "undefined" : case "function" : case "unknown" : break; default : if (b) { a.push(",") } a .push( this.encode(i), ":", v === null ? "null" : this .encode(v)); b = true } } } a.push("}"); return a.join("") } } } } } } }; this.decode = function(json) { return eval("(" + json + ")") } })(); Ext.encode = Ext.util.JSON.encode; Ext.decode = Ext.util.JSON.decode; Ext.util.Format = function() { var trimRe = /^\s+|\s+$/g; return { ellipsis : function(value, len) { if (value && value.length > len) { return value.substr(0, len - 3) + "..." } return value }, undef : function(value) { return value !== undefined ? value : "" }, defaultValue : function(value, defaultValue) { return value !== undefined && value !== "" ? value : defaultValue }, htmlEncode : function(value) { return !value ? value : String(value).replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/").replace(/</g, "<").replace( /"/g, "\"") }, trim : function(value) { return String(value).replace(trimRe, "") }, substr : function(value, start, length) { return String(value).substr(start, length) }, lowercase : function(value) { return String(value).toLowerCase() }, uppercase : function(value) { return String(value).toUpperCase() }, capitalize : function(value) { return !value ? value : value.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + value.substr(1).toLowerCase() }, call : function(value, fn) { if (arguments.length > 2) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); args.unshift(value); return eval(fn).apply(window, args) } else { return eval(fn).call(window, value) } }, usMoney : function(v) { v = (Math.round((v - 0) * 100)) / 100; v = (v == Math.floor(v)) ? v + ".00" : ((v * 10 == Math.floor(v * 10)) ? v + "0" : v); v = String(v); var ps = v.split("."); var whole = ps[0]; var sub = ps[1] ? "." + ps[1] : ".00"; var r = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (r.test(whole)) { whole = whole.replace(r, "$1" + "," + "$2") } v = whole + sub; if (v.charAt(0) == "-") { return "-$" + v.substr(1) } return "$" + v }, date : function(v, format) { if (!v) { return "" } if (!Ext.isDate(v)) { v = new Date(Date.parse(v)) } return v.dateFormat(format || "m/d/Y") }, dateRenderer : function(format) { return function(v) { return Ext.util.Format.date(v, format) } }, stripTagsRE : /<\/?[^>]+>/gi, stripTags : function(v) { return !v ? v : String(v).replace(this.stripTagsRE, "") }, stripScriptsRe : /(?:)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)/ig, stripScripts : function(v) { return !v ? v : String(v).replace(this.stripScriptsRe, "") }, fileSize : function(size) { if (size < 1024) { return size + " bytes" } else { if (size < 1048576) { return (Math.round(((size * 10) / 1024)) / 10) + " KB" } else { return (Math.round(((size * 10) / 1048576)) / 10) + " MB" } } }, math : function() { var fns = {}; return function(v, a) { if (!fns[a]) { fns[a] = new Function("v", "return v " + a + ";") } return fns[a](v) } }() } }(); Ext.XTemplate = function() { Ext.XTemplate.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); var P = this.html; P = ["", P, ""].join(""); var O = /]*>((?:(?=([^<]+))\2|<(?!tpl\b[^>]*>))*?)<\/tpl>/; var N = /^]*?for="(.*?)"/; var L = /^]*?if="(.*?)"/; var J = /^]*?exec="(.*?)"/; var C, B = 0; var G = []; while (C = P.match(O)) { var M = C[0].match(N); var K = C[0].match(L); var I = C[0].match(J); var E = null, H = null, D = null; var A = M && M[1] ? M[1] : ""; if (K) { E = K && K[1] ? K[1] : null; if (E) { H = new Function("values", "parent", "xindex", "xcount", "with(values){ return " + (Ext.util.Format.htmlDecode(E)) + "; }") } } if (I) { E = I && I[1] ? I[1] : null; if (E) { D = new Function("values", "parent", "xindex", "xcount", "with(values){ " + (Ext.util.Format.htmlDecode(E)) + "; }") } } if (A) { switch (A) { case "." : A = new Function("values", "parent", "with(values){ return values; }"); break; case ".." : A = new Function("values", "parent", "with(values){ return parent; }"); break; default : A = new Function("values", "parent", "with(values){ return " + A + "; }") } } G.push({ id : B, target : A, exec : D, test : H, body : C[1] || "" }); P = P.replace(C[0], "{xtpl" + B + "}"); ++B } for (var F = G.length - 1; F >= 0; --F) { this.compileTpl(G[F]) } this.master = G[G.length - 1]; this.tpls = G }; Ext.extend(Ext.XTemplate, Ext.Template, { re : /\{([\w-\.\#]+)(?:\:([\w\.]*)(?:\((.*?)?\))?)?(\s?[\+\-\*\\]\s?[\d\.\+\-\*\\\(\)]+)?\}/g, codeRe : /\{\[((?:\\\]|.|\n)*?)\]\}/g, applySubTemplate : function(A, H, G, D, C) { var J = this.tpls[A]; if (J.test && !J.test.call(this, H, G, D, C)) { return "" } if (J.exec && J.exec.call(this, H, G, D, C)) { return "" } var I = J.target ? J.target.call(this, H, G) : H; G = J.target ? H : G; if (J.target && Ext.isArray(I)) { var B = []; for (var E = 0, F = I.length; E < F; E++) { B[B.length] = J.compiled.call(this, I[E], G, E + 1, F) } return B.join("") } return J.compiled.call(this, I, G, D, C) }, compileTpl : function(tpl) { var fm = Ext.util.Format; var useF = this.disableFormats !== true; var sep = Ext.isGecko ? "+" : ","; var fn = function(m, name, format, args, math) { if (name.substr(0, 4) == "xtpl") { return "'" + sep + "this.applySubTemplate(" + name.substr(4) + ", values, parent, xindex, xcount)" + sep + "'" } var v; if (name === ".") { v = "values" } else { if (name === "#") { v = "xindex" } else { if (name.indexOf(".") != -1) { v = name } else { v = "values['" + name + "']" } } } if (math) { v = "(" + v + math + ")" } if (format && useF) { args = args ? "," + args : ""; if (format.substr(0, 5) != "this.") { format = "fm." + format + "(" } else { format = "this.call(\"" + format.substr(5) + "\", "; args = ", values" } } else { args = ""; format = "(" + v + " === undefined ? '' : " } return "'" + sep + format + v + args + ")" + sep + "'" }; var codeFn = function(m, code) { return "'" + sep + "(" + code + ")" + sep + "'" }; var body; if (Ext.isGecko) { body = "tpl.compiled = function(values, parent, xindex, xcount){ return '" + tpl.body.replace(/(\r\n|\n)/g, "\\n") .replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(this.re, fn).replace( this.codeRe, codeFn) + "';};" } else { body = ["tpl.compiled = function(values, parent, xindex, xcount){ return ['"]; body.push(tpl.body.replace(/(\r\n|\n)/g, "\\n") .replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(this.re, fn).replace( this.codeRe, codeFn)); body.push("'].join('');};"); body = body.join("") } eval(body); return this }, apply : function(A) { return this.master.compiled.call(this, A, {}, 1, 1) }, applyTemplate : function(A) { return this.master.compiled.call(this, A, {}, 1, 1) }, compile : function() { return this } }); Ext.XTemplate.from = function(A) { A = Ext.getDom(A); return new Ext.XTemplate(A.value || A.innerHTML) }; Ext.util.CSS = function() { var D = null; var C = document; var B = /(-[a-z])/gi; var A = function(E, F) { return F.charAt(1).toUpperCase() }; return { createStyleSheet : function(G, J) { var F; var E = C.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var I = C.createElement("style"); I.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); if (J) { I.setAttribute("id", J) } if (Ext.isIE) { E.appendChild(I); F = I.styleSheet; F.cssText = G } else { try { I.appendChild(C.createTextNode(G)) } catch (H) { I.cssText = G } E.appendChild(I); F = I.styleSheet ? I.styleSheet : (I.sheet || C.styleSheets[C.styleSheets.length - 1]) } this.cacheStyleSheet(F); return F }, removeStyleSheet : function(F) { var E = C.getElementById(F); if (E) { E.parentNode.removeChild(E) } }, swapStyleSheet : function(G, E) { this.removeStyleSheet(G); var F = C.createElement("link"); F.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); F.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); F.setAttribute("id", G); F.setAttribute("href", E); C.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(F) }, refreshCache : function() { return this.getRules(true) }, cacheStyleSheet : function(F) { if (!D) { D = {} } try { var H = F.cssRules || F.rules; for (var E = H.length - 1; E >= 0; --E) { D[H[E].selectorText] = H[E] } } catch (G) { } }, getRules : function(F) { if (D == null || F) { D = {}; var H = C.styleSheets; for (var G = 0, E = H.length; G < E; G++) { try { this.cacheStyleSheet(H[G]) } catch (I) { } } } return D }, getRule : function(E, G) { var F = this.getRules(G); if (!Ext.isArray(E)) { return F[E] } for (var H = 0; H < E.length; H++) { if (F[E[H]]) { return F[E[H]] } } return null }, updateRule : function(E, H, G) { if (!Ext.isArray(E)) { var I = this.getRule(E); if (I) { I.style[H.replace(B, A)] = G; return true } } else { for (var F = 0; F < E.length; F++) { if (this.updateRule(E[F], H, G)) { return true } } } return false } } }(); Ext.util.ClickRepeater = function(B, A) { this.el = Ext.get(B); this.el.unselectable(); Ext.apply(this, A); this.addEvents("mousedown", "click", "mouseup"); this.el.on("mousedown", this.handleMouseDown, this); if (this.preventDefault || this.stopDefault) { this.el.on("click", function(C) { if (this.preventDefault) { C.preventDefault() } if (this.stopDefault) { C.stopEvent() } }, this) } if (this.handler) { this.on("click", this.handler, this.scope || this) } Ext.util.ClickRepeater.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.util.ClickRepeater, Ext.util.Observable, { interval : 20, delay : 250, preventDefault : true, stopDefault : false, timer : 0, handleMouseDown : function() { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.el.blur(); if (this.pressClass) { this.el.addClass(this.pressClass) } this.mousedownTime = new Date(); Ext.getDoc().on("mouseup", this.handleMouseUp, this); this.el.on("mouseout", this.handleMouseOut, this); this.fireEvent("mousedown", this); this.fireEvent("click", this); if (this.accelerate) { this.delay = 400 } this.timer = this.click .defer(this.delay || this.interval, this) }, click : function() { this.fireEvent("click", this); this.timer = this.click .defer( this.accelerate ? this.easeOutExpo( this.mousedownTime.getElapsed(), 400, -390, 12000) : this.interval, this) }, easeOutExpo : function(B, A, D, C) { return (B == C) ? A + D : D * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * B / C) + 1) + A }, handleMouseOut : function() { clearTimeout(this.timer); if (this.pressClass) { this.el.removeClass(this.pressClass) } this.el.on("mouseover", this.handleMouseReturn, this) }, handleMouseReturn : function() { this.el.un("mouseover", this.handleMouseReturn); if (this.pressClass) { this.el.addClass(this.pressClass) } this.click() }, handleMouseUp : function() { clearTimeout(this.timer); this.el.un("mouseover", this.handleMouseReturn); this.el.un("mouseout", this.handleMouseOut); Ext.getDoc().un("mouseup", this.handleMouseUp); this.el.removeClass(this.pressClass); this.fireEvent("mouseup", this) } }); Ext.KeyNav = function(B, A) { this.el = Ext.get(B); Ext.apply(this, A); if (!this.disabled) { this.disabled = true; this.enable() } }; Ext.KeyNav.prototype = { disabled : false, defaultEventAction : "stopEvent", forceKeyDown : false, prepareEvent : function(C) { var A = C.getKey(); var B = this.keyToHandler[A]; if (Ext.isSafari && B && A >= 37 && A <= 40) { C.stopEvent() } }, relay : function(C) { var A = C.getKey(); var B = this.keyToHandler[A]; if (B && this[B]) { if (this.doRelay(C, this[B], B) !== true) { C[this.defaultEventAction]() } } }, doRelay : function(C, B, A) { return B.call(this.scope || this, C) }, enter : false, left : false, right : false, up : false, down : false, tab : false, esc : false, pageUp : false, pageDown : false, del : false, home : false, end : false, keyToHandler : { 37 : "left", 39 : "right", 38 : "up", 40 : "down", 33 : "pageUp", 34 : "pageDown", 46 : "del", 36 : "home", 35 : "end", 13 : "enter", 27 : "esc", 9 : "tab" }, enable : function() { if (this.disabled) { if (this.forceKeyDown || Ext.isIE || Ext.isAir) { this.el.on("keydown", this.relay, this) } else { this.el.on("keydown", this.prepareEvent, this); this.el.on("keypress", this.relay, this) } this.disabled = false } }, disable : function() { if (!this.disabled) { if (this.forceKeyDown || Ext.isIE || Ext.isAir) { this.el.un("keydown", this.relay) } else { this.el.un("keydown", this.prepareEvent); this.el.un("keypress", this.relay) } this.disabled = true } } }; Ext.KeyMap = function(C, B, A) { this.el = Ext.get(C); this.eventName = A || "keydown"; this.bindings = []; if (B) { this.addBinding(B) } this.enable() }; Ext.KeyMap.prototype = { stopEvent : false, addBinding : function(D) { if (Ext.isArray(D)) { for (var F = 0, H = D.length; F < H; F++) { this.addBinding(D[F]) } return } var N = D.key, C = D.shift, A = D.ctrl, G = D.alt, J = D.fn || D.handler, M = D.scope; if (typeof N == "string") { var K = []; var I = N.toUpperCase(); for (var E = 0, H = I.length; E < H; E++) { K.push(I.charCodeAt(E)) } N = K } var B = Ext.isArray(N); var L = function(R) { if ((!C || R.shiftKey) && (!A || R.ctrlKey) && (!G || R.altKey)) { var P = R.getKey(); if (B) { for (var Q = 0, O = N.length; Q < O; Q++) { if (N[Q] == P) { if (this.stopEvent) { R.stopEvent() } J.call(M || window, P, R); return } } } else { if (P == N) { if (this.stopEvent) { R.stopEvent() } J.call(M || window, P, R) } } } }; this.bindings.push(L) }, on : function(B, D, C) { var G, A, E, F; if (typeof B == "object" && !Ext.isArray(B)) { G = B.key; A = B.shift; E = B.ctrl; F = B.alt } else { G = B } this.addBinding({ key : G, shift : A, ctrl : E, alt : F, fn : D, scope : C }) }, handleKeyDown : function(D) { if (this.enabled) { var B = this.bindings; for (var C = 0, A = B.length; C < A; C++) { B[C].call(this, D) } } }, isEnabled : function() { return this.enabled }, enable : function() { if (!this.enabled) { this.el.on(this.eventName, this.handleKeyDown, this); this.enabled = true } }, disable : function() { if (this.enabled) { this.el.removeListener(this.eventName, this.handleKeyDown, this); this.enabled = false } } }; Ext.util.TextMetrics = function() { var A; return { measure : function(B, C, D) { if (!A) { A = Ext.util.TextMetrics.Instance(B, D) } A.bind(B); A.setFixedWidth(D || "auto"); return A.getSize(C) }, createInstance : function(B, C) { return Ext.util.TextMetrics.Instance(B, C) } } }(); Ext.util.TextMetrics.Instance = function(B, D) { var C = new Ext.Element(document.createElement("div")); document.body.appendChild(C.dom); C.position("absolute"); C.setLeftTop(-1000, -1000); C.hide(); if (D) { C.setWidth(D) } var A = { getSize : function(F) { C.update(F); var E = C.getSize(); C.update(""); return E }, bind : function(E) { C.setStyle(Ext.fly(E).getStyles("font-size", "font-style", "font-weight", "font-family", "line-height")) }, setFixedWidth : function(E) { C.setWidth(E) }, getWidth : function(E) { C.dom.style.width = "auto"; return this.getSize(E).width }, getHeight : function(E) { return this.getSize(E).height } }; A.bind(B); return A }; Ext.Element.measureText = Ext.util.TextMetrics.measure; (function() { var A = Ext.EventManager; var B = Ext.lib.Dom; Ext.dd.DragDrop = function(E, C, D) { if (E) { this.init(E, C, D) } }; Ext.dd.DragDrop.prototype = { id : null, config : null, dragElId : null, handleElId : null, invalidHandleTypes : null, invalidHandleIds : null, invalidHandleClasses : null, startPageX : 0, startPageY : 0, groups : null, locked : false, lock : function() { this.locked = true }, unlock : function() { this.locked = false }, isTarget : true, padding : null, _domRef : null, __ygDragDrop : true, constrainX : false, constrainY : false, minX : 0, maxX : 0, minY : 0, maxY : 0, maintainOffset : false, xTicks : null, yTicks : null, primaryButtonOnly : true, available : false, hasOuterHandles : false, b4StartDrag : function(C, D) { }, startDrag : function(C, D) { }, b4Drag : function(C) { }, onDrag : function(C) { }, onDragEnter : function(C, D) { }, b4DragOver : function(C) { }, onDragOver : function(C, D) { }, b4DragOut : function(C) { }, onDragOut : function(C, D) { }, b4DragDrop : function(C) { }, onDragDrop : function(C, D) { }, onInvalidDrop : function(C) { }, b4EndDrag : function(C) { }, endDrag : function(C) { }, b4MouseDown : function(C) { }, onMouseDown : function(C) { }, onMouseUp : function(C) { }, onAvailable : function() { }, defaultPadding : { left : 0, right : 0, top : 0, bottom : 0 }, constrainTo : function(H, F, M) { if (typeof F == "number") { F = { left : F, right : F, top : F, bottom : F } } F = F || this.defaultPadding; var J = Ext.get(this.getEl()).getBox(); var C = Ext.get(H); var L = C.getScroll(); var I, D = C.dom; if (D == document.body) { I = { x : L.left, y : L.top, width : Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(), height : Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight() } } else { var K = C.getXY(); I = { x : K[0] + L.left, y : K[1] + L.top, width : D.clientWidth, height : D.clientHeight } } var G = J.y - I.y; var E = J.x - I.x; this.resetConstraints(); this.setXConstraint(E - (F.left || 0), I.width - E - J.width - (F.right || 0), this.xTickSize); this.setYConstraint(G - (F.top || 0), I.height - G - J.height - (F.bottom || 0), this.yTickSize) }, getEl : function() { if (!this._domRef) { this._domRef = Ext.getDom(this.id) } return this._domRef }, getDragEl : function() { return Ext.getDom(this.dragElId) }, init : function(E, C, D) { this.initTarget(E, C, D); A.on(this.id, "mousedown", this.handleMouseDown, this) }, initTarget : function(E, C, D) { this.config = D || {}; this.DDM = Ext.dd.DDM; this.groups = {}; if (typeof E !== "string") { E = Ext.id(E) } this.id = E; this.addToGroup((C) ? C : "default"); this.handleElId = E; this.setDragElId(E); this.invalidHandleTypes = { A : "A" }; this.invalidHandleIds = {}; this.invalidHandleClasses = []; this.applyConfig(); this.handleOnAvailable() }, applyConfig : function() { this.padding = this.config.padding || [0, 0, 0, 0]; this.isTarget = (this.config.isTarget !== false); this.maintainOffset = (this.config.maintainOffset); this.primaryButtonOnly = (this.config.primaryButtonOnly !== false) }, handleOnAvailable : function() { this.available = true; this.resetConstraints(); this.onAvailable() }, setPadding : function(E, C, F, D) { if (!C && 0 !== C) { this.padding = [E, E, E, E] } else { if (!F && 0 !== F) { this.padding = [E, C, E, C] } else { this.padding = [E, C, F, D] } } }, setInitPosition : function(F, E) { var G = this.getEl(); if (!this.DDM.verifyEl(G)) { return } var D = F || 0; var C = E || 0; var H = B.getXY(G); this.initPageX = H[0] - D; this.initPageY = H[1] - C; this.lastPageX = H[0]; this.lastPageY = H[1]; this.setStartPosition(H) }, setStartPosition : function(D) { var C = D || B.getXY(this.getEl()); this.deltaSetXY = null; this.startPageX = C[0]; this.startPageY = C[1] }, addToGroup : function(C) { this.groups[C] = true; this.DDM.regDragDrop(this, C) }, removeFromGroup : function(C) { if (this.groups[C]) { delete this.groups[C] } this.DDM.removeDDFromGroup(this, C) }, setDragElId : function(C) { this.dragElId = C }, setHandleElId : function(C) { if (typeof C !== "string") { C = Ext.id(C) } this.handleElId = C; this.DDM.regHandle(this.id, C) }, setOuterHandleElId : function(C) { if (typeof C !== "string") { C = Ext.id(C) } A.on(C, "mousedown", this.handleMouseDown, this); this.setHandleElId(C); this.hasOuterHandles = true }, unreg : function() { A.un(this.id, "mousedown", this.handleMouseDown); this._domRef = null; this.DDM._remove(this) }, destroy : function() { this.unreg() }, isLocked : function() { return (this.DDM.isLocked() || this.locked) }, handleMouseDown : function(E, D) { if (this.primaryButtonOnly && E.button != 0) { return } if (this.isLocked()) { return } this.DDM.refreshCache(this.groups); var C = new Ext.lib.Point(Ext.lib.Event.getPageX(E), Ext.lib.Event .getPageY(E)); if (!this.hasOuterHandles && !this.DDM.isOverTarget(C, this)) { } else { if (this.clickValidator(E)) { this.setStartPosition(); this.b4MouseDown(E); this.onMouseDown(E); this.DDM.handleMouseDown(E, this); this.DDM.stopEvent(E) } else { } } }, clickValidator : function(D) { var C = D.getTarget(); return (this.isValidHandleChild(C) && (this.id == this.handleElId || this.DDM .handleWasClicked(C, this.id))) }, addInvalidHandleType : function(C) { var D = C.toUpperCase(); this.invalidHandleTypes[D] = D }, addInvalidHandleId : function(C) { if (typeof C !== "string") { C = Ext.id(C) } this.invalidHandleIds[C] = C }, addInvalidHandleClass : function(C) { this.invalidHandleClasses.push(C) }, removeInvalidHandleType : function(C) { var D = C.toUpperCase(); delete this.invalidHandleTypes[D] }, removeInvalidHandleId : function(C) { if (typeof C !== "string") { C = Ext.id(C) } delete this.invalidHandleIds[C] }, removeInvalidHandleClass : function(D) { for (var E = 0, C = this.invalidHandleClasses.length; E < C; ++E) { if (this.invalidHandleClasses[E] == D) { delete this.invalidHandleClasses[E] } } }, isValidHandleChild : function(F) { var E = true; var H; try { H = F.nodeName.toUpperCase() } catch (G) { H = F.nodeName } E = E && !this.invalidHandleTypes[H]; E = E && !this.invalidHandleIds[F.id]; for (var D = 0, C = this.invalidHandleClasses.length; E && D < C; ++D) { E = !B.hasClass(F, this.invalidHandleClasses[D]) } return E }, setXTicks : function(F, C) { this.xTicks = []; this.xTickSize = C; var E = {}; for (var D = this.initPageX; D >= this.minX; D = D - C) { if (!E[D]) { this.xTicks[this.xTicks.length] = D; E[D] = true } } for (D = this.initPageX; D <= this.maxX; D = D + C) { if (!E[D]) { this.xTicks[this.xTicks.length] = D; E[D] = true } } this.xTicks.sort(this.DDM.numericSort) }, setYTicks : function(F, C) { this.yTicks = []; this.yTickSize = C; var E = {}; for (var D = this.initPageY; D >= this.minY; D = D - C) { if (!E[D]) { this.yTicks[this.yTicks.length] = D; E[D] = true } } for (D = this.initPageY; D <= this.maxY; D = D + C) { if (!E[D]) { this.yTicks[this.yTicks.length] = D; E[D] = true } } this.yTicks.sort(this.DDM.numericSort) }, setXConstraint : function(E, D, C) { this.leftConstraint = E; this.rightConstraint = D; this.minX = this.initPageX - E; this.maxX = this.initPageX + D; if (C) { this.setXTicks(this.initPageX, C) } this.constrainX = true }, clearConstraints : function() { this.constrainX = false; this.constrainY = false; this.clearTicks() }, clearTicks : function() { this.xTicks = null; this.yTicks = null; this.xTickSize = 0; this.yTickSize = 0 }, setYConstraint : function(C, E, D) { this.topConstraint = C; this.bottomConstraint = E; this.minY = this.initPageY - C; this.maxY = this.initPageY + E; if (D) { this.setYTicks(this.initPageY, D) } this.constrainY = true }, resetConstraints : function() { if (this.initPageX || this.initPageX === 0) { var D = (this.maintainOffset) ? this.lastPageX - this.initPageX : 0; var C = (this.maintainOffset) ? this.lastPageY - this.initPageY : 0; this.setInitPosition(D, C) } else { this.setInitPosition() } if (this.constrainX) { this.setXConstraint(this.leftConstraint, this.rightConstraint, this.xTickSize) } if (this.constrainY) { this.setYConstraint(this.topConstraint, this.bottomConstraint, this.yTickSize) } }, getTick : function(I, F) { if (!F) { return I } else { if (F[0] >= I) { return F[0] } else { for (var D = 0, C = F.length; D < C; ++D) { var E = D + 1; if (F[E] && F[E] >= I) { var H = I - F[D]; var G = F[E] - I; return (G > H) ? F[D] : F[E] } } return F[F.length - 1] } } }, toString : function() { return ("DragDrop " + this.id) } } })(); if (!Ext.dd.DragDropMgr) { Ext.dd.DragDropMgr = function() { var A = Ext.EventManager; return { ids : {}, handleIds : {}, dragCurrent : null, dragOvers : {}, deltaX : 0, deltaY : 0, preventDefault : true, stopPropagation : true, initalized : false, locked : false, init : function() { this.initialized = true }, POINT : 0, INTERSECT : 1, mode : 0, _execOnAll : function(D, C) { for (var E in this.ids) { for (var B in this.ids[E]) { var F = this.ids[E][B]; if (!this.isTypeOfDD(F)) { continue } F[D].apply(F, C) } } }, _onLoad : function() { this.init(); A.on(document, "mouseup", this.handleMouseUp, this, true); A.on(document, "mousemove", this.handleMouseMove, this, true); A.on(window, "unload", this._onUnload, this, true); A.on(window, "resize", this._onResize, this, true) }, _onResize : function(B) { this._execOnAll("resetConstraints", []) }, lock : function() { this.locked = true }, unlock : function() { this.locked = false }, isLocked : function() { return this.locked }, locationCache : {}, useCache : true, clickPixelThresh : 3, clickTimeThresh : 350, dragThreshMet : false, clickTimeout : null, startX : 0, startY : 0, regDragDrop : function(C, B) { if (!this.initialized) { this.init() } if (!this.ids[B]) { this.ids[B] = {} } this.ids[B][C.id] = C }, removeDDFromGroup : function(D, B) { if (!this.ids[B]) { this.ids[B] = {} } var C = this.ids[B]; if (C && C[D.id]) { delete C[D.id] } }, _remove : function(C) { for (var B in C.groups) { if (B && this.ids[B][C.id]) { delete this.ids[B][C.id] } } delete this.handleIds[C.id] }, regHandle : function(C, B) { if (!this.handleIds[C]) { this.handleIds[C] = {} } this.handleIds[C][B] = B }, isDragDrop : function(B) { return (this.getDDById(B)) ? true : false }, getRelated : function(F, C) { var E = []; for (var D in F.groups) { for (j in this.ids[D]) { var B = this.ids[D][j]; if (!this.isTypeOfDD(B)) { continue } if (!C || B.isTarget) { E[E.length] = B } } } return E }, isLegalTarget : function(F, E) { var C = this.getRelated(F, true); for (var D = 0, B = C.length; D < B; ++D) { if (C[D].id == E.id) { return true } } return false }, isTypeOfDD : function(B) { return (B && B.__ygDragDrop) }, isHandle : function(C, B) { return (this.handleIds[C] && this.handleIds[C][B]) }, getDDById : function(C) { for (var B in this.ids) { if (this.ids[B][C]) { return this.ids[B][C] } } return null }, handleMouseDown : function(D, C) { if (Ext.QuickTips) { Ext.QuickTips.disable() } this.currentTarget = D.getTarget(); this.dragCurrent = C; var B = C.getEl(); this.startX = D.getPageX(); this.startY = D.getPageY(); this.deltaX = this.startX - B.offsetLeft; this.deltaY = this.startY - B.offsetTop; this.dragThreshMet = false; this.clickTimeout = setTimeout(function() { var E = Ext.dd.DDM; E.startDrag(E.startX, E.startY) }, this.clickTimeThresh) }, startDrag : function(B, C) { clearTimeout(this.clickTimeout); if (this.dragCurrent) { this.dragCurrent.b4StartDrag(B, C); this.dragCurrent.startDrag(B, C) } this.dragThreshMet = true }, handleMouseUp : function(B) { if (Ext.QuickTips) { Ext.QuickTips.enable() } if (!this.dragCurrent) { return } clearTimeout(this.clickTimeout); if (this.dragThreshMet) { this.fireEvents(B, true) } else { } this.stopDrag(B); this.stopEvent(B) }, stopEvent : function(B) { if (this.stopPropagation) { B.stopPropagation() } if (this.preventDefault) { B.preventDefault() } }, stopDrag : function(B) { if (this.dragCurrent) { if (this.dragThreshMet) { this.dragCurrent.b4EndDrag(B); this.dragCurrent.endDrag(B) } this.dragCurrent.onMouseUp(B) } this.dragCurrent = null; this.dragOvers = {} }, handleMouseMove : function(D) { if (!this.dragCurrent) { return true } if (Ext.isIE && (D.button !== 0 && D.button !== 1 && D.button !== 2)) { this.stopEvent(D); return this.handleMouseUp(D) } if (!this.dragThreshMet) { var C = Math.abs(this.startX - D.getPageX()); var B = Math.abs(this.startY - D.getPageY()); if (C > this.clickPixelThresh || B > this.clickPixelThresh) { this.startDrag(this.startX, this.startY) } } if (this.dragThreshMet) { this.dragCurrent.b4Drag(D); this.dragCurrent.onDrag(D); if (!this.dragCurrent.moveOnly) { this.fireEvents(D, false) } } this.stopEvent(D); return true }, fireEvents : function(K, L) { var N = this.dragCurrent; if (!N || N.isLocked()) { return } var O = K.getPoint(); var B = []; var E = []; var I = []; var G = []; var D = []; for (var F in this.dragOvers) { var C = this.dragOvers[F]; if (!this.isTypeOfDD(C)) { continue } if (!this.isOverTarget(O, C, this.mode)) { E.push(C) } B[F] = true; delete this.dragOvers[F] } for (var M in N.groups) { if ("string" != typeof M) { continue } for (F in this.ids[M]) { var H = this.ids[M][F]; if (!this.isTypeOfDD(H)) { continue } if (H.isTarget && !H.isLocked() && H != N) { if (this.isOverTarget(O, H, this.mode)) { if (L) { G.push(H) } else { if (!B[H.id]) { D.push(H) } else { I.push(H) } this.dragOvers[H.id] = H } } } } } if (this.mode) { if (E.length) { N.b4DragOut(K, E); N.onDragOut(K, E) } if (D.length) { N.onDragEnter(K, D) } if (I.length) { N.b4DragOver(K, I); N.onDragOver(K, I) } if (G.length) { N.b4DragDrop(K, G); N.onDragDrop(K, G) } } else { var J = 0; for (F = 0, J = E.length; F < J; ++F) { N.b4DragOut(K, E[F].id); N.onDragOut(K, E[F].id) } for (F = 0, J = D.length; F < J; ++F) { N.onDragEnter(K, D[F].id) } for (F = 0, J = I.length; F < J; ++F) { N.b4DragOver(K, I[F].id); N.onDragOver(K, I[F].id) } for (F = 0, J = G.length; F < J; ++F) { N.b4DragDrop(K, G[F].id); N.onDragDrop(K, G[F].id) } } if (L && !G.length) { N.onInvalidDrop(K) } }, getBestMatch : function(D) { var F = null; var C = D.length; if (C == 1) { F = D[0] } else { for (var E = 0; E < C; ++E) { var B = D[E]; if (B.cursorIsOver) { F = B; break } else { if (!F || F.overlap.getArea() < B.overlap.getArea()) { F = B } } } } return F }, refreshCache : function(C) { for (var B in C) { if ("string" != typeof B) { continue } for (var D in this.ids[B]) { var E = this.ids[B][D]; if (this.isTypeOfDD(E)) { var F = this.getLocation(E); if (F) { this.locationCache[E.id] = F } else { delete this.locationCache[E.id] } } } } }, verifyEl : function(C) { if (C) { var B; if (Ext.isIE) { try { B = C.offsetParent } catch (D) { } } else { B = C.offsetParent } if (B) { return true } } return false }, getLocation : function(G) { if (!this.isTypeOfDD(G)) { return null } var E = G.getEl(), J, D, C, L, K, M, B, I, F; try { J = Ext.lib.Dom.getXY(E) } catch (H) { } if (!J) { return null } D = J[0]; C = D + E.offsetWidth; L = J[1]; K = L + E.offsetHeight; M = L - G.padding[0]; B = C + G.padding[1]; I = K + G.padding[2]; F = D - G.padding[3]; return new Ext.lib.Region(M, B, I, F) }, isOverTarget : function(J, B, D) { var F = this.locationCache[B.id]; if (!F || !this.useCache) { F = this.getLocation(B); this.locationCache[B.id] = F } if (!F) { return false } B.cursorIsOver = F.contains(J); var I = this.dragCurrent; if (!I || !I.getTargetCoord || (!D && !I.constrainX && !I.constrainY)) { return B.cursorIsOver } B.overlap = null; var G = I.getTargetCoord(J.x, J.y); var C = I.getDragEl(); var E = new Ext.lib.Region(G.y, G.x + C.offsetWidth, G.y + C.offsetHeight, G.x); var H = E.intersect(F); if (H) { B.overlap = H; return (D) ? true : B.cursorIsOver } else { return false } }, _onUnload : function(C, B) { Ext.dd.DragDropMgr.unregAll() }, unregAll : function() { if (this.dragCurrent) { this.stopDrag(); this.dragCurrent = null } this._execOnAll("unreg", []); for (var B in this.elementCache) { delete this.elementCache[B] } this.elementCache = {}; this.ids = {} }, elementCache : {}, getElWrapper : function(C) { var B = this.elementCache[C]; if (!B || !B.el) { B = this.elementCache[C] = new this.ElementWrapper(Ext .getDom(C)) } return B }, getElement : function(B) { return Ext.getDom(B) }, getCss : function(C) { var B = Ext.getDom(C); return (B) ? B.style : null }, ElementWrapper : function(B) { this.el = B || null; this.id = this.el && B.id; this.css = this.el && B.style }, getPosX : function(B) { return Ext.lib.Dom.getX(B) }, getPosY : function(B) { return Ext.lib.Dom.getY(B) }, swapNode : function(D, B) { if (D.swapNode) { D.swapNode(B) } else { var E = B.parentNode; var C = B.nextSibling; if (C == D) { E.insertBefore(D, B) } else { if (B == D.nextSibling) { E.insertBefore(B, D) } else { D.parentNode.replaceChild(B, D); E.insertBefore(D, C) } } } }, getScroll : function() { var D, B, E = document.documentElement, C = document.body; if (E && (E.scrollTop || E.scrollLeft)) { D = E.scrollTop; B = E.scrollLeft } else { if (C) { D = C.scrollTop; B = C.scrollLeft } else { } } return { top : D, left : B } }, getStyle : function(C, B) { return Ext.fly(C).getStyle(B) }, getScrollTop : function() { return this.getScroll().top }, getScrollLeft : function() { return this.getScroll().left }, moveToEl : function(B, D) { var C = Ext.lib.Dom.getXY(D); Ext.lib.Dom.setXY(B, C) }, numericSort : function(C, B) { return (C - B) }, _timeoutCount : 0, _addListeners : function() { var B = Ext.dd.DDM; if (Ext.lib.Event && document) { B._onLoad() } else { if (B._timeoutCount > 2000) { } else { setTimeout(B._addListeners, 10); if (document && document.body) { B._timeoutCount += 1 } } } }, handleWasClicked : function(B, D) { if (this.isHandle(D, B.id)) { return true } else { var C = B.parentNode; while (C) { if (this.isHandle(D, C.id)) { return true } else { C = C.parentNode } } } return false } } }(); Ext.dd.DDM = Ext.dd.DragDropMgr; Ext.dd.DDM._addListeners() } Ext.dd.DD = function(C, A, B) { if (C) { this.init(C, A, B) } }; Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DD, Ext.dd.DragDrop, { scroll : true, autoOffset : function(C, B) { var A = C - this.startPageX; var D = B - this.startPageY; this.setDelta(A, D) }, setDelta : function(B, A) { this.deltaX = B; this.deltaY = A }, setDragElPos : function(C, B) { var A = this.getDragEl(); this.alignElWithMouse(A, C, B) }, alignElWithMouse : function(C, G, F) { var E = this.getTargetCoord(G, F); var B = C.dom ? C : Ext.fly(C, "_dd"); if (!this.deltaSetXY) { var H = [E.x, E.y]; B.setXY(H); var D = B.getLeft(true); var A = B.getTop(true); this.deltaSetXY = [D - E.x, A - E.y] } else { B.setLeftTop(E.x + this.deltaSetXY[0], E.y + this.deltaSetXY[1]) } this.cachePosition(E.x, E.y); this.autoScroll(E.x, E.y, C.offsetHeight, C.offsetWidth); return E }, cachePosition : function(B, A) { if (B) { this.lastPageX = B; this.lastPageY = A } else { var C = Ext.lib.Dom.getXY(this.getEl()); this.lastPageX = C[0]; this.lastPageY = C[1] } }, autoScroll : function(J, I, E, K) { if (this.scroll) { var L = Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight(); var B = Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(); var N = this.DDM.getScrollTop(); var D = this.DDM.getScrollLeft(); var H = E + I; var M = K + J; var G = (L + N - I - this.deltaY); var F = (B + D - J - this.deltaX); var C = 40; var A = (document.all) ? 80 : 30; if (H > L && G < C) { window.scrollTo(D, N + A) } if (I < N && N > 0 && I - N < C) { window.scrollTo(D, N - A) } if (M > B && F < C) { window.scrollTo(D + A, N) } if (J < D && D > 0 && J - D < C) { window.scrollTo(D - A, N) } } }, getTargetCoord : function(C, B) { var A = C - this.deltaX; var D = B - this.deltaY; if (this.constrainX) { if (A < this.minX) { A = this.minX } if (A > this.maxX) { A = this.maxX } } if (this.constrainY) { if (D < this.minY) { D = this.minY } if (D > this.maxY) { D = this.maxY } } A = this.getTick(A, this.xTicks); D = this.getTick(D, this.yTicks); return { x : A, y : D } }, applyConfig : function() { Ext.dd.DD.superclass.applyConfig.call(this); this.scroll = (this.config.scroll !== false) }, b4MouseDown : function(A) { this.autoOffset(A.getPageX(), A.getPageY()) }, b4Drag : function(A) { this.setDragElPos(A.getPageX(), A.getPageY()) }, toString : function() { return ("DD " + this.id) } }); Ext.dd.DDProxy = function(C, A, B) { if (C) { this.init(C, A, B); this.initFrame() } }; Ext.dd.DDProxy.dragElId = "ygddfdiv"; Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DDProxy, Ext.dd.DD, { resizeFrame : true, centerFrame : false, createFrame : function() { var B = this; var A = document.body; if (!A || !A.firstChild) { setTimeout(function() { B.createFrame() }, 50); return } var D = this.getDragEl(); if (!D) { D = document.createElement("div"); D.id = this.dragElId; var C = D.style; C.position = "absolute"; C.visibility = "hidden"; C.cursor = "move"; C.border = "2px solid #aaa"; C.zIndex = 999; A.insertBefore(D, A.firstChild) } }, initFrame : function() { this.createFrame() }, applyConfig : function() { Ext.dd.DDProxy.superclass.applyConfig.call(this); this.resizeFrame = (this.config.resizeFrame !== false); this.centerFrame = (this.config.centerFrame); this.setDragElId(this.config.dragElId || Ext.dd.DDProxy.dragElId) }, showFrame : function(E, D) { var C = this.getEl(); var A = this.getDragEl(); var B = A.style; this._resizeProxy(); if (this.centerFrame) { this.setDelta(Math.round(parseInt(B.width, 10) / 2), Math .round(parseInt(B.height, 10) / 2)) } this.setDragElPos(E, D); Ext.fly(A).show() }, _resizeProxy : function() { if (this.resizeFrame) { var A = this.getEl(); Ext.fly(this.getDragEl()).setSize(A.offsetWidth, A.offsetHeight) } }, b4MouseDown : function(B) { var A = B.getPageX(); var C = B.getPageY(); this.autoOffset(A, C); this.setDragElPos(A, C) }, b4StartDrag : function(A, B) { this.showFrame(A, B) }, b4EndDrag : function(A) { Ext.fly(this.getDragEl()).hide() }, endDrag : function(C) { var B = this.getEl(); var A = this.getDragEl(); A.style.visibility = ""; this.beforeMove(); B.style.visibility = "hidden"; Ext.dd.DDM.moveToEl(B, A); A.style.visibility = "hidden"; B.style.visibility = ""; this.afterDrag() }, beforeMove : function() { }, afterDrag : function() { }, toString : function() { return ("DDProxy " + this.id) } }); Ext.dd.DDTarget = function(C, A, B) { if (C) { this.initTarget(C, A, B) } }; Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DDTarget, Ext.dd.DragDrop, { toString : function() { return ("DDTarget " + this.id) } }); Ext.dd.DragTracker = function(A) { Ext.apply(this, A); this.addEvents("mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove", "dragstart", "dragend", "drag"); this.dragRegion = new Ext.lib.Region(0, 0, 0, 0); if (this.el) { this.initEl(this.el) } }; Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DragTracker, Ext.util.Observable, { active : false, tolerance : 5, autoStart : false, initEl : function(A) { this.el = Ext.get(A); A.on("mousedown", this.onMouseDown, this, this.delegate ? { delegate : this.delegate } : undefined) }, destroy : function() { this.el.un("mousedown", this.onMouseDown, this) }, onMouseDown : function(C, B) { if (this.fireEvent("mousedown", this, C) !== false && this.onBeforeStart(C) !== false) { this.startXY = this.lastXY = C.getXY(); this.dragTarget = this.delegate ? B : this.el.dom; C.preventDefault(); var A = Ext.getDoc(); A.on("mouseup", this.onMouseUp, this); A.on("mousemove", this.onMouseMove, this); A.on("selectstart", this.stopSelect, this); if (this.autoStart) { this.timer = this.triggerStart .defer( this.autoStart === true ? 1000 : this.autoStart, this) } } }, onMouseMove : function(D, C) { D.preventDefault(); var B = D.getXY(), A = this.startXY; this.lastXY = B; if (!this.active) { if (Math.abs(A[0] - B[0]) > this.tolerance || Math.abs(A[1] - B[1]) > this.tolerance) { this.triggerStart() } else { return } } this.fireEvent("mousemove", this, D); this.onDrag(D); this.fireEvent("drag", this, D) }, onMouseUp : function(B) { var A = Ext.getDoc(); A.un("mousemove", this.onMouseMove, this); A.un("mouseup", this.onMouseUp, this); A.un("selectstart", this.stopSelect, this); B.preventDefault(); this.clearStart(); this.active = false; delete this.elRegion; this.fireEvent("mouseup", this, B); this.onEnd(B); this.fireEvent("dragend", this, B) }, triggerStart : function(A) { this.clearStart(); this.active = true; this.onStart(this.startXY); this.fireEvent("dragstart", this, this.startXY) }, clearStart : function() { if (this.timer) { clearTimeout(this.timer); delete this.timer } }, stopSelect : function(A) { A.stopEvent(); return false }, onBeforeStart : function(A) { }, onStart : function(A) { }, onDrag : function(A) { }, onEnd : function(A) { }, getDragTarget : function() { return this.dragTarget }, getDragCt : function() { return this.el }, getXY : function(A) { return A ? this.constrainModes[A].call(this, this.lastXY) : this.lastXY }, getOffset : function(C) { var B = this.getXY(C); var A = this.startXY; return [A[0] - B[0], A[1] - B[1]] }, constrainModes : { "point" : function(B) { if (!this.elRegion) { this.elRegion = this.getDragCt().getRegion() } var A = this.dragRegion; A.left = B[0]; A.top = B[1]; A.right = B[0]; A.bottom = B[1]; A.constrainTo(this.elRegion); return [A.left, A.top] } } }); Ext.dd.ScrollManager = function() { var C = Ext.dd.DragDropMgr; var E = {}; var B = null; var H = {}; var G = function(K) { B = null; A() }; var I = function() { if (C.dragCurrent) { C.refreshCache(C.dragCurrent.groups) } }; var D = function() { if (C.dragCurrent) { var K = Ext.dd.ScrollManager; var L = H.el.ddScrollConfig ? H.el.ddScrollConfig.increment : K.increment; if (!K.animate) { if (H.el.scroll(H.dir, L)) { I() } } else { H.el.scroll(H.dir, L, true, K.animDuration, I) } } }; var A = function() { if (H.id) { clearInterval(H.id) } H.id = 0; H.el = null; H.dir = "" }; var F = function(L, K) { A(); H.el = L; H.dir = K; H.id = setInterval(D, Ext.dd.ScrollManager.frequency) }; var J = function(N, P) { if (P || !C.dragCurrent) { return } var Q = Ext.dd.ScrollManager; if (!B || B != C.dragCurrent) { B = C.dragCurrent; Q.refreshCache() } var R = Ext.lib.Event.getXY(N); var S = new Ext.lib.Point(R[0], R[1]); for (var L in E) { var M = E[L], K = M._region; var O = M.ddScrollConfig ? M.ddScrollConfig : Q; if (K && K.contains(S) && M.isScrollable()) { if (K.bottom - S.y <= O.vthresh) { if (H.el != M) { F(M, "down") } return } else { if (K.right - S.x <= O.hthresh) { if (H.el != M) { F(M, "left") } return } else { if (S.y - K.top <= O.vthresh) { if (H.el != M) { F(M, "up") } return } else { if (S.x - K.left <= O.hthresh) { if (H.el != M) { F(M, "right") } return } } } } } } A() }; C.fireEvents = C.fireEvents.createSequence(J, C); C.stopDrag = C.stopDrag.createSequence(G, C); return { register : function(M) { if (Ext.isArray(M)) { for (var L = 0, K = M.length; L < K; L++) { this.register(M[L]) } } else { M = Ext.get(M); E[M.id] = M } }, unregister : function(M) { if (Ext.isArray(M)) { for (var L = 0, K = M.length; L < K; L++) { this.unregister(M[L]) } } else { M = Ext.get(M); delete E[M.id] } }, vthresh : 25, hthresh : 25, increment : 100, frequency : 500, animate : true, animDuration : 0.4, refreshCache : function() { for (var K in E) { if (typeof E[K] == "object") { E[K]._region = E[K].getRegion() } } } } }(); Ext.dd.Registry = function() { var D = {}; var B = {}; var A = 0; var C = function(F, E) { if (typeof F == "string") { return F } var G = F.id; if (!G && E !== false) { G = "extdd-" + (++A); F.id = G } return G }; return { register : function(H, I) { I = I || {}; if (typeof H == "string") { H = document.getElementById(H) } I.ddel = H; D[C(H)] = I; if (I.isHandle !== false) { B[I.ddel.id] = I } if (I.handles) { var G = I.handles; for (var F = 0, E = G.length; F < E; F++) { B[C(G[F])] = I } } }, unregister : function(H) { var J = C(H, false); var I = D[J]; if (I) { delete D[J]; if (I.handles) { var G = I.handles; for (var F = 0, E = G.length; F < E; F++) { delete B[C(G[F], false)] } } } }, getHandle : function(E) { if (typeof E != "string") { E = E.id } return B[E] }, getHandleFromEvent : function(F) { var E = Ext.lib.Event.getTarget(F); return E ? B[E.id] : null }, getTarget : function(E) { if (typeof E != "string") { E = E.id } return D[E] }, getTargetFromEvent : function(F) { var E = Ext.lib.Event.getTarget(F); return E ? D[E.id] || B[E.id] : null } } }(); Ext.dd.StatusProxy = function(A) { Ext.apply(this, A); this.id = this.id || Ext.id(); this.el = new Ext.Layer({ dh : { id : this.id, tag : "div", cls : "x-dd-drag-proxy " + this.dropNotAllowed, children : [{ tag : "div", cls : "x-dd-drop-icon" }, { tag : "div", cls : "x-dd-drag-ghost" }] }, shadow : !A || A.shadow !== false }); this.ghost = Ext.get(this.el.dom.childNodes[1]); this.dropStatus = this.dropNotAllowed }; Ext.dd.StatusProxy.prototype = { dropAllowed : "x-dd-drop-ok", dropNotAllowed : "x-dd-drop-nodrop", setStatus : function(A) { A = A || this.dropNotAllowed; if (this.dropStatus != A) { this.el.replaceClass(this.dropStatus, A); this.dropStatus = A } }, reset : function(A) { this.el.dom.className = "x-dd-drag-proxy " + this.dropNotAllowed; this.dropStatus = this.dropNotAllowed; if (A) { this.ghost.update("") } }, update : function(A) { if (typeof A == "string") { this.ghost.update(A) } else { this.ghost.update(""); A.style.margin = "0"; this.ghost.dom.appendChild(A) } }, getEl : function() { return this.el }, getGhost : function() { return this.ghost }, hide : function(A) { this.el.hide(); if (A) { this.reset(true) } }, stop : function() { if (this.anim && this.anim.isAnimated && this.anim.isAnimated()) { this.anim.stop() } }, show : function() { this.el.show() }, sync : function() { this.el.sync() }, repair : function(B, C, A) { this.callback = C; this.scope = A; if (B && this.animRepair !== false) { this.el.addClass("x-dd-drag-repair"); this.el.hideUnders(true); this.anim = this.el.shift({ duration : this.repairDuration || 0.5, easing : "easeOut", xy : B, stopFx : true, callback : this.afterRepair, scope : this }) } else { this.afterRepair() } }, afterRepair : function() { this.hide(true); if (typeof this.callback == "function") { this.callback.call(this.scope || this) } this.callback = null; this.scope = null } }; Ext.dd.DragSource = function(B, A) { this.el = Ext.get(B); if (!this.dragData) { this.dragData = {} } Ext.apply(this, A); if (!this.proxy) { this.proxy = new Ext.dd.StatusProxy() } Ext.dd.DragSource.superclass.constructor.call(this, this.el.dom, this.ddGroup || this.group, { dragElId : this.proxy.id, resizeFrame : false, isTarget : false, scroll : this.scroll === true }); this.dragging = false }; Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DragSource, Ext.dd.DDProxy, { dropAllowed : "x-dd-drop-ok", dropNotAllowed : "x-dd-drop-nodrop", getDragData : function(A) { return this.dragData }, onDragEnter : function(C, D) { var B = Ext.dd.DragDropMgr.getDDById(D); this.cachedTarget = B; if (this.beforeDragEnter(B, C, D) !== false) { if (B.isNotifyTarget) { var A = B.notifyEnter(this, C, this.dragData); this.proxy.setStatus(A) } else { this.proxy.setStatus(this.dropAllowed) } if (this.afterDragEnter) { this.afterDragEnter(B, C, D) } } }, beforeDragEnter : function(B, A, C) { return true }, alignElWithMouse : function() { Ext.dd.DragSource.superclass.alignElWithMouse.apply(this, arguments); this.proxy.sync() }, onDragOver : function(C, D) { var B = this.cachedTarget || Ext.dd.DragDropMgr.getDDById(D); if (this.beforeDragOver(B, C, D) !== false) { if (B.isNotifyTarget) { var A = B.notifyOver(this, C, this.dragData); this.proxy.setStatus(A) } if (this.afterDragOver) { this.afterDragOver(B, C, D) } } }, beforeDragOver : function(B, A, C) { return true }, onDragOut : function(B, C) { var A = this.cachedTarget || Ext.dd.DragDropMgr.getDDById(C); if (this.beforeDragOut(A, B, C) !== false) { if (A.isNotifyTarget) { A.notifyOut(this, B, this.dragData) } this.proxy.reset(); if (this.afterDragOut) { this.afterDragOut(A, B, C) } } this.cachedTarget = null }, beforeDragOut : function(B, A, C) { return true }, onDragDrop : function(B, C) { var A = this.cachedTarget || Ext.dd.DragDropMgr.getDDById(C); if (this.beforeDragDrop(A, B, C) !== false) { if (A.isNotifyTarget) { if (A.notifyDrop(this, B, this.dragData)) { this.onValidDrop(A, B, C) } else { this.onInvalidDrop(A, B, C) } } else { this.onValidDrop(A, B, C) } if (this.afterDragDrop) { this.afterDragDrop(A, B, C) } } delete this.cachedTarget }, beforeDragDrop : function(B, A, C) { return true }, onValidDrop : function(B, A, C) { this.hideProxy(); if (this.afterValidDrop) { this.afterValidDrop(B, A, C) } }, getRepairXY : function(B, A) { return this.el.getXY() }, onInvalidDrop : function(B, A, C) { this.beforeInvalidDrop(B, A, C); if (this.cachedTarget) { if (this.cachedTarget.isNotifyTarget) { this.cachedTarget.notifyOut(this, A, this.dragData) } this.cacheTarget = null } this.proxy.repair(this.getRepairXY(A, this.dragData), this.afterRepair, this); if (this.afterInvalidDrop) { this.afterInvalidDrop(A, C) } }, afterRepair : function() { if (Ext.enableFx) { this.el.highlight(this.hlColor || "c3daf9") } this.dragging = false }, beforeInvalidDrop : function(B, A, C) { return true }, handleMouseDown : function(B) { if (this.dragging) { return } var A = this.getDragData(B); if (A && this.onBeforeDrag(A, B) !== false) { this.dragData = A; this.proxy.stop(); Ext.dd.DragSource.superclass.handleMouseDown.apply(this, arguments) } }, onBeforeDrag : function(A, B) { return true }, onStartDrag : Ext.emptyFn, startDrag : function(A, B) { this.proxy.reset(); this.dragging = true; this.proxy.update(""); this.onInitDrag(A, B); this.proxy.show() }, onInitDrag : function(A, C) { var B = this.el.dom.cloneNode(true); B.id = Ext.id(); this.proxy.update(B); this.onStartDrag(A, C); return true }, getProxy : function() { return this.proxy }, hideProxy : function() { this.proxy.hide(); this.proxy.reset(true); this.dragging = false }, triggerCacheRefresh : function() { Ext.dd.DDM.refreshCache(this.groups) }, b4EndDrag : function(A) { }, endDrag : function(A) { this.onEndDrag(this.dragData, A) }, onEndDrag : function(A, B) { }, autoOffset : function(A, B) { this.setDelta(-12, -20) } }); Ext.dd.DropTarget = function(B, A) { this.el = Ext.get(B); Ext.apply(this, A); if (this.containerScroll) { Ext.dd.ScrollManager.register(this.el) } Ext.dd.DropTarget.superclass.constructor.call(this, this.el.dom, this.ddGroup || this.group, { isTarget : true }) }; Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DropTarget, Ext.dd.DDTarget, { dropAllowed : "x-dd-drop-ok", dropNotAllowed : "x-dd-drop-nodrop", isTarget : true, isNotifyTarget : true, notifyEnter : function(A, C, B) { if (this.overClass) { this.el.addClass(this.overClass) } return this.dropAllowed }, notifyOver : function(A, C, B) { return this.dropAllowed }, notifyOut : function(A, C, B) { if (this.overClass) { this.el.removeClass(this.overClass) } }, notifyDrop : function(A, C, B) { return false } }); Ext.dd.DragZone = function(B, A) { Ext.dd.DragZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, B, A); if (this.containerScroll) { Ext.dd.ScrollManager.register(this.el) } }; Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DragZone, Ext.dd.DragSource, { getDragData : function(A) { return Ext.dd.Registry.getHandleFromEvent(A) }, onInitDrag : function(A, B) { this.proxy.update(this.dragData.ddel.cloneNode(true)); this.onStartDrag(A, B); return true }, afterRepair : function() { if (Ext.enableFx) { Ext.Element.fly(this.dragData.ddel).highlight(this.hlColor || "c3daf9") } this.dragging = false }, getRepairXY : function(A) { return Ext.Element.fly(this.dragData.ddel).getXY() } }); Ext.dd.DropZone = function(B, A) { Ext.dd.DropZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, B, A) }; Ext.extend(Ext.dd.DropZone, Ext.dd.DropTarget, { getTargetFromEvent : function(A) { return Ext.dd.Registry.getTargetFromEvent(A) }, onNodeEnter : function(D, A, C, B) { }, onNodeOver : function(D, A, C, B) { return this.dropAllowed }, onNodeOut : function(D, A, C, B) { }, onNodeDrop : function(D, A, C, B) { return false }, onContainerOver : function(A, C, B) { return this.dropNotAllowed }, onContainerDrop : function(A, C, B) { return false }, notifyEnter : function(A, C, B) { return this.dropNotAllowed }, notifyOver : function(A, C, B) { var D = this.getTargetFromEvent(C); if (!D) { if (this.lastOverNode) { this.onNodeOut(this.lastOverNode, A, C, B); this.lastOverNode = null } return this.onContainerOver(A, C, B) } if (this.lastOverNode != D) { if (this.lastOverNode) { this.onNodeOut(this.lastOverNode, A, C, B) } this.onNodeEnter(D, A, C, B); this.lastOverNode = D } return this.onNodeOver(D, A, C, B) }, notifyOut : function(A, C, B) { if (this.lastOverNode) { this.onNodeOut(this.lastOverNode, A, C, B); this.lastOverNode = null } }, notifyDrop : function(A, C, B) { if (this.lastOverNode) { this.onNodeOut(this.lastOverNode, A, C, B); this.lastOverNode = null } var D = this.getTargetFromEvent(C); return D ? this.onNodeDrop(D, A, C, B) : this.onContainerDrop( A, C, B) }, triggerCacheRefresh : function() { Ext.dd.DDM.refreshCache(this.groups) } }); Ext.data.SortTypes = { none : function(A) { return A }, stripTagsRE : /<\/?[^>]+>/gi, asText : function(A) { return String(A).replace(this.stripTagsRE, "") }, asUCText : function(A) { return String(A).toUpperCase().replace(this.stripTagsRE, "") }, asUCString : function(A) { return String(A).toUpperCase() }, asDate : function(A) { if (!A) { return 0 } if (Ext.isDate(A)) { return A.getTime() } return Date.parse(String(A)) }, asFloat : function(A) { var B = parseFloat(String(A).replace(/,/g, "")); if (isNaN(B)) { B = 0 } return B }, asInt : function(A) { var B = parseInt(String(A).replace(/,/g, "")); if (isNaN(B)) { B = 0 } return B } }; Ext.data.Record = function(A, B) { this.id = (B || B === 0) ? B : ++Ext.data.Record.AUTO_ID; this.data = A }; Ext.data.Record.create = function(E) { var C = Ext.extend(Ext.data.Record, {}); var D = C.prototype; D.fields = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, function(F) { return F.name }); for (var B = 0, A = E.length; B < A; B++) { D.fields.add(new Ext.data.Field(E[B])) } C.getField = function(F) { return D.fields.get(F) }; return C }; Ext.data.Record.AUTO_ID = 1000; Ext.data.Record.EDIT = "edit"; Ext.data.Record.REJECT = "reject"; Ext.data.Record.COMMIT = "commit"; Ext.data.Record.prototype = { dirty : false, editing : false, error : null, modified : null, join : function(A) { this.store = A }, set : function(A, B) { if (String(this.data[A]) == String(B)) { return } this.dirty = true; if (!this.modified) { this.modified = {} } if (typeof this.modified[A] == "undefined") { this.modified[A] = this.data[A] } this.data[A] = B; if (!this.editing && this.store) { this.store.afterEdit(this) } }, get : function(A) { return this.data[A] }, beginEdit : function() { this.editing = true; this.modified = {} }, cancelEdit : function() { this.editing = false; delete this.modified }, endEdit : function() { this.editing = false; if (this.dirty && this.store) { this.store.afterEdit(this) } }, reject : function(B) { var A = this.modified; for (var C in A) { if (typeof A[C] != "function") { this.data[C] = A[C] } } this.dirty = false; delete this.modified; this.editing = false; if (this.store && B !== true) { this.store.afterReject(this) } }, commit : function(A) { this.dirty = false; delete this.modified; this.editing = false; if (this.store && A !== true) { this.store.afterCommit(this) } }, getChanges : function() { var A = this.modified, B = {}; for (var C in A) { if (A.hasOwnProperty(C)) { B[C] = this.data[C] } } return B }, hasError : function() { return this.error != null }, clearError : function() { this.error = null }, copy : function(A) { return new this.constructor(Ext.apply({}, this.data), A || this.id) }, isModified : function(A) { return this.modified && this.modified.hasOwnProperty(A) } }; Ext.StoreMgr = Ext.apply(new Ext.util.MixedCollection(), { register : function() { for (var A = 0, B; B = arguments[A]; A++) { this.add(B) } }, unregister : function() { for (var A = 0, B; B = arguments[A]; A++) { this.remove(this.lookup(B)) } }, lookup : function(A) { return typeof A == "object" ? A : this.get(A) }, getKey : function(A) { return A.storeId || A.id } }); Ext.data.Store = function(A) { this.data = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false); this.data.getKey = function(B) { return B.id }; this.baseParams = {}; this.paramNames = { "start" : "start", "limit" : "limit", "sort" : "sort", "dir" : "dir" }; if (A && A.data) { this.inlineData = A.data; delete A.data } Ext.apply(this, A); if (this.url && !this.proxy) { this.proxy = new Ext.data.HttpProxy({ url : this.url }) } if (this.reader) { if (!this.recordType) { this.recordType = this.reader.recordType } if (this.reader.onMetaChange) { this.reader.onMetaChange = this.onMetaChange.createDelegate(this) } } if (this.recordType) { this.fields = this.recordType.prototype.fields } this.modified = []; this.addEvents("datachanged", "metachange", "add", "remove", "update", "clear", "beforeload", "load", "loadexception"); if (this.proxy) { this.relayEvents(this.proxy, ["loadexception"]) } this.sortToggle = {}; if (this.sortInfo) { this.setDefaultSort(this.sortInfo.field, this.sortInfo.direction) } Ext.data.Store.superclass.constructor.call(this); if (this.storeId || this.id) { Ext.StoreMgr.register(this) } if (this.inlineData) { this.loadData(this.inlineData); delete this.inlineData } else { if (this.autoLoad) { this.load.defer(10, this, [typeof this.autoLoad == "object" ? this.autoLoad : undefined]) } } }; Ext.extend(Ext.data.Store, Ext.util.Observable, { remoteSort : false, pruneModifiedRecords : false, lastOptions : null, destroy : function() { if (this.id) { Ext.StoreMgr.unregister(this) } this.data = null; this.purgeListeners() }, add : function(B) { B = [].concat(B); if (B.length < 1) { return } for (var D = 0, A = B.length; D < A; D++) { B[D].join(this) } var C = this.data.length; this.data.addAll(B); if (this.snapshot) { this.snapshot.addAll(B) } this.fireEvent("add", this, B, C) }, addSorted : function(A) { var B = this.findInsertIndex(A); this.insert(B, A) }, remove : function(A) { var B = this.data.indexOf(A); this.data.removeAt(B); if (this.pruneModifiedRecords) { this.modified.remove(A) } if (this.snapshot) { this.snapshot.remove(A) } this.fireEvent("remove", this, A, B) }, removeAll : function() { this.data.clear(); if (this.snapshot) { this.snapshot.clear() } if (this.pruneModifiedRecords) { this.modified = [] } this.fireEvent("clear", this) }, insert : function(C, B) { B = [].concat(B); for (var D = 0, A = B.length; D < A; D++) { this.data.insert(C, B[D]); B[D].join(this) } this.fireEvent("add", this, B, C) }, indexOf : function(A) { return this.data.indexOf(A) }, indexOfId : function(A) { return this.data.indexOfKey(A) }, getById : function(A) { return this.data.key(A) }, getAt : function(A) { return this.data.itemAt(A) }, getRange : function(B, A) { return this.data.getRange(B, A) }, storeOptions : function(A) { A = Ext.apply({}, A); delete A.callback; delete A.scope; this.lastOptions = A }, load : function(B) { B = B || {}; if (this.fireEvent("beforeload", this, B) !== false) { this.storeOptions(B); var C = Ext.apply(B.params || {}, this.baseParams); if (this.sortInfo && this.remoteSort) { var A = this.paramNames; C[A["sort"]] = this.sortInfo.field; C[A["dir"]] = this.sortInfo.direction } this.proxy.load(C, this.reader, this.loadRecords, this, B); return true } else { return false } }, reload : function(A) { this.load(Ext.applyIf(A || {}, this.lastOptions)) }, loadRecords : function(G, B, F) { if (!G || F === false) { if (F !== false) { this.fireEvent("load", this, [], B) } if (B.callback) { B.callback.call(B.scope || this, [], B, false) } return } var E = G.records, D = G.totalRecords || E.length; if (!B || B.add !== true) { if (this.pruneModifiedRecords) { this.modified = [] } for (var C = 0, A = E.length; C < A; C++) { E[C].join(this) } if (this.snapshot) { this.data = this.snapshot; delete this.snapshot } this.data.clear(); this.data.addAll(E); this.totalLength = D; this.applySort(); this.fireEvent("datachanged", this) } else { this.totalLength = Math.max(D, this.data.length + E.length); this.add(E) } this.fireEvent("load", this, E, B); if (B.callback) { B.callback.call(B.scope || this, E, B, true) } }, loadData : function(C, A) { var B = this.reader.readRecords(C); this.loadRecords(B, { add : A }, true) }, getCount : function() { return this.data.length || 0 }, getTotalCount : function() { return this.totalLength || 0 }, getSortState : function() { return this.sortInfo }, applySort : function() { if (this.sortInfo && !this.remoteSort) { var A = this.sortInfo, B = A.field; this.sortData(B, A.direction) } }, sortData : function(C, D) { D = D || "ASC"; var A = this.fields.get(C).sortType; var B = function(F, E) { var H = A(F.data[C]), G = A(E.data[C]); return H > G ? 1 : (H < G ? -1 : 0) }; this.data.sort(D, B); if (this.snapshot && this.snapshot != this.data) { this.snapshot.sort(D, B) } }, setDefaultSort : function(B, A) { A = A ? A.toUpperCase() : "ASC"; this.sortInfo = { field : B, direction : A }; this.sortToggle[B] = A }, sort : function(E, C) { var D = this.fields.get(E); if (!D) { return false } if (!C) { if (this.sortInfo && this.sortInfo.field == D.name) { C = (this.sortToggle[D.name] || "ASC").toggle("ASC", "DESC") } else { C = D.sortDir } } var B = (this.sortToggle) ? this.sortToggle[D.name] : null; var A = (this.sortInfo) ? this.sortInfo : null; this.sortToggle[D.name] = C; this.sortInfo = { field : D.name, direction : C }; if (!this.remoteSort) { this.applySort(); this.fireEvent("datachanged", this) } else { if (!this.load(this.lastOptions)) { if (B) { this.sortToggle[D.name] = B } if (A) { this.sortInfo = A } } } }, each : function(B, A) { this.data.each(B, A) }, getModifiedRecords : function() { return this.modified }, createFilterFn : function(C, B, D, A) { if (Ext.isEmpty(B, false)) { return false } B = this.data.createValueMatcher(B, D, A); return function(E) { return B.test(E.data[C]) } }, sum : function(E, F, A) { var C = this.data.items, B = 0; F = F || 0; A = (A || A === 0) ? A : C.length - 1; for (var D = F; D <= A; D++) { B += (C[D].data[E] || 0) } return B }, filter : function(D, C, E, A) { var B = this.createFilterFn(D, C, E, A); return B ? this.filterBy(B) : this.clearFilter() }, filterBy : function(B, A) { this.snapshot = this.snapshot || this.data; this.data = this.queryBy(B, A || this); this.fireEvent("datachanged", this) }, query : function(D, C, E, A) { var B = this.createFilterFn(D, C, E, A); return B ? this.queryBy(B) : this.data.clone() }, queryBy : function(B, A) { var C = this.snapshot || this.data; return C.filterBy(B, A || this) }, find : function(D, C, F, E, A) { var B = this.createFilterFn(D, C, E, A); return B ? this.data.findIndexBy(B, null, F) : -1 }, findBy : function(B, A, C) { return this.data.findIndexBy(B, A, C) }, collect : function(G, H, B) { var F = (B === true && this.snapshot) ? this.snapshot.items : this.data.items; var I, J, A = [], C = {}; for (var D = 0, E = F.length; D < E; D++) { I = F[D].data[G]; J = String(I); if ((H || !Ext.isEmpty(I)) && !C[J]) { C[J] = true; A[A.length] = I } } return A }, clearFilter : function(A) { if (this.isFiltered()) { this.data = this.snapshot; delete this.snapshot; if (A !== true) { this.fireEvent("datachanged", this) } } }, isFiltered : function() { return this.snapshot && this.snapshot != this.data }, afterEdit : function(A) { if (this.modified.indexOf(A) == -1) { this.modified.push(A) } this.fireEvent("update", this, A, Ext.data.Record.EDIT) }, afterReject : function(A) { this.modified.remove(A); this.fireEvent("update", this, A, Ext.data.Record.REJECT) }, afterCommit : function(A) { this.modified.remove(A); this.fireEvent("update", this, A, Ext.data.Record.COMMIT) }, commitChanges : function() { var B = this.modified.slice(0); this.modified = []; for (var C = 0, A = B.length; C < A; C++) { B[C].commit() } }, rejectChanges : function() { var B = this.modified.slice(0); this.modified = []; for (var C = 0, A = B.length; C < A; C++) { B[C].reject() } }, onMetaChange : function(B, A, C) { this.recordType = A; this.fields = A.prototype.fields; delete this.snapshot; this.sortInfo = B.sortInfo; this.modified = []; this.fireEvent("metachange", this, this.reader.meta) }, findInsertIndex : function(A) { this.suspendEvents(); var C = this.data.clone(); this.data.add(A); this.applySort(); var B = this.data.indexOf(A); this.data = C; this.resumeEvents(); return B } }); Ext.data.SimpleStore = function(A) { Ext.data.SimpleStore.superclass.constructor.call(this, Ext.apply(A, { reader : new Ext.data.ArrayReader({ id : A.id }, Ext.data.Record.create(A.fields)) })) }; Ext.extend(Ext.data.SimpleStore, Ext.data.Store, { loadData : function(E, B) { if (this.expandData === true) { var D = []; for (var C = 0, A = E.length; C < A; C++) { D[D.length] = [E[C]] } E = D } Ext.data.SimpleStore.superclass.loadData.call(this, E, B) } }); Ext.data.JsonStore = function(A) { Ext.data.JsonStore.superclass.constructor.call(this, Ext.apply(A, { proxy : !A.data ? new Ext.data.HttpProxy({ url : A.url }) : undefined, reader : new Ext.data.JsonReader(A, A.fields) })) }; Ext.extend(Ext.data.JsonStore, Ext.data.Store); Ext.data.Field = function(D) { if (typeof D == "string") { D = { name : D } } Ext.apply(this, D); if (!this.type) { this.type = "auto" } var C = Ext.data.SortTypes; if (typeof this.sortType == "string") { this.sortType = C[this.sortType] } if (!this.sortType) { switch (this.type) { case "string" : this.sortType = C.asUCString; break; case "date" : this.sortType = C.asDate; break; default : this.sortType = C.none } } var E = /[\$,%]/g; if (!this.convert) { var B, A = this.dateFormat; switch (this.type) { case "" : case "auto" : case undefined : B = function(F) { return F }; break; case "string" : B = function(F) { return (F === undefined || F === null) ? "" : String(F) }; break; case "int" : B = function(F) { return F !== undefined && F !== null && F !== "" ? parseInt(String(F).replace(E, ""), 10) : "" }; break; case "float" : B = function(F) { return F !== undefined && F !== null && F !== "" ? parseFloat(String(F).replace(E, ""), 10) : "" }; break; case "bool" : case "boolean" : B = function(F) { return F === true || F === "true" || F == 1 }; break; case "date" : B = function(G) { if (!G) { return "" } if (Ext.isDate(G)) { return G } if (A) { if (A == "timestamp") { return new Date(G * 1000) } if (A == "time") { return new Date(parseInt(G, 10)) } return Date.parseDate(G, A) } var F = Date.parse(G); return F ? new Date(F) : null }; break } this.convert = B } }; Ext.data.Field.prototype = { dateFormat : null, defaultValue : "", mapping : null, sortType : null, sortDir : "ASC" }; Ext.data.DataReader = function(A, B) { this.meta = A; this.recordType = Ext.isArray(B) ? Ext.data.Record.create(B) : B }; Ext.data.DataReader.prototype = {}; Ext.data.DataProxy = function() { this.addEvents("beforeload", "load", "loadexception"); Ext.data.DataProxy.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.data.DataProxy, Ext.util.Observable); Ext.data.MemoryProxy = function(A) { Ext.data.MemoryProxy.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.data = A }; Ext.extend(Ext.data.MemoryProxy, Ext.data.DataProxy, { load : function(F, C, G, D, B) { F = F || {}; var A; try { A = C.readRecords(this.data) } catch (E) { this.fireEvent("loadexception", this, B, null, E); G.call(D, null, B, false); return } G.call(D, A, B, true) }, update : function(B, A) { } }); Ext.data.HttpProxy = function(A) { Ext.data.HttpProxy.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.conn = A; this.useAjax = !A || !A.events }; Ext.extend(Ext.data.HttpProxy, Ext.data.DataProxy, { getConnection : function() { return this.useAjax ? Ext.Ajax : this.conn }, load : function(E, B, F, C, A) { if (this.fireEvent("beforeload", this, E) !== false) { var D = { params : E || {}, request : { callback : F, scope : C, arg : A }, reader : B, callback : this.loadResponse, scope : this }; if (this.useAjax) { Ext.applyIf(D, this.conn); if (this.activeRequest) { Ext.Ajax.abort(this.activeRequest) } this.activeRequest = Ext.Ajax.request(D) } else { this.conn.request(D) } } else { F.call(C || this, null, A, false) } }, loadResponse : function(E, D, B) { delete this.activeRequest; if (!D) { this.fireEvent("loadexception", this, E, B); E.request.callback.call(E.request.scope, null, E.request.arg, false); return } var A; try { A = E.reader.read(B) } catch (C) { this.fireEvent("loadexception", this, E, B, C); E.request.callback.call(E.request.scope, null, E.request.arg, false); return } this.fireEvent("load", this, E, E.request.arg); E.request.callback .call(E.request.scope, A, E.request.arg, true) }, update : function(A) { }, updateResponse : function(A) { } }); Ext.data.ScriptTagProxy = function(A) { Ext.data.ScriptTagProxy.superclass.constructor.call(this); Ext.apply(this, A); this.head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] }; Ext.data.ScriptTagProxy.TRANS_ID = 1000; Ext.extend(Ext.data.ScriptTagProxy, Ext.data.DataProxy, { timeout : 30000, callbackParam : "callback", nocache : true, load : function(E, F, H, I, J) { if (this.fireEvent("beforeload", this, E) !== false) { var C = Ext.urlEncode(Ext.apply(E, this.extraParams)); var B = this.url; B += (B.indexOf("?") != -1 ? "&" : "?") + C; if (this.nocache) { B += "&_dc=" + (new Date().getTime()) } var A = ++Ext.data.ScriptTagProxy.TRANS_ID; var K = { id : A, cb : "stcCallback" + A, scriptId : "stcScript" + A, params : E, arg : J, url : B, callback : H, scope : I, reader : F }; var D = this; window[K.cb] = function(L) { D.handleResponse(L, K) }; B += String.format("&{0}={1}", this.callbackParam, K.cb); if (this.autoAbort !== false) { this.abort() } K.timeoutId = this.handleFailure.defer(this.timeout, this, [K]); var G = document.createElement("script"); G.setAttribute("src", B); G.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); G.setAttribute("id", K.scriptId); this.head.appendChild(G); this.trans = K } else { H.call(I || this, null, J, false) } }, isLoading : function() { return this.trans ? true : false }, abort : function() { if (this.isLoading()) { this.destroyTrans(this.trans) } }, destroyTrans : function(B, A) { this.head.removeChild(document.getElementById(B.scriptId)); clearTimeout(B.timeoutId); if (A) { window[B.cb] = undefined; try { delete window[B.cb] } catch (C) { } } else { window[B.cb] = function() { window[B.cb] = undefined; try { delete window[B.cb] } catch (D) { } } } }, handleResponse : function(D, B) { this.trans = false; this.destroyTrans(B, true); var A; try { A = B.reader.readRecords(D) } catch (C) { this.fireEvent("loadexception", this, D, B.arg, C); B.callback.call(B.scope || window, null, B.arg, false); return } this.fireEvent("load", this, D, B.arg); B.callback.call(B.scope || window, A, B.arg, true) }, handleFailure : function(A) { this.trans = false; this.destroyTrans(A, false); this.fireEvent("loadexception", this, null, A.arg); A.callback.call(A.scope || window, null, A.arg, false) } }); Ext.data.JsonReader = function(A, B) { A = A || {}; Ext.data.JsonReader.superclass.constructor.call(this, A, B || A.fields) }; Ext.extend(Ext.data.JsonReader, Ext.data.DataReader, { read : function(response) { var json = response.responseText; var o = eval("(" + json + ")"); if (!o) { throw { message : "JsonReader.read: Json object not found" } } if (o.metaData) { delete this.ef; this.meta = o.metaData; this.recordType = Ext.data.Record.create(o.metaData.fields); this.onMetaChange(this.meta, this.recordType, o) } return this.readRecords(o) }, onMetaChange : function(A, C, B) { }, simpleAccess : function(B, A) { return B[A] }, getJsonAccessor : function() { var A = /[\[\.]/; return function(C) { try { return (A.test(C)) ? new Function("obj", "return obj." + C) : function(D) { return D[C] } } catch (B) { } return Ext.emptyFn } }(), readRecords : function(K) { this.jsonData = K; var H = this.meta, A = this.recordType, R = A.prototype.fields, F = R.items, E = R.length; if (!this.ef) { if (H.totalProperty) { this.getTotal = this.getJsonAccessor(H.totalProperty) } if (H.successProperty) { this.getSuccess = this.getJsonAccessor(H.successProperty) } this.getRoot = H.root ? this.getJsonAccessor(H.root) : function(U) { return U }; if (H.id) { var Q = this.getJsonAccessor(H.id); this.getId = function(V) { var U = Q(V); return (U === undefined || U === "") ? null : U } } else { this.getId = function() { return null } } this.ef = []; for (var O = 0; O < E; O++) { R = F[O]; var T = (R.mapping !== undefined && R.mapping !== null) ? R.mapping : R.name; this.ef[O] = this.getJsonAccessor(T) } } var M = this.getRoot(K), S = M.length, I = S, D = true; if (H.totalProperty) { var G = parseInt(this.getTotal(K), 10); if (!isNaN(G)) { I = G } } if (H.successProperty) { var G = this.getSuccess(K); if (G === false || G === "false") { D = false } } var P = []; for (var O = 0; O < S; O++) { var L = M[O]; var B = {}; var J = this.getId(L); for (var N = 0; N < E; N++) { R = F[N]; var G = this.ef[N](L); B[R.name] = R .convert((G !== undefined) ? G : R.defaultValue, L) } var C = new A(B, J); C.json = L; P[O] = C } return { success : D, records : P, totalRecords : I } } }); Ext.data.XmlReader = function(A, B) { A = A || {}; Ext.data.XmlReader.superclass.constructor.call(this, A, B || A.fields) }; Ext.extend(Ext.data.XmlReader, Ext.data.DataReader, { read : function(A) { var B = A.responseXML; if (!B) { throw { message : "XmlReader.read: XML Document not available" } } return this.readRecords(B) }, readRecords : function(T) { this.xmlData = T; var N = T.documentElement || T; var I = Ext.DomQuery; var B = this.recordType, L = B.prototype.fields; var D = this.meta.id; var G = 0, E = true; if (this.meta.totalRecords) { G = I.selectNumber(this.meta.totalRecords, N, 0) } if (this.meta.success) { var K = I.selectValue(this.meta.success, N, true); E = K !== false && K !== "false" } var Q = []; var U = I.select(this.meta.record, N); for (var P = 0, R = U.length; P < R; P++) { var M = U[P]; var A = {}; var J = D ? I.selectValue(D, M) : undefined; for (var O = 0, H = L.length; O < H; O++) { var S = L.items[O]; var F = I.selectValue(S.mapping || S.name, M, S.defaultValue); F = S.convert(F, M); A[S.name] = F } var C = new B(A, J); C.node = M; Q[Q.length] = C } return { success : E, records : Q, totalRecords : G || Q.length } } }); Ext.data.ArrayReader = Ext.extend(Ext.data.JsonReader, { readRecords : function(C) { var B = this.meta ? this.meta.id : null; var G = this.recordType, K = G.prototype.fields; var E = []; var M = C; for (var I = 0; I < M.length; I++) { var D = M[I]; var O = {}; var A = ((B || B === 0) && D[B] !== undefined && D[B] !== "" ? D[B] : null); for (var H = 0, P = K.length; H < P; H++) { var L = K.items[H]; var F = L.mapping !== undefined && L.mapping !== null ? L.mapping : H; var N = D[F] !== undefined ? D[F] : L.defaultValue; N = L.convert(N, D); O[L.name] = N } var J = new G(O, A); J.json = D; E[E.length] = J } return { records : E, totalRecords : E.length } } }); Ext.data.Tree = function(A) { this.nodeHash = {}; this.root = null; if (A) { this.setRootNode(A) } this.addEvents("append", "remove", "move", "insert", "beforeappend", "beforeremove", "beforemove", "beforeinsert"); Ext.data.Tree.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.data.Tree, Ext.util.Observable, { pathSeparator : "/", proxyNodeEvent : function() { return this.fireEvent.apply(this, arguments) }, getRootNode : function() { return this.root }, setRootNode : function(A) { this.root = A; A.ownerTree = this; A.isRoot = true; this.registerNode(A); return A }, getNodeById : function(A) { return this.nodeHash[A] }, registerNode : function(A) { this.nodeHash[A.id] = A }, unregisterNode : function(A) { delete this.nodeHash[A.id] }, toString : function() { return "[Tree" + (this.id ? " " + this.id : "") + "]" } }); Ext.data.Node = function(A) { this.attributes = A || {}; this.leaf = this.attributes.leaf; this.id = this.attributes.id; if (!this.id) { this.id = Ext.id(null, "ynode-"); this.attributes.id = this.id } this.childNodes = []; if (!this.childNodes.indexOf) { this.childNodes.indexOf = function(D) { for (var C = 0, B = this.length; C < B; C++) { if (this[C] == D) { return C } } return -1 } } this.parentNode = null; this.firstChild = null; this.lastChild = null; this.previousSibling = null; this.nextSibling = null; this.addEvents({ "append" : true, "remove" : true, "move" : true, "insert" : true, "beforeappend" : true, "beforeremove" : true, "beforemove" : true, "beforeinsert" : true }); this.listeners = this.attributes.listeners; Ext.data.Node.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.data.Node, Ext.util.Observable, { fireEvent : function(B) { if (Ext.data.Node.superclass.fireEvent.apply(this, arguments) === false) { return false } var A = this.getOwnerTree(); if (A) { if (A.proxyNodeEvent.apply(A, arguments) === false) { return false } } return true }, isLeaf : function() { return this.leaf === true }, setFirstChild : function(A) { this.firstChild = A }, setLastChild : function(A) { this.lastChild = A }, isLast : function() { return (!this.parentNode ? true : this.parentNode.lastChild == this) }, isFirst : function() { return (!this.parentNode ? true : this.parentNode.firstChild == this) }, hasChildNodes : function() { return !this.isLeaf() && this.childNodes.length > 0 }, appendChild : function(E) { var F = false; if (Ext.isArray(E)) { F = E } else { if (arguments.length > 1) { F = arguments } } if (F) { for (var D = 0, A = F.length; D < A; D++) { this.appendChild(F[D]) } } else { if (this.fireEvent("beforeappend", this.ownerTree, this, E) === false) { return false } var B = this.childNodes.length; var C = E.parentNode; if (C) { if (E.fireEvent("beforemove", E.getOwnerTree(), E, C, this, B) === false) { return false } C.removeChild(E) } B = this.childNodes.length; if (B == 0) { this.setFirstChild(E) } this.childNodes.push(E); E.parentNode = this; var G = this.childNodes[B - 1]; if (G) { E.previousSibling = G; G.nextSibling = E } else { E.previousSibling = null } E.nextSibling = null; this.setLastChild(E); E.setOwnerTree(this.getOwnerTree()); this.fireEvent("append", this.ownerTree, this, E, B); if (C) { E.fireEvent("move", this.ownerTree, E, C, this, B) } return E } }, removeChild : function(B) { var A = this.childNodes.indexOf(B); if (A == -1) { return false } if (this.fireEvent("beforeremove", this.ownerTree, this, B) === false) { return false } this.childNodes.splice(A, 1); if (B.previousSibling) { B.previousSibling.nextSibling = B.nextSibling } if (B.nextSibling) { B.nextSibling.previousSibling = B.previousSibling } if (this.firstChild == B) { this.setFirstChild(B.nextSibling) } if (this.lastChild == B) { this.setLastChild(B.previousSibling) } B.setOwnerTree(null); B.parentNode = null; B.previousSibling = null; B.nextSibling = null; this.fireEvent("remove", this.ownerTree, this, B); return B }, insertBefore : function(D, A) { if (!A) { return this.appendChild(D) } if (D == A) { return false } if (this.fireEvent("beforeinsert", this.ownerTree, this, D, A) === false) { return false } var B = this.childNodes.indexOf(A); var C = D.parentNode; var E = B; if (C == this && this.childNodes.indexOf(D) < B) { E-- } if (C) { if (D.fireEvent("beforemove", D.getOwnerTree(), D, C, this, B, A) === false) { return false } C.removeChild(D) } if (E == 0) { this.setFirstChild(D) } this.childNodes.splice(E, 0, D); D.parentNode = this; var F = this.childNodes[E - 1]; if (F) { D.previousSibling = F; F.nextSibling = D } else { D.previousSibling = null } D.nextSibling = A; A.previousSibling = D; D.setOwnerTree(this.getOwnerTree()); this.fireEvent("insert", this.ownerTree, this, D, A); if (C) { D.fireEvent("move", this.ownerTree, D, C, this, E, A) } return D }, remove : function() { this.parentNode.removeChild(this); return this }, item : function(A) { return this.childNodes[A] }, replaceChild : function(A, B) { this.insertBefore(A, B); this.removeChild(B); return B }, indexOf : function(A) { return this.childNodes.indexOf(A) }, getOwnerTree : function() { if (!this.ownerTree) { var A = this; while (A) { if (A.ownerTree) { this.ownerTree = A.ownerTree; break } A = A.parentNode } } return this.ownerTree }, getDepth : function() { var B = 0; var A = this; while (A.parentNode) { ++B; A = A.parentNode } return B }, setOwnerTree : function(B) { if (B != this.ownerTree) { if (this.ownerTree) { this.ownerTree.unregisterNode(this) } this.ownerTree = B; var D = this.childNodes; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { D[C].setOwnerTree(B) } if (B) { B.registerNode(this) } } }, getPath : function(B) { B = B || "id"; var D = this.parentNode; var A = [this.attributes[B]]; while (D) { A.unshift(D.attributes[B]); D = D.parentNode } var C = this.getOwnerTree().pathSeparator; return C + A.join(C) }, bubble : function(C, B, A) { var D = this; while (D) { if (C.apply(B || D, A || [D]) === false) { break } D = D.parentNode } }, cascade : function(F, E, B) { if (F.apply(E || this, B || [this]) !== false) { var D = this.childNodes; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { D[C].cascade(F, E, B) } } }, eachChild : function(F, E, B) { var D = this.childNodes; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { if (F.apply(E || this, B || [D[C]]) === false) { break } } }, findChild : function(D, E) { var C = this.childNodes; for (var B = 0, A = C.length; B < A; B++) { if (C[B].attributes[D] == E) { return C[B] } } return null }, findChildBy : function(E, D) { var C = this.childNodes; for (var B = 0, A = C.length; B < A; B++) { if (E.call(D || C[B], C[B]) === true) { return C[B] } } return null }, sort : function(E, D) { var C = this.childNodes; var A = C.length; if (A > 0) { var F = D ? function() { E.apply(D, arguments) } : E; C.sort(F); for (var B = 0; B < A; B++) { var G = C[B]; G.previousSibling = C[B - 1]; G.nextSibling = C[B + 1]; if (B == 0) { this.setFirstChild(G) } if (B == A - 1) { this.setLastChild(G) } } } }, contains : function(A) { return A.isAncestor(this) }, isAncestor : function(A) { var B = this.parentNode; while (B) { if (B == A) { return true } B = B.parentNode } return false }, toString : function() { return "[Node" + (this.id ? " " + this.id : "") + "]" } }); Ext.data.GroupingStore = Ext.extend(Ext.data.Store, { remoteGroup : false, groupOnSort : false, clearGrouping : function() { this.groupField = false; if (this.remoteGroup) { if (this.baseParams) { delete this.baseParams.groupBy } this.reload() } else { this.applySort(); this.fireEvent("datachanged", this) } }, groupBy : function(C, B) { if (this.groupField == C && !B) { return } this.groupField = C; if (this.remoteGroup) { if (!this.baseParams) { this.baseParams = {} } this.baseParams["groupBy"] = C } if (this.groupOnSort) { this.sort(C); return } if (this.remoteGroup) { this.reload() } else { var A = this.sortInfo || {}; if (A.field != C) { this.applySort() } else { this.sortData(C) } this.fireEvent("datachanged", this) } }, applySort : function() { Ext.data.GroupingStore.superclass.applySort.call(this); if (!this.groupOnSort && !this.remoteGroup) { var A = this.getGroupState(); if (A && A != this.sortInfo.field) { this.sortData(this.groupField) } } }, applyGrouping : function(A) { if (this.groupField !== false) { this.groupBy(this.groupField, true); return true } else { if (A === true) { this.fireEvent("datachanged", this) } return false } }, getGroupState : function() { return this.groupOnSort && this.groupField !== false ? (this.sortInfo ? this.sortInfo.field : undefined) : this.groupField } }); Ext.ComponentMgr = function() { var B = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); var A = {}; return { register : function(C) { B.add(C) }, unregister : function(C) { B.remove(C) }, get : function(C) { return B.get(C) }, onAvailable : function(E, D, C) { B.on("add", function(F, G) { if (G.id == E) { D.call(C || G, G); B.un("add", D, C) } }) }, all : B, registerType : function(D, C) { A[D] = C; C.xtype = D }, create : function(C, D) { return new A[C.xtype || D](C) } } }(); Ext.reg = Ext.ComponentMgr.registerType; Ext.Component = function(B) { B = B || {}; if (B.initialConfig) { if (B.isAction) { this.baseAction = B } B = B.initialConfig } else { if (B.tagName || B.dom || typeof B == "string") { B = { applyTo : B, id : B.id || B } } } this.initialConfig = B; Ext.apply(this, B); this.addEvents("disable", "enable", "beforeshow", "show", "beforehide", "hide", "beforerender", "render", "beforedestroy", "destroy", "beforestaterestore", "staterestore", "beforestatesave", "statesave"); this.getId(); Ext.ComponentMgr.register(this); Ext.Component.superclass.constructor.call(this); if (this.baseAction) { this.baseAction.addComponent(this) } this.initComponent(); if (this.plugins) { if (Ext.isArray(this.plugins)) { for (var C = 0, A = this.plugins.length; C < A; C++) { this.plugins[C].init(this) } } else { this.plugins.init(this) } } if (this.stateful !== false) { this.initState(B) } if (this.applyTo) { this.applyToMarkup(this.applyTo); delete this.applyTo } else { if (this.renderTo) { this.render(this.renderTo); delete this.renderTo } } }; Ext.Component.AUTO_ID = 1000; Ext.extend(Ext.Component, Ext.util.Observable, { disabledClass : "x-item-disabled", allowDomMove : true, autoShow : false, hideMode : "display", hideParent : false, hidden : false, disabled : false, rendered : false, ctype : "Ext.Component", actionMode : "el", getActionEl : function() { return this[this.actionMode] }, initComponent : Ext.emptyFn, render : function(B, A) { if (!this.rendered && this.fireEvent("beforerender", this) !== false) { if (!B && this.el) { this.el = Ext.get(this.el); B = this.el.dom.parentNode; this.allowDomMove = false } this.container = Ext.get(B); if (this.ctCls) { this.container.addClass(this.ctCls) } this.rendered = true; if (A !== undefined) { if (typeof A == "number") { A = this.container.dom.childNodes[A] } else { A = Ext.getDom(A) } } this.onRender(this.container, A || null); if (this.autoShow) { this.el.removeClass(["x-hidden", "x-hide-" + this.hideMode]) } if (this.cls) { this.el.addClass(this.cls); delete this.cls } if (this.style) { this.el.applyStyles(this.style); delete this.style } this.fireEvent("render", this); this.afterRender(this.container); if (this.hidden) { this.hide() } if (this.disabled) { this.disable() } this.initStateEvents() } return this }, initState : function(A) { if (Ext.state.Manager) { var B = Ext.state.Manager.get(this.stateId || this.id); if (B) { if (this.fireEvent("beforestaterestore", this, B) !== false) { this.applyState(B); this.fireEvent("staterestore", this, B) } } } }, initStateEvents : function() { if (this.stateEvents) { for (var A = 0, B; B = this.stateEvents[A]; A++) { this.on(B, this.saveState, this, { delay : 100 }) } } }, applyState : function(B, A) { if (B) { Ext.apply(this, B) } }, getState : function() { return null }, saveState : function() { if (Ext.state.Manager) { var A = this.getState(); if (this.fireEvent("beforestatesave", this, A) !== false) { Ext.state.Manager.set(this.stateId || this.id, A); this.fireEvent("statesave", this, A) } } }, applyToMarkup : function(A) { this.allowDomMove = false; this.el = Ext.get(A); this.render(this.el.dom.parentNode) }, addClass : function(A) { if (this.el) { this.el.addClass(A) } else { this.cls = this.cls ? this.cls + " " + A : A } }, removeClass : function(A) { if (this.el) { this.el.removeClass(A) } else { if (this.cls) { this.cls = this.cls.split(" ").remove(A).join(" ") } } }, onRender : function(B, A) { if (this.autoEl) { if (typeof this.autoEl == "string") { this.el = document.createElement(this.autoEl) } else { var C = document.createElement("div"); Ext.DomHelper.overwrite(C, this.autoEl); this.el = C.firstChild } if (!this.el.id) { this.el.id = this.getId() } } if (this.el) { this.el = Ext.get(this.el); if (this.allowDomMove !== false) { B.dom.insertBefore(this.el.dom, A) } } }, getAutoCreate : function() { var A = typeof this.autoCreate == "object" ? this.autoCreate : Ext.apply({}, this.defaultAutoCreate); if (this.id && !A.id) { A.id = this.id } return A }, afterRender : Ext.emptyFn, destroy : function() { if (this.fireEvent("beforedestroy", this) !== false) { this.beforeDestroy(); if (this.rendered) { this.el.removeAllListeners(); this.el.remove(); if (this.actionMode == "container") { this.container.remove() } } this.onDestroy(); Ext.ComponentMgr.unregister(this); this.fireEvent("destroy", this); this.purgeListeners() } }, beforeDestroy : Ext.emptyFn, onDestroy : Ext.emptyFn, getEl : function() { return this.el }, getId : function() { return this.id || (this.id = "ext-comp-" + (++Ext.Component.AUTO_ID)) }, getItemId : function() { return this.itemId || this.getId() }, focus : function(B, A) { if (A) { this.focus.defer(typeof A == "number" ? A : 10, this, [B, false]); return } if (this.rendered) { this.el.focus(); if (B === true) { this.el.dom.select() } } return this }, blur : function() { if (this.rendered) { this.el.blur() } return this }, disable : function() { if (this.rendered) { this.onDisable() } this.disabled = true; this.fireEvent("disable", this); return this }, onDisable : function() { this.getActionEl().addClass(this.disabledClass); this.el.dom.disabled = true }, enable : function() { if (this.rendered) { this.onEnable() } this.disabled = false; this.fireEvent("enable", this); return this }, onEnable : function() { this.getActionEl().removeClass(this.disabledClass); this.el.dom.disabled = false }, setDisabled : function(A) { this[A ? "disable" : "enable"]() }, show : function() { if (this.fireEvent("beforeshow", this) !== false) { this.hidden = false; if (this.autoRender) { this.render(typeof this.autoRender == "boolean" ? Ext .getBody() : this.autoRender) } if (this.rendered) { this.onShow() } this.fireEvent("show", this) } return this }, onShow : function() { if (this.hideParent) { this.container.removeClass("x-hide-" + this.hideMode) } else { this.getActionEl().removeClass("x-hide-" + this.hideMode) } }, hide : function() { if (this.fireEvent("beforehide", this) !== false) { this.hidden = true; if (this.rendered) { this.onHide() } this.fireEvent("hide", this) } return this }, onHide : function() { if (this.hideParent) { this.container.addClass("x-hide-" + this.hideMode) } else { this.getActionEl().addClass("x-hide-" + this.hideMode) } }, setVisible : function(A) { if (A) { this.show() } else { this.hide() } return this }, isVisible : function() { return this.rendered && this.getActionEl().isVisible() }, cloneConfig : function(B) { B = B || {}; var C = B.id || Ext.id(); var A = Ext.applyIf(B, this.initialConfig); A.id = C; return new this.constructor(A) }, getXType : function() { return this.constructor.xtype }, isXType : function(B, A) { return !A ? ("/" + this.getXTypes() + "/").indexOf("/" + B + "/") != -1 : this.constructor.xtype == B }, getXTypes : function() { var A = this.constructor; if (!A.xtypes) { var C = [], B = this; while (B && B.constructor.xtype) { C.unshift(B.constructor.xtype); B = B.constructor.superclass } A.xtypeChain = C; A.xtypes = C.join("/") } return A.xtypes }, findParentBy : function(A) { for (var B = this.ownerCt; (B != null) && !A(B, this); B = B.ownerCt) { } return B || null }, findParentByType : function(A) { return typeof A == "function" ? this.findParentBy(function(B) { return B.constructor === A }) : this.findParentBy(function(B) { return B.constructor.xtype === A }) } }); Ext.reg("component", Ext.Component); Ext.Action = function(A) { this.initialConfig = A; this.items = [] }; Ext.Action.prototype = { isAction : true, setText : function(A) { this.initialConfig.text = A; this.callEach("setText", [A]) }, getText : function() { return this.initialConfig.text }, setIconClass : function(A) { this.initialConfig.iconCls = A; this.callEach("setIconClass", [A]) }, getIconClass : function() { return this.initialConfig.iconCls }, setDisabled : function(A) { this.initialConfig.disabled = A; this.callEach("setDisabled", [A]) }, enable : function() { this.setDisabled(false) }, disable : function() { this.setDisabled(true) }, isDisabled : function() { return this.initialConfig.disabled }, setHidden : function(A) { this.initialConfig.hidden = A; this.callEach("setVisible", [!A]) }, show : function() { this.setHidden(false) }, hide : function() { this.setHidden(true) }, isHidden : function() { return this.initialConfig.hidden }, setHandler : function(B, A) { this.initialConfig.handler = B; this.initialConfig.scope = A; this.callEach("setHandler", [B, A]) }, each : function(B, A) { Ext.each(this.items, B, A) }, callEach : function(E, B) { var D = this.items; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { D[C][E].apply(D[C], B) } }, addComponent : function(A) { this.items.push(A); A.on("destroy", this.removeComponent, this) }, removeComponent : function(A) { this.items.remove(A) }, execute : function() { this.initialConfig.handler.apply(this.initialConfig.scope || window, arguments) } }; (function() { Ext.Layer = function(D, C) { D = D || {}; var E = Ext.DomHelper; var G = D.parentEl, F = G ? Ext.getDom(G) : document.body; if (C) { this.dom = Ext.getDom(C) } if (!this.dom) { var H = D.dh || { tag : "div", cls : "x-layer" }; this.dom = E.append(F, H) } if (D.cls) { this.addClass(D.cls) } this.constrain = D.constrain !== false; this.visibilityMode = Ext.Element.VISIBILITY; if (D.id) { this.id = this.dom.id = D.id } else { this.id = Ext.id(this.dom) } this.zindex = D.zindex || this.getZIndex(); this.position("absolute", this.zindex); if (D.shadow) { this.shadowOffset = D.shadowOffset || 4; this.shadow = new Ext.Shadow({ offset : this.shadowOffset, mode : D.shadow }) } else { this.shadowOffset = 0 } this.useShim = D.shim !== false && Ext.useShims; this.useDisplay = D.useDisplay; this.hide() }; var A = Ext.Element.prototype; var B = []; Ext.extend(Ext.Layer, Ext.Element, { getZIndex : function() { return this.zindex || parseInt(this.getStyle("z-index"), 10) || 11000 }, getShim : function() { if (!this.useShim) { return null } if (this.shim) { return this.shim } var D = B.shift(); if (!D) { D = this.createShim(); D.enableDisplayMode("block"); D.dom.style.display = "none"; D.dom.style.visibility = "visible" } var C = this.dom.parentNode; if (D.dom.parentNode != C) { C.insertBefore(D.dom, this.dom) } D.setStyle("z-index", this.getZIndex() - 2); this.shim = D; return D }, hideShim : function() { if (this.shim) { this.shim.setDisplayed(false); B.push(this.shim); delete this.shim } }, disableShadow : function() { if (this.shadow) { this.shadowDisabled = true; this.shadow.hide(); this.lastShadowOffset = this.shadowOffset; this.shadowOffset = 0 } }, enableShadow : function(C) { if (this.shadow) { this.shadowDisabled = false; this.shadowOffset = this.lastShadowOffset; delete this.lastShadowOffset; if (C) { this.sync(true) } } }, sync : function(C) { var I = this.shadow; if (!this.updating && this.isVisible() && (I || this.useShim)) { var F = this.getShim(); var H = this.getWidth(), E = this.getHeight(); var D = this.getLeft(true), J = this.getTop(true); if (I && !this.shadowDisabled) { if (C && !I.isVisible()) { I.show(this) } else { I.realign(D, J, H, E) } if (F) { if (C) { F.show() } var G = I.adjusts, K = F.dom.style; K.left = (Math.min(D, D + G.l)) + "px"; K.top = (Math.min(J, J + G.t)) + "px"; K.width = (H + G.w) + "px"; K.height = (E + G.h) + "px" } } else { if (F) { if (C) { F.show() } F.setSize(H, E); F.setLeftTop(D, J) } } } }, destroy : function() { this.hideShim(); if (this.shadow) { this.shadow.hide() } this.removeAllListeners(); Ext.removeNode(this.dom); Ext.Element.uncache(this.id) }, remove : function() { this.destroy() }, beginUpdate : function() { this.updating = true }, endUpdate : function() { this.updating = false; this.sync(true) }, hideUnders : function(C) { if (this.shadow) { this.shadow.hide() } this.hideShim() }, constrainXY : function() { if (this.constrain) { var G = Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(), C = Ext.lib.Dom .getViewHeight(); var L = Ext.getDoc().getScroll(); var K = this.getXY(); var H = K[0], F = K[1]; var I = this.dom.offsetWidth + this.shadowOffset, D = this.dom.offsetHeight + this.shadowOffset; var E = false; if ((H + I) > G + L.left) { H = G - I - this.shadowOffset; E = true } if ((F + D) > C + L.top) { F = C - D - this.shadowOffset; E = true } if (H < L.left) { H = L.left; E = true } if (F < L.top) { F = L.top; E = true } if (E) { if (this.avoidY) { var J = this.avoidY; if (F <= J && (F + D) >= J) { F = J - D - 5 } } K = [H, F]; this.storeXY(K); A.setXY.call(this, K); this.sync() } } }, isVisible : function() { return this.visible }, showAction : function() { this.visible = true; if (this.useDisplay === true) { this.setDisplayed("") } else { if (this.lastXY) { A.setXY.call(this, this.lastXY) } else { if (this.lastLT) { A.setLeftTop.call(this, this.lastLT[0], this.lastLT[1]) } } } }, hideAction : function() { this.visible = false; if (this.useDisplay === true) { this.setDisplayed(false) } else { this.setLeftTop(-10000, -10000) } }, setVisible : function(E, D, G, H, F) { if (E) { this.showAction() } if (D && E) { var C = function() { this.sync(true); if (H) { H() } }.createDelegate(this); A.setVisible.call(this, true, true, G, C, F) } else { if (!E) { this.hideUnders(true) } var C = H; if (D) { C = function() { this.hideAction(); if (H) { H() } }.createDelegate(this) } A.setVisible.call(this, E, D, G, C, F); if (E) { this.sync(true) } else { if (!D) { this.hideAction() } } } }, storeXY : function(C) { delete this.lastLT; this.lastXY = C }, storeLeftTop : function(D, C) { delete this.lastXY; this.lastLT = [D, C] }, beforeFx : function() { this.beforeAction(); return Ext.Layer.superclass.beforeFx.apply(this, arguments) }, afterFx : function() { Ext.Layer.superclass.afterFx.apply(this, arguments); this.sync(this.isVisible()) }, beforeAction : function() { if (!this.updating && this.shadow) { this.shadow.hide() } }, setLeft : function(C) { this.storeLeftTop(C, this.getTop(true)); A.setLeft.apply(this, arguments); this.sync() }, setTop : function(C) { this.storeLeftTop(this.getLeft(true), C); A.setTop.apply(this, arguments); this.sync() }, setLeftTop : function(D, C) { this.storeLeftTop(D, C); A.setLeftTop.apply(this, arguments); this.sync() }, setXY : function(F, D, G, H, E) { this.fixDisplay(); this.beforeAction(); this.storeXY(F); var C = this.createCB(H); A.setXY.call(this, F, D, G, C, E); if (!D) { C() } }, createCB : function(D) { var C = this; return function() { C.constrainXY(); C.sync(true); if (D) { D() } } }, setX : function(C, D, F, G, E) { this.setXY([C, this.getY()], D, F, G, E) }, setY : function(G, C, E, F, D) { this.setXY([this.getX(), G], C, E, F, D) }, setSize : function(E, F, D, H, I, G) { this.beforeAction(); var C = this.createCB(I); A.setSize.call(this, E, F, D, H, C, G); if (!D) { C() } }, setWidth : function(E, D, G, H, F) { this.beforeAction(); var C = this.createCB(H); A.setWidth.call(this, E, D, G, C, F); if (!D) { C() } }, setHeight : function(E, D, G, H, F) { this.beforeAction(); var C = this.createCB(H); A.setHeight.call(this, E, D, G, C, F); if (!D) { C() } }, setBounds : function(J, H, K, D, I, F, G, E) { this.beforeAction(); var C = this.createCB(G); if (!I) { this.storeXY([J, H]); A.setXY.call(this, [J, H]); A.setSize.call(this, K, D, I, F, C, E); C() } else { A.setBounds.call(this, J, H, K, D, I, F, C, E) } return this }, setZIndex : function(C) { this.zindex = C; this.setStyle("z-index", C + 2); if (this.shadow) { this.shadow.setZIndex(C + 1) } if (this.shim) { this.shim.setStyle("z-index", C) } } }) })(); Ext.Shadow = function(C) { Ext.apply(this, C); if (typeof this.mode != "string") { this.mode = this.defaultMode } var D = this.offset, B = { h : 0 }; var A = Math.floor(this.offset / 2); switch (this.mode.toLowerCase()) { case "drop" : B.w = 0; B.l = B.t = D; B.t -= 1; if (Ext.isIE) { B.l -= this.offset + A; B.t -= this.offset + A; B.w -= A; B.h -= A; B.t += 1 } break; case "sides" : B.w = (D * 2); B.l = -D; B.t = D - 1; if (Ext.isIE) { B.l -= (this.offset - A); B.t -= this.offset + A; B.l += 1; B.w -= (this.offset - A) * 2; B.w -= A + 1; B.h -= 1 } break; case "frame" : B.w = B.h = (D * 2); B.l = B.t = -D; B.t += 1; B.h -= 2; if (Ext.isIE) { B.l -= (this.offset - A); B.t -= (this.offset - A); B.l += 1; B.w -= (this.offset + A + 1); B.h -= (this.offset + A); B.h += 1 } break } this.adjusts = B }; Ext.Shadow.prototype = { offset : 4, defaultMode : "drop", show : function(A) { A = Ext.get(A); if (!this.el) { this.el = Ext.Shadow.Pool.pull(); if (this.el.dom.nextSibling != A.dom) { this.el.insertBefore(A) } } this.el.setStyle("z-index", this.zIndex || parseInt(A.getStyle("z-index"), 10) - 1); if (Ext.isIE) { this.el.dom.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.alpha(opacity=50) progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(pixelradius=" + (this.offset) + ")" } this.realign(A.getLeft(true), A.getTop(true), A.getWidth(), A .getHeight()); this.el.dom.style.display = "block" }, isVisible : function() { return this.el ? true : false }, realign : function(A, M, L, D) { if (!this.el) { return } var I = this.adjusts, G = this.el.dom, N = G.style; var E = 0; N.left = (A + I.l) + "px"; N.top = (M + I.t) + "px"; var K = (L + I.w), C = (D + I.h), F = K + "px", J = C + "px"; if (N.width != F || N.height != J) { N.width = F; N.height = J; if (!Ext.isIE) { var H = G.childNodes; var B = Math.max(0, (K - 12)) + "px"; H[0].childNodes[1].style.width = B; H[1].childNodes[1].style.width = B; H[2].childNodes[1].style.width = B; H[1].style.height = Math.max(0, (C - 12)) + "px" } } }, hide : function() { if (this.el) { this.el.dom.style.display = "none"; Ext.Shadow.Pool.push(this.el); delete this.el } }, setZIndex : function(A) { this.zIndex = A; if (this.el) { this.el.setStyle("z-index", A) } } }; Ext.Shadow.Pool = function() { var B = []; var A = Ext.isIE ? "
" : "
"; return { pull : function() { var C = B.shift(); if (!C) { C = Ext.get(Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeBegin", document.body.firstChild, A)); C.autoBoxAdjust = false } return C }, push : function(C) { B.push(C) } } }(); Ext.BoxComponent = Ext.extend(Ext.Component, { initComponent : function() { Ext.BoxComponent.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents("resize", "move") }, boxReady : false, deferHeight : false, setSize : function(B, D) { if (typeof B == "object") { D = B.height; B = B.width } if (!this.boxReady) { this.width = B; this.height = D; return this } if (this.lastSize && this.lastSize.width == B && this.lastSize.height == D) { return this } this.lastSize = { width : B, height : D }; var C = this.adjustSize(B, D); var F = C.width, A = C.height; if (F !== undefined || A !== undefined) { var E = this.getResizeEl(); if (!this.deferHeight && F !== undefined && A !== undefined) { E.setSize(F, A) } else { if (!this.deferHeight && A !== undefined) { E.setHeight(A) } else { if (F !== undefined) { E.setWidth(F) } } } this.onResize(F, A, B, D); this.fireEvent("resize", this, F, A, B, D) } return this }, setWidth : function(A) { return this.setSize(A) }, setHeight : function(A) { return this.setSize(undefined, A) }, getSize : function() { return this.el.getSize() }, getPosition : function(A) { if (A === true) { return [this.el.getLeft(true), this.el.getTop(true)] } return this.xy || this.el.getXY() }, getBox : function(A) { var B = this.el.getSize(); if (A === true) { B.x = this.el.getLeft(true); B.y = this.el.getTop(true) } else { var C = this.xy || this.el.getXY(); B.x = C[0]; B.y = C[1] } return B }, updateBox : function(A) { this.setSize(A.width, A.height); this.setPagePosition(A.x, A.y); return this }, getResizeEl : function() { return this.resizeEl || this.el }, getPositionEl : function() { return this.positionEl || this.el }, setPosition : function(A, F) { if (A && typeof A[1] == "number") { F = A[1]; A = A[0] } this.x = A; this.y = F; if (!this.boxReady) { return this } var B = this.adjustPosition(A, F); var E = B.x, D = B.y; var C = this.getPositionEl(); if (E !== undefined || D !== undefined) { if (E !== undefined && D !== undefined) { C.setLeftTop(E, D) } else { if (E !== undefined) { C.setLeft(E) } else { if (D !== undefined) { C.setTop(D) } } } this.onPosition(E, D); this.fireEvent("move", this, E, D) } return this }, setPagePosition : function(A, C) { if (A && typeof A[1] == "number") { C = A[1]; A = A[0] } this.pageX = A; this.pageY = C; if (!this.boxReady) { return } if (A === undefined || C === undefined) { return } var B = this.el.translatePoints(A, C); this.setPosition(B.left, B.top); return this }, onRender : function(B, A) { Ext.BoxComponent.superclass.onRender.call(this, B, A); if (this.resizeEl) { this.resizeEl = Ext.get(this.resizeEl) } if (this.positionEl) { this.positionEl = Ext.get(this.positionEl) } }, afterRender : function() { Ext.BoxComponent.superclass.afterRender.call(this); this.boxReady = true; this.setSize(this.width, this.height); if (this.x || this.y) { this.setPosition(this.x, this.y) } else { if (this.pageX || this.pageY) { this.setPagePosition(this.pageX, this.pageY) } } }, syncSize : function() { delete this.lastSize; this.setSize(this.autoWidth ? undefined : this.el.getWidth(), this.autoHeight ? undefined : this.el.getHeight()); return this }, onResize : function(D, B, A, C) { }, onPosition : function(A, B) { }, adjustSize : function(A, B) { if (this.autoWidth) { A = "auto" } if (this.autoHeight) { B = "auto" } return { width : A, height : B } }, adjustPosition : function(A, B) { return { x : A, y : B } } }); Ext.reg("box", Ext.BoxComponent); Ext.SplitBar = function(C, E, B, D, A) { this.el = Ext.get(C, true); this.el.dom.unselectable = "on"; this.resizingEl = Ext.get(E, true); this.orientation = B || Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL; this.minSize = 0; this.maxSize = 2000; this.animate = false; this.useShim = false; this.shim = null; if (!A) { this.proxy = Ext.SplitBar.createProxy(this.orientation) } else { this.proxy = Ext.get(A).dom } this.dd = new Ext.dd.DDProxy(this.el.dom.id, "XSplitBars", { dragElId : this.proxy.id }); this.dd.b4StartDrag = this.onStartProxyDrag.createDelegate(this); this.dd.endDrag = this.onEndProxyDrag.createDelegate(this); this.dragSpecs = {}; this.adapter = new Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter(); this.adapter.init(this); if (this.orientation == Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL) { this.placement = D || (this.el.getX() > this.resizingEl.getX() ? Ext.SplitBar.LEFT : Ext.SplitBar.RIGHT); this.el.addClass("x-splitbar-h") } else { this.placement = D || (this.el.getY() > this.resizingEl.getY() ? Ext.SplitBar.TOP : Ext.SplitBar.BOTTOM); this.el.addClass("x-splitbar-v") } this.addEvents("resize", "moved", "beforeresize", "beforeapply"); Ext.SplitBar.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.SplitBar, Ext.util.Observable, { onStartProxyDrag : function(A, E) { this.fireEvent("beforeresize", this); this.overlay = Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, { cls : "x-drag-overlay", html : " " }, true); this.overlay.unselectable(); this.overlay.setSize(Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(true), Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight(true)); this.overlay.show(); Ext.get(this.proxy).setDisplayed("block"); var C = this.adapter.getElementSize(this); this.activeMinSize = this.getMinimumSize(); this.activeMaxSize = this.getMaximumSize(); var D = C - this.activeMinSize; var B = Math.max(this.activeMaxSize - C, 0); if (this.orientation == Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL) { this.dd.resetConstraints(); this.dd.setXConstraint(this.placement == Ext.SplitBar.LEFT ? D : B, this.placement == Ext.SplitBar.LEFT ? B : D); this.dd.setYConstraint(0, 0) } else { this.dd.resetConstraints(); this.dd.setXConstraint(0, 0); this.dd.setYConstraint(this.placement == Ext.SplitBar.TOP ? D : B, this.placement == Ext.SplitBar.TOP ? B : D) } this.dragSpecs.startSize = C; this.dragSpecs.startPoint = [A, E]; Ext.dd.DDProxy.prototype.b4StartDrag.call(this.dd, A, E) }, onEndProxyDrag : function(C) { Ext.get(this.proxy).setDisplayed(false); var B = Ext.lib.Event.getXY(C); if (this.overlay) { this.overlay.remove(); delete this.overlay } var A; if (this.orientation == Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL) { A = this.dragSpecs.startSize + (this.placement == Ext.SplitBar.LEFT ? B[0] - this.dragSpecs.startPoint[0] : this.dragSpecs.startPoint[0] - B[0]) } else { A = this.dragSpecs.startSize + (this.placement == Ext.SplitBar.TOP ? B[1] - this.dragSpecs.startPoint[1] : this.dragSpecs.startPoint[1] - B[1]) } A = Math.min(Math.max(A, this.activeMinSize), this.activeMaxSize); if (A != this.dragSpecs.startSize) { if (this.fireEvent("beforeapply", this, A) !== false) { this.adapter.setElementSize(this, A); this.fireEvent("moved", this, A); this.fireEvent("resize", this, A) } } }, getAdapter : function() { return this.adapter }, setAdapter : function(A) { this.adapter = A; this.adapter.init(this) }, getMinimumSize : function() { return this.minSize }, setMinimumSize : function(A) { this.minSize = A }, getMaximumSize : function() { return this.maxSize }, setMaximumSize : function(A) { this.maxSize = A }, setCurrentSize : function(B) { var A = this.animate; this.animate = false; this.adapter.setElementSize(this, B); this.animate = A }, destroy : function(A) { if (this.shim) { this.shim.remove() } this.dd.unreg(); Ext.removeNode(this.proxy); if (A) { this.el.remove() } } }); Ext.SplitBar.createProxy = function(B) { var C = new Ext.Element(document.createElement("div")); C.unselectable(); var A = "x-splitbar-proxy"; C.addClass(A + " " + (B == Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL ? A + "-h" : A + "-v")); document.body.appendChild(C.dom); return C.dom }; Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter = function() { }; Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter.prototype = { init : function(A) { }, getElementSize : function(A) { if (A.orientation == Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL) { return A.resizingEl.getWidth() } else { return A.resizingEl.getHeight() } }, setElementSize : function(B, A, C) { if (B.orientation == Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL) { if (!B.animate) { B.resizingEl.setWidth(A); if (C) { C(B, A) } } else { B.resizingEl.setWidth(A, true, 0.1, C, "easeOut") } } else { if (!B.animate) { B.resizingEl.setHeight(A); if (C) { C(B, A) } } else { B.resizingEl.setHeight(A, true, 0.1, C, "easeOut") } } } }; Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter = function(A) { this.basic = new Ext.SplitBar.BasicLayoutAdapter(); this.container = Ext.get(A) }; Ext.SplitBar.AbsoluteLayoutAdapter.prototype = { init : function(A) { this.basic.init(A) }, getElementSize : function(A) { return this.basic.getElementSize(A) }, setElementSize : function(B, A, C) { this.basic.setElementSize(B, A, this.moveSplitter.createDelegate(this, [B])) }, moveSplitter : function(A) { var B = Ext.SplitBar; switch (A.placement) { case B.LEFT : A.el.setX(A.resizingEl.getRight()); break; case B.RIGHT : A.el.setStyle("right", (this.container.getWidth() - A.resizingEl.getLeft()) + "px"); break; case B.TOP : A.el.setY(A.resizingEl.getBottom()); break; case B.BOTTOM : A.el.setY(A.resizingEl.getTop() - A.el.getHeight()); break } } }; Ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL = 1; Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL = 2; Ext.SplitBar.LEFT = 1; Ext.SplitBar.RIGHT = 2; Ext.SplitBar.TOP = 3; Ext.SplitBar.BOTTOM = 4; Ext.Container = Ext.extend(Ext.BoxComponent, { autoDestroy : true, defaultType : "panel", initComponent : function() { Ext.Container.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents("afterlayout", "beforeadd", "beforeremove", "add", "remove"); var A = this.items; if (A) { delete this.items; if (Ext.isArray(A)) { this.add.apply(this, A) } else { this.add(A) } } }, initItems : function() { if (!this.items) { this.items = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, this.getComponentId); this.getLayout() } }, setLayout : function(A) { if (this.layout && this.layout != A) { this.layout.setContainer(null) } this.initItems(); this.layout = A; A.setContainer(this) }, render : function() { Ext.Container.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); if (this.layout) { if (typeof this.layout == "string") { this.layout = new Ext.Container.LAYOUTS[this.layout .toLowerCase()](this.layoutConfig) } this.setLayout(this.layout); if (this.activeItem !== undefined) { var A = this.activeItem; delete this.activeItem; this.layout.setActiveItem(A); return } } if (!this.ownerCt) { this.doLayout() } if (this.monitorResize === true) { Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.doLayout, this, [false]) } }, getLayoutTarget : function() { return this.el }, getComponentId : function(A) { return A.itemId || A.id }, add : function(C) { if (!this.items) { this.initItems() } var B = arguments, A = B.length; if (A > 1) { for (var D = 0; D < A; D++) { this.add(B[D]) } return } var F = this.lookupComponent(this.applyDefaults(C)); var E = this.items.length; if (this.fireEvent("beforeadd", this, F, E) !== false && this.onBeforeAdd(F) !== false) { this.items.add(F); F.ownerCt = this; this.fireEvent("add", this, F, E) } return F }, insert : function(D, C) { if (!this.items) { this.initItems() } var B = arguments, A = B.length; if (A > 2) { for (var E = A - 1; E >= 1; --E) { this.insert(D, B[E]) } return } var F = this.lookupComponent(this.applyDefaults(C)); if (F.ownerCt == this && this.items.indexOf(F) < D) { --D } if (this.fireEvent("beforeadd", this, F, D) !== false && this.onBeforeAdd(F) !== false) { this.items.insert(D, F); F.ownerCt = this; this.fireEvent("add", this, F, D) } return F }, applyDefaults : function(A) { if (this.defaults) { if (typeof A == "string") { A = Ext.ComponentMgr.get(A); Ext.apply(A, this.defaults) } else { if (!A.events) { Ext.applyIf(A, this.defaults) } else { Ext.apply(A, this.defaults) } } } return A }, onBeforeAdd : function(A) { if (A.ownerCt) { A.ownerCt.remove(A, false) } if (this.hideBorders === true) { A.border = (A.border === true) } }, remove : function(A, B) { var C = this.getComponent(A); if (C && this.fireEvent("beforeremove", this, C) !== false) { this.items.remove(C); delete C.ownerCt; if (B === true || (B !== false && this.autoDestroy)) { C.destroy() } if (this.layout && this.layout.activeItem == C) { delete this.layout.activeItem } this.fireEvent("remove", this, C) } return C }, getComponent : function(A) { if (typeof A == "object") { return A } return this.items.get(A) }, lookupComponent : function(A) { if (typeof A == "string") { return Ext.ComponentMgr.get(A) } else { if (!A.events) { return this.createComponent(A) } } return A }, createComponent : function(A) { return Ext.ComponentMgr.create(A, this.defaultType) }, doLayout : function(D) { if (this.rendered && this.layout) { this.layout.layout() } if (D !== false && this.items) { var C = this.items.items; for (var B = 0, A = C.length; B < A; B++) { var E = C[B]; if (E.doLayout) { E.doLayout() } } } }, getLayout : function() { if (!this.layout) { var A = new Ext.layout.ContainerLayout(this.layoutConfig); this.setLayout(A) } return this.layout }, onDestroy : function() { if (this.items) { var C = this.items.items; for (var B = 0, A = C.length; B < A; B++) { Ext.destroy(C[B]) } } if (this.monitorResize) { Ext.EventManager.removeResizeListener(this.doLayout, this) } Ext.Container.superclass.onDestroy.call(this) }, bubble : function(C, B, A) { var D = this; while (D) { if (C.apply(B || D, A || [D]) === false) { break } D = D.ownerCt } }, cascade : function(F, E, B) { if (F.apply(E || this, B || [this]) !== false) { if (this.items) { var D = this.items.items; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { if (D[C].cascade) { D[C].cascade(F, E, B) } else { F.apply(E || this, B || [D[C]]) } } } } }, findById : function(C) { var A, B = this; this.cascade(function(D) { if (B != D && D.id === C) { A = D; return false } }); return A || null }, findByType : function(A) { return typeof A == "function" ? this.findBy(function(B) { return B.constructor === A }) : this.findBy(function(B) { return B.constructor.xtype === A }) }, find : function(B, A) { return this.findBy(function(C) { return C[B] === A }) }, findBy : function(D, C) { var A = [], B = this; this.cascade(function(E) { if (B != E && D.call(C || E, E, B) === true) { A.push(E) } }); return A } }); Ext.Container.LAYOUTS = {}; Ext.reg("container", Ext.Container); Ext.layout.ContainerLayout = function(A) { Ext.apply(this, A) }; Ext.layout.ContainerLayout.prototype = { monitorResize : false, activeItem : null, layout : function() { var A = this.container.getLayoutTarget(); this.onLayout(this.container, A); this.container.fireEvent("afterlayout", this.container, this) }, onLayout : function(A, B) { this.renderAll(A, B) }, isValidParent : function(C, B) { var A = C.getPositionEl ? C.getPositionEl() : C.getEl(); return A.dom.parentNode == B.dom }, renderAll : function(D, E) { var B = D.items.items; for (var C = 0, A = B.length; C < A; C++) { var F = B[C]; if (F && (!F.rendered || !this.isValidParent(F, E))) { this.renderItem(F, C, E) } } }, renderItem : function(D, A, C) { if (D && !D.rendered) { D.render(C, A); if (this.extraCls) { var B = D.getPositionEl ? D.getPositionEl() : D; B.addClass(this.extraCls) } if (this.renderHidden && D != this.activeItem) { D.hide() } } else { if (D && !this.isValidParent(D, C)) { if (this.extraCls) { D.addClass(this.extraCls) } if (typeof A == "number") { A = C.dom.childNodes[A] } C.dom.insertBefore(D.getEl().dom, A || null); if (this.renderHidden && D != this.activeItem) { D.hide() } } } }, onResize : function() { if (this.container.collapsed) { return } var A = this.container.bufferResize; if (A) { if (!this.resizeTask) { this.resizeTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.layout, this); this.resizeBuffer = typeof A == "number" ? A : 100 } this.resizeTask.delay(this.resizeBuffer) } else { this.layout() } }, setContainer : function(A) { if (this.monitorResize && A != this.container) { if (this.container) { this.container.un("resize", this.onResize, this) } if (A) { A.on("resize", this.onResize, this) } } this.container = A }, parseMargins : function(B) { var C = B.split(" "); var A = C.length; if (A == 1) { C[1] = C[0]; C[2] = C[0]; C[3] = C[0] } if (A == 2) { C[2] = C[0]; C[3] = C[1] } return { top : parseInt(C[0], 10) || 0, right : parseInt(C[1], 10) || 0, bottom : parseInt(C[2], 10) || 0, left : parseInt(C[3], 10) || 0 } } }; Ext.Container.LAYOUTS["auto"] = Ext.layout.ContainerLayout; Ext.layout.FitLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.ContainerLayout, { monitorResize : true, onLayout : function(A, B) { Ext.layout.FitLayout.superclass.onLayout.call(this, A, B); if (!this.container.collapsed) { this.setItemSize(this.activeItem || A.items.itemAt(0), B .getStyleSize()) } }, setItemSize : function(B, A) { if (B && A.height > 0) { B.setSize(A) } } }); Ext.Container.LAYOUTS["fit"] = Ext.layout.FitLayout; Ext.layout.CardLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.FitLayout, { deferredRender : false, renderHidden : true, setActiveItem : function(A) { A = this.container.getComponent(A); if (this.activeItem != A) { if (this.activeItem) { this.activeItem.hide() } this.activeItem = A; A.show(); this.layout() } }, renderAll : function(A, B) { if (this.deferredRender) { this.renderItem(this.activeItem, undefined, B) } else { Ext.layout.CardLayout.superclass.renderAll.call(this, A, B) } } }); Ext.Container.LAYOUTS["card"] = Ext.layout.CardLayout; Ext.layout.AnchorLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.ContainerLayout, { monitorResize : true, getAnchorViewSize : function(A, B) { return B.dom == document.body ? B.getViewSize() : B.getStyleSize() }, onLayout : function(F, I) { Ext.layout.AnchorLayout.superclass.onLayout.call(this, F, I); var O = this.getAnchorViewSize(F, I); var M = O.width, E = O.height; if (M < 20 || E < 20) { return } var B, K; if (F.anchorSize) { if (typeof F.anchorSize == "number") { B = F.anchorSize } else { B = F.anchorSize.width; K = F.anchorSize.height } } else { B = F.initialConfig.width; K = F.initialConfig.height } var H = F.items.items, G = H.length, D, J, L, C, A; for (D = 0; D < G; D++) { J = H[D]; if (J.anchor) { L = J.anchorSpec; if (!L) { var N = J.anchor.split(" "); J.anchorSpec = L = { right : this .parseAnchor(N[0], J.initialConfig.width, B), bottom : this.parseAnchor(N[1], J.initialConfig.height, K) } } C = L.right ? this.adjustWidthAnchor(L.right(M), J) : undefined; A = L.bottom ? this.adjustHeightAnchor(L.bottom(E), J) : undefined; if (C || A) { J.setSize(C || undefined, A || undefined) } } } }, parseAnchor : function(B, F, A) { if (B && B != "none") { var D; if (/^(r|right|b|bottom)$/i.test(B)) { var E = A - F; return function(G) { if (G !== D) { D = G; return G - E } } } else { if (B.indexOf("%") != -1) { var C = parseFloat(B.replace("%", "")) * 0.01; return function(G) { if (G !== D) { D = G; return Math.floor(G * C) } } } else { B = parseInt(B, 10); if (!isNaN(B)) { return function(G) { if (G !== D) { D = G; return G + B } } } } } } return false }, adjustWidthAnchor : function(B, A) { return B }, adjustHeightAnchor : function(B, A) { return B } }); Ext.Container.LAYOUTS["anchor"] = Ext.layout.AnchorLayout; Ext.layout.ColumnLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.ContainerLayout, { monitorResize : true, extraCls : "x-column", scrollOffset : 0, isValidParent : function(B, A) { return B.getEl().dom.parentNode == this.innerCt.dom }, onLayout : function(C, F) { var D = C.items.items, E = D.length, G, A; if (!this.innerCt) { F.addClass("x-column-layout-ct"); this.innerCt = F.createChild({ cls : "x-column-inner" }); this.innerCt.createChild({ cls : "x-clear" }) } this.renderAll(C, this.innerCt); var J = F.getViewSize(); if (J.width < 1 && J.height < 1) { return } var H = J.width - F.getPadding("lr") - this.scrollOffset, B = J.height - F.getPadding("tb"), I = H; this.innerCt.setWidth(H); for (A = 0; A < E; A++) { G = D[A]; if (!G.columnWidth) { I -= (G.getSize().width + G.getEl().getMargins("lr")) } } I = I < 0 ? 0 : I; for (A = 0; A < E; A++) { G = D[A]; if (G.columnWidth) { G.setSize(Math.floor(G.columnWidth * I) - G.getEl().getMargins("lr")) } } } }); Ext.Container.LAYOUTS["column"] = Ext.layout.ColumnLayout; Ext.layout.BorderLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.ContainerLayout, { monitorResize : true, rendered : false, onLayout : function(B, X) { var C; if (!this.rendered) { X.position(); X.addClass("x-border-layout-ct"); var M = B.items.items; C = []; for (var Q = 0, R = M.length; Q < R; Q++) { var U = M[Q]; var F = U.region; if (U.collapsed) { C.push(U) } U.collapsed = false; if (!U.rendered) { U.cls = U.cls ? U.cls + " x-border-panel" : "x-border-panel"; U.render(X, Q) } this[F] = F != "center" && U.split ? new Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion(this, U.initialConfig, F) : new Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region(this, U.initialConfig, F); this[F].render(X, U) } this.rendered = true } var L = X.getViewSize(); if (L.width < 20 || L.height < 20) { if (C) { this.restoreCollapsed = C } return } else { if (this.restoreCollapsed) { C = this.restoreCollapsed; delete this.restoreCollapsed } } var J = L.width, S = L.height; var I = J, P = S, G = 0, H = 0; var N = this.north, K = this.south, E = this.west, T = this.east, U = this.center; if (!U) { throw "No center region defined in BorderLayout " + B.id } if (N && N.isVisible()) { var W = N.getSize(); var O = N.getMargins(); W.width = J - (O.left + O.right); W.x = O.left; W.y = O.top; G = W.height + W.y + O.bottom; P -= G; N.applyLayout(W) } if (K && K.isVisible()) { var W = K.getSize(); var O = K.getMargins(); W.width = J - (O.left + O.right); W.x = O.left; var V = (W.height + O.top + O.bottom); W.y = S - V + O.top; P -= V; K.applyLayout(W) } if (E && E.isVisible()) { var W = E.getSize(); var O = E.getMargins(); W.height = P - (O.top + O.bottom); W.x = O.left; W.y = G + O.top; var A = (W.width + O.left + O.right); H += A; I -= A; E.applyLayout(W) } if (T && T.isVisible()) { var W = T.getSize(); var O = T.getMargins(); W.height = P - (O.top + O.bottom); var A = (W.width + O.left + O.right); W.x = J - A + O.left; W.y = G + O.top; I -= A; T.applyLayout(W) } var O = U.getMargins(); var D = { x : H + O.left, y : G + O.top, width : I - (O.left + O.right), height : P - (O.top + O.bottom) }; U.applyLayout(D); if (C) { for (var Q = 0, R = C.length; Q < R; Q++) { C[Q].collapse(false) } } if (Ext.isIE && Ext.isStrict) { X.repaint() } } }); Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region = function(B, A, C) { Ext.apply(this, A); this.layout = B; this.position = C; this.state = {}; if (typeof this.margins == "string") { this.margins = this.layout.parseMargins(this.margins) } this.margins = Ext.applyIf(this.margins || {}, this.defaultMargins); if (this.collapsible) { if (typeof this.cmargins == "string") { this.cmargins = this.layout.parseMargins(this.cmargins) } if (this.collapseMode == "mini" && !this.cmargins) { this.cmargins = { left : 0, top : 0, right : 0, bottom : 0 } } else { this.cmargins = Ext.applyIf(this.cmargins || {}, C == "north" || C == "south" ? this.defaultNSCMargins : this.defaultEWCMargins) } } }; Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.prototype = { collapsible : false, split : false, floatable : true, minWidth : 50, minHeight : 50, defaultMargins : { left : 0, top : 0, right : 0, bottom : 0 }, defaultNSCMargins : { left : 5, top : 5, right : 5, bottom : 5 }, defaultEWCMargins : { left : 5, top : 0, right : 5, bottom : 0 }, isCollapsed : false, render : function(B, C) { this.panel = C; C.el.enableDisplayMode(); this.targetEl = B; this.el = C.el; var A = C.getState, D = this.position; C.getState = function() { return Ext.apply(A.call(C) || {}, this.state) }.createDelegate(this); if (D != "center") { C.allowQueuedExpand = false; C.on({ beforecollapse : this.beforeCollapse, collapse : this.onCollapse, beforeexpand : this.beforeExpand, expand : this.onExpand, hide : this.onHide, show : this.onShow, scope : this }); if (this.collapsible) { C.collapseEl = "el"; C.slideAnchor = this.getSlideAnchor() } if (C.tools && C.tools.toggle) { C.tools.toggle.addClass("x-tool-collapse-" + D); C.tools.toggle.addClassOnOver("x-tool-collapse-" + D + "-over") } } }, getCollapsedEl : function() { if (!this.collapsedEl) { if (!this.toolTemplate) { var B = new Ext.Template("
"); B.disableFormats = true; B.compile(); Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region.prototype.toolTemplate = B } this.collapsedEl = this.targetEl.createChild({ cls : "x-layout-collapsed x-layout-collapsed-" + this.position, id : this.panel.id + "-xcollapsed" }); this.collapsedEl.enableDisplayMode("block"); if (this.collapseMode == "mini") { this.collapsedEl.addClass("x-layout-cmini-" + this.position); this.miniCollapsedEl = this.collapsedEl.createChild({ cls : "x-layout-mini x-layout-mini-" + this.position, html : " " }); this.miniCollapsedEl.addClassOnOver("x-layout-mini-over"); this.collapsedEl.addClassOnOver("x-layout-collapsed-over"); this.collapsedEl.on("click", this.onExpandClick, this, { stopEvent : true }) } else { var A = this.toolTemplate.append(this.collapsedEl.dom, { id : "expand-" + this.position }, true); A.addClassOnOver("x-tool-expand-" + this.position + "-over"); A.on("click", this.onExpandClick, this, { stopEvent : true }); if (this.floatable !== false) { this.collapsedEl.addClassOnOver("x-layout-collapsed-over"); this.collapsedEl.on("click", this.collapseClick, this) } } } return this.collapsedEl }, onExpandClick : function(A) { if (this.isSlid) { this.afterSlideIn(); this.panel.expand(false) } else { this.panel.expand() } }, onCollapseClick : function(A) { this.panel.collapse() }, beforeCollapse : function(B, A) { this.lastAnim = A; if (this.splitEl) { this.splitEl.hide() } this.getCollapsedEl().show(); this.panel.el.setStyle("z-index", 100); this.isCollapsed = true; this.layout.layout() }, onCollapse : function(A) { this.panel.el.setStyle("z-index", 1); if (this.lastAnim === false || this.panel.animCollapse === false) { this.getCollapsedEl().dom.style.visibility = "visible" } else { this.getCollapsedEl().slideIn(this.panel.slideAnchor, { duration : 0.2 }) } this.state.collapsed = true; this.panel.saveState() }, beforeExpand : function(A) { var B = this.getCollapsedEl(); this.el.show(); if (this.position == "east" || this.position == "west") { this.panel.setSize(undefined, B.getHeight()) } else { this.panel.setSize(B.getWidth(), undefined) } B.hide(); B.dom.style.visibility = "hidden"; this.panel.el.setStyle("z-index", 100) }, onExpand : function() { this.isCollapsed = false; if (this.splitEl) { this.splitEl.show() } this.layout.layout(); this.panel.el.setStyle("z-index", 1); this.state.collapsed = false; this.panel.saveState() }, collapseClick : function(A) { if (this.isSlid) { A.stopPropagation(); this.slideIn() } else { A.stopPropagation(); this.slideOut() } }, onHide : function() { if (this.isCollapsed) { this.getCollapsedEl().hide() } else { if (this.splitEl) { this.splitEl.hide() } } }, onShow : function() { if (this.isCollapsed) { this.getCollapsedEl().show() } else { if (this.splitEl) { this.splitEl.show() } } }, isVisible : function() { return !this.panel.hidden }, getMargins : function() { return this.isCollapsed && this.cmargins ? this.cmargins : this.margins }, getSize : function() { return this.isCollapsed ? this.getCollapsedEl().getSize() : this.panel .getSize() }, setPanel : function(A) { this.panel = A }, getMinWidth : function() { return this.minWidth }, getMinHeight : function() { return this.minHeight }, applyLayoutCollapsed : function(A) { var B = this.getCollapsedEl(); B.setLeftTop(A.x, A.y); B.setSize(A.width, A.height) }, applyLayout : function(A) { if (this.isCollapsed) { this.applyLayoutCollapsed(A) } else { this.panel.setPosition(A.x, A.y); this.panel.setSize(A.width, A.height) } }, beforeSlide : function() { this.panel.beforeEffect() }, afterSlide : function() { this.panel.afterEffect() }, initAutoHide : function() { if (this.autoHide !== false) { if (!this.autoHideHd) { var A = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.slideIn, this); this.autoHideHd = { "mouseout" : function(B) { if (!B.within(this.el, true)) { A.delay(500) } }, "mouseover" : function(B) { A.cancel() }, scope : this } } this.el.on(this.autoHideHd) } }, clearAutoHide : function() { if (this.autoHide !== false) { this.el.un("mouseout", this.autoHideHd.mouseout); this.el.un("mouseover", this.autoHideHd.mouseover) } }, clearMonitor : function() { Ext.getDoc().un("click", this.slideInIf, this) }, slideOut : function() { if (this.isSlid || this.el.hasActiveFx()) { return } this.isSlid = true; var A = this.panel.tools; if (A && A.toggle) { A.toggle.hide() } this.el.show(); if (this.position == "east" || this.position == "west") { this.panel.setSize(undefined, this.collapsedEl.getHeight()) } else { this.panel.setSize(this.collapsedEl.getWidth(), undefined) } this.restoreLT = [this.el.dom.style.left, this.el.dom.style.top]; this.el.alignTo(this.collapsedEl, this.getCollapseAnchor()); this.el.setStyle("z-index", 102); if (this.animFloat !== false) { this.beforeSlide(); this.el.slideIn(this.getSlideAnchor(), { callback : function() { this.afterSlide(); this.initAutoHide(); Ext.getDoc().on("click", this.slideInIf, this) }, scope : this, block : true }) } else { this.initAutoHide(); Ext.getDoc().on("click", this.slideInIf, this) } }, afterSlideIn : function() { this.clearAutoHide(); this.isSlid = false; this.clearMonitor(); this.el.setStyle("z-index", ""); this.el.dom.style.left = this.restoreLT[0]; this.el.dom.style.top = this.restoreLT[1]; var A = this.panel.tools; if (A && A.toggle) { A.toggle.show() } }, slideIn : function(A) { if (!this.isSlid || this.el.hasActiveFx()) { Ext.callback(A); return } this.isSlid = false; if (this.animFloat !== false) { this.beforeSlide(); this.el.slideOut(this.getSlideAnchor(), { callback : function() { this.el.hide(); this.afterSlide(); this.afterSlideIn(); Ext.callback(A) }, scope : this, block : true }) } else { this.el.hide(); this.afterSlideIn() } }, slideInIf : function(A) { if (!A.within(this.el)) { this.slideIn() } }, anchors : { "west" : "left", "east" : "right", "north" : "top", "south" : "bottom" }, sanchors : { "west" : "l", "east" : "r", "north" : "t", "south" : "b" }, canchors : { "west" : "tl-tr", "east" : "tr-tl", "north" : "tl-bl", "south" : "bl-tl" }, getAnchor : function() { return this.anchors[this.position] }, getCollapseAnchor : function() { return this.canchors[this.position] }, getSlideAnchor : function() { return this.sanchors[this.position] }, getAlignAdj : function() { var A = this.cmargins; switch (this.position) { case "west" : return [0, 0]; break; case "east" : return [0, 0]; break; case "north" : return [0, 0]; break; case "south" : return [0, 0]; break } }, getExpandAdj : function() { var B = this.collapsedEl, A = this.cmargins; switch (this.position) { case "west" : return [-(A.right + B.getWidth() + A.left), 0]; break; case "east" : return [A.right + B.getWidth() + A.left, 0]; break; case "north" : return [0, -(A.top + A.bottom + B.getHeight())]; break; case "south" : return [0, A.top + A.bottom + B.getHeight()]; break } } }; Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion = function(B, A, C) { Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion.superclass.constructor.call(this, B, A, C); this.applyLayout = this.applyFns[C] }; Ext.extend(Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion, Ext.layout.BorderLayout.Region, { splitTip : "Drag to resize.", collapsibleSplitTip : "Drag to resize. Double click to hide.", useSplitTips : false, splitSettings : { north : { orientation : Ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL, placement : Ext.SplitBar.TOP, maxFn : "getVMaxSize", minProp : "minHeight", maxProp : "maxHeight" }, south : { orientation : Ext.SplitBar.VERTICAL, placement : Ext.SplitBar.BOTTOM, maxFn : "getVMaxSize", minProp : "minHeight", maxProp : "maxHeight" }, east : { orientation : Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL, placement : Ext.SplitBar.RIGHT, maxFn : "getHMaxSize", minProp : "minWidth", maxProp : "maxWidth" }, west : { orientation : Ext.SplitBar.HORIZONTAL, placement : Ext.SplitBar.LEFT, maxFn : "getHMaxSize", minProp : "minWidth", maxProp : "maxWidth" } }, applyFns : { west : function(C) { if (this.isCollapsed) { return this.applyLayoutCollapsed(C) } var D = this.splitEl.dom, B = D.style; this.panel.setPosition(C.x, C.y); var A = D.offsetWidth; B.left = (C.x + C.width - A) + "px"; B.top = (C.y) + "px"; B.height = Math.max(0, C.height) + "px"; this.panel.setSize(C.width - A, C.height) }, east : function(C) { if (this.isCollapsed) { return this.applyLayoutCollapsed(C) } var D = this.splitEl.dom, B = D.style; var A = D.offsetWidth; this.panel.setPosition(C.x + A, C.y); B.left = (C.x) + "px"; B.top = (C.y) + "px"; B.height = Math.max(0, C.height) + "px"; this.panel.setSize(C.width - A, C.height) }, north : function(C) { if (this.isCollapsed) { return this.applyLayoutCollapsed(C) } var D = this.splitEl.dom, B = D.style; var A = D.offsetHeight; this.panel.setPosition(C.x, C.y); B.left = (C.x) + "px"; B.top = (C.y + C.height - A) + "px"; B.width = Math.max(0, C.width) + "px"; this.panel.setSize(C.width, C.height - A) }, south : function(C) { if (this.isCollapsed) { return this.applyLayoutCollapsed(C) } var D = this.splitEl.dom, B = D.style; var A = D.offsetHeight; this.panel.setPosition(C.x, C.y + A); B.left = (C.x) + "px"; B.top = (C.y) + "px"; B.width = Math.max(0, C.width) + "px"; this.panel.setSize(C.width, C.height - A) } }, render : function(A, C) { Ext.layout.BorderLayout.SplitRegion.superclass.render.call( this, A, C); var D = this.position; this.splitEl = A.createChild({ cls : "x-layout-split x-layout-split-" + D, html : " ", id : this.panel.id + "-xsplit" }); if (this.collapseMode == "mini") { this.miniSplitEl = this.splitEl.createChild({ cls : "x-layout-mini x-layout-mini-" + D, html : " " }); this.miniSplitEl.addClassOnOver("x-layout-mini-over"); this.miniSplitEl.on("click", this.onCollapseClick, this, { stopEvent : true }) } var B = this.splitSettings[D]; this.split = new Ext.SplitBar(this.splitEl.dom, C.el, B.orientation); this.split.placement = B.placement; this.split.getMaximumSize = this[B.maxFn].createDelegate(this); this.split.minSize = this.minSize || this[B.minProp]; this.split.on("beforeapply", this.onSplitMove, this); this.split.useShim = this.useShim === true; this.maxSize = this.maxSize || this[B.maxProp]; if (C.hidden) { this.splitEl.hide() } if (this.useSplitTips) { this.splitEl.dom.title = this.collapsible ? this.collapsibleSplitTip : this.splitTip } if (this.collapsible) { this.splitEl.on("dblclick", this.onCollapseClick, this) } }, getSize : function() { if (this.isCollapsed) { return this.collapsedEl.getSize() } var A = this.panel.getSize(); if (this.position == "north" || this.position == "south") { A.height += this.splitEl.dom.offsetHeight } else { A.width += this.splitEl.dom.offsetWidth } return A }, getHMaxSize : function() { var B = this.maxSize || 10000; var A = this.layout.center; return Math.min(B, (this.el.getWidth() + A.el.getWidth()) - A.getMinWidth()) }, getVMaxSize : function() { var B = this.maxSize || 10000; var A = this.layout.center; return Math.min(B, (this.el.getHeight() + A.el.getHeight()) - A.getMinHeight()) }, onSplitMove : function(B, A) { var C = this.panel.getSize(); this.lastSplitSize = A; if (this.position == "north" || this.position == "south") { this.panel.setSize(C.width, A); this.state.height = A } else { this.panel.setSize(A, C.height); this.state.width = A } this.layout.layout(); this.panel.saveState(); return false }, getSplitBar : function() { return this.split } }); Ext.Container.LAYOUTS["border"] = Ext.layout.BorderLayout; Ext.layout.FormLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.AnchorLayout, { labelSeparator : ":", getAnchorViewSize : function(A, B) { return A.body.getStyleSize() }, setContainer : function(B) { Ext.layout.FormLayout.superclass.setContainer.call(this, B); if (B.labelAlign) { B.addClass("x-form-label-" + B.labelAlign) } if (B.hideLabels) { this.labelStyle = "display:none"; this.elementStyle = "padding-left:0;"; this.labelAdjust = 0 } else { this.labelSeparator = B.labelSeparator || this.labelSeparator; B.labelWidth = B.labelWidth || 100; if (typeof B.labelWidth == "number") { var C = (typeof B.labelPad == "number" ? B.labelPad : 5); this.labelAdjust = B.labelWidth + C; this.labelStyle = "width:" + B.labelWidth + "px;"; this.elementStyle = "padding-left:" + (B.labelWidth + C) + "px" } if (B.labelAlign == "top") { this.labelStyle = "width:auto;"; this.labelAdjust = 0; this.elementStyle = "padding-left:0;" } } if (!this.fieldTpl) { var A = new Ext.Template( "
", "", "
", "
", "
"); A.disableFormats = true; A.compile(); Ext.layout.FormLayout.prototype.fieldTpl = A } }, renderItem : function(D, A, C) { if (D && !D.rendered && D.isFormField && D.inputType != "hidden") { var B = [ D.id, D.fieldLabel, D.labelStyle || this.labelStyle || "", this.elementStyle || "", typeof D.labelSeparator == "undefined" ? this.labelSeparator : D.labelSeparator, (D.itemCls || this.container.itemCls || "") + (D.hideLabel ? " x-hide-label" : ""), D.clearCls || "x-form-clear-left"]; if (typeof A == "number") { A = C.dom.childNodes[A] || null } if (A) { this.fieldTpl.insertBefore(A, B) } else { this.fieldTpl.append(C, B) } D.render("x-form-el-" + D.id) } else { Ext.layout.FormLayout.superclass.renderItem.apply(this, arguments) } }, adjustWidthAnchor : function(B, A) { return B - (A.isFormField ? (A.hideLabel ? 0 : this.labelAdjust) : 0) }, isValidParent : function(B, A) { return true } }); Ext.Container.LAYOUTS["form"] = Ext.layout.FormLayout; Ext.layout.Accordion = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.FitLayout, { fill : true, autoWidth : true, titleCollapse : true, hideCollapseTool : false, collapseFirst : false, animate : false, sequence : false, activeOnTop : false, renderItem : function(A) { if (this.animate === false) { A.animCollapse = false } A.collapsible = true; if (this.autoWidth) { A.autoWidth = true } if (this.titleCollapse) { A.titleCollapse = true } if (this.hideCollapseTool) { A.hideCollapseTool = true } if (this.collapseFirst !== undefined) { A.collapseFirst = this.collapseFirst } if (!this.activeItem && !A.collapsed) { this.activeItem = A } else { if (this.activeItem) { A.collapsed = true } } Ext.layout.Accordion.superclass.renderItem.apply(this, arguments); A.header.addClass("x-accordion-hd"); A.on("beforeexpand", this.beforeExpand, this) }, beforeExpand : function(C, B) { var A = this.activeItem; if (A) { if (this.sequence) { delete this.activeItem; A.collapse({ callback : function() { C.expand(B || true) }, scope : this }); return false } else { A.collapse(this.animate) } } this.activeItem = C; if (this.activeOnTop) { C.el.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(C.el.dom, C.el.dom.parentNode.firstChild) } this.layout() }, setItemSize : function(F, E) { if (this.fill && F) { var B = this.container.items.items; var D = 0; for (var C = 0, A = B.length; C < A; C++) { var G = B[C]; if (G != F) { D += (G.getSize().height - G.bwrap.getHeight()) } } E.height -= D; F.setSize(E) } } }); Ext.Container.LAYOUTS["accordion"] = Ext.layout.Accordion; Ext.layout.TableLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.ContainerLayout, { monitorResize : false, setContainer : function(A) { Ext.layout.TableLayout.superclass.setContainer.call(this, A); this.currentRow = 0; this.currentColumn = 0; this.cells = [] }, onLayout : function(C, E) { var D = C.items.items, A = D.length, F, B; if (!this.table) { E.addClass("x-table-layout-ct"); this.table = E.createChild({ tag : "table", cls : "x-table-layout", cellspacing : 0, cn : { tag : "tbody" } }, null, true); this.renderAll(C, E) } }, getRow : function(A) { var B = this.table.tBodies[0].childNodes[A]; if (!B) { B = document.createElement("tr"); this.table.tBodies[0].appendChild(B) } return B }, getNextCell : function(H) { var A = this .getNextNonSpan(this.currentColumn, this.currentRow); var E = this.currentColumn = A[0], D = this.currentRow = A[1]; for (var G = D; G < D + (H.rowspan || 1); G++) { if (!this.cells[G]) { this.cells[G] = [] } for (var C = E; C < E + (H.colspan || 1); C++) { this.cells[G][C] = true } } var F = document.createElement("td"); if (H.cellId) { F.id = H.cellId } var B = "x-table-layout-cell"; if (H.cellCls) { B += " " + H.cellCls } F.className = B; if (H.colspan) { F.colSpan = H.colspan } if (H.rowspan) { F.rowSpan = H.rowspan } this.getRow(D).appendChild(F); return F }, getNextNonSpan : function(A, C) { var B = this.columns; while ((B && A >= B) || (this.cells[C] && this.cells[C][A])) { if (B && A >= B) { C++; A = 0 } else { A++ } } return [A, C] }, renderItem : function(C, A, B) { if (C && !C.rendered) { C.render(this.getNextCell(C)) } }, isValidParent : function(B, A) { return true } }); Ext.Container.LAYOUTS["table"] = Ext.layout.TableLayout; Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout = Ext.extend(Ext.layout.AnchorLayout, { extraCls : "x-abs-layout-item", isForm : false, setContainer : function(A) { Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout.superclass.setContainer.call(this, A); if (A.isXType("form")) { this.isForm = true } }, onLayout : function(A, B) { if (this.isForm) { A.body.position() } else { B.position() } Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout.superclass.onLayout.call(this, A, B) }, getAnchorViewSize : function(A, B) { return this.isForm ? A.body.getStyleSize() : Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout.superclass.getAnchorViewSize .call(this, A, B) }, isValidParent : function(B, A) { return this.isForm ? true : Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout.superclass.isValidParent .call(this, B, A) }, adjustWidthAnchor : function(B, A) { return B ? B - A.getPosition(true)[0] : B }, adjustHeightAnchor : function(B, A) { return B ? B - A.getPosition(true)[1] : B } }); Ext.Container.LAYOUTS["absolute"] = Ext.layout.AbsoluteLayout; Ext.Viewport = Ext.extend(Ext.Container, { initComponent : function() { Ext.Viewport.superclass.initComponent.call(this); document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].className += " x-viewport"; this.el = Ext.getBody(); this.el.setHeight = Ext.emptyFn; this.el.setWidth = Ext.emptyFn; this.el.setSize = Ext.emptyFn; this.el.dom.scroll = "no"; this.allowDomMove = false; this.autoWidth = true; this.autoHeight = true; Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.fireResize, this); this.renderTo = this.el }, fireResize : function(A, B) { this.fireEvent("resize", this, A, B, A, B) } }); Ext.reg("viewport", Ext.Viewport); Ext.Panel = Ext.extend(Ext.Container, { baseCls : "x-panel", collapsedCls : "x-panel-collapsed", maskDisabled : true, animCollapse : Ext.enableFx, headerAsText : true, buttonAlign : "right", collapsed : false, collapseFirst : true, minButtonWidth : 75, elements : "body", toolTarget : "header", collapseEl : "bwrap", slideAnchor : "t", deferHeight : true, expandDefaults : { duration : 0.25 }, collapseDefaults : { duration : 0.25 }, initComponent : function() { Ext.Panel.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents("bodyresize", "titlechange", "collapse", "expand", "beforecollapse", "beforeexpand", "beforeclose", "close", "activate", "deactivate"); if (this.tbar) { this.elements += ",tbar"; if (typeof this.tbar == "object") { this.topToolbar = this.tbar } delete this.tbar } if (this.bbar) { this.elements += ",bbar"; if (typeof this.bbar == "object") { this.bottomToolbar = this.bbar } delete this.bbar } if (this.header === true) { this.elements += ",header"; delete this.header } else { if (this.title && this.header !== false) { this.elements += ",header" } } if (this.footer === true) { this.elements += ",footer"; delete this.footer } if (this.buttons) { var C = this.buttons; this.buttons = []; for (var B = 0, A = C.length; B < A; B++) { if (C[B].render) { this.buttons.push(C[B]) } else { this.addButton(C[B]) } } } if (this.autoLoad) { this.on("render", this.doAutoLoad, this, { delay : 10 }) } }, createElement : function(A, C) { if (this[A]) { C.appendChild(this[A].dom); return } if (A === "bwrap" || this.elements.indexOf(A) != -1) { if (this[A + "Cfg"]) { this[A] = Ext.fly(C).createChild(this[A + "Cfg"]) } else { var B = document.createElement("div"); B.className = this[A + "Cls"]; this[A] = Ext.get(C.appendChild(B)) } } }, onRender : function(H, G) { Ext.Panel.superclass.onRender.call(this, H, G); this.createClasses(); if (this.el) { this.el.addClass(this.baseCls); this.header = this.el.down("." + this.headerCls); this.bwrap = this.el.down("." + this.bwrapCls); var M = this.bwrap ? this.bwrap : this.el; this.tbar = M.down("." + this.tbarCls); this.body = M.down("." + this.bodyCls); this.bbar = M.down("." + this.bbarCls); this.footer = M.down("." + this.footerCls); this.fromMarkup = true } else { this.el = H.createChild({ id : this.id, cls : this.baseCls }, G) } var A = this.el, K = A.dom; if (this.cls) { this.el.addClass(this.cls) } if (this.buttons) { this.elements += ",footer" } if (this.frame) { A.insertHtml("afterBegin", String.format(Ext.Element.boxMarkup, this.baseCls)); this.createElement("header", K.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild); this.createElement("bwrap", K); var O = this.bwrap.dom; var E = K.childNodes[1], B = K.childNodes[2]; O.appendChild(E); O.appendChild(B); var P = O.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; this.createElement("tbar", P); this.createElement("body", P); this.createElement("bbar", P); this.createElement("footer", O.lastChild.firstChild.firstChild); if (!this.footer) { this.bwrap.dom.lastChild.className += " x-panel-nofooter" } } else { this.createElement("header", K); this.createElement("bwrap", K); var O = this.bwrap.dom; this.createElement("tbar", O); this.createElement("body", O); this.createElement("bbar", O); this.createElement("footer", O); if (!this.header) { this.body.addClass(this.bodyCls + "-noheader"); if (this.tbar) { this.tbar.addClass(this.tbarCls + "-noheader") } } } if (this.border === false) { this.el.addClass(this.baseCls + "-noborder"); this.body.addClass(this.bodyCls + "-noborder"); if (this.header) { this.header.addClass(this.headerCls + "-noborder") } if (this.footer) { this.footer.addClass(this.footerCls + "-noborder") } if (this.tbar) { this.tbar.addClass(this.tbarCls + "-noborder") } if (this.bbar) { this.bbar.addClass(this.bbarCls + "-noborder") } } if (this.bodyBorder === false) { this.body.addClass(this.bodyCls + "-noborder") } if (this.bodyStyle) { this.body.applyStyles(this.bodyStyle) } this.bwrap.enableDisplayMode("block"); if (this.header) { this.header.unselectable(); if (this.headerAsText) { this.header.dom.innerHTML = "" + this.header.dom.innerHTML + ""; if (this.iconCls) { this.setIconClass(this.iconCls) } } } if (this.floating) { this.makeFloating(this.floating) } if (this.collapsible) { this.tools = this.tools ? this.tools.slice(0) : []; if (!this.hideCollapseTool) { this.tools[this.collapseFirst ? "unshift" : "push"]({ id : "toggle", handler : this.toggleCollapse, scope : this }) } if (this.titleCollapse && this.header) { this.header.on("click", this.toggleCollapse, this); this.header.setStyle("cursor", "pointer") } } if (this.tools) { var J = this.tools; this.tools = {}; this.addTool.apply(this, J) } else { this.tools = {} } if (this.buttons && this.buttons.length > 0) { var D = this.footer.createChild({ cls : "x-panel-btns-ct", cn : { cls : "x-panel-btns x-panel-btns-" + this.buttonAlign, html : "
" } }, null, true); var L = D.getElementsByTagName("tr")[0]; for (var F = 0, I = this.buttons.length; F < I; F++) { var N = this.buttons[F]; var C = document.createElement("td"); C.className = "x-panel-btn-td"; N.render(L.appendChild(C)) } } if (this.tbar && this.topToolbar) { if (Ext.isArray(this.topToolbar)) { this.topToolbar = new Ext.Toolbar(this.topToolbar) } this.topToolbar.render(this.tbar) } if (this.bbar && this.bottomToolbar) { if (Ext.isArray(this.bottomToolbar)) { this.bottomToolbar = new Ext.Toolbar(this.bottomToolbar) } this.bottomToolbar.render(this.bbar) } }, setIconClass : function(B) { var A = this.iconCls; this.iconCls = B; if (this.rendered && this.header) { if (this.frame) { this.header.addClass("x-panel-icon"); this.header.replaceClass(A, this.iconCls) } else { var D = this.header.dom; var C = D.firstChild && String(D.firstChild.tagName).toLowerCase() == "img" ? D.firstChild : null; if (C) { Ext.fly(C).replaceClass(A, this.iconCls) } else { Ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(D.firstChild, { tag : "img", src : Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, cls : "x-panel-inline-icon " + this.iconCls }) } } } }, makeFloating : function(A) { this.floating = true; this.el = new Ext.Layer(typeof A == "object" ? A : { shadow : this.shadow !== undefined ? this.shadow : "sides", shadowOffset : this.shadowOffset, constrain : false, shim : this.shim === false ? false : undefined }, this.el) }, getTopToolbar : function() { return this.topToolbar }, getBottomToolbar : function() { return this.bottomToolbar }, addButton : function(A, D, C) { var E = { handler : D, scope : C, minWidth : this.minButtonWidth, hideParent : true }; if (typeof A == "string") { E.text = A } else { Ext.apply(E, A) } var B = new Ext.Button(E); B.ownerCt = this; if (!this.buttons) { this.buttons = [] } this.buttons.push(B); return B }, addTool : function() { if (!this[this.toolTarget]) { return } if (!this.toolTemplate) { var F = new Ext.Template("
"); F.disableFormats = true; F.compile(); Ext.Panel.prototype.toolTemplate = F } for (var E = 0, C = arguments, B = C.length; E < B; E++) { var A = C[E], G = "x-tool-" + A.id + "-over"; var D = this.toolTemplate.insertFirst(this[this.toolTarget], A, true); this.tools[A.id] = D; D.enableDisplayMode("block"); D.on("click", this.createToolHandler(D, A, G, this)); if (A.on) { D.on(A.on) } if (A.hidden) { D.hide() } if (A.qtip) { if (typeof A.qtip == "object") { Ext.QuickTips.register(Ext.apply({ target : D.id }, A.qtip)) } else { D.dom.qtip = A.qtip } } D.addClassOnOver(G) } }, onShow : function() { if (this.floating) { return this.el.show() } Ext.Panel.superclass.onShow.call(this) }, onHide : function() { if (this.floating) { return this.el.hide() } Ext.Panel.superclass.onHide.call(this) }, createToolHandler : function(C, A, D, B) { return function(E) { C.removeClass(D); E.stopEvent(); if (A.handler) { A.handler.call(A.scope || C, E, C, B) } } }, afterRender : function() { if (this.fromMarkup && this.height === undefined && !this.autoHeight) { this.height = this.el.getHeight() } if (this.floating && !this.hidden && !this.initHidden) { this.el.show() } if (this.title) { this.setTitle(this.title) } this.setAutoScroll(); if (this.html) { this.body.update(typeof this.html == "object" ? Ext.DomHelper .markup(this.html) : this.html); delete this.html } if (this.contentEl) { var A = Ext.getDom(this.contentEl); Ext.fly(A).removeClass(["x-hidden", "x-hide-display"]); this.body.dom.appendChild(A) } if (this.collapsed) { this.collapsed = false; this.collapse(false) } Ext.Panel.superclass.afterRender.call(this); this.initEvents() }, setAutoScroll : function() { if (this.rendered && this.autoScroll) { this.body.setOverflow("auto") } }, getKeyMap : function() { if (!this.keyMap) { this.keyMap = new Ext.KeyMap(this.el, this.keys) } return this.keyMap }, initEvents : function() { if (this.keys) { this.getKeyMap() } if (this.draggable) { this.initDraggable() } }, initDraggable : function() { this.dd = new Ext.Panel.DD(this, typeof this.draggable == "boolean" ? null : this.draggable) }, beforeEffect : function() { if (this.floating) { this.el.beforeAction() } this.el.addClass("x-panel-animated") }, afterEffect : function() { this.syncShadow(); this.el.removeClass("x-panel-animated") }, createEffect : function(B, A, C) { var D = { scope : C, block : true }; if (B === true) { D.callback = A; return D } else { if (!B.callback) { D.callback = A } else { D.callback = function() { A.call(C); Ext.callback(B.callback, B.scope) } } } return Ext.applyIf(D, B) }, collapse : function(B) { if (this.collapsed || this.el.hasFxBlock() || this.fireEvent("beforecollapse", this, B) === false) { return } var A = B === true || (B !== false && this.animCollapse); this.beforeEffect(); this.onCollapse(A, B); return this }, onCollapse : function(A, B) { if (A) { this[this.collapseEl].slideOut(this.slideAnchor, Ext.apply(this .createEffect(B || true, this.afterCollapse, this), this.collapseDefaults)) } else { this[this.collapseEl].hide(); this.afterCollapse() } }, afterCollapse : function() { this.collapsed = true; this.el.addClass(this.collapsedCls); this.afterEffect(); this.fireEvent("collapse", this) }, expand : function(B) { if (!this.collapsed || this.el.hasFxBlock() || this.fireEvent("beforeexpand", this, B) === false) { return } var A = B === true || (B !== false && this.animCollapse); this.el.removeClass(this.collapsedCls); this.beforeEffect(); this.onExpand(A, B); return this }, onExpand : function(A, B) { if (A) { this[this.collapseEl].slideIn(this.slideAnchor, Ext.apply(this .createEffect(B || true, this.afterExpand, this), this.expandDefaults)) } else { this[this.collapseEl].show(); this.afterExpand() } }, afterExpand : function() { this.collapsed = false; this.afterEffect(); this.fireEvent("expand", this) }, toggleCollapse : function(A) { this[this.collapsed ? "expand" : "collapse"](A); return this }, onDisable : function() { if (this.rendered && this.maskDisabled) { this.el.mask() } Ext.Panel.superclass.onDisable.call(this) }, onEnable : function() { if (this.rendered && this.maskDisabled) { this.el.unmask() } Ext.Panel.superclass.onEnable.call(this) }, onResize : function(A, B) { if (A !== undefined || B !== undefined) { if (!this.collapsed) { if (typeof A == "number") { this.body.setWidth(this.adjustBodyWidth(A - this.getFrameWidth())) } else { if (A == "auto") { this.body.setWidth(A) } } if (typeof B == "number") { this.body.setHeight(this.adjustBodyHeight(B - this.getFrameHeight())) } else { if (B == "auto") { this.body.setHeight(B) } } } else { this.queuedBodySize = { width : A, height : B }; if (!this.queuedExpand && this.allowQueuedExpand !== false) { this.queuedExpand = true; this.on("expand", function() { delete this.queuedExpand; this.onResize(this.queuedBodySize.width, this.queuedBodySize.height); this.doLayout() }, this, { single : true }) } } this.fireEvent("bodyresize", this, A, B) } this.syncShadow() }, adjustBodyHeight : function(A) { return A }, adjustBodyWidth : function(A) { return A }, onPosition : function() { this.syncShadow() }, onDestroy : function() { if (this.tools) { for (var B in this.tools) { Ext.destroy(this.tools[B]) } } if (this.buttons) { for (var A in this.buttons) { Ext.destroy(this.buttons[A]) } } Ext.destroy(this.topToolbar, this.bottomToolbar); Ext.Panel.superclass.onDestroy.call(this) }, getFrameWidth : function() { var B = this.el.getFrameWidth("lr"); if (this.frame) { var A = this.bwrap.dom.firstChild; B += (Ext.fly(A).getFrameWidth("l") + Ext.fly(A.firstChild) .getFrameWidth("r")); var C = this.bwrap.dom.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; B += Ext.fly(C).getFrameWidth("lr") } return B }, getFrameHeight : function() { var A = this.el.getFrameWidth("tb"); A += (this.tbar ? this.tbar.getHeight() : 0) + (this.bbar ? this.bbar.getHeight() : 0); if (this.frame) { var C = this.el.dom.firstChild; var D = this.bwrap.dom.lastChild; A += (C.offsetHeight + D.offsetHeight); var B = this.bwrap.dom.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; A += Ext.fly(B).getFrameWidth("tb") } else { A += (this.header ? this.header.getHeight() : 0) + (this.footer ? this.footer.getHeight() : 0) } return A }, getInnerWidth : function() { return this.getSize().width - this.getFrameWidth() }, getInnerHeight : function() { return this.getSize().height - this.getFrameHeight() }, syncShadow : function() { if (this.floating) { this.el.sync(true) } }, getLayoutTarget : function() { return this.body }, setTitle : function(B, A) { this.title = B; if (this.header && this.headerAsText) { this.header.child("span").update(B) } if (A) { this.setIconClass(A) } this.fireEvent("titlechange", this, B); return this }, getUpdater : function() { return this.body.getUpdater() }, load : function() { var A = this.body.getUpdater(); A.update.apply(A, arguments); return this }, beforeDestroy : function() { Ext.Element.uncache(this.header, this.tbar, this.bbar, this.footer, this.body) }, createClasses : function() { this.headerCls = this.baseCls + "-header"; this.headerTextCls = this.baseCls + "-header-text"; this.bwrapCls = this.baseCls + "-bwrap"; this.tbarCls = this.baseCls + "-tbar"; this.bodyCls = this.baseCls + "-body"; this.bbarCls = this.baseCls + "-bbar"; this.footerCls = this.baseCls + "-footer" }, createGhost : function(A, E, B) { var D = document.createElement("div"); D.className = "x-panel-ghost " + (A ? A : ""); if (this.header) { D.appendChild(this.el.dom.firstChild.cloneNode(true)) } Ext.fly(D.appendChild(document.createElement("ul"))) .setHeight(this.bwrap.getHeight()); D.style.width = this.el.dom.offsetWidth + "px"; if (!B) { this.container.dom.appendChild(D) } else { Ext.getDom(B).appendChild(D) } if (E !== false && this.el.useShim !== false) { var C = new Ext.Layer({ shadow : false, useDisplay : true, constrain : false }, D); C.show(); return C } else { return new Ext.Element(D) } }, doAutoLoad : function() { this.body.load(typeof this.autoLoad == "object" ? this.autoLoad : { url : this.autoLoad }) } }); Ext.reg("panel", Ext.Panel); Ext.Window = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { baseCls : "x-window", resizable : true, draggable : true, closable : true, constrain : false, constrainHeader : false, plain : false, minimizable : false, maximizable : false, minHeight : 100, minWidth : 200, expandOnShow : true, closeAction : "close", collapsible : false, initHidden : true, monitorResize : true, elements : "header,body", frame : true, floating : true, initComponent : function() { Ext.Window.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents("resize", "maximize", "minimize", "restore") }, getState : function() { return Ext.apply(Ext.Window.superclass.getState.call(this) || {}, this.getBox()) }, onRender : function(B, A) { Ext.Window.superclass.onRender.call(this, B, A); if (this.plain) { this.el.addClass("x-window-plain") } this.focusEl = this.el.createChild({ tag : "a", href : "#", cls : "x-dlg-focus", tabIndex : "-1", html : " " }); this.focusEl.swallowEvent("click", true); this.proxy = this.el.createProxy("x-window-proxy"); this.proxy.enableDisplayMode("block"); if (this.modal) { this.mask = this.container.createChild({ cls : "ext-el-mask" }, this.el.dom); this.mask.enableDisplayMode("block"); this.mask.hide() } }, initEvents : function() { Ext.Window.superclass.initEvents.call(this); if (this.animateTarget) { this.setAnimateTarget(this.animateTarget) } if (this.resizable) { this.resizer = new Ext.Resizable(this.el, { minWidth : this.minWidth, minHeight : this.minHeight, handles : this.resizeHandles || "all", pinned : true, resizeElement : this.resizerAction }); this.resizer.window = this; this.resizer.on("beforeresize", this.beforeResize, this) } if (this.draggable) { this.header.addClass("x-window-draggable") } this.initTools(); this.el.on("mousedown", this.toFront, this); this.manager = this.manager || Ext.WindowMgr; this.manager.register(this); this.hidden = true; if (this.maximized) { this.maximized = false; this.maximize() } if (this.closable) { var A = this.getKeyMap(); A.on(27, this.onEsc, this); A.disable() } }, initDraggable : function() { this.dd = new Ext.Window.DD(this) }, onEsc : function() { this[this.closeAction]() }, beforeDestroy : function() { Ext.destroy(this.resizer, this.dd, this.proxy, this.mask); Ext.Window.superclass.beforeDestroy.call(this) }, onDestroy : function() { if (this.manager) { this.manager.unregister(this) } Ext.Window.superclass.onDestroy.call(this) }, initTools : function() { if (this.minimizable) { this.addTool({ id : "minimize", handler : this.minimize .createDelegate(this, []) }) } if (this.maximizable) { this.addTool({ id : "maximize", handler : this.maximize .createDelegate(this, []) }); this.addTool({ id : "restore", handler : this.restore.createDelegate(this, []), hidden : true }); this.header.on("dblclick", this.toggleMaximize, this) } if (this.closable) { this.addTool({ id : "close", handler : this[this.closeAction] .createDelegate(this, []) }) } }, resizerAction : function() { var A = this.proxy.getBox(); this.proxy.hide(); this.window.handleResize(A); return A }, beforeResize : function() { this.resizer.minHeight = Math.max(this.minHeight, this .getFrameHeight() + 40); this.resizer.minWidth = Math.max(this.minWidth, this .getFrameWidth() + 40); this.resizeBox = this.el.getBox() }, updateHandles : function() { if (Ext.isIE && this.resizer) { this.resizer.syncHandleHeight(); this.el.repaint() } }, handleResize : function(B) { var A = this.resizeBox; if (A.x != B.x || A.y != B.y) { this.updateBox(B) } else { this.setSize(B) } this.focus(); this.updateHandles(); this.saveState(); this.fireEvent("resize", this, B.width, B.height) }, focus : function() { var C = this.focusEl, A = this.defaultButton, B = typeof A; if (B != "undefined") { if (B == "number") { C = this.buttons[A] } else { if (B == "string") { C = Ext.getCmp(A) } else { C = A } } } C.focus.defer(10, C) }, setAnimateTarget : function(A) { A = Ext.get(A); this.animateTarget = A }, beforeShow : function() { delete this.el.lastXY; delete this.el.lastLT; if (this.x === undefined || this.y === undefined) { var A = this.el.getAlignToXY(this.container, "c-c"); var B = this.el.translatePoints(A[0], A[1]); this.x = this.x === undefined ? B.left : this.x; this.y = this.y === undefined ? B.top : this.y } this.el.setLeftTop(this.x, this.y); if (this.expandOnShow) { this.expand(false) } if (this.modal) { Ext.getBody().addClass("x-body-masked"); this.mask.setSize(Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(true), Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight(true)); this.mask.show() } }, show : function(C, A, B) { if (!this.rendered) { this.render(Ext.getBody()) } if (this.hidden === false) { this.toFront(); return } if (this.fireEvent("beforeshow", this) === false) { return } if (A) { this.on("show", A, B, { single : true }) } this.hidden = false; if (C !== undefined) { this.setAnimateTarget(C) } this.beforeShow(); if (this.animateTarget) { this.animShow() } else { this.afterShow() } }, afterShow : function() { this.proxy.hide(); this.el.setStyle("display", "block"); this.el.show(); if (this.maximized) { this.fitContainer() } if (Ext.isMac && Ext.isGecko) { this.cascade(this.setAutoScroll) } if (this.monitorResize || this.modal || this.constrain || this.constrainHeader) { Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.onWindowResize, this) } this.doConstrain(); if (this.layout) { this.doLayout() } if (this.keyMap) { this.keyMap.enable() } this.toFront(); this.updateHandles(); this.fireEvent("show", this) }, animShow : function() { this.proxy.show(); this.proxy.setBox(this.animateTarget.getBox()); this.proxy.setOpacity(0); var A = this.getBox(false); A.callback = this.afterShow; A.scope = this; A.duration = 0.25; A.easing = "easeNone"; A.opacity = 0.5; A.block = true; this.el.setStyle("display", "none"); this.proxy.shift(A) }, hide : function(C, A, B) { if (this.hidden || this.fireEvent("beforehide", this) === false) { return } if (A) { this.on("hide", A, B, { single : true }) } this.hidden = true; if (C !== undefined) { this.setAnimateTarget(C) } if (this.animateTarget) { this.animHide() } else { this.el.hide(); this.afterHide() } }, afterHide : function() { this.proxy.hide(); if (this.monitorResize || this.modal || this.constrain || this.constrainHeader) { Ext.EventManager.removeResizeListener(this.onWindowResize, this) } if (this.modal) { this.mask.hide(); Ext.getBody().removeClass("x-body-masked") } if (this.keyMap) { this.keyMap.disable() } this.fireEvent("hide", this) }, animHide : function() { this.proxy.setOpacity(0.5); this.proxy.show(); var B = this.getBox(false); this.proxy.setBox(B); this.el.hide(); var A = this.animateTarget.getBox(); A.callback = this.afterHide; A.scope = this; A.duration = 0.25; A.easing = "easeNone"; A.block = true; A.opacity = 0; this.proxy.shift(A) }, onWindowResize : function() { if (this.maximized) { this.fitContainer() } if (this.modal) { this.mask.setSize("100%", "100%"); var A = this.mask.dom.offsetHeight; this.mask.setSize(Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(true), Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight(true)) } this.doConstrain() }, doConstrain : function() { if (this.constrain || this.constrainHeader) { var B; if (this.constrain) { B = { right : this.el.shadowOffset, left : this.el.shadowOffset, bottom : this.el.shadowOffset } } else { var A = this.getSize(); B = { right : -(A.width - 100), bottom : -(A.height - 25) } } var C = this.el.getConstrainToXY(this.container, true, B); if (C) { this.setPosition(C[0], C[1]) } } }, ghost : function(A) { var C = this.createGhost(A); var B = this.getBox(true); C.setLeftTop(B.x, B.y); C.setWidth(B.width); this.el.hide(); this.activeGhost = C; return C }, unghost : function(B, A) { if (B !== false) { this.el.show(); this.focus(); if (Ext.isMac && Ext.isGecko) { this.cascade(this.setAutoScroll) } } if (A !== false) { this.setPosition(this.activeGhost.getLeft(true), this.activeGhost.getTop(true)) } this.activeGhost.hide(); this.activeGhost.remove(); delete this.activeGhost }, minimize : function() { this.fireEvent("minimize", this) }, close : function() { if (this.fireEvent("beforeclose", this) !== false) { this.hide(null, function() { this.fireEvent("close", this); this.destroy() }, this) } }, maximize : function() { if (!this.maximized) { this.expand(false); this.restoreSize = this.getSize(); this.restorePos = this.getPosition(true); this.tools.maximize.hide(); this.tools.restore.show(); this.maximized = true; this.el.disableShadow(); if (this.dd) { this.dd.lock() } if (this.collapsible) { this.tools.toggle.hide() } this.el.addClass("x-window-maximized"); this.container.addClass("x-window-maximized-ct"); this.setPosition(0, 0); this.fitContainer(); this.fireEvent("maximize", this) } }, restore : function() { if (this.maximized) { this.el.removeClass("x-window-maximized"); this.tools.restore.hide(); this.tools.maximize.show(); this.setPosition(this.restorePos[0], this.restorePos[1]); this.setSize(this.restoreSize.width, this.restoreSize.height); delete this.restorePos; delete this.restoreSize; this.maximized = false; this.el.enableShadow(true); if (this.dd) { this.dd.unlock() } if (this.collapsible) { this.tools.toggle.show() } this.container.removeClass("x-window-maximized-ct"); this.doConstrain(); this.fireEvent("restore", this) } }, toggleMaximize : function() { this[this.maximized ? "restore" : "maximize"]() }, fitContainer : function() { var A = this.container.getViewSize(); this.setSize(A.width, A.height) }, setZIndex : function(A) { if (this.modal) { this.mask.setStyle("z-index", A) } this.el.setZIndex(++A); A += 5; if (this.resizer) { this.resizer.proxy.setStyle("z-index", ++A) } this.lastZIndex = A }, alignTo : function(B, A, C) { var D = this.el.getAlignToXY(B, A, C); this.setPagePosition(D[0], D[1]); return this }, anchorTo : function(C, G, D, B, F) { var E = function() { this.alignTo(C, G, D) }; Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(E, this); var A = typeof B; if (A != "undefined") { Ext.EventManager.on(window, "scroll", E, this, { buffer : A == "number" ? B : 50 }) } E.call(this); this[F] = E; return this }, toFront : function() { if (this.manager.bringToFront(this)) { this.focus() } return this }, setActive : function(A) { if (A) { if (!this.maximized) { this.el.enableShadow(true) } this.fireEvent("activate", this) } else { this.el.disableShadow(); this.fireEvent("deactivate", this) } }, toBack : function() { this.manager.sendToBack(this); return this }, center : function() { var A = this.el.getAlignToXY(this.container, "c-c"); this.setPagePosition(A[0], A[1]); return this } }); Ext.reg("window", Ext.Window); Ext.Window.DD = function(A) { this.win = A; Ext.Window.DD.superclass.constructor .call(this, A.el.id, "WindowDD-" + A.id); this.setHandleElId(A.header.id); this.scroll = false }; Ext.extend(Ext.Window.DD, Ext.dd.DD, { moveOnly : true, headerOffsets : [100, 25], startDrag : function() { var A = this.win; this.proxy = A.ghost(); if (A.constrain !== false) { var C = A.el.shadowOffset; this.constrainTo(A.container, { right : C, left : C, bottom : C }) } else { if (A.constrainHeader !== false) { var B = this.proxy.getSize(); this.constrainTo(A.container, { right : -(B.width - this.headerOffsets[0]), bottom : -(B.height - this.headerOffsets[1]) }) } } }, b4Drag : Ext.emptyFn, onDrag : function(A) { this.alignElWithMouse(this.proxy, A.getPageX(), A.getPageY()) }, endDrag : function(A) { this.win.unghost(); this.win.saveState() } }); Ext.WindowGroup = function() { var F = {}; var D = []; var E = null; var C = function(I, H) { return (!I._lastAccess || I._lastAccess < H._lastAccess) ? -1 : 1 }; var G = function() { var J = D, H = J.length; if (H > 0) { J.sort(C); var I = J[0].manager.zseed; for (var K = 0; K < H; K++) { var L = J[K]; if (L && !L.hidden) { L.setZIndex(I + (K * 10)) } } } A() }; var B = function(H) { if (H != E) { if (E) { E.setActive(false) } E = H; if (H) { H.setActive(true) } } }; var A = function() { for (var H = D.length - 1; H >= 0; --H) { if (!D[H].hidden) { B(D[H]); return } } B(null) }; return { zseed : 9000, register : function(H) { F[H.id] = H; D.push(H); H.on("hide", A) }, unregister : function(H) { delete F[H.id]; H.un("hide", A); D.remove(H) }, get : function(H) { return typeof H == "object" ? H : F[H] }, bringToFront : function(H) { H = this.get(H); if (H != E) { H._lastAccess = new Date().getTime(); G(); return true } return false }, sendToBack : function(H) { H = this.get(H); H._lastAccess = -(new Date().getTime()); G(); return H }, hideAll : function() { for (var H in F) { if (F[H] && typeof F[H] != "function" && F[H].isVisible()) { F[H].hide() } } }, getActive : function() { return E }, getBy : function(J, I) { var K = []; for (var H = D.length - 1; H >= 0; --H) { var L = D[H]; if (J.call(I || L, L) !== false) { K.push(L) } } return K }, each : function(I, H) { for (var J in F) { if (F[J] && typeof F[J] != "function") { if (I.call(H || F[J], F[J]) === false) { return } } } } } }; Ext.WindowMgr = new Ext.WindowGroup(); Ext.dd.PanelProxy = function(A, B) { this.panel = A; this.id = this.panel.id + "-ddproxy"; Ext.apply(this, B) }; Ext.dd.PanelProxy.prototype = { insertProxy : true, setStatus : Ext.emptyFn, reset : Ext.emptyFn, update : Ext.emptyFn, stop : Ext.emptyFn, sync : Ext.emptyFn, getEl : function() { return this.ghost }, getGhost : function() { return this.ghost }, getProxy : function() { return this.proxy }, hide : function() { if (this.ghost) { if (this.proxy) { this.proxy.remove(); delete this.proxy } this.panel.el.dom.style.display = ""; this.ghost.remove(); delete this.ghost } }, show : function() { if (!this.ghost) { this.ghost = this.panel.createGhost(undefined, undefined, Ext .getBody()); this.ghost.setXY(this.panel.el.getXY()); if (this.insertProxy) { this.proxy = this.panel.el.insertSibling({ cls : "x-panel-dd-spacer" }); this.proxy.setSize(this.panel.getSize()) } this.panel.el.dom.style.display = "none" } }, repair : function(B, C, A) { this.hide(); if (typeof C == "function") { C.call(A || this) } }, moveProxy : function(A, B) { if (this.proxy) { A.insertBefore(this.proxy.dom, B) } } }; Ext.Panel.DD = function(B, A) { this.panel = B; this.dragData = { panel : B }; this.proxy = new Ext.dd.PanelProxy(B, A); Ext.Panel.DD.superclass.constructor.call(this, B.el, A); this.setHandleElId(B.header.id); B.header.setStyle("cursor", "move"); this.scroll = false }; Ext.extend(Ext.Panel.DD, Ext.dd.DragSource, { showFrame : Ext.emptyFn, startDrag : Ext.emptyFn, b4StartDrag : function(A, B) { this.proxy.show() }, b4MouseDown : function(B) { var A = B.getPageX(); var C = B.getPageY(); this.autoOffset(A, C) }, onInitDrag : function(A, B) { this.onStartDrag(A, B); return true }, createFrame : Ext.emptyFn, getDragEl : function(A) { return this.proxy.ghost.dom }, endDrag : function(A) { this.proxy.hide(); this.panel.saveState() }, autoOffset : function(A, B) { A -= this.startPageX; B -= this.startPageY; this.setDelta(A, B) } }); Ext.state.Provider = function() { this.addEvents("statechange"); this.state = {}; Ext.state.Provider.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.state.Provider, Ext.util.Observable, { get : function(B, A) { return typeof this.state[B] == "undefined" ? A : this.state[B] }, clear : function(A) { delete this.state[A]; this.fireEvent("statechange", this, A, null) }, set : function(A, B) { this.state[A] = B; this.fireEvent("statechange", this, A, B) }, decodeValue : function(A) { var J = /^(a|n|d|b|s|o)\:(.*)$/; var C = J.exec(unescape(A)); if (!C || !C[1]) { return } var F = C[1]; var H = C[2]; switch (F) { case "n" : return parseFloat(H); case "d" : return new Date(Date.parse(H)); case "b" : return (H == "1"); case "a" : var G = []; var I = H.split("^"); for (var B = 0, D = I.length; B < D; B++) { G.push(this.decodeValue(I[B])) } return G; case "o" : var G = {}; var I = H.split("^"); for (var B = 0, D = I.length; B < D; B++) { var E = I[B].split("="); G[E[0]] = this.decodeValue(E[1]) } return G; default : return H } }, encodeValue : function(C) { var B; if (typeof C == "number") { B = "n:" + C } else { if (typeof C == "boolean") { B = "b:" + (C ? "1" : "0") } else { if (Ext.isDate(C)) { B = "d:" + C.toGMTString() } else { if (Ext.isArray(C)) { var F = ""; for (var E = 0, A = C.length; E < A; E++) { F += this.encodeValue(C[E]); if (E != A - 1) { F += "^" } } B = "a:" + F } else { if (typeof C == "object") { var F = ""; for (var D in C) { if (typeof C[D] != "function" && C[D] !== undefined) { F += D + "=" + this.encodeValue(C[D]) + "^" } } B = "o:" + F.substring(0, F.length - 1) } else { B = "s:" + C } } } } } return escape(B) } }); Ext.state.Manager = function() { var A = new Ext.state.Provider(); return { setProvider : function(B) { A = B }, get : function(C, B) { return A.get(C, B) }, set : function(B, C) { A.set(B, C) }, clear : function(B) { A.clear(B) }, getProvider : function() { return A } } }(); Ext.state.CookieProvider = function(A) { Ext.state.CookieProvider.superclass.constructor.call(this); this.path = "/"; this.expires = new Date(new Date().getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7)); this.domain = null; this.secure = false; Ext.apply(this, A); this.state = this.readCookies() }; Ext.extend(Ext.state.CookieProvider, Ext.state.Provider, { set : function(A, B) { if (typeof B == "undefined" || B === null) { this.clear(A); return } this.setCookie(A, B); Ext.state.CookieProvider.superclass.set.call(this, A, B) }, clear : function(A) { this.clearCookie(A); Ext.state.CookieProvider.superclass.clear.call(this, A) }, readCookies : function() { var C = {}; var F = document.cookie + ";"; var B = /\s?(.*?)=(.*?);/g; var E; while ((E = B.exec(F)) != null) { var A = E[1]; var D = E[2]; if (A && A.substring(0, 3) == "ys-") { C[A.substr(3)] = this.decodeValue(D) } } return C }, setCookie : function(A, B) { document.cookie = "ys-" + A + "=" + this.encodeValue(B) + ((this.expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + this.expires.toGMTString())) + ((this.path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + this.path)) + ((this.domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + this.domain)) + ((this.secure == true) ? "; secure" : "") }, clearCookie : function(A) { document.cookie = "ys-" + A + "=null; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT" + ((this.path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + this.path)) + ((this.domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + this.domain)) + ((this.secure == true) ? "; secure" : "") } }); Ext.DataView = Ext.extend(Ext.BoxComponent, { selectedClass : "x-view-selected", emptyText : "", last : false, initComponent : function() { Ext.DataView.superclass.initComponent.call(this); if (typeof this.tpl == "string") { this.tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(this.tpl) } this.addEvents("beforeclick", "click", "containerclick", "dblclick", "contextmenu", "selectionchange", "beforeselect"); this.all = new Ext.CompositeElementLite(); this.selected = new Ext.CompositeElementLite() }, onRender : function() { if (!this.el) { this.el = document.createElement("div") } Ext.DataView.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments) }, afterRender : function() { Ext.DataView.superclass.afterRender.call(this); this.el.on({ "click" : this.onClick, "dblclick" : this.onDblClick, "contextmenu" : this.onContextMenu, scope : this }); if (this.overClass) { this.el.on({ "mouseover" : this.onMouseOver, "mouseout" : this.onMouseOut, scope : this }) } if (this.store) { this.setStore(this.store, true) } }, refresh : function() { this.clearSelections(false, true); this.el.update(""); var B = []; var A = this.store.getRange(); if (A.length < 1) { this.el.update(this.emptyText); this.all.clear(); return } this.tpl.overwrite(this.el, this.collectData(A, 0)); this.all.fill(Ext.query(this.itemSelector, this.el.dom)); this.updateIndexes(0) }, prepareData : function(A) { return A }, collectData : function(B, E) { var D = []; for (var C = 0, A = B.length; C < A; C++) { D[D.length] = this.prepareData(B[C].data, E + C, B[C]) } return D }, bufferRender : function(A) { var B = document.createElement("div"); this.tpl.overwrite(B, this.collectData(A)); return Ext.query(this.itemSelector, B) }, onUpdate : function(F, A) { var B = this.store.indexOf(A); var E = this.isSelected(B); var C = this.all.elements[B]; var D = this.bufferRender([A], B)[0]; this.all.replaceElement(B, D, true); if (E) { this.selected.replaceElement(C, D); this.all.item(B).addClass(this.selectedClass) } this.updateIndexes(B, B) }, onAdd : function(D, B, C) { if (this.all.getCount() == 0) { this.refresh(); return } var A = this.bufferRender(B, C), E; if (C < this.all.getCount()) { E = this.all.item(C).insertSibling(A, "before", true); this.all.elements.splice(C, 0, E) } else { E = this.all.last().insertSibling(A, "after", true); this.all.elements.push(E) } this.updateIndexes(C) }, onRemove : function(C, A, B) { this.deselect(B); this.all.removeElement(B, true); this.updateIndexes(B) }, refreshNode : function(A) { this.onUpdate(this.store, this.store.getAt(A)) }, updateIndexes : function(D, C) { var B = this.all.elements; D = D || 0; C = C || ((C === 0) ? 0 : (B.length - 1)); for (var A = D; A <= C; A++) { B[A].viewIndex = A } }, setStore : function(A, B) { if (!B && this.store) { this.store.un("beforeload", this.onBeforeLoad, this); this.store.un("datachanged", this.refresh, this); this.store.un("add", this.onAdd, this); this.store.un("remove", this.onRemove, this); this.store.un("update", this.onUpdate, this); this.store.un("clear", this.refresh, this) } if (A) { A = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup(A); A.on("beforeload", this.onBeforeLoad, this); A.on("datachanged", this.refresh, this); A.on("add", this.onAdd, this); A.on("remove", this.onRemove, this); A.on("update", this.onUpdate, this); A.on("clear", this.refresh, this) } this.store = A; if (A) { this.refresh() } }, findItemFromChild : function(A) { return Ext.fly(A).findParent(this.itemSelector, this.el) }, onClick : function(C) { var B = C.getTarget(this.itemSelector, this.el); if (B) { var A = this.indexOf(B); if (this.onItemClick(B, A, C) !== false) { this.fireEvent("click", this, A, B, C) } } else { if (this.fireEvent("containerclick", this, C) !== false) { this.clearSelections() } } }, onContextMenu : function(B) { var A = B.getTarget(this.itemSelector, this.el); if (A) { this.fireEvent("contextmenu", this, this.indexOf(A), A, B) } }, onDblClick : function(B) { var A = B.getTarget(this.itemSelector, this.el); if (A) { this.fireEvent("dblclick", this, this.indexOf(A), A, B) } }, onMouseOver : function(B) { var A = B.getTarget(this.itemSelector, this.el); if (A && A !== this.lastItem) { this.lastItem = A; Ext.fly(A).addClass(this.overClass) } }, onMouseOut : function(A) { if (this.lastItem) { if (!A.within(this.lastItem, true)) { Ext.fly(this.lastItem).removeClass(this.overClass); delete this.lastItem } } }, onItemClick : function(B, A, C) { if (this.fireEvent("beforeclick", this, A, B, C) === false) { return false } if (this.multiSelect) { this.doMultiSelection(B, A, C); C.preventDefault() } else { if (this.singleSelect) { this.doSingleSelection(B, A, C); C.preventDefault() } } return true }, doSingleSelection : function(B, A, C) { if (C.ctrlKey && this.isSelected(A)) { this.deselect(A) } else { this.select(A, false) } }, doMultiSelection : function(C, A, D) { if (D.shiftKey && this.last !== false) { var B = this.last; this.selectRange(B, A, D.ctrlKey); this.last = B } else { if ((D.ctrlKey || this.simpleSelect) && this.isSelected(A)) { this.deselect(A) } else { this.select(A, D.ctrlKey || D.shiftKey || this.simpleSelect) } } }, getSelectionCount : function() { return this.selected.getCount() }, getSelectedNodes : function() { return this.selected.elements }, getSelectedIndexes : function() { var B = [], D = this.selected.elements; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { B.push(D[C].viewIndex) } return B }, getSelectedRecords : function() { var D = [], C = this.selected.elements; for (var B = 0, A = C.length; B < A; B++) { D[D.length] = this.store.getAt(C[B].viewIndex) } return D }, getRecords : function(B) { var E = [], D = B; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { E[E.length] = this.store.getAt(D[C].viewIndex) } return E }, getRecord : function(A) { return this.store.getAt(A.viewIndex) }, clearSelections : function(A, B) { if (this.multiSelect || this.singleSelect) { if (!B) { this.selected.removeClass(this.selectedClass) } this.selected.clear(); this.last = false; if (!A) { this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, this.selected.elements) } } }, isSelected : function(A) { return this.selected.contains(this.getNode(A)) }, deselect : function(A) { if (this.isSelected(A)) { var A = this.getNode(A); this.selected.removeElement(A); if (this.last == A.viewIndex) { this.last = false } Ext.fly(A).removeClass(this.selectedClass); this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, this.selected.elements) } }, select : function(D, F, B) { if (Ext.isArray(D)) { if (!F) { this.clearSelections(true) } for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { this.select(D[C], true, true) } } else { var E = this.getNode(D); if (!F) { this.clearSelections(true) } if (E && !this.isSelected(E)) { if (this.fireEvent("beforeselect", this, E, this.selected.elements) !== false) { Ext.fly(E).addClass(this.selectedClass); this.selected.add(E); this.last = E.viewIndex; if (!B) { this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, this.selected.elements) } } } } }, selectRange : function(C, A, B) { if (!B) { this.clearSelections(true) } this.select(this.getNodes(C, A), true) }, getNode : function(A) { if (typeof A == "string") { return document.getElementById(A) } else { if (typeof A == "number") { return this.all.elements[A] } } return A }, getNodes : function(E, A) { var D = this.all.elements; E = E || 0; A = typeof A == "undefined" ? D.length - 1 : A; var B = [], C; if (E <= A) { for (C = E; C <= A; C++) { B.push(D[C]) } } else { for (C = E; C >= A; C--) { B.push(D[C]) } } return B }, indexOf : function(A) { A = this.getNode(A); if (typeof A.viewIndex == "number") { return A.viewIndex } return this.all.indexOf(A) }, onBeforeLoad : function() { if (this.loadingText) { this.clearSelections(false, true); this.el.update("
" + this.loadingText + "
"); this.all.clear() } } }); Ext.reg("dataview", Ext.DataView); Ext.ColorPalette = function(A) { Ext.ColorPalette.superclass.constructor.call(this, A); this.addEvents("select"); if (this.handler) { this.on("select", this.handler, this.scope, true) } }; Ext.extend(Ext.ColorPalette, Ext.Component, { itemCls : "x-color-palette", value : null, clickEvent : "click", ctype : "Ext.ColorPalette", allowReselect : false, colors : ["000000", "993300", "333300", "003300", "003366", "000080", "333399", "333333", "800000", "FF6600", "808000", "008000", "008080", "0000FF", "666699", "808080", "FF0000", "FF9900", "99CC00", "339966", "33CCCC", "3366FF", "800080", "969696", "FF00FF", "FFCC00", "FFFF00", "00FF00", "00FFFF", "00CCFF", "993366", "C0C0C0", "FF99CC", "FFCC99", "FFFF99", "CCFFCC", "CCFFFF", "99CCFF", "CC99FF", "FFFFFF"], onRender : function(B, A) { var C = this.tpl || new Ext.XTemplate(" "); var D = document.createElement("div"); D.className = this.itemCls; C.overwrite(D, this.colors); B.dom.insertBefore(D, A); this.el = Ext.get(D); this.el.on(this.clickEvent, this.handleClick, this, { delegate : "a" }); if (this.clickEvent != "click") { this.el.on("click", Ext.emptyFn, this, { delegate : "a", preventDefault : true }) } }, afterRender : function() { Ext.ColorPalette.superclass.afterRender.call(this); if (this.value) { var A = this.value; this.value = null; this.select(A) } }, handleClick : function(B, A) { B.preventDefault(); if (!this.disabled) { var C = A.className.match(/(?:^|\s)color-(.{6})(?:\s|$)/)[1]; this.select(C.toUpperCase()) } }, select : function(A) { A = A.replace("#", ""); if (A != this.value || this.allowReselect) { var B = this.el; if (this.value) { B.child("a.color-" + this.value) .removeClass("x-color-palette-sel") } B.child("a.color-" + A).addClass("x-color-palette-sel"); this.value = A; this.fireEvent("select", this, A) } } }); Ext.reg("colorpalette", Ext.ColorPalette); Ext.DatePicker = Ext.extend(Ext.Component, { todayText : "Today", okText : " OK ", cancelText : "Cancel", todayTip : "{0} (Spacebar)", minDate : null, maxDate : null, minText : "This date is before the minimum date", maxText : "This date is after the maximum date", format : "m/d/y", disabledDays : null, disabledDaysText : "", disabledDatesRE : null, disabledDatesText : "", constrainToViewport : true, monthNames : Date.monthNames, dayNames : Date.dayNames, nextText : "Next Month (Control+Right)", prevText : "Previous Month (Control+Left)", monthYearText : "Choose a month (Control+Up/Down to move years)", startDay : 0, initComponent : function() { Ext.DatePicker.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.value = this.value ? this.value.clearTime() : new Date() .clearTime(); this.addEvents("select"); if (this.handler) { this.on("select", this.handler, this.scope || this) } this.initDisabledDays() }, initDisabledDays : function() { if (!this.disabledDatesRE && this.disabledDates) { var A = this.disabledDates; var C = "(?:"; for (var B = 0; B < A.length; B++) { C += A[B]; if (B != A.length - 1) { C += "|" } } this.disabledDatesRE = new RegExp(C + ")") } }, setValue : function(B) { var A = this.value; this.value = B.clearTime(true); if (this.el) { this.update(this.value) } }, getValue : function() { return this.value }, focus : function() { if (this.el) { this.update(this.activeDate) } }, onRender : function(A, F) { var C = [ "", "", "
"]; var E = this.dayNames; for (var D = 0; D < 7; D++) { var G = this.startDay + D; if (G > 6) { G = G - 7 } C.push("") } C[C.length] = ""; for (var D = 0; D < 42; D++) { if (D % 7 == 0 && D != 0) { C[C.length] = "" } C[C.length] = "" } C[C.length] = "
", E[G].substr(0, 1), "
"; var B = document.createElement("div"); B.className = "x-date-picker"; B.innerHTML = C.join(""); A.dom.insertBefore(B, F); this.el = Ext.get(B); this.eventEl = Ext.get(B.firstChild); new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(this.el.child("td.x-date-left a"), { handler : this.showPrevMonth, scope : this, preventDefault : true, stopDefault : true }); new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(this.el.child("td.x-date-right a"), { handler : this.showNextMonth, scope : this, preventDefault : true, stopDefault : true }); this.eventEl.on("mousewheel", this.handleMouseWheel, this); this.monthPicker = this.el.down("div.x-date-mp"); this.monthPicker.enableDisplayMode("block"); var I = new Ext.KeyNav(this.eventEl, { "left" : function(J) { J.ctrlKey ? this.showPrevMonth() : this .update(this.activeDate.add("d", -1)) }, "right" : function(J) { J.ctrlKey ? this.showNextMonth() : this .update(this.activeDate.add("d", 1)) }, "up" : function(J) { J.ctrlKey ? this.showNextYear() : this .update(this.activeDate.add("d", -7)) }, "down" : function(J) { J.ctrlKey ? this.showPrevYear() : this .update(this.activeDate.add("d", 7)) }, "pageUp" : function(J) { this.showNextMonth() }, "pageDown" : function(J) { this.showPrevMonth() }, "enter" : function(J) { J.stopPropagation(); return true }, scope : this }); this.eventEl.on("click", this.handleDateClick, this, { delegate : "a.x-date-date" }); this.eventEl.addKeyListener(Ext.EventObject.SPACE, this.selectToday, this); this.el.unselectable(); this.cells = this.el.select("table.x-date-inner tbody td"); this.textNodes = this.el.query("table.x-date-inner tbody span"); this.mbtn = new Ext.Button({ text : " ", tooltip : this.monthYearText, renderTo : this.el.child("td.x-date-middle", true) }); this.mbtn.on("click", this.showMonthPicker, this); this.mbtn.el.child(this.mbtn.menuClassTarget) .addClass("x-btn-with-menu"); var H = (new Date()).dateFormat(this.format); this.todayBtn = new Ext.Button({ renderTo : this.el.child("td.x-date-bottom", true), text : String.format(this.todayText, H), tooltip : String.format(this.todayTip, H), handler : this.selectToday, scope : this }); if (Ext.isIE) { this.el.repaint() } this.update(this.value) }, createMonthPicker : function() { if (!this.monthPicker.dom.firstChild) { var A = [""]; for (var B = 0; B < 6; B++) { A .push( "", "", B == 0 ? "" : "") } A .push( "", "
", this.monthNames[B].substr(0, 3), "", this.monthNames[B + 6].substr(0, 3), "
"); this.monthPicker.update(A.join("")); this.monthPicker.on("click", this.onMonthClick, this); this.monthPicker.on("dblclick", this.onMonthDblClick, this); this.mpMonths = this.monthPicker.select("td.x-date-mp-month"); this.mpYears = this.monthPicker.select("td.x-date-mp-year"); this.mpMonths.each(function(C, D, E) { E += 1; if ((E % 2) == 0) { C.dom.xmonth = 5 + Math.round(E * 0.5) } else { C.dom.xmonth = Math.round((E - 1) * 0.5) } }) } }, showMonthPicker : function() { this.createMonthPicker(); var A = this.el.getSize(); this.monthPicker.setSize(A); this.monthPicker.child("table").setSize(A); this.mpSelMonth = (this.activeDate || this.value).getMonth(); this.updateMPMonth(this.mpSelMonth); this.mpSelYear = (this.activeDate || this.value).getFullYear(); this.updateMPYear(this.mpSelYear); this.monthPicker.slideIn("t", { duration : 0.2 }) }, updateMPYear : function(E) { this.mpyear = E; var C = this.mpYears.elements; for (var B = 1; B <= 10; B++) { var D = C[B - 1], A; if ((B % 2) == 0) { A = E + Math.round(B * 0.5); D.firstChild.innerHTML = A; D.xyear = A } else { A = E - (5 - Math.round(B * 0.5)); D.firstChild.innerHTML = A; D.xyear = A } this.mpYears.item(B - 1)[A == this.mpSelYear ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("x-date-mp-sel") } }, updateMPMonth : function(A) { this.mpMonths.each(function(B, C, D) { B[B.dom.xmonth == A ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("x-date-mp-sel") }) }, selectMPMonth : function(A) { }, onMonthClick : function(D, B) { D.stopEvent(); var C = new Ext.Element(B), A; if (C.is("button.x-date-mp-cancel")) { this.hideMonthPicker() } else { if (C.is("button.x-date-mp-ok")) { this.update(new Date(this.mpSelYear, this.mpSelMonth, (this.activeDate || this.value).getDate())); this.hideMonthPicker() } else { if (A = C.up("td.x-date-mp-month", 2)) { this.mpMonths.removeClass("x-date-mp-sel"); A.addClass("x-date-mp-sel"); this.mpSelMonth = A.dom.xmonth } else { if (A = C.up("td.x-date-mp-year", 2)) { this.mpYears.removeClass("x-date-mp-sel"); A.addClass("x-date-mp-sel"); this.mpSelYear = A.dom.xyear } else { if (C.is("a.x-date-mp-prev")) { this.updateMPYear(this.mpyear - 10) } else { if (C.is("a.x-date-mp-next")) { this.updateMPYear(this.mpyear + 10) } } } } } } }, onMonthDblClick : function(D, B) { D.stopEvent(); var C = new Ext.Element(B), A; if (A = C.up("td.x-date-mp-month", 2)) { this.update(new Date(this.mpSelYear, A.dom.xmonth, (this.activeDate || this.value).getDate())); this.hideMonthPicker() } else { if (A = C.up("td.x-date-mp-year", 2)) { this.update(new Date(A.dom.xyear, this.mpSelMonth, (this.activeDate || this.value).getDate())); this.hideMonthPicker() } } }, hideMonthPicker : function(A) { if (this.monthPicker) { if (A === true) { this.monthPicker.hide() } else { this.monthPicker.slideOut("t", { duration : 0.2 }) } } }, showPrevMonth : function(A) { this.update(this.activeDate.add("mo", -1)) }, showNextMonth : function(A) { this.update(this.activeDate.add("mo", 1)) }, showPrevYear : function() { this.update(this.activeDate.add("y", -1)) }, showNextYear : function() { this.update(this.activeDate.add("y", 1)) }, handleMouseWheel : function(A) { var B = A.getWheelDelta(); if (B > 0) { this.showPrevMonth(); A.stopEvent() } else { if (B < 0) { this.showNextMonth(); A.stopEvent() } } }, handleDateClick : function(B, A) { B.stopEvent(); if (A.dateValue && !Ext.fly(A.parentNode).hasClass("x-date-disabled")) { this.setValue(new Date(A.dateValue)); this.fireEvent("select", this, this.value) } }, selectToday : function() { this.setValue(new Date().clearTime()); this.fireEvent("select", this, this.value) }, update : function(W) { var A = this.activeDate; this.activeDate = W; if (A && this.el) { var I = W.getTime(); if (A.getMonth() == W.getMonth() && A.getFullYear() == W.getFullYear()) { this.cells.removeClass("x-date-selected"); this.cells.each(function(a) { if (a.dom.firstChild.dateValue == I) { a.addClass("x-date-selected"); setTimeout(function() { try { a.dom.firstChild.focus() } catch (b) { } }, 50); return false } }); return } } var F = W.getDaysInMonth(); var J = W.getFirstDateOfMonth(); var C = J.getDay() - this.startDay; if (C <= this.startDay) { C += 7 } var S = W.add("mo", -1); var D = S.getDaysInMonth() - C; var B = this.cells.elements; var K = this.textNodes; F += C; var P = 86400000; var U = (new Date(S.getFullYear(), S.getMonth(), D)).clearTime(); var T = new Date().clearTime().getTime(); var N = W.clearTime().getTime(); var M = this.minDate ? this.minDate.clearTime() : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; var Q = this.maxDate ? this.maxDate.clearTime() : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; var X = this.disabledDatesRE; var L = this.disabledDatesText; var Z = this.disabledDays ? this.disabledDays.join("") : false; var V = this.disabledDaysText; var R = this.format; var G = function(d, a) { a.title = ""; var b = U.getTime(); a.firstChild.dateValue = b; if (b == T) { a.className += " x-date-today"; a.title = d.todayText } if (b == N) { a.className += " x-date-selected"; setTimeout(function() { try { a.firstChild.focus() } catch (f) { } }, 50) } if (b < M) { a.className = " x-date-disabled"; a.title = d.minText; return } if (b > Q) { a.className = " x-date-disabled"; a.title = d.maxText; return } if (Z) { if (Z.indexOf(U.getDay()) != -1) { a.title = V; a.className = " x-date-disabled" } } if (X && R) { var c = U.dateFormat(R); if (X.test(c)) { a.title = L.replace("%0", c); a.className = " x-date-disabled" } } }; var O = 0; for (; O < C; O++) { K[O].innerHTML = (++D); U.setDate(U.getDate() + 1); B[O].className = "x-date-prevday"; G(this, B[O]) } for (; O < F; O++) { intDay = O - C + 1; K[O].innerHTML = (intDay); U.setDate(U.getDate() + 1); B[O].className = "x-date-active"; G(this, B[O]) } var Y = 0; for (; O < 42; O++) { K[O].innerHTML = (++Y); U.setDate(U.getDate() + 1); B[O].className = "x-date-nextday"; G(this, B[O]) } this.mbtn .setText(this.monthNames[W.getMonth()] + " " + W.getFullYear()); if (!this.internalRender) { var E = this.el.dom.firstChild; var H = E.offsetWidth; this.el.setWidth(H + this.el.getBorderWidth("lr")); Ext.fly(E).setWidth(H); this.internalRender = true; if (Ext.isOpera && !this.secondPass) { E.rows[0].cells[1].style.width = (H - (E.rows[0].cells[0].offsetWidth + E.rows[0].cells[2].offsetWidth)) + "px"; this.secondPass = true; this.update.defer(10, this, [W]) } } }, beforeDestroy : function() { this.mbtn.destroy(); this.todayBtn.destroy() } }); Ext.reg("datepicker", Ext.DatePicker); Ext.TabPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { monitorResize : true, deferredRender : true, tabWidth : 120, minTabWidth : 30, resizeTabs : false, enableTabScroll : false, scrollIncrement : 0, scrollRepeatInterval : 400, scrollDuration : 0.35, animScroll : true, tabPosition : "top", baseCls : "x-tab-panel", autoTabs : false, autoTabSelector : "div.x-tab", activeTab : null, tabMargin : 2, plain : false, wheelIncrement : 20, idDelimiter : "__", itemCls : "x-tab-item", elements : "body", headerAsText : false, frame : false, hideBorders : true, initComponent : function() { this.frame = false; Ext.TabPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents("beforetabchange", "tabchange", "contextmenu"); this.setLayout(new Ext.layout.CardLayout({ deferredRender : this.deferredRender })); if (this.tabPosition == "top") { this.elements += ",header"; this.stripTarget = "header" } else { this.elements += ",footer"; this.stripTarget = "footer" } if (!this.stack) { this.stack = Ext.TabPanel.AccessStack() } this.initItems() }, render : function() { Ext.TabPanel.superclass.render.apply(this, arguments); if (this.activeTab !== undefined) { var A = this.activeTab; delete this.activeTab; this.setActiveTab(A) } }, onRender : function(C, A) { Ext.TabPanel.superclass.onRender.call(this, C, A); if (this.plain) { var E = this.tabPosition == "top" ? "header" : "footer"; this[E].addClass("x-tab-panel-" + E + "-plain") } var B = this[this.stripTarget]; this.stripWrap = B.createChild({ cls : "x-tab-strip-wrap", cn : { tag : "ul", cls : "x-tab-strip x-tab-strip-" + this.tabPosition } }); this.stripSpacer = B.createChild({ cls : "x-tab-strip-spacer" }); this.strip = new Ext.Element(this.stripWrap.dom.firstChild); this.edge = this.strip.createChild({ tag : "li", cls : "x-tab-edge" }); this.strip.createChild({ cls : "x-clear" }); this.body.addClass("x-tab-panel-body-" + this.tabPosition); if (!this.itemTpl) { var D = new Ext.Template( "
  • ", "", "{text}", "
  • "); D.disableFormats = true; D.compile(); Ext.TabPanel.prototype.itemTpl = D } this.items.each(this.initTab, this) }, afterRender : function() { Ext.TabPanel.superclass.afterRender.call(this); if (this.autoTabs) { this.readTabs(false) } }, initEvents : function() { Ext.TabPanel.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.on("add", this.onAdd, this); this.on("remove", this.onRemove, this); this.strip.on("mousedown", this.onStripMouseDown, this); this.strip.on("click", this.onStripClick, this); this.strip.on("contextmenu", this.onStripContextMenu, this); if (this.enableTabScroll) { this.strip.on("mousewheel", this.onWheel, this) } }, findTargets : function(C) { var B = null; var A = C.getTarget("li", this.strip); if (A) { B = this.getComponent(A.id.split(this.idDelimiter)[1]); if (B.disabled) { return { close : null, item : null, el : null } } } return { close : C.getTarget(".x-tab-strip-close", this.strip), item : B, el : A } }, onStripMouseDown : function(B) { B.preventDefault(); if (B.button != 0) { return } var A = this.findTargets(B); if (A.close) { this.remove(A.item); return } if (A.item && A.item != this.activeTab) { this.setActiveTab(A.item) } }, onStripClick : function(B) { var A = this.findTargets(B); if (!A.close && A.item && A.item != this.activeTab) { this.setActiveTab(A.item) } }, onStripContextMenu : function(B) { B.preventDefault(); var A = this.findTargets(B); if (A.item) { this.fireEvent("contextmenu", this, A.item, B) } }, readTabs : function(D) { if (D === true) { this.items.each(function(G) { this.remove(G) }, this) } var C = this.el.query(this.autoTabSelector); for (var B = 0, A = C.length; B < A; B++) { var E = C[B]; var F = E.getAttribute("title"); E.removeAttribute("title"); this.add({ title : F, el : E }) } }, initTab : function(D, B) { var E = this.strip.dom.childNodes[B]; var A = D.closable ? "x-tab-strip-closable" : ""; if (D.disabled) { A += " x-item-disabled" } if (D.iconCls) { A += " x-tab-with-icon" } if (D.tabCls) { A += " " + D.tabCls } var F = { id : this.id + this.idDelimiter + D.getItemId(), text : D.title, cls : A, iconCls : D.iconCls || "" }; var C = E ? this.itemTpl.insertBefore(E, F) : this.itemTpl.append( this.strip, F); Ext.fly(C).addClassOnOver("x-tab-strip-over"); if (D.tabTip) { Ext.fly(C).child("span.x-tab-strip-text", true).qtip = D.tabTip } D.on("disable", this.onItemDisabled, this); D.on("enable", this.onItemEnabled, this); D.on("titlechange", this.onItemTitleChanged, this); D.on("beforeshow", this.onBeforeShowItem, this) }, onAdd : function(C, B, A) { this.initTab(B, A); if (this.items.getCount() == 1) { this.syncSize() } this.delegateUpdates() }, onBeforeAdd : function(B) { var A = B.events ? (this.items.containsKey(B.getItemId()) ? B : null) : this.items.get(B); if (A) { this.setActiveTab(B); return false } Ext.TabPanel.superclass.onBeforeAdd.apply(this, arguments); var C = B.elements; B.elements = C ? C.replace(",header", "") : C; B.border = (B.border === true) }, onRemove : function(C, B) { Ext.removeNode(this.getTabEl(B)); this.stack.remove(B); if (B == this.activeTab) { var A = this.stack.next(); if (A) { this.setActiveTab(A) } else { this.setActiveTab(0) } } this.delegateUpdates() }, onBeforeShowItem : function(A) { if (A != this.activeTab) { this.setActiveTab(A); return false } }, onItemDisabled : function(B) { var A = this.getTabEl(B); if (A) { Ext.fly(A).addClass("x-item-disabled") } this.stack.remove(B) }, onItemEnabled : function(B) { var A = this.getTabEl(B); if (A) { Ext.fly(A).removeClass("x-item-disabled") } }, onItemTitleChanged : function(B) { var A = this.getTabEl(B); if (A) { Ext.fly(A).child("span.x-tab-strip-text", true).innerHTML = B.title } }, getTabEl : function(A) { var B = (typeof A === "number") ? this.items.items[A].getItemId() : A .getItemId(); return document.getElementById(this.id + this.idDelimiter + B) }, onResize : function() { Ext.TabPanel.superclass.onResize.apply(this, arguments); this.delegateUpdates() }, beginUpdate : function() { this.suspendUpdates = true }, endUpdate : function() { this.suspendUpdates = false; this.delegateUpdates() }, hideTabStripItem : function(B) { B = this.getComponent(B); var A = this.getTabEl(B); if (A) { A.style.display = "none"; this.delegateUpdates() } }, unhideTabStripItem : function(B) { B = this.getComponent(B); var A = this.getTabEl(B); if (A) { A.style.display = ""; this.delegateUpdates() } }, delegateUpdates : function() { if (this.suspendUpdates) { return } if (this.resizeTabs && this.rendered) { this.autoSizeTabs() } if (this.enableTabScroll && this.rendered) { this.autoScrollTabs() } }, autoSizeTabs : function() { var G = this.items.length; var B = this.tabPosition != "bottom" ? "header" : "footer"; var C = this[B].dom.offsetWidth; var A = this[B].dom.clientWidth; if (!this.resizeTabs || G < 1 || !A) { return } var I = Math.max(Math.min(Math.floor((A - 4) / G) - this.tabMargin, this.tabWidth), this.minTabWidth); this.lastTabWidth = I; var K = this.stripWrap.dom.getElementsByTagName("li"); for (var E = 0, H = K.length - 1; E < H; E++) { var J = K[E]; var L = J.childNodes[1].firstChild.firstChild; var F = J.offsetWidth; var D = L.offsetWidth; L.style.width = (I - (F - D)) + "px" } }, adjustBodyWidth : function(A) { if (this.header) { this.header.setWidth(A) } if (this.footer) { this.footer.setWidth(A) } return A }, setActiveTab : function(C) { C = this.getComponent(C); if (!C || this.fireEvent("beforetabchange", this, C, this.activeTab) === false) { return } if (!this.rendered) { this.activeTab = C; return } if (this.activeTab != C) { if (this.activeTab) { var A = this.getTabEl(this.activeTab); if (A) { Ext.fly(A).removeClass("x-tab-strip-active") } this.activeTab.fireEvent("deactivate", this.activeTab) } var B = this.getTabEl(C); Ext.fly(B).addClass("x-tab-strip-active"); this.activeTab = C; this.stack.add(C); this.layout.setActiveItem(C); if (this.layoutOnTabChange && C.doLayout) { C.doLayout() } if (this.scrolling) { this.scrollToTab(C, this.animScroll) } C.fireEvent("activate", C); this.fireEvent("tabchange", this, C) } }, getActiveTab : function() { return this.activeTab || null }, getItem : function(A) { return this.getComponent(A) }, autoScrollTabs : function() { var G = this.items.length; var D = this.header.dom.offsetWidth; var C = this.header.dom.clientWidth; var F = this.stripWrap; var E = F.dom; var B = E.offsetWidth; var H = this.getScrollPos(); var A = this.edge.getOffsetsTo(this.stripWrap)[0] + H; if (!this.enableTabScroll || G < 1 || B < 20) { return } if (A <= C) { E.scrollLeft = 0; F.setWidth(C); if (this.scrolling) { this.scrolling = false; this.header.removeClass("x-tab-scrolling"); this.scrollLeft.hide(); this.scrollRight.hide(); if (Ext.isAir) { E.style.marginLeft = ""; E.style.marginRight = "" } } } else { if (!this.scrolling) { this.header.addClass("x-tab-scrolling"); if (Ext.isAir) { E.style.marginLeft = "18px"; E.style.marginRight = "18px" } } C -= F.getMargins("lr"); F.setWidth(C > 20 ? C : 20); if (!this.scrolling) { if (!this.scrollLeft) { this.createScrollers() } else { this.scrollLeft.show(); this.scrollRight.show() } } this.scrolling = true; if (H > (A - C)) { E.scrollLeft = A - C } else { this.scrollToTab(this.activeTab, false) } this.updateScrollButtons() } }, createScrollers : function() { var C = this.stripWrap.dom.offsetHeight; var A = this.header.insertFirst({ cls : "x-tab-scroller-left" }); A.setHeight(C); A.addClassOnOver("x-tab-scroller-left-over"); this.leftRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(A, { interval : this.scrollRepeatInterval, handler : this.onScrollLeft, scope : this }); this.scrollLeft = A; var B = this.header.insertFirst({ cls : "x-tab-scroller-right" }); B.setHeight(C); B.addClassOnOver("x-tab-scroller-right-over"); this.rightRepeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(B, { interval : this.scrollRepeatInterval, handler : this.onScrollRight, scope : this }); this.scrollRight = B }, getScrollWidth : function() { return this.edge.getOffsetsTo(this.stripWrap)[0] + this.getScrollPos() }, getScrollPos : function() { return parseInt(this.stripWrap.dom.scrollLeft, 10) || 0 }, getScrollArea : function() { return parseInt(this.stripWrap.dom.clientWidth, 10) || 0 }, getScrollAnim : function() { return { duration : this.scrollDuration, callback : this.updateScrollButtons, scope : this } }, getScrollIncrement : function() { return this.scrollIncrement || (this.resizeTabs ? this.lastTabWidth + 2 : 100) }, scrollToTab : function(E, A) { if (!E) { return } var C = this.getTabEl(E); var G = this.getScrollPos(), D = this.getScrollArea(); var F = Ext.fly(C).getOffsetsTo(this.stripWrap)[0] + G; var B = F + C.offsetWidth; if (F < G) { this.scrollTo(F, A) } else { if (B > (G + D)) { this.scrollTo(B - D, A) } } }, scrollTo : function(B, A) { this.stripWrap.scrollTo("left", B, A ? this.getScrollAnim() : false); if (!A) { this.updateScrollButtons() } }, onWheel : function(D) { var E = D.getWheelDelta() * this.wheelIncrement * -1; D.stopEvent(); var F = this.getScrollPos(); var C = F + E; var A = this.getScrollWidth() - this.getScrollArea(); var B = Math.max(0, Math.min(A, C)); if (B != F) { this.scrollTo(B, false) } }, onScrollRight : function() { var A = this.getScrollWidth() - this.getScrollArea(); var C = this.getScrollPos(); var B = Math.min(A, C + this.getScrollIncrement()); if (B != C) { this.scrollTo(B, this.animScroll) } }, onScrollLeft : function() { var B = this.getScrollPos(); var A = Math.max(0, B - this.getScrollIncrement()); if (A != B) { this.scrollTo(A, this.animScroll) } }, updateScrollButtons : function() { var A = this.getScrollPos(); this.scrollLeft[A == 0 ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("x-tab-scroller-left-disabled"); this.scrollRight[A >= (this.getScrollWidth() - this.getScrollArea()) ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("x-tab-scroller-right-disabled") } }); Ext.reg("tabpanel", Ext.TabPanel); Ext.TabPanel.prototype.activate = Ext.TabPanel.prototype.setActiveTab; Ext.TabPanel.AccessStack = function() { var A = []; return { add : function(B) { A.push(B); if (A.length > 10) { A.shift() } }, remove : function(E) { var D = []; for (var C = 0, B = A.length; C < B; C++) { if (A[C] != E) { D.push(A[C]) } } A = D }, next : function() { return A.pop() } } }; Ext.Button = Ext.extend(Ext.Component, { hidden : false, disabled : false, pressed : false, enableToggle : false, menuAlign : "tl-bl?", type : "button", menuClassTarget : "tr", clickEvent : "click", handleMouseEvents : true, tooltipType : "qtip", buttonSelector : "button:first", initComponent : function() { Ext.Button.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents("click", "toggle", "mouseover", "mouseout", "menushow", "menuhide", "menutriggerover", "menutriggerout"); if (this.menu) { this.menu = Ext.menu.MenuMgr.get(this.menu) } if (typeof this.toggleGroup === "string") { this.enableToggle = true } }, onRender : function(C, A) { if (!this.template) { if (!Ext.Button.buttonTemplate) { Ext.Button.buttonTemplate = new Ext.Template( "", "", "
    ") } this.template = Ext.Button.buttonTemplate } var B, E = [this.text || " ", this.type]; if (A) { B = this.template.insertBefore(A, E, true) } else { B = this.template.append(C, E, true) } var D = B.child(this.buttonSelector); D.on("focus", this.onFocus, this); D.on("blur", this.onBlur, this); this.initButtonEl(B, D); if (this.menu) { this.el.child(this.menuClassTarget).addClass("x-btn-with-menu") } Ext.ButtonToggleMgr.register(this) }, initButtonEl : function(B, C) { this.el = B; B.addClass("x-btn"); if (this.icon) { C.setStyle("background-image", "url(" + this.icon + ")") } if (this.iconCls) { C.addClass(this.iconCls); if (!this.cls) { B.addClass(this.text ? "x-btn-text-icon" : "x-btn-icon") } } if (this.tabIndex !== undefined) { C.dom.tabIndex = this.tabIndex } if (this.tooltip) { if (typeof this.tooltip == "object") { Ext.QuickTips.register(Ext.apply({ target : C.id }, this.tooltip)) } else { C.dom[this.tooltipType] = this.tooltip } } if (this.pressed) { this.el.addClass("x-btn-pressed") } if (this.handleMouseEvents) { B.on("mouseover", this.onMouseOver, this); B.on("mousedown", this.onMouseDown, this) } if (this.menu) { this.menu.on("show", this.onMenuShow, this); this.menu.on("hide", this.onMenuHide, this) } if (this.id) { this.el.dom.id = this.el.id = this.id } if (this.repeat) { var A = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(B, typeof this.repeat == "object" ? this.repeat : {}); A.on("click", this.onClick, this) } B.on(this.clickEvent, this.onClick, this) }, afterRender : function() { Ext.Button.superclass.afterRender.call(this); if (Ext.isIE6) { this.autoWidth.defer(1, this) } else { this.autoWidth() } }, setIconClass : function(A) { if (this.el) { this.el.child(this.buttonSelector).replaceClass(this.iconCls, A) } this.iconCls = A }, beforeDestroy : function() { if (this.rendered) { var A = this.el.child(this.buttonSelector); if (A) { A.removeAllListeners() } } if (this.menu) { Ext.destroy(this.menu) } }, onDestroy : function() { if (this.rendered) { Ext.ButtonToggleMgr.unregister(this) } }, autoWidth : function() { if (this.el) { this.el.setWidth("auto"); if (Ext.isIE7 && Ext.isStrict) { var A = this.el.child(this.buttonSelector); if (A && A.getWidth() > 20) { A.clip(); A.setWidth(Ext.util.TextMetrics.measure(A, this.text).width + A.getFrameWidth("lr")) } } if (this.minWidth) { if (this.el.getWidth() < this.minWidth) { this.el.setWidth(this.minWidth) } } } }, setHandler : function(B, A) { this.handler = B; this.scope = A }, setText : function(A) { this.text = A; if (this.el) { this.el.child("td.x-btn-center " + this.buttonSelector).update(A) } this.autoWidth() }, getText : function() { return this.text }, toggle : function(A) { A = A === undefined ? !this.pressed : A; if (A != this.pressed) { if (A) { this.el.addClass("x-btn-pressed"); this.pressed = true; this.fireEvent("toggle", this, true) } else { this.el.removeClass("x-btn-pressed"); this.pressed = false; this.fireEvent("toggle", this, false) } if (this.toggleHandler) { this.toggleHandler.call(this.scope || this, this, A) } } }, focus : function() { this.el.child(this.buttonSelector).focus() }, onDisable : function() { if (this.el) { if (!Ext.isIE6 || !this.text) { this.el.addClass(this.disabledClass) } this.el.dom.disabled = true } this.disabled = true }, onEnable : function() { if (this.el) { if (!Ext.isIE6 || !this.text) { this.el.removeClass(this.disabledClass) } this.el.dom.disabled = false } this.disabled = false }, showMenu : function() { if (this.menu) { this.menu.show(this.el, this.menuAlign) } return this }, hideMenu : function() { if (this.menu) { this.menu.hide() } return this }, hasVisibleMenu : function() { return this.menu && this.menu.isVisible() }, onClick : function(A) { if (A) { A.preventDefault() } if (A.button != 0) { return } if (!this.disabled) { if (this.enableToggle && (this.allowDepress !== false || !this.pressed)) { this.toggle() } if (this.menu && !this.menu.isVisible() && !this.ignoreNextClick) { this.showMenu() } this.fireEvent("click", this, A); if (this.handler) { this.handler.call(this.scope || this, this, A) } } }, isMenuTriggerOver : function(B, A) { return this.menu && !A }, isMenuTriggerOut : function(B, A) { return this.menu && !A }, onMouseOver : function(B) { if (!this.disabled) { var A = B.within(this.el, true); if (!A) { this.el.addClass("x-btn-over"); Ext.getDoc().on("mouseover", this.monitorMouseOver, this); this.fireEvent("mouseover", this, B) } if (this.isMenuTriggerOver(B, A)) { this.fireEvent("menutriggerover", this, this.menu, B) } } }, monitorMouseOver : function(A) { if (A.target != this.el.dom && !A.within(this.el)) { Ext.getDoc().un("mouseover", this.monitorMouseOver, this); this.onMouseOut(A) } }, onMouseOut : function(B) { var A = B.within(this.el) && B.target != this.el.dom; this.el.removeClass("x-btn-over"); this.fireEvent("mouseout", this, B); if (this.isMenuTriggerOut(B, A)) { this.fireEvent("menutriggerout", this, this.menu, B) } }, onFocus : function(A) { if (!this.disabled) { this.el.addClass("x-btn-focus") } }, onBlur : function(A) { this.el.removeClass("x-btn-focus") }, getClickEl : function(B, A) { return this.el }, onMouseDown : function(A) { if (!this.disabled && A.button == 0) { this.getClickEl(A).addClass("x-btn-click"); Ext.getDoc().on("mouseup", this.onMouseUp, this) } }, onMouseUp : function(A) { if (A.button == 0) { this.getClickEl(A, true).removeClass("x-btn-click"); Ext.getDoc().un("mouseup", this.onMouseUp, this) } }, onMenuShow : function(A) { this.ignoreNextClick = 0; this.el.addClass("x-btn-menu-active"); this.fireEvent("menushow", this, this.menu) }, onMenuHide : function(A) { this.el.removeClass("x-btn-menu-active"); this.ignoreNextClick = this.restoreClick.defer(250, this); this.fireEvent("menuhide", this, this.menu) }, restoreClick : function() { this.ignoreNextClick = 0 } }); Ext.reg("button", Ext.Button); Ext.ButtonToggleMgr = function() { var A = {}; function B(E, G) { if (G) { var F = A[E.toggleGroup]; for (var D = 0, C = F.length; D < C; D++) { if (F[D] != E) { F[D].toggle(false) } } } } return { register : function(C) { if (!C.toggleGroup) { return } var D = A[C.toggleGroup]; if (!D) { D = A[C.toggleGroup] = [] } D.push(C); C.on("toggle", B) }, unregister : function(C) { if (!C.toggleGroup) { return } var D = A[C.toggleGroup]; if (D) { D.remove(C); C.un("toggle", B) } } } }(); Ext.SplitButton = Ext.extend(Ext.Button, { arrowSelector : "button:last", initComponent : function() { Ext.SplitButton.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents("arrowclick") }, onRender : function(D, A) { var B = new Ext.Template( "
    ", "", "", "
    ", "", "", "
    "); var C, F = [this.text || " ", this.type]; if (A) { C = B.insertBefore(A, F, true) } else { C = B.append(D, F, true) } var E = C.child(this.buttonSelector); this.initButtonEl(C, E); this.arrowBtnTable = C.child("table:last"); if (this.arrowTooltip) { C.child(this.arrowSelector).dom[this.tooltipType] = this.arrowTooltip } }, autoWidth : function() { if (this.el) { var C = this.el.child("table:first"); var B = this.el.child("table:last"); this.el.setWidth("auto"); C.setWidth("auto"); if (Ext.isIE7 && Ext.isStrict) { var A = this.el.child(this.buttonSelector); if (A && A.getWidth() > 20) { A.clip(); A.setWidth(Ext.util.TextMetrics.measure(A, this.text).width + A.getFrameWidth("lr")) } } if (this.minWidth) { if ((C.getWidth() + B.getWidth()) < this.minWidth) { C.setWidth(this.minWidth - B.getWidth()) } } this.el.setWidth(C.getWidth() + B.getWidth()) } }, setArrowHandler : function(B, A) { this.arrowHandler = B; this.scope = A }, onClick : function(A) { A.preventDefault(); if (!this.disabled) { if (A.getTarget(".x-btn-menu-arrow-wrap")) { if (this.menu && !this.menu.isVisible() && !this.ignoreNextClick) { this.showMenu() } this.fireEvent("arrowclick", this, A); if (this.arrowHandler) { this.arrowHandler.call(this.scope || this, this, A) } } else { if (this.enableToggle) { this.toggle() } this.fireEvent("click", this, A); if (this.handler) { this.handler.call(this.scope || this, this, A) } } } }, getClickEl : function(B, A) { if (!A) { return (this.lastClickEl = B.getTarget("table", 10, true)) } return this.lastClickEl }, onDisable : function() { if (this.el) { if (!Ext.isIE6) { this.el.addClass("x-item-disabled") } this.el.child(this.buttonSelector).dom.disabled = true; this.el.child(this.arrowSelector).dom.disabled = true } this.disabled = true }, onEnable : function() { if (this.el) { if (!Ext.isIE6) { this.el.removeClass("x-item-disabled") } this.el.child(this.buttonSelector).dom.disabled = false; this.el.child(this.arrowSelector).dom.disabled = false } this.disabled = false }, isMenuTriggerOver : function(A) { return this.menu && A.within(this.arrowBtnTable) && !A.within(this.arrowBtnTable, true) }, isMenuTriggerOut : function(B, A) { return this.menu && !B.within(this.arrowBtnTable) }, onDestroy : function() { Ext.destroy(this.arrowBtnTable); Ext.SplitButton.superclass.onDestroy.call(this) } }); Ext.MenuButton = Ext.SplitButton; Ext.reg("splitbutton", Ext.SplitButton); Ext.CycleButton = Ext.extend(Ext.SplitButton, { getItemText : function(A) { if (A && this.showText === true) { var B = ""; if (this.prependText) { B += this.prependText } B += A.text; return B } return undefined }, setActiveItem : function(C, A) { if (typeof C != "object") { C = this.menu.items.get(C) } if (C) { if (!this.rendered) { this.text = this.getItemText(C); this.iconCls = C.iconCls } else { var B = this.getItemText(C); if (B) { this.setText(B) } this.setIconClass(C.iconCls) } this.activeItem = C; if (!C.checked) { C.setChecked(true, true) } if (this.forceIcon) { this.setIconClass(this.forceIcon) } if (!A) { this.fireEvent("change", this, C) } } }, getActiveItem : function() { return this.activeItem }, initComponent : function() { this.addEvents("change"); if (this.changeHandler) { this.on("change", this.changeHandler, this.scope || this); delete this.changeHandler } this.itemCount = this.items.length; this.menu = { cls : "x-cycle-menu", items : [] }; var D; for (var B = 0, A = this.itemCount; B < A; B++) { var C = this.items[B]; C.group = C.group || this.id; C.itemIndex = B; C.checkHandler = this.checkHandler; C.scope = this; C.checked = C.checked || false; this.menu.items.push(C); if (C.checked) { D = C } } this.setActiveItem(D, true); Ext.CycleButton.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.on("click", this.toggleSelected, this) }, checkHandler : function(A, B) { if (B) { this.setActiveItem(A) } }, toggleSelected : function() { this.menu.render(); var C, A; for (var B = 1; B < this.itemCount; B++) { C = (this.activeItem.itemIndex + B) % this.itemCount; A = this.menu.items.itemAt(C); if (!A.disabled) { A.setChecked(true); break } } } }); Ext.reg("cycle", Ext.CycleButton); Ext.Toolbar = function(A) { if (Ext.isArray(A)) { A = { buttons : A } } Ext.Toolbar.superclass.constructor.call(this, A) }; (function() { var A = Ext.Toolbar; Ext.extend(A, Ext.BoxComponent, { trackMenus : true, initComponent : function() { A.superclass.initComponent.call(this); if (this.items) { this.buttons = this.items } this.items = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, function(B) { return B.itemId || B.id || Ext.id() }) }, autoCreate : { cls : "x-toolbar x-small-editor", html : "
    " }, onRender : function(C, B) { this.el = C.createChild(Ext.apply({ id : this.id }, this.autoCreate), B); this.tr = this.el.child("tr", true) }, afterRender : function() { A.superclass.afterRender.call(this); if (this.buttons) { this.add.apply(this, this.buttons); delete this.buttons } }, add : function() { var C = arguments, B = C.length; for (var D = 0; D < B; D++) { var E = C[D]; if (E.isFormField) { this.addField(E) } else { if (E.render) { this.addItem(E) } else { if (typeof E == "string") { if (E == "separator" || E == "-") { this.addSeparator() } else { if (E == " ") { this.addSpacer() } else { if (E == "->") { this.addFill() } else { this.addText(E) } } } } else { if (E.tagName) { this.addElement(E) } else { if (typeof E == "object") { if (E.xtype) { this.addField(Ext.ComponentMgr .create(E, "button")) } else { this.addButton(E) } } } } } } } }, addSeparator : function() { return this.addItem(new A.Separator()) }, addSpacer : function() { return this.addItem(new A.Spacer()) }, addFill : function() { return this.addItem(new A.Fill()) }, addElement : function(B) { return this.addItem(new A.Item(B)) }, addItem : function(B) { var C = this.nextBlock(); this.initMenuTracking(B); B.render(C); this.items.add(B); return B }, addButton : function(D) { if (Ext.isArray(D)) { var F = []; for (var E = 0, C = D.length; E < C; E++) { F.push(this.addButton(D[E])) } return F } var B = D; if (!(D instanceof A.Button)) { B = D.split ? new A.SplitButton(D) : new A.Button(D) } var G = this.nextBlock(); this.initMenuTracking(B); B.render(G); this.items.add(B); return B }, initMenuTracking : function(B) { if (this.trackMenus && B.menu) { B.on({ "menutriggerover" : this.onButtonTriggerOver, "menushow" : this.onButtonMenuShow, "menuhide" : this.onButtonMenuHide, scope : this }) } }, addText : function(B) { return this.addItem(new A.TextItem(B)) }, insertButton : function(C, F) { if (Ext.isArray(F)) { var E = []; for (var D = 0, B = F.length; D < B; D++) { E.push(this.insertButton(C + D, F[D])) } return E } if (!(F instanceof A.Button)) { F = new A.Button(F) } var G = document.createElement("td"); this.tr.insertBefore(G, this.tr.childNodes[C]); this.initMenuTracking(F); F.render(G); this.items.insert(C, F); return F }, addDom : function(C, B) { var E = this.nextBlock(); Ext.DomHelper.overwrite(E, C); var D = new A.Item(E.firstChild); D.render(E); this.items.add(D); return D }, addField : function(C) { var D = this.nextBlock(); C.render(D); var B = new A.Item(D.firstChild); B.render(D); this.items.add(B); return B }, nextBlock : function() { var B = document.createElement("td"); this.tr.appendChild(B); return B }, onDestroy : function() { Ext.Toolbar.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); if (this.rendered) { if (this.items) { Ext.destroy.apply(Ext, this.items.items) } Ext.Element.uncache(this.tr) } }, onDisable : function() { this.items.each(function(B) { if (B.disable) { B.disable() } }) }, onEnable : function() { this.items.each(function(B) { if (B.enable) { B.enable() } }) }, onButtonTriggerOver : function(B) { if (this.activeMenuBtn && this.activeMenuBtn != B) { this.activeMenuBtn.hideMenu(); B.showMenu(); this.activeMenuBtn = B } }, onButtonMenuShow : function(B) { this.activeMenuBtn = B }, onButtonMenuHide : function(B) { delete this.activeMenuBtn } }); Ext.reg("toolbar", Ext.Toolbar); A.Item = function(B) { this.el = Ext.getDom(B); this.id = Ext.id(this.el); this.hidden = false }; A.Item.prototype = { getEl : function() { return this.el }, render : function(B) { this.td = B; B.appendChild(this.el) }, destroy : function() { if (this.td && this.td.parentNode) { this.td.parentNode.removeChild(this.td) } }, show : function() { this.hidden = false; this.td.style.display = "" }, hide : function() { this.hidden = true; this.td.style.display = "none" }, setVisible : function(B) { if (B) { this.show() } else { this.hide() } }, focus : function() { Ext.fly(this.el).focus() }, disable : function() { Ext.fly(this.td).addClass("x-item-disabled"); this.disabled = true; this.el.disabled = true }, enable : function() { Ext.fly(this.td).removeClass("x-item-disabled"); this.disabled = false; this.el.disabled = false } }; Ext.reg("tbitem", A.Item); A.Separator = function() { var B = document.createElement("span"); B.className = "ytb-sep"; A.Separator.superclass.constructor.call(this, B) }; Ext.extend(A.Separator, A.Item, { enable : Ext.emptyFn, disable : Ext.emptyFn, focus : Ext.emptyFn }); Ext.reg("tbseparator", A.Separator); A.Spacer = function() { var B = document.createElement("div"); B.className = "ytb-spacer"; A.Spacer.superclass.constructor.call(this, B) }; Ext.extend(A.Spacer, A.Item, { enable : Ext.emptyFn, disable : Ext.emptyFn, focus : Ext.emptyFn }); Ext.reg("tbspacer", A.Spacer); A.Fill = Ext.extend(A.Spacer, { render : function(B) { B.style.width = "100%"; A.Fill.superclass.render.call(this, B) } }); Ext.reg("tbfill", A.Fill); A.TextItem = function(B) { var C = document.createElement("span"); C.className = "ytb-text"; C.innerHTML = B.text ? B.text : B; A.TextItem.superclass.constructor.call(this, C) }; Ext.extend(A.TextItem, A.Item, { enable : Ext.emptyFn, disable : Ext.emptyFn, focus : Ext.emptyFn }); Ext.reg("tbtext", A.TextItem); A.Button = Ext.extend(Ext.Button, { hideParent : true, onDestroy : function() { A.Button.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); if (this.container) { this.container.remove() } } }); Ext.reg("tbbutton", A.Button); A.SplitButton = Ext.extend(Ext.SplitButton, { hideParent : true, onDestroy : function() { A.SplitButton.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); if (this.container) { this.container.remove() } } }); Ext.reg("tbsplit", A.SplitButton); A.MenuButton = A.SplitButton })(); Ext.PagingToolbar = Ext.extend(Ext.Toolbar, { pageSize : 20, displayMsg : "Displaying {0} - {1} of {2}", emptyMsg : "No data to display", beforePageText : "Page", afterPageText : "of {0}", firstText : "First Page", prevText : "Previous Page", nextText : "Next Page", lastText : "Last Page", refreshText : "Refresh", paramNames : { start : "start", limit : "limit" }, initComponent : function() { Ext.PagingToolbar.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.cursor = 0; this.bind(this.store) }, onRender : function(B, A) { Ext.PagingToolbar.superclass.onRender.call(this, B, A); this.first = this.addButton({ tooltip : this.firstText, iconCls : "x-tbar-page-first", disabled : true, handler : this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ["first"]) }); this.prev = this.addButton({ tooltip : this.prevText, iconCls : "x-tbar-page-prev", disabled : true, handler : this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ["prev"]) }); this.addSeparator(); this.add(this.beforePageText); this.field = Ext.get(this.addDom({ tag : "input", type : "text", size : "3", value : "1", cls : "x-tbar-page-number" }).el); this.field.on("keydown", this.onPagingKeydown, this); this.field.on("focus", function() { this.dom.select() }); this.afterTextEl = this.addText(String.format( this.afterPageText, 1)); this.field.setHeight(18); this.addSeparator(); this.next = this.addButton({ tooltip : this.nextText, iconCls : "x-tbar-page-next", disabled : true, handler : this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ["next"]) }); this.last = this.addButton({ tooltip : this.lastText, iconCls : "x-tbar-page-last", disabled : true, handler : this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ["last"]) }); this.addSeparator(); this.loading = this.addButton({ tooltip : this.refreshText, iconCls : "x-tbar-loading", handler : this.onClick.createDelegate(this, ["refresh"]) }); if (this.displayInfo) { this.displayEl = Ext.fly(this.el.dom).createChild({ cls : "x-paging-info" }) } if (this.dsLoaded) { this.onLoad.apply(this, this.dsLoaded) } }, updateInfo : function() { if (this.displayEl) { var A = this.store.getCount(); var B = A == 0 ? this.emptyMsg : String.format( this.displayMsg, this.cursor + 1, this.cursor + A, this.store.getTotalCount()); this.displayEl.update(B) } }, onLoad : function(A, C, F) { if (!this.rendered) { this.dsLoaded = [A, C, F]; return } this.cursor = F.params ? F.params[this.paramNames.start] : 0; var E = this.getPageData(), B = E.activePage, D = E.pages; this.afterTextEl.el.innerHTML = String.format( this.afterPageText, E.pages); this.field.dom.value = B; this.first.setDisabled(B == 1); this.prev.setDisabled(B == 1); this.next.setDisabled(B == D); this.last.setDisabled(B == D); this.loading.enable(); this.updateInfo() }, getPageData : function() { var A = this.store.getTotalCount(); return { total : A, activePage : Math.ceil((this.cursor + this.pageSize) / this.pageSize), pages : A < this.pageSize ? 1 : Math .ceil(A / this.pageSize) } }, onLoadError : function() { if (!this.rendered) { return } this.loading.enable() }, readPage : function(C) { var A = this.field.dom.value, B; if (!A || isNaN(B = parseInt(A, 10))) { this.field.dom.value = C.activePage; return false } return B }, onPagingKeydown : function(D) { var B = D.getKey(), E = this.getPageData(), C; if (B == D.RETURN) { D.stopEvent(); if (C = this.readPage(E)) { C = Math.min(Math.max(1, C), E.pages) - 1; this.doLoad(C * this.pageSize) } } else { if (B == D.HOME || B == D.END) { D.stopEvent(); C = B == D.HOME ? 1 : E.pages; this.field.dom.value = C } else { if (B == D.UP || B == D.PAGEUP || B == D.DOWN || B == D.PAGEDOWN) { D.stopEvent(); if (C = this.readPage(E)) { var A = D.shiftKey ? 10 : 1; if (B == D.DOWN || B == D.PAGEDOWN) { A *= -1 } C += A; if (C >= 1 & C <= E.pages) { this.field.dom.value = C } } } } } }, beforeLoad : function() { if (this.rendered && this.loading) { this.loading.disable() } }, doLoad : function(C) { var B = {}, A = this.paramNames; B[A.start] = C; B[A.limit] = this.pageSize; this.store.load({ params : B }) }, onClick : function(E) { var B = this.store; switch (E) { case "first" : this.doLoad(0); break; case "prev" : this.doLoad(Math.max(0, this.cursor - this.pageSize)); break; case "next" : this.doLoad(this.cursor + this.pageSize); break; case "last" : var D = B.getTotalCount(); var A = D % this.pageSize; var C = A ? (D - A) : D - this.pageSize; this.doLoad(C); break; case "refresh" : this.doLoad(this.cursor); break } }, unbind : function(A) { A = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup(A); A.un("beforeload", this.beforeLoad, this); A.un("load", this.onLoad, this); A.un("loadexception", this.onLoadError, this); this.store = undefined }, bind : function(A) { A = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup(A); A.on("beforeload", this.beforeLoad, this); A.on("load", this.onLoad, this); A.on("loadexception", this.onLoadError, this); this.store = A } }); Ext.reg("paging", Ext.PagingToolbar); Ext.Resizable = function(D, E) { this.el = Ext.get(D); if (E && E.wrap) { E.resizeChild = this.el; this.el = this.el.wrap(typeof E.wrap == "object" ? E.wrap : { cls : "xresizable-wrap" }); this.el.id = this.el.dom.id = E.resizeChild.id + "-rzwrap"; this.el.setStyle("overflow", "hidden"); this.el.setPositioning(E.resizeChild.getPositioning()); E.resizeChild.clearPositioning(); if (!E.width || !E.height) { var F = E.resizeChild.getSize(); this.el.setSize(F.width, F.height) } if (E.pinned && !E.adjustments) { E.adjustments = "auto" } } this.proxy = this.el.createProxy({ tag : "div", cls : "x-resizable-proxy", id : this.el.id + "-rzproxy" }); this.proxy.unselectable(); this.proxy.enableDisplayMode("block"); Ext.apply(this, E); if (this.pinned) { this.disableTrackOver = true; this.el.addClass("x-resizable-pinned") } var I = this.el.getStyle("position"); if (I != "absolute" && I != "fixed") { this.el.setStyle("position", "relative") } if (!this.handles) { this.handles = "s,e,se"; if (this.multiDirectional) { this.handles += ",n,w" } } if (this.handles == "all") { this.handles = "n s e w ne nw se sw" } var M = this.handles.split(/\s*?[,;]\s*?| /); var C = Ext.Resizable.positions; for (var H = 0, J = M.length; H < J; H++) { if (M[H] && C[M[H]]) { var L = C[M[H]]; this[L] = new Ext.Resizable.Handle(this, L, this.disableTrackOver, this.transparent) } } this.corner = this.southeast; if (this.handles.indexOf("n") != -1 || this.handles.indexOf("w") != -1) { this.updateBox = true } this.activeHandle = null; if (this.resizeChild) { if (typeof this.resizeChild == "boolean") { this.resizeChild = Ext.get(this.el.dom.firstChild, true) } else { this.resizeChild = Ext.get(this.resizeChild, true) } } if (this.adjustments == "auto") { var B = this.resizeChild; var K = this.west, G = this.east, A = this.north, M = this.south; if (B && (K || A)) { B.position("relative"); B.setLeft(K ? K.el.getWidth() : 0); B.setTop(A ? A.el.getHeight() : 0) } this.adjustments = [ (G ? -G.el.getWidth() : 0) + (K ? -K.el.getWidth() : 0), (A ? -A.el.getHeight() : 0) + (M ? -M.el.getHeight() : 0) - 1] } if (this.draggable) { this.dd = this.dynamic ? this.el.initDD(null) : this.el.initDDProxy( null, { dragElId : this.proxy.id }); this.dd.setHandleElId(this.resizeChild ? this.resizeChild.id : this.el.id) } this.addEvents("beforeresize", "resize"); if (this.width !== null && this.height !== null) { this.resizeTo(this.width, this.height) } else { this.updateChildSize() } if (Ext.isIE) { this.el.dom.style.zoom = 1 } Ext.Resizable.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.Resizable, Ext.util.Observable, { resizeChild : false, adjustments : [0, 0], minWidth : 5, minHeight : 5, maxWidth : 10000, maxHeight : 10000, enabled : true, animate : false, duration : 0.35, dynamic : false, handles : false, multiDirectional : false, disableTrackOver : false, easing : "easeOutStrong", widthIncrement : 0, heightIncrement : 0, pinned : false, width : null, height : null, preserveRatio : false, transparent : false, minX : 0, minY : 0, draggable : false, resizeTo : function(B, A) { this.el.setSize(B, A); this.updateChildSize(); this.fireEvent("resize", this, B, A, null) }, startSizing : function(C, B) { this.fireEvent("beforeresize", this, C); if (this.enabled) { if (!this.overlay) { this.overlay = this.el.createProxy({ tag : "div", cls : "x-resizable-overlay", html : " " }, Ext.getBody()); this.overlay.unselectable(); this.overlay.enableDisplayMode("block"); this.overlay.on("mousemove", this.onMouseMove, this); this.overlay.on("mouseup", this.onMouseUp, this) } this.overlay.setStyle("cursor", B.el.getStyle("cursor")); this.resizing = true; this.startBox = this.el.getBox(); this.startPoint = C.getXY(); this.offsets = [ (this.startBox.x + this.startBox.width) - this.startPoint[0], (this.startBox.y + this.startBox.height) - this.startPoint[1]]; this.overlay.setSize(Ext.lib.Dom.getViewWidth(true), Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight(true)); this.overlay.show(); if (this.constrainTo) { var A = Ext.get(this.constrainTo); this.resizeRegion = A.getRegion().adjust( A.getFrameWidth("t"), A.getFrameWidth("l"), -A.getFrameWidth("b"), -A.getFrameWidth("r")) } this.proxy.setStyle("visibility", "hidden"); this.proxy.show(); this.proxy.setBox(this.startBox); if (!this.dynamic) { this.proxy.setStyle("visibility", "visible") } } }, onMouseDown : function(A, B) { if (this.enabled) { B.stopEvent(); this.activeHandle = A; this.startSizing(B, A) } }, onMouseUp : function(B) { var A = this.resizeElement(); this.resizing = false; this.handleOut(); this.overlay.hide(); this.proxy.hide(); this.fireEvent("resize", this, A.width, A.height, B) }, updateChildSize : function() { if (this.resizeChild) { var C = this.el; var D = this.resizeChild; var B = this.adjustments; if (C.dom.offsetWidth) { var A = C.getSize(true); D.setSize(A.width + B[0], A.height + B[1]) } if (Ext.isIE) { setTimeout(function() { if (C.dom.offsetWidth) { var E = C.getSize(true); D.setSize(E.width + B[0], E.height + B[1]) } }, 10) } } }, snap : function(C, E, B) { if (!E || !C) { return C } var D = C; var A = C % E; if (A > 0) { if (A > (E / 2)) { D = C + (E - A) } else { D = C - A } } return Math.max(B, D) }, resizeElement : function() { var A = this.proxy.getBox(); if (this.updateBox) { this.el.setBox(A, false, this.animate, this.duration, null, this.easing) } else { this.el.setSize(A.width, A.height, this.animate, this.duration, null, this.easing) } this.updateChildSize(); if (!this.dynamic) { this.proxy.hide() } return A }, constrain : function(B, C, A, D) { if (B - C < A) { C = B - A } else { if (B - C > D) { C = D - B } } return C }, onMouseMove : function(S) { if (this.enabled) { try { if (this.resizeRegion && !this.resizeRegion.contains(S.getPoint())) { return } var Q = this.curSize || this.startBox; var I = this.startBox.x, H = this.startBox.y; var C = I, B = H; var J = Q.width, R = Q.height; var D = J, L = R; var K = this.minWidth, T = this.minHeight; var P = this.maxWidth, W = this.maxHeight; var F = this.widthIncrement; var A = this.heightIncrement; var U = S.getXY(); var O = -(this.startPoint[0] - Math .max(this.minX, U[0])); var M = -(this.startPoint[1] - Math .max(this.minY, U[1])); var G = this.activeHandle.position; switch (G) { case "east" : J += O; J = Math.min(Math.max(K, J), P); break; case "south" : R += M; R = Math.min(Math.max(T, R), W); break; case "southeast" : J += O; R += M; J = Math.min(Math.max(K, J), P); R = Math.min(Math.max(T, R), W); break; case "north" : M = this.constrain(R, M, T, W); H += M; R -= M; break; case "west" : O = this.constrain(J, O, K, P); I += O; J -= O; break; case "northeast" : J += O; J = Math.min(Math.max(K, J), P); M = this.constrain(R, M, T, W); H += M; R -= M; break; case "northwest" : O = this.constrain(J, O, K, P); M = this.constrain(R, M, T, W); H += M; R -= M; I += O; J -= O; break; case "southwest" : O = this.constrain(J, O, K, P); R += M; R = Math.min(Math.max(T, R), W); I += O; J -= O; break } var N = this.snap(J, F, K); var V = this.snap(R, A, T); if (N != J || V != R) { switch (G) { case "northeast" : H -= V - R; break; case "north" : H -= V - R; break; case "southwest" : I -= N - J; break; case "west" : I -= N - J; break; case "northwest" : I -= N - J; H -= V - R; break } J = N; R = V } if (this.preserveRatio) { switch (G) { case "southeast" : case "east" : R = L * (J / D); R = Math.min(Math.max(T, R), W); J = D * (R / L); break; case "south" : J = D * (R / L); J = Math.min(Math.max(K, J), P); R = L * (J / D); break; case "northeast" : J = D * (R / L); J = Math.min(Math.max(K, J), P); R = L * (J / D); break; case "north" : var X = J; J = D * (R / L); J = Math.min(Math.max(K, J), P); R = L * (J / D); I += (X - J) / 2; break; case "southwest" : R = L * (J / D); R = Math.min(Math.max(T, R), W); var X = J; J = D * (R / L); I += X - J; break; case "west" : var E = R; R = L * (J / D); R = Math.min(Math.max(T, R), W); H += (E - R) / 2; var X = J; J = D * (R / L); I += X - J; break; case "northwest" : var X = J; var E = R; R = L * (J / D); R = Math.min(Math.max(T, R), W); J = D * (R / L); H += E - R; I += X - J; break } } this.proxy.setBounds(I, H, J, R); if (this.dynamic) { this.resizeElement() } } catch (S) { } } }, handleOver : function() { if (this.enabled) { this.el.addClass("x-resizable-over") } }, handleOut : function() { if (!this.resizing) { this.el.removeClass("x-resizable-over") } }, getEl : function() { return this.el }, getResizeChild : function() { return this.resizeChild }, destroy : function(C) { this.proxy.remove(); if (this.overlay) { this.overlay.removeAllListeners(); this.overlay.remove() } var D = Ext.Resizable.positions; for (var A in D) { if (typeof D[A] != "function" && this[D[A]]) { var B = this[D[A]]; B.el.removeAllListeners(); B.el.remove() } } if (C) { this.el.update(""); this.el.remove() } }, syncHandleHeight : function() { var A = this.el.getHeight(true); if (this.west) { this.west.el.setHeight(A) } if (this.east) { this.east.el.setHeight(A) } } }); Ext.Resizable.positions = { n : "north", s : "south", e : "east", w : "west", se : "southeast", sw : "southwest", nw : "northwest", ne : "northeast" }; Ext.Resizable.Handle = function(C, E, B, D) { if (!this.tpl) { var A = Ext.DomHelper.createTemplate({ tag : "div", cls : "x-resizable-handle x-resizable-handle-{0}" }); A.compile(); Ext.Resizable.Handle.prototype.tpl = A } this.position = E; this.rz = C; this.el = this.tpl.append(C.el.dom, [this.position], true); this.el.unselectable(); if (D) { this.el.setOpacity(0) } this.el.on("mousedown", this.onMouseDown, this); if (!B) { this.el.on("mouseover", this.onMouseOver, this); this.el.on("mouseout", this.onMouseOut, this) } }; Ext.Resizable.Handle.prototype = { afterResize : function(A) { }, onMouseDown : function(A) { this.rz.onMouseDown(this, A) }, onMouseOver : function(A) { this.rz.handleOver(this, A) }, onMouseOut : function(A) { this.rz.handleOut(this, A) } }; Ext.Editor = function(B, A) { this.field = B; Ext.Editor.superclass.constructor.call(this, A) }; Ext.extend(Ext.Editor, Ext.Component, { value : "", alignment : "c-c?", shadow : "frame", constrain : false, swallowKeys : true, completeOnEnter : false, cancelOnEsc : false, updateEl : false, initComponent : function() { Ext.Editor.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents("beforestartedit", "startedit", "beforecomplete", "complete", "specialkey") }, onRender : function(B, A) { this.el = new Ext.Layer({ shadow : this.shadow, cls : "x-editor", parentEl : B, shim : this.shim, shadowOffset : 4, id : this.id, constrain : this.constrain }); this.el.setStyle("overflow", Ext.isGecko ? "auto" : "hidden"); if (this.field.msgTarget != "title") { this.field.msgTarget = "qtip" } this.field.inEditor = true; this.field.render(this.el); if (Ext.isGecko) { this.field.el.dom.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off") } this.field.on("specialkey", this.onSpecialKey, this); if (this.swallowKeys) { this.field.el.swallowEvent(["keydown", "keypress"]) } this.field.show(); this.field.on("blur", this.onBlur, this); if (this.field.grow) { this.field.on("autosize", this.el.sync, this.el, { delay : 1 }) } }, onSpecialKey : function(B, A) { if (this.completeOnEnter && A.getKey() == A.ENTER) { A.stopEvent(); this.completeEdit() } else { if (this.cancelOnEsc && A.getKey() == A.ESC) { this.cancelEdit() } else { this.fireEvent("specialkey", B, A) } } }, startEdit : function(B, C) { if (this.editing) { this.completeEdit() } this.boundEl = Ext.get(B); var A = C !== undefined ? C : this.boundEl.dom.innerHTML; if (!this.rendered) { this.render(this.parentEl || document.body) } if (this.fireEvent("beforestartedit", this, this.boundEl, A) === false) { return } this.startValue = A; this.field.setValue(A); this.doAutoSize(); this.el.alignTo(this.boundEl, this.alignment); this.editing = true; this.show() }, doAutoSize : function() { if (this.autoSize) { var A = this.boundEl.getSize(); switch (this.autoSize) { case "width" : this.setSize(A.width, ""); break; case "height" : this.setSize("", A.height); break; default : this.setSize(A.width, A.height) } } }, setSize : function(A, B) { delete this.field.lastSize; this.field.setSize(A, B); if (this.el) { this.el.sync() } }, realign : function() { this.el.alignTo(this.boundEl, this.alignment) }, completeEdit : function(A) { if (!this.editing) { return } var B = this.getValue(); if (this.revertInvalid !== false && !this.field.isValid()) { B = this.startValue; this.cancelEdit(true) } if (String(B) === String(this.startValue) && this.ignoreNoChange) { this.editing = false; this.hide(); return } if (this.fireEvent("beforecomplete", this, B, this.startValue) !== false) { this.editing = false; if (this.updateEl && this.boundEl) { this.boundEl.update(B) } if (A !== true) { this.hide() } this.fireEvent("complete", this, B, this.startValue) } }, onShow : function() { this.el.show(); if (this.hideEl !== false) { this.boundEl.hide() } this.field.show(); if (Ext.isIE && !this.fixIEFocus) { this.fixIEFocus = true; this.deferredFocus.defer(50, this) } else { this.field.focus() } this.fireEvent("startedit", this.boundEl, this.startValue) }, deferredFocus : function() { if (this.editing) { this.field.focus() } }, cancelEdit : function(A) { if (this.editing) { this.setValue(this.startValue); if (A !== true) { this.hide() } } }, onBlur : function() { if (this.allowBlur !== true && this.editing) { this.completeEdit() } }, onHide : function() { if (this.editing) { this.completeEdit(); return } this.field.blur(); if (this.field.collapse) { this.field.collapse() } this.el.hide(); if (this.hideEl !== false) { this.boundEl.show() } }, setValue : function(A) { this.field.setValue(A) }, getValue : function() { return this.field.getValue() }, beforeDestroy : function() { this.field.destroy(); this.field = null } }); Ext.reg("editor", Ext.Editor); Ext.MessageBox = function() { var R, B, N, Q; var G, J, P, A, K, M, H, F; var O, S, L, C = ""; var D = function(U) { R.hide(); Ext.callback(B.fn, B.scope || window, [U, S.dom.value], 1) }; var T = function() { if (B && B.cls) { R.el.removeClass(B.cls) } K.reset() }; var E = function(W, U, V) { if (B && B.closable !== false) { R.hide() } if (V) { V.stopEvent() } }; var I = function(U) { var W = 0; if (!U) { O["ok"].hide(); O["cancel"].hide(); O["yes"].hide(); O["no"].hide(); return W } R.footer.dom.style.display = ""; for (var V in O) { if (typeof O[V] != "function") { if (U[V]) { O[V].show(); O[V].setText(typeof U[V] == "string" ? U[V] : Ext.MessageBox.buttonText[V]); W += O[V].el.getWidth() + 15 } else { O[V].hide() } } } return W }; return { getDialog : function(U) { if (!R) { R = new Ext.Window({ autoCreate : true, title : U, resizable : false, constrain : true, constrainHeader : true, minimizable : false, maximizable : false, stateful : false, modal : true, shim : true, buttonAlign : "center", width : 400, height : 100, minHeight : 80, plain : true, footer : true, closable : true, close : function() { if (B && B.buttons && B.buttons.no && !B.buttons.cancel) { D("no") } else { D("cancel") } } }); O = {}; var V = this.buttonText; O["ok"] = R.addButton(V["ok"], D.createCallback("ok")); O["yes"] = R.addButton(V["yes"], D.createCallback("yes")); O["no"] = R.addButton(V["no"], D.createCallback("no")); O["cancel"] = R.addButton(V["cancel"], D .createCallback("cancel")); O["ok"].hideMode = O["yes"].hideMode = O["no"].hideMode = O["cancel"].hideMode = "offsets"; R.render(document.body); R.getEl().addClass("x-window-dlg"); N = R.mask; G = R.body.createChild({ html : "

    " }); H = Ext.get(G.dom.firstChild); var W = G.dom.childNodes[1]; J = Ext.get(W.firstChild); P = Ext.get(W.childNodes[2]); P.enableDisplayMode(); P.addKeyListener([10, 13], function() { if (R.isVisible() && B && B.buttons) { if (B.buttons.ok) { D("ok") } else { if (B.buttons.yes) { D("yes") } } } }); A = Ext.get(W.childNodes[3]); A.enableDisplayMode(); K = new Ext.ProgressBar({ renderTo : G }); G.createChild({ cls : "x-clear" }) } return R }, updateText : function(X) { if (!R.isVisible() && !B.width) { R.setSize(this.maxWidth, 100) } J.update(X || " "); var V = C != "" ? (H.getWidth() + H.getMargins("lr")) : 0; var Z = J.getWidth() + J.getMargins("lr"); var W = R.getFrameWidth("lr"); var Y = R.body.getFrameWidth("lr"); if (Ext.isIE && V > 0) { V += 3 } var U = Math.max(Math.min(B.width || V + Z + W + Y, this.maxWidth), Math.max(B.minWidth || this.minWidth, L || 0)); if (B.prompt === true) { S.setWidth(U - V - W - Y) } if (B.progress === true || B.wait === true) { K.setSize(U - V - W - Y) } R.setSize(U, "auto").center(); return this }, updateProgress : function(V, U, W) { K.updateProgress(V, U); if (W) { this.updateText(W) } return this }, isVisible : function() { return R && R.isVisible() }, hide : function() { if (this.isVisible()) { R.hide(); T() } return this }, show : function(X) { if (this.isVisible()) { this.hide() } B = X; var Y = this.getDialog(B.title || " "); Y.setTitle(B.title || " "); var U = (B.closable !== false && B.progress !== true && B.wait !== true); Y.tools.close.setDisplayed(U); S = P; B.prompt = B.prompt || (B.multiline ? true : false); if (B.prompt) { if (B.multiline) { P.hide(); A.show(); A.setHeight(typeof B.multiline == "number" ? B.multiline : this.defaultTextHeight); S = A } else { P.show(); A.hide() } } else { P.hide(); A.hide() } S.dom.value = B.value || ""; if (B.prompt) { Y.focusEl = S } else { var W = B.buttons; var V = null; if (W && W.ok) { V = O["ok"] } else { if (W && W.yes) { V = O["yes"] } } if (V) { Y.focusEl = V } } this.setIcon(B.icon); L = I(B.buttons); K.setVisible(B.progress === true || B.wait === true); this.updateProgress(0, B.progressText); this.updateText(B.msg); if (B.cls) { Y.el.addClass(B.cls) } Y.proxyDrag = B.proxyDrag === true; Y.modal = B.modal !== false; Y.mask = B.modal !== false ? N : false; if (!Y.isVisible()) { document.body.appendChild(R.el.dom); Y.setAnimateTarget(B.animEl); Y.show(B.animEl) } Y.on("show", function() { if (U === true) { Y.keyMap.enable() } else { Y.keyMap.disable() } }, this, { single : true }); if (B.wait === true) { K.wait(B.waitConfig) } return this }, setIcon : function(U) { if (U && U != "") { H.removeClass("x-hidden"); H.replaceClass(C, U); C = U } else { H.replaceClass(C, "x-hidden"); C = "" } return this }, progress : function(W, V, U) { this.show({ title : W, msg : V, buttons : false, progress : true, closable : false, minWidth : this.minProgressWidth, progressText : U }); return this }, wait : function(W, V, U) { this.show({ title : V, msg : W, buttons : false, closable : false, wait : true, modal : true, minWidth : this.minProgressWidth, waitConfig : U }); return this }, alert : function(X, W, V, U) { this.show({ title : X, msg : W, buttons : this.OK, fn : V, scope : U }); return this }, confirm : function(X, W, V, U) { this.show({ title : X, msg : W, buttons : this.YESNO, fn : V, scope : U, icon : this.QUESTION }); return this }, prompt : function(Y, X, W, V, U) { this.show({ title : Y, msg : X, buttons : this.OKCANCEL, fn : W, minWidth : 250, scope : V, prompt : true, multiline : U }); return this }, OK : { ok : true }, CANCEL : { cancel : true }, OKCANCEL : { ok : true, cancel : true }, YESNO : { yes : true, no : true }, YESNOCANCEL : { yes : true, no : true, cancel : true }, INFO : "ext-mb-info", WARNING : "ext-mb-warning", QUESTION : "ext-mb-question", ERROR : "ext-mb-error", defaultTextHeight : 75, maxWidth : 600, minWidth : 100, minProgressWidth : 250, buttonText : { ok : "OK", cancel : "Cancel", yes : "Yes", no : "No" } } }(); Ext.Msg = Ext.MessageBox; Ext.Tip = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { minWidth : 40, maxWidth : 300, shadow : "sides", defaultAlign : "tl-bl?", autoRender : true, quickShowInterval : 250, frame : true, hidden : true, baseCls : "x-tip", floating : { shadow : true, shim : true, useDisplay : true, constrain : false }, autoHeight : true, initComponent : function() { Ext.Tip.superclass.initComponent.call(this); if (this.closable && !this.title) { this.elements += ",header" } }, afterRender : function() { Ext.Tip.superclass.afterRender.call(this); if (this.closable) { this.addTool({ id : "close", handler : this.hide, scope : this }) } }, showAt : function(A) { Ext.Tip.superclass.show.call(this); if (this.measureWidth !== false && (!this.initialConfig || typeof this.initialConfig.width != "number")) { var B = this.body.getTextWidth(); if (this.title) { B = Math.max(B, this.header.child("span") .getTextWidth(this.title)) } B += this.getFrameWidth() + (this.closable ? 20 : 0) + this.body.getPadding("lr"); this.setWidth(B.constrain(this.minWidth, this.maxWidth)) } if (this.constrainPosition) { A = this.el.adjustForConstraints(A) } this.setPagePosition(A[0], A[1]) }, showBy : function(A, B) { if (!this.rendered) { this.render(Ext.getBody()) } this.showAt(this.el.getAlignToXY(A, B || this.defaultAlign)) }, initDraggable : function() { this.dd = new Ext.Tip.DD(this, typeof this.draggable == "boolean" ? null : this.draggable); this.header.addClass("x-tip-draggable") } }); Ext.Tip.DD = function(B, A) { Ext.apply(this, A); this.tip = B; Ext.Tip.DD.superclass.constructor.call(this, B.el.id, "WindowDD-" + B.id); this.setHandleElId(B.header.id); this.scroll = false }; Ext.extend(Ext.Tip.DD, Ext.dd.DD, { moveOnly : true, scroll : false, headerOffsets : [100, 25], startDrag : function() { this.tip.el.disableShadow() }, endDrag : function(A) { this.tip.el.enableShadow(true) } }); Ext.ToolTip = Ext.extend(Ext.Tip, { showDelay : 500, hideDelay : 200, dismissDelay : 5000, mouseOffset : [15, 18], trackMouse : false, constrainPosition : true, initComponent : function() { Ext.ToolTip.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.lastActive = new Date(); this.initTarget() }, initTarget : function() { if (this.target) { this.target = Ext.get(this.target); this.target.on("mouseover", this.onTargetOver, this); this.target.on("mouseout", this.onTargetOut, this); this.target.on("mousemove", this.onMouseMove, this) } }, onMouseMove : function(A) { this.targetXY = A.getXY(); if (!this.hidden && this.trackMouse) { this.setPagePosition(this.getTargetXY()) } }, getTargetXY : function() { return [this.targetXY[0] + this.mouseOffset[0], this.targetXY[1] + this.mouseOffset[1]] }, onTargetOver : function(A) { if (this.disabled || A.within(this.target.dom, true)) { return } this.clearTimer("hide"); this.targetXY = A.getXY(); this.delayShow() }, delayShow : function() { if (this.hidden && !this.showTimer) { if (this.lastActive.getElapsed() < this.quickShowInterval) { this.show() } else { this.showTimer = this.show.defer(this.showDelay, this) } } else { if (!this.hidden && this.autoHide !== false) { this.show() } } }, onTargetOut : function(A) { if (this.disabled || A.within(this.target.dom, true)) { return } this.clearTimer("show"); if (this.autoHide !== false) { this.delayHide() } }, delayHide : function() { if (!this.hidden && !this.hideTimer) { this.hideTimer = this.hide.defer(this.hideDelay, this) } }, hide : function() { this.clearTimer("dismiss"); this.lastActive = new Date(); Ext.ToolTip.superclass.hide.call(this) }, show : function() { this.showAt(this.getTargetXY()) }, showAt : function(A) { this.lastActive = new Date(); this.clearTimers(); Ext.ToolTip.superclass.showAt.call(this, A); if (this.dismissDelay && this.autoHide !== false) { this.dismissTimer = this.hide .defer(this.dismissDelay, this) } }, clearTimer : function(A) { A = A + "Timer"; clearTimeout(this[A]); delete this[A] }, clearTimers : function() { this.clearTimer("show"); this.clearTimer("dismiss"); this.clearTimer("hide") }, onShow : function() { Ext.ToolTip.superclass.onShow.call(this); Ext.getDoc().on("mousedown", this.onDocMouseDown, this) }, onHide : function() { Ext.ToolTip.superclass.onHide.call(this); Ext.getDoc().un("mousedown", this.onDocMouseDown, this) }, onDocMouseDown : function(A) { if (this.autoHide !== false && !A.within(this.el.dom)) { this.disable(); this.enable.defer(100, this) } }, onDisable : function() { this.clearTimers(); this.hide() }, adjustPosition : function(A, D) { var C = this.targetXY[1], B = this.getSize().height; if (this.constrainPosition && D <= C && (D + B) >= C) { D = C - B - 5 } return { x : A, y : D } }, onDestroy : function() { Ext.ToolTip.superclass.onDestroy.call(this); if (this.target) { this.target.un("mouseover", this.onTargetOver, this); this.target.un("mouseout", this.onTargetOut, this); this.target.un("mousemove", this.onMouseMove, this) } } }); Ext.QuickTip = Ext.extend(Ext.ToolTip, { interceptTitles : false, tagConfig : { namespace : "ext", attribute : "qtip", width : "qwidth", target : "target", title : "qtitle", hide : "hide", cls : "qclass", align : "qalign" }, initComponent : function() { this.target = this.target || Ext.getDoc(); this.targets = this.targets || {}; Ext.QuickTip.superclass.initComponent.call(this) }, register : function(D) { var F = Ext.isArray(D) ? D : arguments; for (var E = 0, A = F.length; E < A; E++) { var H = F[E]; var G = H.target; if (G) { if (Ext.isArray(G)) { for (var C = 0, B = G.length; C < B; C++) { this.targets[Ext.id(G[C])] = H } } else { this.targets[Ext.id(G)] = H } } } }, unregister : function(A) { delete this.targets[Ext.id(A)] }, onTargetOver : function(G) { if (this.disabled) { return } this.targetXY = G.getXY(); var C = G.getTarget(); if (!C || C.nodeType !== 1 || C == document || C == document.body) { return } if (this.activeTarget && C == this.activeTarget.el) { this.clearTimer("hide"); this.show(); return } if (C && this.targets[C.id]) { this.activeTarget = this.targets[C.id]; this.activeTarget.el = C; this.delayShow(); return } var E, F = Ext.fly(C), B = this.tagConfig; var D = B.namespace; if (this.interceptTitles && C.title) { E = C.title; C.qtip = E; C.removeAttribute("title"); G.preventDefault() } else { E = C.qtip || F.getAttributeNS(D, B.attribute) } if (E) { var A = F.getAttributeNS(D, B.hide); this.activeTarget = { el : C, text : E, width : F.getAttributeNS(D, B.width), autoHide : A != "user" && A !== "false", title : F.getAttributeNS(D, B.title), cls : F.getAttributeNS(D, B.cls), align : F.getAttributeNS(D, B.align) }; this.delayShow() } }, onTargetOut : function(A) { this.clearTimer("show"); if (this.autoHide !== false) { this.delayHide() } }, showAt : function(B) { var A = this.activeTarget; if (A) { if (!this.rendered) { this.render(Ext.getBody()); this.activeTarget = A } if (A.width) { this.setWidth(A.width); this.body.setWidth(this.adjustBodyWidth(A.width - this.getFrameWidth())); this.measureWidth = false } else { this.measureWidth = true } this.setTitle(A.title || ""); this.body.update(A.text); this.autoHide = A.autoHide; this.dismissDelay = A.dismissDelay || this.dismissDelay; if (this.lastCls) { this.el.removeClass(this.lastCls); delete this.lastCls } if (A.cls) { this.el.addClass(A.cls); this.lastCls = A.cls } if (A.align) { B = this.el.getAlignToXY(A.el, A.align); this.constrainPosition = false } else { this.constrainPosition = true } } Ext.QuickTip.superclass.showAt.call(this, B) }, hide : function() { delete this.activeTarget; Ext.QuickTip.superclass.hide.call(this) } }); Ext.QuickTips = function() { var B, A = []; return { init : function() { if (!B) { B = new Ext.QuickTip({ elements : "header,body" }) } }, enable : function() { if (B) { A.pop(); if (A.length < 1) { B.enable() } } }, disable : function() { if (B) { B.disable() } A.push(1) }, isEnabled : function() { return B && !B.disabled }, getQuickTip : function() { return B }, register : function() { B.register.apply(B, arguments) }, unregister : function() { B.unregister.apply(B, arguments) }, tips : function() { B.register.apply(B, arguments) } } }(); Ext.tree.TreePanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { rootVisible : true, animate : Ext.enableFx, lines : true, enableDD : false, hlDrop : Ext.enableFx, pathSeparator : "/", initComponent : function() { Ext.tree.TreePanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this); if (!this.eventModel) { this.eventModel = new Ext.tree.TreeEventModel(this) } this.nodeHash = {}; if (this.root) { this.setRootNode(this.root) } this.addEvents("append", "remove", "movenode", "insert", "beforeappend", "beforeremove", "beforemovenode", "beforeinsert", "beforeload", "load", "textchange", "beforeexpandnode", "beforecollapsenode", "expandnode", "disabledchange", "collapsenode", "beforeclick", "click", "checkchange", "dblclick", "contextmenu", "beforechildrenrendered", "startdrag", "enddrag", "dragdrop", "beforenodedrop", "nodedrop", "nodedragover"); if (this.singleExpand) { this.on("beforeexpandnode", this.restrictExpand, this) } }, proxyNodeEvent : function(C, B, A, G, F, E, D) { if (C == "collapse" || C == "expand" || C == "beforecollapse" || C == "beforeexpand" || C == "move" || C == "beforemove") { C = C + "node" } return this.fireEvent(C, B, A, G, F, E, D) }, getRootNode : function() { return this.root }, setRootNode : function(B) { this.root = B; B.ownerTree = this; B.isRoot = true; this.registerNode(B); if (!this.rootVisible) { var A = B.attributes.uiProvider; B.ui = A ? new A(B) : new Ext.tree.RootTreeNodeUI(B) } return B }, getNodeById : function(A) { return this.nodeHash[A] }, registerNode : function(A) { this.nodeHash[A.id] = A }, unregisterNode : function(A) { delete this.nodeHash[A.id] }, toString : function() { return "[Tree" + (this.id ? " " + this.id : "") + "]" }, restrictExpand : function(A) { var B = A.parentNode; if (B) { if (B.expandedChild && B.expandedChild.parentNode == B) { B.expandedChild.collapse() } B.expandedChild = A } }, getChecked : function(A, B) { B = B || this.root; var C = []; var D = function() { if (this.attributes.checked) { C.push(!A ? this : (A == "id" ? this.id : this.attributes[A])) } }; B.cascade(D); return C }, getEl : function() { return this.el }, getLoader : function() { return this.loader }, expandAll : function() { this.root.expand(true) }, collapseAll : function() { this.root.collapse(true) }, getSelectionModel : function() { if (!this.selModel) { this.selModel = new Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel() } return this.selModel }, expandPath : function(F, A, G) { A = A || "id"; var D = F.split(this.pathSeparator); var C = this.root; if (C.attributes[A] != D[1]) { if (G) { G(false, null) } return } var B = 1; var E = function() { if (++B == D.length) { if (G) { G(true, C) } return } var H = C.findChild(A, D[B]); if (!H) { if (G) { G(false, C) } return } C = H; H.expand(false, false, E) }; C.expand(false, false, E) }, selectPath : function(E, A, F) { A = A || "id"; var C = E.split(this.pathSeparator); var B = C.pop(); if (C.length > 0) { var D = function(H, G) { if (H && G) { var I = G.findChild(A, B); if (I) { I.select(); if (F) { F(true, I) } } else { if (F) { F(false, I) } } } else { if (F) { F(false, I) } } }; this.expandPath(C.join(this.pathSeparator), A, D) } else { this.root.select(); if (F) { F(true, this.root) } } }, getTreeEl : function() { return this.body }, onRender : function(B, A) { Ext.tree.TreePanel.superclass.onRender.call(this, B, A); this.el.addClass("x-tree"); this.innerCt = this.body.createChild({ tag : "ul", cls : "x-tree-root-ct " + (this.useArrows ? "x-tree-arrows" : this.lines ? "x-tree-lines" : "x-tree-no-lines") }) }, initEvents : function() { Ext.tree.TreePanel.superclass.initEvents.call(this); if (this.containerScroll) { Ext.dd.ScrollManager.register(this.body) } if ((this.enableDD || this.enableDrop) && !this.dropZone) { this.dropZone = new Ext.tree.TreeDropZone(this, this.dropConfig || { ddGroup : this.ddGroup || "TreeDD", appendOnly : this.ddAppendOnly === true }) } if ((this.enableDD || this.enableDrag) && !this.dragZone) { this.dragZone = new Ext.tree.TreeDragZone(this, this.dragConfig || { ddGroup : this.ddGroup || "TreeDD", scroll : this.ddScroll }) } this.getSelectionModel().init(this) }, afterRender : function() { Ext.tree.TreePanel.superclass.afterRender.call(this); this.root.render(); if (!this.rootVisible) { this.root.renderChildren() } }, onDestroy : function() { if (this.rendered) { this.body.removeAllListeners(); Ext.dd.ScrollManager.unregister(this.body); if (this.dropZone) { this.dropZone.unreg() } if (this.dragZone) { this.dragZone.unreg() } } this.root.destroy(); this.nodeHash = null; Ext.tree.TreePanel.superclass.onDestroy.call(this) } }); Ext.reg("treepanel", Ext.tree.TreePanel); Ext.tree.TreeEventModel = function(A) { this.tree = A; this.tree.on("render", this.initEvents, this) }; Ext.tree.TreeEventModel.prototype = { initEvents : function() { var A = this.tree.getTreeEl(); A.on("click", this.delegateClick, this); if (this.tree.trackMouseOver !== false) { A.on("mouseover", this.delegateOver, this); A.on("mouseout", this.delegateOut, this) } A.on("dblclick", this.delegateDblClick, this); A.on("contextmenu", this.delegateContextMenu, this) }, getNode : function(B) { var A; if (A = B.getTarget(".x-tree-node-el", 10)) { var C = Ext.fly(A, "_treeEvents").getAttributeNS("ext", "tree-node-id"); if (C) { return this.tree.getNodeById(C) } } return null }, getNodeTarget : function(B) { var A = B.getTarget(".x-tree-node-icon", 1); if (!A) { A = B.getTarget(".x-tree-node-el", 6) } return A }, delegateOut : function(B, A) { if (!this.beforeEvent(B)) { return } if (B.getTarget(".x-tree-ec-icon", 1)) { var C = this.getNode(B); this.onIconOut(B, C); if (C == this.lastEcOver) { delete this.lastEcOver } } if ((A = this.getNodeTarget(B)) && !B.within(A, true)) { this.onNodeOut(B, this.getNode(B)) } }, delegateOver : function(B, A) { if (!this.beforeEvent(B)) { return } if (this.lastEcOver) { this.onIconOut(B, this.lastEcOver); delete this.lastEcOver } if (B.getTarget(".x-tree-ec-icon", 1)) { this.lastEcOver = this.getNode(B); this.onIconOver(B, this.lastEcOver) } if (A = this.getNodeTarget(B)) { this.onNodeOver(B, this.getNode(B)) } }, delegateClick : function(B, A) { if (!this.beforeEvent(B)) { return } if (B.getTarget("input[type=checkbox]", 1)) { this.onCheckboxClick(B, this.getNode(B)) } else { if (B.getTarget(".x-tree-ec-icon", 1)) { this.onIconClick(B, this.getNode(B)) } else { if (this.getNodeTarget(B)) { this.onNodeClick(B, this.getNode(B)) } } } }, delegateDblClick : function(B, A) { if (this.beforeEvent(B) && this.getNodeTarget(B)) { this.onNodeDblClick(B, this.getNode(B)) } }, delegateContextMenu : function(B, A) { if (this.beforeEvent(B) && this.getNodeTarget(B)) { this.onNodeContextMenu(B, this.getNode(B)) } }, onNodeClick : function(B, A) { A.ui.onClick(B) }, onNodeOver : function(B, A) { A.ui.onOver(B) }, onNodeOut : function(B, A) { A.ui.onOut(B) }, onIconOver : function(B, A) { A.ui.addClass("x-tree-ec-over") }, onIconOut : function(B, A) { A.ui.removeClass("x-tree-ec-over") }, onIconClick : function(B, A) { A.ui.ecClick(B) }, onCheckboxClick : function(B, A) { A.ui.onCheckChange(B) }, onNodeDblClick : function(B, A) { A.ui.onDblClick(B) }, onNodeContextMenu : function(B, A) { A.ui.onContextMenu(B) }, beforeEvent : function(A) { if (this.disabled) { A.stopEvent(); return false } return true }, disable : function() { this.disabled = true }, enable : function() { this.disabled = false } }; Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel = function(A) { this.selNode = null; this.addEvents("selectionchange", "beforeselect"); Ext.apply(this, A); Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel, Ext.util.Observable, { init : function(A) { this.tree = A; A.getTreeEl().on("keydown", this.onKeyDown, this); A.on("click", this.onNodeClick, this) }, onNodeClick : function(A, B) { this.select(A) }, select : function(B) { var A = this.selNode; if (A != B && this.fireEvent("beforeselect", this, B, A) !== false) { if (A) { A.ui.onSelectedChange(false) } this.selNode = B; B.ui.onSelectedChange(true); this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, B, A) } return B }, unselect : function(A) { if (this.selNode == A) { this.clearSelections() } }, clearSelections : function() { var A = this.selNode; if (A) { A.ui.onSelectedChange(false); this.selNode = null; this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, null) } return A }, getSelectedNode : function() { return this.selNode }, isSelected : function(A) { return this.selNode == A }, selectPrevious : function() { var A = this.selNode || this.lastSelNode; if (!A) { return null } var C = A.previousSibling; if (C) { if (!C.isExpanded() || C.childNodes.length < 1) { return this.select(C) } else { var B = C.lastChild; while (B && B.isExpanded() && B.childNodes.length > 0) { B = B.lastChild } return this.select(B) } } else { if (A.parentNode && (this.tree.rootVisible || !A.parentNode.isRoot)) { return this.select(A.parentNode) } } return null }, selectNext : function() { var B = this.selNode || this.lastSelNode; if (!B) { return null } if (B.firstChild && B.isExpanded()) { return this.select(B.firstChild) } else { if (B.nextSibling) { return this.select(B.nextSibling) } else { if (B.parentNode) { var A = null; B.parentNode.bubble(function() { if (this.nextSibling) { A = this.getOwnerTree().selModel .select(this.nextSibling); return false } }); return A } } } return null }, onKeyDown : function(C) { var B = this.selNode || this.lastSelNode; var D = this; if (!B) { return } var A = C.getKey(); switch (A) { case C.DOWN : C.stopEvent(); this.selectNext(); break; case C.UP : C.stopEvent(); this.selectPrevious(); break; case C.RIGHT : C.preventDefault(); if (B.hasChildNodes()) { if (!B.isExpanded()) { B.expand() } else { if (B.firstChild) { this.select(B.firstChild, C) } } } break; case C.LEFT : C.preventDefault(); if (B.hasChildNodes() && B.isExpanded()) { B.collapse() } else { if (B.parentNode && (this.tree.rootVisible || B.parentNode != this.tree .getRootNode())) { this.select(B.parentNode, C) } } break } } }); Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel = function(A) { this.selNodes = []; this.selMap = {}; this.addEvents("selectionchange"); Ext.apply(this, A); Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel, Ext.util.Observable, { init : function(A) { this.tree = A; A.getTreeEl().on("keydown", this.onKeyDown, this); A.on("click", this.onNodeClick, this) }, onNodeClick : function(A, B) { this.select(A, B, B.ctrlKey) }, select : function(A, C, B) { if (B !== true) { this.clearSelections(true) } if (this.isSelected(A)) { this.lastSelNode = A; return A } this.selNodes.push(A); this.selMap[A.id] = A; this.lastSelNode = A; A.ui.onSelectedChange(true); this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, this.selNodes); return A }, unselect : function(B) { if (this.selMap[B.id]) { B.ui.onSelectedChange(false); var C = this.selNodes; var A = C.indexOf(B); if (A != -1) { this.selNodes.splice(A, 1) } delete this.selMap[B.id]; this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, this.selNodes) } }, clearSelections : function(B) { var D = this.selNodes; if (D.length > 0) { for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { D[C].ui.onSelectedChange(false) } this.selNodes = []; this.selMap = {}; if (B !== true) { this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, this.selNodes) } } }, isSelected : function(A) { return this.selMap[A.id] ? true : false }, getSelectedNodes : function() { return this.selNodes }, onKeyDown : Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel.prototype.onKeyDown, selectNext : Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel.prototype.selectNext, selectPrevious : Ext.tree.DefaultSelectionModel.prototype.selectPrevious }); Ext.tree.TreeNode = function(A) { A = A || {}; if (typeof A == "string") { A = { text : A } } this.childrenRendered = false; this.rendered = false; Ext.tree.TreeNode.superclass.constructor.call(this, A); this.expanded = A.expanded === true; this.isTarget = A.isTarget !== false; this.draggable = A.draggable !== false && A.allowDrag !== false; this.allowChildren = A.allowChildren !== false && A.allowDrop !== false; this.text = A.text; this.disabled = A.disabled === true; this.addEvents("textchange", "beforeexpand", "beforecollapse", "expand", "disabledchange", "collapse", "beforeclick", "click", "checkchange", "dblclick", "contextmenu", "beforechildrenrendered"); var B = this.attributes.uiProvider || this.defaultUI || Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI; this.ui = new B(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeNode, Ext.data.Node, { preventHScroll : true, isExpanded : function() { return this.expanded }, getUI : function() { return this.ui }, setFirstChild : function(A) { var B = this.firstChild; Ext.tree.TreeNode.superclass.setFirstChild.call(this, A); if (this.childrenRendered && B && A != B) { B.renderIndent(true, true) } if (this.rendered) { this.renderIndent(true, true) } }, setLastChild : function(B) { var A = this.lastChild; Ext.tree.TreeNode.superclass.setLastChild.call(this, B); if (this.childrenRendered && A && B != A) { A.renderIndent(true, true) } if (this.rendered) { this.renderIndent(true, true) } }, appendChild : function() { var A = Ext.tree.TreeNode.superclass.appendChild.apply(this, arguments); if (A && this.childrenRendered) { A.render() } this.ui.updateExpandIcon(); return A }, removeChild : function(A) { this.ownerTree.getSelectionModel().unselect(A); Ext.tree.TreeNode.superclass.removeChild.apply(this, arguments); if (this.childrenRendered) { A.ui.remove() } if (this.childNodes.length < 1) { this.collapse(false, false) } else { this.ui.updateExpandIcon() } if (!this.firstChild && !this.isHiddenRoot()) { this.childrenRendered = false } return A }, insertBefore : function(C, A) { var B = Ext.tree.TreeNode.superclass.insertBefore .apply(this, arguments); if (B && A && this.childrenRendered) { C.render() } this.ui.updateExpandIcon(); return B }, setText : function(B) { var A = this.text; this.text = B; this.attributes.text = B; if (this.rendered) { this.ui.onTextChange(this, B, A) } this.fireEvent("textchange", this, B, A) }, select : function() { this.getOwnerTree().getSelectionModel().select(this) }, unselect : function() { this.getOwnerTree().getSelectionModel().unselect(this) }, isSelected : function() { return this.getOwnerTree().getSelectionModel().isSelected(this) }, expand : function(A, B, C) { if (!this.expanded) { if (this.fireEvent("beforeexpand", this, A, B) === false) { return } if (!this.childrenRendered) { this.renderChildren() } this.expanded = true; if (!this.isHiddenRoot() && (this.getOwnerTree().animate && B !== false) || B) { this.ui.animExpand(function() { this.fireEvent("expand", this); if (typeof C == "function") { C(this) } if (A === true) { this.expandChildNodes(true) } }.createDelegate(this)); return } else { this.ui.expand(); this.fireEvent("expand", this); if (typeof C == "function") { C(this) } } } else { if (typeof C == "function") { C(this) } } if (A === true) { this.expandChildNodes(true) } }, isHiddenRoot : function() { return this.isRoot && !this.getOwnerTree().rootVisible }, collapse : function(B, E) { if (this.expanded && !this.isHiddenRoot()) { if (this.fireEvent("beforecollapse", this, B, E) === false) { return } this.expanded = false; if ((this.getOwnerTree().animate && E !== false) || E) { this.ui.animCollapse(function() { this.fireEvent("collapse", this); if (B === true) { this.collapseChildNodes(true) } }.createDelegate(this)); return } else { this.ui.collapse(); this.fireEvent("collapse", this) } } if (B === true) { var D = this.childNodes; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { D[C].collapse(true, false) } } }, delayedExpand : function(A) { if (!this.expandProcId) { this.expandProcId = this.expand.defer(A, this) } }, cancelExpand : function() { if (this.expandProcId) { clearTimeout(this.expandProcId) } this.expandProcId = false }, toggle : function() { if (this.expanded) { this.collapse() } else { this.expand() } }, ensureVisible : function(B) { var A = this.getOwnerTree(); A.expandPath(this.parentNode.getPath(), false, function() { var C = A.getNodeById(this.id); A.getTreeEl().scrollChildIntoView(C.ui.anchor); Ext.callback(B) }.createDelegate(this)) }, expandChildNodes : function(B) { var D = this.childNodes; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { D[C].expand(B) } }, collapseChildNodes : function(B) { var D = this.childNodes; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { D[C].collapse(B) } }, disable : function() { this.disabled = true; this.unselect(); if (this.rendered && this.ui.onDisableChange) { this.ui.onDisableChange(this, true) } this.fireEvent("disabledchange", this, true) }, enable : function() { this.disabled = false; if (this.rendered && this.ui.onDisableChange) { this.ui.onDisableChange(this, false) } this.fireEvent("disabledchange", this, false) }, renderChildren : function(B) { if (B !== false) { this.fireEvent("beforechildrenrendered", this) } var D = this.childNodes; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { D[C].render(true) } this.childrenRendered = true }, sort : function(E, D) { Ext.tree.TreeNode.superclass.sort.apply(this, arguments); if (this.childrenRendered) { var C = this.childNodes; for (var B = 0, A = C.length; B < A; B++) { C[B].render(true) } } }, render : function(A) { this.ui.render(A); if (!this.rendered) { this.getOwnerTree().registerNode(this); this.rendered = true; if (this.expanded) { this.expanded = false; this.expand(false, false) } } }, renderIndent : function(B, E) { if (E) { this.ui.childIndent = null } this.ui.renderIndent(); if (B === true && this.childrenRendered) { var D = this.childNodes; for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { D[C].renderIndent(true, E) } } }, beginUpdate : function() { this.childrenRendered = false }, endUpdate : function() { if (this.expanded) { this.renderChildren() } }, destroy : function() { for (var B = 0, A = this.childNodes.length; B < A; B++) { this.childNodes[B].destroy() } this.childNodes = null; if (this.ui.destroy) { this.ui.destroy() } } }); Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode = function(A) { this.loaded = false; this.loading = false; Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.addEvents("beforeload", "load") }; Ext.extend(Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode, Ext.tree.TreeNode, { expand : function(B, D, F) { if (this.loading) { var E; var C = function() { if (!this.loading) { clearInterval(E); this.expand(B, D, F) } }.createDelegate(this); E = setInterval(C, 200); return } if (!this.loaded) { if (this.fireEvent("beforeload", this) === false) { return } this.loading = true; this.ui.beforeLoad(this); var A = this.loader || this.attributes.loader || this.getOwnerTree().getLoader(); if (A) { A.load(this, this.loadComplete.createDelegate(this, [B, D, F])); return } } Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode.superclass.expand.call(this, B, D, F) }, isLoading : function() { return this.loading }, loadComplete : function(A, B, C) { this.loading = false; this.loaded = true; this.ui.afterLoad(this); this.fireEvent("load", this); this.expand(A, B, C) }, isLoaded : function() { return this.loaded }, hasChildNodes : function() { if (!this.isLeaf() && !this.loaded) { return true } else { return Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode.superclass.hasChildNodes.call(this) } }, reload : function(A) { this.collapse(false, false); while (this.firstChild) { this.removeChild(this.firstChild) } this.childrenRendered = false; this.loaded = false; if (this.isHiddenRoot()) { this.expanded = false } this.expand(false, false, A) } }); Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI = function(A) { this.node = A; this.rendered = false; this.animating = false; this.wasLeaf = true; this.ecc = "x-tree-ec-icon x-tree-elbow"; this.emptyIcon = Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL }; Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI.prototype = { removeChild : function(A) { if (this.rendered) { this.ctNode.removeChild(A.ui.getEl()) } }, beforeLoad : function() { this.addClass("x-tree-node-loading") }, afterLoad : function() { this.removeClass("x-tree-node-loading") }, onTextChange : function(B, C, A) { if (this.rendered) { this.textNode.innerHTML = C } }, onDisableChange : function(A, B) { this.disabled = B; if (this.checkbox) { this.checkbox.disabled = B } if (B) { this.addClass("x-tree-node-disabled") } else { this.removeClass("x-tree-node-disabled") } }, onSelectedChange : function(A) { if (A) { this.focus(); this.addClass("x-tree-selected") } else { this.removeClass("x-tree-selected") } }, onMove : function(A, G, E, F, D, B) { this.childIndent = null; if (this.rendered) { var H = F.ui.getContainer(); if (!H) { this.holder = document.createElement("div"); this.holder.appendChild(this.wrap); return } var C = B ? B.ui.getEl() : null; if (C) { H.insertBefore(this.wrap, C) } else { H.appendChild(this.wrap) } this.node.renderIndent(true) } }, addClass : function(A) { if (this.elNode) { Ext.fly(this.elNode).addClass(A) } }, removeClass : function(A) { if (this.elNode) { Ext.fly(this.elNode).removeClass(A) } }, remove : function() { if (this.rendered) { this.holder = document.createElement("div"); this.holder.appendChild(this.wrap) } }, fireEvent : function() { return this.node.fireEvent.apply(this.node, arguments) }, initEvents : function() { this.node.on("move", this.onMove, this); if (this.node.disabled) { this.addClass("x-tree-node-disabled"); if (this.checkbox) { this.checkbox.disabled = true } } if (this.node.hidden) { this.hide() } var B = this.node.getOwnerTree(); var A = B.enableDD || B.enableDrag || B.enableDrop; if (A && (!this.node.isRoot || B.rootVisible)) { Ext.dd.Registry.register(this.elNode, { node : this.node, handles : this.getDDHandles(), isHandle : false }) } }, getDDHandles : function() { return [this.iconNode, this.textNode, this.elNode] }, hide : function() { this.node.hidden = true; if (this.wrap) { this.wrap.style.display = "none" } }, show : function() { this.node.hidden = false; if (this.wrap) { this.wrap.style.display = "" } }, onContextMenu : function(A) { if (this.node.hasListener("contextmenu") || this.node.getOwnerTree().hasListener("contextmenu")) { A.preventDefault(); this.focus(); this.fireEvent("contextmenu", this.node, A) } }, onClick : function(B) { if (this.dropping) { B.stopEvent(); return } if (this.fireEvent("beforeclick", this.node, B) !== false) { var A = B.getTarget("a"); if (!this.disabled && this.node.attributes.href && A) { this.fireEvent("click", this.node, B); return } else { if (A && B.ctrlKey) { B.stopEvent() } } B.preventDefault(); if (this.disabled) { return } if (this.node.attributes.singleClickExpand && !this.animating && this.node.hasChildNodes()) { this.node.toggle() } this.fireEvent("click", this.node, B) } else { B.stopEvent() } }, onDblClick : function(A) { A.preventDefault(); if (this.disabled) { return } if (this.checkbox) { this.toggleCheck() } if (!this.animating && this.node.hasChildNodes()) { this.node.toggle() } this.fireEvent("dblclick", this.node, A) }, onOver : function(A) { this.addClass("x-tree-node-over") }, onOut : function(A) { this.removeClass("x-tree-node-over") }, onCheckChange : function() { var A = this.checkbox.checked; this.node.attributes.checked = A; this.fireEvent("checkchange", this.node, A) }, ecClick : function(A) { if (!this.animating && (this.node.hasChildNodes() || this.node.attributes.expandable)) { this.node.toggle() } }, startDrop : function() { this.dropping = true }, endDrop : function() { setTimeout(function() { this.dropping = false }.createDelegate(this), 50) }, expand : function() { this.updateExpandIcon(); this.ctNode.style.display = "" }, focus : function() { if (!this.node.preventHScroll) { try { this.anchor.focus() } catch (C) { } } else { if (!Ext.isIE) { try { var B = this.node.getOwnerTree().getTreeEl().dom; var A = B.scrollLeft; this.anchor.focus(); B.scrollLeft = A } catch (C) { } } } }, toggleCheck : function(B) { var A = this.checkbox; if (A) { A.checked = (B === undefined ? !A.checked : B) } }, blur : function() { try { this.anchor.blur() } catch (A) { } }, animExpand : function(B) { var A = Ext.get(this.ctNode); A.stopFx(); if (!this.node.hasChildNodes()) { this.updateExpandIcon(); this.ctNode.style.display = ""; Ext.callback(B); return } this.animating = true; this.updateExpandIcon(); A.slideIn("t", { callback : function() { this.animating = false; Ext.callback(B) }, scope : this, duration : this.node.ownerTree.duration || 0.25 }) }, highlight : function() { var A = this.node.getOwnerTree(); Ext.fly(this.wrap).highlight(A.hlColor || "C3DAF9", { endColor : A.hlBaseColor }) }, collapse : function() { this.updateExpandIcon(); this.ctNode.style.display = "none" }, animCollapse : function(B) { var A = Ext.get(this.ctNode); A.enableDisplayMode("block"); A.stopFx(); this.animating = true; this.updateExpandIcon(); A.slideOut("t", { callback : function() { this.animating = false; Ext.callback(B) }, scope : this, duration : this.node.ownerTree.duration || 0.25 }) }, getContainer : function() { return this.ctNode }, getEl : function() { return this.wrap }, appendDDGhost : function(A) { A.appendChild(this.elNode.cloneNode(true)) }, getDDRepairXY : function() { return Ext.lib.Dom.getXY(this.iconNode) }, onRender : function() { this.render() }, render : function(B) { var D = this.node, A = D.attributes; var C = D.parentNode ? D.parentNode.ui.getContainer() : D.ownerTree.innerCt.dom; if (!this.rendered) { this.rendered = true; this.renderElements(D, A, C, B); if (A.qtip) { if (this.textNode.setAttributeNS) { this.textNode.setAttributeNS("ext", "qtip", A.qtip); if (A.qtipTitle) { this.textNode.setAttributeNS("ext", "qtitle", A.qtipTitle) } } else { this.textNode.setAttribute("ext:qtip", A.qtip); if (A.qtipTitle) { this.textNode.setAttribute("ext:qtitle", A.qtipTitle) } } } else { if (A.qtipCfg) { A.qtipCfg.target = Ext.id(this.textNode); Ext.QuickTips.register(A.qtipCfg) } } this.initEvents(); if (!this.node.expanded) { this.updateExpandIcon(true) } } else { if (B === true) { C.appendChild(this.wrap) } } }, renderElements : function(D, I, H, J) { this.indentMarkup = D.parentNode ? D.parentNode.ui.getChildIndent() : ""; var E = typeof I.checked == "boolean"; var B = I.href ? I.href : Ext.isGecko ? "" : "#"; var C = [ "
  • ", "", this.indentMarkup, "", "", "", E ? ("" : "/>")) : "", "", D.text, "
    ", "
      ", "
    • "].join(""); var A; if (J !== true && D.nextSibling && (A = D.nextSibling.ui.getEl())) { this.wrap = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeBegin", A, C) } else { this.wrap = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeEnd", H, C) } this.elNode = this.wrap.childNodes[0]; this.ctNode = this.wrap.childNodes[1]; var G = this.elNode.childNodes; this.indentNode = G[0]; this.ecNode = G[1]; this.iconNode = G[2]; var F = 3; if (E) { this.checkbox = G[3]; F++ } this.anchor = G[F]; this.textNode = G[F].firstChild }, getAnchor : function() { return this.anchor }, getTextEl : function() { return this.textNode }, getIconEl : function() { return this.iconNode }, isChecked : function() { return this.checkbox ? this.checkbox.checked : false }, updateExpandIcon : function() { if (this.rendered) { var F = this.node, D, C; var A = F.isLast() ? "x-tree-elbow-end" : "x-tree-elbow"; var E = F.hasChildNodes(); if (E || F.attributes.expandable) { if (F.expanded) { A += "-minus"; D = "x-tree-node-collapsed"; C = "x-tree-node-expanded" } else { A += "-plus"; D = "x-tree-node-expanded"; C = "x-tree-node-collapsed" } if (this.wasLeaf) { this.removeClass("x-tree-node-leaf"); this.wasLeaf = false } if (this.c1 != D || this.c2 != C) { Ext.fly(this.elNode).replaceClass(D, C); this.c1 = D; this.c2 = C } } else { if (!this.wasLeaf) { Ext.fly(this.elNode).replaceClass("x-tree-node-expanded", "x-tree-node-leaf"); delete this.c1; delete this.c2; this.wasLeaf = true } } var B = "x-tree-ec-icon " + A; if (this.ecc != B) { this.ecNode.className = B; this.ecc = B } } }, getChildIndent : function() { if (!this.childIndent) { var A = []; var B = this.node; while (B) { if (!B.isRoot || (B.isRoot && B.ownerTree.rootVisible)) { if (!B.isLast()) { A.unshift("") } else { A.unshift("") } } B = B.parentNode } this.childIndent = A.join("") } return this.childIndent }, renderIndent : function() { if (this.rendered) { var A = ""; var B = this.node.parentNode; if (B) { A = B.ui.getChildIndent() } if (this.indentMarkup != A) { this.indentNode.innerHTML = A; this.indentMarkup = A } this.updateExpandIcon() } }, destroy : function() { if (this.elNode) { Ext.dd.Registry.unregister(this.elNode.id) } delete this.elNode; delete this.ctNode; delete this.indentNode; delete this.ecNode; delete this.iconNode; delete this.checkbox; delete this.anchor; delete this.textNode; Ext.removeNode(this.ctNode) } }; Ext.tree.RootTreeNodeUI = Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeNodeUI, { render : function() { if (!this.rendered) { var A = this.node.ownerTree.innerCt.dom; this.node.expanded = true; A.innerHTML = "
      "; this.wrap = this.ctNode = A.firstChild } }, collapse : Ext.emptyFn, expand : Ext.emptyFn }); Ext.tree.TreeLoader = function(A) { this.baseParams = {}; this.requestMethod = "POST"; Ext.apply(this, A); this.addEvents("beforeload", "load", "loadexception"); Ext.tree.TreeLoader.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeLoader, Ext.util.Observable, { uiProviders : {}, clearOnLoad : true, load : function(A, B) { if (this.clearOnLoad) { while (A.firstChild) { A.removeChild(A.firstChild) } } if (this.doPreload(A)) { if (typeof B == "function") { B() } } else { if (this.dataUrl || this.url) { this.requestData(A, B) } } }, doPreload : function(D) { if (D.attributes.children) { if (D.childNodes.length < 1) { var C = D.attributes.children; D.beginUpdate(); for (var B = 0, A = C.length; B < A; B++) { var E = D.appendChild(this.createNode(C[B])); if (this.preloadChildren) { this.doPreload(E) } } D.endUpdate() } return true } else { return false } }, getParams : function(D) { var A = [], C = this.baseParams; for (var B in C) { if (typeof C[B] != "function") { A.push(encodeURIComponent(B), "=", encodeURIComponent(C[B]), "&") } } A.push("node=", encodeURIComponent(D.id)); return A.join("") }, requestData : function(A, B) { if (this.fireEvent("beforeload", this, A, B) !== false) { this.transId = Ext.Ajax.request({ method : this.requestMethod, url : this.dataUrl || this.url, success : this.handleResponse, failure : this.handleFailure, scope : this, argument : { callback : B, node : A }, params : this.getParams(A) }) } else { if (typeof B == "function") { B() } } }, isLoading : function() { return this.transId ? true : false }, abort : function() { if (this.isLoading()) { Ext.Ajax.abort(this.transId) } }, createNode : function(attr) { if (this.baseAttrs) { Ext.applyIf(attr, this.baseAttrs) } if (this.applyLoader !== false) { attr.loader = this } if (typeof attr.uiProvider == "string") { attr.uiProvider = this.uiProviders[attr.uiProvider] || eval(attr.uiProvider) } return (attr.leaf ? new Ext.tree.TreeNode(attr) : new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode(attr)) }, processResponse : function(response, node, callback) { var json = response.responseText; try { var o = eval("(" + json + ")"); node.beginUpdate(); for (var i = 0, len = o.length; i < len; i++) { var n = this.createNode(o[i]); if (n) { node.appendChild(n) } } node.endUpdate(); if (typeof callback == "function") { callback(this, node) } } catch (e) { this.handleFailure(response) } }, handleResponse : function(B) { this.transId = false; var A = B.argument; this.processResponse(B, A.node, A.callback); this.fireEvent("load", this, A.node, B) }, handleFailure : function(B) { this.transId = false; var A = B.argument; this.fireEvent("loadexception", this, A.node, B); if (typeof A.callback == "function") { A.callback(this, A.node) } } }); Ext.tree.TreeFilter = function(A, B) { this.tree = A; this.filtered = {}; Ext.apply(this, B) }; Ext.tree.TreeFilter.prototype = { clearBlank : false, reverse : false, autoClear : false, remove : false, filter : function(D, A, B) { A = A || "text"; var C; if (typeof D == "string") { var E = D.length; if (E == 0 && this.clearBlank) { this.clear(); return } D = D.toLowerCase(); C = function(F) { return F.attributes[A].substr(0, E).toLowerCase() == D } } else { if (D.exec) { C = function(F) { return D.test(F.attributes[A]) } } else { throw "Illegal filter type, must be string or regex" } } this.filterBy(C, null, B) }, filterBy : function(D, C, B) { B = B || this.tree.root; if (this.autoClear) { this.clear() } var A = this.filtered, H = this.reverse; var E = function(J) { if (J == B) { return true } if (A[J.id]) { return false } var I = D.call(C || J, J); if (!I || H) { A[J.id] = J; J.ui.hide(); return false } return true }; B.cascade(E); if (this.remove) { for (var G in A) { if (typeof G != "function") { var F = A[G]; if (F && F.parentNode) { F.parentNode.removeChild(F) } } } } }, clear : function() { var B = this.tree; var A = this.filtered; for (var D in A) { if (typeof D != "function") { var C = A[D]; if (C) { C.ui.show() } } } this.filtered = {} } }; Ext.tree.TreeSorter = function(B, C) { Ext.apply(this, C); B.on("beforechildrenrendered", this.doSort, this); B.on("append", this.updateSort, this); B.on("insert", this.updateSort, this); B.on("textchange", this.updateSortParent, this); var E = this.dir && this.dir.toLowerCase() == "desc"; var F = this.property || "text"; var G = this.sortType; var A = this.folderSort; var D = this.caseSensitive === true; var H = this.leafAttr || "leaf"; this.sortFn = function(J, I) { if (A) { if (J.attributes[H] && !I.attributes[H]) { return 1 } if (!J.attributes[H] && I.attributes[H]) { return -1 } } var L = G ? G(J) : (D ? J.attributes[F] : J.attributes[F].toUpperCase()); var K = G ? G(I) : (D ? I.attributes[F] : I.attributes[F].toUpperCase()); if (L < K) { return E ? +1 : -1 } else { if (L > K) { return E ? -1 : +1 } else { return 0 } } } }; Ext.tree.TreeSorter.prototype = { doSort : function(A) { A.sort(this.sortFn) }, compareNodes : function(B, A) { return (B.text.toUpperCase() > A.text.toUpperCase() ? 1 : -1) }, updateSort : function(A, B) { if (B.childrenRendered) { this.doSort.defer(1, this, [B]) } }, updateSortParent : function(A) { var B = A.parentNode; if (B && B.childrenRendered) { this.doSort.defer(1, this, [B]) } } }; if (Ext.dd.DropZone) { Ext.tree.TreeDropZone = function(A, B) { this.allowParentInsert = false; this.allowContainerDrop = false; this.appendOnly = false; Ext.tree.TreeDropZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, A.innerCt, B); this.tree = A; this.dragOverData = {}; this.lastInsertClass = "x-tree-no-status" }; Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeDropZone, Ext.dd.DropZone, { ddGroup : "TreeDD", expandDelay : 1000, expandNode : function(A) { if (A.hasChildNodes() && !A.isExpanded()) { A.expand(false, null, this.triggerCacheRefresh .createDelegate(this)) } }, queueExpand : function(A) { this.expandProcId = this.expandNode.defer(this.expandDelay, this, [A]) }, cancelExpand : function() { if (this.expandProcId) { clearTimeout(this.expandProcId); this.expandProcId = false } }, isValidDropPoint : function(A, I, G, D, C) { if (!A || !C) { return false } var E = A.node; var F = C.node; if (!(E && E.isTarget && I)) { return false } if (I == "append" && E.allowChildren === false) { return false } if ((I == "above" || I == "below") && (E.parentNode && E.parentNode.allowChildren === false)) { return false } if (F && (E == F || F.contains(E))) { return false } var B = this.dragOverData; B.tree = this.tree; B.target = E; B.data = C; B.point = I; B.source = G; B.rawEvent = D; B.dropNode = F; B.cancel = false; var H = this.tree.fireEvent("nodedragover", B); return B.cancel === false && H !== false }, getDropPoint : function(E, D, I) { var J = D.node; if (J.isRoot) { return J.allowChildren !== false ? "append" : false } var B = D.ddel; var K = Ext.lib.Dom.getY(B), G = K + B.offsetHeight; var F = Ext.lib.Event.getPageY(E); var H = J.allowChildren === false || J.isLeaf(); if (this.appendOnly || J.parentNode.allowChildren === false) { return H ? false : "append" } var C = false; if (!this.allowParentInsert) { C = J.hasChildNodes() && J.isExpanded() } var A = (G - K) / (H ? 2 : 3); if (F >= K && F < (K + A)) { return "above" } else { if (!C && (H || F >= G - A && F <= G)) { return "below" } else { return "append" } } }, onNodeEnter : function(D, A, C, B) { this.cancelExpand() }, onNodeOver : function(B, G, F, E) { var I = this.getDropPoint(F, B, G); var C = B.node; if (!this.expandProcId && I == "append" && C.hasChildNodes() && !B.node.isExpanded()) { this.queueExpand(C) } else { if (I != "append") { this.cancelExpand() } } var D = this.dropNotAllowed; if (this.isValidDropPoint(B, I, G, F, E)) { if (I) { var A = B.ddel; var H; if (I == "above") { D = B.node.isFirst() ? "x-tree-drop-ok-above" : "x-tree-drop-ok-between"; H = "x-tree-drag-insert-above" } else { if (I == "below") { D = B.node.isLast() ? "x-tree-drop-ok-below" : "x-tree-drop-ok-between"; H = "x-tree-drag-insert-below" } else { D = "x-tree-drop-ok-append"; H = "x-tree-drag-append" } } if (this.lastInsertClass != H) { Ext.fly(A) .replaceClass(this.lastInsertClass, H); this.lastInsertClass = H } } } return D }, onNodeOut : function(D, A, C, B) { this.cancelExpand(); this.removeDropIndicators(D) }, onNodeDrop : function(C, I, E, D) { var H = this.getDropPoint(E, C, I); var F = C.node; F.ui.startDrop(); if (!this.isValidDropPoint(C, H, I, E, D)) { F.ui.endDrop(); return false } var G = D.node || (I.getTreeNode ? I.getTreeNode(D, F, H, E) : null); var B = { tree : this.tree, target : F, data : D, point : H, source : I, rawEvent : E, dropNode : G, cancel : !G, dropStatus : false }; var A = this.tree.fireEvent("beforenodedrop", B); if (A === false || B.cancel === true || !B.dropNode) { F.ui.endDrop(); return B.dropStatus } F = B.target; if (H == "append" && !F.isExpanded()) { F.expand(false, null, function() { this.completeDrop(B) }.createDelegate(this)) } else { this.completeDrop(B) } return true }, completeDrop : function(G) { var D = G.dropNode, E = G.point, C = G.target; if (!Ext.isArray(D)) { D = [D] } var F; for (var B = 0, A = D.length; B < A; B++) { F = D[B]; if (E == "above") { C.parentNode.insertBefore(F, C) } else { if (E == "below") { C.parentNode.insertBefore(F, C.nextSibling) } else { C.appendChild(F) } } } F.ui.focus(); if (this.tree.hlDrop) { F.ui.highlight() } C.ui.endDrop(); this.tree.fireEvent("nodedrop", G) }, afterNodeMoved : function(A, C, E, D, B) { if (this.tree.hlDrop) { B.ui.focus(); B.ui.highlight() } this.tree.fireEvent("nodedrop", this.tree, D, C, A, E) }, getTree : function() { return this.tree }, removeDropIndicators : function(B) { if (B && B.ddel) { var A = B.ddel; Ext.fly(A).removeClass(["x-tree-drag-insert-above", "x-tree-drag-insert-below", "x-tree-drag-append"]); this.lastInsertClass = "_noclass" } }, beforeDragDrop : function(B, A, C) { this.cancelExpand(); return true }, afterRepair : function(A) { if (A && Ext.enableFx) { A.node.ui.highlight() } this.hideProxy() } }) }; if (Ext.dd.DragZone) { Ext.tree.TreeDragZone = function(A, B) { Ext.tree.TreeDragZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, A.getTreeEl(), B); this.tree = A }; Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeDragZone, Ext.dd.DragZone, { ddGroup : "TreeDD", onBeforeDrag : function(A, B) { var C = A.node; return C && C.draggable && !C.disabled }, onInitDrag : function(B) { var A = this.dragData; this.tree.getSelectionModel().select(A.node); this.tree.eventModel.disable(); this.proxy.update(""); A.node.ui.appendDDGhost(this.proxy.ghost.dom); this.tree.fireEvent("startdrag", this.tree, A.node, B) }, getRepairXY : function(B, A) { return A.node.ui.getDDRepairXY() }, onEndDrag : function(A, B) { this.tree.eventModel.enable.defer(100, this.tree.eventModel); this.tree.fireEvent("enddrag", this.tree, A.node, B) }, onValidDrop : function(A, B, C) { this.tree .fireEvent("dragdrop", this.tree, this.dragData.node, A, B); this.hideProxy() }, beforeInvalidDrop : function(A, C) { var B = this.tree.getSelectionModel(); B.clearSelections(); B.select(this.dragData.node) } }) }; Ext.tree.TreeEditor = function(A, B) { B = B || {}; var C = B.events ? B : new Ext.form.TextField(B); Ext.tree.TreeEditor.superclass.constructor.call(this, C); this.tree = A; if (!A.rendered) { A.on("render", this.initEditor, this) } else { this.initEditor(A) } }; Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeEditor, Ext.Editor, { alignment : "l-l", autoSize : false, hideEl : false, cls : "x-small-editor x-tree-editor", shim : false, shadow : "frame", maxWidth : 250, editDelay : 350, initEditor : function(A) { A.on("beforeclick", this.beforeNodeClick, this); A.on("dblclick", this.onNodeDblClick, this); this.on("complete", this.updateNode, this); this.on("beforestartedit", this.fitToTree, this); this.on("startedit", this.bindScroll, this, { delay : 10 }); this.on("specialkey", this.onSpecialKey, this) }, fitToTree : function(B, C) { var E = this.tree.getTreeEl().dom, D = C.dom; if (E.scrollLeft > D.offsetLeft) { E.scrollLeft = D.offsetLeft } var A = Math.min(this.maxWidth, (E.clientWidth > 20 ? E.clientWidth : E.offsetWidth) - Math.max(0, D.offsetLeft - E.scrollLeft) - 5); this.setSize(A, "") }, triggerEdit : function(A, B) { this.completeEdit(); if (A.attributes.editable !== false) { this.editNode = A; this.autoEditTimer = this.startEdit.defer(this.editDelay, this, [A.ui.textNode, A.text]); return false } }, bindScroll : function() { this.tree.getTreeEl().on("scroll", this.cancelEdit, this) }, beforeNodeClick : function(A, B) { clearTimeout(this.autoEditTimer); if (this.tree.getSelectionModel().isSelected(A)) { B.stopEvent(); return this.triggerEdit(A) } }, onNodeDblClick : function(A, B) { clearTimeout(this.autoEditTimer) }, updateNode : function(A, B) { this.tree.getTreeEl().un("scroll", this.cancelEdit, this); this.editNode.setText(B) }, onHide : function() { Ext.tree.TreeEditor.superclass.onHide.call(this); if (this.editNode) { this.editNode.ui.focus.defer(50, this.editNode.ui) } }, onSpecialKey : function(C, B) { var A = B.getKey(); if (A == B.ESC) { B.stopEvent(); this.cancelEdit() } else { if (A == B.ENTER && !B.hasModifier()) { B.stopEvent(); this.completeEdit() } } } }); Ext.menu.Menu = function(A) { if (Ext.isArray(A)) { A = { items : A } } Ext.apply(this, A); this.id = this.id || Ext.id(); this.addEvents("beforeshow", "beforehide", "show", "hide", "click", "mouseover", "mouseout", "itemclick"); Ext.menu.MenuMgr.register(this); Ext.menu.Menu.superclass.constructor.call(this); var B = this.items; this.items = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); if (B) { this.add.apply(this, B) } }; Ext.extend(Ext.menu.Menu, Ext.util.Observable, { minWidth : 120, shadow : "sides", subMenuAlign : "tl-tr?", defaultAlign : "tl-bl?", allowOtherMenus : false, hidden : true, createEl : function() { return new Ext.Layer({ cls : "x-menu", shadow : this.shadow, constrain : false, parentEl : this.parentEl || document.body, zindex : 15000 }) }, render : function() { if (this.el) { return } var B = this.el = this.createEl(); if (!this.keyNav) { this.keyNav = new Ext.menu.MenuNav(this) } if (this.plain) { B.addClass("x-menu-plain") } if (this.cls) { B.addClass(this.cls) } this.focusEl = B.createChild({ tag : "a", cls : "x-menu-focus", href : "#", onclick : "return false;", tabIndex : "-1" }); var A = B.createChild({ tag : "ul", cls : "x-menu-list" }); A.on("click", this.onClick, this); A.on("mouseover", this.onMouseOver, this); A.on("mouseout", this.onMouseOut, this); this.items.each(function(D) { var C = document.createElement("li"); C.className = "x-menu-list-item"; A.dom.appendChild(C); D.render(C, this) }, this); this.ul = A; this.autoWidth() }, autoWidth : function() { var D = this.el, C = this.ul; if (!D) { return } var A = this.width; if (A) { D.setWidth(A) } else { if (Ext.isIE) { D.setWidth(this.minWidth); var B = D.dom.offsetWidth; D.setWidth(C.getWidth() + D.getFrameWidth("lr")) } } }, delayAutoWidth : function() { if (this.el) { if (!this.awTask) { this.awTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.autoWidth, this) } this.awTask.delay(20) } }, findTargetItem : function(B) { var A = B.getTarget(".x-menu-list-item", this.ul, true); if (A && A.menuItemId) { return this.items.get(A.menuItemId) } }, onClick : function(B) { var A; if (A = this.findTargetItem(B)) { A.onClick(B); this.fireEvent("click", this, A, B) } }, setActiveItem : function(A, B) { if (A != this.activeItem) { if (this.activeItem) { this.activeItem.deactivate() } this.activeItem = A; A.activate(B) } else { if (B) { A.expandMenu() } } }, tryActivate : function(F, E) { var B = this.items; for (var C = F, A = B.length; C >= 0 && C < A; C += E) { var D = B.get(C); if (!D.disabled && D.canActivate) { this.setActiveItem(D, false); return D } } return false }, onMouseOver : function(B) { var A; if (A = this.findTargetItem(B)) { if (A.canActivate && !A.disabled) { this.setActiveItem(A, true) } } this.fireEvent("mouseover", this, B, A) }, onMouseOut : function(B) { var A; if (A = this.findTargetItem(B)) { if (A == this.activeItem && A.shouldDeactivate(B)) { this.activeItem.deactivate(); delete this.activeItem } } this.fireEvent("mouseout", this, B, A) }, isVisible : function() { return this.el && !this.hidden }, show : function(B, C, A) { this.parentMenu = A; if (!this.el) { this.render() } this.fireEvent("beforeshow", this); this.showAt(this.el.getAlignToXY(B, C || this.defaultAlign), A, false) }, showAt : function(C, B, A) { this.parentMenu = B; if (!this.el) { this.render() } if (A !== false) { this.fireEvent("beforeshow", this); C = this.el.adjustForConstraints(C) } this.el.setXY(C); this.el.show(); this.hidden = false; this.focus(); this.fireEvent("show", this) }, focus : function() { if (!this.hidden) { this.doFocus.defer(50, this) } }, doFocus : function() { if (!this.hidden) { this.focusEl.focus() } }, hide : function(A) { if (this.el && this.isVisible()) { this.fireEvent("beforehide", this); if (this.activeItem) { this.activeItem.deactivate(); this.activeItem = null } this.el.hide(); this.hidden = true; this.fireEvent("hide", this) } if (A === true && this.parentMenu) { this.parentMenu.hide(true) } }, add : function() { var B = arguments, A = B.length, E; for (var C = 0; C < A; C++) { var D = B[C]; if (D.render) { E = this.addItem(D) } else { if (typeof D == "string") { if (D == "separator" || D == "-") { E = this.addSeparator() } else { E = this.addText(D) } } else { if (D.tagName || D.el) { E = this.addElement(D) } else { if (typeof D == "object") { Ext.applyIf(D, this.defaults); E = this.addMenuItem(D) } } } } } return E }, getEl : function() { if (!this.el) { this.render() } return this.el }, addSeparator : function() { return this.addItem(new Ext.menu.Separator()) }, addElement : function(A) { return this.addItem(new Ext.menu.BaseItem(A)) }, addItem : function(B) { this.items.add(B); if (this.ul) { var A = document.createElement("li"); A.className = "x-menu-list-item"; this.ul.dom.appendChild(A); B.render(A, this); this.delayAutoWidth() } return B }, addMenuItem : function(A) { if (!(A instanceof Ext.menu.Item)) { if (typeof A.checked == "boolean") { A = new Ext.menu.CheckItem(A) } else { A = new Ext.menu.Item(A) } } return this.addItem(A) }, addText : function(A) { return this.addItem(new Ext.menu.TextItem(A)) }, insert : function(B, C) { this.items.insert(B, C); if (this.ul) { var A = document.createElement("li"); A.className = "x-menu-list-item"; this.ul.dom.insertBefore(A, this.ul.dom.childNodes[B]); C.render(A, this); this.delayAutoWidth() } return C }, remove : function(A) { this.items.removeKey(A.id); A.destroy() }, removeAll : function() { var A; while (A = this.items.first()) { this.remove(A) } }, destroy : function() { this.beforeDestroy(); Ext.menu.MenuMgr.unregister(this); if (this.keyNav) { this.keyNav.disable() } this.removeAll(); if (this.ul) { this.ul.removeAllListeners() } if (this.el) { this.el.destroy() } }, beforeDestroy : Ext.emptyFn }); Ext.menu.MenuNav = function(A) { Ext.menu.MenuNav.superclass.constructor.call(this, A.el); this.scope = this.menu = A }; Ext.extend(Ext.menu.MenuNav, Ext.KeyNav, { doRelay : function(C, B) { var A = C.getKey(); if (!this.menu.activeItem && C.isNavKeyPress() && A != C.SPACE && A != C.RETURN) { this.menu.tryActivate(0, 1); return false } return B.call(this.scope || this, C, this.menu) }, up : function(B, A) { if (!A.tryActivate(A.items.indexOf(A.activeItem) - 1, -1)) { A.tryActivate(A.items.length - 1, -1) } }, down : function(B, A) { if (!A.tryActivate(A.items.indexOf(A.activeItem) + 1, 1)) { A.tryActivate(0, 1) } }, right : function(B, A) { if (A.activeItem) { A.activeItem.expandMenu(true) } }, left : function(B, A) { A.hide(); if (A.parentMenu && A.parentMenu.activeItem) { A.parentMenu.activeItem.activate() } }, enter : function(B, A) { if (A.activeItem) { B.stopPropagation(); A.activeItem.onClick(B); A.fireEvent("click", this, A.activeItem); return true } } }); Ext.menu.MenuMgr = function() { var F, D, C = {}, A = false, K = new Date(); function M() { F = {}; D = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(); Ext.getDoc().addKeyListener(27, function() { if (D.length > 0) { H() } }) } function H() { if (D && D.length > 0) { var N = D.clone(); N.each(function(O) { O.hide() }) } } function E(N) { D.remove(N); if (D.length < 1) { Ext.getDoc().un("mousedown", L); A = false } } function J(N) { var O = D.last(); K = new Date(); D.add(N); if (!A) { Ext.getDoc().on("mousedown", L); A = true } if (N.parentMenu) { N.getEl().setZIndex(parseInt(N.parentMenu.getEl() .getStyle("z-index"), 10) + 3); N.parentMenu.activeChild = N } else { if (O && O.isVisible()) { N.getEl().setZIndex(parseInt(O.getEl().getStyle("z-index"), 10) + 3) } } } function B(N) { if (N.activeChild) { N.activeChild.hide() } if (N.autoHideTimer) { clearTimeout(N.autoHideTimer); delete N.autoHideTimer } } function G(N) { var O = N.parentMenu; if (!O && !N.allowOtherMenus) { H() } else { if (O && O.activeChild) { O.activeChild.hide() } } } function L(N) { if (K.getElapsed() > 50 && D.length > 0 && !N.getTarget(".x-menu")) { H() } } function I(O, R) { if (R) { var Q = C[O.group]; for (var P = 0, N = Q.length; P < N; P++) { if (Q[P] != O) { Q[P].setChecked(false) } } } } return { hideAll : function() { H() }, register : function(O) { if (!F) { M() } F[O.id] = O; O.on("beforehide", B); O.on("hide", E); O.on("beforeshow", G); O.on("show", J); var N = O.group; if (N && O.events["checkchange"]) { if (!C[N]) { C[N] = [] } C[N].push(O); O.on("checkchange", onCheck) } }, get : function(N) { if (typeof N == "string") { if (!F) { return null } return F[N] } else { if (N.events) { return N } else { if (typeof N.length == "number") { return new Ext.menu.Menu({ items : N }) } else { return new Ext.menu.Menu(N) } } } }, unregister : function(O) { delete F[O.id]; O.un("beforehide", B); O.un("hide", E); O.un("beforeshow", G); O.un("show", J); var N = O.group; if (N && O.events["checkchange"]) { C[N].remove(O); O.un("checkchange", onCheck) } }, registerCheckable : function(N) { var O = N.group; if (O) { if (!C[O]) { C[O] = [] } C[O].push(N); N.on("beforecheckchange", I) } }, unregisterCheckable : function(N) { var O = N.group; if (O) { C[O].remove(N); N.un("beforecheckchange", I) } }, getCheckedItem : function(P) { var Q = C[P]; if (Q) { for (var O = 0, N = Q.length; O < N; O++) { if (Q[O].checked) { return Q[O] } } } return null }, setCheckedItem : function(P, R) { var Q = C[P]; if (Q) { for (var O = 0, N = Q.length; O < N; O++) { if (Q[O].id == R) { Q[O].setChecked(true) } } } return null } } }(); Ext.menu.BaseItem = function(A) { Ext.menu.BaseItem.superclass.constructor.call(this, A); this.addEvents("click", "activate", "deactivate"); if (this.handler) { this.on("click", this.handler, this.scope) } }; Ext.extend(Ext.menu.BaseItem, Ext.Component, { canActivate : false, activeClass : "x-menu-item-active", hideOnClick : true, hideDelay : 100, ctype : "Ext.menu.BaseItem", actionMode : "container", render : function(A, B) { this.parentMenu = B; Ext.menu.BaseItem.superclass.render.call(this, A); this.container.menuItemId = this.id }, onRender : function(B, A) { this.el = Ext.get(this.el); B.dom.appendChild(this.el.dom) }, setHandler : function(B, A) { if (this.handler) { this.un("click", this.handler, this.scope) } this.on("click", this.handler = B, this.scope = A) }, onClick : function(A) { if (!this.disabled && this.fireEvent("click", this, A) !== false && this.parentMenu.fireEvent("itemclick", this, A) !== false) { this.handleClick(A) } else { A.stopEvent() } }, activate : function() { if (this.disabled) { return false } var A = this.container; A.addClass(this.activeClass); this.region = A.getRegion().adjust(2, 2, -2, -2); this.fireEvent("activate", this); return true }, deactivate : function() { this.container.removeClass(this.activeClass); this.fireEvent("deactivate", this) }, shouldDeactivate : function(A) { return !this.region || !this.region.contains(A.getPoint()) }, handleClick : function(A) { if (this.hideOnClick) { this.parentMenu.hide.defer(this.hideDelay, this.parentMenu, [true]) } }, expandMenu : function(A) { }, hideMenu : function() { } }); Ext.menu.TextItem = function(A) { this.text = A; Ext.menu.TextItem.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.menu.TextItem, Ext.menu.BaseItem, { hideOnClick : false, itemCls : "x-menu-text", onRender : function() { var A = document.createElement("span"); A.className = this.itemCls; A.innerHTML = this.text; this.el = A; Ext.menu.TextItem.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments) } }); Ext.menu.Separator = function(A) { Ext.menu.Separator.superclass.constructor.call(this, A) }; Ext.extend(Ext.menu.Separator, Ext.menu.BaseItem, { itemCls : "x-menu-sep", hideOnClick : false, onRender : function(A) { var B = document.createElement("span"); B.className = this.itemCls; B.innerHTML = " "; this.el = B; A.addClass("x-menu-sep-li"); Ext.menu.Separator.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments) } }); Ext.menu.Item = function(A) { Ext.menu.Item.superclass.constructor.call(this, A); if (this.menu) { this.menu = Ext.menu.MenuMgr.get(this.menu) } }; Ext.extend(Ext.menu.Item, Ext.menu.BaseItem, { itemCls : "x-menu-item", canActivate : true, showDelay : 200, hideDelay : 200, ctype : "Ext.menu.Item", onRender : function(B, A) { var C = document.createElement("a"); C.hideFocus = true; C.unselectable = "on"; C.href = this.href || "#"; if (this.hrefTarget) { C.target = this.hrefTarget } C.className = this.itemCls + (this.menu ? " x-menu-item-arrow" : "") + (this.cls ? " " + this.cls : ""); C.innerHTML = String .format( "{1}", this.icon || Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, this.itemText || this.text, this.iconCls || ""); this.el = C; Ext.menu.Item.superclass.onRender.call(this, B, A) }, setText : function(A) { this.text = A; if (this.rendered) { this.el .update(String .format( "{1}", this.icon || Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, this.text, this.iconCls || "")); this.parentMenu.autoWidth() } }, setIconClass : function(A) { var B = this.iconCls; this.iconCls = A; if (this.rendered) { this.el.child("img.x-menu-item-icon").replaceClass(B, this.iconCls) } }, handleClick : function(A) { if (!this.href) { A.stopEvent() } Ext.menu.Item.superclass.handleClick.apply(this, arguments) }, activate : function(A) { if (Ext.menu.Item.superclass.activate.apply(this, arguments)) { this.focus(); if (A) { this.expandMenu() } } return true }, shouldDeactivate : function(A) { if (Ext.menu.Item.superclass.shouldDeactivate.call(this, A)) { if (this.menu && this.menu.isVisible()) { return !this.menu.getEl().getRegion().contains(A .getPoint()) } return true } return false }, deactivate : function() { Ext.menu.Item.superclass.deactivate.apply(this, arguments); this.hideMenu() }, expandMenu : function(A) { if (!this.disabled && this.menu) { clearTimeout(this.hideTimer); delete this.hideTimer; if (!this.menu.isVisible() && !this.showTimer) { this.showTimer = this.deferExpand.defer(this.showDelay, this, [A]) } else { if (this.menu.isVisible() && A) { this.menu.tryActivate(0, 1) } } } }, deferExpand : function(A) { delete this.showTimer; this.menu.show(this.container, this.parentMenu.subMenuAlign || "tl-tr?", this.parentMenu); if (A) { this.menu.tryActivate(0, 1) } }, hideMenu : function() { clearTimeout(this.showTimer); delete this.showTimer; if (!this.hideTimer && this.menu && this.menu.isVisible()) { this.hideTimer = this.deferHide.defer(this.hideDelay, this) } }, deferHide : function() { delete this.hideTimer; this.menu.hide() } }); Ext.menu.CheckItem = function(A) { Ext.menu.CheckItem.superclass.constructor.call(this, A); this.addEvents("beforecheckchange", "checkchange"); if (this.checkHandler) { this.on("checkchange", this.checkHandler, this.scope) } Ext.menu.MenuMgr.registerCheckable(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.menu.CheckItem, Ext.menu.Item, { itemCls : "x-menu-item x-menu-check-item", groupClass : "x-menu-group-item", checked : false, ctype : "Ext.menu.CheckItem", onRender : function(A) { Ext.menu.CheckItem.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments); if (this.group) { this.el.addClass(this.groupClass) } if (this.checked) { this.checked = false; this.setChecked(true, true) } }, destroy : function() { Ext.menu.MenuMgr.unregisterCheckable(this); Ext.menu.CheckItem.superclass.destroy.apply(this, arguments) }, setChecked : function(B, A) { if (this.checked != B && this.fireEvent("beforecheckchange", this, B) !== false) { if (this.container) { this.container[B ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("x-menu-item-checked") } this.checked = B; if (A !== true) { this.fireEvent("checkchange", this, B) } } }, handleClick : function(A) { if (!this.disabled && !(this.checked && this.group)) { this.setChecked(!this.checked) } Ext.menu.CheckItem.superclass.handleClick.apply(this, arguments) } }); Ext.menu.Adapter = function(B, A) { Ext.menu.Adapter.superclass.constructor.call(this, A); this.component = B }; Ext.extend(Ext.menu.Adapter, Ext.menu.BaseItem, { canActivate : true, onRender : function(B, A) { this.component.render(B); this.el = this.component.getEl() }, activate : function() { if (this.disabled) { return false } this.component.focus(); this.fireEvent("activate", this); return true }, deactivate : function() { this.fireEvent("deactivate", this) }, disable : function() { this.component.disable(); Ext.menu.Adapter.superclass.disable.call(this) }, enable : function() { this.component.enable(); Ext.menu.Adapter.superclass.enable.call(this) } }); Ext.menu.DateItem = function(A) { Ext.menu.DateItem.superclass.constructor.call(this, new Ext.DatePicker(A), A); this.picker = this.component; this.addEvents("select"); this.picker.on("render", function(B) { B.getEl().swallowEvent("click"); B.container.addClass("x-menu-date-item") }); this.picker.on("select", this.onSelect, this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.menu.DateItem, Ext.menu.Adapter, { onSelect : function(B, A) { this.fireEvent("select", this, A, B); Ext.menu.DateItem.superclass.handleClick.call(this) } }); Ext.menu.ColorItem = function(A) { Ext.menu.ColorItem.superclass.constructor.call(this, new Ext.ColorPalette(A), A); this.palette = this.component; this.relayEvents(this.palette, ["select"]); if (this.selectHandler) { this.on("select", this.selectHandler, this.scope) } }; Ext.extend(Ext.menu.ColorItem, Ext.menu.Adapter); Ext.menu.DateMenu = function(A) { Ext.menu.DateMenu.superclass.constructor.call(this, A); this.plain = true; var B = new Ext.menu.DateItem(A); this.add(B); this.picker = B.picker; this.relayEvents(B, ["select"]); this.on("beforeshow", function() { if (this.picker) { this.picker.hideMonthPicker(true) } }, this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.menu.DateMenu, Ext.menu.Menu, { cls : "x-date-menu", beforeDestroy : function() { this.picker.destroy() } }); Ext.menu.ColorMenu = function(A) { Ext.menu.ColorMenu.superclass.constructor.call(this, A); this.plain = true; var B = new Ext.menu.ColorItem(A); this.add(B); this.palette = B.palette; this.relayEvents(B, ["select"]) }; Ext.extend(Ext.menu.ColorMenu, Ext.menu.Menu); Ext.form.Field = Ext.extend(Ext.BoxComponent, { invalidClass : "x-form-invalid", invalidText : "The value in this field is invalid", focusClass : "x-form-focus", validationEvent : "keyup", validateOnBlur : true, validationDelay : 250, defaultAutoCreate : { tag : "input", type : "text", size : "20", autocomplete : "off" }, fieldClass : "x-form-field", msgTarget : "qtip", msgFx : "normal", readOnly : false, disabled : false, isFormField : true, hasFocus : false, initComponent : function() { Ext.form.Field.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents("focus", "blur", "specialkey", "change", "invalid", "valid") }, getName : function() { return this.rendered && this.el.dom.name ? this.el.dom.name : (this.hiddenName || "") }, onRender : function(C, A) { Ext.form.Field.superclass.onRender.call(this, C, A); if (!this.el) { var B = this.getAutoCreate(); if (!B.name) { B.name = this.name || this.id } if (this.inputType) { B.type = this.inputType } this.el = C.createChild(B, A) } var D = this.el.dom.type; if (D) { if (D == "password") { D = "text" } this.el.addClass("x-form-" + D) } if (this.readOnly) { this.el.dom.readOnly = true } if (this.tabIndex !== undefined) { this.el.dom.setAttribute("tabIndex", this.tabIndex) } this.el.addClass([this.fieldClass, this.cls]); this.initValue() }, initValue : function() { if (this.value !== undefined) { this.setValue(this.value) } else { if (this.el.dom.value.length > 0) { this.setValue(this.el.dom.value) } } }, isDirty : function() { if (this.disabled) { return false } return String(this.getValue()) !== String(this.originalValue) }, afterRender : function() { Ext.form.Field.superclass.afterRender.call(this); this.initEvents() }, fireKey : function(A) { if (A.isSpecialKey()) { this.fireEvent("specialkey", this, A) } }, reset : function() { this.setValue(this.originalValue); this.clearInvalid() }, initEvents : function() { this.el.on(Ext.isIE ? "keydown" : "keypress", this.fireKey, this); this.el.on("focus", this.onFocus, this); this.el.on("blur", this.onBlur, this); this.originalValue = this.getValue() }, onFocus : function() { if (!Ext.isOpera && this.focusClass) { this.el.addClass(this.focusClass) } if (!this.hasFocus) { this.hasFocus = true; this.startValue = this.getValue(); this.fireEvent("focus", this) } }, beforeBlur : Ext.emptyFn, onBlur : function() { this.beforeBlur(); if (!Ext.isOpera && this.focusClass) { this.el.removeClass(this.focusClass) } this.hasFocus = false; if (this.validationEvent !== false && this.validateOnBlur && this.validationEvent != "blur") { this.validate() } var A = this.getValue(); if (String(A) !== String(this.startValue)) { this.fireEvent("change", this, A, this.startValue) } this.fireEvent("blur", this) }, isValid : function(A) { if (this.disabled) { return true } var C = this.preventMark; this.preventMark = A === true; var B = this.validateValue(this .processValue(this.getRawValue())); this.preventMark = C; return B }, validate : function() { if (this.disabled || this.validateValue(this.processValue(this .getRawValue()))) { this.clearInvalid(); return true } return false }, processValue : function(A) { return A }, validateValue : function(A) { return true }, markInvalid : function(C) { if (!this.rendered || this.preventMark) { return } this.el.addClass(this.invalidClass); C = C || this.invalidText; switch (this.msgTarget) { case "qtip" : this.el.dom.qtip = C; this.el.dom.qclass = "x-form-invalid-tip"; if (Ext.QuickTips) { Ext.QuickTips.enable() } break; case "title" : this.el.dom.title = C; break; case "under" : if (!this.errorEl) { var B = this.el.findParent(".x-form-element", 5, true); this.errorEl = B.createChild({ cls : "x-form-invalid-msg" }); this.errorEl.setWidth(B.getWidth(true) - 20) } this.errorEl.update(C); Ext.form.Field.msgFx[this.msgFx].show(this.errorEl, this); break; case "side" : if (!this.errorIcon) { var B = this.el.findParent(".x-form-element", 5, true); this.errorIcon = B.createChild({ cls : "x-form-invalid-icon" }) } this.alignErrorIcon(); this.errorIcon.dom.qtip = C; this.errorIcon.dom.qclass = "x-form-invalid-tip"; this.errorIcon.show(); this.on("resize", this.alignErrorIcon, this); break; default : var A = Ext.getDom(this.msgTarget); A.innerHTML = C; A.style.display = this.msgDisplay; break } this.fireEvent("invalid", this, C) }, alignErrorIcon : function() { this.errorIcon.alignTo(this.el, "tl-tr", [2, 0]) }, clearInvalid : function() { if (!this.rendered || this.preventMark) { return } this.el.removeClass(this.invalidClass); switch (this.msgTarget) { case "qtip" : this.el.dom.qtip = ""; break; case "title" : this.el.dom.title = ""; break; case "under" : if (this.errorEl) { Ext.form.Field.msgFx[this.msgFx].hide(this.errorEl, this) } break; case "side" : if (this.errorIcon) { this.errorIcon.dom.qtip = ""; this.errorIcon.hide(); this.un("resize", this.alignErrorIcon, this) } break; default : var A = Ext.getDom(this.msgTarget); A.innerHTML = ""; A.style.display = "none"; break } this.fireEvent("valid", this) }, getRawValue : function() { var A = this.rendered ? this.el.getValue() : Ext.value( this.value, ""); if (A === this.emptyText) { A = "" } return A }, getValue : function() { if (!this.rendered) { return this.value } var A = this.el.getValue(); if (A === this.emptyText || A === undefined) { A = "" } return A }, setRawValue : function(A) { return this.el.dom.value = (A === null || A === undefined ? "" : A) }, setValue : function(A) { this.value = A; if (this.rendered) { this.el.dom.value = (A === null || A === undefined ? "" : A); this.validate() } }, adjustSize : function(A, C) { var B = Ext.form.Field.superclass.adjustSize.call(this, A, C); B.width = this.adjustWidth(this.el.dom.tagName, B.width); return B }, adjustWidth : function(A, B) { A = A.toLowerCase(); if (typeof B == "number" && !Ext.isSafari) { if (Ext.isIE && (A == "input" || A == "textarea")) { if (A == "input" && !Ext.isStrict) { return this.inEditor ? B : B - 3 } if (A == "input" && Ext.isStrict) { return B - (Ext.isIE6 ? 4 : 1) } if (A = "textarea" && Ext.isStrict) { return B - 2 } } else { if (Ext.isOpera && Ext.isStrict) { if (A == "input") { return B + 2 } if (A = "textarea") { return B - 2 } } } } return B } }); Ext.form.Field.msgFx = { normal : { show : function(A, B) { A.setDisplayed("block") }, hide : function(A, B) { A.setDisplayed(false).update("") } }, slide : { show : function(A, B) { A.slideIn("t", { stopFx : true }) }, hide : function(A, B) { A.slideOut("t", { stopFx : true, useDisplay : true }) } }, slideRight : { show : function(A, B) { A.fixDisplay(); A.alignTo(B.el, "tl-tr"); A.slideIn("l", { stopFx : true }) }, hide : function(A, B) { A.slideOut("l", { stopFx : true, useDisplay : true }) } } }; Ext.reg("field", Ext.form.Field); Ext.form.TextField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Field, { grow : false, growMin : 30, growMax : 800, vtype : null, maskRe : null, disableKeyFilter : false, allowBlank : true, minLength : 0, maxLength : Number.MAX_VALUE, minLengthText : "The minimum length for this field is {0}", maxLengthText : "The maximum length for this field is {0}", selectOnFocus : false, blankText : "This field is required", validator : null, regex : null, regexText : "", emptyText : null, emptyClass : "x-form-empty-field", initComponent : function() { Ext.form.TextField.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents("autosize") }, initEvents : function() { Ext.form.TextField.superclass.initEvents.call(this); if (this.validationEvent == "keyup") { this.validationTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.validate, this); this.el.on("keyup", this.filterValidation, this) } else { if (this.validationEvent !== false) { this.el.on(this.validationEvent, this.validate, this, { buffer : this.validationDelay }) } } if (this.selectOnFocus || this.emptyText) { this.on("focus", this.preFocus, this); if (this.emptyText) { this.on("blur", this.postBlur, this); this.applyEmptyText() } } if (this.maskRe || (this.vtype && this.disableKeyFilter !== true && (this.maskRe = Ext.form.VTypes[this.vtype + "Mask"]))) { this.el.on("keypress", this.filterKeys, this) } if (this.grow) { this.el.on("keyup", this.onKeyUp, this, { buffer : 50 }); this.el.on("click", this.autoSize, this) } }, processValue : function(A) { if (this.stripCharsRe) { var B = A.replace(this.stripCharsRe, ""); if (B !== A) { this.setRawValue(B); return B } } return A }, filterValidation : function(A) { if (!A.isNavKeyPress()) { this.validationTask.delay(this.validationDelay) } }, onKeyUp : function(A) { if (!A.isNavKeyPress()) { this.autoSize() } }, reset : function() { Ext.form.TextField.superclass.reset.call(this); this.applyEmptyText() }, applyEmptyText : function() { if (this.rendered && this.emptyText && this.getRawValue().length < 1) { this.setRawValue(this.emptyText); this.el.addClass(this.emptyClass) } }, preFocus : function() { if (this.emptyText) { if (this.el.dom.value == this.emptyText) { this.setRawValue("") } this.el.removeClass(this.emptyClass) } if (this.selectOnFocus) { this.el.dom.select() } }, postBlur : function() { this.applyEmptyText() }, filterKeys : function(B) { var A = B.getKey(); if (!Ext.isIE && (B.isNavKeyPress() || A == B.BACKSPACE || (A == B.DELETE && B.button == -1))) { return } var D = B.getCharCode(), C = String.fromCharCode(D); if (Ext.isIE && (B.isSpecialKey() || !C)) { return } if (!this.maskRe.test(C)) { B.stopEvent() } }, setValue : function(A) { if (this.emptyText && this.el && A !== undefined && A !== null && A !== "") { this.el.removeClass(this.emptyClass) } Ext.form.TextField.superclass.setValue.apply(this, arguments); this.applyEmptyText(); this.autoSize() }, validateValue : function(A) { if (A.length < 1 || A === this.emptyText) { if (this.allowBlank) { this.clearInvalid(); return true } else { this.markInvalid(this.blankText); return false } } if (A.length < this.minLength) { this.markInvalid(String.format(this.minLengthText, this.minLength)); return false } if (A.length > this.maxLength) { this.markInvalid(String.format(this.maxLengthText, this.maxLength)); return false } if (this.vtype) { var C = Ext.form.VTypes; if (!C[this.vtype](A, this)) { this.markInvalid(this.vtypeText || C[this.vtype + "Text"]); return false } } if (typeof this.validator == "function") { var B = this.validator(A); if (B !== true) { this.markInvalid(B); return false } } if (this.regex && !this.regex.test(A)) { this.markInvalid(this.regexText); return false } return true }, selectText : function(E, A) { var C = this.getRawValue(); if (C.length > 0) { E = E === undefined ? 0 : E; A = A === undefined ? C.length : A; var D = this.el.dom; if (D.setSelectionRange) { D.setSelectionRange(E, A) } else { if (D.createTextRange) { var B = D.createTextRange(); B.moveStart("character", E); B.moveEnd("character", A - C.length); B.select() } } } }, autoSize : function() { if (!this.grow || !this.rendered) { return } if (!this.metrics) { this.metrics = Ext.util.TextMetrics.createInstance(this.el) } var C = this.el; var B = C.dom.value; var D = document.createElement("div"); D.appendChild(document.createTextNode(B)); B = D.innerHTML; D = null; B += " "; var A = Math.min(this.growMax, Math.max(this.metrics.getWidth(B) + 10, this.growMin)); this.el.setWidth(A); this.fireEvent("autosize", this, A) } }); Ext.reg("textfield", Ext.form.TextField); Ext.form.TriggerField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TextField, { defaultAutoCreate : { tag : "input", type : "text", size : "16", autocomplete : "off" }, hideTrigger : false, autoSize : Ext.emptyFn, monitorTab : true, deferHeight : true, mimicing : false, onResize : function(A, B) { Ext.form.TriggerField.superclass.onResize.call(this, A, B); if (typeof A == "number") { this.el.setWidth(this.adjustWidth("input", A - this.trigger.getWidth())) } this.wrap .setWidth(this.el.getWidth() + this.trigger.getWidth()) }, adjustSize : Ext.BoxComponent.prototype.adjustSize, getResizeEl : function() { return this.wrap }, getPositionEl : function() { return this.wrap }, alignErrorIcon : function() { this.errorIcon.alignTo(this.wrap, "tl-tr", [2, 0]) }, onRender : function(B, A) { Ext.form.TriggerField.superclass.onRender.call(this, B, A); this.wrap = this.el.wrap({ cls : "x-form-field-wrap" }); this.trigger = this.wrap.createChild(this.triggerConfig || { tag : "img", src : Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, cls : "x-form-trigger " + this.triggerClass }); if (this.hideTrigger) { this.trigger.setDisplayed(false) } this.initTrigger(); if (!this.width) { this.wrap.setWidth(this.el.getWidth() + this.trigger.getWidth()) } }, initTrigger : function() { this.trigger.on("click", this.onTriggerClick, this, { preventDefault : true }); this.trigger.addClassOnOver("x-form-trigger-over"); this.trigger.addClassOnClick("x-form-trigger-click") }, onDestroy : function() { if (this.trigger) { this.trigger.removeAllListeners(); this.trigger.remove() } if (this.wrap) { this.wrap.remove() } Ext.form.TriggerField.superclass.onDestroy.call(this) }, onFocus : function() { Ext.form.TriggerField.superclass.onFocus.call(this); if (!this.mimicing) { this.wrap.addClass("x-trigger-wrap-focus"); this.mimicing = true; Ext.get(Ext.isIE ? document.body : document).on( "mousedown", this.mimicBlur, this, { delay : 10 }); if (this.monitorTab) { this.el.on("keydown", this.checkTab, this) } } }, checkTab : function(A) { if (A.getKey() == A.TAB) { this.triggerBlur() } }, onBlur : function() { }, mimicBlur : function(A) { if (!this.wrap.contains(A.target) && this.validateBlur(A)) { this.triggerBlur() } }, triggerBlur : function() { this.mimicing = false; Ext.get(Ext.isIE ? document.body : document).un("mousedown", this.mimicBlur); if (this.monitorTab) { this.el.un("keydown", this.checkTab, this) } this.beforeBlur(); this.wrap.removeClass("x-trigger-wrap-focus"); Ext.form.TriggerField.superclass.onBlur.call(this) }, beforeBlur : Ext.emptyFn, validateBlur : function(A) { return true }, onDisable : function() { Ext.form.TriggerField.superclass.onDisable.call(this); if (this.wrap) { this.wrap.addClass("x-item-disabled") } }, onEnable : function() { Ext.form.TriggerField.superclass.onEnable.call(this); if (this.wrap) { this.wrap.removeClass("x-item-disabled") } }, onShow : function() { if (this.wrap) { this.wrap.dom.style.display = ""; this.wrap.dom.style.visibility = "visible" } }, onHide : function() { this.wrap.dom.style.display = "none" }, onTriggerClick : Ext.emptyFn }); Ext.form.TwinTriggerField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TriggerField, { initComponent : function() { Ext.form.TwinTriggerField.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.triggerConfig = { tag : "span", cls : "x-form-twin-triggers", cn : [{ tag : "img", src : Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, cls : "x-form-trigger " + this.trigger1Class }, { tag : "img", src : Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL, cls : "x-form-trigger " + this.trigger2Class }] } }, getTrigger : function(A) { return this.triggers[A] }, initTrigger : function() { var A = this.trigger.select(".x-form-trigger", true); this.wrap.setStyle("overflow", "hidden"); var B = this; A.each(function(D, F, C) { D.hide = function() { var G = B.wrap.getWidth(); this.dom.style.display = "none"; B.el.setWidth(G - B.trigger.getWidth()) }; D.show = function() { var G = B.wrap.getWidth(); this.dom.style.display = ""; B.el.setWidth(G - B.trigger.getWidth()) }; var E = "Trigger" + (C + 1); if (this["hide" + E]) { D.dom.style.display = "none" } D.on("click", this["on" + E + "Click"], this, { preventDefault : true }); D.addClassOnOver("x-form-trigger-over"); D.addClassOnClick("x-form-trigger-click") }, this); this.triggers = A.elements }, onTrigger1Click : Ext.emptyFn, onTrigger2Click : Ext.emptyFn }); Ext.reg("trigger", Ext.form.TriggerField); Ext.form.TextArea = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TextField, { growMin : 60, growMax : 1000, growAppend : " \n ", growPad : 0, enterIsSpecial : false, preventScrollbars : false, onRender : function(B, A) { if (!this.el) { this.defaultAutoCreate = { tag : "textarea", style : "width:100px;height:60px;", autocomplete : "off" } } Ext.form.TextArea.superclass.onRender.call(this, B, A); if (this.grow) { this.textSizeEl = Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, { tag : "pre", cls : "x-form-grow-sizer" }); if (this.preventScrollbars) { this.el.setStyle("overflow", "hidden") } this.el.setHeight(this.growMin) } }, onDestroy : function() { if (this.textSizeEl) { Ext.removeNode(this.textSizeEl) } Ext.form.TextArea.superclass.onDestroy.call(this) }, fireKey : function(A) { if (A.isSpecialKey() && (this.enterIsSpecial || (A.getKey() != A.ENTER || A .hasModifier()))) { this.fireEvent("specialkey", this, A) } }, onKeyUp : function(A) { if (!A.isNavKeyPress() || A.getKey() == A.ENTER) { this.autoSize() } }, autoSize : function() { if (!this.grow || !this.textSizeEl) { return } var C = this.el; var A = C.dom.value; var D = this.textSizeEl; D.innerHTML = ""; D.appendChild(document.createTextNode(A)); A = D.innerHTML; Ext.fly(D).setWidth(this.el.getWidth()); if (A.length < 1) { A = "  " } else { if (Ext.isIE) { A = A.replace(/\n/g, "


      ") } A += this.growAppend } D.innerHTML = A; var B = Math.min(this.growMax, Math.max(D.offsetHeight, this.growMin) + this.growPad); if (B != this.lastHeight) { this.lastHeight = B; this.el.setHeight(B); this.fireEvent("autosize", this, B) } } }); Ext.reg("textarea", Ext.form.TextArea); Ext.form.NumberField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TextField, { fieldClass : "x-form-field x-form-num-field", allowDecimals : true, decimalSeparator : ".", decimalPrecision : 2, allowNegative : true, minValue : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxValue : Number.MAX_VALUE, minText : "The minimum value for this field is {0}", maxText : "The maximum value for this field is {0}", nanText : "{0} is not a valid number", baseChars : "0123456789", initEvents : function() { Ext.form.NumberField.superclass.initEvents.call(this); var B = this.baseChars + ""; if (this.allowDecimals) { B += this.decimalSeparator } if (this.allowNegative) { B += "-" } this.stripCharsRe = new RegExp("[^" + B + "]", "gi"); var A = function(D) { var C = D.getKey(); if (!Ext.isIE && (D.isSpecialKey() || C == D.BACKSPACE || C == D.DELETE)) { return } var E = D.getCharCode(); if (B.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(E)) === -1) { D.stopEvent() } }; this.el.on("keypress", A, this) }, validateValue : function(B) { if (!Ext.form.NumberField.superclass.validateValue.call(this, B)) { return false } if (B.length < 1) { return true } B = String(B).replace(this.decimalSeparator, "."); if (isNaN(B)) { this.markInvalid(String.format(this.nanText, B)); return false } var A = this.parseValue(B); if (A < this.minValue) { this.markInvalid(String.format(this.minText, this.minValue)); return false } if (A > this.maxValue) { this.markInvalid(String.format(this.maxText, this.maxValue)); return false } return true }, getValue : function() { return this .fixPrecision(this .parseValue(Ext.form.NumberField.superclass.getValue .call(this))) }, setValue : function(A) { A = parseFloat(A); A = isNaN(A) ? "" : String(A).replace(".", this.decimalSeparator); Ext.form.NumberField.superclass.setValue.call(this, A) }, parseValue : function(A) { A = parseFloat(String(A).replace(this.decimalSeparator, ".")); return isNaN(A) ? "" : A }, fixPrecision : function(B) { var A = isNaN(B); if (!this.allowDecimals || this.decimalPrecision == -1 || A || !B) { return A ? "" : B } return parseFloat(parseFloat(B).toFixed(this.decimalPrecision)) }, beforeBlur : function() { var A = this.parseValue(this.getRawValue()); if (A) { this.setValue(this.fixPrecision(A)) } } }); Ext.reg("numberfield", Ext.form.NumberField); Ext.form.DateField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TriggerField, { format : "m/d/y", altFormats : "m/d/Y|n/j/Y|n/j/y|m/j/y|n/d/y|m/j/Y|n/d/Y|m-d-y|m-d-Y|m/d|m-d|md|mdy|mdY|d|Y-m-d", disabledDays : null, disabledDaysText : "Disabled", disabledDates : null, disabledDatesText : "Disabled", minValue : null, maxValue : null, minText : "The date in this field must be equal to or after {0}", maxText : "The date in this field must be equal to or before {0}", invalidText : "{0} is not a valid date - it must be in the format {1}", triggerClass : "x-form-date-trigger", defaultAutoCreate : { tag : "input", type : "text", size : "10", autocomplete : "off" }, initComponent : function() { Ext.form.DateField.superclass.initComponent.call(this); if (typeof this.minValue == "string") { this.minValue = this.parseDate(this.minValue) } if (typeof this.maxValue == "string") { this.maxValue = this.parseDate(this.maxValue) } this.ddMatch = null; if (this.disabledDates) { var A = this.disabledDates; var C = "(?:"; for (var B = 0; B < A.length; B++) { C += A[B]; if (B != A.length - 1) { C += "|" } } this.ddMatch = new RegExp(C + ")") } }, validateValue : function(E) { E = this.formatDate(E); if (!Ext.form.DateField.superclass.validateValue.call(this, E)) { return false } if (E.length < 1) { return true } var C = E; E = this.parseDate(E); if (!E) { this.markInvalid(String.format(this.invalidText, C, this.format)); return false } var F = E.getTime(); if (this.minValue && F < this.minValue.getTime()) { this.markInvalid(String.format(this.minText, this .formatDate(this.minValue))); return false } if (this.maxValue && F > this.maxValue.getTime()) { this.markInvalid(String.format(this.maxText, this .formatDate(this.maxValue))); return false } if (this.disabledDays) { var A = E.getDay(); for (var B = 0; B < this.disabledDays.length; B++) { if (A === this.disabledDays[B]) { this.markInvalid(this.disabledDaysText); return false } } } var D = this.formatDate(E); if (this.ddMatch && this.ddMatch.test(D)) { this.markInvalid(String.format(this.disabledDatesText, D)); return false } return true }, validateBlur : function() { return !this.menu || !this.menu.isVisible() }, getValue : function() { return this .parseDate(Ext.form.DateField.superclass.getValue.call(this)) || "" }, setValue : function(A) { Ext.form.DateField.superclass.setValue.call(this, this.formatDate(this .parseDate(A))) }, parseDate : function(D) { if (!D || Ext.isDate(D)) { return D } var B = Date.parseDate(D, this.format); if (!B && this.altFormats) { if (!this.altFormatsArray) { this.altFormatsArray = this.altFormats.split("|") } for (var C = 0, A = this.altFormatsArray.length; C < A && !B; C++) { B = Date.parseDate(D, this.altFormatsArray[C]) } } return B }, onDestroy : function() { if (this.menu) { this.menu.destroy() } if (this.wrap) { this.wrap.remove() } Ext.form.DateField.superclass.onDestroy.call(this) }, formatDate : function(A) { return Ext.isDate(A) ? A.dateFormat(this.format) : A }, menuListeners : { select : function(A, B) { this.setValue(B) }, show : function() { this.onFocus() }, hide : function() { this.focus.defer(10, this); var A = this.menuListeners; this.menu.un("select", A.select, this); this.menu.un("show", A.show, this); this.menu.un("hide", A.hide, this) } }, onTriggerClick : function() { if (this.disabled) { return } if (this.menu == null) { this.menu = new Ext.menu.DateMenu() } Ext.apply(this.menu.picker, { minDate : this.minValue, maxDate : this.maxValue, disabledDatesRE : this.ddMatch, disabledDatesText : this.disabledDatesText, disabledDays : this.disabledDays, disabledDaysText : this.disabledDaysText, format : this.format, minText : String.format(this.minText, this .formatDate(this.minValue)), maxText : String.format(this.maxText, this .formatDate(this.maxValue)) }); this.menu.on(Ext.apply({}, this.menuListeners, { scope : this })); this.menu.picker.setValue(this.getValue() || new Date()); this.menu.show(this.el, "tl-bl?") }, beforeBlur : function() { var A = this.parseDate(this.getRawValue()); if (A) { this.setValue(A) } } }); Ext.reg("datefield", Ext.form.DateField); Ext.form.ComboBox = Ext.extend(Ext.form.TriggerField, { defaultAutoCreate : { tag : "input", type : "text", size : "24", autocomplete : "off" }, listClass : "", selectedClass : "x-combo-selected", triggerClass : "x-form-arrow-trigger", shadow : "sides", listAlign : "tl-bl?", maxHeight : 300, minHeight : 90, triggerAction : "query", minChars : 4, typeAhead : false, queryDelay : 500, pageSize : 0, selectOnFocus : false, queryParam : "query", loadingText : "Loading...", resizable : false, handleHeight : 8, editable : true, allQuery : "", mode : "remote", minListWidth : 70, forceSelection : false, typeAheadDelay : 250, lazyInit : true, initComponent : function() { Ext.form.ComboBox.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents("expand", "collapse", "beforeselect", "select", "beforequery"); if (this.transform) { this.allowDomMove = false; var C = Ext.getDom(this.transform); if (!this.hiddenName) { this.hiddenName = C.name } if (!this.store) { this.mode = "local"; var G = [], D = C.options; for (var B = 0, A = D.length; B < A; B++) { var F = D[B]; var E = (Ext.isIE ? F.getAttributeNode("value").specified : F.hasAttribute("value")) ? F.value : F.text; if (F.selected) { this.value = E } G.push([E, F.text]) } this.store = new Ext.data.SimpleStore({ "id" : 0, fields : ["value", "text"], data : G }); this.valueField = "value"; this.displayField = "text" } C.name = Ext.id(); if (!this.lazyRender) { this.target = true; this.el = Ext.DomHelper.insertBefore(C, this.autoCreate || this.defaultAutoCreate); Ext.removeNode(C); this.render(this.el.parentNode) } else { Ext.removeNode(C) } } this.selectedIndex = -1; if (this.mode == "local") { if (this.initialConfig.queryDelay === undefined) { this.queryDelay = 10 } if (this.initialConfig.minChars === undefined) { this.minChars = 0 } } }, onRender : function(B, A) { Ext.form.ComboBox.superclass.onRender.call(this, B, A); if (this.hiddenName) { this.hiddenField = this.el.insertSibling({ tag : "input", type : "hidden", name : this.hiddenName, id : (this.hiddenId || this.hiddenName) }, "before", true); this.hiddenField.value = this.hiddenValue !== undefined ? this.hiddenValue : this.value !== undefined ? this.value : ""; this.el.dom.removeAttribute("name") } if (Ext.isGecko) { this.el.dom.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off") } if (!this.lazyInit) { this.initList() } else { this.on("focus", this.initList, this, { single : true }) } if (!this.editable) { this.editable = true; this.setEditable(false) } }, initList : function() { if (!this.list) { var A = "x-combo-list"; this.list = new Ext.Layer({ shadow : this.shadow, cls : [A, this.listClass].join(" "), constrain : false }); var B = this.listWidth || Math .max(this.wrap.getWidth(), this.minListWidth); this.list.setWidth(B); this.list.swallowEvent("mousewheel"); this.assetHeight = 0; if (this.title) { this.header = this.list.createChild({ cls : A + "-hd", html : this.title }); this.assetHeight += this.header.getHeight() } this.innerList = this.list.createChild({ cls : A + "-inner" }); this.innerList.on("mouseover", this.onViewOver, this); this.innerList.on("mousemove", this.onViewMove, this); this.innerList.setWidth(B - this.list.getFrameWidth("lr")); if (this.pageSize) { this.footer = this.list.createChild({ cls : A + "-ft" }); this.pageTb = new Ext.PagingToolbar({ store : this.store, pageSize : this.pageSize, renderTo : this.footer }); this.assetHeight += this.footer.getHeight() } if (!this.tpl) { this.tpl = "
      {" + this.displayField + "}
      " } this.view = new Ext.DataView({ applyTo : this.innerList, tpl : this.tpl, singleSelect : true, selectedClass : this.selectedClass, itemSelector : this.itemSelector || "." + A + "-item" }); this.view.on("click", this.onViewClick, this); this.bindStore(this.store, true); if (this.resizable) { this.resizer = new Ext.Resizable(this.list, { pinned : true, handles : "se" }); this.resizer.on("resize", function(E, C, D) { this.maxHeight = D - this.handleHeight - this.list.getFrameWidth("tb") - this.assetHeight; this.listWidth = C; this.innerList.setWidth(C - this.list.getFrameWidth("lr")); this.restrictHeight() }, this); this[this.pageSize ? "footer" : "innerList"].setStyle( "margin-bottom", this.handleHeight + "px") } } }, bindStore : function(A, B) { if (this.store && !B) { this.store.un("beforeload", this.onBeforeLoad, this); this.store.un("load", this.onLoad, this); this.store.un("loadexception", this.collapse, this); if (!A) { this.store = null; if (this.view) { this.view.setStore(null) } } } if (A) { this.store = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup(A); this.store.on("beforeload", this.onBeforeLoad, this); this.store.on("load", this.onLoad, this); this.store.on("loadexception", this.collapse, this); if (this.view) { this.view.setStore(A) } } }, initEvents : function() { Ext.form.ComboBox.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.keyNav = new Ext.KeyNav(this.el, { "up" : function(A) { this.inKeyMode = true; this.selectPrev() }, "down" : function(A) { if (!this.isExpanded()) { this.onTriggerClick() } else { this.inKeyMode = true; this.selectNext() } }, "enter" : function(A) { this.onViewClick(); this.delayedCheck = true; this.unsetDelayCheck.defer(10, this) }, "esc" : function(A) { this.collapse() }, "tab" : function(A) { this.onViewClick(false); return true }, scope : this, doRelay : function(C, B, A) { if (A == "down" || this.scope.isExpanded()) { return Ext.KeyNav.prototype.doRelay.apply( this, arguments) } return true }, forceKeyDown : true }); this.queryDelay = Math.max(this.queryDelay || 10, this.mode == "local" ? 10 : 250); this.dqTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.initQuery, this); if (this.typeAhead) { this.taTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.onTypeAhead, this) } if (this.editable !== false) { this.el.on("keyup", this.onKeyUp, this) } if (this.forceSelection) { this.on("blur", this.doForce, this) } }, onDestroy : function() { if (this.view) { this.view.el.removeAllListeners(); this.view.el.remove(); this.view.purgeListeners() } if (this.list) { this.list.destroy() } this.bindStore(null); Ext.form.ComboBox.superclass.onDestroy.call(this) }, unsetDelayCheck : function() { delete this.delayedCheck }, fireKey : function(A) { if (A.isNavKeyPress() && !this.isExpanded() && !this.delayedCheck) { this.fireEvent("specialkey", this, A) } }, onResize : function(A, B) { Ext.form.ComboBox.superclass.onResize.apply(this, arguments); if (this.list && this.listWidth === undefined) { var C = Math.max(A, this.minListWidth); this.list.setWidth(C); this.innerList.setWidth(C - this.list.getFrameWidth("lr")) } }, onEnable : function() { Ext.form.ComboBox.superclass.onEnable.apply(this, arguments); if (this.hiddenField) { this.hiddenField.disabled = false } }, onDisable : function() { Ext.form.ComboBox.superclass.onDisable.apply(this, arguments); if (this.hiddenField) { this.hiddenField.disabled = true } }, setEditable : function(A) { if (A == this.editable) { return } this.editable = A; if (!A) { this.el.dom.setAttribute("readOnly", true); this.el.on("mousedown", this.onTriggerClick, this); this.el.addClass("x-combo-noedit") } else { this.el.dom.setAttribute("readOnly", false); this.el.un("mousedown", this.onTriggerClick, this); this.el.removeClass("x-combo-noedit") } }, onBeforeLoad : function() { if (!this.hasFocus) { return } this.innerList.update(this.loadingText ? "
      " + this.loadingText + "
      " : ""); this.restrictHeight(); this.selectedIndex = -1 }, onLoad : function() { if (!this.hasFocus) { return } if (this.store.getCount() > 0) { this.expand(); this.restrictHeight(); if (this.lastQuery == this.allQuery) { if (this.editable) { this.el.dom.select() } if (!this.selectByValue(this.value, true)) { this.select(0, true) } } else { this.selectNext(); if (this.typeAhead && this.lastKey != Ext.EventObject.BACKSPACE && this.lastKey != Ext.EventObject.DELETE) { this.taTask.delay(this.typeAheadDelay) } } } else { this.onEmptyResults() } }, onTypeAhead : function() { if (this.store.getCount() > 0) { var B = this.store.getAt(0); var C = B.data[this.displayField]; var A = C.length; var D = this.getRawValue().length; if (D != A) { this.setRawValue(C); this.selectText(D, C.length) } } }, onSelect : function(A, B) { if (this.fireEvent("beforeselect", this, A, B) !== false) { this.setValue(A.data[this.valueField || this.displayField]); this.collapse(); this.fireEvent("select", this, A, B) } }, getValue : function() { if (this.valueField) { return typeof this.value != "undefined" ? this.value : "" } else { return Ext.form.ComboBox.superclass.getValue.call(this) } }, clearValue : function() { if (this.hiddenField) { this.hiddenField.value = "" } this.setRawValue(""); this.lastSelectionText = ""; this.applyEmptyText(); this.value = "" }, setValue : function(A) { var C = A; if (this.valueField) { var B = this.findRecord(this.valueField, A); if (B) { C = B.data[this.displayField] } else { if (this.valueNotFoundText !== undefined) { C = this.valueNotFoundText } } } this.lastSelectionText = C; if (this.hiddenField) { this.hiddenField.value = A } Ext.form.ComboBox.superclass.setValue.call(this, C); this.value = A }, findRecord : function(C, B) { var A; if (this.store.getCount() > 0) { this.store.each(function(D) { if (D.data[C] == B) { A = D; return false } }) } return A }, onViewMove : function(B, A) { this.inKeyMode = false }, onViewOver : function(D, B) { if (this.inKeyMode) { return } var C = this.view.findItemFromChild(B); if (C) { var A = this.view.indexOf(C); this.select(A, false) } }, onViewClick : function(B) { var A = this.view.getSelectedIndexes()[0]; var C = this.store.getAt(A); if (C) { this.onSelect(C, A) } if (B !== false) { this.el.focus() } }, restrictHeight : function() { this.innerList.dom.style.height = ""; var B = this.innerList.dom; var E = this.list.getFrameWidth("tb") + (this.resizable ? this.handleHeight : 0) + this.assetHeight; var C = Math .max(B.clientHeight, B.offsetHeight, B.scrollHeight); var A = this.getPosition()[1] - Ext.getBody().getScroll().top; var F = Ext.lib.Dom.getViewHeight() - A - this.getSize().height; var D = Math.max(A, F, this.minHeight || 0) - this.list.shadow.offset - E - 2; C = Math.min(C, D, this.maxHeight); this.innerList.setHeight(C); this.list.beginUpdate(); this.list.setHeight(C + E); this.list.alignTo(this.el, this.listAlign); this.list.endUpdate() }, onEmptyResults : function() { this.collapse() }, isExpanded : function() { return this.list && this.list.isVisible() }, selectByValue : function(A, C) { if (A !== undefined && A !== null) { var B = this.findRecord(this.valueField || this.displayField, A); if (B) { this.select(this.store.indexOf(B), C); return true } } return false }, select : function(A, C) { this.selectedIndex = A; this.view.select(A); if (C !== false) { var B = this.view.getNode(A); if (B) { this.innerList.scrollChildIntoView(B, false) } } }, selectNext : function() { var A = this.store.getCount(); if (A > 0) { if (this.selectedIndex == -1) { this.select(0) } else { if (this.selectedIndex < A - 1) { this.select(this.selectedIndex + 1) } } } }, selectPrev : function() { var A = this.store.getCount(); if (A > 0) { if (this.selectedIndex == -1) { this.select(0) } else { if (this.selectedIndex != 0) { this.select(this.selectedIndex - 1) } } } }, onKeyUp : function(A) { if (this.editable !== false && !A.isSpecialKey()) { this.lastKey = A.getKey(); this.dqTask.delay(this.queryDelay) } }, validateBlur : function() { return !this.list || !this.list.isVisible() }, initQuery : function() { this.doQuery(this.getRawValue()) }, doForce : function() { if (this.el.dom.value.length > 0) { this.el.dom.value = this.lastSelectionText === undefined ? "" : this.lastSelectionText; this.applyEmptyText() } }, doQuery : function(C, B) { if (C === undefined || C === null) { C = "" } var A = { query : C, forceAll : B, combo : this, cancel : false }; if (this.fireEvent("beforequery", A) === false || A.cancel) { return false } C = A.query; B = A.forceAll; if (B === true || (C.length >= this.minChars)) { if (this.lastQuery !== C) { this.lastQuery = C; if (this.mode == "local") { this.selectedIndex = -1; if (B) { this.store.clearFilter() } else { this.store.filter(this.displayField, C) } this.onLoad() } else { this.store.baseParams[this.queryParam] = C; this.store.load({ params : this.getParams(C) }); this.expand() } } else { this.selectedIndex = -1; this.onLoad() } } }, getParams : function(A) { var B = {}; if (this.pageSize) { B.start = 0; B.limit = this.pageSize } return B }, collapse : function() { if (!this.isExpanded()) { return } this.list.hide(); Ext.getDoc().un("mousewheel", this.collapseIf, this); Ext.getDoc().un("mousedown", this.collapseIf, this); this.fireEvent("collapse", this) }, collapseIf : function(A) { if (!A.within(this.wrap) && !A.within(this.list)) { this.collapse() } }, expand : function() { if (this.isExpanded() || !this.hasFocus) { return } this.list.alignTo(this.wrap, this.listAlign); this.list.show(); this.innerList.setOverflow("auto"); Ext.getDoc().on("mousewheel", this.collapseIf, this); Ext.getDoc().on("mousedown", this.collapseIf, this); this.fireEvent("expand", this) }, onTriggerClick : function() { if (this.disabled) { return } if (this.isExpanded()) { this.collapse(); this.el.focus() } else { this.onFocus({}); if (this.triggerAction == "all") { this.doQuery(this.allQuery, true) } else { this.doQuery(this.getRawValue()) } this.el.focus() } } }); Ext.reg("combo", Ext.form.ComboBox); Ext.form.Checkbox = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Field, { focusClass : undefined, fieldClass : "x-form-field", checked : false, defaultAutoCreate : { tag : "input", type : "checkbox", autocomplete : "off" }, initComponent : function() { Ext.form.Checkbox.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents("check") }, onResize : function() { Ext.form.Checkbox.superclass.onResize.apply(this, arguments); if (!this.boxLabel) { this.el.alignTo(this.wrap, "c-c") } }, initEvents : function() { Ext.form.Checkbox.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.el.on("click", this.onClick, this); this.el.on("change", this.onClick, this) }, getResizeEl : function() { return this.wrap }, getPositionEl : function() { return this.wrap }, markInvalid : Ext.emptyFn, clearInvalid : Ext.emptyFn, onRender : function(B, A) { Ext.form.Checkbox.superclass.onRender.call(this, B, A); if (this.inputValue !== undefined) { this.el.dom.value = this.inputValue } this.wrap = this.el.wrap({ cls : "x-form-check-wrap" }); if (this.boxLabel) { this.wrap.createChild({ tag : "label", htmlFor : this.el.id, cls : "x-form-cb-label", html : this.boxLabel }) } if (this.checked) { this.setValue(true) } else { this.checked = this.el.dom.checked } }, onDestroy : function() { if (this.wrap) { this.wrap.remove() } Ext.form.Checkbox.superclass.onDestroy.call(this) }, initValue : Ext.emptyFn, getValue : function() { if (this.rendered) { return this.el.dom.checked } return false }, onClick : function() { if (this.el.dom.checked != this.checked) { this.setValue(this.el.dom.checked) } }, setValue : function(A) { this.checked = (A === true || A === "true" || A == "1" || String(A) .toLowerCase() == "on"); if (this.el && this.el.dom) { this.el.dom.checked = this.checked; this.el.dom.defaultChecked = this.checked } this.fireEvent("check", this, this.checked) } }); Ext.reg("checkbox", Ext.form.Checkbox); Ext.form.Radio = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Checkbox, { inputType : "radio", markInvalid : Ext.emptyFn, clearInvalid : Ext.emptyFn, getGroupValue : function() { var A = this.el.up("form") || Ext.getBody(); var B = A.child("input[name=" + this.el.dom.name + "]:checked", true); return B ? B.value : null }, onClick : function() { if (this.el.dom.checked != this.checked) { var B = this.el.up("form") || Ext.getBody(); var A = B.select("input[name=" + this.el.dom.name + "]"); A.each(function(C) { if (C.dom.id == this.id) { this.setValue(true) } else { Ext.getCmp(C.dom.id).setValue(false) } }, this) } }, setValue : function(A) { if (typeof A == "boolean") { Ext.form.Radio.superclass.setValue.call(this, A) } else { var B = this.el.up("form").child( "input[name=" + this.el.dom.name + "][value=" + A + "]", true); if (B) { B.checked = true } } } }); Ext.reg("radio", Ext.form.Radio); Ext.form.Hidden = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Field, { inputType : "hidden", onRender : function() { Ext.form.Hidden.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments) }, initEvents : function() { this.originalValue = this.getValue() }, setSize : Ext.emptyFn, setWidth : Ext.emptyFn, setHeight : Ext.emptyFn, setPosition : Ext.emptyFn, setPagePosition : Ext.emptyFn, markInvalid : Ext.emptyFn, clearInvalid : Ext.emptyFn }); Ext.reg("hidden", Ext.form.Hidden); Ext.form.BasicForm = function(B, A) { Ext.apply(this, A); this.items = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, function(C) { return C.id || (C.id = Ext.id()) }); this.addEvents("beforeaction", "actionfailed", "actioncomplete"); if (B) { this.initEl(B) } Ext.form.BasicForm.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.form.BasicForm, Ext.util.Observable, { timeout : 30, activeAction : null, trackResetOnLoad : false, initEl : function(A) { this.el = Ext.get(A); this.id = this.el.id || Ext.id(); if (!this.standardSubmit) { this.el.on("submit", this.onSubmit, this) } this.el.addClass("x-form") }, getEl : function() { return this.el }, onSubmit : function(A) { A.stopEvent() }, destroy : function() { this.items.each(function(A) { Ext.destroy(A) }); if (this.el) { this.el.removeAllListeners(); this.el.remove() } this.purgeListeners() }, isValid : function() { var A = true; this.items.each(function(B) { if (!B.validate()) { A = false } }); return A }, isDirty : function() { var A = false; this.items.each(function(B) { if (B.isDirty()) { A = true; return false } }); return A }, doAction : function(B, A) { if (typeof B == "string") { B = new Ext.form.Action.ACTION_TYPES[B](this, A) } if (this.fireEvent("beforeaction", this, B) !== false) { this.beforeAction(B); B.run.defer(100, B) } return this }, submit : function(B) { if (this.standardSubmit) { var A = this.isValid(); if (A) { this.el.dom.submit() } return A } this.doAction("submit", B); return this }, load : function(A) { this.doAction("load", A); return this }, updateRecord : function(B) { B.beginEdit(); var A = B.fields; A.each(function(C) { var D = this.findField(C.name); if (D) { B.set(C.name, D.getValue()) } }, this); B.endEdit(); return this }, loadRecord : function(A) { this.setValues(A.data); return this }, beforeAction : function(A) { var B = A.options; if (B.waitMsg) { if (this.waitMsgTarget === true) { this.el.mask(B.waitMsg, "x-mask-loading") } else { if (this.waitMsgTarget) { this.waitMsgTarget = Ext.get(this.waitMsgTarget); this.waitMsgTarget.mask(B.waitMsg, "x-mask-loading") } else { Ext.MessageBox.wait(B.waitMsg, B.waitTitle || this.waitTitle || "Please Wait...") } } } }, afterAction : function(A, C) { this.activeAction = null; var B = A.options; if (B.waitMsg) { if (this.waitMsgTarget === true) { this.el.unmask() } else { if (this.waitMsgTarget) { this.waitMsgTarget.unmask() } else { Ext.MessageBox.updateProgress(1); Ext.MessageBox.hide() } } } if (C) { if (B.reset) { this.reset() } Ext.callback(B.success, B.scope, [this, A]); this.fireEvent("actioncomplete", this, A) } else { Ext.callback(B.failure, B.scope, [this, A]); this.fireEvent("actionfailed", this, A) } }, findField : function(B) { var A = this.items.get(B); if (!A) { this.items.each(function(C) { if (C.isFormField && (C.dataIndex == B || C.id == B || C.getName() == B)) { A = C; return false } }) } return A || null }, markInvalid : function(G) { if (Ext.isArray(G)) { for (var C = 0, A = G.length; C < A; C++) { var B = G[C]; var D = this.findField(B.id); if (D) { D.markInvalid(B.msg) } } } else { var E, F; for (F in G) { if (typeof G[F] != "function" && (E = this.findField(F))) { E.markInvalid(G[F]) } } } return this }, setValues : function(C) { if (Ext.isArray(C)) { for (var D = 0, A = C.length; D < A; D++) { var B = C[D]; var E = this.findField(B.id); if (E) { E.setValue(B.value); if (this.trackResetOnLoad) { E.originalValue = E.getValue() } } } } else { var F, G; for (G in C) { if (typeof C[G] != "function" && (F = this.findField(G))) { F.setValue(C[G]); if (this.trackResetOnLoad) { F.originalValue = F.getValue() } } } } return this }, getValues : function(B) { var A = Ext.lib.Ajax.serializeForm(this.el.dom); if (B === true) { return A } return Ext.urlDecode(A) }, clearInvalid : function() { this.items.each(function(A) { A.clearInvalid() }); return this }, reset : function() { this.items.each(function(A) { A.reset() }); return this }, add : function() { this.items.addAll(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)); return this }, remove : function(A) { this.items.remove(A); return this }, render : function() { this.items.each(function(A) { if (A.isFormField && !A.rendered && document.getElementById(A.id)) { A.applyToMarkup(A.id) } }); return this }, applyToFields : function(A) { this.items.each(function(B) { Ext.apply(B, A) }); return this }, applyIfToFields : function(A) { this.items.each(function(B) { Ext.applyIf(B, A) }); return this } }); Ext.BasicForm = Ext.form.BasicForm; Ext.FormPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { buttonAlign : "center", minButtonWidth : 75, labelAlign : "left", monitorValid : false, monitorPoll : 200, layout : "form", initComponent : function() { this.form = this.createForm(); Ext.FormPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents("clientvalidation"); this.relayEvents(this.form, ["beforeaction", "actionfailed", "actioncomplete"]) }, createForm : function() { delete this.initialConfig.listeners; return new Ext.form.BasicForm(null, this.initialConfig) }, initFields : function() { var C = this.form; var A = this; var B = function(D) { if (D.doLayout && D != A) { Ext.applyIf(D, { labelAlign : D.ownerCt.labelAlign, labelWidth : D.ownerCt.labelWidth, itemCls : D.ownerCt.itemCls }); if (D.items) { D.items.each(B) } } else { if (D.isFormField) { C.add(D) } } }; this.items.each(B) }, getLayoutTarget : function() { return this.form.el }, getForm : function() { return this.form }, onRender : function(B, A) { this.initFields(); Ext.FormPanel.superclass.onRender.call(this, B, A); var C = { tag : "form", method : this.method || "POST", id : this.formId || Ext.id() }; if (this.fileUpload) { C.enctype = "multipart/form-data" } this.form.initEl(this.body.createChild(C)) }, beforeDestroy : function() { Ext.FormPanel.superclass.beforeDestroy.call(this); Ext.destroy(this.form) }, initEvents : function() { Ext.FormPanel.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.items.on("remove", this.onRemove, this); this.items.on("add", this.onAdd, this); if (this.monitorValid) { this.startMonitoring() } }, onAdd : function(A, B) { if (B.isFormField) { this.form.add(B) } }, onRemove : function(A) { if (A.isFormField) { Ext.destroy(A.container.up(".x-form-item")); this.form.remove(A) } }, startMonitoring : function() { if (!this.bound) { this.bound = true; Ext.TaskMgr.start({ run : this.bindHandler, interval : this.monitorPoll || 200, scope : this }) } }, stopMonitoring : function() { this.bound = false }, load : function() { this.form.load.apply(this.form, arguments) }, onDisable : function() { Ext.FormPanel.superclass.onDisable.call(this); if (this.form) { this.form.items.each(function() { this.disable() }) } }, onEnable : function() { Ext.FormPanel.superclass.onEnable.call(this); if (this.form) { this.form.items.each(function() { this.enable() }) } }, bindHandler : function() { if (!this.bound) { return false } var D = true; this.form.items.each(function(E) { if (!E.isValid(true)) { D = false; return false } }); if (this.buttons) { for (var C = 0, A = this.buttons.length; C < A; C++) { var B = this.buttons[C]; if (B.formBind === true && B.disabled === D) { B.setDisabled(!D) } } } this.fireEvent("clientvalidation", this, D) } }); Ext.reg("form", Ext.FormPanel); Ext.form.FormPanel = Ext.FormPanel; Ext.form.FieldSet = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { baseCls : "x-fieldset", layout : "form", onRender : function(B, A) { if (!this.el) { this.el = document.createElement("fieldset"); this.el.id = this.id; if (this.title || this.header || this.checkboxToggle) { this.el.appendChild(document.createElement("legend")).className = "x-fieldset-header" } } Ext.form.FieldSet.superclass.onRender.call(this, B, A); if (this.checkboxToggle) { var C = typeof this.checkboxToggle == "object" ? this.checkboxToggle : { tag : "input", type : "checkbox", name : this.checkboxName || this.id + "-checkbox" }; this.checkbox = this.header.insertFirst(C); this.checkbox.dom.checked = !this.collapsed; this.checkbox.on("click", this.onCheckClick, this) } }, onCollapse : function(A, B) { if (this.checkbox) { this.checkbox.dom.checked = false } this.afterCollapse() }, onExpand : function(A, B) { if (this.checkbox) { this.checkbox.dom.checked = true } this.afterExpand() }, onCheckClick : function() { this[this.checkbox.dom.checked ? "expand" : "collapse"]() } }); Ext.reg("fieldset", Ext.form.FieldSet); Ext.form.HtmlEditor = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Field, { enableFormat : true, enableFontSize : true, enableColors : true, enableAlignments : true, enableLists : true, enableSourceEdit : true, enableLinks : true, enableFont : true, createLinkText : "Please enter the URL for the link:", defaultLinkValue : "http:/" + "/", fontFamilies : ["Arial", "Courier New", "Tahoma", "Times New Roman", "Verdana"], defaultFont : "tahoma", validationEvent : false, deferHeight : true, initialized : false, activated : false, sourceEditMode : false, onFocus : Ext.emptyFn, iframePad : 3, hideMode : "offsets", defaultAutoCreate : { tag : "textarea", style : "width:500px;height:300px;", autocomplete : "off" }, initComponent : function() { this.addEvents("initialize", "activate", "beforesync", "beforepush", "sync", "push", "editmodechange") }, createFontOptions : function() { var D = [], B = this.fontFamilies, C, F; for (var E = 0, A = B.length; E < A; E++) { C = B[E]; F = C.toLowerCase(); D.push("") } return D.join("") }, createToolbar : function(C) { function B(F, D, E) { return { itemId : F, cls : "x-btn-icon x-edit-" + F, enableToggle : D !== false, scope : C, handler : E || C.relayBtnCmd, clickEvent : "mousedown", tooltip : C.buttonTips[F] || undefined, tabIndex : -1 } } var A = new Ext.Toolbar({ renderTo : this.wrap.dom.firstChild }); A.el.on("click", function(D) { D.preventDefault() }); if (this.enableFont && !Ext.isSafari) { this.fontSelect = A.el.createChild({ tag : "select", cls : "x-font-select", html : this.createFontOptions() }); this.fontSelect.on("change", function() { var D = this.fontSelect.dom.value; this.relayCmd("fontname", D); this.deferFocus() }, this); A.add(this.fontSelect.dom, "-") } if (this.enableFormat) { A.add(B("bold"), B("italic"), B("underline")) } if (this.enableFontSize) { A.add("-", B("increasefontsize", false, this.adjustFont), B( "decreasefontsize", false, this.adjustFont)) } if (this.enableColors) { A.add("-", { itemId : "forecolor", cls : "x-btn-icon x-edit-forecolor", clickEvent : "mousedown", tooltip : C.buttonTips["forecolor"] || undefined, tabIndex : -1, menu : new Ext.menu.ColorMenu({ allowReselect : true, focus : Ext.emptyFn, value : "000000", plain : true, selectHandler : function(E, D) { this.execCmd("forecolor", Ext.isSafari || Ext.isIE ? "#" + D : D); this.deferFocus() }, scope : this, clickEvent : "mousedown" }) }, { itemId : "backcolor", cls : "x-btn-icon x-edit-backcolor", clickEvent : "mousedown", tooltip : C.buttonTips["backcolor"] || undefined, tabIndex : -1, menu : new Ext.menu.ColorMenu({ focus : Ext.emptyFn, value : "FFFFFF", plain : true, allowReselect : true, selectHandler : function(E, D) { if (Ext.isGecko) { this.execCmd("useCSS", false); this.execCmd("hilitecolor", D); this.execCmd("useCSS", true); this.deferFocus() } else { this.execCmd(Ext.isOpera ? "hilitecolor" : "backcolor", Ext.isSafari || Ext.isIE ? "#" + D : D); this.deferFocus() } }, scope : this, clickEvent : "mousedown" }) }) } if (this.enableAlignments) { A.add("-", B("justifyleft"), B("justifycenter"), B("justifyright")) } if (!Ext.isSafari) { if (this.enableLinks) { A.add("-", B("createlink", false, this.createLink)) } if (this.enableLists) { A.add("-", B("insertorderedlist"), B("insertunorderedlist")) } if (this.enableSourceEdit) { A.add("-", B("sourceedit", true, function(D) { this.toggleSourceEdit(D.pressed) })) } } this.tb = A }, getDocMarkup : function() { return "" }, getEditorBody : function() { return this.doc.body || this.doc.documentElement }, onRender : function(C, A) { Ext.form.HtmlEditor.superclass.onRender.call(this, C, A); this.el.dom.style.border = "0 none"; this.el.dom.setAttribute("tabIndex", -1); this.el.addClass("x-hidden"); if (Ext.isIE) { this.el.applyStyles("margin-top:-1px;margin-bottom:-1px;") } this.wrap = this.el.wrap({ cls : "x-html-editor-wrap", cn : { cls : "x-html-editor-tb" } }); this.createToolbar(this); this.tb.items.each(function(E) { if (E.itemId != "sourceedit") { E.disable() } }); var D = document.createElement("iframe"); D.name = Ext.id(); D.frameBorder = "no"; D.src = (Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL || "javascript:false"); this.wrap.dom.appendChild(D); this.iframe = D; if (Ext.isIE) { D.contentWindow.document.designMode = "on"; this.doc = D.contentWindow.document; this.win = D.contentWindow } else { this.doc = (D.contentDocument || window.frames[D.name].document); this.win = window.frames[D.name]; this.doc.designMode = "on" } this.doc.open(); this.doc.write(this.getDocMarkup()); this.doc.close(); var B = { run : function() { if (this.doc.body || this.doc.readyState == "complete") { Ext.TaskMgr.stop(B); this.doc.designMode = "on"; this.initEditor.defer(10, this) } }, interval : 10, duration : 10000, scope : this }; Ext.TaskMgr.start(B); if (!this.width) { this.setSize(this.el.getSize()) } }, onResize : function(B, C) { Ext.form.HtmlEditor.superclass.onResize.apply(this, arguments); if (this.el && this.iframe) { if (typeof B == "number") { var D = B - this.wrap.getFrameWidth("lr"); this.el.setWidth(this.adjustWidth("textarea", D)); this.iframe.style.width = D + "px" } if (typeof C == "number") { var A = C - this.wrap.getFrameWidth("tb") - this.tb.el.getHeight(); this.el.setHeight(this.adjustWidth("textarea", A)); this.iframe.style.height = A + "px"; if (this.doc) { this.getEditorBody().style.height = (A - (this.iframePad * 2)) + "px" } } } }, toggleSourceEdit : function(A) { if (A === undefined) { A = !this.sourceEditMode } this.sourceEditMode = A === true; var C = this.tb.items.get("sourceedit"); if (C.pressed !== this.sourceEditMode) { C.toggle(this.sourceEditMode); return } if (this.sourceEditMode) { this.tb.items.each(function(D) { if (D.itemId != "sourceedit") { D.disable() } }); this.syncValue(); this.iframe.className = "x-hidden"; this.el.removeClass("x-hidden"); this.el.dom.removeAttribute("tabIndex"); this.el.focus() } else { if (this.initialized) { this.tb.items.each(function(D) { D.enable() }) } this.pushValue(); this.iframe.className = ""; this.el.addClass("x-hidden"); this.el.dom.setAttribute("tabIndex", -1); this.deferFocus() } var B = this.lastSize; if (B) { delete this.lastSize; this.setSize(B) } this.fireEvent("editmodechange", this, this.sourceEditMode) }, createLink : function() { var A = prompt(this.createLinkText, this.defaultLinkValue); if (A && A != "http:/" + "/") { this.relayCmd("createlink", A) } }, adjustSize : Ext.BoxComponent.prototype.adjustSize, getResizeEl : function() { return this.wrap }, getPositionEl : function() { return this.wrap }, initEvents : function() { this.originalValue = this.getValue() }, markInvalid : Ext.emptyFn, clearInvalid : Ext.emptyFn, setValue : function(A) { Ext.form.HtmlEditor.superclass.setValue.call(this, A); this.pushValue() }, cleanHtml : function(A) { A = String(A); if (A.length > 5) { if (Ext.isSafari) { A = A .replace( /\sclass="(?:Apple-style-span|khtml-block-placeholder)"/gi, "") } } if (A == " ") { A = "" } return A }, syncValue : function() { if (this.initialized) { var D = this.getEditorBody(); var C = D.innerHTML; if (Ext.isSafari) { var B = D.getAttribute("style"); var A = B.match(/text-align:(.*?);/i); if (A && A[1]) { C = "
      " + C + "
      " } } C = this.cleanHtml(C); if (this.fireEvent("beforesync", this, C) !== false) { this.el.dom.value = C; this.fireEvent("sync", this, C) } } }, pushValue : function() { if (this.initialized) { var A = this.el.dom.value; if (!this.activated && A.length < 1) { A = " " } if (this.fireEvent("beforepush", this, A) !== false) { this.getEditorBody().innerHTML = A; this.fireEvent("push", this, A) } } }, deferFocus : function() { this.focus.defer(10, this) }, focus : function() { if (this.win && !this.sourceEditMode) { this.win.focus() } else { this.el.focus() } }, initEditor : function() { var B = this.getEditorBody(); var A = this.el.getStyles("font-size", "font-family", "background-image", "background-repeat"); A["background-attachment"] = "fixed"; B.bgProperties = "fixed"; Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(B, A); Ext.EventManager.on(this.doc, { "mousedown" : this.onEditorEvent, "dblclick" : this.onEditorEvent, "click" : this.onEditorEvent, "keyup" : this.onEditorEvent, buffer : 100, scope : this }); if (Ext.isGecko) { Ext.EventManager.on(this.doc, "keypress", this.applyCommand, this) } if (Ext.isIE || Ext.isSafari || Ext.isOpera) { Ext.EventManager.on(this.doc, "keydown", this.fixKeys, this) } this.initialized = true; this.fireEvent("initialize", this); this.pushValue() }, onDestroy : function() { if (this.rendered) { this.tb.items.each(function(A) { if (A.menu) { A.menu.removeAll(); if (A.menu.el) { A.menu.el.destroy() } } A.destroy() }); this.wrap.dom.innerHTML = ""; this.wrap.remove() } }, onFirstFocus : function() { this.activated = true; this.tb.items.each(function(D) { D.enable() }); if (Ext.isGecko) { this.win.focus(); var A = this.win.getSelection(); if (!A.focusNode || A.focusNode.nodeType != 3) { var B = A.getRangeAt(0); B.selectNodeContents(this.getEditorBody()); B.collapse(true); this.deferFocus() } try { this.execCmd("useCSS", true); this.execCmd("styleWithCSS", false) } catch (C) { } } this.fireEvent("activate", this) }, adjustFont : function(B) { var C = B.itemId == "increasefontsize" ? 1 : -1; var A = parseInt(this.doc.queryCommandValue("FontSize") || 2, 10); if (Ext.isSafari3 || Ext.isAir) { if (A <= 10) { A = 1 + C } else { if (A <= 13) { A = 2 + C } else { if (A <= 16) { A = 3 + C } else { if (A <= 18) { A = 4 + C } else { if (A <= 24) { A = 5 + C } else { A = 6 + C } } } } } A = A.constrain(1, 6) } else { if (Ext.isSafari) { C *= 2 } A = Math.max(1, A + C) + (Ext.isSafari ? "px" : 0) } this.execCmd("FontSize", A) }, onEditorEvent : function(A) { this.updateToolbar() }, updateToolbar : function() { if (!this.activated) { this.onFirstFocus(); return } var B = this.tb.items.map, C = this.doc; if (this.enableFont && !Ext.isSafari) { var A = (this.doc.queryCommandValue("FontName") || this.defaultFont) .toLowerCase(); if (A != this.fontSelect.dom.value) { this.fontSelect.dom.value = A } } if (this.enableFormat) { B.bold.toggle(C.queryCommandState("bold")); B.italic.toggle(C.queryCommandState("italic")); B.underline.toggle(C.queryCommandState("underline")) } if (this.enableAlignments) { B.justifyleft.toggle(C.queryCommandState("justifyleft")); B.justifycenter.toggle(C.queryCommandState("justifycenter")); B.justifyright.toggle(C.queryCommandState("justifyright")) } if (!Ext.isSafari && this.enableLists) { B.insertorderedlist .toggle(C.queryCommandState("insertorderedlist")); B.insertunorderedlist.toggle(C .queryCommandState("insertunorderedlist")) } Ext.menu.MenuMgr.hideAll(); this.syncValue() }, relayBtnCmd : function(A) { this.relayCmd(A.itemId) }, relayCmd : function(B, A) { this.win.focus(); this.execCmd(B, A); this.updateToolbar(); this.deferFocus() }, execCmd : function(B, A) { this.doc.execCommand(B, false, A === undefined ? null : A); this.syncValue() }, applyCommand : function(B) { if (B.ctrlKey) { var C = B.getCharCode(), A; if (C > 0) { C = String.fromCharCode(C); switch (C) { case "b" : A = "bold"; break; case "i" : A = "italic"; break; case "u" : A = "underline"; break } if (A) { this.win.focus(); this.execCmd(A); this.deferFocus(); B.preventDefault() } } } }, insertAtCursor : function(B) { if (!this.activated) { return } if (Ext.isIE) { this.win.focus(); var A = this.doc.selection.createRange(); if (A) { A.collapse(true); A.pasteHTML(B); this.syncValue(); this.deferFocus() } } else { if (Ext.isGecko || Ext.isOpera) { this.win.focus(); this.execCmd("InsertHTML", B); this.deferFocus() } else { if (Ext.isSafari) { this.execCmd("InsertText", B); this.deferFocus() } } } }, fixKeys : function() { if (Ext.isIE) { return function(D) { var A = D.getKey(), B; if (A == D.TAB) { D.stopEvent(); B = this.doc.selection.createRange(); if (B) { B.collapse(true); B.pasteHTML("    "); this.deferFocus() } } else { if (A == D.ENTER) { B = this.doc.selection.createRange(); if (B) { var C = B.parentElement(); if (!C || C.tagName.toLowerCase() != "li") { D.stopEvent(); B.pasteHTML("
      "); B.collapse(false); B.select() } } } } } } else { if (Ext.isOpera) { return function(B) { var A = B.getKey(); if (A == B.TAB) { B.stopEvent(); this.win.focus(); this.execCmd("InsertHTML", "    "); this.deferFocus() } } } else { if (Ext.isSafari) { return function(B) { var A = B.getKey(); if (A == B.TAB) { B.stopEvent(); this.execCmd("InsertText", "\t"); this.deferFocus() } } } } } }(), getToolbar : function() { return this.tb }, buttonTips : { bold : { title : "Bold (Ctrl+B)", text : "Make the selected text bold.", cls : "x-html-editor-tip" }, italic : { title : "Italic (Ctrl+I)", text : "Make the selected text italic.", cls : "x-html-editor-tip" }, underline : { title : "Underline (Ctrl+U)", text : "Underline the selected text.", cls : "x-html-editor-tip" }, increasefontsize : { title : "Grow Text", text : "Increase the font size.", cls : "x-html-editor-tip" }, decreasefontsize : { title : "Shrink Text", text : "Decrease the font size.", cls : "x-html-editor-tip" }, backcolor : { title : "Text Highlight Color", text : "Change the background color of the selected text.", cls : "x-html-editor-tip" }, forecolor : { title : "Font Color", text : "Change the color of the selected text.", cls : "x-html-editor-tip" }, justifyleft : { title : "Align Text Left", text : "Align text to the left.", cls : "x-html-editor-tip" }, justifycenter : { title : "Center Text", text : "Center text in the editor.", cls : "x-html-editor-tip" }, justifyright : { title : "Align Text Right", text : "Align text to the right.", cls : "x-html-editor-tip" }, insertunorderedlist : { title : "Bullet List", text : "Start a bulleted list.", cls : "x-html-editor-tip" }, insertorderedlist : { title : "Numbered List", text : "Start a numbered list.", cls : "x-html-editor-tip" }, createlink : { title : "Hyperlink", text : "Make the selected text a hyperlink.", cls : "x-html-editor-tip" }, sourceedit : { title : "Source Edit", text : "Switch to source editing mode.", cls : "x-html-editor-tip" } } }); Ext.reg("htmleditor", Ext.form.HtmlEditor); Ext.form.TimeField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.ComboBox, { minValue : null, maxValue : null, minText : "The time in this field must be equal to or after {0}", maxText : "The time in this field must be equal to or before {0}", invalidText : "{0} is not a valid time", format : "g:i A", altFormats : "g:ia|g:iA|g:i a|g:i A|h:i|g:i|H:i|ga|ha|gA|h a|g a|g A|gi|hi|gia|hia|g|H", increment : 15, mode : "local", triggerAction : "all", typeAhead : false, initComponent : function() { Ext.form.TimeField.superclass.initComponent.call(this); if (typeof this.minValue == "string") { this.minValue = this.parseDate(this.minValue) } if (typeof this.maxValue == "string") { this.maxValue = this.parseDate(this.maxValue) } if (!this.store) { var B = this.parseDate(this.minValue); if (!B) { B = new Date().clearTime() } var A = this.parseDate(this.maxValue); if (!A) { A = new Date().clearTime().add("mi", (24 * 60) - 1) } var C = []; while (B <= A) { C.push([B.dateFormat(this.format)]); B = B.add("mi", this.increment) } this.store = new Ext.data.SimpleStore({ fields : ["text"], data : C }); this.displayField = "text" } }, getValue : function() { var A = Ext.form.TimeField.superclass.getValue.call(this); return this.formatDate(this.parseDate(A)) || "" }, setValue : function(A) { Ext.form.TimeField.superclass.setValue.call(this, this.formatDate(this .parseDate(A))) }, validateValue : Ext.form.DateField.prototype.validateValue, parseDate : Ext.form.DateField.prototype.parseDate, formatDate : Ext.form.DateField.prototype.formatDate, beforeBlur : function() { var A = this.parseDate(this.getRawValue()); if (A) { this.setValue(A.dateFormat(this.format)) } } }); Ext.reg("timefield", Ext.form.TimeField); Ext.form.Label = Ext.extend(Ext.BoxComponent, { onRender : function(B, A) { if (!this.el) { this.el = document.createElement("label"); this.el.innerHTML = this.text ? Ext.util.Format .htmlEncode(this.text) : (this.html || ""); if (this.forId) { this.el.setAttribute("htmlFor", this.forId) } } Ext.form.Label.superclass.onRender.call(this, B, A) } }); Ext.reg("label", Ext.form.Label); Ext.form.Action = function(B, A) { this.form = B; this.options = A || {} }; Ext.form.Action.CLIENT_INVALID = "client"; Ext.form.Action.SERVER_INVALID = "server"; Ext.form.Action.CONNECT_FAILURE = "connect"; Ext.form.Action.LOAD_FAILURE = "load"; Ext.form.Action.prototype = { type : "default", run : function(A) { }, success : function(A) { }, handleResponse : function(A) { }, failure : function(A) { this.response = A; this.failureType = Ext.form.Action.CONNECT_FAILURE; this.form.afterAction(this, false) }, processResponse : function(A) { this.response = A; if (!A.responseText) { return true } this.result = this.handleResponse(A); return this.result }, getUrl : function(C) { var A = this.options.url || this.form.url || this.form.el.dom.action; if (C) { var B = this.getParams(); if (B) { A += (A.indexOf("?") != -1 ? "&" : "?") + B } } return A }, getMethod : function() { return (this.options.method || this.form.method || this.form.el.dom.method || "POST").toUpperCase() }, getParams : function() { var A = this.form.baseParams; var B = this.options.params; if (B) { if (typeof B == "object") { B = Ext.urlEncode(Ext.applyIf(B, A)) } else { if (typeof B == "string" && A) { B += "&" + Ext.urlEncode(A) } } } else { if (A) { B = Ext.urlEncode(A) } } return B }, createCallback : function(A) { var A = A || {}; return { success : this.success, failure : this.failure, scope : this, timeout : (A.timeout * 1000) || (this.form.timeout * 1000), upload : this.form.fileUpload ? this.success : undefined } } }; Ext.form.Action.Submit = function(B, A) { Ext.form.Action.Submit.superclass.constructor.call(this, B, A) }; Ext.extend(Ext.form.Action.Submit, Ext.form.Action, { type : "submit", run : function() { var B = this.options; var C = this.getMethod(); var A = C == "POST"; if (B.clientValidation === false || this.form.isValid()) { Ext.Ajax.request(Ext.apply(this.createCallback(B), { form : this.form.el.dom, url : this.getUrl(!A), method : C, params : A ? this.getParams() : null, isUpload : this.form.fileUpload })) } else { if (B.clientValidation !== false) { this.failureType = Ext.form.Action.CLIENT_INVALID; this.form.afterAction(this, false) } } }, success : function(B) { var A = this.processResponse(B); if (A === true || A.success) { this.form.afterAction(this, true); return } if (A.errors) { this.form.markInvalid(A.errors); this.failureType = Ext.form.Action.SERVER_INVALID } this.form.afterAction(this, false) }, handleResponse : function(C) { if (this.form.errorReader) { var B = this.form.errorReader.read(C); var F = []; if (B.records) { for (var D = 0, A = B.records.length; D < A; D++) { var E = B.records[D]; F[D] = E.data } } if (F.length < 1) { F = null } return { success : B.success, errors : F } } return Ext.decode(C.responseText) } }); Ext.form.Action.Load = function(B, A) { Ext.form.Action.Load.superclass.constructor.call(this, B, A); this.reader = this.form.reader }; Ext.extend(Ext.form.Action.Load, Ext.form.Action, { type : "load", run : function() { Ext.Ajax.request(Ext.apply(this.createCallback(this.options), { method : this.getMethod(), url : this.getUrl(false), params : this.getParams() })) }, success : function(B) { var A = this.processResponse(B); if (A === true || !A.success || !A.data) { this.failureType = Ext.form.Action.LOAD_FAILURE; this.form.afterAction(this, false); return } this.form.clearInvalid(); this.form.setValues(A.data); this.form.afterAction(this, true) }, handleResponse : function(B) { if (this.form.reader) { var A = this.form.reader.read(B); var C = A.records && A.records[0] ? A.records[0].data : null; return { success : A.success, data : C } } return Ext.decode(B.responseText) } }); Ext.form.Action.ACTION_TYPES = { "load" : Ext.form.Action.Load, "submit" : Ext.form.Action.Submit }; Ext.form.VTypes = function() { var C = /^[a-zA-Z_]+$/; var D = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/; var B = /^([\w]+)(.[\w]+)*@([\w-]+\.){1,5}([A-Za-z]){2,4}$/; var A = /(((https?)|(ftp)):\/\/([\-\w]+\.)+\w{2,3}(\/[%\-\w]+(\.\w{2,})?)*(([\w\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;`~=%!]*)(\.\w{2,})?)*\/?)/i; return { "email" : function(E) { return B.test(E) }, "emailText" : "This field should be an e-mail address in the format \"user@domain.com\"", "emailMask" : /[a-z0-9_\.\-@]/i, "url" : function(E) { return A.test(E) }, "urlText" : "This field should be a URL in the format \"http:/" + "/www.domain.com\"", "alpha" : function(E) { return C.test(E) }, "alphaText" : "This field should only contain letters and _", "alphaMask" : /[a-z_]/i, "alphanum" : function(E) { return D.test(E) }, "alphanumText" : "This field should only contain letters, numbers and _", "alphanumMask" : /[a-z0-9_]/i } }(); Ext.grid.GridPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, { ddText : "{0} selected row{1}", minColumnWidth : 25, trackMouseOver : true, enableDragDrop : false, enableColumnMove : true, enableColumnHide : true, enableHdMenu : true, stripeRows : false, autoExpandColumn : false, autoExpandMin : 50, autoExpandMax : 1000, view : null, loadMask : false, rendered : false, viewReady : false, stateEvents : ["columnmove", "columnresize", "sortchange"], initComponent : function() { Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.autoScroll = false; this.autoWidth = false; if (Ext.isArray(this.columns)) { this.colModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel(this.columns); delete this.columns } if (this.ds) { this.store = this.ds; delete this.ds } if (this.cm) { this.colModel = this.cm; delete this.cm } if (this.sm) { this.selModel = this.sm; delete this.sm } this.store = Ext.StoreMgr.lookup(this.store); this.addEvents("click", "dblclick", "contextmenu", "mousedown", "mouseup", "mouseover", "mouseout", "keypress", "keydown", "cellmousedown", "rowmousedown", "headermousedown", "cellclick", "celldblclick", "rowclick", "rowdblclick", "headerclick", "headerdblclick", "rowcontextmenu", "cellcontextmenu", "headercontextmenu", "bodyscroll", "columnresize", "columnmove", "sortchange") }, onRender : function(C, A) { Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments); var D = this.body; this.el.addClass("x-grid-panel"); var B = this.getView(); B.init(this); D.on("mousedown", this.onMouseDown, this); D.on("click", this.onClick, this); D.on("dblclick", this.onDblClick, this); D.on("contextmenu", this.onContextMenu, this); D.on("keydown", this.onKeyDown, this); this.relayEvents(D, ["mousedown", "mouseup", "mouseover", "mouseout", "keypress"]); this.getSelectionModel().init(this); this.view.render() }, initEvents : function() { Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.initEvents.call(this); if (this.loadMask) { this.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.bwrap, Ext.apply({ store : this.store }, this.loadMask)) } }, initStateEvents : function() { Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.initStateEvents.call(this); this.colModel.on("hiddenchange", this.saveState, this, { delay : 100 }) }, applyState : function(F) { var B = this.colModel; var E = F.columns; if (E) { for (var C = 0, A = E.length; C < A; C++) { var D = E[C]; var H = B.getColumnById(D.id); if (H) { H.hidden = D.hidden; H.width = D.width; var G = B.getIndexById(D.id); if (G != C) { B.moveColumn(G, C) } } } } if (F.sort) { this.store[this.store.remoteSort ? "setDefaultSort" : "sort"]( F.sort.field, F.sort.direction) } }, getState : function() { var C = { columns : [] }; for (var B = 0, D; D = this.colModel.config[B]; B++) { C.columns[B] = { id : D.id, width : D.width }; if (D.hidden) { C.columns[B].hidden = true } } var A = this.store.getSortState(); if (A) { C.sort = A } return C }, afterRender : function() { Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.afterRender.call(this); this.view.layout(); this.viewReady = true }, reconfigure : function(A, B) { if (this.loadMask) { this.loadMask.destroy(); this.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.bwrap, Ext.apply({ store : A }, this.initialConfig.loadMask)) } this.view.bind(A, B); this.store = A; this.colModel = B; if (this.rendered) { this.view.refresh(true) } }, onKeyDown : function(A) { this.fireEvent("keydown", A) }, onDestroy : function() { if (this.rendered) { if (this.loadMask) { this.loadMask.destroy() } var A = this.body; A.removeAllListeners(); this.view.destroy(); A.update("") } this.colModel.purgeListeners(); Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.onDestroy.call(this) }, processEvent : function(C, E) { this.fireEvent(C, E); var D = E.getTarget(); var B = this.view; var G = B.findHeaderIndex(D); if (G !== false) { this.fireEvent("header" + C, this, G, E) } else { var F = B.findRowIndex(D); var A = B.findCellIndex(D); if (F !== false) { this.fireEvent("row" + C, this, F, E); if (A !== false) { this.fireEvent("cell" + C, this, F, A, E) } } } }, onClick : function(A) { this.processEvent("click", A) }, onMouseDown : function(A) { this.processEvent("mousedown", A) }, onContextMenu : function(B, A) { this.processEvent("contextmenu", B) }, onDblClick : function(A) { this.processEvent("dblclick", A) }, walkCells : function(J, C, B, E, I) { var H = this.colModel, F = H.getColumnCount(); var A = this.store, G = A.getCount(), D = true; if (B < 0) { if (C < 0) { J--; D = false } while (J >= 0) { if (!D) { C = F - 1 } D = false; while (C >= 0) { if (E.call(I || this, J, C, H) === true) { return [J, C] } C-- } J-- } } else { if (C >= F) { J++; D = false } while (J < G) { if (!D) { C = 0 } D = false; while (C < F) { if (E.call(I || this, J, C, H) === true) { return [J, C] } C++ } J++ } } return null }, getSelections : function() { return this.selModel.getSelections() }, onResize : function() { Ext.grid.GridPanel.superclass.onResize.apply(this, arguments); if (this.viewReady) { this.view.layout() } }, getGridEl : function() { return this.body }, stopEditing : function() { }, getSelectionModel : function() { if (!this.selModel) { this.selModel = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel(this.disableSelection ? { selectRow : Ext.emptyFn } : null) } return this.selModel }, getStore : function() { return this.store }, getColumnModel : function() { return this.colModel }, getView : function() { if (!this.view) { this.view = new Ext.grid.GridView(this.viewConfig) } return this.view }, getDragDropText : function() { var A = this.selModel.getCount(); return String.format(this.ddText, A, A == 1 ? "" : "s") } }); Ext.reg("grid", Ext.grid.GridPanel); Ext.grid.GridView = function(A) { Ext.apply(this, A); this.addEvents("beforerowremoved", "beforerowsinserted", "beforerefresh", "rowremoved", "rowsinserted", "rowupdated", "refresh"); Ext.grid.GridView.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridView, Ext.util.Observable, { scrollOffset : 19, autoFill : false, forceFit : false, sortClasses : ["sort-asc", "sort-desc"], sortAscText : "Sort Ascending", sortDescText : "Sort Descending", columnsText : "Columns", borderWidth : 2, initTemplates : function() { var C = this.templates || {}; if (!C.master) { C.master = new Ext.Template( "
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "
      ") } if (!C.header) { C.header = new Ext.Template( "", "{cells}", "
      ") } if (!C.hcell) { C.hcell = new Ext.Template( "
      ", this.grid.enableHdMenu ? "" : "", "{value}", "
      ") } if (!C.body) { C.body = new Ext.Template("{rows}") } if (!C.row) { C.row = new Ext.Template( "
      ", "{cells}", (this.enableRowBody ? "" : ""), "
      ") } if (!C.cell) { C.cell = new Ext.Template( "", "
      ", "") } for (var A in C) { var B = C[A]; if (B && typeof B.compile == "function" && !B.compiled) { B.disableFormats = true; B.compile() } } this.templates = C; this.tdClass = "x-grid3-cell"; this.cellSelector = "td.x-grid3-cell"; this.hdCls = "x-grid3-hd"; this.rowSelector = "div.x-grid3-row"; this.colRe = new RegExp("x-grid3-td-([^\\s]+)", "") }, fly : function(A) { if (!this._flyweight) { this._flyweight = new Ext.Element.Flyweight(document.body) } this._flyweight.dom = A; return this._flyweight }, getEditorParent : function(A) { return this.scroller.dom }, initElements : function() { var C = Ext.Element; var B = this.grid.getGridEl().dom.firstChild; var A = B.childNodes; this.el = new C(B); this.mainWrap = new C(A[0]); this.mainHd = new C(this.mainWrap.dom.firstChild); if (this.grid.hideHeaders) { this.mainHd.setDisplayed(false) } this.innerHd = this.mainHd.dom.firstChild; this.scroller = new C(this.mainWrap.dom.childNodes[1]); if (this.forceFit) { this.scroller.setStyle("overflow-x", "hidden") } this.mainBody = new C(this.scroller.dom.firstChild); this.focusEl = new C(this.scroller.dom.childNodes[1]); this.focusEl.swallowEvent("click", true); this.resizeMarker = new C(A[1]); this.resizeProxy = new C(A[2]) }, getRows : function() { return this.hasRows() ? this.mainBody.dom.childNodes : [] }, findCell : function(A) { if (!A) { return false } return this.fly(A).findParent(this.cellSelector, 3) }, findCellIndex : function(C, B) { var A = this.findCell(C); if (A && (!B || this.fly(A).hasClass(B))) { return this.getCellIndex(A) } return false }, getCellIndex : function(B) { if (B) { var A = B.className.match(this.colRe); if (A && A[1]) { return this.cm.getIndexById(A[1]) } } return false }, findHeaderCell : function(B) { var A = this.findCell(B); return A && this.fly(A).hasClass(this.hdCls) ? A : null }, findHeaderIndex : function(A) { return this.findCellIndex(A, this.hdCls) }, findRow : function(A) { if (!A) { return false } return this.fly(A).findParent(this.rowSelector, 10) }, findRowIndex : function(A) { var B = this.findRow(A); return B ? B.rowIndex : false }, getRow : function(A) { return this.getRows()[A] }, getCell : function(B, A) { return this.getRow(B).getElementsByTagName("td")[A] }, getHeaderCell : function(A) { return this.mainHd.dom.getElementsByTagName("td")[A] }, addRowClass : function(C, A) { var B = this.getRow(C); if (B) { this.fly(B).addClass(A) } }, removeRowClass : function(C, A) { var B = this.getRow(C); if (B) { this.fly(B).removeClass(A) } }, removeRow : function(A) { Ext.removeNode(this.getRow(A)) }, removeRows : function(C, A) { var B = this.mainBody.dom; for (var D = C; D <= A; D++) { Ext.removeNode(B.childNodes[C]) } }, getScrollState : function() { var A = this.scroller.dom; return { left : A.scrollLeft, top : A.scrollTop } }, restoreScroll : function(A) { var B = this.scroller.dom; B.scrollLeft = A.left; B.scrollTop = A.top }, scrollToTop : function() { this.scroller.dom.scrollTop = 0; this.scroller.dom.scrollLeft = 0 }, syncScroll : function() { this.syncHeaderScroll(); var A = this.scroller.dom; this.grid.fireEvent("bodyscroll", A.scrollLeft, A.scrollTop) }, syncHeaderScroll : function() { var A = this.scroller.dom; this.innerHd.scrollLeft = A.scrollLeft; this.innerHd.scrollLeft = A.scrollLeft }, updateSortIcon : function(B, A) { var D = this.sortClasses; var C = this.mainHd.select("td").removeClass(D); C.item(B).addClass(D[A == "DESC" ? 1 : 0]) }, updateAllColumnWidths : function() { var D = this.getTotalWidth(); var H = this.cm.getColumnCount(); var F = []; for (var B = 0; B < H; B++) { F[B] = this.getColumnWidth(B) } this.innerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.width = D; for (var B = 0; B < H; B++) { var C = this.getHeaderCell(B); C.style.width = F[B] } var G = this.getRows(); for (var B = 0, E = G.length; B < E; B++) { G[B].style.width = D; G[B].firstChild.style.width = D; var I = G[B].firstChild.rows[0]; for (var A = 0; A < H; A++) { I.childNodes[A].style.width = F[A] } } this.onAllColumnWidthsUpdated(F, D) }, updateColumnWidth : function(D, G) { var B = this.getColumnWidth(D); var C = this.getTotalWidth(); this.innerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.width = C; var H = this.getHeaderCell(D); H.style.width = B; var F = this.getRows(); for (var E = 0, A = F.length; E < A; E++) { F[E].style.width = C; F[E].firstChild.style.width = C; F[E].firstChild.rows[0].childNodes[D].style.width = B } this.onColumnWidthUpdated(D, B, C) }, updateColumnHidden : function(C, F) { var B = this.getTotalWidth(); this.innerHd.firstChild.firstChild.style.width = B; var H = F ? "none" : ""; var G = this.getHeaderCell(C); G.style.display = H; var E = this.getRows(); for (var D = 0, A = E.length; D < A; D++) { E[D].style.width = B; E[D].firstChild.style.width = B; E[D].firstChild.rows[0].childNodes[C].style.display = H } this.onColumnHiddenUpdated(C, F, B); delete this.lastViewWidth; this.layout() }, doRender : function(E, G, M, A, L, Q) { var B = this.templates, D = B.cell, F = B.row, H = L - 1; var C = "width:" + this.getTotalWidth() + ";"; var T = [], N, U, O = {}, I = { tstyle : C }, K; for (var P = 0, S = G.length; P < S; P++) { K = G[P]; N = []; var J = (P + A); for (var R = 0; R < L; R++) { U = E[R]; O.id = U.id; O.css = R == 0 ? "x-grid3-cell-first " : (R == H ? "x-grid3-cell-last " : ""); O.attr = O.cellAttr = ""; O.value = U.renderer(K.data[U.name], O, K, J, R, M); O.style = U.style; if (O.value == undefined || O.value === "") { O.value = " " } if (K.dirty && typeof K.modified[U.name] !== "undefined") { O.css += " x-grid3-dirty-cell" } N[N.length] = D.apply(O) } var V = []; if (Q && ((J + 1) % 2 == 0)) { V[0] = "x-grid3-row-alt" } if (K.dirty) { V[1] = " x-grid3-dirty-row" } I.cols = L; if (this.getRowClass) { V[2] = this.getRowClass(K, J, I, M) } I.alt = V.join(" "); I.cells = N.join(""); T[T.length] = F.apply(I) } return T.join("") }, processRows : function(E, D) { if (this.ds.getCount() < 1) { return } D = D || !this.grid.stripeRows; E = E || 0; var I = this.getRows(); var F = " x-grid3-row-alt "; for (var B = E, C = I.length; B < C; B++) { var H = I[B]; H.rowIndex = B; if (!D) { var A = ((B + 1) % 2 == 0); var G = (" " + H.className + " ").indexOf(F) != -1; if (A == G) { continue } if (A) { H.className += " x-grid3-row-alt" } else { H.className = H.className.replace("x-grid3-row-alt", "") } } } }, renderUI : function() { var E = this.renderHeaders(); var B = this.templates.body.apply({ rows : "" }); var C = this.templates.master.apply({ body : B, header : E }); var D = this.grid; D.getGridEl().dom.innerHTML = C; this.initElements(); this.mainBody.dom.innerHTML = this.renderRows(); this.processRows(0, true); Ext.fly(this.innerHd).on("click", this.handleHdDown, this); this.mainHd.on("mouseover", this.handleHdOver, this); this.mainHd.on("mouseout", this.handleHdOut, this); this.mainHd.on("mousemove", this.handleHdMove, this); this.scroller.on("scroll", this.syncScroll, this); if (D.enableColumnResize !== false) { this.splitone = new Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone(D, this.mainHd.dom) } if (D.enableColumnMove) { this.columnDrag = new Ext.grid.GridView.ColumnDragZone(D, this.innerHd); this.columnDrop = new Ext.grid.HeaderDropZone(D, this.mainHd.dom) } if (D.enableHdMenu !== false) { if (D.enableColumnHide !== false) { this.colMenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ id : D.id + "-hcols-menu" }); this.colMenu.on("beforeshow", this.beforeColMenuShow, this); this.colMenu.on("itemclick", this.handleHdMenuClick, this) } this.hmenu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ id : D.id + "-hctx" }); this.hmenu.add({ id : "asc", text : this.sortAscText, cls : "xg-hmenu-sort-asc" }, { id : "desc", text : this.sortDescText, cls : "xg-hmenu-sort-desc" }); if (D.enableColumnHide !== false) { this.hmenu.add("-", { id : "columns", text : this.columnsText, menu : this.colMenu, iconCls : "x-cols-icon" }) } this.hmenu.on("itemclick", this.handleHdMenuClick, this) } if (D.enableDragDrop || D.enableDrag) { var A = new Ext.grid.GridDragZone(D, { ddGroup : D.ddGroup || "GridDD" }) } this.updateHeaderSortState() }, layout : function() { if (!this.mainBody) { return } var E = this.grid; var G = E.getGridEl(), I = this.cm, B = E.autoExpandColumn, A = this; var C = G.getSize(true); var H = C.width; if (H < 20 || C.height < 20) { return } if (E.autoHeight) { this.scroller.dom.style.overflow = "visible" } else { this.el.setSize(C.width, C.height); var F = this.mainHd.getHeight(); var D = C.height - (F); this.scroller.setSize(H, D); if (this.innerHd) { this.innerHd.style.width = (H) + "px" } } if (this.forceFit) { if (this.lastViewWidth != H) { this.fitColumns(false, false); this.lastViewWidth = H } } else { this.autoExpand(); this.syncHeaderScroll() } this.onLayout(H, D) }, onLayout : function(A, B) { }, onColumnWidthUpdated : function(C, A, B) { }, onAllColumnWidthsUpdated : function(A, B) { }, onColumnHiddenUpdated : function(B, C, A) { }, updateColumnText : function(A, B) { }, afterMove : function(A) { }, init : function(A) { this.grid = A; this.initTemplates(); this.initData(A.store, A.colModel); this.initUI(A) }, getColumnId : function(A) { return this.cm.getColumnId(A) }, renderHeaders : function() { var C = this.cm, F = this.templates; var E = F.hcell; var B = [], H = [], G = {}; for (var D = 0, A = C.getColumnCount(); D < A; D++) { G.id = C.getColumnId(D); G.value = C.getColumnHeader(D) || ""; G.style = this.getColumnStyle(D, true); G.tooltip = this.getColumnTooltip(D); if (C.config[D].align == "right") { G.istyle = "padding-right:16px" } else { delete G.istyle } B[B.length] = E.apply(G) } return F.header.apply({ cells : B.join(""), tstyle : "width:" + this.getTotalWidth() + ";" }) }, getColumnTooltip : function(A) { var B = this.cm.getColumnTooltip(A); if (B) { if (Ext.QuickTips.isEnabled()) { return "ext:qtip=\"" + B + "\"" } else { return "title=\"" + B + "\"" } } return "" }, beforeUpdate : function() { this.grid.stopEditing(true) }, updateHeaders : function() { this.innerHd.firstChild.innerHTML = this.renderHeaders() }, focusRow : function(A) { this.focusCell(A, 0, false) }, focusCell : function(D, A, C) { var B = this.ensureVisible(D, A, C); this.focusEl.setXY(B); if (Ext.isGecko) { this.focusEl.focus() } else { this.focusEl.focus.defer(1, this.focusEl) } }, ensureVisible : function(P, E, D) { if (typeof P != "number") { P = P.rowIndex } if (!this.ds) { return } if (P < 0 || P >= this.ds.getCount()) { return } E = (E !== undefined ? E : 0); var I = this.getRow(P), F; if (!(D === false && E === 0)) { while (this.cm.isHidden(E)) { E++ } F = this.getCell(P, E) } if (!I) { return } var L = this.scroller.dom; var O = 0; var C = I, M = this.el.dom; while (C && C != M) { O += C.offsetTop; C = C.offsetParent } O -= this.mainHd.dom.offsetHeight; var N = O + I.offsetHeight; var A = L.clientHeight; var M = parseInt(L.scrollTop, 10); var K = M + A; if (O < M) { L.scrollTop = O } else { if (N > K) { L.scrollTop = N - A } } if (D !== false) { var J = parseInt(F.offsetLeft, 10); var H = J + F.offsetWidth; var G = parseInt(L.scrollLeft, 10); var B = G + L.clientWidth; if (J < G) { L.scrollLeft = J } else { if (H > B) { L.scrollLeft = H - L.clientWidth } } } return F ? Ext.fly(F).getXY() : [L.scrollLeft, Ext.fly(I).getY()] }, insertRows : function(A, F, C, E) { if (!E && F === 0 && C == A.getCount() - 1) { this.refresh() } else { if (!E) { this.fireEvent("beforerowsinserted", this, F, C) } var B = this.renderRows(F, C); var D = this.getRow(F); if (D) { Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeBegin", D, B) } else { Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml("beforeEnd", this.mainBody.dom, B) } if (!E) { this.fireEvent("rowsinserted", this, F, C); this.processRows(F) } } }, deleteRows : function(A, C, B) { if (A.getRowCount() < 1) { this.refresh() } else { this.fireEvent("beforerowsdeleted", this, C, B); this.removeRows(C, B); this.processRows(C); this.fireEvent("rowsdeleted", this, C, B) } }, getColumnStyle : function(A, C) { var B = !C ? (this.cm.config[A].css || "") : ""; B += "width:" + this.getColumnWidth(A) + ";"; if (this.cm.isHidden(A)) { B += "display:none;" } var D = this.cm.config[A].align; if (D) { B += "text-align:" + D + ";" } return B }, getColumnWidth : function(B) { var A = this.cm.getColumnWidth(B); if (typeof A == "number") { return (Ext.isBorderBox ? A : (A - this.borderWidth > 0 ? A - this.borderWidth : 0)) + "px" } return A }, getTotalWidth : function() { return this.cm.getTotalWidth() + "px" }, fitColumns : function(D, G, E) { var F = this.cm, S, L, O; var R = F.getTotalWidth(false); var J = this.grid.getGridEl().getWidth(true) - this.scrollOffset; if (J < 20) { return } var B = J - R; if (B === 0) { return false } var A = F.getColumnCount(true); var P = A - (typeof E == "number" ? 1 : 0); if (P === 0) { P = 1; E = undefined } var K = F.getColumnCount(); var I = []; var N = 0; var M = 0; var H; for (O = 0; O < K; O++) { if (!F.isHidden(O) && !F.isFixed(O) && O !== E) { H = F.getColumnWidth(O); I.push(O); N = O; I.push(H); M += H } } var C = (J - F.getTotalWidth()) / M; while (I.length) { H = I.pop(); O = I.pop(); F.setColumnWidth(O, Math.max(this.grid.minColumnWidth, Math.floor(H + H * C)), true) } if ((R = F.getTotalWidth(false)) > J) { var Q = P != A ? E : N; F.setColumnWidth(Q, Math.max(1, F.getColumnWidth(Q) - (R - J)), true) } if (D !== true) { this.updateAllColumnWidths() } return true }, autoExpand : function(B) { var G = this.grid, A = this.cm; if (!this.userResized && G.autoExpandColumn) { var D = A.getTotalWidth(false); var H = this.grid.getGridEl().getWidth(true) - this.scrollOffset; if (D != H) { var F = A.getIndexById(G.autoExpandColumn); var E = A.getColumnWidth(F); var C = Math.min(Math.max(((H - D) + E), G.autoExpandMin), G.autoExpandMax); if (C != E) { A.setColumnWidth(F, C, true); if (B !== true) { this.updateColumnWidth(F, C) } } } } }, getColumnData : function() { var D = [], A = this.cm, E = A.getColumnCount(); for (var C = 0; C < E; C++) { var B = A.getDataIndex(C); D[C] = { name : (typeof B == "undefined" ? this.ds.fields.get(C).name : B), renderer : A.getRenderer(C), id : A.getColumnId(C), style : this.getColumnStyle(C) } } return D }, renderRows : function(H, C) { var D = this.grid, F = D.colModel, A = D.store, I = D.stripeRows; var G = F.getColumnCount(); if (A.getCount() < 1) { return "" } var E = this.getColumnData(); H = H || 0; C = typeof C == "undefined" ? A.getCount() - 1 : C; var B = A.getRange(H, C); return this.doRender(E, B, A, H, G, I) }, renderBody : function() { var A = this.renderRows(); return this.templates.body.apply({ rows : A }) }, refreshRow : function(B) { var D = this.ds, C; if (typeof B == "number") { C = B; B = D.getAt(C) } else { C = D.indexOf(B) } var A = []; this.insertRows(D, C, C, true); this.getRow(C).rowIndex = C; this.onRemove(D, B, C + 1, true); this.fireEvent("rowupdated", this, C, B) }, refresh : function(B) { this.fireEvent("beforerefresh", this); this.grid.stopEditing(true); var A = this.renderBody(); this.mainBody.update(A); if (B === true) { this.updateHeaders(); this.updateHeaderSortState() } this.processRows(0, true); this.layout(); this.applyEmptyText(); this.fireEvent("refresh", this) }, applyEmptyText : function() { if (this.emptyText && !this.hasRows()) { this.mainBody.update("
      " + this.emptyText + "
      ") } }, updateHeaderSortState : function() { var B = this.ds.getSortState(); if (!B) { return } if (!this.sortState || (this.sortState.field != B.field || this.sortState.direction != B.direction)) { this.grid.fireEvent("sortchange", this.grid, B) } this.sortState = B; var C = this.cm.findColumnIndex(B.field); if (C != -1) { var A = B.direction; this.updateSortIcon(C, A) } }, destroy : function() { if (this.colMenu) { this.colMenu.removeAll(); Ext.menu.MenuMgr.unregister(this.colMenu); this.colMenu.getEl().remove(); delete this.colMenu } if (this.hmenu) { this.hmenu.removeAll(); Ext.menu.MenuMgr.unregister(this.hmenu); this.hmenu.getEl().remove(); delete this.hmenu } if (this.grid.enableColumnMove) { var C = Ext.dd.DDM.ids["gridHeader" + this.grid.getGridEl().id]; if (C) { for (var A in C) { if (!C[A].config.isTarget && C[A].dragElId) { var B = C[A].dragElId; C[A].unreg(); Ext.get(B).remove() } else { if (C[A].config.isTarget) { C[A].proxyTop.remove(); C[A].proxyBottom.remove(); C[A].unreg() } } if (Ext.dd.DDM.locationCache[A]) { delete Ext.dd.DDM.locationCache[A] } } delete Ext.dd.DDM.ids["gridHeader" + this.grid.getGridEl().id] } } Ext.destroy(this.resizeMarker, this.resizeProxy); this.initData(null, null); Ext.EventManager.removeResizeListener(this.onWindowResize, this) }, onDenyColumnHide : function() { }, render : function() { var A = this.cm; var B = A.getColumnCount(); if (this.autoFill) { this.fitColumns(true, true) } else { if (this.forceFit) { this.fitColumns(true, false) } else { if (this.grid.autoExpandColumn) { this.autoExpand(true) } } } this.renderUI() }, initData : function(B, A) { if (this.ds) { this.ds.un("load", this.onLoad, this); this.ds.un("datachanged", this.onDataChange, this); this.ds.un("add", this.onAdd, this); this.ds.un("remove", this.onRemove, this); this.ds.un("update", this.onUpdate, this); this.ds.un("clear", this.onClear, this) } if (B) { B.on("load", this.onLoad, this); B.on("datachanged", this.onDataChange, this); B.on("add", this.onAdd, this); B.on("remove", this.onRemove, this); B.on("update", this.onUpdate, this); B.on("clear", this.onClear, this) } this.ds = B; if (this.cm) { this.cm.un("configchange", this.onColConfigChange, this); this.cm.un("widthchange", this.onColWidthChange, this); this.cm.un("headerchange", this.onHeaderChange, this); this.cm.un("hiddenchange", this.onHiddenChange, this); this.cm.un("columnmoved", this.onColumnMove, this); this.cm.un("columnlockchange", this.onColumnLock, this) } if (A) { A.on("configchange", this.onColConfigChange, this); A.on("widthchange", this.onColWidthChange, this); A.on("headerchange", this.onHeaderChange, this); A.on("hiddenchange", this.onHiddenChange, this); A.on("columnmoved", this.onColumnMove, this); A.on("columnlockchange", this.onColumnLock, this) } this.cm = A }, onDataChange : function() { this.refresh(); this.updateHeaderSortState() }, onClear : function() { this.refresh() }, onUpdate : function(B, A) { this.refreshRow(A) }, onAdd : function(C, A, B) { this.insertRows(C, B, B + (A.length - 1)) }, onRemove : function(D, A, B, C) { if (C !== true) { this.fireEvent("beforerowremoved", this, B, A) } this.removeRow(B); if (C !== true) { this.processRows(B); this.applyEmptyText(); this.fireEvent("rowremoved", this, B, A) } }, onLoad : function() { this.scrollToTop() }, onColWidthChange : function(A, B, C) { this.updateColumnWidth(B, C) }, onHeaderChange : function(A, B, C) { this.updateHeaders() }, onHiddenChange : function(A, B, C) { this.updateColumnHidden(B, C) }, onColumnMove : function(A, D, B) { this.indexMap = null; var C = this.getScrollState(); this.refresh(true); this.restoreScroll(C); this.afterMove(B) }, onColConfigChange : function() { delete this.lastViewWidth; this.indexMap = null; this.refresh(true) }, initUI : function(A) { A.on("headerclick", this.onHeaderClick, this); if (A.trackMouseOver) { A.on("mouseover", this.onRowOver, this); A.on("mouseout", this.onRowOut, this) } }, initEvents : function() { }, onHeaderClick : function(B, A) { if (this.headersDisabled || !this.cm.isSortable(A)) { return } B.stopEditing(true); B.store.sort(this.cm.getDataIndex(A)) }, onRowOver : function(B, A) { var C; if ((C = this.findRowIndex(A)) !== false) { this.addRowClass(C, "x-grid3-row-over") } }, onRowOut : function(B, A) { var C; if ((C = this.findRowIndex(A)) !== false && C !== this.findRowIndex(B.getRelatedTarget())) { this.removeRowClass(C, "x-grid3-row-over") } }, handleWheel : function(A) { A.stopPropagation() }, onRowSelect : function(A) { this.addRowClass(A, "x-grid3-row-selected") }, onRowDeselect : function(A) { this.removeRowClass(A, "x-grid3-row-selected") }, onCellSelect : function(C, B) { var A = this.getCell(C, B); if (A) { this.fly(A).addClass("x-grid3-cell-selected") } }, onCellDeselect : function(C, B) { var A = this.getCell(C, B); if (A) { this.fly(A).removeClass("x-grid3-cell-selected") } }, onColumnSplitterMoved : function(C, B) { this.userResized = true; var A = this.grid.colModel; A.setColumnWidth(C, B, true); if (this.forceFit) { this.fitColumns(true, false, C); this.updateAllColumnWidths() } else { this.updateColumnWidth(C, B) } this.grid.fireEvent("columnresize", C, B) }, handleHdMenuClick : function(C) { var B = this.hdCtxIndex; var A = this.cm, D = this.ds; switch (C.id) { case "asc" : D.sort(A.getDataIndex(B), "ASC"); break; case "desc" : D.sort(A.getDataIndex(B), "DESC"); break; default : B = A.getIndexById(C.id.substr(4)); if (B != -1) { if (C.checked && A.getColumnsBy(this.isHideableColumn, this).length <= 1) { this.onDenyColumnHide(); return false } A.setHidden(B, C.checked) } } return true }, isHideableColumn : function(A) { return !A.hidden && !A.fixed }, beforeColMenuShow : function() { var A = this.cm, C = A.getColumnCount(); this.colMenu.removeAll(); for (var B = 0; B < C; B++) { if (A.config[B].fixed !== true && A.config[B].hideable !== false) { this.colMenu.add(new Ext.menu.CheckItem({ id : "col-" + A.getColumnId(B), text : A.getColumnHeader(B), checked : !A.isHidden(B), hideOnClick : false, disabled : A.config[B].hideable === false })) } } }, handleHdDown : function(F, D) { if (Ext.fly(D).hasClass("x-grid3-hd-btn")) { F.stopEvent(); var E = this.findHeaderCell(D); Ext.fly(E).addClass("x-grid3-hd-menu-open"); var C = this.getCellIndex(E); this.hdCtxIndex = C; var B = this.hmenu.items, A = this.cm; B.get("asc").setDisabled(!A.isSortable(C)); B.get("desc").setDisabled(!A.isSortable(C)); this.hmenu.on("hide", function() { Ext.fly(E).removeClass("x-grid3-hd-menu-open") }, this, { single : true }); this.hmenu.show(D, "tl-bl?") } }, handleHdOver : function(D, A) { var C = this.findHeaderCell(A); if (C && !this.headersDisabled) { this.activeHd = C; this.activeHdIndex = this.getCellIndex(C); var B = this.fly(C); this.activeHdRegion = B.getRegion(); if (!this.cm.isMenuDisabled(this.activeHdIndex)) { B.addClass("x-grid3-hd-over"); this.activeHdBtn = B.child(".x-grid3-hd-btn"); if (this.activeHdBtn) { this.activeHdBtn.dom.style.height = (C.firstChild.offsetHeight - 1) + "px" } } } }, handleHdMove : function(F, D) { if (this.activeHd && !this.headersDisabled) { var B = this.splitHandleWidth || 5; var E = this.activeHdRegion; var A = F.getPageX(); var C = this.activeHd.style; if (A - E.left <= B && this.cm.isResizable(this.activeHdIndex - 1)) { C.cursor = Ext.isAir ? "move" : Ext.isSafari ? "e-resize" : "col-resize" } else { if (E.right - A <= (!this.activeHdBtn ? B : 2) && this.cm.isResizable(this.activeHdIndex)) { C.cursor = Ext.isAir ? "move" : Ext.isSafari ? "w-resize" : "col-resize" } else { C.cursor = "" } } } }, handleHdOut : function(C, A) { var B = this.findHeaderCell(A); if (B && (!Ext.isIE || !C.within(B, true))) { this.activeHd = null; this.fly(B).removeClass("x-grid3-hd-over"); B.style.cursor = "" } }, hasRows : function() { var A = this.mainBody.dom.firstChild; return A && A.className != "x-grid-empty" }, bind : function(A, B) { this.initData(A, B) } }); Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone = function(A, B) { this.grid = A; this.view = A.getView(); this.marker = this.view.resizeMarker; this.proxy = this.view.resizeProxy; Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, B, "gridSplitters" + this.grid.getGridEl().id, { dragElId : Ext.id(this.proxy.dom), resizeFrame : false }); this.scroll = false; this.hw = this.view.splitHandleWidth || 5 }; Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone, Ext.dd.DDProxy, { b4StartDrag : function(A, E) { this.view.headersDisabled = true; var D = this.view.mainWrap.getHeight(); this.marker.setHeight(D); this.marker.show(); this.marker.alignTo(this.view.getHeaderCell(this.cellIndex), "tl-tl", [-2, 0]); this.proxy.setHeight(D); var B = this.cm.getColumnWidth(this.cellIndex); var C = Math.max(B - this.grid.minColumnWidth, 0); this.resetConstraints(); this.setXConstraint(C, 1000); this.setYConstraint(0, 0); this.minX = A - C; this.maxX = A + 1000; this.startPos = A; Ext.dd.DDProxy.prototype.b4StartDrag.call(this, A, E) }, handleMouseDown : function(A) { var H = this.view.findHeaderCell(A.getTarget()); if (H) { var K = this.view.fly(H).getXY(), E = K[0], D = K[1]; var I = A.getXY(), C = I[0], B = I[1]; var G = H.offsetWidth, F = false; if ((C - E) <= this.hw) { F = -1 } else { if ((E + G) - C <= this.hw) { F = 0 } } if (F !== false) { this.cm = this.grid.colModel; var J = this.view.getCellIndex(H); if (F == -1) { if (J + F < 0) { return } while (this.cm.isHidden(J + F)) { --F; if (J + F < 0) { return } } } this.cellIndex = J + F; this.split = H.dom; if (this.cm.isResizable(this.cellIndex) && !this.cm.isFixed(this.cellIndex)) { Ext.grid.GridView.SplitDragZone.superclass.handleMouseDown .apply(this, arguments) } } else { if (this.view.columnDrag) { this.view.columnDrag.callHandleMouseDown(A) } } } }, endDrag : function(D) { this.marker.hide(); var A = this.view; var B = Math.max(this.minX, D.getPageX()); var C = B - this.startPos; A.onColumnSplitterMoved(this.cellIndex, this.cm .getColumnWidth(this.cellIndex) + C); setTimeout(function() { A.headersDisabled = false }, 50) }, autoOffset : function() { this.setDelta(0, 0) } }); Ext.grid.GroupingView = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridView, { hideGroupedColumn : false, showGroupName : true, startCollapsed : false, enableGrouping : true, enableGroupingMenu : true, enableNoGroups : true, emptyGroupText : "(None)", ignoreAdd : false, groupTextTpl : "{text}", gidSeed : 1000, initTemplates : function() { Ext.grid.GroupingView.superclass.initTemplates.call(this); this.state = {}; var A = this.grid.getSelectionModel(); A.on(A.selectRow ? "beforerowselect" : "beforecellselect", this.onBeforeRowSelect, this); if (!this.startGroup) { this.startGroup = new Ext.XTemplate( "
      ", "
      ", this.groupTextTpl, "
      ", "
      ") } this.startGroup.compile(); this.endGroup = "
      " }, findGroup : function(A) { return Ext.fly(A).up(".x-grid-group", this.mainBody.dom) }, getGroups : function() { return this.hasRows() ? this.mainBody.dom.childNodes : [] }, onAdd : function() { if (this.enableGrouping && !this.ignoreAdd) { var A = this.getScrollState(); this.refresh(); this.restoreScroll(A) } else { if (!this.enableGrouping) { Ext.grid.GroupingView.superclass.onAdd.apply(this, arguments) } } }, onRemove : function(E, A, B, D) { Ext.grid.GroupingView.superclass.onRemove.apply(this, arguments); var C = document.getElementById(A._groupId); if (C && C.childNodes[1].childNodes.length < 1) { Ext.removeNode(C) } this.applyEmptyText() }, refreshRow : function(A) { if (this.ds.getCount() == 1) { this.refresh() } else { this.isUpdating = true; Ext.grid.GroupingView.superclass.refreshRow.apply(this, arguments); this.isUpdating = false } }, beforeMenuShow : function() { var C = this.getGroupField(); var B = this.hmenu.items.get("groupBy"); if (B) { B.setDisabled(this.cm.config[this.hdCtxIndex].groupable === false) } var A = this.hmenu.items.get("showGroups"); if (A) { if (!!C) { A .setDisabled(this.cm.config[this.hdCtxIndex].groupable === false) } A.setChecked(!!C) } }, renderUI : function() { Ext.grid.GroupingView.superclass.renderUI.call(this); this.mainBody.on("mousedown", this.interceptMouse, this); if (this.enableGroupingMenu && this.hmenu) { this.hmenu.add("-", { id : "groupBy", text : this.groupByText, handler : this.onGroupByClick, scope : this, iconCls : "x-group-by-icon" }); if (this.enableNoGroups) { this.hmenu.add({ id : "showGroups", text : this.showGroupsText, checked : true, checkHandler : this.onShowGroupsClick, scope : this }) } this.hmenu.on("beforeshow", this.beforeMenuShow, this) } }, onGroupByClick : function() { this.grid.store.groupBy(this.cm.getDataIndex(this.hdCtxIndex)); this.beforeMenuShow() }, onShowGroupsClick : function(A, B) { if (B) { this.onGroupByClick() } else { this.grid.store.clearGrouping() } }, toggleGroup : function(C, B) { this.grid.stopEditing(true); C = Ext.getDom(C); var A = Ext.fly(C); B = B !== undefined ? B : A.hasClass("x-grid-group-collapsed"); this.state[A.dom.id] = B; A[B ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("x-grid-group-collapsed") }, toggleAllGroups : function(C) { var B = this.getGroups(); for (var D = 0, A = B.length; D < A; D++) { this.toggleGroup(B[D], C) } }, expandAllGroups : function() { this.toggleAllGroups(true) }, collapseAllGroups : function() { this.toggleAllGroups(false) }, interceptMouse : function(B) { var A = B.getTarget(".x-grid-group-hd", this.mainBody); if (A) { B.stopEvent(); this.toggleGroup(A.parentNode) } }, getGroup : function(A, D, F, G, B, E) { var C = F ? F(A, {}, D, G, B, E) : String(A); if (C === "") { C = this.cm.config[B].emptyGroupText || this.emptyGroupText } return C }, getGroupField : function() { return this.grid.store.getGroupState() }, renderRows : function() { var A = this.getGroupField(); var D = !!A; if (this.hideGroupedColumn) { var B = this.cm.findColumnIndex(A); if (!D && this.lastGroupField !== undefined) { this.mainBody.update(""); this.cm.setHidden(this.cm.findColumnIndex(this.lastGroupField), false); delete this.lastGroupField } else { if (D && this.lastGroupField === undefined) { this.lastGroupField = A; this.cm.setHidden(B, true) } else { if (D && this.lastGroupField !== undefined && A !== this.lastGroupField) { this.mainBody.update(""); var C = this.cm.findColumnIndex(this.lastGroupField); this.cm.setHidden(C, false); this.lastGroupField = A; this.cm.setHidden(B, true) } } } } return Ext.grid.GroupingView.superclass.renderRows.apply(this, arguments) }, doRender : function(D, G, P, A, O, R) { if (G.length < 1) { return "" } var Y = this.getGroupField(); var N = this.cm.findColumnIndex(Y); this.enableGrouping = !!Y; if (!this.enableGrouping || this.isUpdating) { return Ext.grid.GroupingView.superclass.doRender.apply(this, arguments) } var H = "width:" + this.getTotalWidth() + ";"; var Q = this.grid.getGridEl().id; var F = this.cm.config[N]; var B = F.groupRenderer || F.renderer; var S = this.showGroupName ? (F.groupName || F.header) + ": " : ""; var X = [], K, T, U, M; for (T = 0, U = G.length; T < U; T++) { var J = A + T; var L = G[T], E = L.data[Y], V = this.getGroup(E, L, B, J, N, P); if (!K || K.group != V) { M = Q + "-gp-" + Y + "-" + Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(V); var C = typeof this.state[M] !== "undefined" ? !this.state[M] : this.startCollapsed; var I = C ? "x-grid-group-collapsed" : ""; K = { group : V, gvalue : E, text : S + V, groupId : M, startRow : J, rs : [L], cls : I, style : H }; X.push(K) } else { K.rs.push(L) } L._groupId = M } var W = []; for (T = 0, U = X.length; T < U; T++) { var V = X[T]; this.doGroupStart(W, V, D, P, O); W[W.length] = Ext.grid.GroupingView.superclass.doRender.call(this, D, V.rs, P, V.startRow, O, R); this.doGroupEnd(W, V, D, P, O) } return W.join("") }, getGroupId : function(F) { var D = this.grid.getGridEl().id; var C = this.getGroupField(); var E = this.cm.findColumnIndex(C); var B = this.cm.config[E]; var G = B.groupRenderer || B.renderer; var A = this.getGroup(F, { data : {} }, G, 0, E, this.ds); return D + "-gp-" + C + "-" + Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(F) }, doGroupStart : function(A, D, B, E, C) { A[A.length] = this.startGroup.apply(D) }, doGroupEnd : function(A, D, B, E, C) { A[A.length] = this.endGroup }, getRows : function() { if (!this.enableGrouping) { return Ext.grid.GroupingView.superclass.getRows.call(this) } var G = []; var F, C = this.getGroups(); for (var E = 0, A = C.length; E < A; E++) { F = C[E].childNodes[1].childNodes; for (var D = 0, B = F.length; D < B; D++) { G[G.length] = F[D] } } return G }, updateGroupWidths : function() { if (!this.enableGrouping || !this.hasRows()) { return } var C = Math.max(this.cm.getTotalWidth(), this.el.dom.offsetWidth - this.scrollOffset) + "px"; var B = this.getGroups(); for (var D = 0, A = B.length; D < A; D++) { B[D].firstChild.style.width = C } }, onColumnWidthUpdated : function(C, A, B) { this.updateGroupWidths() }, onAllColumnWidthsUpdated : function(A, B) { this.updateGroupWidths() }, onColumnHiddenUpdated : function(B, C, A) { this.updateGroupWidths() }, onLayout : function() { this.updateGroupWidths() }, onBeforeRowSelect : function(D, C) { if (!this.enableGrouping) { return } var B = this.getRow(C); if (B && !B.offsetParent) { var A = this.findGroup(B); this.toggleGroup(A, true) } }, groupByText : "Group By This Field", showGroupsText : "Show in Groups" }); Ext.grid.GroupingView.GROUP_ID = 1000; Ext.grid.HeaderDragZone = function(A, C, B) { this.grid = A; this.view = A.getView(); this.ddGroup = "gridHeader" + this.grid.getGridEl().id; Ext.grid.HeaderDragZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, C); if (B) { this.setHandleElId(Ext.id(C)); this.setOuterHandleElId(Ext.id(B)) } this.scroll = false }; Ext.extend(Ext.grid.HeaderDragZone, Ext.dd.DragZone, { maxDragWidth : 120, getDragData : function(C) { var A = Ext.lib.Event.getTarget(C); var B = this.view.findHeaderCell(A); if (B) { return { ddel : B.firstChild, header : B } } return false }, onInitDrag : function(A) { this.view.headersDisabled = true; var B = this.dragData.ddel.cloneNode(true); B.id = Ext.id(); B.style.width = Math.min(this.dragData.header.offsetWidth, this.maxDragWidth) + "px"; this.proxy.update(B); return true }, afterValidDrop : function() { var A = this.view; setTimeout(function() { A.headersDisabled = false }, 50) }, afterInvalidDrop : function() { var A = this.view; setTimeout(function() { A.headersDisabled = false }, 50) } }); Ext.grid.HeaderDropZone = function(A, C, B) { this.grid = A; this.view = A.getView(); this.proxyTop = Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, { cls : "col-move-top", html : " " }, true); this.proxyBottom = Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, { cls : "col-move-bottom", html : " " }, true); this.proxyTop.hide = this.proxyBottom.hide = function() { this.setLeftTop(-100, -100); this.setStyle("visibility", "hidden") }; this.ddGroup = "gridHeader" + this.grid.getGridEl().id; Ext.grid.HeaderDropZone.superclass.constructor .call(this, A.getGridEl().dom) }; Ext.extend(Ext.grid.HeaderDropZone, Ext.dd.DropZone, { proxyOffsets : [-4, -9], fly : Ext.Element.fly, getTargetFromEvent : function(C) { var A = Ext.lib.Event.getTarget(C); var B = this.view.findCellIndex(A); if (B !== false) { return this.view.getHeaderCell(B) } }, nextVisible : function(C) { var B = this.view, A = this.grid.colModel; C = C.nextSibling; while (C) { if (!A.isHidden(B.getCellIndex(C))) { return C } C = C.nextSibling } return null }, prevVisible : function(C) { var B = this.view, A = this.grid.colModel; C = C.prevSibling; while (C) { if (!A.isHidden(B.getCellIndex(C))) { return C } C = C.prevSibling } return null }, positionIndicator : function(D, B, E) { var H = Ext.lib.Event.getPageX(E); var A = Ext.lib.Dom.getRegion(B.firstChild); var I, K, G = A.top + this.proxyOffsets[1]; if ((A.right - H) <= (A.right - A.left) / 2) { I = A.right + this.view.borderWidth; K = "after" } else { I = A.left; K = "before" } var F = this.view.getCellIndex(D); var J = this.view.getCellIndex(B); if (this.grid.colModel.isFixed(J)) { return false } var C = this.grid.colModel.isLocked(J); if (K == "after") { J++ } if (F < J) { J-- } if (F == J && (C == this.grid.colModel.isLocked(F))) { return false } I += this.proxyOffsets[0]; this.proxyTop.setLeftTop(I, G); this.proxyTop.show(); if (!this.bottomOffset) { this.bottomOffset = this.view.mainHd.getHeight() } this.proxyBottom.setLeftTop(I, G + this.proxyTop.dom.offsetHeight + this.bottomOffset); this.proxyBottom.show(); return K }, onNodeEnter : function(D, A, C, B) { if (B.header != D) { this.positionIndicator(B.header, D, C) } }, onNodeOver : function(E, B, D, C) { var A = false; if (C.header != E) { A = this.positionIndicator(C.header, E, D) } if (!A) { this.proxyTop.hide(); this.proxyBottom.hide() } return A ? this.dropAllowed : this.dropNotAllowed }, onNodeOut : function(D, A, C, B) { this.proxyTop.hide(); this.proxyBottom.hide() }, onNodeDrop : function(B, K, F, D) { var E = D.header; if (E != B) { var I = this.grid.colModel; var H = Ext.lib.Event.getPageX(F); var A = Ext.lib.Dom.getRegion(B.firstChild); var L = (A.right - H) <= ((A.right - A.left) / 2) ? "after" : "before"; var G = this.view.getCellIndex(E); var J = this.view.getCellIndex(B); var C = I.isLocked(J); if (L == "after") { J++ } if (G < J) { J-- } if (G == J && (C == I.isLocked(G))) { return false } I.setLocked(G, C, true); I.moveColumn(G, J); this.grid.fireEvent("columnmove", G, J); return true } return false } }); Ext.grid.GridView.ColumnDragZone = function(A, B) { Ext.grid.GridView.ColumnDragZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, A, B, null); this.proxy.el.addClass("x-grid3-col-dd") }; Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridView.ColumnDragZone, Ext.grid.HeaderDragZone, { handleMouseDown : function(A) { }, callHandleMouseDown : function(A) { Ext.grid.GridView.ColumnDragZone.superclass.handleMouseDown .call(this, A) } }); Ext.grid.SplitDragZone = function(A, C, B) { this.grid = A; this.view = A.getView(); this.proxy = this.view.resizeProxy; Ext.grid.SplitDragZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, C, "gridSplitters" + this.grid.getGridEl().id, { dragElId : Ext.id(this.proxy.dom), resizeFrame : false }); this.setHandleElId(Ext.id(C)); this.setOuterHandleElId(Ext.id(B)); this.scroll = false }; Ext.extend(Ext.grid.SplitDragZone, Ext.dd.DDProxy, { fly : Ext.Element.fly, b4StartDrag : function(A, D) { this.view.headersDisabled = true; this.proxy.setHeight(this.view.mainWrap.getHeight()); var B = this.cm.getColumnWidth(this.cellIndex); var C = Math.max(B - this.grid.minColumnWidth, 0); this.resetConstraints(); this.setXConstraint(C, 1000); this.setYConstraint(0, 0); this.minX = A - C; this.maxX = A + 1000; this.startPos = A; Ext.dd.DDProxy.prototype.b4StartDrag.call(this, A, D) }, handleMouseDown : function(B) { ev = Ext.EventObject.setEvent(B); var A = this.fly(ev.getTarget()); if (A.hasClass("x-grid-split")) { this.cellIndex = this.view.getCellIndex(A.dom); this.split = A.dom; this.cm = this.grid.colModel; if (this.cm.isResizable(this.cellIndex) && !this.cm.isFixed(this.cellIndex)) { Ext.grid.SplitDragZone.superclass.handleMouseDown .apply(this, arguments) } } }, endDrag : function(C) { this.view.headersDisabled = false; var A = Math.max(this.minX, Ext.lib.Event.getPageX(C)); var B = A - this.startPos; this.view.onColumnSplitterMoved(this.cellIndex, this.cm .getColumnWidth(this.cellIndex) + B) }, autoOffset : function() { this.setDelta(0, 0) } }); Ext.grid.GridDragZone = function(B, A) { this.view = B.getView(); Ext.grid.GridDragZone.superclass.constructor.call(this, this.view.mainBody.dom, A); if (this.view.lockedBody) { this.setHandleElId(Ext.id(this.view.mainBody.dom)); this.setOuterHandleElId(Ext.id(this.view.lockedBody.dom)) } this.scroll = false; this.grid = B; this.ddel = document.createElement("div"); this.ddel.className = "x-grid-dd-wrap" }; Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridDragZone, Ext.dd.DragZone, { ddGroup : "GridDD", getDragData : function(B) { var A = Ext.lib.Event.getTarget(B); var D = this.view.findRowIndex(A); if (D !== false) { var C = this.grid.selModel; if (!C.isSelected(D) || B.hasModifier()) { C.handleMouseDown(this.grid, D, B) } return { grid : this.grid, ddel : this.ddel, rowIndex : D, selections : C.getSelections() } } return false }, onInitDrag : function(B) { var A = this.dragData; this.ddel.innerHTML = this.grid.getDragDropText(); this.proxy.update(this.ddel) }, afterRepair : function() { this.dragging = false }, getRepairXY : function(B, A) { return false }, onEndDrag : function(A, B) { }, onValidDrop : function(A, B, C) { this.hideProxy() }, beforeInvalidDrop : function(A, B) { } }); Ext.grid.ColumnModel = function(A) { this.defaultWidth = 100; this.defaultSortable = false; if (A.columns) { Ext.apply(this, A); this.setConfig(A.columns, true) } else { this.setConfig(A, true) } this.addEvents("widthchange", "headerchange", "hiddenchange", "columnmoved", "columnlockchange", "configchange"); Ext.grid.ColumnModel.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.grid.ColumnModel, Ext.util.Observable, { getColumnId : function(A) { return this.config[A].id }, setConfig : function(C, B) { if (!B) { delete this.totalWidth; for (var D = 0, A = this.config.length; D < A; D++) { var E = this.config[D]; if (E.editor) { E.editor.destroy() } } } this.config = C; this.lookup = {}; for (var D = 0, A = C.length; D < A; D++) { var E = C[D]; if (typeof E.renderer == "string") { E.renderer = Ext.util.Format[E.renderer] } if (typeof E.id == "undefined") { E.id = D } if (E.editor && E.editor.isFormField) { E.editor = new Ext.grid.GridEditor(E.editor) } this.lookup[E.id] = E } if (!B) { this.fireEvent("configchange", this) } }, getColumnById : function(A) { return this.lookup[A] }, getIndexById : function(C) { for (var B = 0, A = this.config.length; B < A; B++) { if (this.config[B].id == C) { return B } } return -1 }, moveColumn : function(C, A) { var B = this.config[C]; this.config.splice(C, 1); this.config.splice(A, 0, B); this.dataMap = null; this.fireEvent("columnmoved", this, C, A) }, isLocked : function(A) { return this.config[A].locked === true }, setLocked : function(B, C, A) { if (this.isLocked(B) == C) { return } this.config[B].locked = C; if (!A) { this.fireEvent("columnlockchange", this, B, C) } }, getTotalLockedWidth : function() { var A = 0; for (var B = 0; B < this.config.length; B++) { if (this.isLocked(B) && !this.isHidden(B)) { this.totalWidth += this.getColumnWidth(B) } } return A }, getLockedCount : function() { for (var B = 0, A = this.config.length; B < A; B++) { if (!this.isLocked(B)) { return B } } }, getColumnCount : function(C) { if (C === true) { var D = 0; for (var B = 0, A = this.config.length; B < A; B++) { if (!this.isHidden(B)) { D++ } } return D } return this.config.length }, getColumnsBy : function(D, C) { var E = []; for (var B = 0, A = this.config.length; B < A; B++) { var F = this.config[B]; if (D.call(C || this, F, B) === true) { E[E.length] = F } } return E }, isSortable : function(A) { if (typeof this.config[A].sortable == "undefined") { return this.defaultSortable } return this.config[A].sortable }, isMenuDisabled : function(A) { return !!this.config[A].menuDisabled }, getRenderer : function(A) { if (!this.config[A].renderer) { return Ext.grid.ColumnModel.defaultRenderer } return this.config[A].renderer }, setRenderer : function(A, B) { this.config[A].renderer = B }, getColumnWidth : function(A) { return this.config[A].width || this.defaultWidth }, setColumnWidth : function(B, C, A) { this.config[B].width = C; this.totalWidth = null; if (!A) { this.fireEvent("widthchange", this, B, C) } }, getTotalWidth : function(B) { if (!this.totalWidth) { this.totalWidth = 0; for (var C = 0, A = this.config.length; C < A; C++) { if (B || !this.isHidden(C)) { this.totalWidth += this.getColumnWidth(C) } } } return this.totalWidth }, getColumnHeader : function(A) { return this.config[A].header }, setColumnHeader : function(A, B) { this.config[A].header = B; this.fireEvent("headerchange", this, A, B) }, getColumnTooltip : function(A) { return this.config[A].tooltip }, setColumnTooltip : function(A, B) { this.config[A].tooltip = B }, getDataIndex : function(A) { return this.config[A].dataIndex }, setDataIndex : function(A, B) { this.config[A].dataIndex = B }, findColumnIndex : function(C) { var D = this.config; for (var B = 0, A = D.length; B < A; B++) { if (D[B].dataIndex == C) { return B } } return -1 }, isCellEditable : function(A, B) { return (this.config[A].editable || (typeof this.config[A].editable == "undefined" && this.config[A].editor)) ? true : false }, getCellEditor : function(A, B) { return this.config[A].editor }, setEditable : function(A, B) { this.config[A].editable = B }, isHidden : function(A) { return this.config[A].hidden }, isFixed : function(A) { return this.config[A].fixed }, isResizable : function(A) { return A >= 0 && this.config[A].resizable !== false && this.config[A].fixed !== true }, setHidden : function(A, B) { var C = this.config[A]; if (C.hidden !== B) { C.hidden = B; this.totalWidth = null; this.fireEvent("hiddenchange", this, A, B) } }, setEditor : function(A, B) { this.config[A].editor = B } }); Ext.grid.ColumnModel.defaultRenderer = function(A) { if (typeof A == "string" && A.length < 1) { return " " } return A }; Ext.grid.DefaultColumnModel = Ext.grid.ColumnModel; Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel = function() { this.locked = false; Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel, Ext.util.Observable, { init : function(A) { this.grid = A; this.initEvents() }, lock : function() { this.locked = true }, unlock : function() { this.locked = false }, isLocked : function() { return this.locked } }); Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel = function(A) { Ext.apply(this, A); this.selections = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(false, function(B) { return B.id }); this.last = false; this.lastActive = false; this.addEvents("selectionchange", "beforerowselect", "rowselect", "rowdeselect"); Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel, Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel, { singleSelect : false, initEvents : function() { if (!this.grid.enableDragDrop && !this.grid.enableDrag) { this.grid.on("rowmousedown", this.handleMouseDown, this) } else { this.grid.on("rowclick", function(B, D, C) { if (C.button === 0 && !C.shiftKey && !C.ctrlKey) { this.selectRow(D, false); B.view.focusRow(D) } }, this) } this.rowNav = new Ext.KeyNav(this.grid.getGridEl(), { "up" : function(C) { if (!C.shiftKey) { this.selectPrevious(C.shiftKey) } else { if (this.last !== false && this.lastActive !== false) { var B = this.last; this.selectRange(this.last, this.lastActive - 1); this.grid.getView() .focusRow(this.lastActive); if (B !== false) { this.last = B } } else { this.selectFirstRow() } } }, "down" : function(C) { if (!C.shiftKey) { this.selectNext(C.shiftKey) } else { if (this.last !== false && this.lastActive !== false) { var B = this.last; this.selectRange(this.last, this.lastActive + 1); this.grid.getView() .focusRow(this.lastActive); if (B !== false) { this.last = B } } else { this.selectFirstRow() } } }, scope : this }); var A = this.grid.view; A.on("refresh", this.onRefresh, this); A.on("rowupdated", this.onRowUpdated, this); A.on("rowremoved", this.onRemove, this) }, onRefresh : function() { var F = this.grid.store, B; var D = this.getSelections(); this.clearSelections(true); for (var C = 0, A = D.length; C < A; C++) { var E = D[C]; if ((B = F.indexOfId(E.id)) != -1) { this.selectRow(B, true) } } if (D.length != this.selections.getCount()) { this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this) } }, onRemove : function(A, B, C) { if (this.selections.remove(C) !== false) { this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this) } }, onRowUpdated : function(A, B, C) { if (this.isSelected(C)) { A.onRowSelect(B) } }, selectRecords : function(B, E) { if (!E) { this.clearSelections() } var D = this.grid.store; for (var C = 0, A = B.length; C < A; C++) { this.selectRow(D.indexOf(B[C]), true) } }, getCount : function() { return this.selections.length }, selectFirstRow : function() { this.selectRow(0) }, selectLastRow : function(A) { this.selectRow(this.grid.store.getCount() - 1, A) }, selectNext : function(A) { if (this.hasNext()) { this.selectRow(this.last + 1, A); this.grid.getView().focusRow(this.last); return true } return false }, selectPrevious : function(A) { if (this.hasPrevious()) { this.selectRow(this.last - 1, A); this.grid.getView().focusRow(this.last); return true } return false }, hasNext : function() { return this.last !== false && (this.last + 1) < this.grid.store.getCount() }, hasPrevious : function() { return !!this.last }, getSelections : function() { return [].concat(this.selections.items) }, getSelected : function() { return this.selections.itemAt(0) }, each : function(E, D) { var C = this.getSelections(); for (var B = 0, A = C.length; B < A; B++) { if (E.call(D || this, C[B], B) === false) { return false } } return true }, clearSelections : function(A) { if (this.locked) { return } if (A !== true) { var C = this.grid.store; var B = this.selections; B.each(function(D) { this.deselectRow(C.indexOfId(D.id)) }, this); B.clear() } else { this.selections.clear() } this.last = false }, selectAll : function() { if (this.locked) { return } this.selections.clear(); for (var B = 0, A = this.grid.store.getCount(); B < A; B++) { this.selectRow(B, true) } }, hasSelection : function() { return this.selections.length > 0 }, isSelected : function(A) { var B = typeof A == "number" ? this.grid.store.getAt(A) : A; return (B && this.selections.key(B.id) ? true : false) }, isIdSelected : function(A) { return (this.selections.key(A) ? true : false) }, handleMouseDown : function(D, F, E) { if (E.button !== 0 || this.isLocked()) { return } var A = this.grid.getView(); if (E.shiftKey && this.last !== false) { var C = this.last; this.selectRange(C, F, E.ctrlKey); this.last = C; A.focusRow(F) } else { var B = this.isSelected(F); if (E.ctrlKey && B) { this.deselectRow(F) } else { if (!B || this.getCount() > 1) { this.selectRow(F, E.ctrlKey || E.shiftKey); A.focusRow(F) } } } }, selectRows : function(C, D) { if (!D) { this.clearSelections() } for (var B = 0, A = C.length; B < A; B++) { this.selectRow(C[B], true) } }, selectRange : function(B, A, D) { if (this.locked) { return } if (!D) { this.clearSelections() } if (B <= A) { for (var C = B; C <= A; C++) { this.selectRow(C, true) } } else { for (var C = B; C >= A; C--) { this.selectRow(C, true) } } }, deselectRange : function(C, B, A) { if (this.locked) { return } for (var D = C; D <= B; D++) { this.deselectRow(D, A) } }, selectRow : function(B, D, A) { if (this.locked || (B < 0 || B >= this.grid.store.getCount())) { return } var C = this.grid.store.getAt(B); if (C && this.fireEvent("beforerowselect", this, B, D, C) !== false) { if (!D || this.singleSelect) { this.clearSelections() } this.selections.add(C); this.last = this.lastActive = B; if (!A) { this.grid.getView().onRowSelect(B) } this.fireEvent("rowselect", this, B, C); this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this) } }, deselectRow : function(B, A) { if (this.locked) { return } if (this.last == B) { this.last = false } if (this.lastActive == B) { this.lastActive = false } var C = this.grid.store.getAt(B); if (C) { this.selections.remove(C); if (!A) { this.grid.getView().onRowDeselect(B) } this.fireEvent("rowdeselect", this, B, C); this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this) } }, restoreLast : function() { if (this._last) { this.last = this._last } }, acceptsNav : function(C, B, A) { return !A.isHidden(B) && A.isCellEditable(B, C) }, onEditorKey : function(F, E) { var C = E.getKey(), G, D = this.grid, B = D.activeEditor; var A = E.shiftKey; if (C == E.TAB) { E.stopEvent(); B.completeEdit(); if (A) { G = D.walkCells(B.row, B.col - 1, -1, this.acceptsNav, this) } else { G = D.walkCells(B.row, B.col + 1, 1, this.acceptsNav, this) } } else { if (C == E.ENTER) { E.stopEvent(); B.completeEdit(); if (this.moveEditorOnEnter !== false) { if (A) { G = D.walkCells(B.row - 1, B.col, -1, this.acceptsNav, this) } else { G = D.walkCells(B.row + 1, B.col, 1, this.acceptsNav, this) } } } else { if (C == E.ESC) { B.cancelEdit() } } } if (G) { D.startEditing(G[0], G[1]) } } }); Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel = function(A) { Ext.apply(this, A); this.selection = null; this.addEvents("beforecellselect", "cellselect", "selectionchange"); Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel, Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel, { initEvents : function() { this.grid.on("cellmousedown", this.handleMouseDown, this); this.grid.getGridEl().on(Ext.isIE ? "keydown" : "keypress", this.handleKeyDown, this); var A = this.grid.view; A.on("refresh", this.onViewChange, this); A.on("rowupdated", this.onRowUpdated, this); A.on("beforerowremoved", this.clearSelections, this); A.on("beforerowsinserted", this.clearSelections, this); if (this.grid.isEditor) { this.grid.on("beforeedit", this.beforeEdit, this) } }, beforeEdit : function(A) { this.select(A.row, A.column, false, true, A.record) }, onRowUpdated : function(A, B, C) { if (this.selection && this.selection.record == C) { A.onCellSelect(B, this.selection.cell[1]) } }, onViewChange : function() { this.clearSelections(true) }, getSelectedCell : function() { return this.selection ? this.selection.cell : null }, clearSelections : function(B) { var A = this.selection; if (A) { if (B !== true) { this.grid.view.onCellDeselect(A.cell[0], A.cell[1]) } this.selection = null; this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, null) } }, hasSelection : function() { return this.selection ? true : false }, handleMouseDown : function(B, D, A, C) { if (C.button !== 0 || this.isLocked()) { return } this.select(D, A) }, select : function(F, C, B, E, D) { if (this.fireEvent("beforecellselect", this, F, C) !== false) { this.clearSelections(); D = D || this.grid.store.getAt(F); this.selection = { record : D, cell : [F, C] }; if (!B) { var A = this.grid.getView(); A.onCellSelect(F, C); if (E !== true) { A.focusCell(F, C) } } this.fireEvent("cellselect", this, F, C); this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, this.selection) } }, isSelectable : function(C, B, A) { return !A.isHidden(B) }, handleKeyDown : function(F) { if (!F.isNavKeyPress()) { return } var E = this.grid, J = this.selection; if (!J) { F.stopEvent(); var I = E.walkCells(0, 0, 1, this.isSelectable, this); if (I) { this.select(I[0], I[1]) } return } var B = this; var H = function(M, K, L) { return E.walkCells(M, K, L, B.isSelectable, B) }; var C = F.getKey(), A = J.cell[0], G = J.cell[1]; var D; switch (C) { case F.TAB : if (F.shiftKey) { D = H(A, G - 1, -1) } else { D = H(A, G + 1, 1) } break; case F.DOWN : D = H(A + 1, G, 1); break; case F.UP : D = H(A - 1, G, -1); break; case F.RIGHT : D = H(A, G + 1, 1); break; case F.LEFT : D = H(A, G - 1, -1); break; case F.ENTER : if (E.isEditor && !E.editing) { E.startEditing(A, G); F.stopEvent(); return } break } if (D) { this.select(D[0], D[1]); F.stopEvent() } }, acceptsNav : function(C, B, A) { return !A.isHidden(B) && A.isCellEditable(B, C) }, onEditorKey : function(E, D) { var B = D.getKey(), F, C = this.grid, A = C.activeEditor; if (B == D.TAB) { if (D.shiftKey) { F = C.walkCells(A.row, A.col - 1, -1, this.acceptsNav, this) } else { F = C.walkCells(A.row, A.col + 1, 1, this.acceptsNav, this) } D.stopEvent() } else { if (B == D.ENTER) { A.completeEdit(); D.stopEvent() } else { if (B == D.ESC) { D.stopEvent(); A.cancelEdit() } } } if (F) { C.startEditing(F[0], F[1]) } } }); Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridPanel, { clicksToEdit : 2, isEditor : true, detectEdit : false, autoEncode : false, trackMouseOver : false, initComponent : function() { Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this); if (!this.selModel) { this.selModel = new Ext.grid.CellSelectionModel() } this.activeEditor = null; this.addEvents("beforeedit", "afteredit", "validateedit") }, initEvents : function() { Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel.superclass.initEvents.call(this); this.on("bodyscroll", this.stopEditing, this, [true]); if (this.clicksToEdit == 1) { this.on("cellclick", this.onCellDblClick, this) } else { if (this.clicksToEdit == "auto" && this.view.mainBody) { this.view.mainBody.on("mousedown", this.onAutoEditClick, this) } this.on("celldblclick", this.onCellDblClick, this) } this.getGridEl().addClass("xedit-grid") }, onCellDblClick : function(B, C, A) { this.startEditing(C, A) }, onAutoEditClick : function(C, B) { if (C.button !== 0) { return } var E = this.view.findRowIndex(B); var A = this.view.findCellIndex(B); if (E !== false && A !== false) { this.stopEditing(); if (this.selModel.getSelectedCell) { var D = this.selModel.getSelectedCell(); if (D && D.cell[0] === E && D.cell[1] === A) { this.startEditing(E, A) } } else { if (this.selModel.isSelected(E)) { this.startEditing(E, A) } } } }, onEditComplete : function(B, D, A) { this.editing = false; this.activeEditor = null; B.un("specialkey", this.selModel.onEditorKey, this.selModel); var C = B.record; var F = this.colModel.getDataIndex(B.col); D = this.postEditValue(D, A, C, F); if (String(D) !== String(A)) { var E = { grid : this, record : C, field : F, originalValue : A, value : D, row : B.row, column : B.col, cancel : false }; if (this.fireEvent("validateedit", E) !== false && !E.cancel) { C.set(F, E.value); delete E.cancel; this.fireEvent("afteredit", E) } } this.view.focusCell(B.row, B.col) }, startEditing : function(F, B) { this.stopEditing(); if (this.colModel.isCellEditable(B, F)) { this.view.ensureVisible(F, B, true); var C = this.store.getAt(F); var E = this.colModel.getDataIndex(B); var D = { grid : this, record : C, field : E, value : C.data[E], row : F, column : B, cancel : false }; if (this.fireEvent("beforeedit", D) !== false && !D.cancel) { this.editing = true; var A = this.colModel.getCellEditor(B, F); if (!A.rendered) { A.render(this.view.getEditorParent(A)) } (function () { A.row = F; A.col = B; A.record = C; A.on("complete", this.onEditComplete, this, { single : true }); A.on("specialkey", this.selModel.onEditorKey, this.selModel); this.activeEditor = A; var G = this.preEditValue(C, E); A.startEdit(this.view.getCell(F, B), G) }).defer(50, this) } } }, preEditValue : function(A, B) { return this.autoEncode && typeof value == "string" ? Ext.util.Format.htmlDecode(A.data[B]) : A.data[B] }, postEditValue : function(C, A, B, D) { return this.autoEncode && typeof C == "string" ? Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(C) : C }, stopEditing : function(A) { if (this.activeEditor) { this.activeEditor[A === true ? "cancelEdit" : "completeEdit"]() } this.activeEditor = null } }); Ext.reg("editorgrid", Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel); Ext.grid.GridEditor = function(B, A) { Ext.grid.GridEditor.superclass.constructor.call(this, B, A); B.monitorTab = false }; Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridEditor, Ext.Editor, { alignment : "tl-tl", autoSize : "width", hideEl : false, cls : "x-small-editor x-grid-editor", shim : false, shadow : false }); Ext.grid.PropertyRecord = Ext.data.Record.create([{ name : "name", type : "string" }, "value"]); Ext.grid.PropertyStore = function(A, B) { this.grid = A; this.store = new Ext.data.Store({ recordType : Ext.grid.PropertyRecord }); this.store.on("update", this.onUpdate, this); if (B) { this.setSource(B) } Ext.grid.PropertyStore.superclass.constructor.call(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.grid.PropertyStore, Ext.util.Observable, { setSource : function(C) { this.source = C; this.store.removeAll(); var B = []; for (var A in C) { if (this.isEditableValue(C[A])) { B.push(new Ext.grid.PropertyRecord({ name : A, value : C[A] }, A)) } } this.store.loadRecords({ records : B }, {}, true) }, onUpdate : function(E, A, D) { if (D == Ext.data.Record.EDIT) { var B = A.data["value"]; var C = A.modified["value"]; if (this.grid.fireEvent("beforepropertychange", this.source, A.id, B, C) !== false) { this.source[A.id] = B; A.commit(); this.grid.fireEvent("propertychange", this.source, A.id, B, C) } else { A.reject() } } }, getProperty : function(A) { return this.store.getAt(A) }, isEditableValue : function(A) { if (Ext.isDate(A)) { return true } else { if (typeof A == "object" || typeof A == "function") { return false } } return true }, setValue : function(B, A) { this.source[B] = A; this.store.getById(B).set("value", A) }, getSource : function() { return this.source } }); Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel = function(C, B) { this.grid = C; var D = Ext.grid; D.PropertyColumnModel.superclass.constructor.call(this, [{ header : this.nameText, width : 50, sortable : true, dataIndex : "name", id : "name", menuDisabled : true }, { header : this.valueText, width : 50, resizable : false, dataIndex : "value", id : "value", menuDisabled : true }]); this.store = B; this.bselect = Ext.DomHelper.append(document.body, { tag : "select", cls : "x-grid-editor x-hide-display", children : [{ tag : "option", value : "true", html : "true" }, { tag : "option", value : "false", html : "false" }] }); var E = Ext.form; var A = new E.Field({ el : this.bselect, bselect : this.bselect, autoShow : true, getValue : function() { return this.bselect.value == "true" } }); this.editors = { "date" : new D.GridEditor(new E.DateField({ selectOnFocus : true })), "string" : new D.GridEditor(new E.TextField({ selectOnFocus : true })), "number" : new D.GridEditor(new E.NumberField({ selectOnFocus : true, style : "text-align:left;" })), "boolean" : new D.GridEditor(A) }; this.renderCellDelegate = this.renderCell.createDelegate(this); this.renderPropDelegate = this.renderProp.createDelegate(this) }; Ext.extend(Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel, Ext.grid.ColumnModel, { nameText : "Name", valueText : "Value", dateFormat : "m/j/Y", renderDate : function(A) { return A.dateFormat(this.dateFormat) }, renderBool : function(A) { return A ? "true" : "false" }, isCellEditable : function(A, B) { return A == 1 }, getRenderer : function(A) { return A == 1 ? this.renderCellDelegate : this.renderPropDelegate }, renderProp : function(A) { return this.getPropertyName(A) }, renderCell : function(A) { var B = A; if (Ext.isDate(A)) { B = this.renderDate(A) } else { if (typeof A == "boolean") { B = this.renderBool(A) } } return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(B) }, getPropertyName : function(B) { var A = this.grid.propertyNames; return A && A[B] ? A[B] : B }, getCellEditor : function(A, E) { var B = this.store.getProperty(E); var D = B.data["name"], C = B.data["value"]; if (this.grid.customEditors[D]) { return this.grid.customEditors[D] } if (Ext.isDate(C)) { return this.editors["date"] } else { if (typeof C == "number") { return this.editors["number"] } else { if (typeof C == "boolean") { return this.editors["boolean"] } else { return this.editors["string"] } } } } }); Ext.grid.PropertyGrid = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel, { enableColumnMove : false, stripeRows : false, trackMouseOver : false, clicksToEdit : 1, enableHdMenu : false, viewConfig : { forceFit : true }, initComponent : function() { this.customEditors = this.customEditors || {}; this.lastEditRow = null; var B = new Ext.grid.PropertyStore(this); this.propStore = B; var A = new Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel(this, B); B.store.sort("name", "ASC"); this.addEvents("beforepropertychange", "propertychange"); this.cm = A; this.ds = B.store; Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.selModel.on("beforecellselect", function(E, D, C) { if (C === 0) { this.startEditing.defer(200, this, [D, 1]); return false } }, this) }, onRender : function() { Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.superclass.onRender .apply(this, arguments); this.getGridEl().addClass("x-props-grid") }, afterRender : function() { Ext.grid.PropertyGrid.superclass.afterRender.apply(this, arguments); if (this.source) { this.setSource(this.source) } }, setSource : function(A) { this.propStore.setSource(A) }, getSource : function() { return this.propStore.getSource() } }); Ext.grid.RowNumberer = function(A) { Ext.apply(this, A); if (this.rowspan) { this.renderer = this.renderer.createDelegate(this) } }; Ext.grid.RowNumberer.prototype = { header : "", width : 23, sortable : false, fixed : true, menuDisabled : true, dataIndex : "", id : "numberer", rowspan : undefined, renderer : function(B, C, A, D) { if (this.rowspan) { C.cellAttr = "rowspan=\"" + this.rowspan + "\"" } return D + 1 } }; Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel, { header : "
      ", width : 20, sortable : false, menuDisabled : true, fixed : true, dataIndex : "", id : "checker", initEvents : function() { Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel.superclass.initEvents .call(this); this.grid.on("render", function() { var A = this.grid.getView(); A.mainBody.on("mousedown", this.onMouseDown, this); Ext.fly(A.innerHd).on("mousedown", this.onHdMouseDown, this) }, this) }, onMouseDown : function(C, B) { if (C.button === 0 && B.className == "x-grid3-row-checker") { C.stopEvent(); var D = C.getTarget(".x-grid3-row"); if (D) { var A = D.rowIndex; if (this.isSelected(A)) { this.deselectRow(A) } else { this.selectRow(A, true) } } } }, onHdMouseDown : function(C, A) { if (A.className == "x-grid3-hd-checker") { C.stopEvent(); var B = Ext.fly(A.parentNode); var D = B.hasClass("x-grid3-hd-checker-on"); if (D) { B.removeClass("x-grid3-hd-checker-on"); this.clearSelections() } else { B.addClass("x-grid3-hd-checker-on"); this.selectAll() } } }, renderer : function(B, C, A) { return "
      " } }); Ext.LoadMask = function(C, B) { this.el = Ext.get(C); Ext.apply(this, B); if (this.store) { this.store.on("beforeload", this.onBeforeLoad, this); this.store.on("load", this.onLoad, this); this.store.on("loadexception", this.onLoad, this); this.removeMask = Ext.value(this.removeMask, false) } else { var A = this.el.getUpdater(); A.showLoadIndicator = false; A.on("beforeupdate", this.onBeforeLoad, this); A.on("update", this.onLoad, this); A.on("failure", this.onLoad, this); this.removeMask = Ext.value(this.removeMask, true) } }; Ext.LoadMask.prototype = { msg : "Loading...", msgCls : "x-mask-loading", disabled : false, disable : function() { this.disabled = true }, enable : function() { this.disabled = false }, onLoad : function() { this.el.unmask(this.removeMask) }, onBeforeLoad : function() { if (!this.disabled) { this.el.mask(this.msg, this.msgCls) } }, show : function() { this.onBeforeLoad() }, hide : function() { this.onLoad() }, destroy : function() { if (this.store) { this.store.un("beforeload", this.onBeforeLoad, this); this.store.un("load", this.onLoad, this); this.store.un("loadexception", this.onLoad, this) } else { var A = this.el.getUpdater(); A.un("beforeupdate", this.onBeforeLoad, this); A.un("update", this.onLoad, this); A.un("failure", this.onLoad, this) } } }; Ext.ProgressBar = Ext.extend(Ext.BoxComponent, { baseCls : "x-progress", waitTimer : null, initComponent : function() { Ext.ProgressBar.superclass.initComponent.call(this); this.addEvents("update") }, onRender : function(D, A) { Ext.ProgressBar.superclass.onRender.call(this, D, A); var C = new Ext.Template("
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "
      ", "
      "); if (A) { this.el = C.insertBefore(A, { cls : this.baseCls }, true) } else { this.el = C.append(D, { cls : this.baseCls }, true) } if (this.id) { this.el.dom.id = this.id } var B = this.el.dom.firstChild; this.progressBar = Ext.get(B.firstChild); if (this.textEl) { this.textEl = Ext.get(this.textEl); delete this.textTopEl } else { this.textTopEl = Ext.get(this.progressBar.dom.firstChild); var E = Ext.get(B.childNodes[1]); this.textTopEl.setStyle("z-index", 99).addClass("x-hidden"); this.textEl = new Ext.CompositeElement([ this.textTopEl.dom.firstChild, E.dom.firstChild]); this.textEl.setWidth(B.offsetWidth) } if (this.value) { this.updateProgress(this.value, this.text) } else { this.updateText(this.text) } this.setSize(this.width || "auto", "auto"); this.progressBar.setHeight(B.offsetHeight) }, updateProgress : function(B, C) { this.value = B || 0; if (C) { this.updateText(C) } var A = Math.floor(B * this.el.dom.firstChild.offsetWidth); this.progressBar.setWidth(A); if (this.textTopEl) { this.textTopEl.removeClass("x-hidden").setWidth(A) } this.fireEvent("update", this, B, C); return this }, wait : function(B) { if (!this.waitTimer) { var A = this; B = B || {}; this.waitTimer = Ext.TaskMgr.start({ run : function(C) { var D = B.increment || 10; this .updateProgress(((((C + D) % D) + 1) * (100 / D)) * 0.01) }, interval : B.interval || 1000, duration : B.duration, onStop : function() { if (B.fn) { B.fn.apply(B.scope || this) } this.reset() }, scope : A }) } return this }, isWaiting : function() { return this.waitTimer != null }, updateText : function(A) { this.text = A || " "; this.textEl.update(this.text); return this }, setSize : function(A, C) { Ext.ProgressBar.superclass.setSize.call(this, A, C); if (this.textTopEl) { var B = this.el.dom.firstChild; this.textEl.setSize(B.offsetWidth, B.offsetHeight) } return this }, reset : function(A) { this.updateProgress(0); if (this.textTopEl) { this.textTopEl.addClass("x-hidden") } if (this.waitTimer) { this.waitTimer.onStop = null; Ext.TaskMgr.stop(this.waitTimer); this.waitTimer = null } if (A === true) { this.hide() } return this } }); Ext.reg("progress", Ext.ProgressBar);