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【系统反馈2023110231】【麦思美汽车电子,采购订单上传得数据增加两个字段内容   供应商资料里面得联系人ve_contact 别名ve_contactMaxMade   电话ve_tel】

wub 1 year ago

+ 17 - 0

@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ public class Purchase extends KeyEntity {
 	private String pu_custcode; // 客户编号,
 	private String pu_custname; // 客户名称。
 	private Long pu_b2bid; // b2bid
+	private String ve_tel;
+	private String ve_contactMaxMade;
 	public String getPu_vendcode() {
 		return pu_vendcode;
@@ -328,4 +330,19 @@ public class Purchase extends KeyEntity {
 		return this.pu_id;
+	public String getVe_tel() {
+		return ve_tel;
+	}
+	public void setVe_tel(String ve_tel) {
+		this.ve_tel = ve_tel;
+	}
+	public String getVe_contactMaxMade() {
+		return ve_contactMaxMade;
+	}
+	public void setVe_contactMaxMade(String ve_contactMaxMade) {
+		this.ve_contactMaxMade = ve_contactMaxMade;
+	}

+ 1 - 1

@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class PurchaseTask extends AbstractTask {
      * @return
     private List<Purchase> getPurchasesUpload() {
-        List<Purchase> purchases = jdbcTemplate.queryForBeanList("select * from (select purchase.*,em_uu,em_name,em_sex,em_mobile,em_email,vendor.ve_uu,pu_vendcontact ve_contact,purchase.pu_vendcontactuu ve_contactuu  from purchase left join vendor on pu_vendcode=ve_code left join employee on pu_buyerid=em_id where (PU_SENDSTATUS='待上传' or PU_SENDSTATUS='上传中') and pu_statuscode='AUDITED' and nvl(pu_ordertype,' ')<>'B2C' and coalesce(ve_uu, '0') <> '0' and nvl(ve_b2benable,0)<>0 and not exists (select 1 from purchasedetail,product where pd_puid=pu_id and pr_code=pd_prodcode and pr_sendstatus<>'已上传') order by pu_code) where rownum < 100",
+        List<Purchase> purchases = jdbcTemplate.queryForBeanList("select * from (select purchase.*,em_uu,em_name,em_sex,em_mobile,em_email,vendor.ve_uu,pu_vendcontact ve_contact,purchase.pu_vendcontactuu ve_contactuu,vendor.ve_contact ve_contactMaxMade,vendor.ve_tel ve_tel from purchase left join vendor on pu_vendcode=ve_code left join employee on pu_buyerid=em_id where (PU_SENDSTATUS='待上传' or PU_SENDSTATUS='上传中') and pu_statuscode='AUDITED' and nvl(pu_ordertype,' ')<>'B2C' and coalesce(ve_uu, '0') <> '0' and nvl(ve_b2benable,0)<>0 and not exists (select 1 from purchasedetail,product where pd_puid=pu_id and pr_code=pd_prodcode and pr_sendstatus<>'已上传') order by pu_code) where rownum < 100",
         List<Purchase> thisPost = new ArrayList<>();
         int count = 0;