@function inner-border-spread($width) { $top: top($width); $right: right($width); $bottom: bottom($width); $left: left($width); @return min(($top + $bottom) / 2, ($left + $right) / 2); } @function inner-border-hoff($width, $spread) { $left: left($width); $right: right($width); @if $right <= 0 { @return $left - $spread; } @else { @return $spread - $right; } } @function inner-border-voff($width, $spread) { $top: top($width); $bottom: bottom($width); @if $bottom <= 0 { @return $top - $spread; } @else { @return $spread - $bottom; } } @function even($number) { @return ceil($number / 2) == ($number / 2); } @function odd($number) { @return ceil($number / 2) != ($number / 2); } @function inner-border-usesingle-width($width) { $top: top($width); $right: right($width); $bottom: bottom($width); $left: left($width); @if $top == 0 { @if $left + $right == 0 { @return true; } @if $bottom >= $left + $right { @return true; } } @if $bottom == 0 { @if $left + $right == 0 { @return true; } @if $top >= $left + $right { @return true; } } @if $left == 0 { @if $top + $bottom == 0 { @return true; } @if $right >= $top + $bottom { @return true; } } @if $right == 0 { @if $top + $bottom == 0 { @return true; } @if $left >= $top + $bottom { @return true; } } @if $top + $bottom == $left + $right and even($top) == even($bottom) and even($left) == even($right) { @return true; } @return false; } @function inner-border-usesingle-color($color) { $top: top($color); $right: right($color); $bottom: bottom($color); $left: left($color); @if $top == $right == $bottom == $left { @return true; } @return false; } @function inner-border-usesingle($width, $color) { @if inner-border-usesingle-color($color) and inner-border-usesingle-width($width) { @return true; } @return false; } @mixin inner-border($width: 1px, $color: #fff, $blur: 0px) { @if max($width) == 0 { -webkit-box-shadow: none; -moz-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; } @else if inner-border-usesingle($width, $color) { $spread: inner-border-spread($width); $hoff: inner-border-hoff($width, $spread); $voff: inner-border-voff($width, $spread); @include single-box-shadow(top($color), $hoff, $voff, $blur, $spread, true); } @else { $width-top: top($width); $width-right: right($width); $width-bottom: bottom($width); $width-left: left($width); $color-top: top($color); $color-right: right($color); $color-bottom: bottom($color); $color-left: left($color); $shadow-top: false; $shadow-right: false; $shadow-bottom: false; $shadow-left: false; @if $width-top > 0 { $shadow-top: $color-top 0 $width-top $blur 0 inset; } @if $width-right > 0 { $shadow-right: $color-right (-1 * $width-right) 0 $blur 0 inset; } @if $width-bottom > 0 { $shadow-bottom: $color-bottom 0 (-1 * $width-bottom) $blur 0 inset; } @if $width-left > 0 { $shadow-left: $color-left $width-left 0 $blur 0 inset; } @include box-shadow($shadow-top, $shadow-bottom, $shadow-right, $shadow-left); } }