/* * This file defines the core framework "shortcuts". These are the modes and states of the * various components keyed by their xtype. * * To add more shortcuts for an xtype to a derived theme, call Ext.theme.addShortcuts in * a theme-specific file and script tag that file in to that theme's 'theme.html' file. */ Ext.theme.addShortcuts({ 'tooltip': [{ setup: function(component, ct) { component.render(ct); component.showBy(ct); ct.setHeight(component.getHeight()); ct.el.dom.appendChild(component.el.dom); component.el.setLeft(0); component.el.setTop(0); }, config: { width: 100, height: 40, hide: function(){} } }], 'widget.buttongroup': [ { folder: 'btn-group', filename: 'btn-group-{ui}-framed-notitle', config: { columns: 2, defaults: { scale: 'small' }, items: [{ xtype:'splitbutton', text: 'Menu Button', iconCls: 'add16', menu: [{text: 'Menu Item 1'}] },{ xtype:'splitbutton', text: 'Cut', iconCls: 'add16', menu: [{text: 'Cut Menu Item'}] },{ text: 'Copy', iconCls: 'add16' },{ text: 'Paste', iconCls: 'add16', menu: [{text: 'Paste Menu Item'}] },{ text: 'Format', iconCls: 'add16' }] } }, { folder: 'btn-group', filename: 'btn-group-{ui}-framed', config: { columns: 2, title: 'Manifest', defaults: { scale: 'small' }, items: [{ xtype:'splitbutton', text: 'Menu Button', iconCls: 'add16', menu: [{text: 'Menu Item 1'}] },{ xtype:'splitbutton', text: 'Cut', iconCls: 'add16', menu: [{text: 'Cut Menu Item'}] },{ text: 'Copy', iconCls: 'add16' },{ text: 'Paste', iconCls: 'add16', menu: [{text: 'Paste Menu Item'}] },{ text: 'Format', iconCls: 'add16' }] } } ], 'widget.progressbar': [ { xtype: 'widget.progressbar', folder: 'progress', filename: 'progress-{ui}', delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'progress-bar', config: { width: 100, value: 1, animate: false } } ], 'widget.tabbar': [ { xtype: 'widget.tabbar', filename: 'tab-bar-{ui}', folder: 'tab-bar', config: { orientation: 'horizontal', dock: 'top', width: 100, listeners: { render: function(tabbar) { tabbar.strip.hide(); } } } }, { xtype: 'widget.tabbar', filename: 'tab-bar-{ui}', folder: 'tab-bar', config: { orientation: 'vertical', dock: 'right', height: 100, listeners: { render: function(tabbar) { tabbar.strip.hide(); } } } }, { xtype: 'widget.tabbar', filename: 'tab-bar-{ui}', folder: 'tab-bar', config: { orientation: 'horizontal', dock: 'bottom', width: 100, listeners: { render: function(tabbar) { tabbar.strip.hide(); } } } }, { xtype: 'widget.tabbar', filename: 'tab-bar-{ui}', folder: 'tab-bar', config: { orientation: 'vertical', dock: 'left', height: 100, listeners: { render: function(tabbar) { tabbar.strip.hide(); } } } } ], 'widget.tab': [ { filename: 'tab-{ui}-top', config: { text: 'Normal Top Tab', closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-top-focus', config: { text: 'Focused Top Tab', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-focus', closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-top-active', config: { text: 'Active Top Tab', active: true, closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-top-over', over: true, config: { text: 'Over Top Tab', closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-top-focus-active', config: { text: 'Focused Active Top Tab', active: true, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-focus', closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-top-focus-over', over: true, config: { text: 'Focused Over Top Tab', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-focus', closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-top-disabled', config: { text: 'Disabled Top Tab', closable: false, disabled: true } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-right', config: { text: 'Normal Right Tab', tabPosition: 'right', rotation: 0, closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-right-focus', config: { text: 'Focused Right Tab', tabPosition: 'right', rotation: 0, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-focus', closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-right-active', config: { text: 'Active Right Tab', tabPosition: 'right', rotation: 0, active: true, closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-right-over', over: true, config: { text: 'Over Right Tab', tabPosition: 'right', rotation: 0, closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-right-focus-active', config: { text: 'Focused Active Right Tab', tabPosition: 'right', rotation: 0, active: true, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-focus', closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-right-focus-over', over: true, config: { text: 'Focused Over Right Tab', tabPosition: 'right', rotation: 0, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-focus', closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-right-disabled', config: { text: 'Disabled Right Tab', tabPosition: 'right', rotation: 0, closable: false, disabled: true } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-bottom', config: { text: 'Normal Bottom Tab', tabPosition: 'bottom', rotation: 0, closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-bottom-focus', config: { text: 'Focused Bottom Tab', tabPosition: 'bottom', rotation: 0, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-focus', closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-bottom-active', config: { text: 'Active Bottom Tab', tabPosition: 'bottom', rotation: 0, active: true, closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-bottom-over', over: true, config: { text: 'Over Bottom Tab', tabPosition: 'bottom', rotation: 0, closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-bottom-focus-active', config: { text: 'Focused Active Bottom Tab', tabPosition: 'bottom', rotation: 0, active: true, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-focus', closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-bottom-focus-over', over: true, config: { text: 'Focused Over Bottom Tab', tabPosition: 'bottom', rotation: 0, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-focus', closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-bottom-disabled', config: { text: 'Disabled Bottom Tab', tabPosition: 'bottom', rotation: 0, closable: false, disabled: true } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-left', config: { text: 'Normal left Tab', tabPosition: 'left', rotation: 0, closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-left-focus', config: { text: 'Focused Left Tab', tabPosition: 'left', rotation: 0, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-focus', closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-left-active', config: { text: 'Active left Tab', tabPosition: 'left', rotation: 0, active: true, closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-left-over', over: true, config: { text: 'Over left Tab', tabPosition: 'left', rotation: 0, closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-left-focus-active', config: { text: 'Focused Active Left Tab', tabPosition: 'left', rotation: 0, active: true, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-focus', closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-left-focus-over', over: true, config: { text: 'Focused Over Left Tab', tabPosition: 'left', rotation: 0, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'tab-focus', closable: false } }, { filename: 'tab-{ui}-left-disabled', config: { text: 'Disabled left Tab', tabPosition: 'left', rotation: 0, closable: false, disabled: true } } ], 'widget.window': [ // Floating { filename: 'window-{ui}', config: { header: false, resizable: false, height: 200, width: 200 } }, // window w/header { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'window-header', config: { title: 'Top Window', closable: false, width: 200, html: ' ', headerPosition: 'top' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'window-header', config: { title: 'Bottom Window', closable: false, width: 200, html: ' ', headerPosition: 'bottom' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'window-header', config: { title: 'Left Window', closable: false, height: 200, width: 200, headerPosition: 'left' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'window-header', config: { title: 'Right Window', closable: false, height: 200, width: 200, headerPosition: 'right' } }, // collapsed window w/header { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'window-header', config: { title: 'Top Collapsed', collapsed: true, closable: false, expandOnShow: false, width: 200, headerPosition: 'top' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'window-header', config: { title: 'Bottom Collapsed', collapsed: true, closable: false, expandOnShow: false, width: 200, headerPosition: 'bottom' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'window-header', config: { title: 'Left Collapsed', collapsed: true, closable: false, expandOnShow: false, height: 200, width: 200, headerPosition: 'left' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'window-header', config: { title: 'Right Collapsed', collapsed: true, closable: false, expandOnShow: false, height: 200, width: 200, headerPosition: 'right' } } ], // window 'widget.panel': [ { config: { width: 200, height: 200, frame: true, bodyPadding: 20, html: 'Framed panel' } }, // panel w/header { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'panel-header', config: { title: 'Top', width: 200, html: ' ', headerPosition: 'top' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'panel-header', config: { title: 'Bottom', width: 200, html: ' ', headerPosition: 'bottom' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'panel-header', config: { title: 'Left', height: 200, width: 200, headerPosition: 'left' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'panel-header', config: { title: 'Right', height: 200, width: 200, headerPosition: 'right' } }, // framed panel w/header { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'panel-header', config: { title: 'Top Framed', width: 200, frame: true, html: ' ', headerPosition: 'top' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'panel-header', config: { title: 'Bottom Framed', width: 200, frame: true, html: ' ', headerPosition: 'bottom' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'panel-header', config: { title: 'Left Framed', height: 200, width: 200, frame: true, headerPosition: 'left' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'panel-header', config: { title: 'Right Framed', height: 200, width: 200, frame: true, headerPosition: 'right' } }, // collapsed framed panel w/header { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'panel-header', config: { title: 'Top Framed/Collapsed', collapsed: true, width: 200, frame: true, headerPosition: 'top' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'panel-header', config: { title: 'Bottom Framed/Collapsed', collapsed: true, width: 200, frame: true, headerPosition: 'bottom' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'panel-header', config: { title: 'Left Framed/Collapsed', collapsed: true, height: 200, width: 200, frame: true, headerPosition: 'left' } }, { delegate: '.' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'panel-header', config: { title: 'Right Framed/Collapsed', collapsed: true, height: 200, width: 200, frame: true, headerPosition: 'right' } } ], 'widget.toolbar': [ { filename: 'toolbar-{ui}', config: { width: 200, items: [{ text: 'test' }] } } ], 'widget.button': [ //small button { filename: 'btn-{ui}-small', config: { scale: 'small', text: ' ', width: 100 } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-small-over', over: true, config: { scale: 'small', text: ' ', width: 100 } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-small-focus', config: { scale: 'small', text: ' ', width: 100, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-focus' } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-small-pressed', config: { scale: 'small', text: ' ', width: 100, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-pressed' } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-small-focus-over', config: { scale: 'small', text: ' ', width: 100, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-focus ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-over' } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-small-focus-pressed', config: { scale: 'small', text: ' ', width: 100, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-focus ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-pressed' } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-small-disabled', config: { scale: 'small', text: ' ', width: 100, disabled: true } }, //medium button { filename: 'btn-{ui}-medium', config: { scale: 'medium', text: ' ', width: 100 } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-medium-over', over: true, config: { scale: 'medium', text: ' ', width: 100 } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-medium-focus', config: { scale: 'medium', text: ' ', width: 100, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-focus' } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-medium-pressed', config: { scale: 'medium', text: ' ', width: 100, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-pressed' } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-medium-focus-over', config: { scale: 'medium', text: ' ', width: 100, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-focus ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-over' } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-medium-focus-pressed', config: { scale: 'medium', text: ' ', width: 100, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-focus ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-pressed' } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-medium-disabled', config: { scale: 'medium', text: ' ', width: 100, disabled: true } }, //large button { filename: 'btn-{ui}-large', config: { scale: 'large', text: ' ', width: 100 } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-large-over', over: true, config: { scale: 'large', text: ' ', width: 100 } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-large-focus', config: { scale: 'large', text: ' ', width: 100, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-focus' } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-large-pressed', config: { scale: 'large', text: ' ', width: 100, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-pressed' } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-large-focus-over', config: { scale: 'large', text: ' ', width: 100, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-focus ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-over' } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-large-focus-pressed', config: { scale: 'large', text: ' ', width: 100, cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-focus ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'btn-pressed' } }, { filename: 'btn-{ui}-large-disabled', config: { scale: 'large', text: ' ', width: 100, disabled: true } } ], 'widget.roweditorbuttons': [ { config: { position: 'bottom', style: 'position:static', rowEditor: { buttonUI: 'default-toolbar', saveBtnText: 'Update', cancelBtnText: 'Cancel', editingPlugin: { completeEdit: Ext.emptyFn, cancelEdit: Ext.emptyFn } } } }, { config: { position: 'top', style: 'position:static', rowEditor: { buttonUI: 'default-toolbar', saveBtnText: 'Update', cancelBtnText: 'Cancel', editingPlugin: { completeEdit: Ext.emptyFn, cancelEdit: Ext.emptyFn } } } } ] });