/* @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/FileSaver.js/blob/master/FileSaver.js */ var $jscomp = $jscomp || {}; $jscomp.scope = {}; $jscomp.defineProperty = typeof Object.defineProperties == 'function' ? Object.defineProperty : function(target, property, descriptor) { descriptor = (descriptor); if (target == Array.prototype || target == Object.prototype) { return; } target[property] = descriptor.value; }; $jscomp.getGlobal = function(maybeGlobal) { return typeof window != 'undefined' && window === maybeGlobal ? maybeGlobal : typeof global != 'undefined' && global != null ? global : maybeGlobal; }; $jscomp.global = $jscomp.getGlobal(this); $jscomp.polyfill = function(target, polyfill, fromLang, toLang) { if (!polyfill) { return; } var obj = $jscomp.global; var split = target.split('.'); for (var i = 0; i < split.length - 1; i++) { var key = split[i]; if (!(key in obj)) { obj[key] = {}; } obj = obj[key]; } var property = split[split.length - 1]; var orig = obj[property]; var impl = polyfill(orig); if (impl == orig || impl == null) { return; } $jscomp.defineProperty(obj, property, {configurable:true, writable:true, value:impl}); }; $jscomp.polyfill('Array.prototype.copyWithin', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(target, start, opt_end) { var len = this.length; target = Number(target); start = Number(start); opt_end = Number(opt_end != null ? opt_end : len); if (target < start) { opt_end = Math.min(opt_end, len); while (start < opt_end) { if (start in this) { this[target++] = this[start++]; } else { delete this[target++]; start++; } } } else { opt_end = Math.min(opt_end, len + start - target); target += opt_end - start; while (opt_end > start) { if (--opt_end in this) { this[--target] = this[opt_end]; } else { delete this[target]; } } } return this; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.SYMBOL_PREFIX = 'jscomp_symbol_'; $jscomp.initSymbol = function() { $jscomp.initSymbol = function() { }; if (!$jscomp.global['Symbol']) { $jscomp.global['Symbol'] = $jscomp.Symbol; } }; $jscomp.symbolCounter_ = 0; $jscomp.Symbol = function(opt_description) { return ($jscomp.SYMBOL_PREFIX + (opt_description || '') + $jscomp.symbolCounter_++); }; $jscomp.initSymbolIterator = function() { $jscomp.initSymbol(); var symbolIterator = $jscomp.global['Symbol'].iterator; if (!symbolIterator) { symbolIterator = $jscomp.global['Symbol'].iterator = $jscomp.global['Symbol']('iterator'); } if (typeof Array.prototype[symbolIterator] != 'function') { $jscomp.defineProperty(Array.prototype, symbolIterator, {configurable:true, writable:true, value:function() { return $jscomp.arrayIterator(this); }}); } $jscomp.initSymbolIterator = function() { }; }; $jscomp.arrayIterator = function(array) { var index = 0; return $jscomp.iteratorPrototype(function() { if (index < array.length) { return {done:false, value:array[index++]}; } else { return {done:true}; } }); }; $jscomp.iteratorPrototype = function(next) { $jscomp.initSymbolIterator(); var iterator = {next:next}; iterator[$jscomp.global['Symbol'].iterator] = function() { return this; }; return (iterator); }; $jscomp.iteratorFromArray = function(array, transform) { $jscomp.initSymbolIterator(); if (array instanceof String) { array = array + ''; } var i = 0; var iter = {next:function() { if (i < array.length) { var index = i++; return {value:transform(index, array[index]), done:false}; } iter.next = function() { return {done:true, value:void 0}; }; return iter.next(); }}; iter[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return iter; }; return iter; }; $jscomp.polyfill('Array.prototype.entries', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function() { return $jscomp.iteratorFromArray(this, function(i, v) { return [i, v]; }); }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Array.prototype.fill', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(value, opt_start, opt_end) { var length = this.length || 0; if (opt_start < 0) { opt_start = Math.max(0, length + (opt_start)); } if (opt_end == null || opt_end > length) { opt_end = length; } opt_end = Number(opt_end); if (opt_end < 0) { opt_end = Math.max(0, length + opt_end); } for (var i = Number(opt_start || 0); i < opt_end; i++) { this[i] = value; } return this; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.findInternal = function(array, callback, thisArg) { if (array instanceof String) { array = (String(array)); } var len = array.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var value = array[i]; if (callback.call(thisArg, value, i, array)) { return {i:i, v:value}; } } return {i:-1, v:void 0}; }; $jscomp.polyfill('Array.prototype.find', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(callback, opt_thisArg) { return $jscomp.findInternal(this, callback, opt_thisArg).v; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Array.prototype.findIndex', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(callback, opt_thisArg) { return $jscomp.findInternal(this, callback, opt_thisArg).i; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Array.from', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(arrayLike, opt_mapFn, opt_thisArg) { $jscomp.initSymbolIterator(); opt_mapFn = opt_mapFn != null ? opt_mapFn : function(x) { return x; }; var result = []; var iteratorFunction = (arrayLike)[Symbol.iterator]; if (typeof iteratorFunction == 'function') { arrayLike = iteratorFunction.call(arrayLike); var next; while (!(next = arrayLike.next()).done) { result.push(opt_mapFn.call((opt_thisArg), next.value)); } } else { var len = arrayLike.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { result.push(opt_mapFn.call((opt_thisArg), arrayLike[i])); } } return result; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Object.is', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(left, right) { if (left === right) { return left !== 0 || 1 / left === 1 / (right); } else { return left !== left && right !== right; } }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Array.prototype.includes', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var includes = function(searchElement, opt_fromIndex) { var array = this; if (array instanceof String) { array = (String(array)); } var len = array.length; for (var i = opt_fromIndex || 0; i < len; i++) { if (array[i] == searchElement || Object.is(array[i], searchElement)) { return true; } } return false; }; return includes; }, 'es7', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Array.prototype.keys', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function() { return $jscomp.iteratorFromArray(this, function(i) { return i; }); }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Array.of', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(var_args) { return Array.from(arguments); }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Array.prototype.values', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function() { return $jscomp.iteratorFromArray(this, function(k, v) { return v; }); }; return polyfill; }, 'es6', 'es3'); $jscomp.makeIterator = function(iterable) { $jscomp.initSymbolIterator(); var iteratorFunction = (iterable)[Symbol.iterator]; return iteratorFunction ? iteratorFunction.call(iterable) : $jscomp.arrayIterator((iterable)); }; $jscomp.EXPOSE_ASYNC_EXECUTOR = true; $jscomp.FORCE_POLYFILL_PROMISE = false; $jscomp.polyfill('Promise', function(NativePromise) { if (NativePromise && !$jscomp.FORCE_POLYFILL_PROMISE) { return NativePromise; } function AsyncExecutor() { this.batch_ = null; } AsyncExecutor.prototype.asyncExecute = function(f) { if (this.batch_ == null) { this.batch_ = []; this.asyncExecuteBatch_(); } this.batch_.push(f); return this; }; AsyncExecutor.prototype.asyncExecuteBatch_ = function() { var self = this; this.asyncExecuteFunction(function() { self.executeBatch_(); }); }; var nativeSetTimeout = $jscomp.global['setTimeout']; AsyncExecutor.prototype.asyncExecuteFunction = function(f) { nativeSetTimeout(f, 0); }; AsyncExecutor.prototype.executeBatch_ = function() { while (this.batch_ && this.batch_.length) { var executingBatch = this.batch_; this.batch_ = []; for (var i = 0; i < executingBatch.length; ++i) { var f = executingBatch[i]; delete executingBatch[i]; try { f(); } catch (error) { this.asyncThrow_(error); } } } this.batch_ = null; }; AsyncExecutor.prototype.asyncThrow_ = function(exception) { this.asyncExecuteFunction(function() { throw exception; }); }; var PromiseState = {PENDING:0, FULFILLED:1, REJECTED:2}; var PolyfillPromise = function(executor) { this.state_ = PromiseState.PENDING; this.result_ = undefined; this.onSettledCallbacks_ = []; var resolveAndReject = this.createResolveAndReject_(); try { executor(resolveAndReject.resolve, resolveAndReject.reject); } catch (e) { resolveAndReject.reject(e); } }; PolyfillPromise.prototype.createResolveAndReject_ = function() { var thisPromise = this; var alreadyCalled = false; function firstCallWins(method) { return function(x) { if (!alreadyCalled) { alreadyCalled = true; method.call(thisPromise, x); } }; } return {resolve:firstCallWins(this.resolveTo_), reject:firstCallWins(this.reject_)}; }; PolyfillPromise.prototype.resolveTo_ = function(value) { if (value === this) { this.reject_(new TypeError('A Promise cannot resolve to itself')); } else { if (value instanceof PolyfillPromise) { this.settleSameAsPromise_((value)); } else { if (isObject(value)) { this.resolveToNonPromiseObj_((value)); } else { this.fulfill_(value); } } } }; PolyfillPromise.prototype.resolveToNonPromiseObj_ = function(obj) { var thenMethod = undefined; try { thenMethod = obj.then; } catch (error) { this.reject_(error); return; } if (typeof thenMethod == 'function') { this.settleSameAsThenable_(thenMethod, (obj)); } else { this.fulfill_(obj); } }; function isObject(value) { switch(typeof value) { case 'object': return value != null; case 'function': return true; default: return false; } } PolyfillPromise.prototype.reject_ = function(reason) { this.settle_(PromiseState.REJECTED, reason); }; PolyfillPromise.prototype.fulfill_ = function(value) { this.settle_(PromiseState.FULFILLED, value); }; PolyfillPromise.prototype.settle_ = function(settledState, valueOrReason) { if (this.state_ != PromiseState.PENDING) { throw new Error('Cannot settle(' + settledState + ', ' + valueOrReason | '): Promise already settled in state' + this.state_); } this.state_ = settledState; this.result_ = valueOrReason; this.executeOnSettledCallbacks_(); }; PolyfillPromise.prototype.executeOnSettledCallbacks_ = function() { if (this.onSettledCallbacks_ != null) { var callbacks = this.onSettledCallbacks_; for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; ++i) { (callbacks[i]).call(); callbacks[i] = null; } this.onSettledCallbacks_ = null; } }; var asyncExecutor = new AsyncExecutor; PolyfillPromise.prototype.settleSameAsPromise_ = function(promise) { var methods = this.createResolveAndReject_(); promise.callWhenSettled_(methods.resolve, methods.reject); }; PolyfillPromise.prototype.settleSameAsThenable_ = function(thenMethod, thenable) { var methods = this.createResolveAndReject_(); try { thenMethod.call(thenable, methods.resolve, methods.reject); } catch (error) { methods.reject(error); } }; PolyfillPromise.prototype.then = function(onFulfilled, onRejected) { var resolveChild; var rejectChild; var childPromise = new PolyfillPromise(function(resolve, reject) { resolveChild = resolve; rejectChild = reject; }); function createCallback(paramF, defaultF) { if (typeof paramF == 'function') { return function(x) { try { resolveChild(paramF(x)); } catch (error) { rejectChild(error); } }; } else { return defaultF; } } this.callWhenSettled_(createCallback(onFulfilled, resolveChild), createCallback(onRejected, rejectChild)); return childPromise; }; PolyfillPromise.prototype['catch'] = function(onRejected) { return this.then(undefined, onRejected); }; PolyfillPromise.prototype.callWhenSettled_ = function(onFulfilled, onRejected) { var thisPromise = this; function callback() { switch(thisPromise.state_) { case PromiseState.FULFILLED: onFulfilled(thisPromise.result_); break; case PromiseState.REJECTED: onRejected(thisPromise.result_); break; default: throw new Error('Unexpected state: ' + thisPromise.state_); } } if (this.onSettledCallbacks_ == null) { asyncExecutor.asyncExecute(callback); } else { this.onSettledCallbacks_.push(function() { asyncExecutor.asyncExecute(callback); }); } }; PolyfillPromise.resolve = function(opt_value) { if (opt_value instanceof PolyfillPromise) { return opt_value; } else { return new PolyfillPromise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(opt_value); }); } }; PolyfillPromise.reject = function(opt_reason) { return new PolyfillPromise(function(resolve, reject) { reject(opt_reason); }); }; PolyfillPromise.race = function(thenablesOrValues) { return new PolyfillPromise(function(resolve, reject) { var iterator = $jscomp.makeIterator(thenablesOrValues); for (var iterRec = iterator.next(); !iterRec.done; iterRec = iterator.next()) { PolyfillPromise.resolve(iterRec.value).callWhenSettled_(resolve, reject); } }); }; PolyfillPromise.all = function(thenablesOrValues) { var iterator = $jscomp.makeIterator(thenablesOrValues); var iterRec = iterator.next(); if (iterRec.done) { return PolyfillPromise.resolve([]); } else { return new PolyfillPromise(function(resolveAll, rejectAll) { var resultsArray = []; var unresolvedCount = 0; function onFulfilled(i) { return function(ithResult) { resultsArray[i] = ithResult; unresolvedCount--; if (unresolvedCount == 0) { resolveAll(resultsArray); } }; } do { resultsArray.push(undefined); unresolvedCount++; PolyfillPromise.resolve(iterRec.value).callWhenSettled_(onFulfilled(resultsArray.length - 1), rejectAll); iterRec = iterator.next(); } while (!iterRec.done); }); } }; if ($jscomp.EXPOSE_ASYNC_EXECUTOR) { PolyfillPromise['$jscomp$new$AsyncExecutor'] = function() { return new AsyncExecutor; }; } return PolyfillPromise; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.executeAsyncGenerator = function(generator) { function passValueToGenerator(value) { return generator.next(value); } function passErrorToGenerator(error) { return generator['throw'](error); } return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { function handleGeneratorRecord(genRec) { if (genRec.done) { resolve(genRec.value); } else { Promise.resolve(genRec.value).then(passValueToGenerator, passErrorToGenerator).then(handleGeneratorRecord, reject); } } handleGeneratorRecord(generator.next()); }); }; $jscomp.owns = function(obj, prop) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop); }; $jscomp.polyfill('WeakMap', function(NativeWeakMap) { function isConformant() { if (!NativeWeakMap || !Object.seal) { return false; } try { var x = Object.seal({}); var y = Object.seal({}); var map = new (NativeWeakMap)([[x, 2], [y, 3]]); if (map.get(x) != 2 || map.get(y) != 3) { return false; } map['delete'](x); map.set(y, 4); return !map.has(x) && map.get(y) == 4; } catch (err) { return false; } } if (isConformant()) { return NativeWeakMap; } var prop = '$jscomp_hidden_' + Math.random().toString().substring(2); function insert(target) { if (!$jscomp.owns(target, prop)) { var obj = {}; $jscomp.defineProperty(target, prop, {value:obj}); } } function patch(name) { var prev = Object[name]; if (prev) { Object[name] = function(target) { insert(target); return prev(target); }; } } patch('freeze'); patch('preventExtensions'); patch('seal'); var index = 0; var PolyfillWeakMap = function(opt_iterable) { this.id_ = (index += Math.random() + 1).toString(); if (opt_iterable) { $jscomp.initSymbol(); $jscomp.initSymbolIterator(); var iter = $jscomp.makeIterator(opt_iterable); var entry; while (!(entry = iter.next()).done) { var item = entry.value; this.set((item[0]), (item[1])); } } }; PolyfillWeakMap.prototype.set = function(key, value) { insert(key); if (!$jscomp.owns(key, prop)) { throw new Error('WeakMap key fail: ' + key); } key[prop][this.id_] = value; return this; }; PolyfillWeakMap.prototype.get = function(key) { return $jscomp.owns(key, prop) ? key[prop][this.id_] : undefined; }; PolyfillWeakMap.prototype.has = function(key) { return $jscomp.owns(key, prop) && $jscomp.owns(key[prop], this.id_); }; PolyfillWeakMap.prototype['delete'] = function(key) { if (!$jscomp.owns(key, prop) || !$jscomp.owns(key[prop], this.id_)) { return false; } return delete key[prop][this.id_]; }; return PolyfillWeakMap; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.MapEntry = function() { this.previous; this.next; this.head; this.key; this.value; }; $jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_MAP = false; $jscomp.polyfill('Map', function(NativeMap) { var isConformant = !$jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_MAP && function() { if (!NativeMap || !NativeMap.prototype.entries || typeof Object.seal != 'function') { return false; } try { NativeMap = (NativeMap); var key = Object.seal({x:4}); var map = new NativeMap($jscomp.makeIterator([[key, 's']])); if (map.get(key) != 's' || map.size != 1 || map.get({x:4}) || map.set({x:4}, 't') != map || map.size != 2) { return false; } var iter = map.entries(); var item = iter.next(); if (item.done || item.value[0] != key || item.value[1] != 's') { return false; } item = iter.next(); if (item.done || item.value[0].x != 4 || item.value[1] != 't' || !iter.next().done) { return false; } return true; } catch (err) { return false; } }(); if (isConformant) { return NativeMap; } $jscomp.initSymbol(); $jscomp.initSymbolIterator(); var idMap = new WeakMap; var PolyfillMap = function(opt_iterable) { this.data_ = {}; this.head_ = createHead(); this.size = 0; if (opt_iterable) { var iter = $jscomp.makeIterator(opt_iterable); var entry; while (!(entry = iter.next()).done) { var item = (entry).value; this.set((item[0]), (item[1])); } } }; PolyfillMap.prototype.set = function(key, value) { var r = maybeGetEntry(this, key); if (!r.list) { r.list = this.data_[r.id] = []; } if (!r.entry) { r.entry = {next:this.head_, previous:this.head_.previous, head:this.head_, key:key, value:value}; r.list.push(r.entry); this.head_.previous.next = r.entry; this.head_.previous = r.entry; this.size++; } else { r.entry.value = value; } return this; }; PolyfillMap.prototype['delete'] = function(key) { var r = maybeGetEntry(this, key); if (r.entry && r.list) { r.list.splice(r.index, 1); if (!r.list.length) { delete this.data_[r.id]; } r.entry.previous.next = r.entry.next; r.entry.next.previous = r.entry.previous; r.entry.head = null; this.size--; return true; } return false; }; PolyfillMap.prototype.clear = function() { this.data_ = {}; this.head_ = this.head_.previous = createHead(); this.size = 0; }; PolyfillMap.prototype.has = function(key) { return !!maybeGetEntry(this, key).entry; }; PolyfillMap.prototype.get = function(key) { var entry = maybeGetEntry(this, key).entry; return (entry && (entry.value)); }; PolyfillMap.prototype.entries = function() { return makeIterator(this, function(entry) { return [entry.key, entry.value]; }); }; PolyfillMap.prototype.keys = function() { return makeIterator(this, function(entry) { return entry.key; }); }; PolyfillMap.prototype.values = function() { return makeIterator(this, function(entry) { return entry.value; }); }; PolyfillMap.prototype.forEach = function(callback, opt_thisArg) { var iter = this.entries(); var item; while (!(item = iter.next()).done) { var entry = item.value; callback.call((opt_thisArg), (entry[1]), (entry[0]), this); } }; (PolyfillMap.prototype)[Symbol.iterator] = PolyfillMap.prototype.entries; var maybeGetEntry = function(map, key) { var id = getId(key); var list = map.data_[id]; if (list && $jscomp.owns(map.data_, id)) { for (var index = 0; index < list.length; index++) { var entry = list[index]; if (key !== key && entry.key !== entry.key || key === entry.key) { return {id:id, list:list, index:index, entry:entry}; } } } return {id:id, list:list, index:-1, entry:undefined}; }; var makeIterator = function(map, func) { var entry = map.head_; return $jscomp.iteratorPrototype(function() { if (entry) { while (entry.head != map.head_) { entry = entry.previous; } while (entry.next != entry.head) { entry = entry.next; return {done:false, value:func(entry)}; } entry = null; } return {done:true, value:void 0}; }); }; var createHead = function() { var head = {}; head.previous = head.next = head.head = head; return head; }; var mapIndex = 0; var getId = function(obj) { var type = obj && typeof obj; if (type == 'object' || type == 'function') { obj = (obj); if (!idMap.has(obj)) { var id = '' + ++mapIndex; idMap.set(obj, id); return id; } return idMap.get(obj); } return 'p_' + obj; }; return PolyfillMap; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.acosh', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { x = Number(x); return Math.log(x + Math.sqrt(x * x - 1)); }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.asinh', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { x = Number(x); if (x === 0) { return x; } var y = Math.log(Math.abs(x) + Math.sqrt(x * x + 1)); return x < 0 ? -y : y; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.log1p', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { x = Number(x); if (x < 0.25 && x > -0.25) { var y = x; var d = 1; var z = x; var zPrev = 0; var s = 1; while (zPrev != z) { y *= x; s *= -1; z = (zPrev = z) + s * y / ++d; } return z; } return Math.log(1 + x); }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.atanh', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var log1p = Math.log1p; var polyfill = function(x) { x = Number(x); return (log1p(x) - log1p(-x)) / 2; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.cbrt', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { if (x === 0) { return x; } x = Number(x); var y = Math.pow(Math.abs(x), 1 / 3); return x < 0 ? -y : y; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.clz32', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { x = Number(x) >>> 0; if (x === 0) { return 32; } var result = 0; if ((x & 4294901760) === 0) { x <<= 16; result += 16; } if ((x & 4278190080) === 0) { x <<= 8; result += 8; } if ((x & 4026531840) === 0) { x <<= 4; result += 4; } if ((x & 3221225472) === 0) { x <<= 2; result += 2; } if ((x & 2147483648) === 0) { result++; } return result; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.cosh', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var exp = Math.exp; var polyfill = function(x) { x = Number(x); return (exp(x) + exp(-x)) / 2; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.expm1', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { x = Number(x); if (x < .25 && x > -.25) { var y = x; var d = 1; var z = x; var zPrev = 0; while (zPrev != z) { y *= x / ++d; z = (zPrev = z) + y; } return z; } return Math.exp(x) - 1; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.hypot', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x, y, var_args) { x = Number(x); y = Number(y); var i, z, sum; var max = Math.max(Math.abs(x), Math.abs(y)); for (i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { max = Math.max(max, Math.abs(arguments[i])); } if (max > 1e100 || max < 1e-100) { x = x / max; y = y / max; sum = x * x + y * y; for (i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { z = Number(arguments[i]) / max; sum += z * z; } return Math.sqrt(sum) * max; } else { sum = x * x + y * y; for (i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { z = Number(arguments[i]); sum += z * z; } return Math.sqrt(sum); } }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.imul', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(a, b) { a = Number(a); b = Number(b); var ah = a >>> 16 & 65535; var al = a & 65535; var bh = b >>> 16 & 65535; var bl = b & 65535; var lh = ah * bl + al * bh << 16 >>> 0; return al * bl + lh | 0; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.log10', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { return Math.log(x) / Math.LN10; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.log2', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { return Math.log(x) / Math.LN2; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.sign', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { x = Number(x); return x === 0 || isNaN(x) ? x : x > 0 ? 1 : -1; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.sinh', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var exp = Math.exp; var polyfill = function(x) { x = Number(x); if (x === 0) { return x; } return (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / 2; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.tanh', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { x = Number(x); if (x === 0) { return x; } var y = Math.exp(-2 * Math.abs(x)); var z = (1 - y) / (1 + y); return x < 0 ? -z : z; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Math.trunc', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { x = Number(x); if (isNaN(x) || x === Infinity || x === -Infinity || x === 0) { return x; } var y = Math.floor(Math.abs(x)); return x < 0 ? -y : y; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Number.EPSILON', function(orig) { return Math.pow(2, -52); }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER', function() { return 9007199254740991; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER', function() { return -9007199254740991; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Number.isFinite', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { if (typeof x !== 'number') { return false; } return !isNaN(x) && x !== Infinity && x !== -Infinity; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Number.isInteger', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { if (!Number.isFinite(x)) { return false; } return x === Math.floor(x); }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Number.isNaN', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { return typeof x === 'number' && isNaN(x); }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Number.isSafeInteger', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(x) { return Number.isInteger(x) && Math.abs(x) <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Object.assign', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(target, var_args) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; if (!source) { continue; } for (var key in source) { if ($jscomp.owns(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Object.entries', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var entries = function(obj) { var result = []; for (var key in obj) { if ($jscomp.owns(obj, key)) { result.push([key, obj[key]]); } } return result; }; return entries; }, 'es8', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Object.getOwnPropertySymbols', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } return function() { return []; }; }, 'es6-impl', 'es5'); $jscomp.polyfill('Reflect.ownKeys', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var symbolPrefix = 'jscomp_symbol_'; function isSymbol(key) { return key.substring(0, symbolPrefix.length) == symbolPrefix; } var polyfill = function(target) { var keys = []; var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target); var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { (isSymbol(names[i]) ? symbols : keys).push(names[i]); } return keys.concat(symbols); }; return polyfill; }, 'es6', 'es5'); $jscomp.polyfill('Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var getOwnPropertyDescriptors = function(obj) { var result = {}; var keys = Reflect.ownKeys(obj); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { result[keys[i]] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, keys[i]); } return result; }; return getOwnPropertyDescriptors; }, 'es8', 'es5'); $jscomp.polyfill('Object.setPrototypeOf', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } if (typeof ''.__proto__ != 'object') { return null; } var polyfill = function(target, proto) { target.__proto__ = proto; if (target.__proto__ !== proto) { throw new TypeError(target + ' is not extensible'); } return target; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6', 'es5'); $jscomp.polyfill('Object.values', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var values = function(obj) { var result = []; for (var key in obj) { if ($jscomp.owns(obj, key)) { result.push(obj[key]); } } return result; }; return values; }, 'es8', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Reflect.apply', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var apply = Function.prototype.apply; var polyfill = function(target, thisArg, argList) { return apply.call(target, thisArg, argList); }; return polyfill; }, 'es6', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Reflect.construct', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(target, argList, opt_newTarget) { if (opt_newTarget === undefined) { opt_newTarget = target; } var proto = opt_newTarget.prototype || Object.prototype; var obj = Object.create(proto); var out = Reflect.apply(target, obj, argList); return out || obj; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6', 'es5'); $jscomp.polyfill('Reflect.defineProperty', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(target, propertyKey, attributes) { try { Object.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, attributes); var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, propertyKey); if (!desc) { return false; } return desc.configurable === (attributes.configurable || false) && desc.enumerable === (attributes.enumerable || false) && ('value' in desc ? desc.value === attributes.value && desc.writable === (attributes.writable || false) : desc.get === attributes.get && desc.set === attributes.set); } catch (err) { return false; } }; return polyfill; }, 'es6', 'es5'); $jscomp.polyfill('Reflect.deleteProperty', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(target, propertyKey) { if (!$jscomp.owns(target, propertyKey)) { return true; } try { return delete target[propertyKey]; } catch (err) { return false; } }; return polyfill; }, 'es6', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor', function(orig) { return orig || Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; }, 'es6', 'es5'); $jscomp.polyfill('Reflect.getPrototypeOf', function(orig) { return orig || Object.getPrototypeOf; }, 'es6', 'es5'); $jscomp.findDescriptor = function(target, propertyKey) { var obj = target; while (obj) { var property = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propertyKey); if (property) { return property; } obj = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(obj); } return undefined; }; $jscomp.polyfill('Reflect.get', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(target, propertyKey, opt_receiver) { if (arguments.length <= 2) { return target[propertyKey]; } var property = $jscomp.findDescriptor(target, propertyKey); if (property) { return property.get ? property.get.call(opt_receiver) : property.value; } return undefined; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6', 'es5'); $jscomp.polyfill('Reflect.has', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(target, propertyKey) { return propertyKey in target; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Reflect.isExtensible', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } if (typeof Object.isExtensible == 'function') { return Object.isExtensible; } return function() { return true; }; }, 'es6', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Reflect.preventExtensions', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } if (typeof Object.preventExtensions != 'function') { return function() { return false; }; } var polyfill = function(target) { Object.preventExtensions(target); return !Object.isExtensible(target); }; return polyfill; }, 'es6', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('Reflect.set', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(target, propertyKey, value, opt_receiver) { var property = $jscomp.findDescriptor(target, propertyKey); if (!property) { if (Reflect.isExtensible(target)) { target[propertyKey] = value; return true; } return false; } if (property.set) { property.set.call(arguments.length > 3 ? opt_receiver : target, value); return true; } else { if (property.writable && !Object.isFrozen(target)) { target[propertyKey] = value; return true; } } return false; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6', 'es5'); $jscomp.polyfill('Reflect.setPrototypeOf', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } if (typeof ''.__proto__ != 'object') { return null; } var polyfill = function(target, proto) { try { target.__proto__ = proto; return target.__proto__ === proto; } catch (err) { return false; } }; return polyfill; }, 'es6', 'es5'); $jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_SET = false; $jscomp.polyfill('Set', function(NativeSet) { var isConformant = !$jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_SET && function() { if (!NativeSet || !NativeSet.prototype.entries || typeof Object.seal != 'function') { return false; } try { NativeSet = (NativeSet); var value = Object.seal({x:4}); var set = new NativeSet($jscomp.makeIterator([value])); if (!set.has(value) || set.size != 1 || set.add(value) != set || set.size != 1 || set.add({x:4}) != set || set.size != 2) { return false; } var iter = set.entries(); var item = iter.next(); if (item.done || item.value[0] != value || item.value[1] != value) { return false; } item = iter.next(); if (item.done || item.value[0] == value || item.value[0].x != 4 || item.value[1] != item.value[0]) { return false; } return iter.next().done; } catch (err) { return false; } }(); if (isConformant) { return NativeSet; } $jscomp.initSymbol(); $jscomp.initSymbolIterator(); var PolyfillSet = function(opt_iterable) { this.map_ = new Map; if (opt_iterable) { var iter = $jscomp.makeIterator(opt_iterable); var entry; while (!(entry = iter.next()).done) { var item = (entry).value; this.add(item); } } this.size = this.map_.size; }; PolyfillSet.prototype.add = function(value) { this.map_.set(value, value); this.size = this.map_.size; return this; }; PolyfillSet.prototype['delete'] = function(value) { var result = this.map_['delete'](value); this.size = this.map_.size; return result; }; PolyfillSet.prototype.clear = function() { this.map_.clear(); this.size = 0; }; PolyfillSet.prototype.has = function(value) { return this.map_.has(value); }; PolyfillSet.prototype.entries = function() { return this.map_.entries(); }; PolyfillSet.prototype.values = function() { return this.map_.values(); }; PolyfillSet.prototype.keys = PolyfillSet.prototype.values; (PolyfillSet.prototype)[Symbol.iterator] = PolyfillSet.prototype.values; PolyfillSet.prototype.forEach = function(callback, opt_thisArg) { var set = this; this.map_.forEach(function(value) { return callback.call((opt_thisArg), value, value, set); }); }; return PolyfillSet; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.checkStringArgs = function(thisArg, arg, func) { if (thisArg == null) { throw new TypeError("The 'this' value for String.prototype." + func + ' must not be null or undefined'); } if (arg instanceof RegExp) { throw new TypeError('First argument to String.prototype.' + func + ' must not be a regular expression'); } return thisArg + ''; }; $jscomp.polyfill('String.prototype.codePointAt', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(position) { var string = $jscomp.checkStringArgs(this, null, 'codePointAt'); var size = string.length; position = Number(position) || 0; if (!(position >= 0 && position < size)) { return void 0; } position = position | 0; var first = string.charCodeAt(position); if (first < 55296 || first > 56319 || position + 1 === size) { return first; } var second = string.charCodeAt(position + 1); if (second < 56320 || second > 57343) { return first; } return (first - 55296) * 1024 + second + 9216; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('String.prototype.endsWith', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(searchString, opt_position) { var string = $jscomp.checkStringArgs(this, searchString, 'endsWith'); searchString = searchString + ''; if (opt_position === void 0) { opt_position = string.length; } var i = Math.max(0, Math.min(opt_position | 0, string.length)); var j = searchString.length; while (j > 0 && i > 0) { if (string[--i] != searchString[--j]) { return false; } } return j <= 0; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('String.fromCodePoint', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(var_args) { var result = ''; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var code = Number(arguments[i]); if (code < 0 || code > 1114111 || code !== Math.floor(code)) { throw new RangeError('invalid_code_point ' + code); } if (code <= 65535) { result += String.fromCharCode(code); } else { code -= 65536; result += String.fromCharCode(code >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296); result += String.fromCharCode(code & 1023 | 56320); } } return result; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('String.prototype.includes', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(searchString, opt_position) { var string = $jscomp.checkStringArgs(this, searchString, 'includes'); return string.indexOf(searchString, opt_position || 0) !== -1; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('String.prototype.repeat', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(copies) { var string = $jscomp.checkStringArgs(this, null, 'repeat'); if (copies < 0 || copies > 1342177279) { throw new RangeError('Invalid count value'); } copies = copies | 0; var result = ''; while (copies) { if (copies & 1) { result += string; } if (copies >>>= 1) { string += string; } } return result; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.stringPadding = function(padString, padLength) { var padding = padString !== undefined ? String(padString) : ' '; if (!(padLength > 0) || !padding) { return ''; } var repeats = Math.ceil(padLength / padding.length); return padding.repeat(repeats).substring(0, padLength); }; $jscomp.polyfill('String.prototype.padEnd', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var padEnd = function(targetLength, opt_padString) { var string = $jscomp.checkStringArgs(this, null, 'padStart'); var padLength = targetLength - string.length; return string + $jscomp.stringPadding(opt_padString, padLength); }; return padEnd; }, 'es8', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('String.prototype.padStart', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var padStart = function(targetLength, opt_padString) { var string = $jscomp.checkStringArgs(this, null, 'padStart'); var padLength = targetLength - string.length; return $jscomp.stringPadding(opt_padString, padLength) + string; }; return padStart; }, 'es8', 'es3'); $jscomp.polyfill('String.prototype.startsWith', function(orig) { if (orig) { return orig; } var polyfill = function(searchString, opt_position) { var string = $jscomp.checkStringArgs(this, searchString, 'startsWith'); searchString = searchString + ''; var strLen = string.length; var searchLen = searchString.length; var i = Math.max(0, Math.min((opt_position) | 0, string.length)); var j = 0; while (j < searchLen && i < strLen) { if (string[i++] != searchString[j++]) { return false; } } return j >= searchLen; }; return polyfill; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); $jscomp.arrayFromIterator = function(iterator) { var i; var arr = []; while (!(i = iterator.next()).done) { arr.push(i.value); } return arr; }; $jscomp.arrayFromIterable = function(iterable) { if (iterable instanceof Array) { return iterable; } else { return $jscomp.arrayFromIterator($jscomp.makeIterator(iterable)); } }; $jscomp.inherits = function(childCtor, parentCtor) { function tempCtor() { } tempCtor.prototype = parentCtor.prototype; childCtor.superClass_ = parentCtor.prototype; childCtor.prototype = new tempCtor; childCtor.prototype.constructor = childCtor; for (var p in parentCtor) { if (Object.defineProperties) { var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(parentCtor, p); if (descriptor) { Object.defineProperty(childCtor, p, descriptor); } } else { childCtor[p] = parentCtor[p]; } } }; $jscomp.polyfill('WeakSet', function(NativeWeakSet) { function isConformant() { if (!NativeWeakSet || !Object.seal) { return false; } try { var x = Object.seal({}); var y = Object.seal({}); var set = new (NativeWeakSet)([x]); if (!set.has(x) || set.has(y)) { return false; } set['delete'](x); set.add(y); return !set.has(x) && set.has(y); } catch (err) { return false; } } if (isConformant()) { return NativeWeakSet; } var PolyfillWeakSet = function(opt_iterable) { this.map_ = new WeakMap; if (opt_iterable) { $jscomp.initSymbol(); $jscomp.initSymbolIterator(); var iter = $jscomp.makeIterator(opt_iterable); var entry; while (!(entry = iter.next()).done) { var item = entry.value; this.add(item); } } }; PolyfillWeakSet.prototype.add = function(elem) { this.map_.set(elem, true); return this; }; PolyfillWeakSet.prototype.has = function(elem) { return this.map_.has(elem); }; PolyfillWeakSet.prototype['delete'] = function(elem) { return this.map_['delete'](elem); }; return PolyfillWeakSet; }, 'es6-impl', 'es3'); try { if (Array.prototype.values.toString().indexOf('[native code]') == -1) { delete Array.prototype.values; } } catch (e) { } Ext.define('Ext.overrides.exporter.util.Format', {override:'Ext.util.Format', decToHex:function(dec, bytes) { var hex = '', i; for (i = 0; i < bytes; i++) { hex += String.fromCharCode(dec & 255); dec = dec >>> 8; } return hex; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.data.Base', {requires:['Ext.util.Collection'], config:{idPrefix:'id', id:null, autoGenerateId:true, autoGenerateKey:{$value:false, merge:function(newValue, oldValue) { return newValue ? Ext.concat(newValue, oldValue || null) : false; }}}, internalCols:null, clearPropertiesOnDestroy:false, constructor:function(config) { var me = this; me.internalCols = []; me.initConfig(config); if (!me._id) { me.setId(null); } return me.callParent([config]); }, destroy:function() { this.destroyCollections(); this.callParent(); this.internalCols = null; }, destroyCollections:function() { var cols = this.internalCols, len = cols.length, i, j, length, col; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { col = cols[i]; length = col.length; for (j = 0; j < length; j++) { col.items[j].destroy(); } col.destroy(); } cols.length = 0; }, clearCollections:function(cols) { var i, len, col; cols = cols ? Ext.Array.from(cols) : this.internalCols; len = cols.length; for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { col = cols[i]; if (col) { col.destroy(); } Ext.Array.remove(this.internalCols, col); } }, applyId:function(data) { var id; if (!data && this._autoGenerateId) { id = this._idPrefix + ++Ext.idSeed; } else { id = data; } return id; }, checkCollection:function(data, dataCollection, className) { var col; if (data) { col = this.constructCollection(className); col.add(data); } if (dataCollection) { Ext.Array.remove(this.internalCols, dataCollection); Ext.destroy(dataCollection.items, dataCollection); } return col; }, constructCollection:function(className) { var cls = Ext.ClassManager.get(className), cfg = {decoder:this.getCollectionDecoder(cls)}, col; if (typeof cls.prototype.getKey === 'function') { cfg.keyFn = this.getCollectionItemKey; } col = new Ext.util.Collection(cfg); this.internalCols.push(col); return col; }, getCollectionDecoder:function(klass) { return function(config) { return config && config.isInstance ? config : new klass(config || {}); }; }, getCollectionItemKey:function(item) { return item.getKey ? item.getKey() : item._id || item.getId(); }, getKey:function() { var generate = this.getAutoGenerateKey(), key = '', config = this.getConfig(), len, i; if (!Ext.isArray(generate) || !generate.length) { return this.getId(); } len = generate.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { key += this.serializeKeyValue(config[generate[i]]); } return key; }, serializeKeyValue:function(value) { var key = '', keys, len, i; if (value === null) { key = '_'; } else { if (Ext.isDate(value)) { key = value.getTime(); } else { if (Ext.isArray(value)) { len = value.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { key += this.serializeKeyValue(value[i]); } } else { if (typeof value === 'object') { if (value.isInstance) { key = value.getKey ? value.getKey() : '_'; } else { keys = Ext.Object.getAllKeys(value); keys = Ext.Array.sort(keys); len = keys.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { key += this.serializeKeyValue(value[keys[i]]); } } } else { key = value; } } } } return key; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.data.Cell', {extend:'Ext.exporter.data.Base', config:{style:null, value:null}}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.data.Row', {extend:'Ext.exporter.data.Base', requires:['Ext.exporter.data.Cell'], config:{cells:null}, destroy:function() { this.clearCollections(); }, applyCells:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.data.Cell'); }, addCell:function(config) { if (!this._cells) { this.setCells([]); } return this._cells.add(config || {}); }, getCell:function(id) { return this._cells ? this._cells.get(id) : null; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.data.Group', {extend:'Ext.exporter.data.Base', requires:['Ext.exporter.data.Row'], config:{text:null, rows:null, summaries:null, summary:null, groups:null}, applyRows:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.data.Row'); }, addRow:function(config) { if (!this._rows) { this.setRows([]); } return this._rows.add(config || {}); }, getRow:function(id) { return this._rows ? this._rows.get(id) : null; }, applyGroups:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.data.Group'); }, addGroup:function(config) { if (!this._groups) { this.setGroups([]); } return this._groups.add(config || {}); }, getGroup:function(id) { return this._groups ? this._groups.get(id) : null; }, applySummaries:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.data.Row'); }, applySummary:function(value) { if (value) { this.addSummary(value); } return null; }, addSummary:function(config) { if (!this._summaries) { this.setSummaries([]); } return this._summaries.add(config || {}); }, getSummary:function(id) { return this._summaries ? this._summaries.get(id) : null; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.data.Column', {extend:'Ext.exporter.data.Base', config:{table:null, text:null, style:null, width:null, mergeAcross:null, mergeDown:null, level:0, index:null, columns:null}, destroy:function() { this.setTable(null); this.callParent(); }, updateTable:function(table) { var cols = this.getColumns(), i, length; if (cols) { length = cols.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { cols.getAt(i).setTable(table); } } }, applyColumns:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.data.Column'); }, updateColumns:function(collection, oldCollection) { var me = this; if (oldCollection) { oldCollection.un({add:me.onColumnAdd, remove:me.onColumnRemove, scope:me}); Ext.destroy(oldCollection.items, oldCollection); } if (collection) { collection.on({add:me.onColumnAdd, remove:me.onColumnRemove, scope:me}); me.onColumnAdd(collection, {items:collection.getRange()}); } }, sync:function(level, depth) { var me = this, count = me.getColumnCount() - 1, cols = me.getColumns(), i, length, down; me.setLevel(level); if (cols) { length = cols.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { cols.items[i].sync(level + 1, depth); } me.setMergeDown(null); } else { down = depth - level; me.setMergeDown(down > 0 ? down : null); } me.setMergeAcross(count > 0 ? count : null); }, onColumnAdd:function(collection, details) { var items = details.items, length = items.length, table = this.getTable(), i, item; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { item = items[i]; item.setTable(table); } if (table) { table.syncColumns(); } }, onColumnRemove:function(collection, details) { var table = this.getTable(); Ext.destroy(details.items); if (table) { table.syncColumns(); } }, getColumnCount:function(columns) { var s = 0, cols; if (!columns) { columns = this.getColumns(); if (!columns) { return 1; } } for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { cols = columns.getAt(i).getColumns(); if (!cols) { s += 1; } else { s += this.getColumnCount(cols); } } return s; }, addColumn:function(config) { if (!this.getColumns()) { this.setColumns([]); } return this.getColumns().add(config || {}); }, getColumn:function(id) { return this.getColumns().get(id); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.data.Table', {extend:'Ext.exporter.data.Group', requires:['Ext.exporter.data.Column'], isDataTable:true, config:{columns:null}, autoGenerateId:false, applyColumns:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.data.Column'); }, updateColumns:function(collection, oldCollection) { var me = this; if (oldCollection) { oldCollection.un({add:me.onColumnAdd, remove:me.onColumnRemove, scope:me}); Ext.destroy(oldCollection.items, oldCollection); } if (collection) { collection.on({add:me.onColumnAdd, remove:me.onColumnRemove, scope:me}); me.onColumnAdd(collection, {items:collection.getRange()}); me.syncColumns(); } }, syncColumns:function() { var cols = this.getColumns(), depth = this.getColDepth(cols, -1), result = {}, i, j, length, len, keys, arr, prevCol, index; if (!cols) { return; } length = cols.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { cols.items[i].sync(0, depth); } this.getColumnLevels(cols, depth, result); keys = Ext.Object.getKeys(result); length = keys.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { arr = result[keys[i]]; len = arr.length; for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (j === 0) { index = 1; } else { if (arr[j - 1]) { prevCol = arr[j - 1].getConfig(); index += prevCol.mergeAcross ? prevCol.mergeAcross + 1 : 1; } else { index++; } } if (arr[j]) { arr[j].setIndex(index); } } } }, getLeveledColumns:function() { var cols = this.getColumns(), depth = this.getColDepth(cols, -1), result = {}; this.getColumnLevels(cols, depth, result, true); return result; }, getBottomColumns:function() { var result = this.getLeveledColumns(), keys, len; keys = Ext.Object.getKeys(result); len = keys.length; return len ? result[keys[keys.length - 1]] : []; }, getColumnLevels:function(columns, depth, result, topDown) { var col, i, j, len, name, level, cols; if (!columns) { return; } len = columns.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { col = columns.items[i]; level = col.getLevel(); cols = col.getColumns(); name = 's' + level; result[name] = result[name] || []; result[name].push(col); if (!cols) { for (j = level + 1; j <= depth; j++) { name = 's' + j; result[name] = result[name] || []; result[name].push(topDown ? col : null); } } else { this.getColumnLevels(cols, depth, result, topDown); } } }, onColumnAdd:function(collection, details) { var items = details.items, length = items.length, i, item; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { item = items[i]; item.setTable(this); } this.syncColumns(); }, onColumnRemove:function(collection, details) { Ext.destroy(details.items); this.syncColumns(); }, getColumnCount:function() { var cols = this._columns, s = 0, i, length; if (cols) { length = cols.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { s += cols.items[i].getColumnCount(); } } return s; }, getColDepth:function(columns, level) { var m = 0, len; if (!columns) { return level; } len = columns.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { m = Math.max(m, this.getColDepth(columns.items[i]._columns, level + 1)); } return m; }, addColumn:function(config) { if (!this._columns) { this.setColumns([]); } return this._columns.add(config || {}); }, getColumn:function(id) { return this._columns ? this._columns.get(id) : null; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.Base', {extend:'Ext.exporter.data.Base', requires:['Ext.XTemplate'], tpl:null, destroy:function() { this.tpl = null; this.callParent(); }, render:function() { var me = this, data = me.processRenderData(me.getRenderData()); return me.tpl ? Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(me, 'tpl').apply(data) : ''; }, processRenderData:function(data) { return data; }, getRenderData:function() { var data = this.getConfig(); data.self = this; return data; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.Style', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Base', config:{name:null, alignment:null, font:null, interior:null, format:null, borders:null, checks:{alignment:{horizontal:['Automatic', 'Left', 'Center', 'Right', 'Justify'], readingOrder:['LeftToRight', 'RightToLeft', 'Context'], vertical:['Automatic', 'Top', 'Bottom', 'Center']}, font:{bold:[true, false], italic:[true, false], strikeThrough:[true, false], underline:['None', 'Single']}, border:{position:['Left', 'Top', 'Right', 'Bottom'], lineStyle:['None', 'Continuous', 'Dash', 'Dot']}, interior:{pattern:['None', 'Solid']}}}, datePatterns:{'General Date':'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'Long Date':'l, F d, Y', 'Medium Date':'Y-m-d', 'Short Date':'n/j/Y', 'Long Time':'g:i:s A', 'Medium Time':'H:i:s', 'Short Time':'g:i A'}, numberPatterns:{'General Number':'0', 'Fixed':'0.00', 'Standard':'0.00'}, booleanPatterns:{'Yes/No':['Yes', 'No'], 'True/False':['True', 'False'], 'On/Off':['On', 'Off']}, isStyle:true, autoGenerateKey:['alignment', 'font', 'interior', 'format', 'borders'], constructor:function(config) { this.callParent([this.uncapitalizeKeys(config)]); }, uncapitalizeKeys:function(config) { var ret = config, keys, len, i, key, v; if (Ext.isObject(config)) { ret = {}; keys = Ext.Object.getAllKeys(config); len = keys.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { key = keys[i]; ret[Ext.String.uncapitalize(key)] = this.uncapitalizeKeys(config[key]); } } else { if (Ext.isArray(config)) { ret = []; len = config.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { ret.push(this.uncapitalizeKeys(config[i])); } } } return ret; }, destroy:function() { var me = this; me.setAlignment(null); me.setFont(null); me.setInterior(null); me.setBorders(null); me.setChecks(null); me.callParent(); }, updateAlignment:function(data) { this.checkAttribute(data, 'alignment'); }, updateFont:function(data) { this.checkAttribute(data, 'font'); }, updateInterior:function(data) { this.checkAttribute(data, 'interior'); }, applyBorders:function(borders, oldBolders) { if (!borders) { return borders; } borders = Ext.Array.from(borders); if (Ext.Array.unique(Ext.Array.pluck(borders, 'position')).length != borders.length) { Ext.raise('Invalid border positions supplied'); } return borders; }, updateBorders:function(data) { this.checkAttribute(data, 'border'); }, checkAttribute:function(data, checkName) { var checks = this.getChecks(), values, keys, len, i, j, arr, key, obj, lenV, valid; if (!data || !checks || !checks[checkName]) { return; } values = Ext.Array.from(data); lenV = values.length; for (i = 0; i < lenV; i++) { obj = values[i]; keys = Ext.Object.getKeys(obj || {}); len = keys.length; for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { key = keys[j]; if (arr = checks[checkName][key] && obj[key]) { valid = Ext.isArray(arr) ? Ext.Array.indexOf(arr, obj[key]) : arr === obj[key]; if (!valid) { delete obj[key]; Ext.raise(Ext.String.format('Invalid key (%0) or value (%1) provided for Style!', key, obj[key])); } } } } }, getFormattedValue:function(v) { var me = this, f = me.getFormat(), ret = v, fmt = Ext.util.Format; if (!f || f === 'General' || Ext.isEmpty(v)) { return ret; } if (f === 'Currency') { return fmt.currency(v); } else { if (f === 'Euro Currency') { return fmt.currency(v, '€'); } else { if (f === 'Percent') { return fmt.number(v * 100, '0.00') + '%'; } else { if (f === 'Scientific') { return Number(v).toExponential(); } else { if (me.datePatterns[f]) { return fmt.date(v, me.datePatterns[f]); } else { if (me.numberPatterns[f]) { return fmt.number(v, me.numberPatterns[f]); } else { if (me.booleanPatterns[f]) { return v ? me.booleanPatterns[f][0] : me.booleanPatterns[f][1]; } else { if (Ext.isFunction(f)) { return f(v); } } } } } } } } return fmt.number(v, f); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.File', {singleton:true, requires:['Ext.promise.Promise', 'Ext.Deferred'], textPopupWait:'You may close this window after the file is downloaded!', textPopupBlocker:'The file was not saved because pop-up blocker might be enabled! Please check your browser settings.', url:'https://exporter.sencha.com', forceDownload:false, requiresPopup:function() { var pt = Ext.platformTags; return this.forceDownload || Ext.isSafari || pt.phone || pt.tablet; }, initializePopup:function(binary) { var me = this, required = me.requiresPopup(), win; if (!required && binary) { required = !me.saveBlobAs; } me.popup = null; if (required) { win = window.open('', '_blank'); if (win) { me.popup = win; win.document.write(Ext.dom.Helper.markup({tag:'html', children:[{tag:'head'}, {tag:'body', children:[{tag:'p', html:me.textPopupWait}]}]})); } } }, saveBinaryAs:function(content, filename, charset, mimeType) { var me = this, saveAs = me.downloadBinaryAs; if (!me.requiresPopup() && me.saveBlobAs) { saveAs = me.saveBlobAs; } return saveAs.call(me, content, filename, charset, mimeType); }, downloadBinaryAs:function(content, filename, charset, mimeType) { var deferred = new Ext.Deferred, markup, win; if (!this.url) { Ext.raise('Cannot download file since no URL was defined!'); return deferred.promise; } markup = Ext.dom.Helper.markup({tag:'html', children:[{tag:'head'}, {tag:'body', children:[{tag:'form', method:'POST', action:this.url, children:[{tag:'input', type:'hidden', name:'content', value:Ext.util.Base64.encode(content)}, {tag:'input', type:'hidden', name:'filename', value:filename}, {tag:'input', type:'hidden', name:'charset', value:charset || 'UTF-8'}, {tag:'input', type:'hidden', name:'mime', value:mimeType || 'application/octet-stream'}]}, {tag:'script', type:'text/javascript', children:'document.getElementsByTagName("form")[0].submit();'}]}]}); win = this.popup || window.open('', '_blank'); if (win) { win.document.write(markup); deferred.resolve(); } else { deferred.reject(this.textPopupBlocker); } this.popup = null; return deferred.promise; }}, function(File) { var navigator = window.navigator, saveAs = window.saveAs || function(view) { if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /MSIE [1-9]\./.test(navigator.userAgent)) { return; } var doc = view.document, get_URL = function() { return view.URL || view.webkitURL || view; }, save_link = doc.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'a'), can_use_save_link = 'download' in save_link, click = function(node) { var event = new MouseEvent('click'); node.dispatchEvent(event); }, is_safari = /Version\/[\d\.]+.*Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent), webkit_req_fs = view.webkitRequestFileSystem, req_fs = view.requestFileSystem || webkit_req_fs || view.mozRequestFileSystem, throw_outside = function(ex) { (view.setImmediate || view.setTimeout)(function() { throw ex; }, 0); }, force_saveable_type = 'application/octet-stream', fs_min_size = 0, arbitrary_revoke_timeout = 1000 * 40, revoke = function(file) { var revoker = function() { if (typeof file === 'string') { get_URL().revokeObjectURL(file); } else { file.remove(); } }; setTimeout(revoker, arbitrary_revoke_timeout); }, dispatch = function(filesaver, event_types, event) { event_types = [].concat(event_types); var i = event_types.length; while (i--) { var listener = filesaver['on' + event_types[i]]; if (typeof listener === 'function') { try { listener.call(filesaver, event || filesaver); } catch (ex) { throw_outside(ex); } } } }, auto_bom = function(blob) { if (/^\s*(?:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;.*charset\s*=\s*utf-8/i.test(blob.type)) { return new Blob(['', blob], {type:blob.type}); } return blob; }, FileSaver = function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) { if (!no_auto_bom) { blob = auto_bom(blob); } var filesaver = this, type = blob.type, blob_changed = false, object_url, target_view, dispatch_all = function() { dispatch(filesaver, 'writestart progress write writeend'.split(' ')); }, fs_error = function() { if (target_view && is_safari && typeof FileReader !== 'undefined') { var reader = new FileReader; reader.onloadend = function() { var base64Data = reader.result; target_view.location.href = 'data:attachment/file' + base64Data.slice(base64Data.search(/[,;]/)); filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE; dispatch_all(); }; reader.readAsDataURL(blob); filesaver.readyState = filesaver.INIT; return; } if (blob_changed || !object_url) { object_url = get_URL().createObjectURL(blob); } if (target_view) { target_view.location.href = object_url; } else { var new_tab = view.open(object_url, '_blank'); if (new_tab === undefined && is_safari) { view.location.href = object_url; } } filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE; dispatch_all(); revoke(object_url); }, abortable = function(func) { return function() { if (filesaver.readyState !== filesaver.DONE) { return func.apply(this, arguments); } }; }, create_if_not_found = {create:true, exclusive:false}, slice; filesaver.readyState = filesaver.INIT; if (!name) { name = 'download'; } if (can_use_save_link) { object_url = get_URL().createObjectURL(blob); setTimeout(function() { save_link.href = object_url; save_link.download = name; click(save_link); dispatch_all(); revoke(object_url); filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE; }); return; } if (view.chrome && type && type !== force_saveable_type) { slice = blob.slice || blob.webkitSlice; blob = slice.call(blob, 0, blob.size, force_saveable_type); blob_changed = true; } if (webkit_req_fs && name !== 'download') { name += '.download'; } if (type === force_saveable_type || webkit_req_fs) { target_view = view; } if (!req_fs) { fs_error(); return; } fs_min_size += blob.size; req_fs(view.TEMPORARY, fs_min_size, abortable(function(fs) { fs.root.getDirectory('saved', create_if_not_found, abortable(function(dir) { var save = function() { dir.getFile(name, create_if_not_found, abortable(function(file) { file.createWriter(abortable(function(writer) { writer.onwriteend = function(event) { target_view.location.href = file.toURL(); filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE; dispatch(filesaver, 'writeend', event); revoke(file); }; writer.onerror = function() { var error = writer.error; if (error.code !== error.ABORT_ERR) { fs_error(); } }; 'writestart progress write abort'.split(' ').forEach(function(event) { writer['on' + event] = filesaver['on' + event]; }); writer.write(blob); filesaver.abort = function() { writer.abort(); filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE; }; filesaver.readyState = filesaver.WRITING; }), fs_error); }), fs_error); }; dir.getFile(name, {create:false}, abortable(function(file) { file.remove(); save(); }), abortable(function(ex) { if (ex.code === ex.NOT_FOUND_ERR) { save(); } else { fs_error(); } })); }), fs_error); }), fs_error); }, FS_proto = FileSaver.prototype, saveAs = function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) { return new FileSaver(blob, name, no_auto_bom); }; if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { return function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) { if (!no_auto_bom) { blob = auto_bom(blob); } return navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, name || 'download'); }; } FS_proto.abort = function() { var filesaver = this; filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE; dispatch(filesaver, 'abort'); }; FS_proto.readyState = FS_proto.INIT = 0; FS_proto.WRITING = 1; FS_proto.DONE = 2; FS_proto.error = FS_proto.onwritestart = FS_proto.onprogress = FS_proto.onwrite = FS_proto.onabort = FS_proto.onerror = FS_proto.onwriteend = null; return saveAs; }(typeof self !== 'undefined' && self || typeof window !== 'undefined' && window || this.content); if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports.saveAs = saveAs; } else { if (typeof define !== 'undefined' && define !== null && define.amd !== null) { define([], function() { return saveAs; }); } } var saveTextAs = window.saveTextAs || function(textContent, fileName, charset) { fileName = fileName || 'download.txt'; charset = charset || 'utf-8'; textContent = (textContent || '').replace(/\r?\n/g, '\r\n'); if (saveAs && Blob) { var blob = new Blob([textContent], {type:'text/plain;charset\x3d' + charset}); saveAs(blob, fileName); return true; } else { var saveTxtWindow = window.frames.saveTxtWindow; if (!saveTxtWindow) { saveTxtWindow = document.createElement('iframe'); saveTxtWindow.id = 'saveTxtWindow'; saveTxtWindow.style.display = 'none'; document.body.insertBefore(saveTxtWindow, null); saveTxtWindow = window.frames.saveTxtWindow; if (!saveTxtWindow) { saveTxtWindow = File.popup || window.open('', '_temp', 'width\x3d100,height\x3d100'); if (!saveTxtWindow) { return false; } } } var doc = saveTxtWindow.document; doc.open('text/html', 'replace'); doc.charset = charset; doc.write(textContent); doc.close(); var retValue = doc.execCommand('SaveAs', null, fileName); saveTxtWindow.close(); return retValue; } }; File.saveAs = function(content, filename, charset, mimeType) { var deferred; if (this.requiresPopup()) { return this.downloadBinaryAs(content, filename, charset || 'UTF-8', mimeType || 'text/plain'); } else { deferred = new Ext.Deferred; if (saveTextAs(content, filename, charset)) { deferred.resolve(); } else { deferred.reject(); } return deferred.promise; } }; if (saveAs && Blob) { File.saveBlobAs = function(textContent, fileName, charset, mimeType) { var deferred = new Ext.Deferred; var uint8 = new Uint8Array(textContent.length), len = uint8.length, bType = {type:mimeType || 'application/octet-stream'}, blob, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint8[i] = textContent.charCodeAt(i); } blob = new Blob([uint8], bType); saveAs(blob, fileName); deferred.resolve(); return deferred.promise; }; } }); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.Base', {mixins:['Ext.mixin.Factoryable'], alias:'exporter.base', requires:['Ext.exporter.data.Table', 'Ext.exporter.file.Style', 'Ext.exporter.File'], config:{data:null, showSummary:true, title:null, author:'Sencha', fileName:'export.txt', charset:'UTF-8', mimeType:'text/plain', binary:false}, constructor:function(config) { this.initConfig(config || {}); Ext.exporter.File.initializePopup(this.getBinary()); return this.callParent([config]); }, destroy:function() { this.setData(Ext.destroy(this.getData())); this.callParent(); }, getContent:Ext.identityFn, saveAs:function() { var me = this, deferred = new Ext.Deferred; Ext.asap(me.delayedSave, me, [deferred]); return deferred.promise; }, delayedSave:function(deferred) { var me = this, fn = me.getBinary() ? 'saveBinaryAs' : 'saveAs', promise = Ext.exporter.File[fn](me.getContent(), me.getFileName(), me.getCharset(), me.getMimeType()); promise.then(function() { deferred.resolve(); }, function(msg) { deferred.reject(msg); }); }, getColumnCount:function(columns) { var s = 0; if (!columns) { return s; } for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { if (!columns[i].columns) { s += 1; } else { s += this.getColumnCount(columns[i].columns); } } return s; }, applyData:function(data) { if (!data || data.isDataTable) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.data.Table(data); }}); Ext.define('Ext.overrides.exporter.Base', {override:'Ext.exporter.Base', applyTitle:function(title) { return title ? 'Produced by Ext JS Trial - ' + title : title; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Base', config:{tplAttributes:{$value:[], merge:function(newValue, oldValue) { return [].concat(newValue, oldValue); }}, tplNonAttributes:{$value:['idPrefix', 'id', 'autoGenerateId', 'self', 'tplAttributes', 'tplNonAttributes'], merge:function(newValue, oldValue) { return [].concat(newValue, oldValue); }}}, generateTplAttributes:false, processRenderData:function(data) { var attr = this.getTplAttributes(), nonAttr = this.getTplNonAttributes(), keys = Ext.Object.getAllKeys(data), len = keys.length, str = '', i, key; if (!this.generateTplAttributes) { data.attributes = ''; return data; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { key = keys[i]; if (attr && attr.length) { if (Ext.Array.indexOf(attr, key) >= 0 && data[key] !== null) { str += (str.length ? ' ' : '') + this.processTplAttribute(key, data[key]); } } else { if (nonAttr && nonAttr.length) { if (Ext.Array.indexOf(nonAttr, key) < 0 && data[key] !== null) { str += (str.length ? ' ' : '') + this.processTplAttribute(key, data[key]); } } } } data.attributes = str; return data; }, processTplAttribute:function(attr, value) { var v = value; if (typeof value === 'boolean') { v = Number(value); } else { if (typeof value === 'string') { v = Ext.util.Base64._utf8_encode(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(value || '')); } } return attr + '\x3d"' + v + '"'; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Relationship', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Base', isRelationship:true, config:{idPrefix:'rId', schema:'', target:'', parentFolder:null, path:null}, tpl:['\x3cRelationship Id\x3d"{id}" Type\x3d"{schema}" Target\x3d"{path}"/\x3e'], updateTarget:function(target) { this.calculatePath(); }, applyParentFolder:function(folder) { folder = folder || ''; if (folder[folder.length - 1] == '/') { folder = folder.slice(0, folder.length - 1); } return folder; }, updateParentFolder:function(folder) { this.calculatePath(); }, calculatePath:function() { var from = String(this.getParentFolder() || ''), to = String(this.getTarget() || ''), fromParts = from.split('/'), toParts = to.split('/'), length = Math.min(fromParts.length, toParts.length), samePartsLength = length, path = '', outputParts = [], i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (fromParts[i] !== toParts[i]) { samePartsLength = i; break; } } if (samePartsLength == 0) { path = to; } else { for (i = samePartsLength; i < fromParts.length; i++) { outputParts.push('..'); } outputParts = outputParts.concat(toParts.slice(samePartsLength)); path = outputParts.join('/'); } this.setPath(path); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.ContentType', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Base', isContentType:true, config:{tag:'Override', partName:'', contentType:'', extension:''}, tpl:['\x3c{tag}', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"extension"\x3e Extension\x3d"{extension}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"partName"\x3e PartName\x3d"{partName}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"contentType"\x3e ContentType\x3d"{contentType}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '/\x3e']}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Xml', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Relationship', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.ContentType'], config:{folder:null, fileName:null, path:null, relationship:null, contentType:null}, cachedConfig:{fileNameTemplate:'{fileName}.xml'}, tplNonAttributes:['path', 'relationship', 'contentType', 'fileName', 'folder', 'fileNameTemplate'], destroy:function() { this.setRelationship(null); this.setContentType(null); this.callParent(); }, applyFolder:function(folder) { folder = folder || ''; if (folder[folder.length - 1] !== '/') { folder += '/'; } return folder; }, updateFolder:function() { this.generatePath(); }, updateFileName:function() { this.generatePath(); }, getFileNameFromTemplate:function() { var tpl = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, '_fileNameTemplate'); return tpl ? tpl.apply(this.getConfig()) : ''; }, generatePath:function() { this.setPath((this.getFolder() || '') + this.getFileNameFromTemplate()); }, updatePath:function(path) { var relationship = this.getRelationship(), type = this.getContentType(); if (relationship) { relationship.setTarget(path); } if (type) { type.setPartName(path); } }, applyRelationship:function(data) { if (!data || data.isRelationship) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Relationship(data); }, updateRelationship:function(data, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); }, applyContentType:function(data) { if (!data || data.isContentType) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.ContentType(data); }, updateContentType:function(data, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); }, collectFiles:Ext.emptyFn}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Relationships', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Xml', isRelationships:true, currentIndex:1, config:{parentFolder:null, items:[]}, contentType:{contentType:'application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml'}, fileNameTemplate:'{fileName}.rels', tpl:['\x3c?xml version\x3d"1.0" encoding\x3d"UTF-8" standalone\x3d"yes"?\x3e', '\x3cRelationships xmlns\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships"\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"items"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"items.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/Relationships\x3e'], collectFiles:function(files) { var items = this.getItems(), length = items.length, folder = this.getParentFolder(), i; if (length) { for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { items.getAt(i).setParentFolder(folder); } files[this.getPath()] = this.render(); } }, applyFolder:function(folder, oldFolder) { folder = this.callParent([folder, oldFolder]); return folder + '_rels/'; }, applyItems:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Relationship'); }, updateItems:function(collection, oldCollection) { var me = this; if (oldCollection) { oldCollection.un({add:me.updateIds, remove:me.updateIds, scope:me}); } if (collection) { collection.on({add:me.updateIds, remove:me.updateIds, scope:me}); } }, updateIds:function(items) { var i, len, item; if (!items) { return; } len = items.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { item = items.getAt(i); item.setId('rId' + (i + 1)); } }, addRelationship:function(config) { return this.getItems().add(config || {}); }, removeRelationship:function(config) { return this.getItems().remove(config); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.XmlRels', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Xml', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Relationships'], config:{index:null, name:null, relationships:{contentType:{contentType:'application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml'}}}, cachedConfig:{nameTemplate:'{name}'}, tplNonAttributes:['index', 'relationships', 'nameTemplate'], contentType:{}, relationship:{}, fileNameTemplate:'{fileName}{index}.xml', destroy:function() { this.setRelationships(null); this.callParent(); }, updateFolder:function(folder, oldFolder) { var rels = this.getRelationships(); if (rels) { rels.setFolder(folder); } this.callParent([folder, oldFolder]); }, applyRelationships:function(data) { if (!data || data.isRelationships) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Relationships(data); }, updateRelationships:function(data, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); }, updateIndex:function() { this.generatePath(); }, generateName:function() { var tpl = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(this, '_nameTemplate'); this.setName(tpl ? tpl.apply(this.getConfig()) : ''); }, collectFiles:function(files) { this.collectRelationshipsFiles(files); files[this.getPath()] = this.render(); }, collectRelationshipsFiles:function(files) { var rels = this.getRelationships(), name = this.getFileName(); if (rels) { rels.setFileName(name ? this.getFileNameFromTemplate() : ''); rels.setParentFolder(this.getFolder()); rels.collectFiles(files); } }, collectContentTypes:function(types) { types.push(this.getContentType()); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.zip.File', {extend:'Ext.Base', requires:['Ext.overrides.exporter.util.Format'], config:{path:'', data:null, dateTime:null, folder:false}, constructor:function(config) { var me = this; me.initConfig(config); if (!me.getDateTime()) { me.setDateTime(new Date); } return me.callParent([config]); }, getId:function() { return this.getPath(); }, crc32:function(input, crc) { var table = this.self.crcTable, x = 0, y = 0, b = 0, isArray; if (typeof input === 'undefined' || !input.length) { return 0; } isArray = typeof input !== 'string'; if (typeof crc == 'undefined') { crc = 0; } crc = crc ^ -1; for (var i = 0, iTop = input.length; i < iTop; i++) { b = isArray ? input[i] : input.charCodeAt(i); y = (crc ^ b) & 255; x = table[y]; crc = crc >>> 8 ^ x; } return crc ^ -1; }, getHeader:function(offset) { var data = this.getData(), path = this.getPath(), utfName = Ext.util.Base64._utf8_encode(path), useUTF8 = utfName !== path, dateTime = this.getDateTime(), extraFields = '', unicodePathExtraField = '', decToHex = Ext.util.Format.decToHex, header = '', dosTime, dosDate, fileHeader, dirHeader; dosTime = dateTime.getHours(); dosTime = dosTime << 6; dosTime = dosTime | dateTime.getMinutes(); dosTime = dosTime << 5; dosTime = dosTime | dateTime.getSeconds() / 2; dosDate = dateTime.getFullYear() - 1980; dosDate = dosDate << 4; dosDate = dosDate | dateTime.getMonth() + 1; dosDate = dosDate << 5; dosDate = dosDate | dateTime.getDate(); if (useUTF8) { unicodePathExtraField = decToHex(1, 1) + decToHex(this.crc32(utfName), 4) + utfName; extraFields += 'up' + decToHex(unicodePathExtraField.length, 2) + unicodePathExtraField; } header += '\n\x00'; header += useUTF8 ? '\x00\b' : '\x00\x00'; header += '\x00\x00'; header += decToHex(dosTime, 2); header += decToHex(dosDate, 2); header += decToHex(data ? this.crc32(data) : 0, 4); header += decToHex(data ? data.length : 0, 4); header += decToHex(data ? data.length : 0, 4); header += decToHex(utfName.length, 2); header += decToHex(extraFields.length, 2); fileHeader = 'PK' + header + utfName + extraFields; dirHeader = 'PK' + '\x00' + header + '\x00\x00' + '\x00\x00' + '\x00\x00' + (this.getFolder() === true ? '\x00\x00\x00' : '\x00\x00\x00\x00') + decToHex(offset, 4) + utfName + extraFields; return {fileHeader:fileHeader, dirHeader:dirHeader, data:data || ''}; }}, function(File) { var c, table = []; for (var n = 0; n < 256; n++) { c = n; for (var k = 0; k < 8; k++) { c = c & 1 ? 3.988292384E9 ^ c >>> 1 : c >>> 1; } table[n] = c; } File.crcTable = table; }); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.zip.Folder', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.zip.File', folder:true}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.zip.Archive', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Base', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.zip.Folder'], config:{folders:[], files:[]}, destroy:function() { this.setFolders(null); this.setFiles(null); this.callParent(); }, applyFolders:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.zip.Folder'); }, applyFiles:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.zip.File'); }, updateFiles:function(collection, oldCollection) { var me = this; if (oldCollection) { oldCollection.un({add:me.onFileAdd, remove:me.onFileRemove, scope:me}); } if (collection) { collection.on({add:me.onFileAdd, remove:me.onFileRemove, scope:me}); me.onFileAdd(collection, {items:collection.getRange()}); } }, onFileAdd:function(collection, details) { var folders = this.getFolders(), items = details.items, length = items.length, i, item, folder; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { item = items[i]; folder = this.getParentFolder(item.getPath()); if (folder) { folders.add({path:folder}); } } }, onFileRemove:function(collection, details) { Ext.destroy(details.items); }, getParentFolder:function(path) { var lastSlash; if (path.slice(-1) == '/') { path = path.substring(0, path.length - 1); } lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf('/'); return lastSlash > 0 ? path.substring(0, lastSlash + 1) : ''; }, addFile:function(config) { return this.getFiles().add(config || {}); }, removeFile:function(config) { return this.getFiles().remove(config); }, getContent:function() { var fileData = '', dirData = '', localDirLength = 0, centralDirLength = 0, decToHex = Ext.util.Format.decToHex, files = [], len, dirEnd, i, file, header; Ext.Array.insert(files, 0, this._folders.items); Ext.Array.insert(files, files.length, this._files.items); len = files.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { file = files[i]; header = file.getHeader(localDirLength); localDirLength += header.fileHeader.length + header.data.length; centralDirLength += header.dirHeader.length; fileData += header.fileHeader + header.data; dirData += header.dirHeader; } dirEnd = 'PK' + '\x00\x00' + '\x00\x00' + decToHex(len, 2) + decToHex(len, 2) + decToHex(centralDirLength, 4) + decToHex(localDirLength, 4) + '\x00\x00'; fileData += dirData + dirEnd; return fileData; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Sheet', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.XmlRels', config:{workbook:null}, folder:'sheet', fileName:'sheet', nameTemplate:'Sheet{index}', fileNameTemplate:'{fileName}{index}.xml', nameLengthLimit:31, destroy:function() { this.callParent(); this.setWorkbook(null); }, updateIndex:function() { if (this._name == null) { this.generateName(); } this.callParent(arguments); }, applyName:function(value) { return Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(Ext.String.ellipsis(String(value), this.nameLengthLimit)); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Column', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{min:1, max:1, width:10, autoFitWidth:false, hidden:false, styleId:null}, tpl:['\x3ccol ', 'min\x3d"{min}" ', 'max\x3d"{max}" ', 'width\x3d"{width}"', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"styleId"\x3e style\x3d"{styleId}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"hidden"\x3e hidden\x3d"1"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"autoFitWidth"\x3e bestFit\x3d"1"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"width !\x3d 10"\x3e customWidth\x3d"1"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '/\x3e']}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Cell', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Base', isCell:true, config:{row:null, dataType:null, showPhonetic:null, index:null, styleId:null, mergeAcross:null, mergeDown:null, value:null, serializeDateToNumber:true}, isMergedCell:false, tpl:['\x3cc r\x3d"{ref}"', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"value !\x3d null"\x3e t\x3d"{dataType}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"showPhonetic"\x3e ph\x3d"1"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"styleId"\x3e s\x3d"{styleId}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"value \x3d\x3d null"\x3e/\x3e\x3ctpl else\x3e\x3e\x3cv\x3e{value}\x3c/v\x3e\x3c/c\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e'], constructor:function(config) { var cfg = config; if (config == null || Ext.isDate(config) || Ext.isPrimitive(config)) { cfg = {value:config}; } return this.callParent([cfg]); }, destroy:function() { this.setRow(null); this.callParent(); }, getRef:function() { return this.getNotation(this._index) + this._row._index; }, getRenderData:function() { var me = this, data = {}, ws = me._row && me._row._worksheet, wb = ws && ws._workbook; data.dataType = me._dataType; data.value = me._value; data.showPhonetic = me._showPhonetic; data.styleId = me._styleId; if (this.isMergedCell && ws) { ws.setMergedCellsNo(ws._mergedCellsNo + 1); } if (data.dataType === 's' && wb) { data.value = wb._sharedStrings.addString(data.value); } data.ref = this.getRef(); return data; }, applyValue:function(v) { var me = this, dt; if (v != null) { if (typeof v === 'number') { dt = 'n'; } else { if (typeof v === 'string') { dt = 's'; v = Ext.util.Format.stripTags(v); } else { if (v instanceof Date) { if (me.getSerializeDateToNumber()) { dt = 'n'; v = me.dateValue(v); } else { dt = 'd'; v = Ext.Date.format(v, 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.u'); } } else { dt = 'b'; } } } me.setDataType(dt); } return v; }, updateMergeAcross:function(v) { this.isMergedCell = v || this._mergeDown; }, updateMergeDown:function(v) { this.isMergedCell = v || this._mergeAcross; }, getMergedCellRef:function() { var me = this, currIndex = me._index, rowIndex = me._row._index, mAcross = me._mergeAcross, mDown = me._mergeDown, s = me.getNotation(currIndex) + rowIndex + ':'; if (mAcross) { currIndex += mAcross; } if (mDown) { rowIndex += mDown; } s += me.getNotation(currIndex) + rowIndex; return s; }, getNotation:function(index) { var code = 65, length = 26, getChar = String.fromCharCode, r, n; if (index <= 0) { index = 1; } n = Math.floor(index / length); r = index % length; if (n === 0 || index === length) { return getChar(code + index - 1); } else { if (r === 0) { return this.getNotation(n - 1) + 'Z'; } else { if (n < length) { return getChar(code + n - 1) + getChar(code + r - 1); } else { return this.getNotation(n) + getChar(code + r - 1); } } } }, dateValue:function(d) { return 25569 + (d.getTime() - d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Row', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Base', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Cell'], config:{collapsed:null, hidden:null, height:null, outlineLevel:null, showPhonetic:null, index:null, styleId:null, worksheet:null, cells:[], cachedCells:null}, tpl:['\x3crow', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"index"\x3e r\x3d"{index}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"collapsed"\x3e collapsed\x3d"{collapsed}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"hidden"\x3e hidden\x3d"1"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"height"\x3e ht\x3d"{height}" customHeight\x3d"1"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"outlineLevel"\x3e outlineLevel\x3d"{outlineLevel}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"styleId"\x3e s\x3d"{styleId}" customFormat\x3d"1"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"cachedCells"\x3e', '\x3e{cachedCells}\x3c/row\x3e', '\x3ctpl elseif\x3d"cells \x26\x26 cells.length"\x3e', '\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"cells.items"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/row\x3e', '\x3ctpl else\x3e', '/\x3e', '\x3c/tpl\x3e'], lastCellIndex:1, constructor:function(config) { var cfg = config; if (Ext.isArray(config)) { cfg = {cells:config}; } return this.callParent([cfg]); }, destroy:function() { this.setWorksheet(null); this.callParent(); }, applyCells:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Cell'); }, updateCells:function(collection, oldCollection) { var me = this; if (oldCollection) { collection.un({add:me.onCellAdd, remove:me.onCellRemove, scope:me}); } if (collection) { collection.on({add:me.onCellAdd, remove:me.onCellRemove, scope:me}); me.onCellAdd(collection, {items:collection.getRange()}); } }, onCellAdd:function(collection, details) { var items = details.items, length = items.length, i, item, index; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { item = items[i]; item.setRow(this); index = item._index; if (!index) { item.setIndex(this.lastCellIndex++); } else { this.lastCellIndex = Math.max(collection.length, index) + 1; } } }, onCellRemove:function(collection, details) { Ext.destroy(details.items); this.updateCellIndexes(); }, addCell:function(config) { if (!this._cells) { this.setCells([]); } return this._cells.add(config || {}); }, getCell:function(id) { return this._cells ? this._cells.get(id) : null; }, beginCellRendering:function() { var me = this; me.tempCells = []; me.startCaching = true; me.lastCellIndex = 1; if (!me.cachedCell) { me.cachedCell = new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Cell({row:me}); me.cachedCellConfig = me.cachedCell.getConfig(); me.cachedCellConfig.id = null; } }, endCellRendering:function() { var me = this; me.setCachedCells(me.tempCells.join('')); me.tempCells = null; me.startCaching = false; me.lastCellIndex = 1; }, renderCells:function(cells) { var me = this, ret = {first:null, last:null, row:'', merged:''}, len = cells.length, mergedCells = [], i, cell, config, cache, index; me.beginCellRendering(); cache = me.cachedCell; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { cell = cells[i] || {}; if (typeof cell === 'object' && !(cell instanceof Date)) { config = cell; } else { config = {value:cell}; } Ext.applyIf(config, me.cachedCellConfig); cache.setValue(config.value); cache.setShowPhonetic(config.showPhonetic); cache.setStyleId(config.styleId); cache.setMergeAcross(config.mergeAcross); cache.setMergeDown(config.mergeDown); cache.setIndex(config.index); index = cache.getIndex(); if (!index) { cache.setIndex(me.lastCellIndex++); } else { me.lastCellIndex = Math.max(me.lastCellIndex, index) + 1; } if (i === 0) { ret.first = ret.last = cache.getRef(); } else { if (i === len - 1) { ret.last = cache.getRef(); } } me.tempCells.push(cache.render()); if (cache.isMergedCell) { mergedCells.push('\x3cmergeCell ref\x3d"' + cache.getMergedCellRef() + '"/\x3e'); } } me.endCellRendering(); ret.row = me.render(); ret.merged = mergedCells.join(''); return ret; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Location', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{ref:null, firstHeaderRow:null, firstDataRow:null, firstDataCol:null, rowPageCount:null, colPageCount:null}, generateTplAttributes:true, tpl:['\x3clocation {attributes}/\x3e']}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.FieldItem', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{c:null, d:null, e:null, f:null, h:null, m:null, n:null, s:null, sd:null, t:null, x:null}, generateTplAttributes:true, tpl:['\x3citem {attributes}/\x3e']}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotAreaReference', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{avgSubtotal:null, byPosition:null, count:null, countASubtotal:null, countSubtotal:null, defaultSubtotal:null, field:null, maxSubtotal:null, minSubtotal:null, productSubtotal:null, relative:null, selected:null, stdDevPSubtotal:null, stdDevSubtotal:null, sumSubtotal:null, varPSubtotal:null, varSubtotal:null, items:[]}, tplNonAttributes:['items'], generateTplAttributes:true, tpl:['\x3creference {attributes}\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"items"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"items"\x3e\x3cx v\x3d"{.}"/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/reference\x3e'], getCount:function() { return this.getItems().length; }, applyItems:function(items) { return items !== null ? Ext.Array.from(items) : null; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotArea', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotAreaReference'], config:{axis:null, cacheIndex:null, collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals:null, dataOnly:null, field:null, fieldPosition:null, grandCol:null, grandRow:null, labelOnly:null, offset:null, outline:null, type:null, references:null}, tplNonAttributes:['references'], generateTplAttributes:true, tpl:['\x3cpivotArea {attributes}\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"references"\x3e\x3creferences count\x3d"{references.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"references.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/references\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/pivotArea\x3e'], applyReferences:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotAreaReference'); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.AutoSortScope', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotArea'], config:{pivotArea:{}}, tpl:['\x3cautoSortScope\x3e{[values.pivotArea.render()]}\x3c/autoSortScope\x3e'], destroy:function() { this.setPivotArea(null); this.callParent(); }, applyPivotArea:function(data) { if (!data || data.isInstance) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotArea(data); }, updatePivotArea:function(data, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotField', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.FieldItem', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.AutoSortScope'], config:{allDrilled:null, autoShow:null, avgSubtotal:null, axis:null, compact:null, countASubtotal:null, countSubtotal:null, dataField:null, dataSourceSort:null, defaultAttributeDrillState:null, defaultSubtotal:null, dragOff:null, dragToCol:null, dragToData:null, dragToPage:null, dragToRow:null, hiddenLevel:null, hideNewItems:null, includeNewItemsInFilter:null, insertBlankRow:null, insertPageBreak:null, itemPageCount:null, maxSubtotal:null, measureFilter:null, minSubtotal:null, multipleItemSelectionAllowed:null, nonAutoSortDefault:null, numFmtId:null, outline:null, productSubtotal:null, rankBy:null, serverField:null, showAll:null, showDropDowns:null, showPropAsCaption:null, showPropCell:null, showPropTip:null, sortType:null, stdDevPSubtotal:null, stdDevSubtotal:null, subtotalCaption:null, subtotalTop:null, sumSubtotal:null, topAutoShow:null, uniqueMemberProperty:null, varPSubtotal:null, varSubtotal:null, items:null, autoSortScope:null}, tplNonAttributes:['items', 'autoSortScope'], generateTplAttributes:true, tpl:['\x3ctpl if\x3d"items || autoSortScope"\x3e', '\x3cpivotField {attributes}\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"items"\x3e\x3citems count\x3d"{items.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"items.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/items\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"autoSortScope"\x3e{[values.autoSortScope.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/pivotField\x3e', '\x3ctpl else\x3e', '\x3cpivotField {attributes} /\x3e', '\x3c/tpl\x3e'], destroy:function() { this.setAutoSortScope(null); this.callParent(); }, applyItems:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.FieldItem'); }, applyAutoSortScope:function(data) { if (!data || data.isInstance) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.AutoSortScope(data); }, updateAutoSortScope:function(data, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Field', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{x:null}, tpl:['\x3cfield x\x3d"{x}"/\x3e']}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Item', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{i:null, r:null, t:null, x:null}, tpl:['\x3ctpl if\x3d"x"\x3e\x3ci{attr}\x3e{x}\x3c/i\x3e\x3ctpl else\x3e\x3ci{attr}/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e'], getRenderData:function() { var data = this.callParent(), len = data.x ? data.x.length : 0, str = '', attr = '', i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (data.x[i] > 0) { str += '\x3cx v\x3d"' + data.x[i] + '"/\x3e'; } else { str += '\x3cx/\x3e'; } } data.x = str; if (data.t) { attr += ' t\x3d"' + data.t + '"'; } if (data.r > 0) { attr += ' r\x3d"' + data.r + '"'; } if (data.i > 0) { attr += ' i\x3d"' + data.i + '"'; } data.attr = attr; return data; }, applyX:function(data) { return data != null ? Ext.Array.from(data) : null; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.DataField', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{baseField:null, baseItem:null, fld:null, name:null, numFmtId:null, showDataAs:null, subtotal:null}, generateTplAttributes:true, tpl:['\x3cdataField {attributes}/\x3e']}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Record', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{items:null}, tplNonAttributes:['items', 'stritems'], tpl:['\x3ctpl if\x3d"stritems"\x3e', '\x3cr\x3e', '{stritems}', '\x3c/r\x3e', '\x3ctpl else\x3e', '\x3cr/\x3e', '\x3c/tpl\x3e'], numberTpl:'\x3cn v\x3d"{0}"/\x3e', booleanTpl:'\x3cb v\x3d"{0}"/\x3e', stringTpl:'\x3cs v\x3d"{0}"/\x3e', dateTpl:'\x3cd v\x3d"{0}"/\x3e', constructor:function(config) { var cfg; if (Ext.isArray(config) || Ext.isDate(config) || Ext.isPrimitive(config)) { cfg = {items:config}; } else { cfg = config; } return this.callParent([cfg]); }, getRenderData:function() { var me = this, data = me.callParent(), items = data.items, str = '', types = [], i, len, v, tpl; if (items) { len = items.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { v = items[i]; if (v == null || v === '') { } else { if (typeof v === 'string') { tpl = me.stringTpl; v = Ext.util.Base64._utf8_encode(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(v)); types.push('s'); } else { if (typeof v === 'boolean') { tpl = me.booleanTpl; types.push('b'); } else { if (typeof v === 'number') { tpl = me.numberTpl; types.push('n'); } else { if (v instanceof Date) { tpl = me.dateTpl; v = Ext.Date.format(v, 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.u'); types.push('d'); } } } } str += Ext.String.format(tpl, v); } } } data.stritems = str; return data; }, applyItems:function(items) { return items !== null ? Ext.Array.from(items) : null; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotCacheRecords', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.XmlRels', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Record'], config:{items:[]}, folder:'/xl/pivotCache/', fileName:'pivotCacheRecords', contentType:{contentType:'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.pivotCacheRecords+xml'}, relationship:{schema:'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/pivotCacheRecords'}, tpl:['\x3c?xml version\x3d"1.0" encoding\x3d"UTF-8" standalone\x3d"yes"?\x3e', '\x3cpivotCacheRecords xmlns\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" ', 'xmlns:r\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" count\x3d"{items.length}"\x3e', '\x3ctpl for\x3d"items.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/pivotCacheRecords\x3e'], applyItems:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Record'); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.WorksheetSource', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{id:null, name:null, ref:null, sheet:null}, autoGenerateId:false, tplAttributes:['id', 'name', 'ref', 'sheet'], generateTplAttributes:true, tpl:['\x3cworksheetSource {attributes} /\x3e']}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CacheSource', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.WorksheetSource'], config:{type:'worksheet', worksheetSource:{}}, tplNonAttributes:['worksheetSource'], generateTplAttributes:true, tpl:['\x3ccacheSource {attributes}\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"type \x3d\x3d \'worksheet\'"\x3e', '{[values.worksheetSource.render()]}', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/cacheSource\x3e'], destroy:function() { this.setWorksheetSource(null); this.callParent(); }, applyWorksheetSource:function(data) { if (!data || data.isInstance) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.WorksheetSource(data); }, updateWorksheetSource:function(data, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.SharedItems', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{containsBlank:null, containsDate:null, containsInteger:null, containsMixedTypes:null, containsNonDate:null, containsNumber:null, containsSemiMixedTypes:null, containsString:null, longText:null, maxDate:null, maxValue:null, minDate:null, minValue:null, items:null}, tplNonAttributes:['items', 'stritems'], generateTplAttributes:true, tpl:['\x3ctpl if\x3d"stritems"\x3e', '\x3csharedItems {attributes}\x3e', '{stritems}', '\x3c/sharedItems\x3e', '\x3ctpl else\x3e', '\x3csharedItems {attributes}/\x3e', '\x3c/tpl\x3e'], numberTpl:'\x3cn v\x3d"{0}"/\x3e', booleanTpl:'\x3cb v\x3d"{0}"/\x3e', stringTpl:'\x3cs v\x3d"{0}"/\x3e', dateTpl:'\x3cd v\x3d"{0}"/\x3e', getRenderData:function() { var me = this, data = me.callParent(), items = data.items, str = '', hasBlank = false, hasBool = false, hasNumber = false, hasDate = false, hasString = false, hasFloat = false, count = 0, types = [], minValue = null, maxValue = null, i, len, v, tpl; if (items) { len = items.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { v = items[i]; if (v == null || v === '') { hasBlank = true; } else { count++; if (typeof v === 'string') { hasString = true; tpl = me.stringTpl; v = Ext.util.Base64._utf8_encode(Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(v)); types.push('s'); } else { if (typeof v === 'boolean') { hasBool = true; tpl = me.booleanTpl; types.push('b'); } else { if (typeof v === 'number') { hasNumber = true; tpl = me.numberTpl; minValue = Math.min(minValue, v); maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, v); if (String(v).indexOf('.') >= 0) { hasFloat = true; } types.push('n'); } else { if (v instanceof Date) { hasDate = true; tpl = me.dateTpl; v = Ext.Date.format(v, 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.u'); types.push('d'); } } } } str += Ext.String.format(tpl, v); } } } if (count > 0) { data.count = count; } data.stritems = str; if (hasDate) { data.containsSemiMixedTypes = hasString; data.containsDate = true; data.stritems = ''; } if (hasNumber) { data.containsSemiMixedTypes = hasString; data.containsNumber = true; data.minValue = minValue; data.maxValue = maxValue; if (!hasFloat) { data.containsInteger = true; } } data.containsString = hasString; len = Ext.Array.unique(types); if (len > 0) { data.containsMixedTypes = len > 1; } return data; }, applyItems:function(items) { return items !== null ? Ext.Array.from(items) : null; }, updateMinValue:function(v) { if (v != null) { this.setContainsNumber(true); } }, updateMaxValue:function(v) { if (v != null) { this.setContainsNumber(true); } }, applyMinDate:function(v) { if (v) { v = Ext.Date.format(v, 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.u'); } return v; }, updateMinDate:function(v) { if (v != null) { this.setContainsDate(true); } }, applyMaxDate:function(v) { if (v) { v = Ext.Date.format(v, 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.u'); } return v; }, updateMaxDate:function(v) { if (v != null) { this.setContainsDate(true); } }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CacheField', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.SharedItems'], config:{caption:null, databaseField:null, formula:null, hierarchy:null, level:null, mappingCount:null, memberPropertyField:null, name:null, numFmtId:null, propertyName:null, serverField:null, sqlType:null, uniqueList:null, sharedItems:{}, fieldGroup:null, mpMap:null}, tplNonAttributes:['sharedItems', 'fieldGroup', 'mpMap'], generateTplAttributes:true, tpl:['\x3ccacheField {attributes}\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"sharedItems"\x3e{[values.sharedItems.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/cacheField\x3e'], destroy:function() { this.setSharedItems(null); this.callParent(); }, applySharedItems:function(data) { if (!data || data.isInstance) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.SharedItems(data); }, updateSharedItems:function(data, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotCache', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{id:null, cacheId:null}, autoGenerateId:false, tpl:['\x3cpivotCache cacheId\x3d"{cacheId}" r:id\x3d"{id}"/\x3e']}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotCacheDefinition', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.XmlRels', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotCacheRecords', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CacheSource', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CacheField', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotCache'], config:{backgroundQuery:null, createdVersion:null, enableRefresh:null, invalid:null, minRefreshableVersion:null, missingItemsLimit:null, optimizeMemory:null, recordCount:null, refreshedBy:null, refreshedDateIso:null, refreshedVersion:null, refreshOnLoad:null, saveData:null, supportAdvancedDrill:null, supportSubquery:null, tupleCache:null, upgradeOnRefresh:null, cacheRecords:{}, cacheSource:{}, cacheFields:null, pivotCache:{}}, folder:'/xl/pivotCache/', fileName:'pivotCacheDefinition', contentType:{contentType:'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.pivotCacheDefinition+xml'}, relationship:{schema:'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/pivotCacheDefinition'}, tplNonAttributes:['cacheRecords', 'cacheSource', 'cacheFields', 'pivotCache'], generateTplAttributes:true, tpl:['\x3c?xml version\x3d"1.0" encoding\x3d"UTF-8" standalone\x3d"yes"?\x3e', '\x3cpivotCacheDefinition xmlns\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" ', 'xmlns:r\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" r:id\x3d"{[values.relationship.getId()]}" {attributes}\x3e', '{[values.cacheSource.render()]}', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"cacheFields"\x3e\x3ccacheFields count\x3d"{cacheFields.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"cacheFields.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/cacheFields\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/pivotCacheDefinition\x3e'], destroy:function() { this.setCacheRecords(null); this.setCacheSource(null); this.setPivotCache(null); this.callParent(); }, getRenderData:function() { var data = this.callParent(), records = this.getCacheRecords(); if (records) { records = records.getItems(); data.recordCount = records.length; } return data; }, collectFiles:function(files) { var records = this.getCacheRecords(); if (records) { records.collectFiles(files); } this.callParent([files]); }, collectContentTypes:function(types) { var records = this.getCacheRecords(); if (records) { records.collectContentTypes(types); } this.callParent([types]); }, updateIndex:function(index, oldIndex) { var cache = this.getCacheRecords(); if (cache) { cache.setIndex(index); } this.callParent([index, oldIndex]); }, applyPivotCache:function(data) { if (!data || data.isInstance) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotCache(data); }, updatePivotCache:function(data, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); }, applyCacheRecords:function(data) { if (!data || data.isInstance) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotCacheRecords(data); }, updateCacheRecords:function(data, oldData) { var rels = this.getRelationships(), rel; if (oldData) { rels.removeRelationship(oldData.getRelationship()); } Ext.destroy(oldData); if (data) { rel = data.getRelationship(); rels.addRelationship(rel); this.setId(rel.getId()); } }, applyCacheSource:function(data) { if (!data || data.isInstance) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CacheSource(data); }, updateCacheSource:function(data, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); }, applyCacheFields:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CacheField'); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotTableStyleInfo', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{name:'PivotStyleLight2', showColHeaders:true, showColStripes:null, showLastColumn:true, showRowHeaders:true, showRowStripes:null}, generateTplAttributes:true, tpl:['\x3cpivotTableStyleInfo {attributes}/\x3e']}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotTable', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.XmlRels', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Location', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotField', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Field', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Item', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.DataField', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotCacheDefinition', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotTableStyleInfo'], config:{applyAlignmentFormats:false, applyBorderFormats:false, applyFontFormats:false, applyNumberFormats:false, applyPatternFormats:false, applyWidthHeightFormats:true, asteriskTotals:null, autoFormatId:4096, cacheId:null, chartFormat:null, colGrandTotals:null, colHeaderCaption:null, compact:false, compactData:false, createdVersion:null, customListSort:null, dataCaption:'Values', dataOnRows:null, dataPosition:null, disableFieldList:null, editData:null, enableDrill:null, enableFieldProperties:null, enableWizard:null, errorCaption:null, fieldListSortAscending:null, fieldPrintTitles:null, grandTotalCaption:null, gridDropZones:null, immersive:null, indent:null, itemPrintTitles:true, mdxSubqueries:null, mergeItem:null, minRefreshableVersion:null, missingCaption:null, multipleFieldFilters:false, name:null, outline:true, outlineData:null, pageOverThenDown:null, pageStyle:null, pageWrap:null, pivotTableStyle:null, preserveFormatting:null, printDrill:null, published:null, rowGrandTotals:null, rowHeaderCaption:null, showCalcMbrs:null, showDataDropDown:null, showDataTips:null, showDrill:null, showDropZones:null, showEmptyCol:null, showEmptyRow:null, showError:null, showHeaders:null, showItems:null, showMemberPropertyTips:null, showMissing:null, showMultipleLabel:null, subtotalHiddenItems:null, tag:null, updatedVersion:null, useAutoFormatting:true, vacatedStyle:null, visualTotals:null, location:{}, pivotFields:null, rowFields:null, rowItems:null, colFields:null, colItems:null, pageFields:null, dataFields:null, pivotTableStyleInfo:{}, worksheet:null, cacheDefinition:{}, viewLayoutType:'outline'}, folder:'/xl/pivotTables/', fileName:'pivotTable', nameTemplate:'PivotTable{index}', contentType:{contentType:'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.pivotTable+xml'}, relationship:{schema:'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/pivotTable'}, tplNonAttributes:['location', 'worksheet', 'cacheDefinition', 'pivotFields', 'rowFields', 'rowItems', 'colFields', 'colItems', 'pageFields', 'dataFields', 'pivotTableStyleInfo', 'viewLayoutType'], generateTplAttributes:true, tpl:['\x3c?xml version\x3d"1.0" encoding\x3d"UTF-8" standalone\x3d"yes"?\x3e', '\x3cpivotTableDefinition xmlns\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" {attributes}\x3e', '{[values.location.render()]}', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"pivotFields \x26\x26 pivotFields.length"\x3e\x3cpivotFields count\x3d"{pivotFields.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"pivotFields.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/pivotFields\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"rowFields \x26\x26 rowFields.length"\x3e\x3crowFields count\x3d"{rowFields.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"rowFields.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/rowFields\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"rowItems \x26\x26 rowItems.length"\x3e\x3crowItems count\x3d"{rowItems.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"rowItems.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/rowItems\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"colFields \x26\x26 colFields.length"\x3e\x3ccolFields count\x3d"{colFields.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"colFields.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/colFields\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"colItems \x26\x26 colItems.length"\x3e\x3ccolItems count\x3d"{colItems.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"colItems.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/colItems\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"pageFields \x26\x26 pageFields.length"\x3e\x3cpageFields count\x3d"{pageFields.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"pageFields.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/pageFields\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"dataFields \x26\x26 dataFields.length"\x3e\x3cdataFields count\x3d"{dataFields.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"dataFields.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/dataFields\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"pivotTableStyleInfo"\x3e{[values.pivotTableStyleInfo.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/pivotTableDefinition\x3e'], destroy:function() { var me = this; me.setWorksheet(null); me.setLocation(null); me.setCacheDefinition(null); me.setPivotTableStyleInfo(null); me.callParent(); }, collectFiles:function(files) { this.getCacheDefinition().collectFiles(files); this.callParent([files]); }, collectContentTypes:function(types) { this.getCacheDefinition().collectContentTypes(types); this.callParent([types]); }, updateIndex:function(index, oldIndex) { var me = this, cache = me.getCacheDefinition(); if (cache) { cache.setIndex(index); } if (me._name == null) { me.generateName(); } me.callParent([index, oldIndex]); }, updateWorksheet:function(data, oldData) { var def = this.getCacheDefinition(), wb, pc; if (oldData && def && oldData.getWorkbook() && oldData.getWorkbook().getRelationships()) { oldData.getWorkbook().getRelationships().removeRelationship(def.getRelationship()); } if (data && def) { wb = data.getWorkbook(); wb.getRelationships().addRelationship(def.getRelationship()); pc = def.getPivotCache(); wb.addPivotCache(pc); this.setCacheId(pc.getCacheId()); pc.setId(def.getRelationship().getId()); } }, applyPivotTableStyleInfo:function(data) { if (!data || data.isInstance) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotTableStyleInfo(data); }, updatePivotTableStyleInfo:function(data, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); }, applyCacheDefinition:function(data) { if (!data || data.isInstance) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotCacheDefinition(data); }, updateCacheDefinition:function(data, oldData) { var rels = this.getRelationships(); if (oldData) { rels.removeRelationship(oldData.getRelationship()); } Ext.destroy(oldData); if (data) { rels.addRelationship(data.getRelationship()); } }, updateViewLayoutType:function(value) { var me = this; if (value === 'compact') { me.setOutline(true); me.setOutlineData(true); me.setCompact(null); me.setCompactData(null); } else { if (value === 'outline') { me.setOutline(true); me.setOutlineData(true); me.setCompact(false); me.setCompactData(false); } else { me.setOutline(null); me.setOutlineData(null); me.setCompact(false); me.setCompactData(false); } } me.processPivotFields(me.getPivotFields().getRange()); }, applyLocation:function(data) { if (!data || data.isInstance) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Location(data); }, updateLocation:function(data, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); }, applyPivotFields:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotField'); }, updatePivotFields:function(collection, oldCollection) { var me = this; if (oldCollection) { oldCollection.un({add:me.onPivotFieldAdd, scope:me}); } if (collection) { collection.on({add:me.onPivotFieldAdd, scope:me}); this.processPivotFields(collection.getRange()); } }, onPivotFieldAdd:function(collection, details) { this.processPivotFields(details.items); }, processPivotFields:function(items) { var layout = this.getViewLayoutType(), length = items.length, i, item, compact, outline; if (layout === 'compact') { compact = null; outline = null; } else { if (layout === 'outline') { compact = false; outline = null; } else { compact = false; outline = false; } } for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { item = items[i]; item.setCompact(compact); item.setOutline(outline); } }, applyRowFields:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Field'); }, applyRowItems:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Item'); }, applyColFields:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Field'); }, applyColItems:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Item'); }, applyDataFields:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.DataField'); }, applyAutoFormatId:function(value) { return value >= 4096 && value <= 4117 ? value : null; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Worksheet', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Sheet', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Column', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Row', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotTable'], isWorksheet:true, config:{columns:null, rows:[], drawings:null, tables:null, mergeCells:null, mergedCellsNo:0, topLeftRef:null, bottomRightRef:null, cachedRows:'', cachedMergeCells:'', pivotTables:null}, folder:'/xl/worksheets/', contentType:{contentType:'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml'}, relationship:{schema:'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/worksheet'}, tpl:['\x3c?xml version\x3d"1.0" encoding\x3d"UTF-8" standalone\x3d"yes"?\x3e', '\x3cworksheet xmlns\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" ', 'xmlns:r\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"columns"\x3e', '\x3ccols\x3e', '\x3ctpl for\x3d"columns.items"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/cols\x3e', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"cachedRows"\x3e', '\x3csheetData\x3e{cachedRows}\x3c/sheetData\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"cachedMergeCells"\x3e\x3cmergeCells\x3e{cachedMergeCells}\x3c/mergeCells\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl elseif\x3d"rows"\x3e', '\x3csheetData\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"rows.items"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/sheetData\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"values.self.getMergedCellsNo() \x26gt; 0"\x3e', '\x3cmergeCells\x3e', '\x3ctpl for\x3d"rows.items"\x3e', '\x3ctpl for\x3d"_cells.items"\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"isMergedCell"\x3e\x3cmergeCell ref\x3d"{[values.getMergedCellRef()]}"/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/mergeCells\x3e', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl else\x3e', '\x3c/sheetData\x3e', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/worksheet\x3e'], lastRowIndex:1, destroy:function() { var me = this; Ext.destroy(me.cachedRow); me.cachedRow = me.cachedRowConfig = null; me.callParent(); }, getRenderData:function() { this.setMergedCellsNo(0); return this.callParent(); }, collectFiles:function(files) { var pivot = this.getPivotTables(), length, i; if (pivot) { length = pivot.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { pivot.getAt(i).collectFiles(files); } } this.callParent([files]); }, collectContentTypes:function(types) { var pivot = this.getPivotTables(), length, i; if (pivot) { length = pivot.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { pivot.getAt(i).collectContentTypes(types); } } this.callParent([types]); }, applyColumns:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Column'); }, applyRows:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Row'); }, updateRows:function(collection, oldCollection) { var me = this; if (oldCollection) { oldCollection.un({add:me.onRowAdd, remove:me.onRowRemove, scope:me}); } if (collection) { collection.on({add:me.onRowAdd, remove:me.onRowRemove, scope:me}); me.onRowAdd(collection, {items:collection.getRange()}); } }, onRowAdd:function(collection, details) { var items = details.items, length = items.length, i, item, index; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { item = items[i]; item.setWorksheet(this); index = item._index; if (!index) { item.setIndex(this.lastRowIndex++); } else { this.lastRowIndex = Math.max(collection.length, index) + 1; } } }, onRowRemove:function(collection, details) { Ext.destroy(details.items); }, updateItemIndexes:function(items) { var i, len, item; if (!items) { return; } len = items.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { item = items.getAt(i); if (!item.getIndex()) { item.setIndex(i + 1); } } }, updateDrawings:function(data) { var rels = this.getRelationships(); if (oldData && rels) { rels.removeRelationship(oldData.getRelationship()); } if (data && rels) { rels.addRelationship(data.getRelationship()); } }, updateTables:function(data) { var rels = this.getRelationships(); if (oldData && rels) { rels.removeRelationship(oldData.getRelationship()); } if (data && rels) { rels.addRelationship(data.getRelationship()); } }, applyPivotTables:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotTable'); }, updatePivotTables:function(collection, oldCollection) { var me = this; if (oldCollection) { oldCollection.un({add:me.onPivotTableAdd, remove:me.onPivotTableRemove, scope:me}); } if (collection) { collection.on({add:me.onPivotTableAdd, remove:me.onPivotTableRemove, scope:me}); this.processPivotTables(collection.getRange()); } }, onPivotTableAdd:function(collection, details) { this.processPivotTables(details.items); }, processPivotTables:function(items) { var rels = this.getRelationships(), length = items.length, i, item; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { item = items[i]; rels.addRelationship(item.getRelationship()); item.setWorksheet(this); } this.updateItemIndexes(this.getPivotTables()); }, onPivotTableRemove:function(collection, details) { var rels = this.getRelationships(), length = details.items.length, i, item; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { item = details.items[i]; rels.removeRelationship(item.getRelationship()); Ext.destroy(item); } }, addColumn:function(config) { if (!this._columns) { this.setColumns([]); } return this._columns.add(config || {}); }, addRow:function(config) { if (!this._rows) { this.setRows([]); } return this._rows.add(config || {}); }, getRow:function(id) { return this._rows ? this._rows.get(id) : null; }, addPivotTable:function(config) { if (!this._pivotTables) { this.setPivotTables([]); } return this._pivotTables.add(config || {}); }, getPivotTable:function(id) { return this._pivotTables ? this._pivotTables.get(id) : null; }, beginRowRendering:function() { var me = this; me.tempRows = []; me.tempMergeCells = []; me.startCaching = true; me.setMergedCellsNo(0); me.lastRowIndex = 1; me.cachedIndex = 0; if (!me.cachedRow) { me.cachedRow = new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Row({worksheet:me}); me.cachedRowConfig = me.cachedRow.getConfig(); me.cachedRowConfig.id = me.cachedRowConfig.cells = null; } }, endRowRendering:function() { var me = this; me.setCachedRows(me.tempRows.join('')); me.setCachedMergeCells(me.tempMergeCells.join('')); me.tempRows = me.tempMergeCells = null; me.startCaching = false; me.lastRowIndex = 1; }, renderRows:function(rows) { var items = Ext.Array.from(rows), len = items.length, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { this.renderRow(items[i]); } }, renderRow:function(row) { var me = this, config, len, i, cache, index, cells, ret; if (!me.startCaching) { me.beginRowRendering(); } cache = me.cachedRow; if (Ext.isArray(row)) { cells = row; config = {}; } else { config = row; cells = Ext.Array.from(config.cells || []); } delete config.cells; Ext.applyIf(config, me.cachedRowConfig); cache.setCollapsed(config.collapsed); cache.setHidden(config.hidden); cache.setHeight(config.height); cache.setOutlineLevel(config.outlineLevel); cache.setShowPhonetic(config.showPhonetic); cache.setStyleId(config.styleId); cache.setIndex(config.index); index = cache.getIndex(); if (!index) { cache.setIndex(me.lastRowIndex++); } else { me.lastRowIndex = Math.max(me.lastRowIndex, index) + 1; } ret = cache.renderCells(cells); me.tempRows.push(ret.row); if (me.cachedIndex === 0) { me._topLeftRef = ret.first; } me._bottomRightRef = ret.last; me.tempMergeCells.push(ret.merged); me.cachedIndex++; ret.rowIndex = cache.getIndex(); return ret; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Font', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{size:10, fontName:'', family:null, charset:null, bold:false, italic:false, underline:false, outline:false, strikeThrough:false, color:null, verticalAlign:null}, mappings:{family:{Automatic:0, Roman:1, Swiss:2, Modern:3, Script:4, Decorative:5}}, tpl:['\x3cfont\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"size"\x3e\x3csz val\x3d"{size}"/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"fontName"\x3e\x3cname val\x3d"{fontName}"/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"family"\x3e\x3cfamily val\x3d"{family}"/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"charset"\x3e\x3ccharset val\x3d"{charset}"/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"bold"\x3e\x3cb/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"italic"\x3e\x3ci/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"underline"\x3e\x3cu/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"outline"\x3e\x3coutline/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"strikeThrough"\x3e\x3cstrike/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"color"\x3e\x3ccolor rgb\x3d"{color}"/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"verticalAlign"\x3e\x3cvertAlign val\x3d"{verticalAlign}"/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/font\x3e'], autoGenerateKey:['size', 'fontName', 'family', 'charset', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'outline', 'strikeThrough', 'color', 'verticalAlign'], constructor:function(config) { var cfg = {}, keys = Ext.Object.getKeys(config || {}), len = keys.length, i; if (config) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { cfg[Ext.String.uncapitalize(keys[i])] = config[keys[i]]; } } this.callParent([cfg]); }, applyFamily:function(value) { if (typeof value === 'string') { return this.mappings.family[value]; } return value; }, applyBold:function(value) { return !!value; }, applyItalic:function(value) { return !!value; }, applyStrikeThrough:function(value) { return !!value; }, applyUnderline:function(value) { return !!value; }, applyOutline:function(value) { return !!value; }, applyColor:function(value) { var v; if (!value) { return value; } v = String(value); return v.indexOf('#') >= 0 ? v.replace('#', '') : v; }, applyVerticalAlign:function(value) { return Ext.util.Format.lowercase(value); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.NumberFormat', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{isDate:false, numFmtId:null, formatCode:''}, tpl:['\x3cnumFmt numFmtId\x3d"{numFmtId}" formatCode\x3d"{formatCode:htmlEncode}"/\x3e'], spaceRe:/(,| )/g, getRenderData:function() { var data = this.callParent(), fmt = data.formatCode; fmt = fmt && data.isDate ? fmt.replace(this.spaceRe, '\\$1') : fmt; data.formatCode = fmt; return data; }, getKey:function() { return this.getFormatCode(); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Fill', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', requires:['Ext.util.Format'], config:{patternType:'none', fgColor:null, bgColor:null}, tpl:['\x3cfill\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"fgColor || bgColor"\x3e', '\x3cpatternFill patternType\x3d"{patternType}"\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"fgColor"\x3e\x3cfgColor rgb\x3d"{fgColor}"\x3e\x3c/fgColor\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"bgColor"\x3e\x3cbgColor rgb\x3d"{bgColor}"\x3e\x3c/bgColor\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/patternFill\x3e', '\x3ctpl else\x3e', '\x3cpatternFill patternType\x3d"{patternType}"/\x3e', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/fill\x3e'], autoGenerateKey:['patternType', 'fgColor', 'bgColor'], constructor:function(config) { var cfg = {}; if (config) { cfg.id = config.id; cfg.bgColor = config.Color || null; cfg.patternType = config.Pattern || null; } this.callParent([cfg]); }, formatColor:function(value) { var v; if (!value) { return value; } v = String(value); return v.indexOf('#') >= 0 ? v.replace('#', '') : v; }, applyFgColor:function(value) { return this.formatColor(value); }, applyBgColor:function(value) { return this.formatColor(value); }, applyPatternType:function(value) { var possible = ['none', 'solid', 'mediumGray', 'darkGray', 'lightGray', 'darkHorizontal', 'darkVertical', 'darkDown', 'darkUp', 'darkGrid', 'darkTrellis', 'lightHorizontal', 'lightVertical', 'lightDown', 'lightUp', 'lightGrid', 'lightTrellis', 'gray125', 'gray0625'], v = Ext.util.Format.uncapitalize(value); return Ext.Array.indexOf(possible, v) >= 0 ? v : 'none'; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.BorderPr', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', isBorderPr:true, config:{tag:'left', color:null, lineStyle:'none'}, mappings:{lineStyle:{'None':'none', 'Continuous':'thin', 'Dash':'dashed', 'Dot':'dotted', 'DashDot':'dashDot', 'DashDotDot':'dashDotDot', 'SlantDashDot':'slantDashDot', 'Double':'double'}}, tpl:['\x3ctpl if\x3d"color"\x3e', '\x3c{tag} style\x3d"{lineStyle}"\x3e\x3ccolor rgb\x3d"{color}"/\x3e\x3c/{tag}\x3e', '\x3ctpl else\x3e', '\x3c{tag} style\x3d"{lineStyle}"/\x3e', '\x3c/tpl\x3e'], autoGenerateKey:['tag', 'color', 'lineStyle'], applyColor:function(value) { var v; if (!value) { return value; } v = String(value); return v.indexOf('#') >= 0 ? v.replace('#', '') : v; }, applyLineStyle:function(value) { var possible = ['none', 'thin', 'medium', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'thick', 'double', 'hair', 'mediumDashed', 'dashDot', 'mediumDashDot', 'dashDotDot', 'mediumDashDotDot', 'slantDashDot']; return Ext.Array.indexOf(possible, value) >= 0 ? value : this.mappings.lineStyle[value] || 'none'; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Border', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.BorderPr'], config:{left:null, right:null, top:null, bottom:null}, tpl:['\x3cborder\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"left"\x3e{[values.left.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"right"\x3e{[values.right.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"top"\x3e{[values.top.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"bottom"\x3e{[values.bottom.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/border\x3e'], autoGenerateKey:['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'], destroy:function() { this.setConfig({left:null, right:null, top:null, bottom:null}); this.callParent(); }, applyLeft:function(border) { if (border && !border.isBorderPr) { return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.BorderPr(border); } return border; }, applyTop:function(border) { if (border && !border.isBorderPr) { return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.BorderPr(border); } return border; }, applyRight:function(border) { if (border && !border.isBorderPr) { return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.BorderPr(border); } return border; }, applyBottom:function(border) { if (border && !border.isBorderPr) { return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.BorderPr(border); } return border; }, updateLeft:function(border, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); if (border) { border.setTag('left'); } }, updateTop:function(border, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); if (border) { border.setTag('top'); } }, updateRight:function(border, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); if (border) { border.setTag('right'); } }, updateBottom:function(border, oldData) { Ext.destroy(oldData); if (border) { border.setTag('bottom'); } }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CellAlignment', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', isCellAlignment:true, config:{horizontal:'general', vertical:'top', rotate:null, wrapText:false, indent:null, relativeIndent:null, justifyLastLine:false, shrinkToFit:false, readingOrder:null}, autoGenerateKey:['horizontal', 'vertical', 'rotate', 'wrapText', 'indent', 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readingOrder\x3d"{readingOrder}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '/\x3e'], constructor:function(config) { var cfg = {}, keys = Ext.Object.getKeys(config || {}), len = keys.length, i; if (config) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { cfg[Ext.String.uncapitalize(keys[i])] = config[keys[i]]; } } this.callParent([cfg]); }, applyHorizontal:function(value) { var possible = ['general', 'left', 'center', 'right', 'fill', 'justify', 'centerContinuous', 'distributed'], v = Ext.util.Format.uncapitalize(value); return Ext.Array.indexOf(possible, v) >= 0 ? v : this.mappings.horizontal[value] || 'general'; }, applyVertical:function(value) { var possible = ['top', 'center', 'bottom', 'justify', 'distributed'], v = Ext.util.Format.uncapitalize(value); return Ext.Array.indexOf(possible, v) >= 0 ? v : this.mappings.vertical[value] || 'top'; }, applyReadingOrder:function(value) { if (typeof value === 'string') { return this.mappings.readingOrder[value] || 0; } return value; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CellStyleXf', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CellAlignment'], config:{numFmtId:0, fontId:0, fillId:0, borderId:0, alignment:null}, autoGenerateKey:['numFmtId', 'fontId', 'fillId', 'borderId', 'alignment'], tpl:['\x3cxf numFmtId\x3d"{numFmtId}" fontId\x3d"{fontId}" fillId\x3d"{fillId}" borderId\x3d"{borderId}"', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"numFmtId"\x3e applyNumberFormat\x3d"1"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"fillId"\x3e applyFill\x3d"1"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"borderId"\x3e applyBorder\x3d"1"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"fontId"\x3e applyFont\x3d"1"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"alignment"\x3e', ' applyAlignment\x3d"1"\x3e{[values.alignment.render()]}\x3c/xf\x3e', '\x3ctpl else\x3e', '/\x3e', '\x3c/tpl\x3e'], applyAlignment:function(align) { if (align && !align.isCellAlignment) { return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CellAlignment(align); } return align; }}); 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'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CellXf'], isStylesheet:true, config:{fonts:[{fontName:'Arial', size:10, family:2}], numberFormats:null, fills:[{patternType:'none'}], borders:[{left:{}, top:{}, right:{}, bottom:{}}], cellStyleXfs:[{}], cellXfs:[{}]}, contentType:{contentType:'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml'}, relationship:{schema:'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/styles'}, folder:'/xl/', fileName:'styles', tpl:['\x3c?xml version\x3d"1.0" encoding\x3d"UTF-8" standalone\x3d"yes"?\x3e', '\x3cstyleSheet xmlns\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main"\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"numberFormats"\x3e\x3cnumFmts count\x3d"{numberFormats.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"numberFormats.items"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/numFmts\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"fonts"\x3e\x3cfonts count\x3d"{fonts.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"fonts.items"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/fonts\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"fills"\x3e\x3cfills count\x3d"{fills.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"fills.items"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/fills\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"borders"\x3e\x3cborders count\x3d"{borders.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"borders.items"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/borders\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"cellStyleXfs"\x3e\x3ccellStyleXfs count\x3d"{cellStyleXfs.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"cellStyleXfs.items"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/cellStyleXfs\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"cellXfs"\x3e\x3ccellXfs count\x3d"{cellXfs.length}"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"cellXfs.items"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/cellXfs\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctableStyles count\x3d"0" defaultTableStyle\x3d"TableStyleMedium9" defaultPivotStyle\x3d"PivotStyleMedium7"/\x3e', '\x3c/styleSheet\x3e'], lastNumberFormatId:164, datePatterns:{'General Date':'[$-F800]dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy', 'Long Date':'[$-F800]dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy', 'Medium Date':'mm/dd/yy;@', 'Short Date':'m/d/yy;@', 'Long Time':'h:mm:ss;@', 'Medium Time':'[$-409]h:mm AM/PM;@', 'Short Time':'h:mm;@'}, numberPatterns:{'General Number':1, 'Fixed':2, 'Standard':2, 'Percent':10, 'Scientific':11, 'Currency':'"$"#,##0.00', 'Euro Currency':'"€"#,##0.00'}, booleanPatterns:{'Yes/No':'"Yes";-;"No"', 'True/False':'"True";-;"False"', 'On/Off':'"On";-;"Off"'}, applyFonts:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Font'); }, applyNumberFormats:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.NumberFormat'); }, applyFills:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Fill'); }, applyBorders:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Border'); }, applyCellXfs:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CellXf'); }, applyCellStyleXfs:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CellStyleXf'); }, addFont:function(config) { var col = this._fonts, ret, font; if (!col) { this.setFonts([]); col = this._fonts; } font = new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Font(config); ret = col.indexOfKey(font.getKey()); if (ret >= 0) { font.destroy(); } else { col.add(font); ret = col.indexOf(font); } return ret; }, addNumberFormat:function(config) { var col = this._numberFormats, ret, temp; if (!col) { this.setNumberFormats([]); col = this._numberFormats; } temp = new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.NumberFormat(config); ret = col.get(temp.getKey()); if (!ret) { ret = temp; col.add(ret); ret.setNumFmtId(this.lastNumberFormatId++); } return ret.getNumFmtId(); }, addFill:function(config) { var col = this._fills, ret, fill; if (!col) { this.setFills([]); col = this._fills; } fill = new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Font(config); ret = col.indexOfKey(fill.getKey()); if (ret >= 0) { fill.destroy(); } else { col.add(fill); ret = col.indexOf(fill); } return ret; }, addBorder:function(config) { var col = this._borders, ret, border; if (!col) { this.setBorders([]); col = this._borders; } border = new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Border(config); ret = col.indexOfKey(border.getKey()); if (ret >= 0) { border.destroy(); } else { col.add(border); ret = col.indexOf(border); } return ret; }, addCellXf:function(config) { var col = this._cellXfs, ret, style; if (!col) { this.setCellXfs([]); col = this._cellXfs; } style = new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CellXf(config); ret = col.indexOfKey(style.getKey()); if (ret >= 0) { style.destroy(); } else { col.add(style); ret = col.indexOf(style); } return ret; }, addCellStyleXf:function(config) { var col = this._cellStyleXfs, ret, style; if (!col) { this.setCellStyleXfs([]); col = this._cellStyleXfs; } style = new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.CellStyleXf(config); ret = col.indexOfKey(style.getKey()); if (ret >= 0) { style.destroy(); } else { col.add(style); ret = col.indexOf(style); } return ret; }, getStyleParams:function(style) { var me = this, s = style && style.isStyle ? style : new Ext.exporter.file.Style(style), cfg = s.getConfig(), numFmtId = 0, fontId = 0, fillId = 0, borderId = 0, xfId = 0; cfg.parentId = style ? style.parentId : null; if (cfg.font) { fontId = me.addFont(cfg.font); } if (cfg.format) { numFmtId = me.getNumberFormatId(cfg.format); } if (cfg.interior) { fillId = me.addFill(cfg.interior); } if (cfg.borders) { borderId = me.getBorderId(cfg.borders); } if (cfg.parentId) { xfId = cfg.parentId; } return {numFmtId:numFmtId, fontId:fontId, fillId:fillId, borderId:borderId, xfId:xfId, alignment:cfg.alignment || null}; }, addStyle:function(style) { return this.addCellStyleXf(this.getStyleParams(style)); }, addCellStyle:function(style, parentStyleId) { var styles = this.getCellXfs(), parentStyle, newStyle, ret; if (styles) { parentStyle = styles.getAt(parentStyleId); if (parentStyle) { newStyle = parentStyle.getConfig(); } } return this.addCellXf(Ext.merge(newStyle || {}, this.getStyleParams(style))); }, getNumberFormatId:function(f) { var me = this, isDate = !!me.datePatterns[f], id, code; if (f === 'General') { return 0; } code = me.datePatterns[f] || me.booleanPatterns[f] || me.numberPatterns[f]; if (Ext.isNumeric(code)) { id = code; } else { if (!code) { code = f; } } return id || me.addNumberFormat({isDate:isDate, formatCode:code}); }, getBorderId:function(borders) { var cfg = {}, len = borders.length, i, b, key; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { b = borders[i]; key = Ext.util.Format.lowercase(b.position); delete b.position; cfg[key] = b; } return this.addBorder(cfg); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.SharedStrings', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Xml', isSharedStrings:true, config:{strings:[]}, contentType:{contentType:'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sharedStrings+xml'}, relationship:{schema:'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/sharedStrings'}, folder:'/xl/', fileName:'sharedStrings', tpl:['\x3c?xml version\x3d"1.0" encoding\x3d"UTF-8" standalone\x3d"yes"?\x3e', '\x3csst xmlns\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" count\x3d"{strings.length}" uniqueCount\x3d"{strings.length}"\x3e', '\x3ctpl for\x3d"strings.getRange()"\x3e\x3csi\x3e\x3ct\x3e{.:this.utf8}\x3c/t\x3e\x3c/si\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/sst\x3e', {utf8:function(v) { return Ext.util.Base64._utf8_encode(v); }}], destroy:function() { this.setStrings(null); this.callParent(); }, applyStrings:function(data, dataCollection) { var col; if (data) { col = new Ext.util.Collection({keyFn:Ext.identityFn}); col.add(data); } Ext.destroy(dataCollection); return col; }, addString:function(value) { var v = Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(value), s = this.getStrings(), index; if (!s) { this.setStrings([]); s = this.getStrings(); } index = s.indexOfKey(v); if (index < 0) { s.add(v); index = s.length - 1; } return index; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.theme.Base', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.XmlRels', alias:'ooxmltheme.base', mixins:['Ext.mixin.Factoryable'], folder:'/theme/', fileName:'theme', contentType:{contentType:'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.theme+xml'}, relationship:{schema:'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/theme'}}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.theme.Office', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.theme.Base', alias:'ooxmltheme.office', tpl:['\x3c?xml version\x3d"1.0" encoding\x3d"UTF-8" standalone\x3d"yes"?\x3e', '\x3ca:theme xmlns:a\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" name\x3d"Office Theme"\x3e', '\x3ca:themeElements\x3e', '\x3ca:clrScheme name\x3d"Office"\x3e', '\x3ca:dk1\x3e', '\x3ca:sysClr val\x3d"windowText" lastClr\x3d"000000"/\x3e', '\x3c/a:dk1\x3e', '\x3ca:lt1\x3e', '\x3ca:sysClr val\x3d"window" lastClr\x3d"FFFFFF"/\x3e', '\x3c/a:lt1\x3e', '\x3ca:dk2\x3e', '\x3ca:srgbClr val\x3d"44546A"/\x3e', '\x3c/a:dk2\x3e', '\x3ca:lt2\x3e', '\x3ca:srgbClr val\x3d"E7E6E6"/\x3e', '\x3c/a:lt2\x3e', '\x3ca:accent1\x3e', '\x3ca:srgbClr val\x3d"4472C4"/\x3e', '\x3c/a:accent1\x3e', '\x3ca:accent2\x3e', '\x3ca:srgbClr val\x3d"ED7D31"/\x3e', '\x3c/a:accent2\x3e', '\x3ca:accent3\x3e', '\x3ca:srgbClr val\x3d"A5A5A5"/\x3e', '\x3c/a:accent3\x3e', '\x3ca:accent4\x3e', '\x3ca:srgbClr val\x3d"FFC000"/\x3e', '\x3c/a:accent4\x3e', '\x3ca:accent5\x3e', '\x3ca:srgbClr val\x3d"5B9BD5"/\x3e', '\x3c/a:accent5\x3e', '\x3ca:accent6\x3e', '\x3ca:srgbClr val\x3d"70AD47"/\x3e', '\x3c/a:accent6\x3e', '\x3ca:hlink\x3e', '\x3ca:srgbClr val\x3d"0563C1"/\x3e', '\x3c/a:hlink\x3e', '\x3ca:folHlink\x3e', '\x3ca:srgbClr val\x3d"954F72"/\x3e', '\x3c/a:folHlink\x3e', '\x3c/a:clrScheme\x3e', '\x3ca:fontScheme name\x3d"Office"\x3e', 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currentPivotCacheIndex:0, config:{stylesheet:{}, sharedStrings:{}, sheets:[], pivotCaches:null, theme:{type:'office', folder:'/xl/theme/', index:1}}, contentType:{contentType:'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml'}, relationship:{schema:'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/officeDocument'}, folder:'/xl/', fileName:'workbook', tpl:['\x3c?xml version\x3d"1.0" encoding\x3d"UTF-8" standalone\x3d"yes"?\x3e', '\x3cworkbook xmlns\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" ', 'xmlns:r\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"sheets"\x3e', '\x3csheets\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"sheets"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"sheets.items"\x3e\x3csheet name\x3d"{[this.utf8(values.getName())]}" sheetId\x3d"{[xindex]}" state\x3d"visible" r:id\x3d"{[values.getRelationship().getId()]}"/\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/sheets\x3e', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"pivotCaches"\x3e', '\x3cpivotCaches\x3e', '\x3ctpl for\x3d"pivotCaches.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/pivotCaches\x3e', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/workbook\x3e', {utf8:function(v) { return Ext.util.Base64._utf8_encode(v || ''); }}], destroy:function() { var me = this; me.setStylesheet(null); me.setSharedStrings(null); me.setTheme(null); me.callParent(); }, collectFiles:function(files) { var me = this, style = me._stylesheet, strings = me._sharedStrings, theme = me._theme, ws, i, length; ws = me._sheets; length = ws.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { ws.items[i].collectFiles(files); } files[me._path] = me.render(); files[style._path] = style.render(); files[strings._path] = strings.render(); files[theme._path] = theme.render(); me.collectRelationshipsFiles(files); }, collectContentTypes:function(types) { var me = this, ws, i, length; types.push(me.getStylesheet().getContentType()); types.push(me.getSharedStrings().getContentType()); types.push(me.getTheme().getContentType()); ws = me.getSheets(); length = ws.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { ws.getAt(i).collectContentTypes(types); } me.callParent([types]); }, applyStylesheet:function(data) { if (!data || data.isStylesheet) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Stylesheet; }, updateStylesheet:function(data, oldData) { var rels = this.getRelationships(); if (oldData && rels) { rels.removeRelationship(oldData.getRelationship()); } if (data && rels) { rels.addRelationship(data.getRelationship()); } Ext.destroy(oldData); }, applySharedStrings:function(data) { if (!data || data.isSharedStrings) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.SharedStrings; }, updateSharedStrings:function(data, oldData) { var rels = this.getRelationships(); if (oldData && rels) { rels.removeRelationship(oldData.getRelationship()); } if (data) { rels.addRelationship(data.getRelationship()); } Ext.destroy(oldData); }, applyPivotCaches:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PivotCache'); }, updatePivotCaches:function(collection, oldCollection) { var me = this; if (oldCollection) { oldCollection.un({add:me.onPivotCacheAdd, scope:me}); } if (collection) { collection.on({add:me.onPivotCacheAdd, scope:me}); } }, onPivotCacheAdd:function(collection, details) { var length = details.items.length, i, item; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { item = details.items[i]; item.setCacheId(this.currentPivotCacheIndex++); } }, applySheets:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Sheet'); }, updateSheets:function(collection, oldCollection) { var me = this; if (oldCollection) { oldCollection.un({add:me.onSheetAdd, remove:me.onSheetRemove, scope:me}); } if (collection) { collection.on({add:me.onSheetAdd, remove:me.onSheetRemove, scope:me}); } }, applyTheme:function(value) { var cfg = {type:'office'}; if (value) { if (typeof value == 'string') { cfg.type = value; } else { Ext.apply(cfg, value); } value = Ext.Factory.ooxmltheme(value); } return value; }, updateTheme:function(data, oldData) { var rels = this.getRelationships(); if (oldData && rels) { rels.removeRelationship(oldData.getRelationship()); } if (data && rels) { rels.addRelationship(data.getRelationship()); } Ext.destroy(oldData); }, onSheetAdd:function(collection, details) { var rels = this.getRelationships(), length = details.items.length, i, item; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { item = details.items[i]; item.setIndex(this.currentSheetIndex++); item.setWorkbook(this); rels.addRelationship(item.getRelationship()); } }, onSheetRemove:function(collection, details) { var rels = this.getRelationships(), length = details.items.length, i, item; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { item = details.items[i]; rels.removeRelationship(item.getRelationship()); Ext.destroy(item); } }, addWorksheet:function(config) { var ws = Ext.Array.from(config || {}), length = ws.length, i, w; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { w = ws[i]; if (w && !w.isWorksheet) { w.workbook = this; ws[i] = new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Worksheet(w); } } return this.getSheets().add(ws); }, removeWorksheet:function(config) { return this.getSheets().remove(config); }, addPivotCache:function(config) { if (!this.getPivotCaches()) { this.setPivotCaches([]); } return this.getPivotCaches().add(config || {}); }, removePivotCache:function(config) { return this.getPivotCaches().remove(config); }, addStyle:function(config) { return this.getStylesheet().addStyle(config); }, addCellStyle:function(config) { return this.getStylesheet().addCellStyle(config); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.ContentTypes', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Xml', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.ContentType'], isContentTypes:true, config:{contentTypes:[{tag:'Default', contentType:'application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml', extension:'rels'}, {tag:'Default', contentType:'application/xml', extension:'xml'}]}, tpl:['\x3c?xml version\x3d"1.0" encoding\x3d"UTF-8" standalone\x3d"yes"?\x3e', '\x3cTypes xmlns\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types"\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"contentTypes"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"contentTypes.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/Types\x3e'], folder:'/', fileName:'[Content_Types]', applyContentTypes:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.ContentType'); }, addContentType:function(config) { return this.getContentTypes().add(config || {}); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.CoreProperties', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Xml', isCoreProperties:true, config:{title:'Workbook', author:'Sencha', subject:''}, contentType:{contentType:'application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml', partName:'/docProps/core.xml'}, relationship:{schema:'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships/metadata/core-properties', target:'docProps/core.xml'}, path:'/docProps/core.xml', tpl:['\x3ccoreProperties xmlns\x3d"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/metadata/core-properties" ', 'xmlns:dcterms\x3d"http://purl.org/dc/terms/" ', 'xmlns:dc\x3d"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" ', 'xmlns:xsi\x3d"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"\x3e', ' \x3cdc:creator\x3e{author:this.utf8}\x3c/dc:creator\x3e', ' \x3cdc:title\x3e{title:this.utf8}\x3c/dc:title\x3e', ' \x3cdc:subject\x3e{subject:this.utf8}\x3c/dc:subject\x3e', '\x3c/coreProperties\x3e', {utf8:function(v) { return Ext.util.Base64._utf8_encode(v || ''); }}]}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Excel', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.XmlRels', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.zip.Archive', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Workbook', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Relationships', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.ContentTypes', 'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.CoreProperties'], config:{properties:null, workbook:{}}, folder:'/', fileName:null, tpl:[], constructor:function(config) { var ret = this.callParent([config]); if (!this.getWorkbook()) { this.setWorkbook({}); } return ret; }, destroy:function() { var me = this; me.setWorkbook(null); me.setProperties(null); me.setRelationships(null); me.callParent(); }, render:function() { var files = {}, paths, path, content, i, len, zip; this.collectFiles(files); paths = Ext.Object.getKeys(files); len = paths.length; if (!len) { return; } zip = new Ext.exporter.file.zip.Archive; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { path = paths[i]; content = files[path]; path = path.substr(1); if (path.indexOf('.xml') !== -1 || path.indexOf('.rel') !== -1) { zip.addFile({path:path, data:content}); } } content = zip.getContent(); zip = Ext.destroy(zip); return content; }, collectFiles:function(files) { var contentTypes = new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.ContentTypes, wb = this.getWorkbook(), props = this.getProperties(), types = []; wb.collectFiles(files); if (props) { contentTypes.addContentType(props.getContentType()); files[props.getPath()] = props.render(); } wb.collectContentTypes(types); contentTypes.addContentType(types); files[contentTypes.getPath()] = contentTypes.render(); Ext.destroy(contentTypes); this.collectRelationshipsFiles(files); }, applyProperties:function(data) { if (!data || data.isCoreProperties) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.CoreProperties(data); }, updateProperties:function(data, oldData) { var rels = this.getRelationships(); if (oldData) { rels.removeRelationship(oldData.getRelationship()); oldData.destroy(); } if (data) { rels.addRelationship(data.getRelationship()); } }, applyWorkbook:function(data) { if (!data || data.isWorkbook) { return data; } return new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.Workbook(data); }, updateWorkbook:function(data, oldData) { var rels = this.getRelationships(); if (oldData) { rels.removeRelationship(oldData.getRelationship()); oldData.destroy(); } if (data) { rels.addRelationship(data.getRelationship()); } }, addWorksheet:function(config) { return this.getWorkbook().addWorksheet(config); }, addStyle:function(config) { return this.getWorkbook().getStylesheet().addStyle(config); }, addCellStyle:function(config, parentStyleId) { return this.getWorkbook().getStylesheet().addCellStyle(config, parentStyleId); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.excel.Xlsx', {extend:'Ext.exporter.Base', alternateClassName:'Ext.exporter.Excel', alias:['exporter.excel07', 'exporter.xlsx', 'exporter.excel'], requires:['Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Excel'], config:{defaultStyle:{alignment:{vertical:'Top'}, font:{fontName:'Arial', family:'Swiss', size:11, color:'#000000'}}, titleStyle:{alignment:{horizontal:'Center', vertical:'Center'}, font:{fontName:'Arial', family:'Swiss', size:18, color:'#1F497D'}}, groupHeaderStyle:{borders:[{position:'Bottom', lineStyle:'Continuous', weight:1, color:'#4F81BD'}]}, groupFooterStyle:{borders:[{position:'Top', lineStyle:'Continuous', weight:1, color:'#4F81BD'}]}, tableHeaderStyle:{alignment:{horizontal:'Center', vertical:'Center'}, borders:[{position:'Bottom', lineStyle:'Continuous', weight:1, color:'#4F81BD'}], font:{fontName:'Arial', family:'Swiss', size:11, color:'#1F497D'}}}, fileName:'export.xlsx', charset:'ascii', mimeType:'application/zip', binary:true, titleRowHeight:22.5, headerRowHeight:20.25, destroy:function() { var me = this; me.excel = me.worksheet = Ext.destroy(me.excel, me.worksheet); me.callParent(); }, getContent:function() { var me = this, config = this.getConfig(), data = config.data, colMerge, ws; me.excel = new Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Excel({properties:{title:config.title, author:config.author}}); me.worksheet = ws = me.excel.addWorksheet({name:config.title}); me.tableHeaderStyleId = me.excel.addCellStyle(config.tableHeaderStyle); colMerge = data ? data.getColumnCount() : 1; ws.beginRowRendering(); me.addTitle(config, colMerge); if (data) { ws.renderRows(me.buildHeader()); ws.renderRows(me.buildRows(data, colMerge, -1)); } ws.endRowRendering(); me.columnStylesNormal = me.columnStylesNormalId = me.columnStylesFooter = me.columnStylesFooterId = null; me.headerStyles = me.footerStyles = null; return me.excel.render(); }, addTitle:function(config, colMerge) { if (!Ext.isEmpty(config.title)) { this.worksheet.renderRow({height:this.titleRowHeight, cells:[{mergeAcross:colMerge - 1, value:config.title, styleId:this.excel.addCellStyle(config.titleStyle)}]}); } }, buildRows:function(group, colMerge, level) { var me = this, showSummary = me._showSummary, rows = [], groups, row, styleH, styleF, cells, i, j, k, gLen, sLen, cLen, oneLine, text, items, cell, temp, style; if (!group) { return rows; } groups = group._groups; text = group._text; oneLine = !groups && !group._rows; if (showSummary !== false && !Ext.isEmpty(text) && !oneLine) { styleH = me.getGroupHeaderStyleByLevel(level); rows.push({styleId:styleH, cells:[{mergeAcross:colMerge - 1, value:text, styleId:styleH}]}); } if (groups) { gLen = groups.length; for (i = 0; i < gLen; i++) { Ext.Array.insert(rows, rows.length, me.buildRows(groups.items[i], colMerge, level + 1)); } } if (group._rows) { items = group._rows.items; sLen = items.length; for (k = 0; k < sLen; k++) { temp = items[k]; row = {id:temp._id, cells:[]}; cells = temp._cells; cLen = cells.length; for (j = 0; j < cLen; j++) { cell = cells.items[j]; style = me.columnStylesNormalId[j]; row.cells.push({id:cell._id, value:cell._value, styleId:me.getCellStyleId(cell._style, style)}); } rows.push(row); } } items = group._summaries && group._summaries.items; if (items && (showSummary || oneLine)) { styleF = me.getGroupFooterStyleByLevel(level); sLen = items.length; for (k = 0; k < sLen; k++) { temp = items[k]; row = {id:temp._id, cells:[]}; cells = temp._cells; cLen = cells.length; for (j = 0; j < cLen; j++) { cell = cells.items[j]; style = oneLine ? me.columnStylesNormalId[j] : j === 0 ? styleF : me.columnStylesFooterId[j]; row.cells.push({id:cell._id, value:cell._value, styleId:me.getCellStyleId(cell._style, style)}); } rows.push(row); } } group.destroy(); return rows; }, getGroupHeaderStyleByLevel:function(level) { var me = this, key = 'l' + level, styles = me.headerStyles; if (!styles) { me.headerStyles = styles = {}; } if (!styles.hasOwnProperty(key)) { styles[key] = me.excel.addCellStyle(Ext.applyIf({alignment:{Indent:level > 0 ? level : 0}}, me._groupHeaderStyle)); } return styles[key]; }, getGroupFooterStyleByLevel:function(level) { var me = this, key = 'l' + level, styles = me.footerStyles; if (!styles) { me.footerStyles = styles = {}; } if (!styles.hasOwnProperty(key)) { styles[key] = me.excel.addCellStyle(Ext.applyIf({alignment:{Indent:level > 0 ? level : 0}}, me.columnStylesFooter[0])); } return styles[key]; }, buildHeader:function() { var me = this, ret = {}, data = me.getData(), rows = [], keys, row, i, j, len, lenCells, style, arr, fStyle, col, colCfg, cell; me.buildHeaderRows(data.getColumns(), ret); keys = Ext.Object.getKeys(ret); len = keys.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { row = {height:me.headerRowHeight, styleId:me.tableHeaderStyleId, cells:[]}; arr = ret[keys[i]]; lenCells = arr.length; for (j = 0; j < lenCells; j++) { cell = arr[j]; cell.styleId = me.tableHeaderStyleId; row.cells.push(cell); } rows.push(row); } arr = data.getBottomColumns(); lenCells = arr.length; me.columnStylesNormal = []; me.columnStylesNormalId = []; me.columnStylesFooter = []; me.columnStylesFooterId = []; fStyle = me.getGroupFooterStyle(); for (j = 0; j < lenCells; j++) { col = arr[j]; colCfg = {style:col.getStyle(), width:col.getWidth()}; style = Ext.applyIf({parentId:0}, fStyle); style = Ext.merge(style, colCfg.style); me.columnStylesFooter.push(style); me.columnStylesFooterId.push(me.excel.addCellStyle(style)); style = Ext.applyIf({parentId:0}, colCfg.style); me.columnStylesNormal.push(style); colCfg.styleId = me.excel.addCellStyle(style); me.columnStylesNormalId.push(colCfg.styleId); colCfg.min = colCfg.max = j + 1; colCfg.style = null; if (colCfg.width) { colCfg.width = colCfg.width / 10; } me.worksheet.addColumn(colCfg); } return rows; }, getCellStyleId:function(style, parentStyleId) { return style ? this.excel.addCellStyle(style, parentStyleId) : parentStyleId; }, buildHeaderRows:function(columns, result) { var col, cols, i, len, name; if (!columns) { return; } len = columns.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { col = columns.items[i].getConfig(); col.value = col.text; cols = col.columns; delete col.columns; delete col.table; name = 's' + col.level; result[name] = result[name] || []; result[name].push(col); this.buildHeaderRows(cols, result); } }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.Plugin', {extend:'Ext.plugin.Abstract', alias:['plugin.exporterplugin'], requires:['Ext.exporter.data.Table', 'Ext.exporter.Excel'], init:function(cmp) { var me = this; cmp.saveDocumentAs = Ext.bind(me.saveDocumentAs, me); cmp.getDocumentData = Ext.bind(me.getDocumentData, me); me.cmp = cmp; return me.callParent([cmp]); }, destroy:function() { var me = this, cmp = me.cmp; cmp.saveDocumentAs = cmp.getDocumentData = me.cmp = me.delayedSaveTimer = Ext.unasap(me.delayedSaveTimer); me.callParent(); }, saveDocumentAs:function(config) { var cmp = this.cmp, deferred = new Ext.Deferred, exporter = this.getExporter(config); cmp.fireEvent('beforedocumentsave', cmp, {config:config, exporter:exporter}); this.delayedSaveTimer = Ext.asap(this.delayedSave, this, [exporter, config, deferred]); return deferred.promise; }, delayedSave:function(exporter, config, deferred) { var cmp = this.cmp; if (this.disabled || !cmp) { Ext.destroy(exporter); deferred.reject(); return; } this.setExporterData(exporter, config); exporter.saveAs().then(function() { deferred.resolve(config); }, function(msg) { deferred.reject(msg); }).always(function() { var canFire = cmp && !cmp.destroyed; if (canFire) { cmp.fireEvent('documentsave', cmp, {config:config, exporter:exporter}); } Ext.destroy(exporter); if (canFire) { cmp.fireEvent('exportfinished', cmp, {config:config}); } }); }, getDocumentData:function(config) { var exporter, ret; if (this.disabled) { return; } exporter = this.getExporter(config); this.setExporterData(exporter, config); ret = exporter.getContent(); Ext.destroy(exporter); return ret; }, getExporter:function(config) { var cfg = Ext.apply({type:'excel'}, config); return Ext.Factory.exporter(cfg); }, setExporterData:function(exporter, config) { var cmp = this.cmp; exporter.setData(this.prepareData(config)); cmp.fireEvent('dataready', cmp, {config:config, exporter:exporter}); }, getExportStyle:function(style, config) { var type = config && config.type, types, def, index; if (Ext.isArray(style)) { types = Ext.Array.pluck(style, 'type'); index = Ext.Array.indexOf(types, undefined); if (index >= 0) { def = style[index]; } index = Ext.Array.indexOf(types, type); return index >= 0 ? style[index] : def; } else { return style; } }, prepareData:Ext.emptyFn}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.excel.Worksheet', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Base', config:{name:'Sheet', protection:null, rightToLeft:null, showGridLines:true, tables:[]}, tpl:[' \x3cWorksheet ss:Name\x3d"{name:htmlEncode}"', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(protection)"\x3e ss:Protected\x3d"{protection:this.toNumber}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(rightToLeft)"\x3e ss:RightToLeft\x3d"{rightToLeft:this.toNumber}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3e\n', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"tables"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"tables.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', ' \x3cWorksheetOptions xmlns\x3d"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"\x3e\n', ' \x3cPageSetup\x3e\n', ' \x3cLayout x:CenterHorizontal\x3d"1" x:Orientation\x3d"Portrait" /\x3e\n', ' \x3cHeader x:Margin\x3d"0.3" /\x3e\n', ' \x3cFooter x:Margin\x3d"0.3" x:Data\x3d"Page \x26amp;P of \x26amp;N" /\x3e\n', ' \x3cPageMargins x:Bottom\x3d"0.75" x:Left\x3d"0.7" x:Right\x3d"0.7" x:Top\x3d"0.75" /\x3e\n', ' \x3c/PageSetup\x3e\n', ' \x3cFitToPage /\x3e\n', ' \x3cPrint\x3e\n', ' \x3cPrintErrors\x3eBlank\x3c/PrintErrors\x3e\n', ' \x3cFitWidth\x3e1\x3c/FitWidth\x3e\n', ' \x3cFitHeight\x3e32767\x3c/FitHeight\x3e\n', ' \x3cValidPrinterInfo /\x3e\n', ' \x3cVerticalResolution\x3e600\x3c/VerticalResolution\x3e\n', ' \x3c/Print\x3e\n', ' \x3cSelected /\x3e\n', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"!showGridLines"\x3e', ' \x3cDoNotDisplayGridlines /\x3e\n', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', ' \x3cProtectObjects\x3eFalse\x3c/ProtectObjects\x3e\n', ' \x3cProtectScenarios\x3eFalse\x3c/ProtectScenarios\x3e\n', ' \x3c/WorksheetOptions\x3e\n', ' \x3c/Worksheet\x3e\n', {exists:function(value) { return !Ext.isEmpty(value); }, toNumber:function(value) { return Number(Boolean(value)); }}], destroy:function() { this.setTables(null); this.callParent(); }, applyTables:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Table'); }, addTable:function(config) { return this.getTables().add(config || {}); }, getTable:function(id) { return this.getTables().get(id); }, applyName:function(value) { return Ext.String.ellipsis(String(value), 31); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.excel.Table', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Base', config:{expandedColumnCount:null, expandedRowCount:null, fullColumns:1, fullRows:1, defaultColumnWidth:48, defaultRowHeight:12.75, styleId:null, leftCell:1, topCell:1, columns:[], rows:[]}, tpl:[' \x3cTable x:FullColumns\x3d"{fullColumns}" x:FullRows\x3d"{fullRows}"', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(expandedRowCount)"\x3e ss:ExpandedRowCount\x3d"{expandedRowCount}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(expandedColumnCount)"\x3e ss:ExpandedColumnCount\x3d"{expandedColumnCount}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(defaultRowHeight)"\x3e ss:DefaultRowHeight\x3d"{defaultRowHeight}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(defaultColumnWidth)"\x3e ss:DefaultColumnWidth\x3d"{defaultColumnWidth}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(leftCell)"\x3e ss:LeftCell\x3d"{leftCell}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(topCell)"\x3e ss:TopCell\x3d"{topCell}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(styleId)"\x3e ss:StyleID\x3d"{styleId}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3e\n', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"columns"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"columns.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"rows"\x3e', '\x3ctpl for\x3d"rows.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl else\x3e \x3cRow ss:AutoFitHeight\x3d"0"/\x3e\n\x3c/tpl\x3e', ' \x3c/Table\x3e\n', {exists:function(value) { return !Ext.isEmpty(value); }}], destroy:function() { this.setColumns(null); this.setRows(null); this.callParent(); }, applyColumns:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Column'); }, applyRows:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Row'); }, addColumn:function(config) { return this.getColumns().add(config || {}); }, getColumn:function(id) { return this.getColumns().get(id); }, addRow:function(config) { return this.getRows().add(config || {}); }, getRow:function(id) { return this.getRows().get(id); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.excel.Style', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Style', config:{parentId:null, protection:null}, checks:{alignment:{horizontal:['Automatic', 'Left', 'Center', 'Right', 'Fill', 'Justify', 'CenterAcrossSelection', 'Distributed', 'JustifyDistributed'], shrinkToFit:[true, false], vertical:['Automatic', 'Top', 'Bottom', 'Center', 'Justify', 'Distributed', 'JustifyDistributed'], verticalText:[true, false], wrapText:[true, false]}, font:{family:['Automatic', 'Decorative', 'Modern', 'Roman', 'Script', 'Swiss'], outline:[true, false], shadow:[true, false], underline:['None', 'Single', 'Double', 'SingleAccounting', 'DoubleAccounting'], verticalAlign:['None', 'Subscript', 'Superscript']}, border:{position:['Left', 'Top', 'Right', 'Bottom', 'DiagonalLeft', 'DiagonalRight'], lineStyle:['None', 'Continuous', 'Dash', 'Dot', 'DashDot', 'DashDotDot', 'SlantDashDot', 'Double'], weight:[0, 1, 2, 3]}, interior:{pattern:['None', 'Solid', 'Gray75', 'Gray50', 'Gray25', 'Gray125', 'Gray0625', 'HorzStripe', 'VertStripe', 'ReverseDiagStripe', 'DiagStripe', 'DiagCross', 'ThickDiagCross', 'ThinHorzStripe', 'ThinVertStripe', 'ThinReverseDiagStripe', 'ThinDiagStripe', 'ThinHorzCross', 'ThinDiagCross']}, protection:{'protected':[true, false], hideFormula:[true, false]}}, tpl:[' \x3cStyle ss:ID\x3d"{id}"', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(parentId)"\x3e ss:Parent\x3d"{parentId}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(name)"\x3e ss:Name\x3d"{name}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3e\n', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(alignment)"\x3e \x3cAlignment{[this.getAttributes(values.alignment, "alignment")]}/\x3e\n\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(borders)"\x3e', ' \x3cBorders\x3e\n', '\x3ctpl for\x3d"borders"\x3e \x3cBorder{[this.getAttributes(values, "border")]}/\x3e\n\x3c/tpl\x3e', ' \x3c/Borders\x3e\n', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(font)"\x3e \x3cFont{[this.getAttributes(values.font, "font")]}/\x3e\n\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(interior)"\x3e \x3cInterior{[this.getAttributes(values.interior, "interior")]}/\x3e\n\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(format)"\x3e \x3cNumberFormat ss:Format\x3d"{format}"/\x3e\n\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(protection)"\x3e \x3cProtection{[this.getAttributes(values.protection, "protection")]}/\x3e\n\x3c/tpl\x3e', ' \x3c/Style\x3e\n', {exists:function(value) { return !Ext.isEmpty(value); }, getAttributes:function(obj, checkName) { var template = ' ss:{0}\x3d"{1}"', keys = Ext.Object.getKeys(obj || {}), len = keys.length, s = '', i, key; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { key = keys[i]; s += Ext.String.format(template, Ext.String.capitalize(key), Ext.isBoolean(obj[key]) ? Number(obj[key]) : obj[key]); } return s; }}], autoGenerateKey:['parentId', 'protection']}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.excel.Row', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Base', config:{autoFitHeight:false, caption:null, cells:[], height:null, index:null, span:null, styleId:null}, tpl:[' \x3cRow', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(index)"\x3e ss:Index\x3d"{index}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(caption)"\x3e c:Caption\x3d"{caption}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(autoFitHeight)"\x3e ss:AutoFitHeight\x3d"{autoFitHeight:this.toNumber}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(span)"\x3e ss:Span\x3d"{span}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(height)"\x3e ss:Height\x3d"{height}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(styleId)"\x3e ss:StyleID\x3d"{styleId}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3e\n', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"cells"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"cells.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', ' \x3c/Row\x3e\n', {exists:function(value) { return !Ext.isEmpty(value); }, toNumber:function(value) { return Number(Boolean(value)); }}], destroy:function() { this.setCells(null); this.callParent(); }, applyCells:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Cell'); }, addCell:function(config) { return this.getCells().add(config || {}); }, getCell:function(id) { return this.getCells().get(id); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.excel.Column', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Base', config:{autoFitWidth:false, caption:null, hidden:null, index:null, span:null, styleId:null, width:null}, tpl:['\x3cColumn', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(index)"\x3e ss:Index\x3d"{index}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(caption)"\x3e c:Caption\x3d"{caption}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(styleId)"\x3e ss:StyleID\x3d"{styleId}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(hidden)"\x3e ss:Hidden\x3d"{hidden}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(span)"\x3e ss:Span\x3d"{span}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(width)"\x3e ss:Width\x3d"{width}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(autoFitWidth)"\x3e ss:AutoFitWidth\x3d"{autoFitWidth:this.toNumber}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '/\x3e\n', {exists:function(value) { return !Ext.isEmpty(value); }, toNumber:function(value) { return Number(Boolean(value)); }}]}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.excel.Cell', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Base', config:{dataType:'String', formula:null, index:null, styleId:null, mergeAcross:null, mergeDown:null, value:''}, tpl:[' \x3cCell', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(index)"\x3e ss:Index\x3d"{index}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(styleId)"\x3e ss:StyleID\x3d"{styleId}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(mergeAcross)"\x3e ss:MergeAcross\x3d"{mergeAcross}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(mergeDown)"\x3e ss:MergeDown\x3d"{mergeDown}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"this.exists(formula)"\x3e ss:Formula\x3d"{formula}"\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3e\n', ' \x3cData ss:Type\x3d"{dataType}"\x3e{value}\x3c/Data\x3e\n', ' \x3c/Cell\x3e\n', {exists:function(value) { return !Ext.isEmpty(value); }}], applyValue:function(v) { var dt = 'String', format = Ext.util.Format; if (v instanceof Date) { dt = 'DateTime'; v = Ext.Date.format(v, 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s.u'); } else { if (Ext.isNumber(v)) { dt = 'Number'; } else { if (Ext.isBoolean(v)) { dt = 'Boolean'; v = Number(v); } else { v = format.htmlEncode(format.htmlDecode(v)); } } } this.setDataType(dt); return v; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.excel.Workbook', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Base', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.excel.Worksheet', 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Table', 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Style', 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Row', 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Column', 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Cell'], config:{title:'Workbook', author:'Sencha', windowHeight:9000, windowWidth:50000, protectStructure:false, protectWindows:false, styles:[], worksheets:[]}, tpl:['\x3c?xml version\x3d"1.0" encoding\x3d"utf-8"?\x3e\n', '\x3c?mso-application progid\x3d"Excel.Sheet"?\x3e\n', '\x3cWorkbook ', 'xmlns\x3d"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" ', 'xmlns:o\x3d"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" ', 'xmlns:x\x3d"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" ', 'xmlns:ss\x3d"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" ', 'xmlns:html\x3d"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"\x3e\n', ' \x3cDocumentProperties xmlns\x3d"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"\x3e\n', ' \x3cTitle\x3e{title:htmlEncode}\x3c/Title\x3e\n', ' \x3cAuthor\x3e{author:htmlEncode}\x3c/Author\x3e\n', ' \x3cCreated\x3e{createdAt}\x3c/Created\x3e\n', ' \x3c/DocumentProperties\x3e\n', ' \x3cExcelWorkbook xmlns\x3d"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"\x3e\n', ' \x3cWindowHeight\x3e{windowHeight}\x3c/WindowHeight\x3e\n', ' \x3cWindowWidth\x3e{windowWidth}\x3c/WindowWidth\x3e\n', ' \x3cProtectStructure\x3e{protectStructure}\x3c/ProtectStructure\x3e\n', ' \x3cProtectWindows\x3e{protectWindows}\x3c/ProtectWindows\x3e\n', ' \x3c/ExcelWorkbook\x3e\n', ' \x3cStyles\x3e\n', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"styles"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"styles.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', ' \x3c/Styles\x3e\n', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"worksheets"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"worksheets.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', '\x3c/Workbook\x3e'], destroy:function() { this.setStyles(null); this.setWorksheets(null); this.callParent(); }, applyStyles:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Style'); }, applyWorksheets:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.excel.Worksheet'); }, addStyle:function(config) { var styles = this.getStyles(), items = styles.decodeItems(arguments, 0), len = items.length, ret = [], i, found, item; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { item = items[i]; found = styles.get(item.getKey()); ret.push(found ? found : styles.add(item)); if (found) { item.destroy(); } } return ret.length === 1 ? ret[0] : ret; }, getStyle:function(id) { return this.getStyles().get(id); }, addWorksheet:function(config) { return this.getWorksheets().add(config || {}); }, getWorksheet:function(id) { return this.getWorksheets().get(id); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.excel.Xml', {extend:'Ext.exporter.Base', alias:'exporter.excel03', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.excel.Workbook'], config:{windowHeight:9000, windowWidth:50000, protectStructure:false, protectWindows:false, defaultStyle:{alignment:{vertical:'Top'}, font:{fontName:'Calibri', family:'Swiss', size:11, color:'#000000'}}, titleStyle:{name:'Title', parentId:'Default', alignment:{horizontal:'Center', vertical:'Center'}, font:{fontName:'Cambria', family:'Swiss', size:18, color:'#1F497D'}}, groupHeaderStyle:{name:'Group Header', parentId:'Default', borders:[{position:'Bottom', lineStyle:'Continuous', weight:1, color:'#4F81BD'}]}, groupFooterStyle:{borders:[{position:'Top', lineStyle:'Continuous', weight:1, color:'#4F81BD'}]}, tableHeaderStyle:{name:'Heading 1', parentId:'Default', alignment:{horizontal:'Center', vertical:'Center'}, borders:[{position:'Bottom', lineStyle:'Continuous', weight:1, color:'#4F81BD'}], font:{fontName:'Calibri', family:'Swiss', size:11, color:'#1F497D'}}}, fileName:'export.xml', mimeType:'text/xml', titleRowHeight:22.5, headerRowHeight:20.25, destroy:function() { var me = this; me.workbook = me.table = Ext.destroy(me.workbook); me.callParent(); }, applyDefaultStyle:function(newValue) { return Ext.applyIf({id:'Default', name:'Normal'}, newValue || {}); }, getContent:function() { var me = this, config = this.getConfig(), data = config.data, colMerge; me.workbook = new Ext.exporter.file.excel.Workbook({title:config.title, author:config.author, windowHeight:config.windowHeight, windowWidth:config.windowWidth, protectStructure:config.protectStructure, protectWindows:config.protectWindows}); me.table = me.workbook.addWorksheet({name:config.title}).addTable(); me.workbook.addStyle(config.defaultStyle); me.tableHeaderStyleId = me.workbook.addStyle(config.tableHeaderStyle).getId(); me.groupHeaderStyleId = me.workbook.addStyle(config.groupHeaderStyle).getId(); colMerge = data ? data.getColumnCount() : 1; me.addTitle(config, colMerge); if (data) { me.buildHeader(); me.table.addRow(me.buildRows(data, colMerge, -1)); } me.columnStylesFooter = me.columnStylesNormal = null; me.headerStyles = me.footerStyles = null; return me.workbook.render(); }, addTitle:function(config, colMerge) { if (!Ext.isEmpty(config.title)) { this.table.addRow({autoFitHeight:1, height:this.titleRowHeight, styleId:this.workbook.addStyle(config.titleStyle).getId()}).addCell({mergeAcross:colMerge - 1, value:config.title}); } }, buildRows:function(group, colMerge, level) { var me = this, showSummary = me.getShowSummary(), rows = [], groups, row, styleH, styleF, cells, i, j, k, gLen, sLen, cLen, oneLine, cell, text, style; if (!group) { return; } groups = group._groups; text = group._text; oneLine = !groups && !group._rows; if (showSummary !== false && !Ext.isEmpty(text) && !oneLine) { styleH = me.getGroupHeaderStyleByLevel(level); rows.push({cells:[{mergeAcross:colMerge - 1, value:text, styleId:styleH}]}); } if (groups) { gLen = groups.length; for (i = 0; i < gLen; i++) { Ext.Array.insert(rows, rows.length, me.buildRows(groups.items[i], colMerge, level + 1)); } } if (group._rows) { sLen = group._rows.length; for (k = 0; k < sLen; k++) { row = {cells:[]}; cells = group._rows.items[k]._cells; cLen = cells.length; for (j = 0; j < cLen; j++) { cell = cells.items[j]; style = me.columnStylesNormal[j]; row.cells.push({value:cell._value, styleId:me.getCellStyleId(cell._style, style)}); } rows.push(row); } } if (group._summaries && (showSummary || oneLine)) { styleF = me.getGroupFooterStyleByLevel(level); sLen = group._summaries.length; for (k = 0; k < sLen; k++) { row = {cells:[]}; cells = group._summaries.items[k]._cells; cLen = cells.length; for (j = 0; j < cLen; j++) { cell = cells.items[j]; style = oneLine ? me.columnStylesNormal[j] : j === 0 ? styleF : me.columnStylesFooter[j]; row.cells.push({value:cell._value, styleId:me.getCellStyleId(cell._style, style)}); } rows.push(row); } } return rows; }, getCellStyleId:function(style, parentStyleId) { var config = Ext.applyIf({parentId:parentStyleId}, style); return style ? this.workbook.addStyle(config).getId() : parentStyleId; }, getGroupHeaderStyleByLevel:function(level) { var me = this, key = 'l' + level, styles = me.headerStyles; if (!styles) { me.headerStyles = styles = {}; } if (!styles.hasOwnProperty(key)) { styles[key] = me.workbook.addStyle({parentId:me.groupHeaderStyleId, alignment:{Indent:level > 0 ? level : 0}}).getId(); } return styles[key]; }, getGroupFooterStyleByLevel:function(level) { var me = this, key = 'l' + level, styles = me.footerStyles; if (!styles) { me.footerStyles = styles = {}; } if (!styles.hasOwnProperty(key)) { styles[key] = me.workbook.addStyle({parentId:me.columnStylesFooter[0], alignment:{Indent:level > 0 ? level : 0}}).getId(); } return styles[key]; }, buildHeader:function() { var me = this, ret = {}, data = me.getData(), keys, row, i, j, len, lenCells, style, arr, fStyle, col, colCfg; me.buildHeaderRows(data.getColumns(), ret); keys = Ext.Object.getKeys(ret); len = keys.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { row = me.table.addRow({height:me.headerRowHeight, autoFitHeight:1}); arr = ret[keys[i]]; lenCells = arr.length; for (j = 0; j < lenCells; j++) { row.addCell(arr[j]).setStyleId(me.tableHeaderStyleId); } } arr = data.getBottomColumns(); lenCells = arr.length; me.columnStylesNormal = []; me.columnStylesFooter = []; fStyle = me.getGroupFooterStyle(); for (j = 0; j < lenCells; j++) { col = arr[j]; colCfg = {width:col.getWidth()}; style = Ext.applyIf({parentId:'Default'}, fStyle); style = Ext.merge(style, col.getStyle()); style.id = null; me.columnStylesFooter.push(me.workbook.addStyle(style).getId()); style = Ext.merge({parentId:'Default'}, col.getStyle()); colCfg.styleId = me.workbook.addStyle(style).getId(); me.columnStylesNormal.push(colCfg.styleId); me.table.addColumn(colCfg); } }, buildHeaderRows:function(columns, result) { var col, cols, i, len, name; if (!columns) { return; } len = columns.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { col = columns.items[i].getConfig(); col.value = col.text; cols = col.columns; delete col.columns; delete col.table; name = 's' + col.level; result[name] = result[name] || []; result[name].push(col); this.buildHeaderRows(cols, result); } }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.html.Style', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Style', idPrefix:'ext-', indentation:10, mappings:{readingOrder:{LeftToRight:'ltr', RightToLeft:'rtl', Context:'initial', Automatic:'initial'}, horizontal:{Automatic:'initial', Left:'left', Center:'center', Right:'right', Justify:'justify'}, vertical:{Top:'top', Bottom:'bottom', Center:'middle', Automatic:'baseline'}, lineStyle:{None:'none', Continuous:'solid', Dash:'dashed', Dot:'dotted'}}, updateId:function(id) { if (id && !this.getName()) { this.setName('.' + id); } }, render:function() { var cfg = this.getConfig(), map = this.mappings, s = '', align = cfg.alignment, font = cfg.font, borders = cfg.borders, interior = cfg.interior, i, length, name, border; if (align) { if (align.horizontal) { s += 'text-align: ' + map.horizontal[align.horizontal] + ';\n'; } if (align.readingOrder) { s += 'direction: ' + map.readingOrder[align.readingOrder] + ';\n'; } if (align.vertical) { s += 'vertical-align: ' + map.vertical[align.vertical] + ';\n'; } if (align.indent) { s += 'padding-left: ' + align.indent * this.indentation + 'px;\n'; } } if (font) { if (font.size) { s += 'font-size: ' + font.size + 'px;\n'; } if (font.bold) { s += 'font-weight: bold;\n'; } if (font.italic) { s += 'font-style: italic;\n'; } if (font.strikeThrough) { s += 'text-decoration: line-through;\n'; } if (font.underline === 'Single') { s += 'text-decoration: underline;\n'; } if (font.color) { s += 'color: ' + font.color + ';\n'; } } if (interior && interior.color) { s += 'background-color: ' + interior.color + ';\n'; } if (borders) { length = borders.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { border = borders[i]; name = 'border-' + border.position.toLowerCase(); s += name + '-width: ' + (border.weight || 0) + 'px;\n'; s += name + '-style: ' + (map.lineStyle[border.lineStyle] || 'initial') + ';\n'; s += name + '-color: ' + (border.color || 'initial') + ';\n'; } } return cfg.name + '{\n' + s + '}\n'; }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.html.Doc', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.Base', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.html.Style'], config:{title:'Title', author:'Sencha', charset:'UTF-8', styles:[], table:null}, destroy:function() { this.setStyles(null); this.setTable(null); this.callParent(); }, applyStyles:function(data, dataCollection) { return this.checkCollection(data, dataCollection, 'Ext.exporter.file.html.Style'); }, addStyle:function(config) { var styles = this.getStyles(), items = styles.decodeItems(arguments, 0), len = items.length, ret = [], i, found, item; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { item = items[i]; found = styles.get(item.getKey()); ret.push(found ? found : styles.add(item)); if (found) { item.destroy(); } } return ret.length === 1 ? ret[0] : ret; }, getStyle:function(id) { return this.getStyles().get(id); }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.excel.PageField', {extend:'Ext.exporter.file.ooxml.Base', config:{cap:null, fld:null, hier:null, item:null, name:null}, generateTplAttributes:true, tpl:['\x3cpageField {attributes} /\x3e']}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.text.CSV', {extend:'Ext.exporter.Base', alias:'exporter.csv', requires:['Ext.util.CSV'], fileName:'export.csv', getHelper:function() { return Ext.util.CSV; }, getContent:function() { var me = this, result = [], data = me.getData(); if (data) { me.buildHeader(result); me.buildRows(data, result, data.getColumnCount()); me.columnStyles = Ext.destroy(me.columnStyles); } return me.getHelper().encode(result); }, buildHeader:function(result) { var me = this, ret = {}, data = me.getData(), arr, lenCells, i, style; me.buildHeaderRows(data.getColumns(), ret); result.push.apply(result, Ext.Object.getValues(ret)); arr = data.getBottomColumns(); lenCells = arr.length; me.columnStyles = []; for (i = 0; i < lenCells; i++) { style = arr[i].getStyle() || {}; if (!style.id) { style.id = 'c' + i; } style.name = '.' + style.id; me.columnStyles.push(new Ext.exporter.file.Style(style)); } }, buildHeaderRows:function(columns, result) { var col, i, len, name, mAcross, mDown, j, level; if (!columns) { return; } len = columns.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { col = columns.items[i]; mAcross = col._mergeAcross; mDown = col._mergeDown; level = col._level; name = 's' + level; result[name] = result[name] || []; result[name].push(col._text); for (j = 1; j <= mAcross; j++) { result[name].push(''); } for (j = 1; j <= mDown; j++) { name = 's' + (level + j); result[name] = result[name] || []; result[name].push(''); } this.buildHeaderRows(col._columns, result); } }, buildRows:function(group, result, length) { var showSummary = this._showSummary, groups, i, row, gLen, j, rLen, k, cLen, r, cells, oneLine, cell, style, text; if (!group) { return; } groups = group._groups; text = group._text; oneLine = !groups && !group._rows; if (!Ext.isEmpty(text) && !oneLine) { row = []; row.length = length; row[group.level || 0] = text; result.push(row); } if (groups) { gLen = groups.length; for (i = 0; i < gLen; i++) { this.buildRows(groups.items[i], result, length); } } if (group._rows) { rLen = group._rows.length; for (j = 0; j < rLen; j++) { row = []; r = group._rows.items[j]; cells = r._cells; cLen = cells.length; for (k = 0; k < cLen; k++) { cell = cells.items[k]; style = this.columnStyles[k]; cell = style ? style.getFormattedValue(cell._value) : cell._value; row.push(cell); } result.push(row); } } if (group._summaries && (showSummary || oneLine)) { rLen = group._summaries.length; for (j = 0; j < rLen; j++) { row = []; r = group._summaries.items[j]; cells = r._cells; cLen = cells.length; for (k = 0; k < cLen; k++) { cell = cells.items[k]; style = this.columnStyles[k]; cell = style ? style.getFormattedValue(cell._value) : cell._value; row.push(cell); } result.push(row); } } }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.text.Html', {extend:'Ext.exporter.Base', alias:'exporter.html', requires:['Ext.exporter.file.html.Doc'], config:{tpl:['\x3c!DOCTYPE html\x3e\n', '\x3chtml\x3e\n', ' \x3chead\x3e\n', ' \x3cmeta charset\x3d"{charset}"\x3e\n', ' \x3ctitle\x3e{title}\x3c/title\x3e\n', ' \x3cstyle\x3e\n', ' table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; }\n', '\x3ctpl if\x3d"styles"\x3e\x3ctpl for\x3d"styles.getRange()"\x3e{[values.render()]}\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3c/tpl\x3e', ' \x3c/style\x3e\n', ' \x3c/head\x3e\n', ' \x3cbody\x3e\n', ' \x3ch1\x3e{title}\x3c/h1\x3e\n', ' \x3ctable\x3e\n', ' \x3cthead\x3e\n', '\x3ctpl for\x3d"table.columns"\x3e', ' \x3ctr\x3e\n', '\x3ctpl for\x3d"."\x3e', ' \x3cth\x3ctpl if\x3d"width"\x3e width\x3d"{width}"\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3ctpl if\x3d"mergeAcross"\x3e colSpan\x3d"{mergeAcross}"\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3ctpl if\x3d"mergeDown"\x3e rowSpan\x3d"{mergeDown}"\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3e{text}\x3c/th\x3e\n', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', ' \x3c/tr\x3e\n', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', ' \x3c/thead\x3e\n', ' \x3ctbody\x3e\n', '\x3ctpl for\x3d"table.rows"\x3e', ' \x3ctr\x3ctpl if\x3d"cls"\x3e class\x3d"{cls}"\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3e\n', '\x3ctpl for\x3d"cells"\x3e', ' \x3ctd\x3ctpl if\x3d"cls"\x3e class\x3d"{cls}"\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3ctpl if\x3d"mergeAcross"\x3e colSpan\x3d"{mergeAcross}"\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3ctpl if\x3d"mergeDown"\x3e rowSpan\x3d"{mergeDown}"\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3e{value}\x3c/td\x3e\n', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', ' \x3c/tr\x3e\n', '\x3c/tpl\x3e', ' \x3c/tbody\x3e\n', ' \x3ctfoot\x3e\n', ' \x3ctr\x3e\n', ' \x3cth\x3ctpl if\x3d"table.columnsCount"\x3e colSpan\x3d"{table.columnsCount}"\x3c/tpl\x3e\x3e\x26nbsp;\x3c/th\x3e\n', ' \x3c/tr\x3e\n', ' \x3c/tfoot\x3e\n', ' \x3c/table\x3e\n', ' \x3c/body\x3e\n', '\x3c/html\x3e'], defaultStyle:{name:'table tbody td, table thead th', alignment:{vertical:'Top'}, font:{fontName:'Arial', size:12, color:'#000000'}, borders:[{position:'Left', lineStyle:'Continuous', weight:1, color:'#4F81BD'}, {position:'Right', lineStyle:'Continuous', weight:1, color:'#4F81BD'}]}, titleStyle:{name:'h1', font:{fontName:'Arial', size:18, color:'#1F497D'}}, groupHeaderStyle:{name:'.groupHeader td', borders:[{position:'Top', lineStyle:'Continuous', weight:1, color:'#4F81BD'}, {position:'Bottom', lineStyle:'Continuous', weight:1, color:'#4F81BD'}]}, groupFooterStyle:{name:'.groupFooter td', borders:[{position:'Bottom', lineStyle:'Continuous', weight:1, color:'#4F81BD'}]}, tableHeaderStyle:{name:'table thead th', alignment:{horizontal:'Center', vertical:'Center'}, borders:[{position:'Top', lineStyle:'Continuous', weight:1, color:'#4F81BD'}, {position:'Bottom', lineStyle:'Continuous', weight:1, color:'#4F81BD'}], font:{fontName:'Arial', size:12, color:'#1F497D'}}, tableFooterStyle:{name:'table tfoot th', borders:[{position:'Top', lineStyle:'Continuous', weight:1, color:'#4F81BD'}]}}, fileName:'export.html', mimeType:'text/html', getContent:function() { var me = this, config = me.getConfig(), data = config.data, table = {columnsCount:0, columns:[], rows:[]}, colMerge, html; me.doc = new Ext.exporter.file.html.Doc({title:config.title, author:config.author, tpl:config.tpl, styles:[config.defaultStyle, config.titleStyle, config.groupHeaderStyle, config.groupFooterStyle, config.tableHeaderStyle, config.tableFooterStyle]}); if (data) { colMerge = data.getColumnCount(); Ext.apply(table, {columnsCount:data.getColumnCount(), columns:me.buildHeader(), rows:me.buildRows(data, colMerge, 0)}); } me.doc.setTable(table); html = me.doc.render(); me.doc = me.columnStyles = Ext.destroy(me.doc); return html; }, buildRows:function(group, colMerge, level) { var me = this, showSummary = me._showSummary, result = [], groups, row, i, j, k, gLen, rLen, cLen, cell, r, cells, oneLine, style, text; if (!group) { return result; } me.doc.addStyle({id:'.levelHeader' + level, name:'.levelHeader' + level, alignment:{Horizontal:'Left', Indent:(level > 0 ? level : 0) * 5}}); me.doc.addStyle({id:'.levelFooter' + level, name:'.levelFooter' + level, alignment:{Horizontal:'Left', Indent:(level > 0 ? level : 0) * 5}}); groups = group._groups; text = group._text; oneLine = !groups && !group._rows; if (!Ext.isEmpty(text) && !oneLine) { result.push({cls:'groupHeader', cells:[{value:text, mergeAcross:colMerge, cls:'levelHeader' + level}]}); } if (groups) { gLen = groups.length; for (i = 0; i < gLen; i++) { Ext.Array.insert(result, result.length, me.buildRows(groups.items[i], colMerge, level + 1)); } } if (group._rows) { rLen = group._rows.length; for (j = 0; j < rLen; j++) { row = []; r = group._rows.items[j]; cells = r._cells; cLen = cells.length; for (k = 0; k < cLen; k++) { cell = cells.items[k].getConfig(); style = me.columnStyles[k]; if (style) { cell.cls = style._id + (cell.style ? ' ' + me.doc.addStyle(cell.style)._id : ''); cell.value = style.getFormattedValue(cell.value); } row.push(cell); } result.push({cells:row}); } } if (group._summaries && (showSummary || oneLine)) { rLen = group._summaries.length; for (j = 0; j < rLen; j++) { row = []; r = group._summaries.items[j]; cells = r._cells; cLen = cells.length; for (k = 0; k < cLen; k++) { cell = cells.items[k].getConfig(); style = me.columnStyles[k]; cell.cls = k === 0 ? 'levelFooter' + level : ''; if (style) { cell.cls += ' ' + style.getId() + (cell.style ? ' ' + me.doc.addStyle(cell.style).getId() : ''); cell.value = style.getFormattedValue(cell.value); } row.push(cell); } result.push({cls:'groupFooter' + (oneLine ? ' groupHeader' : ''), cells:row}); } } return result; }, buildHeader:function() { var me = this, ret = {}, data = me.getData(), arr, lenCells, i, style; me.buildHeaderRows(data.getColumns(), ret); arr = data.getBottomColumns(); lenCells = arr.length; me.columnStyles = []; for (i = 0; i < lenCells; i++) { style = arr[i].getStyle() || {}; if (!style.id) { style.id = Ext.id(); } style.name = '.' + style.id; me.columnStyles.push(me.doc.addStyle(style)); } return Ext.Object.getValues(ret); }, buildHeaderRows:function(columns, result) { var col, i, len, name, s; if (!columns) { return; } len = columns.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { col = columns.items[i].getConfig(); name = 's' + col.level; result[name] = result[name] || []; if (col.mergeAcross) { col.mergeAcross++; } if (col.mergeDown) { col.mergeDown++; } result[name].push(col); this.buildHeaderRows(col.columns, result); } }}); Ext.define('Ext.exporter.text.TSV', {extend:'Ext.exporter.text.CSV', alias:'exporter.tsv', requires:['Ext.util.TSV'], getHelper:function() { return Ext.util.TSV; }}); Ext.define('Ext.grid.plugin.BaseExporter', {extend:'Ext.exporter.Plugin', prepareData:function(config) { var me = this, store = me.cmp.getStore(), table = new Ext.exporter.data.Table, result, columns; result = me.getColumnHeaders(config, me.getGridColumns()); table.setColumns(result.headers); if (!store || store && store.destroyed) { return table; } if (store && store.isBufferedStore) { Ext.raise("BufferedStore can't be exported because it doesn't have all data available"); } columns = me.prepareDataIndexColumns(config, result.dataIndexes); if (store.isTreeStore) { me.extractNodeData(config, table, columns, store.getRoot()); } else { if (config && config.includeGroups && store.isGrouped()) { me.extractData(config, table, columns, store.getGroups()); me.extractSummaryRow(config, table, columns, store); } else { me.extractRows(config, table, columns, store); } } return table; }, getColumnHeaders:function(config, columns) { var cols = [], dataIndexes = [], len = columns.length, i, result; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { result = this.getColumnHeader(config, columns[i]); if (result) { cols.push(result.header); Ext.Array.insert(dataIndexes, dataIndexes.length, result.dataIndexes); } } return {headers:cols, dataIndexes:dataIndexes}; }, getGridColumns:function() { return []; }, getColumnHeader:Ext.emptyFn, prepareDataIndexColumns:function(config, dataIndexes) { var len = dataIndexes.length, columns = [], i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { columns.push(this.prepareDataIndexColumn(config, dataIndexes[i])); } return columns; }, prepareDataIndexColumn:function(config, column) { return {column:column, fn:Ext.emptyFn}; }, extractData:function(config, group, columns, collection) { var i, len, children, storeGroup, tableGroup; if (!collection) { return; } len = collection.getCount(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { storeGroup = collection.getAt(i); children = storeGroup.getGroups(); tableGroup = group.addGroup({text:storeGroup.getGroupKey()}); if (children) { this.extractData(config, tableGroup, columns, children); } else { this.extractRows(config, tableGroup, columns, storeGroup); } } }, extractNodeData:function(config, group, columns, node) { var me = this, store = me.cmp.getStore(), lenCols = columns.length, i, j, record, row, cell, column, children, len; if (node && node.hasChildNodes()) { children = node.childNodes; len = children.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { record = children[i]; row = {cells:[]}; for (j = 0; j < lenCols; j++) { column = columns[j]; cell = me.getCell(store, record, column) || {value:null}; if (column.column.isTreeColumn && cell) { cell.style = Ext.merge(cell.style || {}, {alignment:{indent:record.getDepth() - 1}}); } row.cells.push(cell); } group.addRow(row); if (record.hasChildNodes()) { me.extractNodeData(config, group, columns, record); } } } }, extractRows:function(config, group, columns, collection) { var cmp = this.cmp, store = cmp.getStore(), len = collection.getCount(), lenCols = columns.length, rows = [], i, j, record, row, cell; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { record = collection.getAt(i); row = {cells:[]}; for (j = 0; j < lenCols; j++) { cell = this.getCell(store, record, columns[j]); row.cells.push(cell || {value:null}); } rows.push(row); } group.setRows(rows); this.extractSummaryRow(config, group, columns, collection); }, extractSummaryRow:function(config, group, columns, collection) { var lenCols = columns.length, i, record, row, cell; if (config.includeSummary) { row = {cells:[]}; record = this.getSummaryRecord(collection, columns); for (i = 0; i < lenCols; i++) { cell = this.getSummaryCell(collection, record, columns[i]); row.cells.push(cell || {value:null}); } group.setSummaries(row); } }, getCell:Ext.emptyFn, getSummaryCell:Ext.emptyFn, getSummaryRecord:function(collection, columns) { var len = columns.length, summaryRecord = collection.getSummaryRecord(), record = new Ext.data.Model({id:'summary-record'}), i, colDef, records; record.beginEdit(); record.set(summaryRecord.getData()); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { colDef = columns[i]; if (colDef.summary) { records = collection.isStore ? collection.data.items.slice() : collection.items.slice(); record.set(colDef.summaryIndex, colDef.summary.calculate(records, colDef.summaryIndex, 'data', 0, records.length)); } else { if (colDef.summaryType) { record.set(colDef.summaryIndex, this.getSummary(collection, colDef.summaryType, colDef.summaryIndex)); } } } record.endEdit(); record.commit(true); return record; }, getSummary:function(item, type, field) { var isStore = item.isStore; if (type) { if (Ext.isFunction(type)) { if (isStore) { return item.aggregate(type, null, false, [field]); } else { return item.aggregate(field, type); } } switch(type) { case 'count': return item.count(); case 'min': return item.min(field); case 'max': return item.max(field); case 'sum': return item.sum(field); case 'average': return item.average(field); default: return null; } } }}); Ext.define('Ext.grid.plugin.Exporter', {alias:['plugin.gridexporter'], extend:'Ext.grid.plugin.BaseExporter', lockableScope:'top', getGridColumns:function() { var grid = this.cmp, columns = []; if (grid.lockedGrid) { Ext.Array.insert(columns, columns.length, grid.lockedGrid.headerCt.items.items); Ext.Array.insert(columns, columns.length, grid.normalGrid.headerCt.items.items); } else { Ext.Array.insert(columns, columns.length, grid.headerCt.items.items); } return columns; }, getColumnHeader:function(config, column) { var dataIndexes = [], obj, result, style, width; if (!column.hidden && !column.ignoreExport) { style = this.getExportStyle(column.exportStyle, config); width = column.getWidth(); if (style) { width = style.width || width; } obj = {text:column.text, width:width, style:style}; if (column.isGroupHeader) { result = this.getColumnHeaders(config, column.items.items); obj.columns = result.headers; if (obj.columns.length === 0) { obj = null; } else { Ext.Array.insert(dataIndexes, dataIndexes.length, result.dataIndexes); } } else { dataIndexes.push(column); } } if (obj) { return {header:obj, dataIndexes:dataIndexes}; } }, prepareDataIndexColumn:function(config, column) { var fn = Ext.identityFn, summaryFn = Ext.identityFn, style = this.getExportStyle(column.exportStyle, config); if (!style || style && !style.format) { fn = this.getSpecialFn({renderer:'renderer', exportRenderer:'exportRenderer', formatter:'formatter'}, column) || fn; summaryFn = this.getSpecialFn({renderer:'summaryRenderer', exportRenderer:'exportSummaryRenderer', formatter:'summaryFormatter'}, column) || fn; } return {dataIndex:column.dataIndex, column:column, fn:fn, summaryType:column.summaryType, summaryIndex:column.dataIndex, summaryFn:summaryFn, colIndex:Ext.Array.indexOf(this.cmp.getVisibleColumns(), column)}; }, getSpecialFn:function(names, column) { var exportRenderer = column[names.exportRenderer], renderer = column[names.renderer], formatter = column[names.formatter], fn, scope, tempFn; scope = column.rendererScope || column.scope || column; tempFn = exportRenderer; if (column.initialConfig[names.formatter] && !formatter && !tempFn) { fn = renderer; } else { if (tempFn === true) { tempFn = renderer; } if (typeof tempFn == 'string') { fn = function() { return Ext.callback(tempFn, scope, arguments, 0, column); }; } else { if (typeof tempFn == 'function') { fn = function() { return tempFn.apply(scope, arguments); }; } } } return fn; }, getCell:function(store, record, colDef) { var v = record.get(colDef.dataIndex); return {value:colDef.fn(v, null, record, store.indexOf(record), colDef.colIndex, store, this.cmp.getView())}; }, getSummaryCell:function(collection, record, colDef) { var v = record.get(colDef.dataIndex); return {value:colDef.summaryFn(v, null, record, -1, colDef.colIndex, collection, this.cmp.getView())}; }});