/** * Simplified Chinese translation * By DavidHu * 09 April 2007 * * update by andy_ghg * 2009-10-22 15:00:57 */ Ext.onReady(function() { var parseCodes; if (Ext.Date) { Ext.Date.monthNames = ["一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月"]; Ext.Date.dayNames = ["星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"]; Ext.Date.formatCodes.a = "(this.getHours() < 12 ? '上午' : '下午')"; Ext.Date.formatCodes.A = "(this.getHours() < 12 ? '上午' : '下午')"; parseCodes = { g: 1, c: "if (/(上午)/i.test(results[{0}])) {\n" + "if (!h || h == 12) { h = 0; }\n" + "} else { if (!h || h < 12) { h = (h || 0) + 12; }}", s: "(上午|下午)", calcAtEnd: true }; Ext.Date.parseCodes.a = Ext.Date.parseCodes.A = parseCodes; } if (Ext.util && Ext.util.Format) { Ext.apply(Ext.util.Format, { thousandSeparator: ',', decimalSeparator: '.', currencySign: '\u00a5', // Chinese Yuan dateFormat: 'y年m月d日' }); } }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.view.View", { override: "Ext.view.View", emptyText: "" }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.grid.plugin.DragDrop", { override: "Ext.grid.plugin.DragDrop", dragText: "选择了 {0} 行" }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.tab.Tab", { override: "Ext.tab.Tab", closeText: "关闭此标签" }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.form.field.Base", { override: "Ext.form.field.Base", invalidText: "输入值非法" }); // changing the msg text below will affect the LoadMask Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.view.AbstractView", { override: "Ext.view.AbstractView", loadingText: "讀取中..." }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.picker.Date", { override: "Ext.picker.Date", todayText: "今天", minText: "日期必须大于最小允许日期", //update maxText: "日期必须小于最大允许日期", //update disabledDaysText: "", disabledDatesText: "", nextText: '下个月 (Ctrl+Right)', prevText: '上个月 (Ctrl+Left)', monthYearText: '选择一个月 (Control+Up/Down 来改变年份)', //update todayTip: "{0} (空格键选择)", format: "y年m月d日", ariaTitle: '{0}', ariaTitleDateFormat: 'Y\u5e74m\u6708d\u65e5', longDayFormat: 'Y\u5e74m\u6708d\u65e5', monthYearFormat: 'Y\u5e74m\u6708', getDayInitial: function (value) { // Grab the last character return value.substr(value.length - 1); } }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.picker.Month", { override: "Ext.picker.Month", okText: "确定", cancelText: "取消" }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.toolbar.Paging", { override: "Ext.PagingToolbar", beforePageText: "第", //update afterPageText: "页,共 {0} 页", //update firstText: "第一页", prevText: "上一页", //update nextText: "下一页", lastText: "最后页", refreshText: "刷新", displayMsg: "显示 {0} - {1}条,共 {2} 条", //update emptyMsg: '没有数据' }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.form.field.Text", { override: "Ext.form.field.Text", minLengthText: "该输入项的最小长度是 {0} 个字符", maxLengthText: "该输入项的最大长度是 {0} 个字符", blankText: "该输入项为必输项", regexText: "", emptyText: null }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.form.field.Number", { override: "Ext.form.field.Number", minText: "该输入项的最小值是 {0}", maxText: "该输入项的最大值是 {0}", nanText: "{0} 不是有效数值" }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.form.field.Date", { override: "Ext.form.field.Date", disabledDaysText: "禁用", disabledDatesText: "禁用", minText: "该输入项的日期必须在 {0} 之后", maxText: "该输入项的日期必须在 {0} 之前", invalidText: "{0} 是无效的日期 - 必须符合格式: {1}", format: "y年m月d日" }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.form.field.ComboBox", { override: "Ext.form.field.ComboBox", valueNotFoundText: undefined }, function() { Ext.apply(Ext.form.field.ComboBox.prototype.defaultListConfig, { loadingText: "读取中..." }); }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.form.field.VTypes", { override: "Ext.form.field.VTypes", emailText: '该输入项必须是电子邮件地址,格式如: "user@example.com"', urlText: '该输入项必须是URL地址,格式如: "http:/' + '/www.example.com"', alphaText: '该输入项只能包含半角字母和_', alphanumText: '该输入项只能包含半角字母,数字和_' }); //add HTMLEditor's tips by andy_ghg Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.form.field.HtmlEditor", { override: "Ext.form.field.HtmlEditor", createLinkText: '添加超级链接:' }, function() { Ext.apply(Ext.form.field.HtmlEditor.prototype, { buttonTips: { bold: { title: '粗体 (Ctrl+B)', text: '将选中的文字设置为粗体', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'html-editor-tip' }, italic: { title: '斜体 (Ctrl+I)', text: '将选中的文字设置为斜体', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'html-editor-tip' }, underline: { title: '下划线 (Ctrl+U)', text: '给所选文字加下划线', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'html-editor-tip' }, increasefontsize: { title: '增大字体', text: '增大字号', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'html-editor-tip' }, decreasefontsize: { title: '缩小字体', text: '减小字号', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'html-editor-tip' }, backcolor: { title: '以不同颜色突出显示文本', text: '使文字看上去像是用荧光笔做了标记一样', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'html-editor-tip' }, forecolor: { title: '字体颜色', text: '更改字体颜色', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'html-editor-tip' }, justifyleft: { title: '左对齐', text: '将文字左对齐', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'html-editor-tip' }, justifycenter: { title: '居中', text: '将文字居中对齐', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'html-editor-tip' }, justifyright: { title: '右对齐', text: '将文字右对齐', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'html-editor-tip' }, insertunorderedlist: { title: '项目符号', text: '开始创建项目符号列表', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'html-editor-tip' }, insertorderedlist: { title: '编号', text: '开始创建编号列表', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'html-editor-tip' }, createlink: { title: '转成超级链接', text: '将所选文本转换成超级链接', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'html-editor-tip' }, sourceedit: { title: '代码视图', text: '以代码的形式展现文本', cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'html-editor-tip' } } }); }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.grid.header.Container", { override: "Ext.grid.header.Container", sortAscText: "正序", //update sortDescText: "倒序", //update lockText: "锁定列", //update unlockText: "解除锁定", //update columnsText: "列" }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.grid.PropertyColumnModel", { override: "Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel", nameText: "名称", valueText: "值", dateFormat: "y年m月d日" }); Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.window.MessageBox", { override: "Ext.window.MessageBox", buttonText: { ok: "确定", cancel: "取消", yes: "是", no: "否" } }); // This is needed until we can refactor all of the locales into individual files Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_CN.Component", { override: "Ext.Component" });