topSuite("Ext.chart.AbstractChart", ['Ext.chart.*', ''], function() { var chart, store; var Model = Ext.define(null, { extend: '', fields: ['label', 'value'] }); function makeStore(rows) { var data = [], i; for (i = 1; i <= rows; ++i) { data.push({ label: 'Item' + i, value: i }); } store = new{ model: Model, data: data }); } beforeEach(function() { // Tons of warnings regarding Sencha download server in the console spyOn(Ext.log, 'warn'); }); afterEach(function() { store = chart = Ext.destroy(chart, store); // cleanup gradients Ext.draw.gradient.GradientDefinition.gradients = {}; }); it('is defined', function() { expect(Ext.chart.AbstractChart).toBeDefined(); }); describe("stores", function() { function makeChart(storeOnSeries, chartCfg, seriesCfg) { var cfg = Ext.apply({ xtype: 'cartesian', axes: [{ type: 'numeric', position: 'left' }, { type: 'category', position: 'bottom' }], animation: false, series: Ext.apply({ type: 'bar', xField: 'label', yField: 'value' }, seriesCfg) }, chartCfg); if (storeOnSeries) { if (! { = makeStore(3); } } else { if (! { = makeStore(3); } } chart = new Ext.chart.CartesianChart(cfg); } function extractHasListeners(o) { var ret = {}, key; for (key in o) { ret[key] = o[key]; } delete ret._decr_; delete ret._incr_; return ret; } describe("store on the chart", function() { function makeStoreChart(chartCfg, seriesCfg) { makeChart(false, chartCfg, seriesCfg); } describe("configuration", function() { it("should accept a store id", function() { store = new{ model: Model, storeId: 'foo' }); makeStoreChart({ store: 'foo' }); expect(chart.getStore()).toBe(store); }); it("should accept a store config", function() { makeStoreChart({ store: { model: Model, data: [{}] } }); expect(chart.getStore().getCount()).toBe(1); expect(chart.getStore().getModel()).toBe(Model); }); it("should accept a store instance", function() { makeStore(10); makeStoreChart({ store: store }); expect(chart.getStore()).toBe(store); }); }); describe("destruction", function() { it("should remove all listeners", function() { makeStore(3); var listeners = extractHasListeners(store.hasListeners); makeStoreChart({ store: store }); chart.destroy(); expect(extractHasListeners(store.hasListeners)).toEqual(listeners); }); it("should not destroy the store by default", function() { makeStore(3); makeStoreChart({ store: store }); chart.destroy(); expect(store.destroyed).toBe(false); }); it("should destroy the store when the store has autoDestroy: true", function() { makeStore(3); store.setAutoDestroy(true); makeStoreChart({ store: store }); chart.destroy(); expect(store.destroyed).toBe(true); }); }); describe("change", function () { it("should fire 'storechange' event", function () { var isFired = false, store1 = new{ model: Model }), store2 = new{ model: Model }), param1, param2, param3; makeStoreChart({ store: store1 }); chart.on('storechange', function (chart, newStore, oldStore) { isFired = true; param1 = chart; param2 = newStore; param3 = oldStore; }); chart.setStore(store2); expect(isFired).toEqual(true); expect(param1).toEqual(chart); expect(param2).toEqual(store2); expect(param3).toEqual(store1); }); }); }); describe("store on the series", function() { function makeSeriesChart(chartCfg, seriesCfg) { makeChart(true, chartCfg, seriesCfg); } describe("configuration", function() { it("should accept a store id", function() { store = new{ model: Model, storeId: 'foo' }); makeSeriesChart(null, { store: 'foo' }); expect(chart.getStore().isEmptyStore).toBe(true); expect(chart.getSeries()[0].getStore()).toBe(store); }); it("should accept a store config", function() { makeSeriesChart(null, { store: { model: Model, data: [{}] } }); expect(chart.getStore().isEmptyStore).toBe(true); expect(chart.getSeries()[0].getStore().getCount()).toBe(1); expect(chart.getSeries()[0].getStore().getModel()).toBe(Model); }); it("should accept a store instance", function() { makeStore(10); makeSeriesChart(null, { store: store }); expect(chart.getStore().isEmptyStore).toBe(true); expect(chart.getSeries()[0].getStore()).toBe(store); }); }); describe("destruction", function() { it("should remove all listeners", function() { makeStore(3); var listeners = extractHasListeners(store.hasListeners); makeSeriesChart(null, { store: store }); chart.destroy(); expect(extractHasListeners(store.hasListeners)).toEqual(listeners); }); it("should not destroy the store by default", function() { makeStore(3); makeSeriesChart(null, { store: store }); chart.destroy(); expect(store.destroyed).toBe(false); }); it("should destroy the store when the store has autoDestroy: true", function() { makeStore(3); store.setAutoDestroy(true); makeSeriesChart(null, { store: store }); chart.destroy(); expect(store.destroyed).toBe(true); }); it("should not destroy the store when destroying the series by default", function() { makeStore(3); makeSeriesChart(null, { store: store }); chart.setSeries([{ type: 'bar', xField: 'label', yField: 'value' }]); expect(store.destroyed).toBe(false); }); it("should destroy the store when destroying the series when the store has autoDestroy: true", function() { makeStore(3); store.setAutoDestroy(true); makeSeriesChart(null, { store: store }); chart.setSeries([{ type: 'bar', xField: 'label', yField: 'value' }]); expect(store.destroyed).toBe(true); }); }); describe("change", function () { it("should fire 'storechange' event", function () { var isFired = false, store1 = new{ model: Model }), store2 = new{ model: Model }), series, param1, param2, param3; makeSeriesChart(null, { store: store1 }); series = chart.getSeries()[0]; series.on('storechange', function (series, newStore, oldStore) { isFired = true; param1 = series; param2 = newStore; param3 = oldStore; }); series.setStore(store2); expect(isFired).toEqual(true); expect(param1).toEqual(series); expect(param2).toEqual(store2); expect(param3).toEqual(store1); }); }); }); }); describe('adding and removing series', function() { var layoutDone; beforeEach(function() { store = new{ fields: ['x', 'y', 'z'], data: [ {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}, {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} ] }); chart = new Ext.chart.CartesianChart({ renderTo: Ext.getBody(), width: 400, height: 400, store: store, axes: [{ position: 'left', type: 'numeric' }, { position: 'bottom', type: 'numeric' }], listeners: { layout: function () { layoutDone = true; } } }); }); afterEach(function () { layoutDone = false; }); it('should start with no series', function() { expect(chart.getSeries().length).toBe(0); }); it('should add and remove series using setSeries', function() { var series; waitsFor(function () { return layoutDone; }); runs(function () { layoutDone = false; chart.setSeries([{ type: 'line', xField: 'x', yField: 'y', id: 'xySeries' }]); }); waitsFor(function () { return layoutDone; }); runs(function () { layoutDone = false; series = chart.getSeries(); expect(series.length).toBe(1); expect(series[0].getId()).toBe('xySeries'); chart.setSeries([{ type: 'line', xField: 'x', yField: 'z', id: 'xzSeries' }]); }); waitsFor(function () { return layoutDone; }); runs(function () { layoutDone = false; series = chart.getSeries(); expect(series.length).toBe(1); expect(series[0].getId()).toBe('xzSeries'); }); }); it('should add series using addSeries', function() { var series; waitsFor(function () { return layoutDone; }); runs(function () { layoutDone = false; chart.addSeries([{ type: 'line', xField: 'x', yField: 'y', id: 'xySeries' }]); }); waitsFor(function () { return layoutDone; }); runs(function () { layoutDone = false; series = chart.getSeries(); expect(series.length).toBe(1); expect(series[0].getId()).toBe('xySeries'); chart.addSeries({ type: 'line', xField: 'x', yField: 'z', id: 'xzSeries' }); }); waitsFor(function () { return layoutDone; }); runs(function () { layoutDone = false; series = chart.getSeries(); expect(series.length).toBe(2); expect(series[0].getId()).toBe('xySeries'); expect(series[1].getId()).toBe('xzSeries'); }); }); it('should remove series using removeSeries', function() { var series; waitsFor(function () { return layoutDone; }); runs(function () { layoutDone = false; chart.addSeries([{ type: 'line', xField: 'x', yField: 'y', id: 'xySeries' }, { type: 'line', xField: 'x', yField: 'z', id: 'xzSeries' }]); }); waitsFor(function () { return layoutDone; }); runs(function () { layoutDone = false; series = chart.getSeries(); expect(series.length).toBe(2); expect(series[0].getId()).toBe('xySeries'); expect(series[1].getId()).toBe('xzSeries'); // Remove Series id "xySeries", should leave only "xzSeries" chart.removeSeries('xySeries'); }); waitsFor(function () { return layoutDone; }); runs(function () { layoutDone = false; series = chart.getSeries(); expect(series.length).toBe(1); expect(series[0].getId()).toBe('xzSeries'); // Remove a Series by specifying the instance should leav no Series chart.removeSeries(series[0]); }); waitsFor(function () { return layoutDone; }); runs(function () { layoutDone = false; expect(chart.getSeries().length).toBe(0); }); }); }); describe('getInteraction', function () { it("should return a correct interaction based on its type", function () { makeStore(3); chart = new Ext.chart.CartesianChart({ store: store, interactions: [ { type: 'itemhighlight' }, { type: 'itemedit' }, { type: 'crosszoom' } ], axes: [{ type: 'numeric', position: 'left' }, { type: 'category', position: 'bottom' }], series: { type: 'bar', xField: 'label', yField: 'value' } }); var itemhighlight = chart.getInteraction('itemhighlight'), crosszoom = chart.getInteraction('crosszoom'), itemedit = chart.getInteraction('itemedit'); expect(itemhighlight.isItemHighlight).toBe(true); expect(crosszoom.isCrossZoom).toBe(true); expect(itemedit.isItemEdit).toBe(true); }); }); describe('processData', function () { it('should refresh legend store', function () { var layoutEnd, processDataSpy; runs(function () { chart = new Ext.chart.PolarChart({ animation: false, renderTo: document.body, width: 400, height: 400, legend: { docked: 'right' }, store: { data: [{ "name": "A", "data1": 1 }, { "name": "B", "data1": 2 }] }, series: { type: 'pie3d', angleField: 'data1', label: { field: 'name' } }, listeners: { layout: function () { layoutEnd = true; } } }); }); waitsFor(function () { return layoutEnd; }); runs(function () { layoutEnd = false; expect(chart.getLegend().getStore().getAt(0).get('name')).toBe('A'); processDataSpy = spyOn(chart, 'processData').andCallThrough(); chart.getStore().loadData([{ name: 'X', data1: 24 }, { name: 'Y', data1: 25 }]); expect(processDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(chart.getLegend().getStore().getAt(0).get('name')).toBe('X'); }); }); }); describe("update gradients", function () { beforeEach(function () { makeStore(3); chart = new Ext.chart.CartesianChart({ store: store, axes: [{ type: 'numeric', position: 'left' }, { type: 'category', position: 'bottom' }], series: { type: 'bar', xField: 'label', yField: 'value', style: { fillStyle: 'url(#foo)' } }, gradients: [{ id: 'foo', type: 'linear', degrees: 270, stops: [{ offset: 0, color: '#78C5D6' }, { offset: 0.56, color: '#F5D63D' }, { offset: 1, color: '#BF62A6' }] }] }); }); it("should create sprites with the correct gradient applied", function () { var seriesSprite = chart.getSeries()[0].sprites[0], fillStyle = seriesSprite.attr.fillStyle; expect(typeof fillStyle).toBe('object'); expect(fillStyle.isGradient).toBe(true); }); it("should update sprites when gradient has been updated", function () { var seriesSprite = chart.getSeries()[0].sprites[0], fillStyle = seriesSprite.attr.fillStyle, newGradient = [{ id: 'foo', type: 'linear', degrees: 270, stops: [{ offset: 0, color: '#000000' }, { offset: 0.56, color: '#F5D63D' }, { offset: 1, color: '#000000' }] }]; // first, make sure correct color is applied on initial construction expect(fillStyle.getStops()[0].color).toBe('#78c5d6'); // now let's update the draw container with a slightly different gradient with the same id chart.setGradients(newGradient); // theme should get updated; check sprite again seriesSprite = chart.getSeries()[0].sprites[0]; fillStyle = seriesSprite.attr.fillStyle; // should have different colors for updated gradient expect(fillStyle.getStops()[0].color).toBe('#000000'); }); }); describe('legend render checking if legend is getting rendered along with Chart', function () { afterEach(function() { chart = Ext.destroy(chart); }); it("legend should be rendered", function () { runs(function () { chart = Ext.create({ xtype: 'cartesian', renderTo: Ext.getBody(), width: 400, height: 400, innerPadding: 10, store: { fields: ['name', 'data1'], data: [[{ age: '0', value: 400 }, { age: '2', value: 150 }, { age: '4', value: 120 }, { age: '6', value: 100 }, { age: '8', value: 1500 }]] }, legend: { type: 'dom', docked: 'right' }, series: { type: 'pie', highlight: true, angleField: 'data1', donut: 30 } }); }); runs(function () { var legend = chart.getLegend(); expect(legend.rendered).toBe(true); }); }); }); });