topSuite("Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite", ['Ext.draw.*'], function() { beforeEach(function() { // Silence warnings regarding Sencha download server spyOn(Ext.log, 'warn'); }); describe('setAttributes', function () { var draw; afterEach(function () { Ext.destroy(draw); }); it('should filter out attributes properly', function () { // This actually tests many things: the setAttributes method of the sprite, // the abstract and Animation modifiers and the Animator class. var animationend; draw = new Ext.draw.Container({ renderTo: document.body, width: 200, height: 200 }); var surface = draw.getSurface(); var circle = new Ext.draw.sprite.Circle({ r: 10, cx: 100, cy: 100, fillStyle: 'red', strokeStyle: 'none' }); var animation = circle.getAnimation(); animation.setDuration(250); animation.on('animationend', function () { animationend = true; }); surface.add(circle); circle.setAttributes({ r: 90 }); surface.renderFrame(); waitsFor(function () { return animationend; }); runs(function () { expect(circle.attr.r).toBe(90); animationend = false; circle.setAttributes({ r: 50 }); // The call below should compare the value being set with the target value // at the end of animation, not the current value, which is still 90. // If this is buggy, the attribute won't be set and the animation to 50 // will be performed instead. circle.setAttributes({ r: 90 }); surface.renderFrame(); }); waitsFor(function () { return animationend; }); runs(function () { expect(circle.attr.r).toBe(90); }); }); }); describe('surface', function () { var surface; it('should remove itself from the old surface', function () { surface = new Ext.draw.Surface({ items: { type: 'rect', id: 'rect', x: 50, y: 50, width: 100, height: 100, fillStyle: 'orange' } }); var sprite = surface.get('rect'); expect(surface.getItems().length).toBe(1); sprite.setSurface(null); expect(surface.getItems().length).toBe(0); }); afterEach(function () { Ext.destroy(surface); }); }); describe('transformation matrix calculation', function () { describe('default centers of scaling and rotation', function () { it('should apply transformation in the following order: scale, rotate, translate', function () { var theta = Math.PI / 2, sin = Math.sin(theta), cos = Math.cos(theta), left = 100, top = 100, width = 100, height = 100, sx = 2, sy = 0.5, tx = 100, ty = 50, centerX = left + width / 2, centerY = top + height / 2; var rect = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect({ x: left, y: top, width: width, height: height, rotationRads: theta, scalingX: sx, scalingY: sy, translationX: tx, translationY: ty }); var referenceMatrix = [ cos * sx, sin * sx, -sin * sy, cos * sy, cos * (centerX * (1 - sx) - centerX) - sin * (centerY * (1 - sy) - centerY) + centerX + tx, sin * (centerX * (1 - sx) - centerX) + cos * (centerY * (1 - sy) - centerY) + centerY + ty ]; rect.applyTransformations(true); expect(rect.attr.matrix.elements).toEqual(referenceMatrix); }); }); describe('custom centers of scaling and rotation', function () { it('should apply transformation in the following order: scale, rotate, translate', function () { var theta = Math.PI / 2, sin = Math.sin(theta), cos = Math.cos(theta), left = 100, top = 100, width = 100, height = 100, sx = 2, sy = 0.5, tx = 100, ty = 50, scalingCenterX = 50, scalingCenterY = 50, rotationCenterX = 150, rotationCenterY = 150; var rect = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect({ x: left, y: top, width: width, height: height, rotationRads: theta, scalingX: sx, scalingY: sy, translationX: tx, translationY: ty, rotationCenterX: rotationCenterX, rotationCenterY: rotationCenterY, scalingCenterX: scalingCenterX, scalingCenterY: scalingCenterY }); var referenceMatrix = [ cos * sx, sin * sx, -sin * sy, cos * sy, cos * (scalingCenterX * (1 - sx) - rotationCenterX) - sin * (scalingCenterY * (1 - sy) - rotationCenterY) + rotationCenterX + tx, sin * (scalingCenterX * (1 - sx) - rotationCenterX) + cos * (scalingCenterY * (1 - sy) - rotationCenterY) + rotationCenterY + ty ]; rect.applyTransformations(true); expect(rect.attr.matrix.elements).toEqual(referenceMatrix); }); }); }); describe('setTransform', function () { // This is a result of scaling by (2.5, 7.5), rotating by Math.PI/4 and translating by (3,4). var elements = [1.76776695, 1.76776695, -5.30330086, 5.30330086, 3, 4], sprite; beforeEach(function () { sprite = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect(); }); afterEach(function () { Ext.destroy(sprite); }); it("should use the given elements for the transformation matrix of the sprite", function () { sprite.setTransform(elements); var matrixElements = sprite.attr.matrix.elements; expect(matrixElements).toEqual(elements); }); it("should mark the sprite and its parent as dirty", function () { var drawContainer = new Ext.draw.Container({ renderTo: Ext.getBody(), width: 200, height: 200 }); var surface = drawContainer.getSurface(); expect(surface.getDirty()).toBe(false); surface.add(sprite); expect(surface.getDirty()).toBe(true); surface.renderFrame(); expect(surface.getDirty()).toBe(false); sprite.setTransform(elements); expect(sprite.attr.dirty).toBe(true); expect(sprite.getParent().getDirty()).toBe(true); drawContainer.destroy(); }); it("should properly calculate the inverse matrix from the given matrix", function () { sprite.setTransform(elements); var inverseMatrixElements = sprite.attr.inverseMatrix.elements, precision = 8; expect(inverseMatrixElements[0]).toBeCloseTo(0.28284271, precision); expect(inverseMatrixElements[1]).toBeCloseTo(-0.0942809, precision); expect(inverseMatrixElements[2]).toBeCloseTo(0.28284271, precision); expect(inverseMatrixElements[3]).toBeCloseTo(0.0942809, precision); expect(inverseMatrixElements[4]).toBeCloseTo(-1.97989899, precision); expect(inverseMatrixElements[5]).toBeCloseTo(-0.0942809, precision); }); it("should mark bbox transform as dirty", function () { sprite.setTransform(elements); expect(sprite.attr.bbox.transform.dirty).toBe(true); }); it("should not update the transformation attributes by default", function () { var attr = sprite.attr, rotationRads = attr.rotationRads, rotationCenterX = attr.rotationCenterX, rotationCenterY = attr.rotationCenterY, scalingX = attr.scalingX, scalingY = attr.scalingY, scalingCenterX = attr.scalingCenterX, scalingCenterY = attr.scalingCenterY, translationX = attr.translationX, translationY = attr.translationY; sprite.setTransform(elements); expect(attr.rotationRads).toEqual(rotationRads); expect(attr.rotationCenterX).toEqual(rotationCenterX); expect(attr.rotationCenterY).toEqual(rotationCenterY); expect(attr.scalingX).toEqual(scalingX); expect(attr.scalingY).toEqual(scalingY); expect(attr.scalingCenterX).toEqual(scalingCenterX); expect(attr.scalingCenterY).toEqual(scalingCenterY); expect(attr.translationX).toEqual(translationX); expect(attr.translationY).toEqual(translationY); }); it("should update the transformation attributes, if explicitly asked", function () { var attr = sprite.attr, precision = 8; sprite.setTransform(elements, true); expect(attr.rotationRads).toBeCloseTo(Math.PI / 4, precision); expect(attr.rotationCenterX).toEqual(0); expect(attr.rotationCenterY).toEqual(0); expect(attr.scalingX).toBeCloseTo(2.5, precision); expect(attr.scalingY).toBeCloseTo(7.5, precision); expect(attr.scalingCenterX).toEqual(0); expect(attr.scalingCenterY).toEqual(0); expect(attr.translationX).toEqual(3); expect(attr.translationY).toEqual(4); }); it("should not modify the given array", function () { sprite.setTransform(elements); sprite.attr.matrix.rotate(Math.PI / 4); expect(elements).toEqual([1.76776695, 1.76776695, -5.30330086, 5.30330086, 3, 4]); }); it("should return the sprite itself", function () { var result = sprite.transform([1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100]); expect(result).toEqual(sprite); }); }); describe('resetTransform', function () { var spriteConfig = { type: 'rect', x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100, rotationCenterX: 0, rotationCenterY: 0, rotationRads: Math.PI / 3, scalingCenterX: 0, scalingCenterY: 0, scalingX: 2, scalingY: 3, translationX: 50, translationY: 50 }; it("should mark the sprite and its parent as dirty", function () { var drawContainer = new Ext.draw.Container({ renderTo: Ext.getBody(), width: 200, height: 200 }); var surface = drawContainer.getSurface(); expect(surface.getDirty()).toBe(false); var sprite = surface.add(spriteConfig); expect(surface.getDirty()).toBe(true); surface.renderFrame(); expect(surface.getDirty()).toBe(false); sprite.resetTransform(); expect(sprite.attr.dirty).toBe(true); expect(sprite.getParent().getDirty()).toBe(true); drawContainer.destroy(); }); it("should reset the transformation matrix and its reverse to the identity matrix", function () { var sprite = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect(spriteConfig), identityMatrixElements = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; sprite.applyTransformations(true); expect(sprite.attr.matrix.elements).not.toEqual(identityMatrixElements); sprite.resetTransform(); expect(sprite.attr.matrix.elements).toEqual(identityMatrixElements); expect(sprite.attr.inverseMatrix.elements).toEqual(identityMatrixElements); sprite.destroy(); }); it("should return the sprite itself", function () { var sprite = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect(), result = sprite.transform([1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100]); expect(result).toEqual(sprite); sprite.destroy(); }); }); describe('transform', function () { it("should multiply the given matrix with the current transformation matrix", function () { var sprite = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect(), precision = 12; sprite.attr.matrix.elements = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; sprite.transform([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); expect(sprite.attr.matrix.elements).toEqual([7, 10, 15, 22, 28, 40]); var inverseMatrixElements = sprite.attr.inverseMatrix.elements; expect(inverseMatrixElements[0]).toBeCloseTo(5.5, precision); expect(inverseMatrixElements[1]).toBeCloseTo(-2.5, precision); expect(inverseMatrixElements[2]).toBeCloseTo(-3.75, precision); expect(inverseMatrixElements[3]).toBeCloseTo(1.75, precision); expect(inverseMatrixElements[4]).toBeCloseTo(-4, precision); expect(inverseMatrixElements[5]).toBeCloseTo(0, precision); }); it("should pre-multiply the current matrix with the given matrix", function () { var sprite = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect(), scale = [2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0], translate = [1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100], p = [2, 4], tp; // Initially, sprite's matrix is identity matrix. // First scale the grid, then translate. // S * T * I = identity.prepend(translate).prepend(scale) sprite.transform(translate).transform(scale); expect(sprite.attr.matrix.elements).toEqual([2, 0, 0, 3, 200, 300]); tp = sprite.attr.matrix.transformPoint(p); // Transformed point in original grid coordinates. expect(tp).toEqual([204, 312]); sprite.resetTransform(); // First translate the grid, then scale. // T * S * I = identity.prepend(scale).prepend(translate) sprite.transform(scale).transform(translate); expect(sprite.attr.matrix.elements).toEqual([2, 0, 0, 3, 100, 100]); tp = sprite.attr.matrix.transformPoint(p); expect(tp).toEqual([104, 112]); sprite.destroy(); }); it("should return the sprite itself", function () { var sprite = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect(), result = sprite.transform([1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100]); expect(result).toEqual(sprite); sprite.destroy(); }); }); describe('remove', function () { it("should remove itself from the surface, returning itself or null (if already removed)", function () { var surface = new Ext.draw.Surface({}), sprite = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect({}), id = sprite.getId(), result; surface.add(sprite); result = sprite.remove(); expect(surface.getItems().length).toBe(0); expect(surface.get(id)).toBe(undefined); expect(result).toEqual(sprite); result = sprite.remove(); // sprite with no surface, expect not to throw expect(result).toBe(null); sprite.destroy(); surface.destroy(); }); }); describe('destroy', function () { it("should remove itself from the surface", function () { var surface = new Ext.draw.Surface({}), sprite = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect({}), id = sprite.getId(); surface.add(sprite); sprite.destroy(); expect(surface.getItems().length).toBe(0); expect(surface.get(id)).toBe(undefined); surface.destroy(); }); }); describe("isVisible", function () { var none = 'none', rgba_none = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', sprite, surface, container; beforeEach(function () { container = new Ext.draw.Container({ renderTo: Ext.getBody() }); surface = new Ext.draw.Surface(); sprite = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect({ hidden: false, globalAlpha: 1, fillOpacity: 1, strokeOpacity: 1, fillStyle: 'red', strokeStyle: 'red' }); surface.add(sprite); container.add(surface); }); afterEach(function () { Ext.destroy(sprite, surface, container); }); it("should return true if the sprite belongs to a visible parent, false otherwise", function () { expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(true); surface.remove(sprite); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(false); var instancing = new Ext.draw.sprite.Instancing({ template: sprite }); surface.add(instancing); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(true); instancing.destroy(); }); it("should return false if the sprite belongs to a parent that doesn't belong to a surface", function () { var instancing = new Ext.draw.sprite.Instancing({ template: sprite }); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(false); }); it("should return false in case the sprite is hidden", function () { sprite.hide(); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(false); }); it("should return false in case the sprite has no fillStyle and strokeStyle, true otherwise", function () { sprite.setAttributes({ fillStyle: none }); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(true); sprite.setAttributes({ fillStyle: rgba_none }); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(true); sprite.setAttributes({ fillStyle: 'red', strokeStyle: none }); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(true); sprite.setAttributes({ strokeStyle: rgba_none }); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(true); sprite.setAttributes({ fillStyle: none, strokeStyle: none }); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(false); sprite.setAttributes({ fillStyle: none, strokeStyle: rgba_none }); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(false); sprite.setAttributes({ fillStyle: rgba_none, strokeStyle: none }); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(false); sprite.setAttributes({ fillStyle: rgba_none, strokeStyle: rgba_none }); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(false); }); it("should return false if the globalAlpha attribute is zero", function () { sprite.setAttributes({ globalAlpha: 0 }); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(false); }); it("should return false if both fill and stroke are completely transparent, true otherwise", function () { sprite.setAttributes({ fillOpacity: 0, strokeOpacity: 0 }); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(false); sprite.setAttributes({ fillOpacity: 0, strokeOpacity: 0.01 }); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(true); sprite.setAttributes({ fillOpacity: 0.01, strokeOpacity: 0 }); expect(sprite.isVisible()).toBe(true); }); }); describe("hitTest", function () { var sprite, surface, container; beforeEach(function () { container = new Ext.draw.Container({ renderTo: Ext.getBody() }); surface = new Ext.draw.Surface(); sprite = new Ext.draw.sprite.Circle({ hidden: false, globalAlpha: 1, fillOpacity: 1, strokeOpacity: 1, fillStyle: 'red', strokeStyle: 'red', r: 100, cx: 100, cy: 100 }); surface.add(sprite); container.add(surface); }); afterEach(function () { Ext.destroy(sprite, surface, container); }); it("should return an object with the 'sprite' property set to the sprite itself, " + "if the sprite is visible and its bounding box is hit", function () { // Testing hitTest method of the abstract Sprite class. // Even though, (10,10) is not inside the circle, it's inside it's bounding box. var result =, [10, 10]); expect(result && result.sprite).toBe(sprite); }); it("should return null, if the sprite's bounding box is hit, but the sprite is not visible", function () { var originalMethod = sprite.isVisible; sprite.isVisible = function () { return false; }; var result =, [10, 10]); expect(result).toBe(null); sprite.isVisible = originalMethod; }); it("should return null, if the sprite is visible, but it's bounding box is not hit", function () { var result =, [210, 210]); expect(result).toBe(null); }); }); describe("getAnimation", function () { it("should return the stored reference to the sprite's animation modifier", function () { var sprite = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect(); expect(sprite.getAnimation()).toEqual(sprite.modifiers.animation); }); }); describe("setAnimation", function () { it("should set the config of the Animation modifier of a sprite", function () { var sprite = new Ext.draw.sprite.Rect(); var config = { duration: 2000, easing: 'bounceOut', customEasings: { x: 'linear' }, customDurations: { y: 1000 } }; sprite.setAnimation(config); var actualConfig = sprite.modifiers.animation.getInitialConfig(); expect(actualConfig.duration).toEqual(config.duration); expect(actualConfig.easing).toEqual(config.easing); expect(actualConfig.customEasings).toEqual(config.customEasings); expect(actualConfig.customDurations).toEqual(config.customDurations); }); }); });