BenchQueryPanel.js 1.8 KB

  1. Ext.define('make.view.osmake.osMakeScrap.BenchQueryPanel', {
  2. extend: 'saas.view.core.bench.Query',
  3. xtype: 'osmake-osmakescrap-benchpanel',
  4. viewModel: {
  5. extend: 'saas.view.core.bench.QueryModel',
  6. stores: {
  7. menus: {
  8. model: 'saas.model.core.benchMenu',
  9. data: [
  10. {desc: '待报废',isCount: 1},
  11. {desc: '已报废',isCount: 0}
  12. ]
  13. }
  14. }
  15. },
  16. caller:'OsMakeScrap',
  17. hiddenMe:true,
  18. items: [
  19. {
  20. itemId: 'All',
  21. xtype: 'osmake-osmakescrap-querypanel',
  22. addTitle: '外协报废',
  23. addXtype: 'osmake-osmakescrap-formpanel',
  24. defaultCondition: ' ms_class = \'外协报废\' ',
  25. baseVastUrl: '/api/make/makescrap/'
  26. },
  27. {
  28. //待报废
  29. itemId: 'osmake-osmakescrap-benchpanel-1',
  30. xtype: 'osmake-osmakescrap-querypanel-1',
  31. addTitle: '外协报废',
  32. addXtype: 'osmake-osmakescrap-formpanel',
  33. defaultCondition: ' ms_class = \'外协报废\' AND MS_STATUSCODE <> \'AUDITED\' ',
  34. baseVastUrl: '/api/make/makescrap/',
  35. //countGroupFields:'pu_code',
  36. _needCount: true
  37. },
  38. {
  39. //已报废
  40. itemId: 'osmake-osmakescrap-benchpanel-2',
  41. xtype: 'osmake-osmakescrap-querypanel-2',
  42. addTitle: '外协报废',
  43. addXtype: 'osmake-osmakescrap-formpanel',
  44. defaultCondition: ' ms_class = \'外协报废\' AND ms_status=\'已审核\'',
  45. baseVastUrl: '/api/make/makescrap/',
  46. //countGroupFields:'pu_vendname,pu_currency',
  47. _needCount: true
  48. }
  49. ],
  50. countUrl:'make/makescrap/countByOsMake',
  51. addBtnText:'新增报废单'
  52. });