123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281 |
- # Copyright: (c) OpenSpug Organization. https://github.com/openspug/spug
- # Copyright: (c) <spug.dev@gmail.com>
- # Released under the AGPL-3.0 License.
- from django_redis import get_redis_connection
- from django.conf import settings
- from django.db import close_old_connections
- from libs.utils import AttrDict, human_time
- from apps.host.models import Host
- from apps.config.utils import compose_configs
- from apps.repository.models import Repository
- from apps.repository.utils import dispatch as build_repository
- from apps.deploy.helper import Helper, SpugError
- from concurrent import futures
- import json
- import uuid
- import os
- REPOS_DIR = settings.REPOS_DIR
- def dispatch(req):
- rds = get_redis_connection()
- rds_key = f'{settings.REQUEST_KEY}:{req.id}'
- helper = Helper(rds, rds_key)
- try:
- api_token = uuid.uuid4().hex
- rds.setex(api_token, 60 * 60, f'{req.deploy.app_id},{req.deploy.env_id}')
- env = AttrDict(
- SPUG_APP_NAME=req.deploy.app.name,
- SPUG_APP_KEY=req.deploy.app.key,
- SPUG_APP_ID=str(req.deploy.app_id),
- SPUG_DEPLOY_ID=str(req.deploy.id),
- SPUG_REQUEST_ID=str(req.id),
- SPUG_ENV_ID=str(req.deploy.env_id),
- SPUG_ENV_KEY=req.deploy.env.key,
- SPUG_VERSION=req.version,
- SPUG_DEPLOY_TYPE=req.type,
- SPUG_API_TOKEN=api_token,
- )
- # append configs
- configs = compose_configs(req.deploy.app, req.deploy.env_id)
- configs_env = {f'_SPUG_{k.upper()}': v for k, v in configs.items()}
- env.update(configs_env)
- if req.deploy.extend == '1':
- _ext1_deploy(req, helper, env)
- else:
- _ext2_deploy(req, helper, env)
- req.status = '3'
- except Exception as e:
- req.status = '-3'
- raise e
- finally:
- close_old_connections()
- req.save()
- helper.clear()
- Helper.send_deploy_notify(req)
- def _ext1_deploy(req, helper, env):
- if not req.repository_id:
- rep = Repository(
- app_id=req.deploy.app_id,
- env_id=req.deploy.env_id,
- deploy_id=req.deploy_id,
- version=req.version,
- spug_version=req.spug_version,
- extra=req.extra,
- remarks='SPUG AUTO MAKE',
- created_by_id=req.created_by_id
- )
- build_repository(rep, helper)
- req.repository = rep
- extend = req.deploy.extend_obj
- env.update(SPUG_DST_DIR=extend.dst_dir)
- extras = json.loads(req.extra)
- if extras[0] == 'repository':
- extras = extras[1:]
- if extras[0] == 'branch':
- env.update(SPUG_GIT_BRANCH=extras[1], SPUG_GIT_COMMIT_ID=extras[2])
- else:
- env.update(SPUG_GIT_TAG=extras[1])
- if req.deploy.is_parallel:
- threads, latest_exception = [], None
- max_workers = max(10, os.cpu_count() * 5)
- with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
- for h_id in json.loads(req.host_ids):
- new_env = AttrDict(env.items())
- t = executor.submit(_deploy_ext1_host, req, helper, h_id, new_env)
- t.h_id = h_id
- threads.append(t)
- for t in futures.as_completed(threads):
- exception = t.exception()
- if exception:
- latest_exception = exception
- if not isinstance(exception, SpugError):
- helper.send_error(t.h_id, f'Exception: {exception}', False)
- if latest_exception:
- raise latest_exception
- else:
- host_ids = sorted(json.loads(req.host_ids), reverse=True)
- while host_ids:
- h_id = host_ids.pop()
- new_env = AttrDict(env.items())
- try:
- _deploy_ext1_host(req, helper, h_id, new_env)
- except Exception as e:
- helper.send_error(h_id, f'Exception: {e}', False)
- for h_id in host_ids:
- helper.send_error(h_id, '终止发布', False)
- raise e
- def _ext2_deploy(req, helper, env):
- helper.send_info('local', f'\033[32m完成√\033[0m\r\n')
- extend, step = req.deploy.extend_obj, 1
- host_actions = json.loads(extend.host_actions)
- server_actions = json.loads(extend.server_actions)
- env.update({'SPUG_RELEASE': req.version})
- if req.version:
- for index, value in enumerate(req.version.split()):
- env.update({f'SPUG_RELEASE_{index + 1}': value})
- for action in server_actions:
- helper.send_step('local', step, f'{human_time()} {action["title"]}...\r\n')
- helper.local(f'cd /tmp && {action["data"]}', env)
- step += 1
- helper.send_step('local', 100, '')
- tmp_transfer_file = None
- for action in host_actions:
- if action.get('type') == 'transfer':
- if action.get('src_mode') == '1':
- break
- helper.send_info('local', f'{human_time()} 检测到来源为本地路径的数据传输动作,执行打包... \r\n')
- action['src'] = action['src'].rstrip('/ ')
- action['dst'] = action['dst'].rstrip('/ ')
- if not action['src'] or not action['dst']:
- helper.send_error('local', f'invalid path for transfer, src: {action["src"]} dst: {action["dst"]}')
- is_dir, exclude = os.path.isdir(action['src']), ''
- sp_dir, sd_dst = os.path.split(action['src'])
- contain = sd_dst
- if action['mode'] != '0' and is_dir:
- files = helper.parse_filter_rule(action['rule'], ',')
- if files:
- if action['mode'] == '1':
- contain = ' '.join(f'{sd_dst}/{x}' for x in files)
- else:
- excludes = []
- for x in files:
- if x.startswith('/'):
- excludes.append(f'--exclude={sd_dst}{x}')
- else:
- excludes.append(f'--exclude={x}')
- exclude = ' '.join(excludes)
- tar_gz_file = f'{req.spug_version}.tar.gz'
- helper.local(f'cd {sp_dir} && tar -zcf {tar_gz_file} {exclude} {contain}')
- helper.send_info('local', f'{human_time()} \033[32m完成√\033[0m\r\n')
- tmp_transfer_file = os.path.join(sp_dir, tar_gz_file)
- break
- if host_actions:
- if req.deploy.is_parallel:
- threads, latest_exception = [], None
- max_workers = max(10, os.cpu_count() * 5)
- with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
- for h_id in json.loads(req.host_ids):
- new_env = AttrDict(env.items())
- t = executor.submit(_deploy_ext2_host, helper, h_id, host_actions, new_env, req.spug_version)
- t.h_id = h_id
- threads.append(t)
- for t in futures.as_completed(threads):
- exception = t.exception()
- if exception:
- latest_exception = exception
- if not isinstance(exception, SpugError):
- helper.send_error(t.h_id, f'Exception: {exception}', False)
- if tmp_transfer_file:
- os.remove(tmp_transfer_file)
- if latest_exception:
- raise latest_exception
- else:
- host_ids = sorted(json.loads(req.host_ids), reverse=True)
- while host_ids:
- h_id = host_ids.pop()
- new_env = AttrDict(env.items())
- try:
- _deploy_ext2_host(helper, h_id, host_actions, new_env, req.spug_version)
- except Exception as e:
- helper.send_error(h_id, f'Exception: {e}', False)
- for h_id in host_ids:
- helper.send_error(h_id, '终止发布', False)
- raise e
- else:
- helper.send_step('local', 100, f'\r\n{human_time()} ** 发布成功 **')
- def _deploy_ext1_host(req, helper, h_id, env):
- extend = req.deploy.extend_obj
- helper.send_step(h_id, 1, f'\033[32m就绪√\033[0m\r\n{human_time()} 数据准备... ')
- host = Host.objects.filter(pk=h_id).first()
- if not host:
- helper.send_error(h_id, 'no such host')
- env.update({'SPUG_HOST_ID': h_id, 'SPUG_HOST_NAME': host.hostname})
- with host.get_ssh(default_env=env) as ssh:
- base_dst_dir = os.path.dirname(extend.dst_dir)
- code, _ = ssh.exec_command_raw(
- f'mkdir -p {extend.dst_repo} {base_dst_dir} && [ -e {extend.dst_dir} ] && [ ! -L {extend.dst_dir} ]')
- if code == 0:
- helper.send_error(host.id, f'检测到该主机的发布目录 {extend.dst_dir!r} 已存在,为了数据安全请自行备份后删除该目录,Spug 将会创建并接管该目录。')
- if req.type == '2':
- helper.send_step(h_id, 1, '\033[33m跳过√\033[0m\r\n')
- else:
- # clean
- clean_command = f'ls -d {extend.deploy_id}_* 2> /dev/null | sort -t _ -rnk2 | tail -n +{extend.versions + 1} | xargs rm -rf'
- helper.remote_raw(host.id, ssh, f'cd {extend.dst_repo} && {clean_command}')
- # transfer files
- tar_gz_file = f'{req.spug_version}.tar.gz'
- try:
- ssh.put_file(os.path.join(REPOS_DIR, 'build', tar_gz_file), os.path.join(extend.dst_repo, tar_gz_file))
- except Exception as e:
- helper.send_error(host.id, f'Exception: {e}')
- command = f'cd {extend.dst_repo} && rm -rf {req.spug_version} && tar xf {tar_gz_file} && rm -f {req.deploy_id}_*.tar.gz'
- helper.remote_raw(host.id, ssh, command)
- helper.send_step(h_id, 1, '\033[32m完成√\033[0m\r\n')
- # pre host
- repo_dir = os.path.join(extend.dst_repo, req.spug_version)
- if extend.hook_pre_host:
- helper.send_step(h_id, 2, f'{human_time()} 发布前任务... \r\n')
- command = f'cd {repo_dir} && {extend.hook_pre_host}'
- helper.remote(host.id, ssh, command)
- # do deploy
- helper.send_step(h_id, 3, f'{human_time()} 执行发布... ')
- helper.remote_raw(host.id, ssh, f'rm -f {extend.dst_dir} && ln -sfn {repo_dir} {extend.dst_dir}')
- helper.send_step(h_id, 3, '\033[32m完成√\033[0m\r\n')
- # post host
- if extend.hook_post_host:
- helper.send_step(h_id, 4, f'{human_time()} 发布后任务... \r\n')
- command = f'cd {extend.dst_dir} && {extend.hook_post_host}'
- helper.remote(host.id, ssh, command)
- helper.send_step(h_id, 100, f'\r\n{human_time()} ** \033[32m发布成功\033[0m **')
- def _deploy_ext2_host(helper, h_id, actions, env, spug_version):
- helper.send_info(h_id, '\033[32m就绪√\033[0m\r\n')
- host = Host.objects.filter(pk=h_id).first()
- if not host:
- helper.send_error(h_id, 'no such host')
- env.update({'SPUG_HOST_ID': h_id, 'SPUG_HOST_NAME': host.hostname})
- with host.get_ssh(default_env=env) as ssh:
- for index, action in enumerate(actions):
- helper.send_step(h_id, 1 + index, f'{human_time()} {action["title"]}...\r\n')
- if action.get('type') == 'transfer':
- if action.get('src_mode') == '1':
- try:
- ssh.put_file(os.path.join(REPOS_DIR, env.SPUG_DEPLOY_ID, spug_version), action['dst'])
- except Exception as e:
- helper.send_error(host.id, f'Exception: {e}')
- helper.send_info(host.id, 'transfer completed\r\n')
- continue
- else:
- sp_dir, sd_dst = os.path.split(action['src'])
- tar_gz_file = f'{spug_version}.tar.gz'
- try:
- ssh.put_file(os.path.join(sp_dir, tar_gz_file), f'/tmp/{tar_gz_file}')
- except Exception as e:
- helper.send_error(host.id, f'Exception: {e}')
- command = f'mkdir -p /tmp/{spug_version} && tar xf /tmp/{tar_gz_file} -C /tmp/{spug_version}/ '
- command += f'&& rm -rf {action["dst"]} && mv /tmp/{spug_version}/{sd_dst} {action["dst"]} '
- command += f'&& rm -rf /tmp/{spug_version}* && echo "transfer completed"'
- else:
- command = f'cd /tmp && {action["data"]}'
- helper.remote(host.id, ssh, command)
- helper.send_step(h_id, 100, f'\r\n{human_time()} ** \033[32m发布成功\033[0m **')