程继航 chengjh

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/STW-UAS-MES

3 weeks ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/STW-UAS-MES

3 weeks ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/RUIZI-UAS-MES

  • 237f0fc10c 预加工报工去除打印模板选项改到标签补打界面

3 weeks ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/RUIZI-UAS-MES

  • 453fa72335 预加工报工增加打印模板选项

1 month ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/UAS-MES-JDZ

1 month ago

chengjh created new branch master at usoft-andriod/UAS-MES-JDZ

1 month ago

chengjh created repository usoft-andriod/UAS-MES-JDZ

1 month ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/uas_smart_com

1 month ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/uas_smart_com

1 month ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/ESOP-STANDARD

  • 20a6d9c346 增加绩效接口和功能,升级一个版本

1 month ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/HUAYUN-DATA-COLLETION

1 month ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/BGDQ-WMS

  • d395c93e07 AVG界面修改,增加下方按钮,增加下拉框选择

1 month ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/zdxw_usa_smart

1 month ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/HY-NewEquipmentManagement

1 month ago

chengjh created new branch master at usoft-andriod/HY-NewEquipmentManagement

1 month ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/yitao_newelectronic

1 month ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/RUIXIN-UAS-MES

1 month ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/XMX-UAS-MES-STANDARD

1 month ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/HUAYUN-UAE-MES

1 month ago

chengjh pushed to master at usoft-andriod/NewEquipmentManagement

1 month ago